Source: Joseph Williamson, History of the city of Belfast in the state of Maine. (Portland Me.: Loring, Short, and Harmon, 1877-1913), Vol. 2.
[p. 370][BIRTHS]
- Salter, Byron Mitchell, b. 19 March, 1896; s. George Byron Salter (b. Dedham) and Minnie A. Hartshorn (b. Knox).
- Sanborn, Essie May, b. 10 November, 1878; d. Eben McIntyre Sanborn (b. Waldo) and Harriet Amanda Johnson (b. Rockland).
- Sanborn, Margaret Louise, b. 18 September, 1884; d. Eben McIntyre Sanborn (b. Waldo) and Harriet Amanda Johnson (b. Rockland).
- Sanborn, Nellie, b. 8 February, 1881; d. William Henry Sanborn (b. Bridgton, Mass.) and Helen M. Aldus.
- Sanborn, Winnifred Johnson, b. 29 July, 1888; d. Eben McIntyre Sanborn (b. Waldo) and Harriet Amanda Johnson (b. Rockland).
- Sargent, Frances Adelia, b. 8 January, 1883; d. Charles Henry Sargent and Adelia Arixene Carter.
- Sargent, Ruth A., b. 27 May, 1893; d. Winthrop Otis Sargent (b. Port Chester, N. Y.) and Esther F. Dyer (b. Searsmont).
- Sargent, Winthrop Otis, Jr., b. 19 May, 1897; s. Winthrop Otis Sargent (b. Port Chester, N. Y.) and Esther F. Dyer (b. Searsmont).
- Scott, Harold, b. 15 July, 1894; s. George O. Scott (b. Deer Isle) and Blanche R. Clark.
- Seekins, Carrie, b. 11 February, 1882; d. Willard Seekins (b. Swanville) and Ella Curtis (b. Swanville).
- Seekins, Ethel, b. 15 January, 1880; d. Willard Seekins (b. Swanville) and Ella Curtis (b. Swanville).
- Shales, Alice Gallison, b. 27 September, 1877; d. Lendal Tyler Shales and Emily Pierce Woods.
[p. 371]
- Shales, William Arthur, b. 23 October, 1889; s. Lendal Tyler Shales and Emily Pierce Woods.
- Shaw, Arthur, b. 13 August, 1898; s. George L. Shaw and Hattie E. Stevens.
- Shaw, Clarence, b. 4 June, 1896; s. George L. Shaw and Hattie E. Stevens.
- Shea, Elinore Frances, b. 8 September, 1893; d. Thomas E. Shea (b. Cambridge, Mass.) and Nellie W. Burkett (b. Camden).
- Shea, George Burkett, b. 27 August, 1897; s. Thomas E. Shea (b. Cambridge, Mass.) and Nellie W. Burkett (b. Camden).
- Sheldon, Hazel Leona, b. 21 March, 1897; d. Isaac Sheldon (b. Waldo) and Florence A. Stephenson.
- Shepherd, Fremetta Lucy, b. 15 August, 1875; d. Freeman Weeks Shepherd (b. Jefferson) and Martha Baker Dodge (b. Edgecomb).
- Sherman, Raymond Richard, b. 22 November, 1887; s. Elmer Alfred Sherman (b. Winterport) and Kate Laura Rankin.
- Sholes, Ada Leora, b. 22 February, 1888; d. Nathaniel Sholes (b. Port Latour, N. S.) and Sarah C. Turner (b. Isle au Haut).
- Sholes, Amy Perkins, b. 22 September, 1896; d. Asa T. Sholes and Syrena Eliza Perkins.
- Sholes, Christine Marguerite, b. 28 May, 1894; d. James Sholes (b. Isle au Haut) and Hattie R. Clement (b. Sherman).
- Sholes, Fred P., b. 16 July, 1876; s. Nathaniel Sholes (b. Port Latour, N. S.) and Sarah C. Turner (b. Isle au Haut).
- Sholes, Louine Estelle, b. 22 September, 1896; d. James Sholes (b. Isle au Haut) and Hattie R. Clement (b. Sherman).
- Sholes, Marie Hazel, b. 5 August, 1893; d. James Sholes (b. Isle au Haut) and Hattie R. Clement (b. Sherman).
- Sholes, Myrtle Louise, b. 24 October, 1889; d. Nathaniel Sholes (b. Port Latour, N. S.) and Sarah C. Turner (b. Isle au Haut).
- Sholes, Ralph Elmer, b. 29 March, 1890; s. James Sholes (b. Isle au Haut) and Hattie R. Clement (b. Sherman).
- Sholes, Roy Edwin, b. 7 March, 1883; s. Nathaniel Sholes (b. Port Latour, N. S.) and Sarah C. Turner (b. Isle au Haut).
- Shorey, Theodore Newell, b. 2 January, 1889; s. James Waldo Shorey (b. Waldo) and Letitia Ellan Hatch (b. Montville).
- Shuman, Annette Arabella, b. 14 January, 1888; d. Elijah S. Shuman and Theresa Camilla Libby.
- Shuman, Clarence Henry, b. 5 October, 1884; s. Elijah S. Shuman and Theresa Camilla Libby.
- Shute, b. October 3, 1897; d. Albert A. Shute (b. Stockton) and Celia F. Cousens (b. Stockton).
- Shute, Alonzo Adelbert, b. 13 January, 1893; s. Ralph D. Shute and Orilla C. Knight (b. Lincolnville).
- Shute, Clyde Ralph, b. 10 September, 1890; s. Ralph D. Shute and Orilla C. Knight (b. Lincolnville).
- Shute, Donald M., b. 25 July, 1897; s. Ralph D. Shute and Orilla C. Knight (b. Lincolnville).
