Source: Joseph Williamson, History of the city of Belfast in the state of Maine. (Portland Me.: Loring, Short, and Harmon, 1877-1913), Vol. 2.
[p. 328]BIRTHS.The following list of births in Belfast was compiled expressly for this volume in 1912. It is necessarily in complete, owing to the state of the city's records of vital statistics covering the early part of the period. The information these city records afforded has, however, been supplemented by consulting every available source, as the school records, the newspapers of the times, &c. These also proving inadequate, a personal canvass of the families of the city proper, and of the outlying districts, was made by competent persons familiar with the localities. Unless otherwise indicated, the place of birth is Belfast. The State is given only in the case of towns outside of Maine. Where the birthplace of parents was unascertained, a blank is left,—thus (b. ). Abbreviations: b. = born; d. = daughter; s. = son. The names in this list, being arranged alphabetically, are not indexed.
A List of Births which occurred from 1875 to 1900, in Belfast; and of some Children born to Present or Former Residents Elsewhere.
- Achorn, Sarah, b. 20 September, 1897; d. Joseph O. Achorn (b. Morrill) and Annie L. Wentworth.
- Achorn, Walter Ross, b. 15 June, 1892; s. Eugene Storer Achorn (b. Camden) and Mary Eliza Michels.
- Adams, Jacob C., b. 22 April, 1893; s. John H. Adams (b. Islesboro) and Mary M. Small (b. Swanville).
- Albee, b. 22 April, 1887; s. Henry B. Albee and Annie B. Hart.
- Albee, Lizzie and Augusta P., twins, b. 21 April, 1888; d. Henry B. Albee and Annie B. Hart.
- Aldus, b. 10 August, 1900; s. Samuel P. Aldus and Bessie A. Thomas.
- Aldus, Calvin James, b. 29 April, 1897; s. James V. Aldus and Eliza E. Robbins.
- Aldus, Edith Silvia and Ethel Goldia, twins, b. 28 February, 1899; d. James V. Aldus and Eliza A. Robbins.
- Aldus, Helen Evelina, b. 20 July, 1895; d. Wm. Oakes Aldus and Inga Olson (b. Isaksmala, Sweden).
- Aldus, Mary Ann, b. 18 May, 1894; d. James V. Aldus and Eliza E. Robbins.
[p. 329]
- Ames, Ida Marcia, b. 5 May, 1881; d. Henry W. Ames (b. Hope) and Viola M. Wellman (b. Belmont).
- Ames, Jennie L., b. September, 1877; d. George Ames and Mary C. Curtis.
- Annis, Merl Bertrand, b. 17 December, 1898; s. Bert E. Annis (b. Bangor) and Hattie A. Dunbar.
- Arey, b. 19 July, 1892; s. William A. Arey and Caroline Hatfield (b. Newport, R. I.).
- Armstrong, Leon, b. 5 May 1879; s. Andrew P. Armstrong (b. Belmont) and Elvira Knowlton.
- Arey, Donald D., b. 14 January, 1900; s. Walter E. Arey and Edna M. Trull (b. Lowell, Mass.).
- Arnold, Mildred F., b. 8 January, 1898; d. William H. Arnold (b. Searsmont) and Harriet C. Freeman (b. Camden).
- Bachelder, Rutherford, b. 5 April, 1899; s. Freeman W. Bachelder (b. Prospect) and Ruth M. Staples (b. Searsport).
- Bagley, Abbie Marian, b. 24 June, 1899; d. Harry P. Bagley and Eva Cook.
- Bailey, Alice Marie, b. 8 March, 1899; d. Franklin Merrill Bailey and Mary Emily Holmes (b. Waldo).
- Bailey, Harold Elmer, b. 8 January, 1881; s. Henry Clay Bailey (b. Washington) and Marianna Brier.
- Bailey, Marian Holmes, b. 14 May, 1889; d. Franklin Merrill Bailey and Mary Emily Holmes (b. Waldo).
- Bailey, Marjorie Frances, b. 15 January, 1894; d. Franklin Merrill Bailey and Mary Emily Holmes (b. Waldo).
- Bailey, Ralph Elmer, b. 4 December, 1896; s. Franklin Merrill Bailey and Mary Emily Holmes (b. Waldo).
- Baker, Doris, b. 16 September, 1894; d. William J. Baker (b. Cornwall, Eng.) and Grace Wight.
- Baker, Elmer Fred, b. 16 July, 1886; s. Fred A. Baker (b. Winterport) and Annie E. Brown.
- Baker, Merle J., b. 16 February, 1892; s. William J. Baker (b. Cornwall, Eng.) and Grace Wight.
- Baker, Minnie, b. 5 June, 1894; d. James N. Baker (b. St. George, Canada) and Lottie J. Winchester (b. Bangor).
- Baker, William H., Jr., b. 5 December, 1887; s. William H. Baker (b. Winterport) and Marian E. Hall (b. Appleton).
- Banks, Cassie, b. 5 June, 1877; d. Joseph W. Banks and Elsie E. Brown (b. North Haven).
- Banks, George Westley, b. 1 October, 1888; s. Fred Luscum Banks and Evelyn Estelle Mudgett.
- Banks, Gertrude, b. 15 November, 1886; d. Fred Luscum Banks and Evelyn Estelle Mudgett.
- Barr, Annie Leonora, b. 18 April, 1876; d. Thomas Dyson Barr (b. Liverpool, Eng.) and Mary Rebecca Speed.
- Beckwith, Hermon Oswald, b. 19 October, 1885; s. Silas S. Beckwith and Ellen Rumrey (b. Hurricane Island).
[p. 330]
- Beckwith, Ross Elmer, b. 10 September, 1879; s. Silas S. Beckwith and Ellen Rumrey (b. Hurricane Island).
- Beckwith, Virgie May, b. 9 May, 1894; d. Alonzo Thomas Beckwith and Lizzie M. Choate (b. Winsor).
