Source: Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vols. 1-4 (Portland, Me.: S.M. Watson, 1884-7).
Thanks to Barbara Hanscom Stuart for her help with this transcription.
[1:51]RECORDS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN SCARBOROUGHOn June 26th, 1728, a church was gathered in the town of Scarborough, and Mr. William Tompson ordained Pastor.
The Form of their gathering into an Ecclesiastical Body, or entering into Church Relation is as follows:
We whose named are hereunto subscribed sensibly acknowledging our own Unworthiness to be in and Inability to keep covenant with GOD as we ought, yet apprehending ourselves called by him to put ourselves into a Relation of Church Communion, and to seek the Enjoyment and Settlement of Christ's Ordinances according to Gospel Rule among us, (renouncing all Confidence in the Flesh and relying upon free Grace alone for Aid and Assistance), would thus freely, humbly and thankfully lay hold on his Covenant and become the People of ye Lord our God. We declare our serious Belief of the Christian Religion, as contained in the Sacred Scriptures, and with such a View thereof as the Confession of Faith in our Churches has exhibited, heartily resolving to conform our Lives unto the Rules of that Holy Religion so long as we live in the World.
We give up ourselves unto the Lord JEHOVAH, who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and avouch Him this day to be our GOD, our Father, our Savior and our Leader, and receive Him as our Portion forever. We give up ourselves to the blessed JESUS, and adhere to Him as the Head of his People in the[1:52]Covenant of Grace, and rely on Him as our Priest and our Prophet and our King, to bring us to Eternal Blessedness.
We desire and intend, and (with Dependence on his promises and powerful Grace) we engage to walk together as a CHURCH of the Lord JESUS CHRIST in the Faith and order of the Gospel so far as GOD hath revealed or shall reveal the same unto us, and do accordingly solemnly give up ourselves to one another as fellow members of One Body for mutual Edification, and promise to submit ourselves to the Administration appointed by Him who is the Head and Lawgiver of his Church, conscientiously attending the Publick Worship of GOD, the Sacraments of the New Testament, the Discipline of his Kingdom, and all his holy Institutions in Communion with one another; accepting and embracing Counsels and Reproffs with all Humbleness and Thankfulness, and watchfully avoiding Sinful Stumbling Blocks and Contentions, and needless Uneasinesses, as becomes a Society which the Lord has bound up togeather in a Bundle of Life. We do also present our Offspring with us unto the Lord, purposing by his help to do our part in the Methods of a Religious Education that they may be the Lord's.
Finaly We declare for free Communion with other Churches of our Lord Jesus Christ, by mutual care, Counsel, Admonition, Receiving the Sacraments, and in all other Methods whereby the Communion of Churches is upheld, as Occasion may require. Now the good Lord be merciful to us, and as He hath put into our Hearts thus to devote ourselves to Him, let Him pity and pardon our Frailties and many Errors, humble us out of all vain Confidence, and keep forever in the Imagination of the Thoughts of our Hearts to be Headful in his Covenant, and faithful to Him and[1:53]one another, to his Praise and our Eternal Comfort. To Him be Glory forever and ever, Amen.
John Pugsly,
Andrew Brown,
Thomas Starbird,
Arthur Bragdon,
John Harmon,
Henry Boothby,
William Duly,
David Sawyer,William Thompson,
Roger Dearing,
Nathaniel Winslow,
Daniel Fogg,
James Smith,
John Darling,
Paul Thompson,
David Ring.
A true Copy pr Wm Tompson, The Original being in a loose Paper.
These are they that have been added, or admitted into full Communion with the Church of Scarborough since their first establishment.
Aug. 11th, 1728. Job Burnham, Clement Meserve, Samuel Small, John Bragg, and Mary, wife of John Bragg, Aaron Jewett.
Aug. 18th, [1728.] Martha, wife of David Ring
Sept. 8th, [1728.] Thomas Westbrook, Esqr, Henry Libbee, Elizabeth, wife of John Pugsly.
Sept. 22d, [1728.] Daniel Moody and Mary, his wife.
Mar. 16th, 1729. Samuel Chapman, dismissed from Ipswich, Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Winslow, dismissed from Manchester.
May 10th, 1730. Joseph Fabyan.
Aug. 16th, [1730.] Grace, wife of Nathaniel Bolter.
Sept. 12th, 1731. Nathan Knight.
Sept. 17th, 1732. Samuel Milliken, Nathaniel Milliken, dismissed from a Church from Boston.
Sept. 24th, [1732.] Grace, wife of John Reynolds.
Jan. 21st, 1733 Elizabeth Mitchel, Widow.
Feb. 25th, [1733.] Jonathan Andrews, Sarah, wife of Jonathan Andrews, dismissed from the 2nd Church in Ipswich, Mary Moody, Mehetabel Bragdon.[1:54]May 27th, [1733.] Anna, wife of Deacon Samuel Small.
July 29th, [1733.] Mary, wife of John Lebby, son of Capt. Lebby.