[p. 372]
- Shute, Leon, b. 25 october, 1889; s. Thomas Lthan [sic] Shute and Clara Ella Perry (b. Rockland).
- Shute, Vesta Jane, b. 13 January, 1889; d. Ralph D. Shute and Orilla C. Knight (b. Lincolnville).
- Sibley, Ami Cutter, Jr., b. 7 October, 1883; s. Ami Cutter Sibley and Margaret T. Ritchie (b. Searsport).
- Sibley, Harold Thorndike, b. 19 February, 1882; s. Edward Sibley and Clara Isabelle Thorndike (b. Schaghticoke, N. Y.).
- Sides, Bertha Edith, b. 26 December, 1891; d. Henry Hudson Sides (b. Waldoboro) and Cora Matilda Clark.
- Simmons, Charles Hutchins, b. 2 May, 1881; s. John M. Simmons (b. Nobleboro) and Angelia Hutchins (b. Knox).
- Simmons, John Percy, b. 28 November, 1879; s. John M. Simmons (b. Nobleboro) and Angelia Hutchins (b. Knox).
- Skinner, Bertha, b. 18 September, 1899; d. William H. Skinner (b. Appleton) and Ida May Sheldon (b. Northport).
- Skinner, Edna, b. 1 March, 1894; d. William H. Skinner (b. Appleton) and Ida May Sheldon (b. Northport).
- Small, Arthur E., b. 2 April, 1882; s. Thomas G. Small (b. Islesboro) and Annie M. Shaw.
- Small, Florence, b. 26 April, 1886; d. Thomas G. Small (b. Islesboro) and Annie M. Shaw.
- Small, Mabel M., b. 5 April, 1880; d. Thomas G. Small (b. Islesboro) and Annie M. Shaw.
- Small, Nathan Houston, b. 21 March, 1891; s. Alfred Alden Small and Della Amanda White (b. Dixfield).
- Small, Roscoe, b. 16 December, 1900; s. Albert Eugene Small (b. Swanville) and Blanche M. Cummings (b. Fitchburg, Mass.).
- Small, Sarah S., b. 25 April, 1893; d. Thomas G. Small (b. Islesboro) and Annie M. Shaw.
- Smalley, Albert Benson, b. 2 August, 1876; s. Alexander D. Smalley and Eliza W. Stearns (b. Jackson).
- Smalley, Annette, b. 11 July, 1881; d. Castanus M. Smalley and Mary Susan Redman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Smalley, Bessie Beulah, b. 8 March, 1887; d. Alexander D. Smalley and Eliza W. Stearns (b. Jackson).
- Smalley, Castanus M., Jr., b. 17 August, 1878; s. Castanus M. Smalley and Mary Susan Redman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Smalley, Edith Lillian, b. 3 March, 1884; d. Alexander D. Smalley and Eliza W. Stearns (b. Jackson).
- Smalley, Ella Isabel, b. 25 March, 1888; d. Castanus M. Smalley and Mary Susan Redman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Smalley, Eva Adell, b. 14 July, 1880; d. Alexander D. Smalley and Eliza W. Stearns (b. Jackson).
- Smalley, Frank H., b. 22 May, 1875; s. Castanus M. Smalley and Mary Susan Redman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Smalley, Isabel Madeline, b. 4 July, 1893; d. Alexander D. Smalley and Eliza W. Stearns (b. Jackson).
[p. 373]
- Smalley, Lulu L., b. 9 January, 1884; d. Castanus M. Smalley and Mary Susan Redman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Smalley, May Eleanor, b. 15 January, 1878; d. Alexander D. Smalley and Eliza W. Stearns (b. Jackson).
- Smith, Clara Luella, b. 18 May, 1879; d. Edgar Luther Smith and Augusta Elizabeth Worthing (b. China, Me.).
- Smith, Dorothy, b. 19 December, 1900; d. Ashley Auburn Smith (b. Auburn) and Bertha D. Clark (b. Gloucester, Mass.).
- Smith, Leroy, b. 25 June, 1898; s. Austin L. Smith (b. Swan's Island) and Anna M. Welch.
- Smith, Mabel Rose, b. 6 November, 1882; d. Frank J. Smith (b. ) and Melinda Higgins (b. ).
- Smith, Olin Everett, b. 17 October, 1875; s. Edgar Luther Smith and Augusta Elizabeth Worthing (b. China, Me.).
- Smith, Paul Rexford, b. 5 march, 1894; s. Edgar Luther Smith and Augusta Elizabeth Worthing (b. China, Me.).
- Smith, Ralph Ashton, b. 1 May, 1885; s. Edgar Luther Smith and Augusta Elizabeth Worthing (b. China, Me.).
- Snow, Harry Cecil, b. 20 April, 1897; s. William H. Snow (b. Frankfort) and Lilian M. Cunningham (b. Swanville).
- Southworth, Alice Edith, b. 26 June, 1898; d. Ralph D. Southworth and Alvra M. Cunningham (b. Searsport).
- Southworth, Dana Boardman, b. 29 December, 1895; s. Ralph D. Southworth and Alvra M. Cunningham (b. Searsport).
- Staples, Andrew Jackson, b. 1 February, 1892; s. Andrew Wilson Staples (b. Stockton) and Mabel Knowlton (b. Monroe).
- Staples, Anna May, b. 20 September, 1892; d. William Henry Staples (b. Stockton Springs) and Myra C. Dickey (b. Monroe).
- Staples, Annie Charlotte, b. 1 August, 1882; d. Andrew Wilson Staples (b. Stockton) and Mabel Knowlton (b. Monroe).
