Source: Old Times in North Yarmouth, Maine, Vol. 7 (Yarmouth, Me.: A.W. Corliss, 1883).
Embedded references in square brackets are to family histories found elsewhere in the magazine.
[7:979]1797.Feb. 12 Polly, dau. of Nathaniel & Joanna Scales. 19 Christiana [No. 330, p. 936], dau. of Solomon & Hannah Loring ; Levi,
[7:980]son of John & Sarah Davis.
Mar. 5 Jacob [No. 45, p. 250], son of Ammi R. & Phebe Mitchell.
Apr. 2 William, son of Nathaniel & Hannah Gordon.
May 14 Rebecca, dau. of Nathan & Betsey Safford.
June 4 Jonas Mason, son of John & Patience Oakes.
July 2 Leach Drinkwater, son of Pyam Prince [111, p. 730] and Martha Leach Prince, deceased ; Nathaniel, son of Hannah Wyman. 9 Rachel, dau. of Jacob & Jane Hayes.
Aug. 20 William [66, p. 768], son of John & Elizabeth Cutter ; Lucretia Loring [85, p. 769], dau. of Levi & Lucretia Cutter. 23 (At Chebeag) David, son of David Chandler ; Joel, son of Rufus Chandler ; Jacob, son of Solomon Sawyer ; Josiah, son of Jesse Soule ; Nathaniel, son of widow ______ Clinton.
Sept. 24 Sarah Hobart, dau. of Asa & Lucy Lewis ; Enos, son of William & Lorana Wyman.
Nov. 19 Rachel [71, p. 251], dau. of Jacob & Phebe Mitchell.
Dec. 31 William, son of John Small.
1798.Jan. 14 Harriet, dau. of Jacob & Rosanna Merrill.
Feb. 11 Reuben, [71, p. 390], son of Daniel & Rebecca Drinkwater ; Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan & Bethiah Moulton.
Mar. 11 Philip [78, p. 768], son of Ammi & Hannah Cutter.
Apr. 15 Eliza Mitchell, dau. of John & Jane Hayes.
May 13 Jonas, son of Samuel & Sarah Mason ; Hannah [44, p. 835], dau. of Ebenezer & Molly Humphrey.
June 10 Rachel [50, p. 835], dau. of Joshua & Phebe Hunphrey ; Edward, son of Edward Wilson. 17 Charles, son of Hezekiah Hill ; Richmond, son of Nathaniel & Joanna Scales ; Dorcas, dau. of Eleazer Hill.
July 1 John, son of John Hamilton, 4th, & Hannah his wife, she in cov't with the 2d ch. in Portland. 15 Dorcas [81, p. 252], dau. of Nicholas Loring Mitchell & Nancy, his wife.
Aug. 12 Ammi Ruhamah, son of Samuel & Eunice Doten. 19 Sally, dau. of Zadock & Rachel Whitcomb ; Asa son of Wm. & Lorana Wyman.
Sept. 23 David Mitchell [86, p. 769], son of Levi & Lucretia Cutter.
Nov. 4 Hannah [104, p. 391], dau. of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater.
1799.Feb 10 Tristram Gilman [46, p. 250], son of Ammi Ruhamah Mitchell & Phebe his wife. 24 Elias, son of Dr. David & Elizabeth Jones.
Mar. 17 Samuel, son of Thaddeus & Rhoda Robbins.
[7:981]Apr. 25 Jane, dau. of John & Sarah Davis (born after the death of its father, [29, p. 766.])
May 26 John Bourn, son of Timothy Barker.
July 1 William, son of Samuel Pierce ; Mary [67, p. 768], dau. of John & Elizabeth Cutter. 14 Rufus, son of Nicholas Loring (at Walnut Hill.)
Aug. 15 (At a lecture at Eben Corliss') Lydia & Robert Elwell [52 and 53, p. 287], children of Eben & Lydia Corliss ; Mary Baker, dau. of Nathan & Betsey Safford ; Ruth Baston, dau. of John Gooch.
Sept. 18 (At a lecture at David Chandler's, Chebeag) Asa, son of David Chandler ; Deborah, dau. of Solomon Sawyer ; Robert, son of Wentworth Ricker ; Daniel, son of Daniel & Rachel Waite ; Eunice, dau. of Jesse Soule ; Alfred, son of Rufus Chandler. 22 Alexander, Rudduck, Levi Gray, Louisa, & Mary Ann [343-347, pp. 848-849], ch. of John & Mary Prince.
Nov. 3 Israel & Hannah, ch. of John & Hannah Trow. 24 Evelina, dau. of Samuel & Rebecca Pierce.
1800.Jan. 12 Nathaniel son of Nathaniel & Hannah Gordon.
Feb. 9 Betsey [277, p. 933], dau. of Jeremiah & Jane Loring. 23 John, son of Jacob & Rosanna Merrill ; Eliza Parsons, dau. of Capt. ______ & ______ Babson (she being in cov't with a church in Gloucester) ; Harriet [87, p. 769], dau. of Levi & Lucretia Cutter.
Mar. 9 Daniel, son of Joseph & Sarah Ludden (of Turner.)
Apr. 6 Rachel Dennis [82, p. 252], dau. of Nicholas Loring and Nancy Mitchell. 20 Penelope, dau. of John & Jane Hayes. 23 (At a lecture at Mr. Pomroy's, New Casco), Betsey, dau. of William Titcomb ; Content, dau. of Joseph Johnson ; Lucy, dau. of John Mason.
May 25 Richmond [72, p. 251], son of Jacob & Phebe Mitchell.
June 8 Dolly True [51, p. 835], dau. of Joshua & Phebe Humphrey. 29 Mercy, dau. of William & Lorana Wyman ; William, son of Thaddeus & Rhoda Robbins.
July 13 Nancy, dau. of Samuel & Sarah Mason. 27 Achsah, dau. of Zadock & Rachel Whitcomb ; Philip, son of Benjamin, Jr., & Nelly Sweetser.
Aug. 3 Elizabeth, dau. of John, 4th, & Hannah Hamilton. 17 Reuben [68, p. 768], son of John & Elizabeth Cutter. 31 Rhoda, dau. of Levi & Lydia Loring ; Levi, son of Jacob & Jane
Oct. 5 Peggy Greely, an adult. Charles, son of John Small. John, son of John & Hannah Trow. 19 Dorothy, Jeremiah Bucknam & Lucretia [43, 42 and 44, p. 881], ch. of Samuel & Deborah
Loring. 26 Charlotte [348, p. 849], dau. of John & Mary
Dec 7 Desire Stetson, Sabrina Henchman & Amelia Turner [179-181, p. 764], ch. of Ammi & Desire Prince.
1801.Jan. 11 Watson Gray [105, p. 392], son of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater. 18 Jacob Gray [243, p. 931], son of Thomas & Phebe Loring. 25 Marinda, dau. of Timothy Barker.
Feb. 1 Caroline [79, p. 768], dau of Ammi & Hannah Cutter ; Mary Ann [45, p. 835], dau. of Ebenezer & Molly Humphrey.
Apr. 19 Anna, dau. of Hezekiah Hill ; Lucy, dau. of Eleazer Hill.
May 17 Zenas, son of Nathaniel & Joanna Scales ; William [88, p. 769], son of Levi & Lucretia Cutter. 24 Hannah, dau. of John, 4th, & Hannah Hamilton.
June 21 Phebe [47, p. 250], dau. of Ammi R. & Phebe Mitchell.