- Benson, Bessie Almeda, b. 2 April, 1897; d. George E. Benson (b. Maine) and Sadie A. Hamilton.
- Bickford, Katherine Pendleton, b. Sept. 1878; d. William Ezra Bickford and Leonora Marriner (b. Lincolnville).
- Bicknell, Louise, b. 2 June, 1875; d. Henry Bicknell and Luella M. Brown (b. Appleton).
- Black, Alexander, b. 20 March, 1888; s. Franklin Hall Black (b. Frankfort) and Carrie F. Durning (b. ).
- Black, Bessie Louise, b. 20 December, 1890; d. Roscoe Black (b. Frankfort) and Mary Josephine Herrick.
- Black, Franklin Hall, Jr., b. 26 June, 1885; s. Franklin Hall Black (b. Frankfort) and Carrie F. Durning (b. ).
- Black, Oren Rice, b. 29 March, 1889; s. Franklin Hall Black (b. Frankfort) and Carrie F. Durning (b. ).
- Black, Rena Isabel, b. 23 May, 1885, d. Roscoe Black (b. Frankfort) and Mary Josephine Herrick.
- Black, Roy Lear, b. 17 June, 1890; s. Eugene Black (b. Frankfort) and Lucy Jane Lear (b. Northport).
- Black, Stella Maud, b. 9 February, 1889; d. Roscoe Black (b. Frankfort) and Mary Josephine Herrick.
- Black, William Milgate, b. 4 November, 1886; d. Franklin Hall Black (b. Frankfort) and Carrie F. Durning (b. ).
- Blake, b. 21 August, 1895; s. Lauren W. Blake (b. Brooksville) and Estella Cooper (b. Morrill).
- Blake, Bertha M., b. 18 March, 1878; d. George B. Blake (b. Brooksville) and Harriet F. Magee (b. Cape Rosier).
- Blake, Flora Estelle, b. 10 April, 1880; d. George B. Blake (b. Brooksville) and Harriet F. Magee (b. Cape Rosier).
- Blanchard, Ada, b. 8 November, 1889; d. Lincoln Blanchard (b. Stockton) and Georgia A. Meservey.
- Blazo, Julia M., b. 26 February, 1892; d. William W. Blazo (b. Porter) and Nellie E. McKeen (b. Swanville).
- Blazo, Raymond William, b. 31 May, 1896; s. William W. Blazo (b. Porter) and Nellie E. McKeen (b. Swanville).
- Blodgett, Frank Porter, b. 8 November, 1900; s. Frank P. Blodgett and Ada A. Morey (b. Morrill).
- Bowen, b. 1 August, 1892; s. Otis S. Bowen and Emma E. Shaw.
- Bowen, Clara Agnes, b. 19 July, 1887; d. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
- Bowen, Edith Emma, b. 11 June, 1879; d. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
[p. 331]
- Bowen, Emma Frances, b. 1 January, 1881; d. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
- Bowen, Ethel Maud, b. 5 January, 1889; d. Elroy R. Bowen (b. Searsport) and Alice Hart.
- Bowen, Grace Helen, b. 22 February, 1890; d. Elroy R. Bowen (b. Searsport) and Alice Hart.
- Bowen, Helen Grace, b. 23 February, 1889; d. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
- Bowen, Ida May, b. 28 March, 1875; d. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
- Bowen, Marian Louise, b. 25 April, 1897; d. Elroy R. Bowen (b. Searsport) and Alice Hart.
- Bowen, Ralph Hart, b. 15 April, 1894; s. Elroy R. Bowen (b. Searsport) and Alice Hart.
- Bowen, Selwin Eugene, b. 15 January, 1877; s. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
- Bowen, Veda Maud, b. 21 February, 1883; d. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
- Bowen, Walter Leroy, b. 9 March, 1897; s. Charles H. Bowen and Flora Maud Thurston (b. Otisfield).
- Bowen, Walter Ross, b. 1 April, 1885; s. Eslie Augustus Bowen (b. Swanville) and Esther S. Thomas.
- Bowker, Harry Elmer, b. 27 April, 1896; s. Edwin Sherman Bowker (b. Bloomfield, Vt.) and Cora Hatch Jellison (b. Swanville).
- Bowker, Thomas Edwin, b. 25 April, 1891; s. Edwin Sherman Bowker (b. Bloomfield, Vt.) and Cora Hatch Jellison (b. Swanville).
- Brackett, Alfred Emerson, b. 1885; s. Arnold Eugene Brackett and Melissa Flagg (b. Belmont).
- Brackett, Carrie Estell, b. 15 October, 1887; d. Arnold Eugene Brackett and Melissa Flagg (b. Belmont).
- Brackett, Everett Eugene, b. 1882; s. Arnold Eugene Brackett and Melissa Flagg (b. Belmont).
- Brackett, Stewart Earl, b. 25 July, 1897; s. Arnold Eugene Brackett and Melissa Flagg (b. Belmont).
- Brackett, William Edgar, b. 1883; s. Arnold Eugene Brackett and Melissa Flagg (b. Belmont).
- Bradman, Mary Emerald, b. 1 August, 1889; d. Herbert E. Bradman and Inez M. Nickerson (b. Swanville).
- Bradstreet, Mildred Hazel, b. 2 April, 1898; d. Robert E. Bradstreet (b. Palermo) and Mary E. Nason (b. Knox).
- Braley, Charlotte Ella, b. 11 August, 1889; d. Alton Keen Braley (b. Burnham) and Susan Emily Hassell.
- Braley, Clare L., b. 7 November, 1897; d. Albion C. Braley (b. Burnham) and Hattie M. Wilton (b. Appleton).
- Braley, Estin Hassell, b. 28 December, 1893; s. Alton Keen Braley (b. Burnham) and Susan Emily Hassell.