- Staples, Basil Newell, b. 13 June, 1878; s. Silas Staples (b. Swanville) and Olve Etta Newell (b. Montville).
- Staples, Clifton C., b. 9 February, 1891; s. Isaac E. Staples (b. Stockton) and Lydia E. Ellis (b. Stockton).
- Staples, Dana, b. 7 March, 1887; s. William Henry Staples (b. Stockton Springs) and Myra C. Dickey (b. Monroe).
- Staples, Earl William, b. 5 July, 1895; s. Andrew Wilson Staples (b. Stockton) and Mabel Knowlton (b. Monroe).
- Staples, Flora May, b. 9 January, 1888; d. Isaac E. Staples (b. Stockton) and Lydia E. Ellis (b. Stockton).
- Staples, Irvin R., b. 21 April, 1886; s. Isaac E. Staples (b. Stockton) and Lydia E. Ellis (b. Stockton).
- Staples, James, b. 4 January, 1897; s. William Henry Staples (b. Stockton Springs) and Myra C. Dickey (b. Monroe).
- Staples, Lillian, b. 16 August, 1882; d. William Henry Staples (b. Stockton Springs) and Myra C. Dickey (b. Monroe).
[p. 374]
- Staples, Linwood Harry, b. 11 March, 1895; s. Frank P. Staples (b. Sedgwick) and Fannie I. Bridges (b. Penobscot).
- Staples, Otis, b. 14 February, 1896; s. William Henry Staples (b. Stockton Springs) and Myra C. Dickey (b. Monroe).
- Staples, Sarah Etta, b. 1 April, 1887; d. Andrew Wilson Staples (b. Stockton) and Mabel Knowlton (b. Monroe).
- Staples, William E., b. 1 February, 1889; s. Andrew Wilson Staples (b. Stockton) and Mabel Knowlton (b. Monroe).
- Staples, William Henry, Jr., b. 17 February, 1885; s. William Henry Staples (b. Stockton Springs) and Myra C. Dickey (b. Monroe).
- Staples, William Hezekiah, b. 21 August, 1875; s. Pembroke Somerset Staples and Mary Carter Stinson.
- Starrett, Frederick, b. 5 March, 1897; s. Francis James Starrett and Emma Lena Durham.
- Starrett, Henry Atherton, b. 17 January, 1896; s. Francis James Starrett and Emma Lena Durham.
- Stearns, Vesta Ann, b. 11 August, 1877; d. John Young Stearns (b. Monroe) and Lois Emma Deering (b. Jackson).
- Stephenson, b. 29 January, 1900; s. Charles W. Stephenson (b. Waldo) and Laura E. Townsend (b. Cushing).
- Stephenson, Charles A., b. 13 October, 1893; s. Charles W. Stephenson (b. Waldo) and Laura E. Townsend (b. Cushing).
- Stephenson, Geneva, b. 7 May, 1898; d. Dayton F. Stephenson and Vienna M. Warren (b. Searsport).
- Stephenson, Hattie Alberta, b. 1 April, 1883; d. Charles C. Stephenson and Mary E. Bean.
- Stephenson, Leroy A., b. 27 August, 1894; s. Charles W. Stephenson (b. Waldo) and Laura E. Townsend (b. Cushing).
- Stephenson, Marion E., b. 3 January, 1899; d. Russell Bennett Stephenson and Sarah Johnson Woodbury (b. Waldo).
- Stephenson, Minnie Adelaide, b. 16 September, 1888; d. Charles C. Stephenson and Mary E. Bean.
- Stephenson, Milton Cabot, b. 22 March, 1896; s. Dayton F. Stephenson and Vienna M. Warren (b. Searsport).
- Stephenson, Richard Woodbury, b. 10 August, 1897; s. Russell Bennett Stephenson and Sarah Johnson Woodbury (b. Waldo).
- Stevens, Adelbert F., b. 15 January, 1878; s. Frank J. Stevens (b. Dixmont) and Susan S. Darby.
- Stevens, Arthur Eugene, b. 7 May, 1882; s. Frank J. Stevens (b. Dixmont) and Susan S. Darby.
- Stevens, Charles W., b. 3 December, 1898; s. Herbert L. Stevens and Lenora F. Dunbar.
- Stevens, Chastene A., b. 31 October, 1898; d. Willis F. Stevens and Gertrude F. Russell (b. Charleston).
- Stevens, Edmund E., b. 23 March, 1894; s. Herbert L. Stevens and Lenora F. Dunbar.
- Stevens, Frances Maud, b. 30 October, 1882; d. Albert Towle Stevens (b. Thorndike) and Jennie Louise Ford (b. Monroe).
[p. 375]
- Stevens, Florence E., b. 26 April, 1889; d. Frank J. Stevens (b. Dixmont) and Susan S. Darby.
- Stevens, Herbert L., b. 17 December, 1896; s. Herbert L. Stevens and Lenora F. Dunbar.
- Stevens, Herman Oscar, b. 11 February, 1877; s. Albert Towle Stevens (b. Thorndike) and Jennie Louise Ford (b. Monroe).
- Stevens, Kate May, b. 18 July, 1884; d. Frank J. Stevens (b. Dixmont) and Susan S. Darby.
- Stevens, Oscar E., b. 29 April, 1880; s. Frank J. Stevens (b. Dixmont) and Susan S. Darby.
- Steward, Arthur Russell, b. 22 July, 1875; s. Charles E. Steward (b. ) and Josephine H. Russell (b. Montreal, Can.).
- Steward, Clara Russell, b. 19 September, 1880; d. Charles E. Steward (b. ) and Josephine H. Russell (b. Montreal, Can.).