July 19 Nicholas, son of Nicholas Loring [56, p. 928], Walnut Hill.
Aug. 2 Daniel Fisher [72, p. 390], son of Daniel & Rebecca Drinkwater.
Sept. 9 Sarah, dau. of Rufus Chandler, (at Chebeag.)
Oct. 11 Huldah [278, p. 933], dau. of Jeremiah & Jane Loring (Walnut Hill.)
1802.Feb. 17 (At a lecture at William Loring's), Richmond [45, p. 881], son of Samuel & Deborah Loring ; John Derby, son of Nathan & Betsey Safford.
Apr. 25 Lucretia [85, p. 252], dau. of Nicholas Loring & Nancy Mitchell ; Lucretia [69, p. 768] dau. of John & Elizabeth Cutter.
May 16 William, son of John & Jane Hayes.
July 11 William, son of Nathaniel & Joanna Scales. 25 Sophronia, dau. of Samuel & Sarah Mason ; Harriet, dau. of Jacob & Rosanna Merrill.
Sept. 19 Jacob [73, p. 251], son of Jacob & Phebe Mitchell ; Edward, son of John Small. 29 Reuben, son of Jesse Soule ; John, son of Eleazer Hill (baptized at a lecture at Chebeag.)
Oct 13 Lois [193, p. 930], dau. of Levi & Lydia Loring (at a lecture at Madame Loring's.)
1803.Jan. 2 Sarah Ann [80, p. 768], dau. of Ammi & Hannah Cutter ; Joseph [106, p. 392], son of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater.
Feb. 20 Angela [89, p. 769], dau. of Levi & Lucretia Cutter.
[7:983]Apr. 3 Deborah Loring, dau. of John & Hannah Trow.
May 1 Emery, son of Jonathan & Bethiah Moulton.
June 26 Ebenezer Robbins, son of Samuel & Eunice Doten.
July 31 Sarah, dau. of John, 4th, & Hannah Hamilton.
Oct. 9 Sarah Jane [48, p. 250], dau. of Ammi R. & Phebe Mitchell. 16 John Hayes [279, p. 933], son of Jeremiah & Jane Loring.
1804.May 13 Sarah, dau. of John & Jane Hayes.
June 18 Parker McCobb [83, p. 252], son of Nicholas L. & Nancy Mitchell ; Joseph [49, p. 882], son of William & Anne Loring.
July 8 Julia Ann [142, p. 397], dau. of John & Pamelia Drinkwater.
Aug. 12 Lemuel & Ebenezer, sons of Joseph Hicks (at Walnut Hill.)
Sept. 23 James Derby, son of Nathan & Betsey Safford. 26 Jara Leonard, son of Jesse Soule (at Chebeag) ; Jane, dau. of Wentworth Ricker.
Oct. 14 Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Joanna Scales ; Elizabeth [70, p. 768], dau. of John & Elizabeth Cutter.
Nov. 11 Elizabeth Jane [90, p. 769], dau. of Levi & Lucretia Cutter.
1805.Feb. 24 Jane Talman, dau. of Dr. David & Elizabeth Jones.
Apr. 14 Caleb Strong, son of Nathaniel Jenks ; Samuel Peters, son of Amasa & Amy Baker. 28 Nathaniel Bennett, son of John & Hannah Trow.
May 12 Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer [(20), p. 835] & Molly Humphrey. 30 Mary Richmond, dau. of Levi Loring [28, pp. 929-930], (at a lecture at his house.)
Sept. 11 Rebecca, dau. of Rufus Chandler (at a lecture at Chebeag.) 15 Charlotte [107, p. 392], dau. of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater. 21 Jane, dau. of Eleazer Hill.
Oct. 2 Samuel, Foxwell, Mary Leach, Woodbury, Bela & Nathaniel, ch. of Seth & Hephzibah Blanchard ; Hannah Beck, dau. of Nathaniel Cross, of Portland ; Joseph, son of Nathaniel
Blanchard, Jr. ; (the above eight children baptized at a lecture at Mr. Seth Blanchard's.)
Dec. 15 Almira Elwell [86, p. 884, Mary Ann Bearce [87, p. 884], & Sarah Mason [p. 884], ch. of Richmond, 3d, [57, p. 884] & Dolly Loring.
1806.Feb. 24 Olive Gray, dau. of Thaddeus & Rhoda Robbins (at a
[7:984]lecture at Capt. Waite's, at Freeport.)
Apr. 7 Horace [94, p. 884] son of Nicholas Loring (at Walnut Hill.) 20 Rachel Cutter, dau. of John & Jane Hayes.
July 6 Lucretia Chase, dau. of Isaiah & Mary Booker. 20 Othniel Sewall, son of Dummer Mitchell.
Aug. 7 Mary Ann, dau. of Joshua Mitchell (at a Fast at Walnut Hill.)
Sept. 24 Theodore, John, Elihu & Elizabeth Roberts, ch. of Amos Main Hayes [see p. 604], (at a lecture at his house.) 28 Amy, dau. of Amasa & Amy Baker.
Oct. 5 Samuel & Almira, ch. of Joseph Hutchins (at Freeport.) 26 Frederick Augustus & Ann Maria, ch. of Mrs. Elizabeth Grace [35, p. 250], their father having died some years ago.
Nov. 23 Phebe, dau. of Richmond Loring [57, p. 884.]
Dec. 2 Narcissa [49, p. 250], dau. of Dr. Ammi R. & Phebe Mitchell.
1807.May 10 Nathaniel Coit Allen, son of Nathaniel Jenks.
June 14 Thomas, son of Nathaniel & Joanna Scales.
Aug. 5 Phebe [71, p. 768], dau. of John Cutter (at a lecture at Dr. Mitchell's.) 17 James Johnson, father of the following children: Lucy (married), Abner, James, Sarah, Edward, Lewis & Abigail (the father and children all baptized by Mr. Miltmore at a lecture on Chebeag.)
Sept. 19 Ebenezer Washington, Esther Sargent, Eliza & Payne Elwell [54, 55, 56 & 57, pp. 287-288], ch. of Ebenezer & Lydia Corliss (at a lecture at his house) ; William Baston &
James, sons of John Gooch (at the above lecture.)
Oct. 25 Harriet [108, p. 392], dau. of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater.
1808.July 9 Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Samuel Mason. 17 Robert, Harriet & Asa Clapp, Ch. of Capt. Bela Blanchard. 31 Rachel, Thomas Trow, Edmund, Deborah Jane and Caleb Strong, ch. of Edmund & Jane Cleaves.
Aug. 7 Mary Ann, dau. of John & Hannah Trow. 14 Pamelia [143, p. 397], dau of John, Jr., & Pamelia Drinkwater ; Nancy, dau. of Nathaniel Jenks.
Nov. 8 Jane, dau. of John & Jane Hayes.
1809.Jan. 8 Hannah Cushing [81, p. 768], dau. of Ammi & Hannah Cutter (by Mr. Dutton) ; Anna, dau. of Amasa & Amy Baker, 24 Baptized at a lecture on Cousins' Island, at B. Thompson's, by Rev. Mr. Dutton, William, an adopted son of Rowland &
[7:985]Mary Hamilton, offered by Mrs. Hamilton after her husband's decease ; Joseph Green, Samuel & Mary Jane [414, 415 & 416, p. 901], ch. of Beals & Rachel Thompson.
July 30 John [72, p. 768] son of John & Elizabeth Cutter ; Tristram, son of Edmund & Jane Cleaves (baptized by Rev. Mr. Miltmore.)