- Braley, Hazel Lavon, b. 25 August, 1896; d. Albion C. Braley (b. Burnham) and Hattie M. Wilton (b. Appleton).
[p. 332]
- Braley, Hosea L., b. 25 August, 1895; s. Albion C. Braley (b. Burnham) and Hattie M. Wilton (b. Appleton).
- Braley, James Earl, b. 1 September, 1891; s. Alton Keen Braley (b. Burnham) and Susan Emily Hassell.
- Braley, Susie Esther, b. 8 March, 1897; d. Alton Keen Braley (b. Burnham) and Susan Emily Hassell.
- Bramhall, Frank Elmer, b. 17 August, 1888; s. Eben Franklin Bramhall and Alice Abbie Coombs (b. Waldo).
- Bramhall, Ralph Alvin, b. 11 April, 1891; s. Eben Franklin Bramhall and Alice Abbie Coombs (b. Waldo).
- Bramhall, Theodore Crie, b. 11 June 1900; s. Eben Franklin Bramhall and Alice Abbie Coombs (b. Waldo).
- Brick, Francis Rigby, b. 24 May, 1898; s. Francis S. Brick (b. Lowell, Mass.) and Stella L. Rigby (b. Oldtown).
- Brier, Herbert Oscar, b. 24 May, 1886; s. Charles H. Brier and Ella L. Linscott (b. Searsmont).
- Brier, Kate Elizabeth, b. 6 March, 1887; d. Russell Brier and Emma K. Field (b. Stockton).
- Brier, Robert Edward, b. 14 June, 1888; s. Charles H. Brier and Ella L. Linscott (b. Searsmont).
- Brock, Harold, b. 8 October, 1896; s. Percy R. Brock (b. Searsport) and Effie A. Nickerson.
- Brown, b. 23 December, 1891; d. Frederic and Elvira Brown.
- Brown, Anna Leiella, b. 25 July, 1891; d. George J. Brown and Leiella Caro Rowell (b. Montville).
- Brown, Bessie Eva, b. 23 May, 1882; d. William James Brown (b. Appleton) and Martha Ella Brown (b. Camden).
- Brown, Charles, b. 22 March, 1899; s. Edgar Brown and Evie L. Mahoney (b. Northport).
- Brown, Clarence Delbert, b. 20 December, 1879; s. William James Brown (b. Appleton) and Martha Ellen Morse (b. Camden).
- Brown, Dora, b. 8 January, 1886; d. George J. Brown and Leiella Caro Rowell (b. Montville).
- Brown, Edith Louise, b. 4 March, 1881; d. Frederick Wording Brown and Jennie S. Thompson (b. Montville).
- Brown, Edwin Chester, b. 17 February, 1886; s. Lewis Armon Brown (b. Prospect) and Eliza Jane Keith (b. Brooks).
- Brown, Ethelyn Geneva, b. 13 September, 1899; d. Walter W. Brown (b. Detroit) and Georgia E. White (b. Rockland).
- Brown, Florence Maria, b. 1888; d. Lewis Armon Brown (b. Prospect) and Eliza Jane Keith (b. Brooks).
- Brown, Grace Carver, b. 21 March, 1880; d. Addison Brown (b. North Haven) and Etta E. Leavitt.
- Brown, Harry Walker, b. 15 January, 1897; s. Henry O. Brown and Lizzie Grant (b. Frankfort).
- Brown, Helen, b. 6 February, 1883; d. Fred Waldo Brown and Hester M. Pierce (b. Bangor).
[p. 333]
- Brown, Henry Arno, b. 24 November, 1883; s. Arno M. Brown and Adelaide C. Stevens.
- Brown, Hester, b. 5 October, 1894; d. Fred Waldo Brown and Hester M. Pierce (b. Bangor).
- Brown, Ina Grace, b. 5 May, 1888; d. Edgar Brown and Evia L. Mahoney (b. Northport).
- Brown, Jane, b. 31 March, 1885; d. Fred Waldo Brown and Hester M. Pierce (b. Bangor).
- Brown, John Merrill, b. 23 February, 1888; s. George J. Brown and Leiella Caro Rowell (b. Montville).
- Brown, Leroy, b. 12 December, 1891; s. Edgar Brown and Evia L. Mahoney (b. Northport).
- Brown, Lloyd Richard, b. 7 October, 1897; s. Richard Brown (b. Springfield, N. B.) and Emma Jane Robinson (b. Monroe).
- Brown, Louise, b. 27 November, 1889; d. Fred Waldo Brown and Hester M. Pierce (b. Bangor).
- Brown, Marian Cleveland, b. 20 June, 1895; d. George J. Brown and Leiella Caro Rowell (b. Montville).
- Brown, Mabel, b. 8 January, 1881; d. Fred Waldo Brown and Hester M. Pierce (b. Bangor).
- Brown, Nellie Louise, b. 4 January, 1895; d. Edgar Brown and Evia L. Mahoney (b. Northport).
- Brown, Ruth, b. 12 March, 1887; d. Fred Waldo Brown and Hester M. Pierce (b. Bangor).
- Brown, William J., b. 12 June, 1880; s. Arno M. Brown and Adelaide C. Stevens.
- Bucklin, Ethel, b. 7 June, 1900; d. Ambrose Bucklin (b. Knox) and Minnie M. Sanborn (b. Knox).
- Bucklin, Leona Wallace, b. 21 April, 1886; d. Leon O. Bucklin and Susan Wallace (b. Moncton, N. B.).
- Burdett, Henry Morgan, b. 23 July, 1895, New York City; s. Henry Morgan Burdett (b. Stamford, Conn.) and Margaret Patterson Crosby.
- Burgess, Albert Kenney, b. 25 May, 1894; s. Albert Cargill Burgess and Mary Elizabeth Kenney (b. Boston, Mass.).
- Burgess, Edith Louise, b. 25 September, 1876; d. Reuben Harrison Burgess (b. Vinalhaven) and Lydia Ann Burgess.