- Steward, Maude Besse, b. 12 August, 1877; d. Charles E. Steward (b. ) and Josephine H. Russell (b. Montreal, Can.).
- Stickney, John Brooks, b. 16 July, 1878; s. Richard Pike Stickney (b. Searsport) and Emma C. Bramhall.
- Stickney, Lizzie M., b. 30 May, 1883; d. Richard Pike Stickney (b. Searsport) and Emma C. Bramhall.
- Stickney, Ralph Bramhall, b. 15 May, 1877; s. Richard Pike Stickney (b. Searsport) and Emma C. Bramhall.
- Stimpson, Alice Arthur, b. 29 June, 1889; d. Alvah Boardman Stimpson and Fanny A. Stephenson.
- Stimpson, Elmer Boardman, b. 5 November, 1885; s. Alvah Boardman Stimpson and Fanny A. Stephenson.
- Stoddard, Abbie Otis, b. 19 August, 1884; d. George Wesley Stoddard (b. Brunswick) and Sarah Benson Harriman (b. Waldo).
- Stoney, Beatrice E., b. 4 March, 1890; d. Alfred S. Stoney (b. Fort Wayne, Ind.) and Frances B. Havener (b. Searsport).
- Stoney, Ellen Frances, b. 14 October, 1892; d. Alfred S. Stoney (b. Fort Wayne, Ind.) and Frances B. Havener (b. Searsport).
- Stoney, Evelyn M., b. 4 September, 1896; d. Alfred S. Stoney (b. Fort Wayne, Ind.) and Frances B. Havener (b. Searsport).
- Stover, b. 23 December, 1896; s. Clarence E. Stover and Maud E. Young (b. Rockland).
- Stover, b. 22 February, 1899; s. Clarence E. Stover and Maud E. Young (b. Rockland).
- Stover, b. 25 May, 1897; s. Ernest L. Stover and Lilla M. Russell (b. Sumner).
- Stover, Laura A., b. 16 October, 1898; d. Ernest L. Stover and Lilla M. Russell (b. Sumner).
- Strout, Edith Lovejoy, b. 15 November, 1882; d. Parish Lovejoy Strout and Wilda Frances Moore (b. N. Searsport).
- Strout, Ethel May, b. 27 April, 1884; d. Parish Lovejoy Strout and Wilda Frances Moore (b. N. Searsport).
- Strout, Llewellyn, b. 26 December, 1877; s. Frank Bean Strout (b. Swanville) and Lucy Adelaide Stephenson.
[p. 376]
- Strout, Mildred Angeline, b. 12 August, 1891; d. Daniel Hurd Strout (b. Unity) and Zuba Ellen Shute.
- Strout, Ralph Elmer, b. 25 June, 1874; s. Frank Bean Strout (b. Swanville) and Lucy Adelaide Stephenson.
- Strout, Russell Clement, b. 24 July, 1873; s. Daniel Hurd Strout (b. Unity) and Zuba Ellen Shute.
- Sylvester, John F., b. 22 October, 1876; s. John B. Sylvester (b. Quebec, P. Q.) and Rosa Newell (b. Bucksport).
- Sylvester, Ralph E., b. 6 September, 1884; s. John B. Sylvester (b. Quebec, P. Q.) and Rosa Newell (b. Bucksport).
- Sylvester, William D., b. 23 April, 1878; s. John B. Sylvester (b. Quebec, P. Q.) and Rosa Newell (b. Bucksport).
- Talbot, Earl Littlefield, b. 12 May, 1886; s. Ezra Leonard Talbot (b. Attleboro, Mass.) and Hortense Adelia Littlefield (b. Penobscot).
- Talbot, Roy Seth, b. 27 August, 1889; s. Ezra Leonard Talbot (b. Attleboro, Mass.) and Hortense Adelia Littlefield (b. Penobscot).
- Tenney, b. 29 October, 1899; s. Leonard N. Tenney (b. Northport) and Edith M. Wescott (b. Brooksville).
- Tenney, Eugene S., b. 10 September, 1894; s. Leonard N. Tenney (b. Northport) and Edith M. Wescott (b. Brooksville).
- Thayer, Ethel May, b. 17 June, 1882; d. William Melvin Thayer (b. Searsmont) and Annie J. Farrar (b. Searsmont).
- Thayer, Della Jane, b. 2 January, 1895; d. Albert L. Thayer (b. Searsmont) and Susie C. Crockett (b. Searsmont).
- Thomas, Alton, b. 14 December, 1881; s. Elbridge Thomas (b. Northport) and Edna Robbins.
- Thomas, Bessie Agnes, b. 7 December, 1880; d. Elbridge Thomas (b. Northport) and Edna Robbins.
- Thomas, Elbridge Marcell, b. 6 April, 1883; s. Elbridge Thomas (b. Northport) and Edna Robbins.
- Thomas, Josie, b. 7 December, 1880; d. Elbridge Thomas (b. Northport) and Edna Robbins.
- Thomas, Russell, b. 8 July, 1885; s. Elbridge Thomas (b. Northport) and Edna Robbins.
- Thombs, Joseph Emery, b. 19 June, 1876; s. Joseph S. Thombs (b. Castine) and Alice I. Mathews (b. Lincolnville).
- Thompson, Donald Hilton, b. 12 May, 1891; s. William Pitt Thompson (b. Troy) and Emma Hilton.
- Thompson, Geneva Tassora, b. 11 June, 1876; d. William Pitt Thompson (b. Troy) and Emma Hilton.
- Thompson, Linwood Burkett, b. 21 August, 1889; s. Sellwyn Thompson (b. Montville) and Abigail M. Burkett (b. Burkettville).