Aug. 6 Allen [109, p. 392], son of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater (baptized by Rev. Mr. Herrick.)
[7:1016]1810.Jan. 14 Francis Brown, son of Capt. Bela & Dorcas Blanchard. 21 Sarah, dau. of Isaiah and Molly Booker [531, 1st Ch.], of Bowdoingham. 28 Ruhamah, dau. of John & Hannah Trow
[512, 1st Ch.]
Apr. 29 Homer Johnson, William Brenton Hall, sons of Dr. Daniel & Larissa Clark [557, 1st Ch.] ; John Dean, son of John D. & Lydia Blanchard.
May 27 Nancy Doan, Genette Elizabeth [63 and 64, p. 836], daus. of John & Mary Ann Humphrey.
June 13 Nancy Cushing, dau. of Rufus & Abigail Chandler, (the ordinance administered at D. Chandler's, on Chebeag.)
July 22 Jane, Elizabeth Mitchell, William, [97, 98 and 100, p. 769], ch. of Capt. William & Isabella Cutter ; Lucretia Loring [50, p. 250], dau. of Dr. A. R. & Phebe Mitchell ; Sally, a black
[7:1017]girl belonging to the household of Dr. Mitchell. 25 Susannah, Mary, Thomas Emery, John Richardson, Joseph Nixon, ch. of Thomas & Hannah Worthley [see p. 786]. (at a lecture at Col. Lawrence's. )
Aug. 1 Hannah Hamilton, dau. of Beals & Rachel Thompson [413, p. 901], (at a lecture at Eleazer Hill's, Cozens' Island.)
Sept. 17 Mary, dau. of William [39, p. 882] & Anna Loring.
Oct. 21 Elizabeth, William, grandchildren of Samuel & Mary Cutter [103, p. 769?] ; John, Mary Ann, Joseph, Charles, Theodotia, Sarah Jane and Elizabeth Loring, ch. of Bezaleel & Mary Young ; Hannah, dau. of John & Jane Hayes ; Samuel, William, sons of Alfred & Mary Mason ; Samuel Veazie, son of Dummer & Lydia Mitchell ; Nicholas Loring [66, p. 836], son of John & Mary Ann Humphrey. 31 Richard, Ambrose, John, Jane, Robert, Solomon, ch. of John, Jr., & Anna Hamilton (baptized at a lecture at the house of David Chandler, Chebeag.)
Nov. 25 Dolly, dau. of Richmond, 3d, [57, p. 928], & Dolly Loring.
1811.Jan. 20 William, son of Bezaleel & Mary Young. 23 Rebecca Sykes, Hannah, Drusilla, Anna, ch. of Solomon & Hannah Low (baptized at a lecture at the school-house, near Pownal.)
Mar. 3 Sarah Jane [Jones?] [73, p. 768], dau. of John & Elizabeth Cutter (d. Aug. 28, 1813) ; William, son of Amasa & Amy Baker (see p. 909.) 13 Rachel Gray, dau. of Zadoc & Rachel Whitcomb (baptized by special request, at the house, the child being sick) ; Margaret, Zena, Abigail, James, Harriet, ch. of George & Margaret Roberts (baptized at a lecture at the house.)
Apr. 28 Samuel Russell, John Edward, Mary Ann, ch. of Seth & Mary Ann Bearce ; Ammi Ruhamah [52, p. 250], son of Chas. C. & Margaret T. Mitchell.
May 20 Daniel Harrdon, son of Rufus & Abigail Chandler (baptized at a lecture at the house of Mr. Ricker.)
June 23 Elizabeth Gilman Elwell, member of the household of Francis & Elizabeth Brown.
July 7 Ammi R. Mitchell, son of Edmund & Jane Cleaves.
Sept. 29 Sarah, dau. of Alfred & Mary Mason (died 22 Jan. 1812.)
Oct 13 Martha Mayhew, dau. of John & ______ Small. 27 Hannah Worthley [598, 1st Ch.], adult, wf. of Thomas ; Martha Merrill, adult, wf. of Israel ; Tristram Gilman, son of Jeremiah, Jr., & Hannah Mitchell ; Mary Mitchell, Rufus (Parker) belonging to the household of Jeremiah, Jr., & Hannah Mitchell.
Nov. 3 Martha Ann [110. p. 392], dau. of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater. 6 Fanny Winslow, Sarah Jane, Justin Worthley, ch. of Israel & Martha Merrill (baptized at a lecture at the house of Thomas Worthley) [see p. 768.]
[7:1018]1812.Jan. 8 Catharine, Lenora, twin daus. of Natl. & Ruth Jenks (baptized at the house of Capt. Jenks) ; Bela Thaxter, son of Gad & Mary Hitchcock. 22 Humphrey Chase, son of Isaiah & Molly Booker [531, 1st Ch.], of Canaan, (baptized at a lecture at Mr. Chase's.)
Feb. 2 Elizabeth Lawrence [600, 1st Ch.], adult, wf. of Saml. ; Abigail Varnum [601, 1st Ch.], dau.-in-law of Mr. Winslow.
Apr. 20 Mary Lincoln Hitchcock [603, 1st Ch.], adult, wf. of Dr. Gad Hitchcock.
May 10 John [67, p. 836], son of John (deceased) & Mary Ann Humphrey.
June 7 Melzer Loring, son of Thomas [see p. 786] & Hannah Worthley. 14 Betsey Buxton [605, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Samuel. 17 John Pritchard, Eliza, William Roulstone, Almira, ch. of Samuel & Betsey Buxton (baptized at a lecture at Capt. Buxton's. 21 Sally Haskell, Edmund, Pelatiah, Jane Hale, John, Hannah Merrill, ch. of Capt. John & Mary March ; Ruth, member of William & Anna Loring's household.
July 5 Lucretia, William Adams Gray, ch. of Samuel & Elizabeth Lawrence ; Jacob Loring, son of Dummer & Lydia Mitchell.
Aug. 2 Margaret Roberts [608, 1st Ch.] adult ; Deborah Snell [610, 1st Ch.], adult, dau. of Widow ______ Snell. 23 Francis Brown [51, p. 250], son of Dr. A. R. & Phebe Mitchell.
Sept. 13 Sarah Hill [417, p. 901], dau. of Beals Thompson (baptized by Mr. Beman) ; Edward Henry, son of Daniel & Theodosia Mitchell. 27 John Gray [140, p. 397], son of the Widow
Pamelia Drinkwater.
Oct. 25 Elizabeth, dau. of Richmond, 3d, [57, p. 928] & Lucinda Loring.
Nov. 1 Alpheus Mitchell, son of John D. & Lydia Blanchard.
Dec. 6 Martha Leach [256, p. 793], dau. of Sylvanus & Matilda Prince.
1813.Jan. 31 Gardner, son of Alfred & Mary Mason.
Mar. 7 Samuel Gilman, son of Francis & Elizabeth Brown ; Marcia, dau. of Nathaniel & Ruth Jenks ; Lavinia, dau. of Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock ; George Buxton [91, p. 252], son of Ammi R., Jr., & Susan Mitchell.
Apr. 25 Mary Thaxter [31, p. 44], dau. of Jonathan & Hannah Greely.
May 2 Thomas Worthley, son of Israel & Martha Merrill.
June 6 Lucretia Richmond, dau. of William [39, p. 882] & Anna Loring. 16 Lucy, John, Sarah Hobart, ch. of Samuel & Susanna C. Gammon.
