Source: Rev. Joseph Baxter, Journal of several visits to the Indians on the Kennebec River by the Rev. Joseph Baxter of Medfield, Mass., 1717 (Boston, Mass.: David Clapp & Son, printers, 1867).
These few deaths and baptisms were recorded by Rev. Joseph Baxter of Medfield, Mass., during a visit to Georgetown in 1717-18.
[p. 9]On Tuesday Nov: 26th [1717], Mr. [John] Watts died in ye evening about five a clock.
Decemb: 15th [1717], I preached at G[eorge] Town, and Baptized Lydia Watts, ye daughter of Madame Watts, Charles Stockbridge, ye son of Samuel Stockbridge, and Allen Poor, the son of Robert Poor.
The night after [i.e. 30 Dec. 1717] died at G[eorge] Town, Mr. Samuel Bray, a hopeful young man.[p. 10]The night after [i.e. 2 Jan. 1717/18] died at G[eorge] Town Robert Young a Hopeful young man.
On January ye 6th [1717/18], died Mr. Bray, of George Town.[p. 11]Febr: 4th [1717/18], Mr. Robinson drowned.
Febr: 18th [1717/18], I preached at G[eorge] Town and baptized William Hopkins, ye child of W. Hopkins.
March 3d [1717/18], died Mr. Ragget a Pious man.
March 8th [1717/18], died Timothy Hamant.
March 9th [1717/18], I preached at George-Town, and Baptized Jacob Pike, the son of Samuel Pike, and ye next day sent a Letter to ye Penobscot Jesuit.
April 6th 1718, I preached at G[eorge]: Town and baptized Samuel Bray son of ye widdow Bray.