- Thorndike, Doris, b. 24 September, 1900; d. Justus Thorndike (b. Searsmont) and Anna C. Bassler (b. Washington, D. C.).
- Thorndike, George A., b. 25 May, 1898; s. Justus Thorndike (b. Searsmont) and Anna C. Bassler (b. Washington, D. C.).
[p. 377]
- Thorndike, John Elmer, b. 9 March, 1894; s. Justus Thorndike (b. Searsmont) and Anna C. Bassler (b. Washington, D. C.).
- Thurston, Blanche, b. 15 November, 1883; d. Stephen Thurston (b. ) and Mary E. Hopkins (b. Troy).
- Thurston, Lillian M., b. 28 December, 1886; d. Stephen Thurston (b. ) and Mary E. Hopkins (b. Troy).
- Tibbetts, Charlotte Marian, b. 30 July, 1887; d. Joseph Messer Tibbetts (b. Palermo) and Louisa Maria Lowell (b. N. Penobscot).
- Tibbetts, Earle Wallace, b. 17 January, 1892; s. Joseph Messer Tibbetts (b. Palermo) and Louisa Maria Lowell (b. N. Penobscot).
- Tibbetts, Harold Grant, b. 12 February, 1886; s. Cyrus E. Tibbetts (b. Searsport) and Clara D. Grant (b. Deering).
- Tibbetts, Howard Lowell, b. 8 October, 1893; s. Joseph Messer Tibbetts (b. Palermo) and Louisa Maria Lowell (b. N. Penobscot).
- Tibbetts, Perley Lowell, b. 5 July, 1898; s. Joseph Messer Tibbetts (b. Palermo) and Louisa Maria Lowell (b. N. Penobscot).
- Tibbetts, Robert Morris, b. 25 Decembr, 1883; s. Cyrus E. Tibbetts (b. Searsport) and Clara D. Grant (b. Deering).
- Tilton, Thaddeus F., b. 20 April, 1898; s. John F. Tilton (b. Sidney) and Catherine Berry (b. Houlton).
- Timm, Elizabeth Henrietta, b. 15 September, 1881; d. Fred Timm (b. Hamburg, Germ.) and Caroline Fürstenburg (b. Hamburg, Ger.).
- Tower, Marian, b. 11 October, 1893; d. John P. Tower (b. Belmont) and Emma J. Elms (b. Lincolnville).
- Towle, Isabel Mary, b. 5 December, 1878; d. Frank Lincoln Towle (b. Searsport) and Arbella Nancy Pitcher.
- Towle, Maurice Daniel, b. 2 June, 1878; s. Frank Lincoln Towle (b. Searsport) and Arbella Nancy Pitcher.
- Townsend, Fred Curtis, b. 28 June, 1881; s. Joseph Curtis Townsend and Verena A. Cottrell.
- Townsend, Harry, b. 25 July, 1883; s. Joseph Curtis Townsend and Verena A. Cottrell.
- Townsend, Walter, b. 6 June, 1879; s. Joseph Curtis Townsend and Verena A. Cottrell.
- Triggs, Georgie A., b. 11 March, 1884; d. William Franklin Triggs (b. Herman) and Augusta J. Emerton (b. Bucksport).
- Tripp, Henry, b. 6 January, 1882; s. William Lenfest Tripp (b. Swanville) and Isabell Rebecca Page (b. Knox).
- Tripp, Ralph Morris, b. 22 May, 1880; s. William Lenfest Tripp (b. Swanville) and Isabell Rebecca Page (b. Knox).
- Tripp, William Alden, b. 13 September, 1877; s. William Lenfest Tripp (b. Swanville) and Isabell Rebecca Page (b. Knox).
- Trundy, Edna, b. 9 April, 1900; d. Charles S. Trundy and Katie J. Johnson (b. Nyanza, N. S., C. B.).
- Trundy, Ira S., b. 12 March, 1897; s. Charles S. Trundy and Katie J. Johnson (b. Nyanza, N. S., C. B.).
- Tucker, Fred Davis, b. 18 July, 1879; s. James D. Tucker (b. Lincolnville) and Angie Brier.
[p. 378]
- Tucker, Frank Bailey, b. 12 April, 1893; s. James D. Tucker (b. Lincolnville) and Angie Brier.
- Tucker, George D., b. 2 June, 1889; s. James D. Tucker (b. Lincolnville) and Angie Brier.
- Tuttle, Erma Adrian, b. 2 November, 1892; d. Adrian C. Tuttle and Minnie M. Wentworth.
- Tuttle, Frank Adelbert, b. 26 August, 1877; s. William Cain Tuttle (b. Fairfield) and Georgiana Conant.
- Twombly, Ella Belle, b. 10 October, 1883; d. Wesley Twombly and Lulla Jackson (b. Stockton Springs).
- Tyler, Enna, b. 6 January, 1887, d. Joseph Tyler (b. St. George) and Emma S. Hopkins (b. Vinal Haven).
- Varnum, Raymond R., b. 27 May, 1876; s. Joseph B. Varnum (b. W. Brooksville) and Julia A. Chase (b. Bucksport).
- Vose, Walter Ralph, b. 14 February, 1888; s. William C. Vose (b. Sebec) and Fannie Elizabeth Perkins.
- Vose, Wilda Lunette, b. 13 February, 1883; d. William C. Vose (b. Sebec) and Fannie Elizabeth Perkins.
- Wade, Elva Gertrude, b. 10 November, 1894; d. John Wade (b. Halifax, Mass.) and Lilla Belle Sellers (b. Bucksport).