Aug. 8 Joseph Carpenter, son of Joseph & Charlotte Richard-
[7:1019]son (baptized in Baldwin, at the house of Zebulon Larrabee.)
Sept. 12 John, son of Edmund & Jane Cleaves ; Levi [101, p. 769], son of William & Isabella Cutter. 20 Enoch, son of John, Jr., & Anna Hamilton.
Oct. 24 Bezaleel Loring, son of Enos & Lucretia Storer.
Nov. 21 Jane Chase, dau. of Samuel & Jane (deceased) Hatch (baptized on account of Sally Chase.)
1814.Jan. 19 Ammi Ruhamah, son of Jeremiah Mitchell, Jr. ; Joseph Sturdivant, son of Daniel Mitchell, 3d, (died Oct. 15, 1814) both baptized at a lecture at Jeremiah Mitchell's.)
Feb. 27 Jane Hatch, dau. of Isaiah & Molly Booker [4, p. 988], of Canaan.
Mar. 13 Mary Osgood, dau. of William & Mary Barrows.
May 1 Francis Jones, son of Richmond, Jr., [57, p. 928] & Lucinda Loring.
June 12 Deborah Bucknam [74, p. 768], dau. of John & Elizabeth Cutter.
July 24 Mary, dau. of Francis & Elizabeth Brown ; Phebe Buxton [74, p. 251] dau. of Dea. Jacob & Hannah Mitchell ; 31 Jane, dau. of Samuel & Susanna C. Gammon.
Sept. 4 Freeman Lewis, son of Thomas [see p. 786] & Hannah Worthley.
Oct. 2 Mary Morgaridge, Ruth Cummings, William Morgaridge, Sarah Mitchell, ch. of David? & Sarah Jordan ; Ammi Greely [82, p. 768], son of Ammi & Hannah Cutter ; Alfred Mason, son of Daniel & Theodosia Mitchell. ______, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Lawrence (by Mr. Smith.) 23 George Sewall, son of Sylvanus & Matilda [175, p. 793] Prince (died Mar. 9, 1816.)
Nov. 6 Harriet Newell, dau. of George & Betsey Robbins (by Mr. Nason.) 13 Margaret Gray, adult [621, 1st Ch.] 27 Dummer, son of late Dummer & Lydia Mitchell.
Dec. 18 James Edward, son of Dr. Daniel & Larissa Clark.
1815.Jan. Henry Bailey, son of Dr. Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock.
Apr. 23 William Barrows, adult [622, 1st Ch.] ; Sylvanus Prince, adult [623, 1st Ch.] ; Sarah Fessenden, dau. of William & Mary P. Barrows.
May 14 William Miltimore, son of John D. & Lydia Blanchard.
July 30 Susanna Lewis, dau. of Israel & Martha Merrill.
Aug. 20 Anna Pratt, adult [630, 1st Ch.] ; Catharine Greely, adult, [632, 1st Ch.] ; Mehitable Worthley, adult, [634, 1st Ch.]
Sept. 3 Harrison Otis, son of Joshua & Lucy Gray ; Abigail, dau. of Edmund & Jane Cleaves ; Charles Lee, adopted son of David, Jr., [58, p. 382?] & Olive Drinkwater ; Margaret Jane,
[7:1020]dau. of Catherine Greely. 17 Lucy Seabury [99, p. 403], adult, wf. of John.
1816.Mar. 24 Rachel, dau. of Timothy & Phebe Worthley [p. 780.]
June 9 Joseph Baker, son of Richmond, Jr., [57, p. 928], & Lucinda Loring. 16 Dorcas Jane, dau. of Daniel, Jr. & Rachel Mitchell.
July 7 Joseph Curtis, son of Amasa & Amy Baker.
Aug. 11 Sarah Jane, dau. of Jeremiah, Jr., & Hannah Mitchell (baptized by Rev. Jonathan Scott.) 18 Appleton, son of John & Prudence Webster [see p. 162.]
Sept. 22 Joseph, son of Joseph & Mary Pratt ; Benj. Francis [75, p. 251], son of Dea. Jacob & Hannah Mitchell (baptized by Rev. Jonathan Ward.)
Nov. 3, Joseph Green, son of Silas Merrill, (presented by his grandparents, E. & M. Hill ; Sarah Lincoln, dau. of Dr. Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock (bap. by Rev. Wm. Miltimore.)
Dec. 6 Mary Lewis & Sarah Beals, twin daus. of Daniel & Theodosia Mitchell (baptized by Rev. Perez Chapin.)
1817.Jan. __ Nancy Perley, dau. of William & Mary P. Barrows (by Rev. Amasa Smith) ; Charlotte [111, p. 392,] dau. of Allen & Hannah Drinkwater (died Aug. 17, 1817) (by Rev. Timothy
Apr. 25 Joseph, John, Hannah, Albion, Samuel, William, Alford, Prudence, [101-108, p. 403], ch. of John & Lucy Seabury (bap. at a lecture at David Seabury's, by Rev. T. Willard.) 29 Thomas Spencer, son of George & Betsey Robbins (by Rev. Perez Chapin.)
May __ Asa, son of Thomas & Hannah Worthley [p. 786], (by Rev. Timothy Willard.)
Aug. 10 Margaret Maria [63, p. 251], dau. of William & Sally T. Mitchell (bap. by Rev. Allen Greely) ; Joshua Adams, son of Joshua & Lucy Gray.
Sept. 28 Lewis, son of Samuel & Susan H. Gammon.
Nov. 16 Sarah Kenney, adult, [658, 1st Ch.] dau. of Samuel ; John Hayes, son of Israel & Martha Merrill.
1818.Mar. 9 Susan White [104, p. 253], dau. of Jeremiah & Sally H. Mitchell, of Norway. 19 Joseph Woodbury, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Lawrence.
May __ Edward, son of Stephen & Mehitable Moulton.
July 19 Samuel B. Franklin, son of George & Elizabeth Robbins ; Mary Phillips, dau. of Daniel, Jr., & Rachel Mitchell (by Pres't Brown.)
[7:1021]Oct. 16 Henry Augustus, son of Edmund & Jane Cleaves, (by Mr. Ward) ; Sally, Lucy, Joseph, William, Samuel, Elizabeth Bucknam, Reuben, ch. of Joseph & Elizabeth Chandler (at a lecture at their house.) 18 William Gardner [64, p. 251], son of William C. & Sally Mitchell.
Nov. 1 Olive, dau. of Tristram [48, p. 389], & Margaret Drinkwater. 15 Mary Ann, dau of Jeremiah, Jr., & Hannah Mitchell ; Enos Chandler, adult [668, 1st Ch.] 19 Joseph, William, Olive, Ephraim, Eliphalet Greely, ch. of Greely & Deborah Sturdevant (at a lecture at their house.)
Dec. 20 Lebbeus Bates, son of Timothy & Phebe Worthley [see p. 786.]
1819.Feb. 28 John Prescott, adult, [673, 1st Ch.] ; Dorcas [670, 1st Ch.], wf. of Charles Cutter.
June __ Richmond [105, p. 253], son of Jeremiah & Sally H. Mitchell, of Norway (by Rev. John W. Ellingwood.)
July 4 William Rufus, son of Dr. Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock ; Gardner Mitchell, son of Greely & Deborah Sturdevant (by Rev. A. Smith.)