- Burgess, John A., b. 9 March, 1884; s. Joseph S. Burgess (b. Searsmont) and Ida L. Dodge (b. Northport).
- Burgin, Chalis Earl, b. 29 January, 1896; s. Le Forest E. Burgin and Nellie Grant (b. Vinalhaven).
- Burgin, Rodney Le Forest, b. 20 August, 1893; s. Le Forest E. Burgin and Nellie Grant (b. Vinalhaven).
- Burkett, Josephine Simonton, b. 20 May, 1877; d. George William Burkett (b. Rockport) and Hattie Adela Simonton (b. Camden).
- Carle, Harold Pierce, b. 14 Aug., 1883; s. John Carle (b. Hamden) and Essie Lena Pierce (b. Southport).
[p. 334]
- Carrow, Florida Annie, b. 22 October, 1886; d. Henry Carrow (b. Province of Quebec) and Jennie Fulmer (b. Bangor).
- Carrow, Fred Cleveland, b. 4 March, 1893; s. Henry Carrow (b. Province of Quebec) and Jennie Fulmer (b. Bangor).
- Carter, Carroll Bartlett, b. 21 August, 1888; s. Horatio Herbert Carter and Cora E. Cottrell.
- Carter, Charlotte Harriet, b. 5 December, 1896; d. Alzo M. Carter and Kate M. Turney (b. Presque Isle).
- Carter, Harry Frederick, b. 4 August, 1894; s. Fred F. Carter (b. Surry) and Nellie Vivian Hartshorn.
- Carter, Harry Howell, b. 30 April, 1886; s. Horatio Herbert Carter and Cora E. Cottrell.
- Carter, Hermon, b. 4 January, 1900; s. Fred F. Carter (b. Surry) and Nellie Vivian Hartshorn.
- Carter, Inez, b. 10 March, 1884; d. Fred G. Carter and Genieva E. Riggs.
- Casey, Alice Mary, b. 29 June, 1890; d. William P. Casey and Nora Cullinan (b. Ireland).
- Casey, John James, b. 23 October, 1895; s. William P. Casey and Nora Cullinan (b. Ireland).
- Casey, Ralph Donald, b. 8 February, 1898; s. William P. Casey and Nora Cullinan (b. Ireland).
- Chaples, Drew Hazeltine Livingston, b. 27 July, 1884; s. Henry Joseph Chaples and Lois Viola Bailey (b. Knox).
- Chaples, Florence Downs, b. 21 January, 1889; d. Henry Joseph Chaples and Lois Viola Bailey (b. Knox).
- Chaples, Inez Georgia, b. 15 December, 1890; d. George William Chaples and Mary Calista Bailey (b. Knox).
- Chapman, Clarence C., b. 21 February, 1898; s. John F. Chapman and Annie S. Cobb (b. Montville).
- Clark, b. 3 Mar, 1894; s. Benjamin F. Clark (b. Hermon) and Maggie A. Brier.
- Clark, Arthur Leslie, b. 6 August, 1884; s. Frank Clark and Albria Etta Doe (b. Albion).
- Clark, Bessie May, b. 10 May, 1885; d. Frank Clark and Albria Etta Doe (b. Albion).
- Clark, Donald Simonton, b. 9 September, 1894; s. Henry White Clark (b. Camden) and Carrie Belle Mahoney.
- Clark, Eben Leroy, b. 1 May, 1882; s. Frank Clark and Albria Etta Doe (b. Albion).
- Clark, Gladys Camilla, b. 22 August, 1894; d. Hartson Clark and Emma F. Baker (b. Winterport).
- Clement, James Donald, b. 29 January, 1888; s. Amos Clement (b. Seal Harbor) and Mary Rice Caldwell.
- Clement, John Caldwell, b. 10 September, 1883; s. Amos Clement (b. Seal Harbor) and Mary Rice Caldwell.
- Clement, Louise Rice, b. 1 February, 1901; d. Amos Clement (b. Seal Harbor) and Mary Rice Caldwell.
[p. 335]
- Clement, Stephen Caldwell, b. 27 January, 1895; s. Amos Clement (b. Seal Harbor) and Mary Rice Caldwell.
- Clifford, Doris Anita, b. 21 August, 1898; d. Walter James Clifford and Maggie A. Murphy (b. Woodstock, N. B.).
- Clifford, Effie May, b. 11 February, 1879; d. William Henry Clifford (b. Winslow) and Annie Lucretia Spear (b. Thomaston).
- Clifford, Walter James, b. 18 October, 1875; s. William Henry Clifford (b. Winslow) and Annie Lucretia Spear (b. Thomaston).
- Cobbett, Charles Frank, b. 25 January, 1887; s. William Cobbett and Ella E. Robinson (b. Boston).
- Cobbett, Leonard B., b. 30 September, 1896; s. William Cobbett and Ella E. Robinson (b. Boston).
- Colby, Alma Flora, b. 14 September, 1882; d. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colby, Ethel Whittier, b. 3 April, 1876; d. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colby, Frank Patterson, b. 21 September, 1883; s. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colby, Harry Emmerton, b. 26 December, 1879; s. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colby, Leonora Griffin, b. 25 June, 1885; d. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colby, Martha Courtney, b. 21 July, 1881; d. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colby, Miller Edward, b. 22 November, 1879; s. Edward Haskell Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Ada Sophia Miller.
- Colby, Ola Fannie, b. 6 December, 1892; d. John Leslie Colby (b. Burnham) and Addie R. Huzzy (b. S. Freedom).
- Colby, Walter Rich, b. 1 July 1878; s. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colby, Wilber Osborne, Jr., b. 18 June, 1890; s. Wilber Osborne Colby (b. Deer Isle) and Augusta Jane Patterson.
- Colcord, Cathleen Mae, b. 28 September, 1900; d. Edwin L. Colcord (b. Swanville) and Hannah A. Berry (b. Stockton).