- Wade, Frederick White, b. 21 June, 1900; s. John Wade (b. Halifax, Mass.) and Lilla Belle Sellers (b. Bucksport).
- Wade, James E., b. 3 September, 1891; s. John Wade (b. Halifax, Mass.) and Lilla Belle Sellers (b. Bucksport).
- Wade, Martha Beulah, b. 30 April, 1889; d. John Wade (b. Halifax, Mass.) and Lilla Belle Sellers (b. Bucksport).
- Wagner, Leon George, b. 19 February, 1895; s. Daniel H. Wagner (b. Stockton) and Dora H. Lewis.
- Walker, Carrie, b. 6 April, 1888; d. Charles B. Walker (b. Knox) and Oriana Stevens.
- Walker, Lilian, b. 6 February, 1886; d. Charles B. Walker (b. Knox) and Oriana Stevens.
- Walley, b. 18 February, 1900; s. John T. Walley (b. England) and Amy Jones (b. Rochester, N. H.).
- Walton, Alfred Brainard, b. 29 April, 1885; s. Willard Hiram Walton and Alice May Burdeen (b. Searsmont).
- Walton, Arline Burdeen, b. 24 September, 1881; d. Willard Hiram Walton and Alice May Burdeen (b. Searsmont).
- Walton, Harry Blackwell, b. 12 February, 1893; s. John B. Walton and Emma B. Leathers (b. Brooks).
- Walton, Lucius Albert, b. 26 September, 1889; s. John B. Walton and Emma B. Leathers (b. Brooks).
- Warren, Ada Belle, b. 16 April, 1879; d. Thomas Winslow Warren and Ada Havener.
- Warren, John A., b. 24 August, 1877; s. Napoleon Bonaparte Warren and Julia Anna White.
[p. 379]
- Waterman, Eleanor Marian, b. 2 January, 1895; d. James B. Waterman (b. Searsmont) and Georgia E. Forbes (b. Brooks).
- Waterman, Mildred Charlotte, b. 20 February, 1892; d. James B. Waterman (b. Searsmont) and Georgia E. Forbes (b. Brooks).
- Webb, Earl Foster, b. 24 July, 1899; s. Henry B. Webb (b. Castine) and Priscilla McArthur (b. P. E. I.).
- Webber, Gertrude Eliza, b. 10 March, 1893; d. Frank W. Webber (b. Monroe) and Annie M. Robbins.
- Webber, Henry Randall, b. 17 April, 1897; s. David Allen Webber (b. Searsport) and Esther M. Randall (b. Stockton).
- Webber, Louise Mabel, b. 24 August, 1895; d. Martin Webber (b. Hamden) and Kate McCarthy.
- Webber, Louise May, b. 10 December, 1899; d. David Allen Webber (b. Searsport) and Esther M. Randall (b. Stockton).
- Welch, Charles M., b. 6 October, 1878; s. Matthew William Welch and Martha Hall Perkins (b. Bucksport).
- Welch, Charlotte Frances, b. 28 August, 1880; d. Horatio M. Welch and Clara E. Clough (b. Stockton).
- Welch, Florence Albertine, b. 10 March, 1884; d. Horatio M. Welch and Clara E. Clough (b. Stockton).
- Wells, Benjamin Franklin, Jr., b. 5 June 1875; s. Benjamin Franklin Wells and Isabel Coolen (b. Southport).
- Wells, Florence Isabel, b. 12 February, 1878; d. Benjamin Franklin Wells and Isabel Coolen (b. Southport).
- Wells, Marian Edith, b. 30 March, 1881; d. George Gordon Wells and Annette Narrissa Cross (b. Orono).
- Wentworth, b. June, 1892, to the wife of Captain W. S. Wentworth, four children. Two were born dead, and one of the others survived two days.
- Wentworth, Forest Bert, b. 14 November, 1896; s. Forest Wentworth (b. Waldo) and Ida Sanborn (b. Knox).
- Wentworth, Horace Luville, b. 17 August, 1877; s. Thomas T. Wentworth and Mary Ann Hartshorne.
- Wentworth, Ida May, b. 8 January, 1894; d. William S. Wentworth and Jennie Lassell (b. Burnham).
- Wentworth, Melvira Ella, b. 12 December, 1897; d. William S. Wentworth and Jennie Lassell (b. Burnham).
- Wentworth, Myrtle Asenath, b. 4 October, 1880; d. Freeman Tufts Wentworth and Flora Emeline Erskine (b. Oldtown).
- Wentworth, Orrin Lincoln, b. 28 November, 1878; s. Freeman Tufts Wentworth and Flora Emeline Erskine (b. Oldtown).
- Wescott, Henry, b. 17 June, 1885; s. Adelbert Wescott (b. Castine) and Reta Bakeman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Wescott, Margaret, b. 17 September, 1883; d. Adelbert Wescott (b. Castine) and Reta Bakeman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Weshe, Lena Anetta, b. July, 1876; d. August Weshe (b. Hamburg, Ger.) and Johanna Marguerita Fessenburg (b. Hamburg, Ger.).
[p. 380]
- West, Edith Sara, b. 25 January, 1882; d. George Walter West and Ella Estelle White.
- Whitcomb, b. 12 February, 1899; s. Frank A. Whitcomb (b. Waldo) and Elida F. Sheldon (b. Waldo).
- Whitcomb, b. 21 November, 1896; d. George W. Whitcomb (b. Morrill) and Nellie M. Thomas (b. Searsmont).
- Whitcomb, Agnes La Vaughn, b. 24 January, 1897; d. William F. Whitcomb (b. Morrill) and Carrie L. Holmes (b. Swanville).