Oct 3 Martha, dau. of Israel & Martha Merrill. 10 Samuel Woodbury [76, p. 252], son of Dea. Jacob & Hannah Mitchell (at a prayer-meeting at his house) ; Hannah Reed, dau. of Saml. & Polly Fisher [2, p. 162], (members of Rev. Mr. Smith's ch. ; by Rev. Caleb Barge.)
1820.May 15 George Edwin, son of Capt. George H. & Betsey Robbins, (at an evening lecture at the meeting-house, bv Rev. E. Gillett.)
June 11 Gad, son of Dr. Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock ; Eliza Soule, dau. of Joseph & Mary Pratt (by Rev. Allen Greely.)
Sept. 14 Ammi [109, p. 403], son of John & Lucy Seabury (by Rev. Enos Merrill, at a lecture in the schoolhouse.)
Oct. 15 John Rogers, Amy Ann, Thomas Edward, Rachel Humphrey, [409¼-409¾, p. 900], ch. of Martha R. Wentworth, widow of the late Thomas Wentworth, (at a communion, sabbath evening, at Bro. John Cutter's when his son William [676, 1st Ch.] was admitted by Rev. Otis C. Whiton.)
1821.Mar. 4 William Griswold, son of William & Mary P. Barrows.
Apr. 15 David Thaxter [198, p. 790], son of Reuben & Hannah Hayes. 29 Sylvanus Austin, son of Sylvanus & Matilda Prince, [175, p. 793.]
June 3 Greely, John, James Sturdivant, Mary Jane, ch. of
[7:1022]John & Mary Ann Pittee [543, 1st Ch.] ; Sarah Ann, Samuel Augustus, George William, [171-173, p. 773], ch. of Samuel B. & Sarah Cutter. 17 Theodosia, dau. of Maj. Daniel & Theodosia Mitchell ; Franklin, son of Samuel & Susanna C. Gammon [513, 1st Ch.]
Aug. 26 George, son of Richmond [57, p. 928] & Lucinda Loring.
Oct. 7 Asa Cummings [77, p. 252], son of Dea. Jacob & Hannah Mitchell. 28 John March [106, p. 253], son of Jeremiah & Sally H. Mitchell, of Norway, (at a prayer-meeting on sabbath eve at Dea. Mitchell's.)
1822.Mar. 3 Mary Brainard, adult, wife of James C. Hill ; Mary, adult, dau. of William & Susan Gooding ; Elizabeth Porter, adult, dau. of William (dec'd) & Judith Parsons ; Caroline Augusta, grand-daughter of Hannah wife of Rev. Abram Cummings ; William Merrill, [712, 1st Ch.], adult, son of James & Sarah Hill ; Elizabeth Bailey, infant ch. of Israel & Martha Merrill.
Apr. 7 Mary Chase [717, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Chas. Chase ; Lucy, [720, 1st Ch.], adult, dau. of Abner Tuttle ; Charlotte Welch, [721, 1st Ch.], adult ; Susan [723, 1st Ch.], adult, dau. of William & Susan Gooding ; Benjamin Rowe, infant son of John, Jr., & Esther Gooch. 21 John Webster, Mary, Betsey, Juliet, Samuel Holbrook, Elisha Woodbury, [84-89, p. 378], ch. of Samuel, Jr., & Betsey Seabury. 28 Edward, Ann Maria Grace, ch. of Enos & Lucretia Storer.
May 5 David Seabury [728, 1st Ch.], adult ; David Cleaves [729, 1st Ch.?], adult ; Susan [730, 1st Ch.], wf. of Josiah Soule ; Daniel Bragdon, Elizabeth, Phebe, ch. of Jeremiah & Nancy Mitchell ; William Henry, Olive Drinkwater, Jane, ch. of Charles & Mary Chase ; Robert Corliss [70, p. 288], son of David & Lydia Cleaves. 26 Amaziah, ch. of George H. & Elizabeth Robbins.
June 2 Lydia H. Brown [738, 1st Ch.], adult, dau. of John, of Turner ; Lucretia B. Mitchell [739, 1st Ch.], dau. of Nathaniel. 9 Olive Rindge, Mary Branscomb, daus. of James & Sarah Hill.
July 21 John Henry, son of John, Jr., & Esther Gooch. 28 Hannah Elizabeth, dau. of Reuben & Christiana Blanchard.
Aug. 4 Edwin, Marilla, Eliza Low, David, Francis Woodbury, Henry Martyn, [174-179, p 407], ch. of David & Polly Seabury ; 7 David Westcott, son of Widow Hannah Videto (presented by Justin & Mrs. Worthley at their house, the child being adopted by them ; the child was sick, and died the following evening ; Matilda, Ammi Cushing [255, p. 793], ch. of Sewall & Mary Prince.
Sept. 1 Jane Greely Reed [745, 1st Ch.], adult, dau. of Zebu-
[7:1023]lon. 22 Mary, dau. of Charles & Mary Chase (by Rev. W. R. Bailey.)
Oct. 6 Aurilla [123, p. 770], adult, dau. of Charles Cutter. 20 Mary Shattuck, dau. of Dr. Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock ; Alexander Greenwood, James Decatur, sons of James C. & Mary B. Hill ; Emeline March, Joseph Alvin, Margaret Noyes, ch. of Rufus & Dorcas [696, 1st Ch.] Gooch.
Nov. 10 Dorcas Jane [196, p. 790], dau. of Sylvanus & Dorcas Blanchard.
Dec. 29 Henry Thornton, son of Asa [677, 1st Ch.] & Phebe Cummings.
[7:1053]1823.Jan. 2 Seward Low, adopted child of Solomon & Hannah Low, (offered up by her at an evening lecture at their house.)
Feb. 19 David, child of Beals & Rachel Thompson [413, p. 901], (at an evening lecture at their house.)
Mar. 23 Tristram Drinkwater, child of John & Mary Ann Pittee [543, 1st Ch.]
May 25 Mary Matilda [258. p. 794], child of Sylvanus & Matilda Prince.
June 1 Harriet Hall Sawyer [750, 1st Ch.], adult, belonging to the family of John D. & Lydia Blanchard ; Mary, inf. dau. of Samuel & Mary Fisher.
Oct. 5 Martha Oxnard, child of Alfred & Charlotte Dunham. 12 Loring Blanchard, child of Greely & Deborah Sturdivant. 19 Mary Ann Loring, child of Samuel & Priscilla Hatch.
Nov. 2 Sarah Field [755, 1st Ch.], adult, member of Samuel Fisher's family. 9 Olive Ann [209, p. 791], child of Thaxter & Apphia Prince, (by Rev. E. Mosely.)
1824.Feb. 1 William, child of Thomas & Jane G. Lancaster [745, 1st Ch.], of New Sharon.
May 2 Augustus Octavius, child of James C. & Mary B. Hill.
June 7 Dorcas Cutter [420. p. 901], child of Beals & Rachel Thompson ; Harriet [201, p. 790], child of Reuben & Hannah Hayes.
July 11 Edwin Cummings [92, p. 378], child of Samuel & Betsey Seabury ; Gridley, child of Dr. Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock. 25 Henry Leach, child of Sewall [174, p. 793] & Mary Prince.
Aug. 22 Israel, child of Israel & Martha Merrill.
Sept. 12 Josiah Newell, child of Josiah & Susan Soule.
1825.Jan. 16 Hannah, child of Asa & Phebe Cummings.
Feb. 13 Ammi Mitchell, child of Sylvanus & Dorcas [124, p. 789], Blanchard.
