- Baptisms and Marriages Performed by Rev. John Morehead, 1732-1764
- Baptisms by Rev. Paul Coffin, 1796-1800
- Abstracted Vital Records of Amity
- Appleton Register, 1903
- Belfast Births, 1875-1900: A-E
- Belfast Births, 1875-1900: F-K
- Belfast Births, 1875-1900: L-R
- Belfast Births, 1875-1900: S-Y
- Members and Baptism Records of the Second Church of Berwick, 1755-1822
- First Church of Biddeford Baptisms, 1742-1777
- Some Buckfield Family Records
- Burlington Family Records
- Buxton Church of Christ Baptisms, 1763-1819
- Corinna Marriage Intentions, Marriages, and Births, 1817-1833
- First Children Born in Dennysville Prior to 1820
- Dixfield Vital Records, 1898-99
- Some Early Vital Records of Dover
- Records of the Dresden Congregational Church, 1801-1853
- Some Durham Births, 1778-1870
- Early Birth and Death Records of Falmouth
- A Few Deaths and Baptisms at Georgetown, 1717-1718
- Vital Records of Guilford
- Hartford Vital Records, 1906-07
- Hartford Vital Records, 1907-08
- Hartford Vital Records, 1908-09
- Hartford Vital Records, 1909-10
- Hartford Vital Records, 1910-11
- Hartford Vital Records, 1911-12
- Hartford Vital Records, 1912-13
- Hartford Vital Records, 1913-14
- Births and Deaths in Hartland
- Hiram Vital Records, 1905-06
- Early Vital Records of Jefferson (Part 1)
- Early Vital Records of Jefferson (Part 2)
- Baptisms at Trinity Parish, Lewiston, 1854-1902
- Liberty Vital Records, 1922-23
- Early Vital Records of Monson
- Naples Vital Records, 1920
- Some Newcastle Vital Records, 1844-1875
- New Vineyard Vital Records, 1901
- Baptisms at the First Church, North Yarmouth, 1731-1772
- Baptisms at the First Church, North Yarmouth, 1773-1796
- Baptisms at the First Church, North Yarmouth, 1797-1849
- Norway Vital Records, 1915
- Baptisms at St. Paul's Church in Portland, 1763-1817
- Ripley Vital Records, 1918-19
- Early Vital Records of Saco and Biddeford
- Record of Births in Sangerville
- First Church of Scarborough Admissions and Baptisms, 1728-1742
- First Church of Scarborough Admissions and Baptisms, 1743-1762
- First Church of Scarborough Admissions and Baptisms, 1763-1789
- First Church of Scarborough Admissions and Baptisms, 1790-1842
- Somerville Vital Records, 1921-22
- Some Sumner Vital Records, 1834-1878
- Turner Vital Records, 1919
- Some Windham Vital Records, 1743-1762
- Windham Church Records, 1798-1853