Nov. 18th, [1733.] Mary, wife of John Crocket.
Dec. 30th, [1733.] Margaret, wife of Thomas Starbird.
Feb. 24th, [1733/4.] Sarah, wife of Samuel Hinkley, dismissed from Wells.
June 2d, [1734.] Grace, wife of Charles Pine.
Sept. 21st, 1735. Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer Sevey.
Oct. 26th, [1735.] The Widow Elizabeth Larrabee.
June 6th, 1736. Mary, wife of John Stewart.
Aug. 1st, [1736.] Elizabeth, wife of Charles Allen.
Aug. 15th, [1736.] Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Wright.
[Aug. 15th, 1736.] Margaret, wife of John Mackenny.
Aug. 29th, [1736.] Deborah, wife of Christopher Mitchel.
Oct. 3d, [1736.] Anna, wife of Joseph Young, dismissed from Truro.
Oct. 31st, [1736.] Edward Milliken.
Apr. 10th, 1737. Martha, wife of Jonathan Lebby.
Apr. 22d, 1739. Esther, wife of Andrew Lebby.
June 15th, 1740. Mary Magoun.
Oct. 12th, [1740.] Samuel Fogg, Hannah Fogg, Margaret Andrews.
July 12th, 1741. John Lebby, son of Henry, and Anna, wife of sd John.
Aug. 2d, [1741.] Solomon Stone, and Alice, his wife.
Sept. 20th, [1741.] Edward Skillin, and Sarah, his wife.
Oct. 25th, [1741.] *Mary, wife of William Dearing.
Nov. 8th, [1741.] Solomon Bragdon, Mary Pine.
[Nov. 8th, 1741.] Sarah Carter, Mary Munson.
Jan. 3d, 1742. John Meserve and Jemima, his wife.
[Jan. 3d, 1742.] Robert Munson, Mary, wife of Joseph Waterhouse.*Murdered by her husband, Feb 15th, 1749. She was a daughter of Grace Pine, admitted June, 1734[1:112]July 7, 1728. Mindwell, daughter of Robert and Abigail Munson.
Aug. 4, [1728.] Thomas, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Sevey.
Aug. 4, [1728.] Susanna, daughter of John and Hannah Laton.
Aug. 25, [1728.] Sarah, daughter of Nathl and Priscilla Knight.[1:113]Aug. 25, [1728.] Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Crockett.
Sept. 1, [1728.] Elizabeth, daughter of Samson and Eliz. Plummer.
Sept. 1, [1728.] Daniel, son of Daniel and Rebecca Burnham.
Sept. 8, [1728.] Elizabeth, wife of John Pugsly.
Sept. 22, [1728.] Samuel, Anna, John, Joshua, Elizabeth, Children of Samuel and Anna Small.
Sept. 22, [1728.] Mary, daughter of John and Mary Fogg.
Dec. 22, [1728.] Thomas, son of Gershom and Elizabeth Baston.
Mar. 2, 1729. Abigail, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Starbird.
May 29, [1729.] Joseph, son of Edward and Abigail Milliken.
Aug. 17, [1729.] Lydia, daughter of Elisha and Lydia Kinney.
Aug. 24, [1729.] Mary, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Sevey.
Aug. 31, [1729.] Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Anna Small.
Sept. 7, [1729.] Anna, daughter of David and Anna Young.
Sept. 7, [1729.] Alice, daughter of Samuel and Patience Haynes.
Sept. 7, [1729.] Sarah, daughter of Elisha and Mary Berry.
Nov. 23, [1729.] Sarah, daughter of John and Hannah Laton.
Feb. 8, 1730. Mehetable, daughter of Martyn and Mary Jose.
Apr. 19, [1730.] Benjamin, son of Robert and Mary Avery.
May 3, [1730.] Esther, daughter of Daniel and Anne Fogg.
May 3, [1730.] Mathew, son of John and Sarah Lebby.
May 10, [1730.] Abigail, daughter of Aaron and Abigail Jewett.
May 24, [1730.] Elizabeth, daughter of David and Martha Ring.
May 24, [1730.] John, son of John and Mary Fogg.
May 31, [1730.] Abigail, daughter of William and Elizabeth Libby.
June 7, [1730.] William, son of William and Anna Tompson.
June 7, [1730.] William, son of Ebenezer and Eliz. Sevey.
June 14, [1730.] William, son of Robert and Margaret Mackinney.
June 21, [1730.] Thomas, son of Jonathan and Susanna Berry.
June 21, [1730.] Thomas, son of Danl and Rebecca Burnham.
July 15, [1730.] George, son of Samuel and Mary Harmon.
July 19, [1730.] John, son of Nathaniel and Priscilla Knight.
July 26, [1730.] William, son of Nathaniel and Martha Davis.
Aug. 9, [1730.] Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Patience Hodgdon.
Aug. 9, [1730.] Clement, son of James and Elizabeth Lebby.
