Source: The Records of the Church of Christ in Buxton, Me., During the Pastorate of Rev. Paul Coffin, D.D. (Cambridge, Mass.: Press of John Wilson & Son, 1868).
[p. 47]BAPTISMS, AND WHEN ADMINISTERED.*1764, May 6. — Abigail, daughter of Deacon Daniel Leavit & his wife Abigail.
1763, Mar. 27. — Sarah, daugr of Jno. Nason & Mary his wife.
[1763,] April 24. — Sarah daughr of Isaac Hancock & Joanna, his wife.
[1763,] May 15. — Thos son of Samuel Merrill & Elizabeth, his wife.
[1763,] Oct. 9. — Wintrop son of Jacob Bradbury & Abigail, his wife.
1764, Jany 1. — Molly, daugr of Daniel Lane and Mary his wife.
[1764,] May 6. — Ephraim, son of John Nason and Mary his wife.
[1764,] June 3. — Abigail daugr of Job Roberts and Sarah his wife.
[1764, June] 3. — Phebe daugr of John Brooks and Bethia his wife.
[1764,] Oct. 28. — Mary daugr of Revd Paul Coffin and Mary, his wife.
[1764,] Nov. 4. — Elizabeth daugr of Samuel and Sarah Leavit.
1765, Mar. 16. — Isaac, son of Daniel Lane and Mary his wife.
[1765,] Sep. 8. — Humphry, son of Humphry Atkinson & Sarah his wife.
[1765,] Dec. 8. — Nathan, son of Jno. Hopkinson Jr: and Rebecca his wife.
1766, Feb. 2. — Elizabeth, daugr of Rev. Paul Coffin and Mary his wife.* This date so stands in the original, before 1763.[p. 48]1766, Mar. 2 — Moses, son of Nathan Woodman & Olive his wife.
[1766,] May 4. — Isaiah, son of John Brooks and Sarah his wife.
[1766, May] 11. — Robert, son of John Nason & Mary his wife.
[1766, June 29.] — Charles, son of James Emery & Mercy his wife.
[1766,] July 20. — James, son of James Palmer and Mary his wife.
[1766,] Aug. 17. — Joanna, daughr of Jonathan Bean and Mary his wife.
[1766,] Aug. 17. — Jacob, son of Matthias Redlon & Rachel his wife.
1767, Mar. 1. — Diadema, daughr of the widow Abigail Donald.
[1767, Mar.] 22. — Paul, son of Rev. Paul Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1767,] May 3. — Benjamin, son of James Palmer and Mary his wife.
[1767, May] 3. — John, son of Samuel Leavit and Sarah his wife.
[1767,] May 24. — Daniel, son of Daniel Leavit and Abigail his wife.
[1767,] July 26. — Jonathan, son of John Hopkinson Jr. and Rebecca his wife.
[1767,] Sep. 6. — Moses, son of Jacob Bradbry Jr and Mary his wife.
1768, May 15. — Elizabeth daugr of Rev Paul Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1768, May] 22. — Moses, son of Dn: John Nason and Mary his wife.
1769, July 10. — Martha, daugr of Jacob Bradbury Jr & Mary his wife.
[1769,] Sep. 17. — Sarah, daughr of Samuel and Sarah Leavit.
[1769,] Oct. 29. — Abigail daugr of Daniel Leavit & his wife Abigail.[p. 49]1769, Nov. 19. — John Gorham, son of Revd Paul Coffin & Mary his wife.
[1769,] Dec. 24. — Stephen son of John Hopkinson Jr & Rebecca his wife.
1770, Apl. 22. — Magnus, son of Matthias Redlon & Rachel his wife.
[1770,] June 3. — Daniel, son of Samuel Rounds & Dorcas his wife.
[1770,] Aug. 5. — Elizabeth, daughr of James Sands & Lydia his wife.
[1770, Aug.] 12. — Benjamin, son of Dn: John Nason & Mary his wife.
[1770,] Sep. 16. — Thos Pennel, son of Jabez Sawyer and Mary his wife.
[1770,] Decr 16. — Samuel & Sarah children of Will. Bradbury & Susanna his wife.