- Collins, Alphonzo Elbridge, b. 28 October, 1896; s. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, Charles, b. 23 May, 1884; s. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, Elmer Small, b. 12 August, 1893; s. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, Henry, b. 27 December, 1889; s. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, John S., b. 18 July, 1880; s. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
[p. 336]
- Collins, Louise Ethel, b. 16 August, 1881; d. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, Mary Amy, b. 10 June, 1879; d. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, Nellie J., b. 6 October, 1882; d. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, Ralph Southworth, b. 4 October, 1891; s. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Collins, Sarah, b. 3 November, 1886; d. Michael J. Collins (b. Ireland) and Mary M. Clark (b. Northport).
- Conant, Clarence Henry, b. 6 October, 1879; s. Bancroft Huzzy Conant and Mary Augusta Johnson (b. Winterport).
- Condon, b. 26 November, 1899; s. Eugene Condon (b. Oxbow Pln.) and Martha S. Wilcox (b. Chapman Pln.).
- Condon, Arthur Moody, b. 2 October, 1885; s. Hiram Albion Condon (b. Matinicus) and Eliza Lovina Wood (b. Northport).
- Condon, Frank Bramhall, b. 30 July, 1882; s. Hiram Albion Condon (b. Matinicus) and Eliza Lovina Wood (b. Northport).
- Condon, Harry Edgar, b. 25 January, 1880; s. Hiram Albion Condon (b. Matinicus) and Eliza Lovina Wood (b. Northport).
- Condon, Harold Leo, b. 25 June, 1891; s. Hiram Albion Condon (b. Matinicus) and Eliza Lovina Wood (b. Northport).
- Condon, Joshua Bradford, b. 14 November, 1877; s. Hiram Albion Condon (b. Matinicus) and Eliza Lovina Wood (b. Northport).
- Condon, Leona Bessie, b. 31 August, 1888; d. Hiram Albion Condon (b. Matinicus) and Eliza Lovina Wood (b. Northport).
- Cook, Alice, b. 2 February, 1898; d. John Wesley Cook (b. Brooks) and Josephine Robbins.
- Cook, Alice Elinor, b. 4 October, 1880; d. David L. Cook (b. Georgetown) and Ella Bates.
- Cook, Eugene Hanson, b. 4 March, 1878; s. Andrew J. Cook (b. Georgetown) and Eldora F. Hanson (b. Salem).
- Cook, Frederica, b. 7 January, 1884; d. Eli Cook (b. Jackson) and Harriet Bramhall.
- Cook, George Parker, b. 31 January, 1882; s. Andrew J. Cook (b. Georgetown) and Eldora F. Hanson (b. Salem).
- Coombs, Agnes Mary, b. 31 January, 1897; d. Charles William Coombs and Agnes Lorena West (b. Sunset, P. E. I.).
- Coombs, Alice M., b. 24 April, 1891; d. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Charles Gilmore, b. 30 January, 1897; s. Charles W. Coombs (b. Camden) and Harriet Gilmore (b. Belfast, Ire.).
- Coombs, Doris Vera, b. 25 November, 1898; d. Jordan W. Coombs and Julia Riggs.
- Coombs, Everett Leroy, b. 29 August, 1897; s. Charles W. Coombs (b. Camden) and Harriet Gilmore (b. Belfast, Ire.).
- Coombs, Gladys Leona, b. 9 May, 1889; d. Fields S. Coombs (b. Islesboro) and Lizzie Grant (b. Frankfort).
[p. 337]
- Coombs, George Edwin, b. 10 December, 1887; s. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Grace Louise, b. 1 July 1875; d. Jordan W. Coombs and Julia Riggs.
- Coombs, Harold Temple, b. 26 June, 1895; s. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Harriet Edna, b. 1 December, 1889; d. Charles W. Coombs (b. Camden) and Harriet Gilmore (b. Belfast, Ire.).
- Coombs, Hazel Louise, b. 26 December, 1897; d. Charles H. Coombs (b. Portland) and Mary E. McMahan (b. Georgetown).
- Coombs, Jane Dorothy, b. 23 July, 1894; d. Jordan W. Coombs and Julia Riggs.
- Coombs, Lulu B., b. 27 December, 1885; d. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Mabel L., b. 23 October, 1883; d. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Madeline Orilla, b. 4 June, 1898; d. Arthur W. Coombs (b. Chelsea, Mass.) and Mildred I. Nash (b. Montville).
- Coombs, Margery Lorena, b. 20 July, 1891; d. Charles William Coombs and Agnes Lorena West (b. Sunset, P. E. I.).
- Coombs, Marguerite D., b. 25 December, 1897; d. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Mary J., b. 1 April, 1881; d. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Ralph, b. 19 July, 1886; s. Jordan W. Coombs and Julia Riggs.
- Coombs, Robert P., b. 13 June, 1877; s. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, Royal Gilkey, b. 28 July, 1883; s. Jordan W. Coombs and Julia Riggs.
- Coombs, Ruth Mildred, b. 20 October, 1893; d. Charles W. Coombs (b. Camden) and Harriet Gilmore (b. Belfast, Ire.).
- Coombs, Wilfred Elmer, b. 15 January, 1890; s. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Coombs, William A., b. 13 March, 1879; s. Philip G. Coombs and Maria Louisa Fernald (b. Portland).
- Cottrell, Adelle, b. 24 July, 1882; d. George Porter Cottrell and Sarah Y. Bakeman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Cottrell, Annie J., b. 11 March, 1893; d. George Porter Cottrell and Sarah Y. Bakeman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Cottrell, Claribel, b. 6 September, 1894; d. George Porter Cottrell and Sarah Y. Bakeman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Cottrell, Hervey B., b. 2 February, 1884; s. George Porter Cottrell and Sarah Y. Bakeman (b. Cape Rosier).