Aug. 9, [1730.] Eleanor, daughter of William and Mary Berry.[1:114]These two that follow are to be excepted out of ye Title above, being baptized at Biddeford before yre was a Church there.
Aug. 13, [1730.] vizt Thomas, son of Mark and Hannah Shepard, Rachel, daughter of Robert and _____ Edgecomb.
Aug. 16, [1730.] Nathl Harmon and wife Hannah, John Meserve.
Aug. 16, [1730.] Mercy, wife of Moses Burnham, Sarah Harmon.
Aug. 16, [1730.] James, son of Walter and Sarah Foss.
Oct. 18, [1730.] Isaac, son of Joseph and Anna Young.
Oct. 25, [1730.] Mary, daughter of Moses and Mercy Burnham.
Dec. 13, [1730.] Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Lydia Berry.
Dec. 20, [1730.] Nathan Knight, son of Thomas and Margaret Starbird.
Feb. 14, 1731, Nathaniel, son of Nathl and Hannah Harmon.
Feb. 28, [1731.] John, Nathan, Mary, childn of John and Martha Elder.
Mar. 21, [1731.] Elizabeth, daughter of Clement and Sarah Meserve.
Mar. 21, [1731.] Phebe, Benjamin, childn of John and Martha Lebby.
May 9, [1731.] Elisha, son of Elisha and Mary Berry.
May 30, [1731.] Anne, daughter of Joseph and Patience Hodgdon.
June 6, [1731.] James Springer, John, son of James and Joanna Springer.
June 6, [1731.] Abigail, daughter of Edwd and Abigail Milliken.
July 18, [1731.] Margaret, daughter of Samuel and Patience Haynes.
Aug. 15, [1731.] Eleanor, daughter of David and Esther Libbee.
Aug. 15, [1731.] Joanna, daughter of Martyn and Mercy Jose.
Sept. 5, [1731.] Mark, son of John and Sarah Lebby.
Oct. 17, [1731.] Asa, son of Samuel and Abigail Lebby.
Oct. 24, [1731.] John Reynolds, Sarah, Charles, Grace, the childn of John and Grace Reynolds.
Oct. 31, [1731.] Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Grace Bolter.
Mar. 19, 1732. Timothy, son of Seth and Mary Fogg.
March 26, [1732.] Robert, son of Robert and Abigail Munson.
March 26, [1732.] Mary, daughter of John and Grace Reynolds.
April 16, [1732.] Anna, daughter of James and Eliz. Libby.
April 16, [1732.] Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Fogg.
April 30, [1732.] James, son of Sampson and Elizabeth Plummer.
May 21, [1732.] Olive, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Sevey.
May 28, [1732.] Joseph, son of William and Eliz. Libby.
May 28, [1732.] John, son of Joseph and Lydia Berry.[1:115]July 9, [1732.] Benjamin, son of Samuel and Anna Small.
Sept. 24, [1732.] Danforth, son of Thomas and Jane Champney.
Oct. 1, [1732.] Eleanor, wife of Mr. John Lebby, Senr Mary, wife of John Lebby, son of Henry. Henry, Hannah, childn of ye said John and Mary Libbee.
Oct. 1, [1732.] Robert, son of Nathl and Martha Davis.
Oct. 29, [1732.] Eleanor, daughter of John and Mary Libby (said John being John Libby's son).
Nov. 5, [1732.] Peletiah, son of Walter and Sarah Foss.
Dec. 3, [1732.] Mary, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Sevey.
Dec. 24, [1732.] Zebulun Trickey, John Larrabee, Andrew Libby, John, Solomon, Deborah, childn of John and Mary Larrabee.
Jan. 7, 1733. William Libby, Noah, Hezekiah, Mary, Susanna, Childn of Wm and Sarah Libby.
Feb. 18, [1733.] Andrew, son of Andrew and Esther Libby.
Feb. 25, [1733.] Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Patience Haines.
April 15, [1733.] Eleanor, Rebecca, childn of Zebulun and Eleanor Trickey.
May 6, [1733.] Solomon, son of Jonathan and Susanna Berry.
May 6, [1733.] Mary, daughter of Robt. and Margaret Mackinney.
May 13, [1733.] Rhoda, daughter of Daniel and Anne Fogg.
May 13, [1733.] Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sarah Lebby.
May 27, [1733.] John, son of Mathew Lebby.
June 3, [1733.] Lucy, daughter of Edward and Sarah Avery.
June 10, [1733.] Ezekiel, son of Thomas and Abigail Larrabee.
June 17, [1733.] Mary, daughter of James and Joanna Springer.
June 17, [1733.] Jonathan, son of Nathl and Sarah Milliken.
July 1, [1733.] Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Mary Lebby.
July 1, [1733.] William, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Harmon.
July 1, [1733.] Moses, son of Moses and Mary Burnham.
July 15, [1733.] Olive, daughter of Elisha and Mary Berry.
July 29, [1733.] Ebenezer, son of Thomas and Margaret Starbird.
Aug. 5, [1733.] Margaret, wife of John Mackinney.