[7:1054]Mar. 7 Mary Elizabeth [78, p. 252], child of Dea. Jacob & Hannah Mitchell ; Horace [94, p. 884], child of Richmond & Lucinda Loring ; Marilla [180, p. 407], child of David & Polly Seabury.
Apr. 10 Hannah Elizabeth [157, p. 772], child of Enos & Sarah Ann Chandler, (by Rev. Mr. Miltimore.) 17 Hannah, child of William [3, p. 162], & Margaret Reed.
May 29 Charlotte, child of Alfred & Charlotte Dunham.
June 6 Eliza, Sally, Timothy, John, Phebe, and William Smith, children of Widow Sarah Davis [8, p. 766?] 12 Sarah Jane, child of Josiah & Susan Soule.
Sept. 17 Ruth Sherburne [421, p. 901], child of Beals & Rachel Thompson.
Oct. 20 Samuel, child of Samuel & Susannah C. Gammon. 30 Harriet, child of Daniel & Theodosia Mitchell.
Nov. 6 Philip Eastman, adult, [726, 1st Ch.] 20 Joseph Allen [261, p. 844], child of Leach & Lucy Prince.
1826.Feb. 19 Lyman, child of Thomas & Jane G. Lancaster, of New Sharon.
Apr. 20 John Flavel, child of William R. & Molly York (at a lecture at the Methodist meeting-house.)
May 7 Abigail Parsons, child of John, Jr., & Esther Gooch.
June 22 Charles Morgan, child of Sewall [174, p. 793] & Mary Prince.
July 16 Ann Maria [158, p. 772], child of Enos & Sarah Ann Chandler.
Oct. 16 Mary Margaret, child of James C. & Mary B. Hill.
Nov. 5 Olive Elizabeth, [197, p. 790], child of Sylvanus & Dorcas Blanchard ; Samuel Wentworth, adopted child of Justin & Mrs. Worthley. 12 Benjamin, child of Dr. Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock.
1827.May 7 Rachel Drinkwater, child of William [3, p. 162], & Margaret Reed.
July 15 Sarah Rumford Pierce, child of Dr. William B. & Sarah R. Gooch.
Aug. 26 Harriet Maria [95, p. 928], child of Richmond & Lucinda Loring.
Oct. 7 Addison [181, p. 407], child of David & Polly Seabury ; Asahel Bigelow, child of Josiah & Susan Soule ; Lucy Leach Drinkwater, child of Leach [176, p. 844], (dec'd), & Lucy Prince. 14 Duncan, child of Duncan Forbes [see 588. 681, 1st Ch.] 20 Mary Elizabeth Sewall, child of Sewall [174, p. 793], (dec'd), & Mary Prince. Asa Humphrey, Harriet Ann, Charles William, Mary Elizabeth, Margaret Mitchell, [125-129. p. 770], children
[7:1055][______] & Dorcas Cutter.
1828.July 6 Sally Maria, child of Jonathan & Deborah Soule.
Sept. 14 Lewis Whitney, child of Levi & Charlotte Davis. 19 Levi Evans, child of Levi & Charlotte Moulton. 21 Mary Gardner, child of Charles & Mary Chase (dec'd.) 28 Margaret Ellen [210, p. 791], child of Thaxter & Apphia Prince.
1829.(Record of Baptisms administered by Rev. David Shepley.)
Feb. 24 Ellen Jane, dau. of Philip & Mary A. Eastman.
May 24 Harriet Bailey, child of Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock ; Olive Ringe, child of James C. & Mary B. Hill ; Sidney Smith, child of Rufus & Dorcas Gooch. 29 Levi, adopted child of Bethuel & Mary Wood.
June 7 William Leach [259, p. 794], child of Silvanus & Matilda Prince.
Aug. 2 Eliza, Sarah Jane, David, children of David & Mary Pratt.
Sept. 6 Susan Moxey [791, 1st Ch.], adult, dau. of Cornelius ; Tristram Brown, child of William [3, p. 162] & Margaret Reed. 13 Jonathan Mitchell, child of John & Esther Gooch.
1830.Mar. 21 John Moxey [799, 1st Ch.], adult, son of Cornelius.
May 2 Watson Gray [112, p. 392], child of Allen & Mary Drinkwater ; Lucy Ann, child of Daniel & Martha Mitchell.
Aug. 1 Helen Maria, child of Samuel & Harriet Sweetser. 13 George William, child of Josiah & Susan Soule. 19 Samuel Alford, child of Daniel & Theodosia Mitchell.
1831.Jan. 2 Sarah R. P. Gooch [804, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Dr. William B. ; Lydia Louise Parsons [808, 1st Ch.], adult ; Betsey Kenney [811, 1st Ch.], adult ; Charles, child of William & Susan Anderson.
Mar. 6 Hannah Mitchell [818, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Jeremiah ; Elizabeth Woodbury Low [824, 1st Ch.], adult.
May 1 Mary Gray [828, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Adams ; Sophronia Prince [835, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Rudduck ; Mary Myrick Bailey [836, 1st Ch.], adult ; Mary Mason [832, 1st Ch.], adult. 8 Caroline Watson (Drinkwater), adopted child of Joshua & Lucy Gray ; Margaret Hannah, child of Joshua & Lucy Gray ; Lucy Gray, Samuel Allen, Henry A. [W.?] [380-382, p. 850], children of Reuben & Deborah Prince ; Mary Ann Webber [94, p. 289], child of Eliza Corliss ; Samuel Bucknam, child of Jonathan & Deborah Soule. 26 Phebe Maria, Joshua, Albert,
[7:1056]Andrew, James Henry, Lawrence, Horatio Nelson, children of Adams & Mary Gray ; Gustavus Harward, child of Timothy & ______ Soule.
June 5 George Stetson, Henry, Thomas Gray, [267-269, p. 932], children of Jacob [G.] & Desiah B. Loring ; James Hill, Ruhamah, John, Elizabeth Mason, children of John & Rachel [819, 1st Ch.], Snell ; John Crocker [840, 1st Ch.], adult.
July 8 Samuel Mason [844, 1st Ch.], adult ; Jonathan Mason [845, 1st Ch], adult ; Harriet Chandler [850. 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Joseph, Jr. ; Amelia Cutter [855, 1st Ch.], wf. of Chas.? ; Relief Curtis Mitchell [858, 1st Ch.], adult ; Nancy Carter [862, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of John ; David Cushing, William Lewis, Elizabeth Greely, [331-333, p. 936], children of David & Hannah Loring ; Margaret Davis, adult, dau. of Timothy. 10 Maria Louisa, Marietta Gray, Ellen Frances, [372, 374, 375, p. 850], children of Rudduck & Sophronia Prince ; Harriet, Timothy Davis [64-65, p. 1051], children of Samuel & Eliza Mason. 24 Granville Humphrey, adopted child of Thomas [3, p. 988] & Mary E. Chase. 3 (see above), Charles, Edward, John, Mary, children of John & Nancy Carter (colored.)
Aug. 7 Thomas Congram, Elizabeth Groves, Hannah Ally, children of Sarah DeCarteret (widow) ; Mary Eliza, child of Thomas (dec'd) & Mary Davis ; Mary Elizabeth, child of Levi & Sarah Whitcomb. 28 Dorcas, John, children of Duncan & ______ Forbes
Sept. 4 Lydia Seabury [869, 1st Ch. ; 224, p. 409], adult, wf. of Benjamin ; Betsey Mitchell [874, 1st Ch.], adult, wf. of Isaiah ; Mary Soule [870, 1st Ch. ; wf. of John], adult. 25 Solomon Loring, child of William [3, p. 162] & Margaret Reed.