- Cottrell, Karl, b. 5 July, 1891; s. Forest Elmer Cottrell and Henrietta M. Brown (b. Appleton).
- Cottrell, Malcolm Leroy, b. 16 January, 1896; s. Robert Emery Cottrell and Almatia R. Herrick (b. Northport).
[p. 338]
- Cottrell, Norman Linwood, b. 18 March, 1893; s. Robert Emery Cottrell and Almatia R. Herrick (b. Northport).
- Cottrell, Reginald Ray, b. 4 August, 1894; s. Robert Emery Cottrell and Almatia R. Herrick (b. Northport).
- Cox, Irving Gilmore, b. 15 May, 1887; s. Fred G. Cox (b. Searsmont) and Alida M. Sargent (b. Searsport).
- Craig, Mabel Atherton, b. 8 November, 1894; s. Charles M. Craig and Annie Atherton Starrett (b. Singapore, India).
- Craig, Margaret Murray, b. 11 July, 1897; d. Charles M. Craig and Annie Atherton Starrett (b. Singapore, India).
- Crandlemire, Carl B., b. 23 August, 1894; s. William C. Crandlemire (b. Lee) and Lizzie B. Doe (b. Albion).
- Crandlemire, Donald C., b. 7 April, 1897; s. William C. Crandlemire (b. Lee) and Lizzie B. Doe (b. Albion).
- Crandlemire, Glenn Cecil, b. 9 June, 1898; s. William C. Crandlemire (b. Lee) and Lizzie B. Doe (b. Albion).
- Critchett, Ralph Oliver, b. 25 August, 1880; s. Frank Oliver Critchett (b. Stoneham, Mass.) and Abbie Ella Doe (b. China, Me.).
- Crockett, Charles William, b. 20 July, 1878, William Crockett and Eliza Fanny Foss.
- Crosby, b. 20 May, 1884, s. John M. Crosby (b. Minneapolis, Minn.) and Lottie A. Jordan (b. Ellsworth).
- Crosby, William E., b. 26 September, 1892; s. John M. Crosby (b. Minneapolis, Minn.) and Lottie A. Jordan (b. Ellsworth).
- Crosby, Zula, b. 30 June, 1885; d. John M. Crosby (b. Minneapolis, Minn.) and Lottie A. Jordan (b. Ellsworth).
- Cross, Charlotte Ellen, b. 5 December, 1881; d. Ralph Eben Cross and Emma Reynolds (b. Waldo).
- Crowley, Eva Sargent, b. 15 February, 1883; d. Frank Elden Crowley (b. S. Lewiston) and Carry Stacey Sargent.
- Crowley, Gertrude Louise, b. 23 August, 1886; d. Frank Elden Crowley (b. S. Lewiston) and Carry Stacey Sargent.
- Cunningham, Ada, b. 31 October, 1886; d. Henry Bright Cunningham (b. Searsport) and Vanie Harriman Crocker (b. Stockton).
- Cunningham, Elizabeth Annie, b. 23 August, 1878; d. Cornelius C. Cunningham (b. Searsport) and Margaret Roberts.
- Cunningham, Henry Bright, Jr., b. 13 August, 1891; s. Henry Bright Cunningham (b. Searsport) and Vanie Harriman Crocker (b. Stockton).
- Cunningham, Jessie Evelyn, b. 21 February, 1875; d. Edgar Martin Cunningham and Parthenia Hinds Townsend.
- Cunningham, Louise M., b. 12 June, 1894; d. Frank Cunningham (b. Liberty) and Hattie E. Crockett (b. Rockland).
- Cunningham—triplets, Ralph H., Rena E., Roy E., b. 29 September, 1889; children of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cunningham. (All living and vigorous. A cut and sketch of them appeared in the Boston "Globe" of July 2, 1891.)
[p. 339]
- Cunningham, Roscoe Wm., b. 26 June, 1885; s. Harvey S. Cunningham and Carrie A. Shuman (b. Waldoboro).
- Cunningham, Walter Ernest, b. 27 July, 1886; s. James Heagan Cunningham and Mary Elizabeth Swett.
- Curtis, Cassie May, b. 2 July, 1880; d. Edwin Doane Curtis and Mary Lovina Pattershall.
- Curtis, Edna Verena, b. 25 March, 1900; d. Maurice E. Curtis (b. Stockton) and Goldie I. Ward (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.).
- Curtis, Edwin Albion, b. 2 December, 1886; s. Edwin Doane Curtis and Mary Lovina Pattershall.
- Curtis, Harold Alonzo, b. 3 July, 1898; s. Edwin Doane Curtis and Mary Lovina Pattershall.
- Curtis, Maude Inez, b. 10 August, 1890; d. Robert P. Curtis (b. Monroe) and Verena Estella Treat (b. Stockton).
- Curtis, Ruth Evelyn, b. 24 October, 1897; d. Maurice E. Curtis (b. Stockton) and Goldie I. Ward (b. Brooklyn, N. Y.).
- Curtis, Theodore Wood, b. 5 February, 1900; s. James T. Curtis (b. Stockton Springs) and Maude E. Wood.
- Darby, Bert E., b. 15 July, 1879; s. Joseph H. Darby (b. Brooksville) and Martha A. Pattershall.
- Darby, Carl Foster, b. 14 September, 1894; s. Walter S. Darby and Annie A. Foster (b. Montville).
- Darby, George H., b. 20 September, 1876; s. Joseph H. Darby (b. Brooksville) and Martha A. Pattershall.
- Darby, Mildred I., b. 21 January, 1884; d. Joseph H. Darby (b. Brooksville) and Martha A. Pattershall.
- Darby, Ralph F., b. 29 June, 1882; s. Joseph H. Darby (b. Brooksville) and Martha A. Pattershall.
- Davidson, Edith May, b. 6 November, 1883; d. John Shepard Davidson and Mary Frances Smith.