Aug. 5, [1733.] Mary, daughter of Zebulon and Eleanor Trickey.
Aug. 5, [1733.] Rebecca, daughter of sd John and Margaret Mackinney.
Aug. 5, [1733.] Jeremiah, son of Sampson and Elizabeth Plummer.
Aug. 5, [1733.] Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Sarah Skillin.[1:116]Aug. 26, [1733.] William, son of Martyn and Mercy Jose.
Sept. 16, [1733.] Amy, daughter of Samuel and Abigail Lebby.
Sept. 16, [1733.] Allason, son of John and Sarah Lebby.
Oct. 14, [1733.] Dorothy, daughter of John and Jemima Meservey.
Oct. 25, [1733.] John, son of Samuel and Sarah Hinkley.
Nov. 11, [1733.] Eleanor, daughter of Thomas and Mary Magoun.
Nov. 11, [1733.] Clement, son of Clement and Sarah Meservey.
Nov. 18, [1733.] Jonathan, son of John and Mary Crocket.
Nov. 25, [1733.] Hannah, daughter of David and Martha Ring.
Nov. 25, [1733.] Susanna, daughter of Richard and Hannah Honywell.
Dec. 23, [1733.] Meran, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Gilmore.
Jan. 17, 1734. Benoni Tripp, Lois Smith.
March 10, [1734.] William Daniel, Edward, son of Edward and Abigail Milliken.
March 17, [1734.] Thomas, son of David and Esther Lebby.
March 17, [1734.] Lucy, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Plummer.
March 31, [1734.] Joshua, son of Andrew and Esther Lebby.
April 25, [1734.] Jemima, daughter of Samuel and Martha Milliken.
May 5, [1734.] John, son of Thomas and Hannah Sevey.
May 12, [1734.] Jane, daughter of Joseph and Jane Poak.
June 23, [1734.] Hannah, daughter of John and Mary Fogg.
June 23, [1734.] Lydia, daughter of Seth and Mary Fogg.
July 7, [1734.] Nathaniel, son of Joseph and Lydia Berry.
July 21, [1734.] Benjamin Haskins, John, son of Nathl and Grace Boultor.
July 28, [1734.] Nathan, son of Jonathan and Sarah Andrews.
Aug. 18, [1734.] Mary, wife of John Driscow.
Aug. 18, [1734.] Judith, Joanna, childn of sd John and Mary Driscow.
Aug. 18, [1734.] John, son of John and Margaret Mackinney.
Sept. 1, [1734.] Joseph Driscow, Arthur, son of James and Elizabeth Lebby.
Sept. 8, [1734.] Hannah, daughter of John and Grace Reynolds.
Oct. 13, [1734.] Anna, daughter of John and Kezia Lebby.
Oct. 27, [1734.] William, son of Israel and Mary Mitchell.
Nov. 17, [1734.] Hannah, daughter of John and Mary Crocket.
Dec. 5, [1734.] Nathanael, son of Ebenezer and Eliz. Sevey.
Dec. 5, [1734.] Jonathan, son of Joseph and Abigail Keen.
Jan. 12, 1735. Westbrook, son of Elisha and Mary Berry.
Feb. 23, [1735.] Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Milliken.[1:117]March 2, [1735.] Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Magoun.
March 9, [1735.] Anne, daughter of Samuel and Patience Haines.
March 16, [1735.] Jonathan, son of John and Mary Lebby, grandson of Capt. Lebby.
April 6, [1735.] Mary, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna Berry.
April 13, [1735.] Josiah, son of Edward and Sarah Skillin.
April 20, [1735.] Richard, son of Martin and Mercy Jose.
May 4, [1735.] Solomon, son of Edward and Sarah Avery.
June 8, [1735.] Eleanor, daughter of Danforth and Elizabeth Phipps. Sd Elizabeth was daughter of Joseph Skillin, of Kittery.
June 8, [1735.] Lucy, daughter of John and Mary Lebby, sd John being Henry Lebby's son.
June 22, [1735.] Mary, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Gilmore.
June 22, [1735.] Eleanor, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Starbird.
June 22, [1735.] Joseph, son of Walter and Sarah Foss.
Aug. 24, [1735.] Ebenezer, son of Richard and Sarah Carter.
Aug. 31, [1735.] Elizabeth, wife of Charles Allen. Daniel, their son.
Sept. 7, [1735.] Rebecca, Samuel, childn of Daniel and Rebecca Burnham.
Sept. 21, [1735.] Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Raynes.
Sept. 28, [1735.] James Lebby, jun., John, Jethro, Roger, Leah, Abigail, childn of sd James and Mary Lebby.
Sept. 28, [1735.] Nathaniel, son of John and Sarah Lebby.
Sept. 28, [1735.] Abigail, daughter of William and Elizabeth Loud, as belonging to Daniel Hasty and his wife, who are to bring her up.
Oct. 5, [1735.] John, George, childn of John and Frances Babb.