- Whitcomb, Eben, b. 8 June, 1890; s. William F. Whitcomb (b. Morrill) and Carrie L. Holmes (b. Swanville).
- Whitcomb, Harold A., b. 23 May, 1893; s. William F. Whitcomb (b. Morrill) and Carrie L. Holmes (b. Swanville).
- Whitcomb, Meda May, b. 4 March, 1883; d. Levi Whitcomb (b. Waldo) and Almeda Blake (b. Morrill).
- Whitcomb, Merle Ray, b. 27 September, 1891; s. William F. Whitcomb (b. Morrill) and Carrie L. Holmes (b. Swanville).
- Whitcomb, Zilpha, b. 16 April, 1883; d. Levi Whitcomb (b. Waldo) and Almeda Blake (b. Morrill).
- White, Earle Bailey, b. 13 April, 1896; s. George E. White (b. Houlton) and Addie M. Bailey (b. Palermo).
- White, Eleanor Olmstead, b. Riverside, Cal., 2 February, 1900; d. Perrin Ellis White (of Riverside, Cal.) and Louise Chapman (of Riverside, Cal.).
- White, Elizabeth Frothingham, b. Salem, Mass., 26 February, 1897; d. McDonald Ellis White (of Salem) and Elizabeth Frothingham Safford (of Salem).
- White, Eva Geneva, b. 10 March, 1888; d. Fred A. White and Jane Boynton (b. Rockland).
- White, Harry Lincoln, b. 13 November, 1897; s. Charles Edward White (b. Belmont) and Mary E. Pierce (b. Monroe).
- White, James Clark 2d, b. Vienna, Aus., 6 February, 1895; s. Charles James White (of Boston) and Olivia Alger Richardson (of Boston).
- White, Martha Ellis, b. Riverside, Cal., 18 January, 1895; d. Perrin Ellis White (of Riverside, Cal.) and Louise Chapman (of Riverside, Cal.).
- White, Osborne, b. Salem, Mass., 9 November, 1898; s. McDonald Ellis White (of Salem) and Elizabeth Frothingham Safford (of Salem).
- White, Percy L., b. 15 February, 1878; s. George O. White (b. ) and Martha J. Knowlton (b. Hudson).
- Whitehead, Elmer Small, b. 21 September, 1877; s. Robert Whitehead (b. Liverpool, Eng.) and Flora Bird.
- Whitehead, Etta May, b. 27 December, 1888; d. Robert Whitehead (b. Liverpool, Eng.) and Flora Bird.
- Whitehead, Walter, b. 11 August, 1881; s. Robert Whitehead (b. Liverpool, Eng.) and Flora Bird.
- Whiting, Goldie M., b. 23 September, 1895; d. Frank O. Whiting (b. Swanville) and Ethel M. Seekins.
[p. 381]
- Whiting, Willard Seekins, b. 4 September, 1897; s. Frank O. Whiting (b. Swanville) and Ethel M. Seekins.
- Whitmore, Linvill Francis, b. 17 June, 1890; s. Francis W. Whitmore and Mary H. Stewart.
- Whitney, Frank Lee, b. 4 September, 1895; s. Arthur Collin Whitney (b. Swan's Island) and Mary Helen Smith (b. Swan's Island).
- Whitney, Irving Sam, b. 28 August, 1898; s. Arthur Collin Whitney (b. Swan's Island) and Mary Helen Smith (b. Swan's Island).
- Whitney, Marion Y., b. 29 November, 1888; d. Arthur Collin Whitney (b. Swan's Island) and Mary Helen Smith (b. Swan's Island).
- Wiggin, Ralph Cecil, b. 8 September, 1898; s. Frank Rudolph Wiggin (b. Bangor) and Mary Plaisted Hersey (b. Bangor).
- Wiggin, Rudolph Hersey, b. 10 August, 1896; s. Frank Rudolph Wiggin (b. Bangor) and Mary Plaisted Hersey (b. Bangor).
- Wight, Clarence, b. 5 November, 1885; s. G. Nelson Wight and Louise M. Grady.
- Wight, Edna Arline, b. 19 September, 1894; d. G. Nelson Wight and Louise M. Grady.
- Wight, Eva May, b. 3 June, 1894; s. Willis E. Wight and Maria Agnes Grant (b. Frankfort).
- Wight, Hugh, b. 11 December, 1889; s. G. Nelson Wight and Louise M. Grady.
- Wight, Marguerite, b. 8 May, 1893; d. Burton S. Wight and Ida Rolerson (b. ).
- Wight, Mary Lena, b. 11 June, 1877; d. George E. Wight and Lucy Ann Nash (b. Waldo).
- Wight, Roy, b. 4 November, 1891; s. G. Nelson Wight and Louise M. Grady.
- Wilbrand, Mertie Idella, b. 11 November, 1892; d. Isaac Wilbrand (b. Nova Scotia) and Abigail Bishop (b. Nova Scotia).
- Wiley, Bertha Alice, b. 19 May, 1886; d. Frank Edmund Wiley and Ada V. Riley (b. Searsport).
- Wiley, Frances E., b. 23 October, 1896; d. Edward T. Wiley (b. Searsport) and Ada Estell Allen (b. Montville).
- Wiley, Fred W., b. 31 May, 1900; s. Axel W. Wiley (b. Searsmont) and Ethel G. White.
- Wiley, Mattie Emma, b. 17 February, 1883; d. Frank Edmund Wiley and Ada V. Riley (b. Searsport).
- Wiley, Ruth, b. 1 June, 1899; d. Herbert A. Wiley and Lida C. Cross (b. Morrill).
- Wiley, Sara Esther, b. 13 June, 1896; d. Herbert A. Wiley and Lida C. Cross (b. Morrill).