- Davis, Beatrice, b. 29 October, 1900; d. Charles A. Davis (b. Winterport) and Mary L. Snow (b. Winterport).
- Davis, Ethel Enna, b. 3 March, 1887; d. George Henry Davis and Nellie Emma Stintson (b. Prospect).
- Davis, Harry Estes, b. 25 January, 1880; s. Edwin William Davis (b. Waldo) and Georgia Emma Nash (b. Montville).
- Davis, Herbert Llewellyn, b. 10 August, 1883; s. Francis Davis and Ann Adelia Tripp (b. Swanville).
- Decrow, Alice B., b. 27 December, 1880; d. William B. Decrow (b. Freedom) and Lucy Osgood (b. Newburg).
- Decrow, Charles Ralph, b. 15 April, 1889; s. William B. Decrow (b. Freedom) and Lucy Osgood (b. Newburg).
- Decrow, Elmer B., b. 15 December, 1878; s. William B. Decrow (b. Freedom) and Lucy Osgood (b. Newburg).
- Decrow, Lena Gladys, b. 12 March, 1900; d. Joseph Decrow (b. Freedom) and Kate Brackett (b. Knox).
[p. 340]
- Dennett, A. Louise, b. 27 February, 1900; s. [sic] Jacob K. Dennett and Annie T. Riggs.
- De Sibour, Gabriel Osmund Jacques, b. Cannes, France, 8 April, 1896; s. Count Jean Théodule Francisque Louis de Sibour (b. Charleston, S. C.) and Kathryn Louis Bailey (b. Philadelphia, Pa.).
- De Sibour, Henri Louis Jacques, b. Washington, D. C., 26 December, 1899; s. Jules Gabriel Henri de Sibour (b. Paris, France) and Margaret Marie Clagett (b. Washington, D. C.).
- De Sibour, Louis Blaise, b. Paris, France, 26 December, 1891; s. Count Jean Théodule Francisque Louis de Sibour (b. Charleston, S. C.) and Kathryn Louis Bailey (b. Philadelphia, Pa.).
- Dickey, Alice Gertrude, b. 3 December, 1877; d. Almerin Dickey (b. Stockton) and Eva Studley (b. Rockland).
- Dickey, Carl, b. 24 November, 1899; s. Melvin O. Dickey (b. Monroe) and Grace E. Waterman (b. Northport).
- Dickey, Clarence, b. 24 October, 1885; s. Almerin Dickey (b. Stockton) and Eva Studley (b. Rockland).
- Dickey, Guy, 24 January, 1880; s. Almerin Dickey (b. Stockton) and Eva Studley (b. Rockland).
- Dickey, Herbert Rolerson, b. 8 February, 1891; s. Cassius R. Dickey (b. Prospect) and Georgie M. Rolerson (b. Waldo).
- Dickey, William Harold, b. 6 March, 1890; s. Almerin Dickey (b. Stockton) and Eva Studley (b. Rockland).
- Dilworth, Helen Evangeline, b. 17 May, 1883; d. Martin C. Dilworth (b. Cork, Ireland) and Margaret L. Higgins (b. Addison).
- Dinsmore, Susan Ethel, b. 20 March, 1876; d. Bounds Crossman Dinsmore (b. China, Me.) and Sarah Dean Whitten (b. Montville).
- Dodge, Leslie, b. 14 January, 1900; s. John A. Dodge (b. Burnham) and Martha A. Robbins.
- Doe, b. 2 March, 1897; d. Willey A. Doe (b. Albion) and Daisy L. Heal (b. Lincolnville).
- Dolloff, Mark, b. 21 November, 1890; s. John Dolloff (b. Monroe) and Carolyne Cunningham (b. Searsport).
- Drinkwater, Percy Marriner, b. 29 April, 1880; s. Alonzo J. Drinkwater (b. Northport) and Abbie Edna Marriner (b. Searsmont).
- Dunbar, George, b. 7 June, 1885; s. Wellington Dunbar and Albina M. Robbins (b. Northport).
- Dunbar, Joseph, b. 21 October, 1881; s. Wellington Dunbar and Albina M. Robbins (b. Northport).
- Dunbar, Lenora F., b. 21 December, 1880; d. Wellington Dunbar and Albina M. Robbins (b. Northport).
- Dunbar, Mervin H., b. 1 March, 1892; s. Frank H. Dunbar and Mabel Robbins.
- Dunbar, Ora, b. 23 October, 1887; d. Wellington Dunbar and Albina M. Robbins (b. Northport).
- Dunbar, Wellington Llewellyn, b. 26 October, 1893; s. Wellington Dunbar and Albina M. Robbins (b. Northport).
[p. 341]
- Dunton, Edith Farrar, b. 22 March, 1882; d. Robert Franklin Dunton (b. Searsmont) and Elizabeth Mabel Farrar (b. Searsmont).
- Dunton, Florence Elizabeth, b. 20 October, 1883; d. Robert Franklin Dunton (b. Searsmont) and Elizabeth Mabel Farrar (b. Searsmont).
- Dunton, Frank Elmer, b. 15 July, 1893; s. Charles E. Dunton (b. Lincolnville) and Hattie E. Mayo.
- Dunton, George Mayo, b. 24 August, 1883; s. Charles E. Dunton (b. Lincolnville) and Hattie E. Mayo.
- Dunton, Grover Cleveland, b. 5 January, 1887; s. Charles E. Dunton (b. Lincolnville) and Hattie E. Mayo.
- Dunton, Helen Mabel, b. 31 March, 1879; d. Robert Franklin Dunton (b. Searsmont) and Elizabeth Mabel Farrar (b. Searsmont).
- Dunton, Robert Franklin, Jr., b. 4 September, 1897; s. Robert Franklin Dunton (b. Searsmont) and Elizabeth Mabel Farrar (b. Searsmont).
- Dunton, William Farrar, b. 6 October, 1886; s. Robert Franklin Dunton (b. Searsmont) and Elizabeth Mabel Farrar (b. Searsmont).