Oct. 12, [1735.] John, son of Joseph and Jane Poak.
Nov. 2, [1735.] James, son of James and Joanna Springer.
Nov. 23, [1735.] Mehetable, daughter of William and Sarah Lebby.
Jan. 18, 1736 Daniel, son of Daniel and Anne Fogg.
March 7, [1736.] Hannah, daughter of Clement and Sarah Meservey.
March 7, [1736.] Abigail, daughter of John and Jemima Meservy.
March 14, [1736.] Peter, son of John and Kezia Lebby.
April 1, [1736.] Jane, daughter of Robert and Margaret Mackinney, Fast day.
April 11, [1736.] Hannah, daughter of Richard and Hannah Honywell.
May 5, [1736.] Anne, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Sevey. Fast at Dunstan.
May 9, [1736.] Moses Driscow, Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and Esther Lebby.
May 15, [1736.] Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Harmon.[1:118]June 6, [1736.] James, son of Seth and Mary Fogg.
June 11, [1736.] George Larrabee, on account of Mr. Knight, who has engaged, if it lives, to give it a Christian education.
June 13, [1736.] Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Anna Young.
June 27, [1736.] John Harmon, William Harmon, James Harmon, Catharine, wife of Saml Harmon, jun., Esther, George, childn of sd Saml and Catharine Harmon.
July 4, [1736.] Samuel, Wright, childn of Charles and Elizabeth Allen.
July 11, [1736.] Samuel, son of Samuel and Martha Milliken.
July 11, [1736.] Samuel Davis, son of John and Elizabeth Briant.
July 18, [1736.] Thomas Ficket, James, son of Samuel and Anna Small.
July 18, [1736.] Mary, daughter of Jonathan and Martha Lebby.
July 18, [1736.] Edward, son of John (Henry's son) and Mary Lebby.
July 18, [1736.] Mehetable, daughter of Thos and Mary Ficket.
July 18, [1736.] Ruth, daughter of Joseph and Mary Waterhouse.
July 19, [1736.] Elizabeth, Dorcas, Mary, Ruth, childn of John and Elizabeth Gatchell.
July 28, [1736.] Dorcas, daughter of James and Elizabeth Fly.
Aug. 1, [1736.] John, Mary, Benjamin, childn of Thomas and Mary Ficket.
Aug. 8, [1736.] Joseph Quint.
Aug. 9, [1736.] Jonathan, Esther, childn of Samuel and Esther Boothby.
Aug. 15, [1736.] Mary, John, Andrew, childn of Josiah and Rebecca Honywell.
Aug. 15, [1736.] Samuel, son of Joseph and Lydia Berry.
Aug. 29, [1736.] Francis, son of Aaron and Elizabeth Plummer.
Aug. 29, [1736.] Abigail, daughter of John and Mary Fogg.
Aug. 29, [1736.] Jonathan, son of Christopher and Deborah Mitchel.
Sept. 5, [1736.] Joseph Keen, Deborah, daughter of Joseph and Abigail Keen.
Sept. 5, [1736.] Samuel, son of Daniel and Rebecca Burnham.
Sept. 12, [1736.] Catherine Hanscom.
Oct. 3, [1736.] Susanna, daughter of Edwd and Abigail Milliken.
Oct. 3, [1736.] Anne, daughter of Moses and Mercy Burnham.
Oct. 18, [1736.] William, Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Lydia, childn of Benjamin and Sarah Larrabee.
Oct. 31, [1736.] Josiah, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Milliken.
Nov. 14, [1736.] Samuel, James, childn of Samuel and Esther Boothby.
Nov. 21, [1736.] Lydia, daughter of Edward and Sarah Skillin.
Dec. 5, [1736.] Hate-evil, son of James and Mary Lebby.[1:119]Jan. 8, 1737. Joseph, son of Thomas and Abigail Larrabee.
Jan. 17, [1737.] Martha Morrel, ætat 13.
Feb. 13, [1737.] Mary, daughter of John and Mary Larrabee.
Feb. 20, [1737.] Samuel, son of Samuel and Patience Haines.
Feb. 20, [1737.] John, son of Elisha and Mary Berry.
March 6, [1737.] John Morrel and Mary, his wife.
March 13, [1737.] Joseph, John, childn of Sampson and Elizabeth Plummer.
March 27, [1737.] Mary, daughter of Christopher and Deborah Mitchel.
April 3, [1737.] Edward, son of Edward and Sarah Avery.
April 10, [1737.] Joseph Chandler, son of John and Mehetable Ratcliff.
April 10, [1737.] John, son of John and Margaret Mackinney.[1:163]May 8, 1737. Jonathan, son of Charles and Elizabeth Allen.
[May] 29, [1737.] Martyn, son of Martyn and Mercy Jose.
June 5, [1737.] Sarah, daughter of William and Sarah Lebby.
[June] 12, [1737.] Mary, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Sevey.
[June] 26, [1737.] Sarah, daughter of John and Frances Babb.