Oct. 2 Stephen Kenney [879, 1st Ch.], adult ; Ezekiel Merrill [875, 1st Ch.], adult ; Sophronia Young [877, 1st Ch.], adult, wf. of John ; Mary Hall Blaisdell, wf. of Jeremiah ; Andrew Jackson, child of James C. & Mary B. Hill.
Nov. 2 Benjamin Seabury [882, 1st Ch.], adult ; Dorcas Seabury [884, 1st Ch.], adult ; Cornelia Amanda, Hannah Gray, [176, 175, p. 399], children of Theophilus & Louisa Drinkwater. 13 Joseph William, Wellington, children of Joseph [106, p. 392] & Anna Drinkwater ; Samuel Morrison [82, p. 1052], child of Samuel & Eleanor Mason ; Francis Edwin, child of William & Eliza Chandler ; Prudence Esther Rowe, child of John, Jr., & Esther Gooch.
Dec. 4 John Snell [888, 1st Ch.], adult ; William Seabury [887, 1st Ch.], adult ; John Mason [892, 1st Ch.], adult ; Joseph Holmes, child of Samuel & Alice Kenney. 11 Sarah Elizabeth, child of Daniel & Martha Mitchell ; Elizabeth Soule, George, children of Widow Sally Brown ; Joseph, Francis Edwin, John William, children of John & Sophronia Young.
[7:1057]1832.Jan. 8 Levi Blanchard [893, 1st Ch.], adult ; Margaret, Isaac Newton, Zilpha, John Lewis, William Augustus, Emeline, children of Ezekiel & ______ Merrill.
Apr. 8 Charles Eliot, Samuel Fogg, Alfred, Lucia Ann, Clarissa Parsons, Julia Eliza, children of Eliot & Salome York [see p. 798.] 22 Mary, child of William & Susan Anderson.
May 6 Thomas Adams, Mary Adams, children of Adams & Mary Gray. 13 Edward Grenville [212, p. 791 ], child of Levi & Olive Blanchard.
June 17 Sarah Ann, child of John & Rachel Snell. 24 Lavinia Hitchcock, child of Josiah & Susan Soule.
July 1 William Crosby, Edward, Rufus Bailey, Augustus[?] Allen, Harriet, Herman, Sarah Beathe, [204-210, p. 408], ch. of William & Penelope P. Seabury. 15 Charlotte, child of Levi & Charlotte Davis ; Anne, child of Rev. David & Myra Shepley.
Sept. 16 Addison Gelusia [373, p. 850[?]], child of Rudduck & Sophronia Prince. Emily, Alfred, Charles, children of Joseph, Jr., & Harriet Chandler.
Oct. 7 Ralph Wardlaw, child of Rev. Asa & Phebe Cummings ; Albert, child of Joseph [106, p. 392], & Anna Drinkwater. 21 Sally Smith, Eliza Corliss, Abigail Soule, Mary Foster, Saba Smith, John Edward, children of Joel & Susan Brooks [659, 1st Church.]
Nov. 4 Mary Eliza, George Albion, [160, 161, p. 406], children of Albion & Dorcas Seabury.
[7:1111]1833.June 23 Mary Elizabeth, ch. of Levi & Sarah Whitcomb ; William Wilberforce, ch. of John & Esther Gooch. July 2 Fred A., ch. of Frederick A. & Priscilla Pomeroy ; 16 Joseph, ch. of Ezekiel & Sarah Merrill ; 30 Enos, ch. of William & Eliza Ann Chandler ; 31 Margaret Grace, ch. of David & Hannah Loring.
Aug. 4 Elizabeth, Jonah Kenney, Mary, Susan Blanchard, Joseph, Sarah, ch. of Joseph & Sarah Holmes ; 11 Jane, ch. of Joseph, Jr., & Harriet Chandler ; 4 Esther Fogg, adult, [904, 1st Ch.] ; 25 Frances Maria [260, p. 794], ch. of Silvanus & Matilda Prince. Sept. 29 David, ch. of Samuel & Eliza Mason. Oct. 27 Susan Harris, Ann Blanchard, ch. of Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock.
1834.May 4 Margaret Elizabeth, ch. of David & Mary Gray ; 11 Caroline, ch. of John & Sophronia Young. June 8 Ambrose, ch. of Philip & Mary A. Eastman ; Prentiss, [270, p. 932], ch. of Jacob G. & Desiah Loring ; Samuel Frederick, ch. of Daniel, Jr., & Martha Mitchell ; 22 David Shepley, ch. of Daniel & Theodosia Mitchell ; Sydney, ch. of William & Susan Anderson ; 29
[7:1112]Penelope Pelham [203, p. 408], adult, wf. of William Seabury ; Maria Titcomb [911, 1st Ch.], adult, dau. of William.
July 27 Mary Pelham [211. p. 408], ch. of William & Penelope P. Seabury ; Lucy Jane, adopted ch. of John & Nancy [62, p. 768] Cutter. Aug. 3 Ferdinand [177, p. 399], ch. of Theophilus & Louisa Drinkwater. Sept. 14 Sarah Bucknam [384, p. 850], ch. of Reuben & Deborah Prince. Oct. 19 Nancy Maria [172, p. 387] ch. of Richmond & Jeanette Storer ; 26 Alford, ch. of Capt. Samuel & Eleanor Mason. Nov. 2 Alvan, ch. of Jonathan & Deborah Soule ; Walter Henry, ch. of Frederick & Priscilla Pomeroy. Oct. 5 Matthias Allen [915, 1st Ch.], an adult. Dec. 7 Harriet Noble, William Gooding, ch. of Matthias & Elizabeth Allen.
1835.Apr. 19 Elizabeth Coggswell, ch. of Rev. David & Myra Shepley ; 26 John Gray, ch. of Levi & Sarah Whitcomb. May 3 Jane Hutchins [919, 1st Ch.], adult. June 7 Joseph Homes [922, 1st Ch.], adult. Aug. 9 Mary Lewis, ch. of Ezekiel & Sarah Merrill.
1836.June 3 John, ch. of William & Eliza Ann Chandler ; 12 Asa, ch. of Philip & Mary A. Eastman ; Edward Noyes, ch. of Fred. & Priscilla Pomeroy ; 19 Gustavus [173, p. 887], ch. of Richmond & Jeanette Storer.
July 17 Samuel Sweetser, ch. of Gad & Mary L. Hitchcock ; 24 Sarah Elizabeth, ch. of John & Esther Gooch ; 31 Mary Fenton, ch. of Jonathan & Mary Bradford. Aug. 7 William Merrill [930, 1st Ch.], adult. Sept. __ Mary Elizabeth, ch. of Samuel & Eleanor Mason.
1837.Apr. 23 Phebe Pierce, ch. of William B. & S. R. P. Gooch ; 30 Alice Cushing, ch. of John K. & Sophronia Young. May 14 Francis Maubeck, ch. of Perez [245, p. 931] & Margaret J. Loring. July 23 Eliza Greely [174, p. 887], ch. of Richmond L. & Jeanette Storer.
Sept. 3 George Clinton Swallow [939, 1st Ch.], adult ; Chas. Packard [941, 1st Ch.], adult ; Charles Humphrey [937, 1st Ch.], adult ; Ann Humphrey Blanchard [949, 1st Ch.], adult ; Olive Drinkwater Preble [945, 1st Ch.], adult ; Mary Ann Cutter [946, 1st Ch.], adult ; Alfred, ch. of Tristram G. & Elizabeth B. Mitchell. July 2 (omitted) Jane, ch. of Joseph, Jr., & Harriet Chandler. Sept. 10 Jane Trow, ch. of Tristram G. & Mary Cleaves ; 24 Sarah Johnson, ch. of Rev. David & Myra Shepley.