- Dutch, Alfred Jones, b. 11 December, 1898; s. Altana E. Dutch and Georgia A. Young (b. Belmont).
- Dutch, Altana Edward, b. 8 August, 1876; s. Alonzo Dutch and Amelia A. Bird (b. Northport).
- Dutch, Percy Harold, b. 28 June, 1899; s. Altana E. Dutch and Georgia A. Young (b. Belmont).
- Dutch, Walter, b. 6 August, 1880; s. Alonzo Dutch and Amelia A. Bird (b. Northport).
- Edgecombe, Elizabeth Reagh, b. 27 May, 1894; d. Herbert W. Edgecombe (b. Belmont) and Rebecca N. Baker (b. Nova Scotia).
- Edgecombe, Sylvanus Tinkham, b. 16 November, 1890; s. Herbert W. Edgecombe (b. Belmont) and Rebecca N. Baker (b. Nova Scotia).
- Edgett, Sherman, b. 9 June 1900; s. Gilbert Elsford Edgett (b. Dover, N. B.) and Mary Coates (b. Chelsea, Eng.).
- Ellingwood, Arthur Childs, Jr., b. 28 July, 1899; s. Arthur Childs Ellingwood (b. Swanville) and Sarah A. Haney.
- Ellingwood, Edith Maud, b. 13 October, 1877; d. Arthur Childs Ellingwood (b.
- Swanville) and Faustina R. Clements (b. Brooks).
- Ellingwood, Frank S., b. 30 September, 1878; s. Arthur Childs Ellingwood (b. Swanville) and Faustina R. Clements (b. Brooks).
- Ellis, Alfreda, b. 12 May, 1892; d. Alfred Ginn Ellis (b. Brooks) and Annie M. Wilson.
- Ellis, Ambrose Luther, b. 4 February, 1893; s. Wallace M. Ellis and Eliza M. Tripp (b. Swanville).
- Ellis, Bessie Harlena, b. 6 July, 1886; d. Harland B. Ellis (b. Northport) and Lottie B. Pitcher.
- Ellis, Donald A., b. 20 January, 1896; s. Andrew Llewellyn Ellis (b. Swanville) and Hannah Maine Gillum.
- Ellis, Flora Ella, b. 21 April, 1888; d. Wallace M. Ellis and Eliza M. Tripp (b. Swanville).
[p. 342]
- Ellis, Helen Edna, b. 28 June, 1900; d. Eugene R. Ellis (b. Swanville) and Isa E. Hall.
- Ellis, Hiram W., b. 3 July, 1895; s. Wallace M. Ellis and Eliza M. Tripp (b. Swanville).
- Ellis, Lena Peirce, b. 14 February, 1878; d. Alfred Ginn Ellis (b. Brooks) and Annie M. Wilson.
- Ellis, Lena Stella, b. 5 March, 1885; d. Wallace M. Ellis and Eliza M. Tripp (b. Swanville).
- Ellis, Maud Evelyn, b. 10 December, 1876; d. Alfred Ginn Ellis (b. Brooks) and Annie M. Wilson.
- Ellis, Maynard G., b. 31 July, 1899; s. Andrew Llewellyn Ellis (b. Swanville) and Hannah Maine Gillum.
- Ellis, Myrtle Randall, b. July, 1890; d. Harland B. Ellis (b. Northport) and Lottie B. Pitcher.
- Ellis, Otis Woods, b. 2 January, 1890; s. Alfred Ginn Ellis (b. Brooks) and Annie M. Wilson.
- Ellis, Von Ethel, b. 22 February, 1891; d. Andrew Llewellyn Ellis (b. Swanville) and Hannah Maine Gillum.
- Ellis, Wilson, b. 17 June, 1881; s. Alfred Ginn Ellis (b. Brooks) and Annie M. Wilson.
- Elms, Annie Belle, b. 14 September, 1890; d. James Henry Elms (b. Belmont) and Ada Augusta Jewett (b. Searsmont).
- Elms, Carrie Ada, b. 19 November, 1886; d. James Henry Elms (b. Belmont) and Ada Augusta Jewett (b. Searsmont).
- Elms, Leslie Henry, b. 4 September, 1883; s. James Henry Elms (b. Belmont) and Ada Augusta Jewett (b. Searsmont).
- Elms, Oscar Leroy, b. 9 April, 1893; s. James Henry Elms (b. Belmont) and Ada Augusta Jewett (b. Searsmont).
- Elms, True H., b. 12 January, 1894; s. James Henry Elms (b. Belmont) and Ada Augusta Jewett (b. Searsmont).
- Elwell, Charles Everett, b. 7 August, 1891; s. Frank Elwell (b. Northport) and Caroline Pote (b. Northport).
- Elwell, Harry Leroy, b. 24 September, 1889; s. Frank Elwell (b. Northport) and Caroline Pote (b. Northport).
- Elwell, Herbert Henry, b. 4 July, 1888; s. Frank Elwell (b. Northport) and Caroline Pote (b. Northport).
- Emmons, Harry A., Jr., b. 8 August, 1900; s. Harry A. Emmons and Maud A. Brown (b. Northport).
- Emmons, Paul Sidney, b. 24 December, 1899; s. Richard O. Emmons and Anna E. Cook.
- Emmons, Ralph L., b. 9 June, 1882; s. Corydon J. Emmons (b. Prospect) and Adelia Wentwith (b. Searsmont).
- Emmons, Reginald, b. 14 April, 1895; s. John A. Emmons (b. Montville) and Carrie E. Baker (b. Winterport).
- Engstrom, Manila Erma, b. 9 October, 1898; d. John Engstrom (b. Islesboro) and Annie M. Estes (b. Swanville).
- Evans, Gertrude May, b. 16 May, 1887; d. Andrew Bean Evans (b. Palermo) and Melissa Jane McIntosh (b. Northport).