July 3, [1737.] Asa, son of James and Elizabeth Lebby.
[July] 10, [1737.] Samuel, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Starbird.
[July] 11, [1737.] Bartholomew Briant.
[July] 17, [1737.] Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Mary Rand.
[July] 24, [1737.] Robert, son of Isabel Thompson.
Aug. 7, Esther, daughter of Solomon and Esther Stone.
[Aug.] 14, [1737.] Jonathan, son of John (John's son) and Mary Lebby.
[Aug. 14, 1737.] Mary, daughter of Israel and Mary Mitchel.
[Aug.] 25, [1737.] Temperance Briant.
[Aug. 25, 1737.] Eleanor, daughter of John and Mary Morrel.
[Aug. 25, 1737.] Lydia, daughter of John and Grace Reynolds.
[Aug. 25, 1737.] Charity, daughter of John and Elizabeth Briant.[1:164]Sept. 25, [1737.] Nathaniel, son of Nathl and Grace Boulter.
[Sept. 25, 1737.] Benjamin, son of Thomas and Mary Ficket.
Oct. 2, [1737.] Ezekiel, son of Benjamin and Wilmot Foster.
Nov. 6, [1737.] Henry, son of Andrew and Esther Lebby.
[Nov.] 20, [1737.] Mary, daughter of John and Jemima Meservy.
Dec. 11, [1737.] Jonathan, son of Westbrook and Abigail Knight.
Jan. 9, 1738. Mary Low, daughter of James and Joanna Springer.
[Jan. 8, 1738.] Miriam, daughter of Joseph and Abigail Keen.
[Jan.] 15, [1738.] Margaret, daughter of John and Elizabeth Patterson.
Feb. 19, [1738.] Anthony and William Seavy, twin childr of Tho. and Margaret Starbird.
[Feb. 19, 1738.] Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Raynes.
[Feb.] 26, [1738.] Jane, daughter of Joseph and Anne Poak.
[Feb. 26, 1738.] Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan and Martha Lebby.
Mar. 5, [1738.] Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary Waterhouse.
[Mar.] 19, [1738.] John, son of Job and Hannah Burnham.
April 2, [1738.] Zechariah, son of Samuel and Catharine Harmon.
[April] 16, [1738.] Mary, wife of John Fly.
[April 16, 1738.] Lemuel, son of Walter and Sarah Foss.
[April 16, 1738.] Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Milliken.
[April] 23, [1738.] Ezekiel, son of Thomas and Abigail Larrabee.
[April 23, 1738.] Joseph, son of Jacob and Mary Graffam.
June 18, [1738.] John, son of John and Lettice Hoit.
[June 18, 1738.] Abigail, daughter of Josiah and Rebecca Honywell.
[June] 25, [1738.] Mary, daughter of John and Mary Stewart.
July 2, [1738.] Lydia, daughter of Joseph and Lydia Berry.
[July] 30, [1738.] Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Hannah Honywell.
Aug. 20, [1738.] Anne, daughter of Richd and Sarah Carter.
[Aug. 20, 1738.] Elisha, son of Elisha and Mary Berry.
Sept. 17, [1738.] John Alger, son of Samuel and Martha Milliken.
[Sept.] 24, [1738.] Luke, son of John and Sarah Lebby.
[Sept. 24, 1738.] Kezia, daughter of John and Kezia Lebby.
[Sept. 24, 1738.] Anthony, son of James and Mary Lebby.
Nov. 12, [1738.] Anna, daughter of William and Anna Tompson.
[Nov. 12, 1738.] Hannah, daughter of Nathl and Hannah Harmon.
[Nov. 12, 1738.] Bethiah, daughter of William and Anne Goold.[1:165]Nov. 12, [1738.] Josiah, son of Samuel and Esther Boothby.
[Nov.] 9, [1738.] Abigail, daughter of Andrew and Esther Lebby.
Dec. 3, [1738.] Moses, son of John and Mary Fogg.
[Dec. 3, 1738.] Joseph, son of Clement and Sarah Meservy.
Dec. 17, [1738.] John, son of John and Jemima Meservy.
[Dec. 17, 1738.] Sarah, daughter of Edwd. and Sarah Skillin.
[Dec.] 31, [1738.] Abigail Hanscom, Kezia Hanscom.
Jan. 7, 1739. Hannah, daughter of Robert and Margaret Mackinney.
[Jan.] 14, [1739.] Mary, daughter of Samuel and Anna Small.
[Jan.] 28, [1739.] Stephen, son of John and Mary Larrabee.
[Jan. 28, 1739.] Joseph, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Moody.
Feb. 4, [1739.] Mary, daughter of Nathaniel and Grace Boulter.
[Feb.] 18, [1739.] Deliverance, daughter of Samuel and Patience Haines.
[Feb. 18, 1739.] Elijah, son of Thos. and Elizabeth Starbird.
[Feb.] 25, [1739.] Mary, daughter of Seth and Mary Fogg.
Mar. 18, [1739.] Nathan, son of Westbrook and Abigail Knight.