[7:1113]Oct. 1 Ezekiel, ch. of Ezekiel & Sarah Merrill. Dec. 31 Leah Merrill [232, p 890], ch. of Charles & Rebecca Humphrey.
1838.July 15 Betsey Ann Hatch, Lydia, Nathaniel Otis, ch. of Nathaniel & Betsey P. True ; 22 Harriet Lincoln, Martha Mitchell, Edward, ch. of Edward & Olive D. Preble ; Augustus, ch. of Samuel & Alice Kenney ; Lucy Maria, ch. of William & Eliza A. Chandler.
Oct. 7 Esther Miranda, ch. of Nathaniel & ______ Merrill; Helen Elizabeth [186, p. 407], ch. of Edwin & Elizabeth Seabury ; 29 Sumner [182], George Payson [183], Samuel [184], Sarah [185, p. 407], ch. of David & Mary Seabury. Nov. 4 Isaac Bailey, adult [Isaac Perley, 965 1st Ch.?] ; Bethia Allen [967, 1st Ch.], adult.
1839.May 5 Jane Manson Hamilton [970, 1st Ch.], adult. June 30 Jacob Wendell [271, p. 932], ch. of Jacob G. & Desiah Loring. July 14 Martha Walker, ch. of John K. & Sophronia Young. Sept. 15 Harlan Page [385, p. 850], ch. of Reuben & Deborah Prince ; Maria Henry, ch. of Frederick A. & Priscilla Pomeroy : 29 Allen Palmer, ch. of Allen H. & Harriet Weld. Oct. 6 Jonas Wendell, ch. of Samuel & Eleanor Mason ; Sarah Lincoln, ch. of Levi & Sarah Whitcomb. Nov. 3 Emma, Ann Gray, Solomon, ch. of Solomon [329, p. 936], deceased, & Alethea Loring.
1840.May 3 Harriet Ann, Emily Malvina, Rachel Cutter, Mary Eliza, Moses Merrill, ch. of Joseph W. & Eliza Small ; Samuel, Mary Eliza, ch. of Samuel & Eliza Mason ; 10 Mary Brown, ch. of Rev. David & Myra Shepley. June 28 Ellen, Desiah Loring, ch. of Ebenezer & Betsey Bates.
July 12 Asa Plummer Chase, Adoniram Judson, Edward Vespasian, Gilbert Fayette, ch. of Asa & Polly Winslow. Aug. 2 Mary Gould Hawes [1012, 1st Ch.] [19, p. 842], adult ; Rachel
Drinkwater Mason [1010, 1st Ch.], adult ; 9 David Gray, Mary Gray, ch. of John & Rachel D. Mason ; Charles, ch. of Giles & Sarah M. Loring [see p. 935.]
Aug. 17 Julia Elizabeth, child of David M. & Pamelia G. Longley ; Mary Eliza, Julia Orman, ch. of Josiah & Susan Soule. Sept. __ Theophilus Thompson, ch. of Nathaniel & ______ Merrill.
1841.July 25 Grenville Stephen, adopted ch. of Jeremiah [318, p. 849], and Molly Prince ; Lydia Skillin, ch. of Samuel S. & Mary
[7:1114]R. Hayes ; Mary Ann, ch. of Tristram G. [35, p. 767], & Elizabeth B. Mitchell ; Lucy, Abba, [162, 163, p. 406], ch. of Albion & Dorcas Seabury. Aug. 1 Charles, ch. of John & Sophronia Young.
Sept. 5 Abigail, ch. of Tristram G. & Mary Cleaves ; Ann, Mary Lewis, ch. of Edward H. & Mary A. Mitchell ; George, ch. of John & Rachel D. Mason ; 19 Elizabeth Webster [88, p. 378], ch. of John Webster & Margaret Seabury ; William Franklin, ch. of Edward & Olive D. Preble ; 22 George Edwin [73, p. 836], ch. of Asa & Martha Humphrey ; 26 Cordelia, Samuel Gray, Henry Smith, ch. of Jeremiah & Julia Bucknam. Nov. 7 Joseph, ch. of Levi & Sarah Whitcomb.
1842.Mar. 6 Phebe Parker [1045, 1st Ch.], adult, wife of Joseph ; Sarah Jane Baker [1050, 1st Ch.], adult ; Elizabeth, ch. of Matthias & Elizabeth Allen ; Sarah Kilby, ch. of William & Susan Anderson. Aug. 21 Charles Henry, John Humphrey, [175-6, p. 887], ch. of Richmond L. & Jeanette Storer.
Sept. 25 Charles Edwin, ch. of Samuel S. & Mary R. Hayes ; Levi Mitchell [279, p. 846], ch. of Paul & Charlotte Prince ; 26 Maria, ch. of Rev. David & Myra Shepley. Nov. 20 Eugenia, ch. of Joseph [106, p. 392] & Anna Drinkwater.
1843.June 18 Emma Olive, ch. of John D. & Olive D. Blanchard ; Mary, Joseph Warren, ch. of Jonathan Mason.
1844.(No date.) George Hayden, ch. of Allen H. & Harriet Weld ; David Francis, ch. of Levi & Sarah Whitcomb.
1845.June 29 William, ch. of William & Eliza A. Chandler ; William Thaxter, ch. of Samuel B. & Sarah Jane Mitchell. July 6 Abby Jane [177, p. 887], ch. of Richmond L. & Jeanette Storer ; 13 Mary Eliza, ch. of William & Susan Anderson ; Maria Bucknam [89, p. 378], ch. of John Webster & Margaret Seabury. Oct. 5 Desiah Loring, ch. of Samuel S. & Mary R. Hayes ; Rachel Augusta, ch. of F. A. & P. Pomeroy.
1846.July 26 John Robinson, ch. of Rev. David & Myra Shepley. Aug. 30 Mary Mitchell, ch. of David M. [246, p. 931] & Theodosia Loring. Sept. 13 William Newhall, Augustus Hermon, [280-1, p. 846], ch. of Paul & Charlotte Prince.
[7:1115]1847.Feb. 7 George Allen, ch. of Joseph [106, p. 392] & Anna Drinkwater ; Nathan Oakes, ch. of Capt. Joseph Chandler, Jr. ; Augusta, ch. of Capt. Samuel (deceased) & Eleanor Mason. July 25 Margaret Ellen [90, p. 378], ch. of John Webster & Margaret Seabury. Oct. 17 Emma, ch. of Capt. Francis & ______ Lawrence. Nov. 7 Thomas Gilman, Rachel Brown, ch. of Tristram G. & Mary Cleaves.
1848.Apr. 30 Sarah Dudley, ch. of Barnabas & Sarah Freeman. June 4 Eliza Edes [1075, 1st Ch.] Oct. 12 Harriet Sweetser [178, p. 887], ch. of Richmond L. & Jeanette Storer. Nov. 12 Samuel Harris, ch. of Rev. Samuel H. & Pamelia P. Shepley. Dec. 31 Levi Woodbury, ch. of Levi & Sarah Whitcomb.
1849.July 1 Harriet Elizabeth [142, p. 919], ch. of Samuel & Lydia V. Ring. (By Rev. S. H. Shepley.)