- Williamson, Robert Byron, b. Augusta, 20 November, 1892; s. Joseph Williamson, Jr., and Vallie Mary Burleigh (b. Linneus).
- Williamson, William Burrill, b. Augusta, 20 November, 1892; s. Joseph Williamson, Jr., and Vallie Mary Burleigh (b. Linneus).
- Wilson, Evelyn Marian, b. 24 August, 1893; d. Lester Alonzo Wilson (b. Belmont) and Cora L. Davis (b. Thorndike).
[p. 382]
- Wilson, Everard Irving, b. 24 May, 1896; s. Frank I. Wilson and Carrie E. Achorn (b. Waldoboro).
- Wilson, Frank Palmer, b. 3 October, 1878; s. Jefferson Franklin Wilson and Elizabeth F. Davis (b. Freedom).
- Wilson, Howard Edmund, b. 23 September, 1899; s. Lester Alonzo Wilson (b. Belmont) and Cora L. Davis (b. Thorndike).
- Wilson, Ruby Jennie, b. 15 January, 1876; d. James Albert Wilson and Hannah A. Herrick (b. Northport).
- Wing, Clarence J., b. 8 July 1880; s. James Edwin Wing and Elsie A. White (b. Calais).
- Wing, Elsie A., b. 5 April, 1885; d. Charles L. Wing and Orissia A. Wing.
- Wing, George H., b. 25 May, 1880; s. Charles L. Wing and Orissia A. Wing.
- Wing, Myra E., b. 13 February, 1886; d. Charles L. Wing and Orissia A. Wing.
- Wing, Orrin W., b. 5 February, 1876; s. Charles L. Wing and Orissia A. Wing.
- Wise, George Lenfest, b. 25 September, 1880; s. James Alfred Wise (b. Searsport) and Lorena Paulina Lenfest (b. Swanville).
- Wood, Abbie Lottie, b. 24 October, 1884; d. Ephraim A. Wood and Harriet E. Wood.
- Wood, Alphonso, b. 26 November, 1880; s. Llewellyn Wood and Mary Edna Patterson.
- Wood, Benjamin Phineas, b. 28 January, 1890; s. Augustus K. Wood (b. Liberty) and Syrena Alice Campbell (b. Palermo).
- Wood, Bertha Augusta, b. 6 November, 1890; d. Freeman M. Wood and Augusta Lucretia Smith.
- Wood, Edgar Ira, b. 7 May, 1896; s. Augustus K. Wood (b. Liberty) and Syrena Alice Campbell (b. Palermo).
- Wood, Edna L., b. 24 June, 1900; d. William A. Wood (b. Northport) and Lottie Abbie Bowen.
- Wood, Enna, b. 2 August, 1883; d. Thaddeus M. Wood (b. Northport) and Evelyn Jipson (b. Winterport).
- Wood, Ernest Wellington, b. 1 January, 1883; s. Ephraim A. Wood and Harriet E. Wood.
- Wood, Ethel Mae, b. 4 June, 1884; d. Llewellyn Wood and Mary Edna Patterson.
- Wood, Eva Lulu, b. 30 January, 1889; d. Llewellyn Wood and Mary Edna Patterson.
- Wood, George, b. 11 February, 1875; s. James William Wood (b. Belmont) and Joanna Augusta Lear (b. Northport).
- Wood, Hattie E., b. 7 April, 1881; d. Thaddeus M. Wood (b. Northport) and Evelyn Jipson (b. Winterport).
- Wood, Hazel Luella, b. 20 August, 1900; d. George Wood and Elnora Higgins (b. Searsmont).
- Wood, Herbert Earl, b. 30 August, 1880; s. Augustus K. Wood (b. Liberty) and Syrena Alice Campbell (b. Palermo).
[p. 383]
- Wood, Jesse Earl, b. 18 March, 1894; s. William A. Wood (b. Northport) and Lottie Abbie Bowen.
- Wood, Letitia Belle, b. 14 June, 1878; d. James William Wood (b. Belmont) and Joanna Augusta Lear (b. Northport).
- Wood, Llewellyn Marion, b. 11 August, 1892; s. Llewellyn Wood and Mary Edna Patterson.
- Wood, Maud, b. 27 January, 1879; d. Thaddeus M. Wood (b. Northport) and Evelyn Jipson (b. Winterport).
- Wood, Maud Evelyn, b. 7 March, 1884; d. Freeman M. Wood and Augusta Lucretia Smith.
- Wood, Maud Gertrude, b. 20 July, 1881; d. Ephraim A. Wood and Harriet E. Wood.
- Wood, Melvin Ray Franklin, b. 23 February,1897; s. William A. Wood (b. Northport) and Lottie Abbie Bowen.
- Wood, Percy Leroy, b. 27 June, 1900; s. Charles M. Wood and Mary M. Aldus.
- Wood, Ralph, b. 5 October, 1884; s. Charles Albert Wood and Mary M. Moody (b. Frankfort).
- Woodcock, Daniel Faunce, b. 30 April, 1885; s. Hartwell Leon Woodcock (b. Searsmont) and Alice White Faunce.
- Wright, John Carle, b. 27 August, 1893; s. Cornelius L. Wright (b. Montville) and Evie M. Colby (b. Montville).
- Wright, Sadie Ellen, b. 4 March,1891; d. Cornelius L. Wright (b. Montville) and Evie M. Colby (b. Montville).
- Young, b. 26 March, 1894; s. Charles M. Young (b. Searsmont) and Estella M. Bean.
- Young, Margaret, b. 25 January, 1896; d. Roy E. Young (b. Waldo) and Grace A. Page.