April 1, [1739.] Hannah, daughter of Martyn and Mercy Jose.
May 13, [1739.] Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Andrews.
[May 13, 1739.] Abner, son of Samuel and Hannah Ingalls.
[May] 20, [1739.] Elizabeth, daughter of John and Margaret Mackinney.
June 3, [1739.] Daniel, son of Daniel and Mehitable Meserve.
[June] 10, [1739.] John Mulbery, son of Edward and Abigail Milliken.
[June] 17, [1739.] William, son of Christopher and Deborah Mitchel.
July 22, [1739.] Robert, son of Daniel and Rebecca Burnham.
[July 22, 1739.] Mehitable, Olive, children of Benj. and Hannah Richards.
Aug. 12, [1739.] Abner, Rhoda, twin children of John and Anne Lebbe.
[Aug.] 19, [1739.] Mary, daughter of William and Mary Dearing.
[Aug. 19, 1739.] Solomon, son of Solomon and Esther Stone.
Sept. 23, [1739.] Abraham, son of Mary Magoun.
[Sept.] 30, [1739.] George Charles, son of George and Mary Pine.
Oct. 14, [1739.] Olive, daughter of Joseph and Mary Waterhouse.
[Oct.] 28, [1739.] Thomas, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Milliken.
Nov. 4, [1739.] Benjamin, son of John and Mehetabel Ratcliff.
[Nov. 4, 1739.] Jonathan, son of Sampson and Elizabeth Plummer.
[Nov.] 11, [1739.] Martha, daughter of John and Elizabeth Briant.
[Nov.] 25, [1739.] Aaron, son of Joseph and Abigail Keen.[1:166]Jan. 6, 1740. Thomas, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Sevey.
[Jan.] 27, [1740.] Eleanor, daughter of David and Hephzibah Sayer.
Feb. 3, [1740.] David, son of Moses and Mercy Burnham.
[Feb.] 10, [1740.] Abigail, daughter of John and Mary Lebby.
[Feb.] 17, [1740.] James, son of Thomas and Lydia Dean.
Mar. 16, [1740.] Joseph, son of Samuel and Hannah Beard.
[Mar.] 23, [1740.] Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Patterson.
April 20, [1740.] Mary, daughter of Nathl and Mary Rand.
May 7, [1740.] Ruth, daughter of Jonathan and Martha Lebby.
June 5, [1740.] James, son of James and Elizabeth Lebby.
[June] 8, [1740.] Sarah, daughter of Thos and Elizabeth Starbird.
[June] 29, [1740.] Lucy, daughter of Josiah and Anna Lebby.
July 6, [1740.] Sarah, wife of Daniel Field, Zachariah and Patience their children.
[July] 20, [1740.] John, son of John and Grace Reynolds.
Aug. 24, [1740.] Mary, daughter of Elisha and Mary Berry.
[Aug. 24, 1740.] Susanna, daughter of John and Mary Fly.
[Aug. 24, 1740.] Margaret, Rebecca, twin children of Charles and Elizabeth Allen.
[Aug.] 31, [1740.] Sarah, daughter of Job and Hannah Burnham.
[Aug. 31, 1740.] William, son of William and Esther Harmon.
Sept. 7, [1740.] John, son of Capt. John Lebby.
[Sept.] 28, [1740.] Jemima, daughter of Samuel and Martha Milliken.
Oct. 12, [1740.] John, son of William and Anna Tompson.
[Oct.] 19, [1740.] Joshua, son of Pierce and Abigail Moody.
Nov. 9, [1740.] Love Kinney, Samuel, son of said Love and Mary Kinney.
[Nov.] 23, [1740.] Daniel Field.
Dec. 21, [1740.] Mary, daughter of John and Lettice Hoit.
[Dec.] 28, [1740.] William, son of William and Sarah Lebby.
Jan. 4, 1741. Richard, son of Martyn and Mercy Jose.
[Jan. 4, 1741.] Ebenezer, son of Saml and Mary Lebby.
[Jan. 4, 1741.] George, son of John and Jemima Meserve.
[Jan. 4, 1741.] John, son of Edward and Sarah Skillin.
[Jan. 4, 1741.] Phebe, daughter of John and Mary Larrabee.
Feb. 22, [1741.] Joseph, son of Andrew and Esther Lebby.
[Feb. 22, 1741.] Elisha, son of Daniel and Mehetable Meserve.
[Feb. 22, 1741.] Olive, daughter of John and Anna Lebby.
Mar. 15, [1741.] Margary, daughter of William and Mary Dearing.[1:167]Mar. 22, [1741.] Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Sarah Larrabee.
[Mar.] 29, [1741.] Sarah, daughter of Walter and Sarah Foss.
April 5, [1741.] Jonathan, son of John and Mary Fogg.
[April] 26, [1741.] Benjamin, son of Samuel and Patience Haines.
May 3, [1741.] Olive, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Moody.
[May] 24, [1741.] Henry, son of Samuel and Esther Boothby.
[May 24, 1741.] Mary, daughter of Samuel and Catharine Harmon.
[May] 31, [1741.] Richard, son of John and Kezia Libby.
[May 31, 1741.] Jonathan, son of Josiah and Rebecca Honywell.
[May 31, 1741.] Hagar, negro servant of Capt. Dearing.
[May 31, 1741.] Tobias, Cæsar, children of said Hagar.
June 14, [1741.] Elizabeth Tebbetts, a child to be bro't up by Joseph Prat.
[June 14, 1741.] Thomas, son of Westbrook and Abigail Knight.
[June] 21, [1741.] Joseph, son of Benjamin and Hannah Richards.
July 12, [1741.] Leah, daughter of James and Mary Lebby.
[July] 19, [1741.] Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Harmon.
Aug. 23, [1741.] Margaret, daughter of Clement and Sarah Meserve.
[Aug.] 30, [1741.] William Goold, Samuel, son of Wm and Anne.
[Aug. 30, 1741.] Betty, daughter of Saml and Hannah Beard.
Sept. 6, [1741.] Hannah, daughter of Seth and Mary Fogg.
[Sept. 6, 1741.] Timothy, son of Joseph and Mary Waterhouse.
[Sept.] 27, [1741.] James, son of John and Mary Fly.
Nov. 1, [1741.] Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary Havens ?
[Nov. 1, 1741.] Jonathan, son of Nathaniel and Margaret Crocket.
[Nov.] 29, [1741.] Benjamin Harford, Charity, Susanna, children of said Benjamin and Temperance Harford.
[Nov. 29, 1741.] Rebecca, daughter of Edward and Abigail Milliken.
Dec. 6, [1741.] Josiah, son of William and Esther Harmon.
[Dec.] 13, [1741.] Lydia, daughter of Richard and Hannah Honywell.
[Dec.] 20, [1741.] Timothy Carll, John Lovet.
Jan. 3, 1742, Job, son of Daniel and Rebecca Burnham.
[Jan. 3, 1742.] Esther, daughter of Joseph and Martha Perkins.
[Jan.] 8, [1742.] Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary Stewart.
[Jan.] 17, [1742.] Edward Howard, Eleazer Briant.
[Jan. 17, 1742.] Stephen, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Milliken.[1:168]Jan. 28, [1742.] Samuel Carll, Patience his wife. Samuel Carll, jun., Esther his wife. Robert Carll, Benjamin Carll, Daniel, Simeon, Hannah, Mary, children of Samuel and Patience Carll. Benjamin, Jonathan, children of Samuel and Esther Carll.
[Jan.] 31, [1742.] Samuel Tebbetts, Sarah, Abigail, Andrew, children of Samuel and Sarah Tebbetts.
[Jan. 31, 1742.] Samuel, William, Susanna, Benjamin, children of Benjamin and Silence Foss.
[Jan. 31, 1742.] David, son of Moses and Mercy Burnham.
Mar. 7, [1742.] Eunice, daughter of John and Mary Larrabee.
[Mar.] 24, [1742.] Deborah, daughter of Christopher and Deborah Mitchell.
April 4, [1742.] John, son of John and Elizabeth Patterson.
[April] 25, [1742.] John, son of Benjamin and Silence Foss.
[April 25, 1742.] Jane, daughter of John and Relief Berry.
May 2, [1742.] Lydia, daughter of Jonathan and Martha Lebby.
[May] 5, [1742.] Jacob, Moses, Hannah, Dorathy, children of Isaac and Elizabeth Mackinney.
[May 5, 1742.] James, son of John and Margaret Mackinney.
[May] 23, [1742.] Abigail, daughter of Thomas and Lydia Dean.
[May 23, 1742.] Anna, daughter of Samuel and Esther Carll.
[May 30, 1742.] Jane, daughter of Josiah and Anna Lebby.
June 13, [1742.] Lydia, daughter of John and Mary Lebby.
[June 13, 1742.] John, son of David and Hephzibah Sayer.
July 4, [1742.] Rebecca, daughter of Robert and Margaret McKinney.
[July] 25, [1742.] Jeremiah, son of Nathaniel and Mary Rand.
Aug. 1, [1742.] Aaron, son of Job and Hannah Burnham.
[Aug.] 22, [1742.] Mary, daughter of Edward and Susanna Howard.
Sept. 26, [1742.] Thomas, son of John and Frances Babb.
Oct. 3, [1742.] Andrew, son of Joshua and Hannah Brown.
[Oct.] 17, [1742.] Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Dorothy Small.
Nov. 1, [1742.] James, son of Samuel and Martha Milliken.
[Nov.] 17, [1742.] Ichabod, son of James and Elizabeth Lebby.
Dec. 12, [1742.] Solomon Wittom.
[Dec.] 26, [1742.] Joanna, daughter of John and Mehitable Ratcliff.
[Dec. 26, 1742.] Mary, daughter of John and Jemima Meserve.