[1770, Dec.] 22. — Daniel, son of Daniel Clay & Jerusha his wife.
[1770, Dec.] 30. — Abigail, daugr of Richard Clay & Rachel his wife.
1771, Apl. 14. — Jacob, son of Jacob Bradbury Jr & Mary his wife.
1771, June 9. — Jonathan, son of Isaiah Brooks and Sarah his wife.
[1771,] July 18. — Susanna, daugr of Willm Bradbury & Susanna his wife.
[1771,] Aug. 4. — Sarah, daugr of Matthias Redlon & Rachel his wife.
[1771,] Sep. 1. — Isabel, wife of John Sawyer.
[1771, Sep.] 1. — Hannah, daugr of John Sawyer and Isabel his wife.
[1771, Sep.] 19. — Abel son of Abel Hardy and Sarah his wife.
[1771, Sep.] 22. — Jonathan Bollin son of Jonathan & Sarah his wife.
[1771,] Oct. 13. — Dorcas daugr of Rev Paul Coffin & Mary his wife.[p. 50]1772, Feb. 10. — Lydia, daugr of James Sands & Lydia his wife.
[1772,] April 5. — John, son of Jerahmeel Bryant and Sarah his wife.
[1772, April] 19. — Bethia, daugr of Daniel Leavit & Abigail his wife.
[1772,] May 24. — Deborah, daugr of Joshua Kimball & Martha his wife.
[1772,] June 14. — Joanna, daugr of Jabez Sawyer & Mary his wife.
[1772,] July 21. — William, son of Ephraim Bryant & Hepzibah his wife.
[1772,] Aug. 23. — Amos, son of Abel Hardy and Sarah his wife.
[1772,] Sep. 6. — Bethia, daugr of Jno Hopkinson Jr. & Rebecca his wife.
[1772, Sep.] 20. — Tristram, son of Moses Hanson & Mary his wife.
[1772, Sep.] 27. — Samuel son of Dn John Nason and Mary his wife.
[1772,] Nov. 8. — Timothy, son of Dn Timothy Hasaltine & Ruth his wife.
1773, Feb. 28.* — James, son of James Sands & Lydia his wife.
[1773,] Apl. 25. — Isaiah, son of Isaiah Brooks & Sarah his wife.
[1773,] June 20. — Stephen, son of Rev Paul Coffin & Mary his wife.
[1773,] July 18. — Edmund, son of Jacob Bradbury Jr. & Mary his wife.
[1773,] Oct. 17. — Hannah, daugr of William Bradbury & Susanna his wife.
[1773,] Decr 26. — Joshua, son of Joshua Kimball and Martha his wife.
1774, Mar. 13. — Sarah, daugr of Daniel Leavit and Abigail his wife.* The second figure of this date is not clear in the original. It may not be 8. — C. W.[p. 51]1774, July 3. — Lucy, daugr of Jerahmeel Bryant and Sarah his wife.
[1774, July] 18. — Martha, Mary, Betty and Alice daughters of John Smith and Mary his wife.
[1774, July 18.] — Samuel, Ezra, Dorcas and Betty, children of Samuel Thompson & Sarah his wife.
[1774, July 18.] — Molly, daugr of James Sands and Lydia his wife.
[1774, July 18.] — Mary and Betty, daughters of widow Abigail Round.
[1774,] July 24. — Elizabeth, wife of Matthias Redlon Jr.
[1774, July 24.] — Samuel, son of Matthias Redlon Jr. & Elizabeth his wife.
[1774,] Aug. 14. — John son of Dn Gershom Billings & Anna his wife.
[1774,] Oct. 20. — Thomas, son of Thomas Pennel & Lydia his wife.
1775, Jany 22. — Zechariah Fields, Phebe, Abraham and Sarah children of Nathaniel Lord and Hannah his wife.
[1775,] Feb. 5. — Sarah, daugr of Paul Coffin Revd and Mary his wife.
[1775,] May 28. — David, son of Ephraim Bryant and Hepzibah his wife.
[1775, May 28] — Nathaniel, son of Isaiah Brooks and Sarah his wife.
[1775,] June 25. — Mary, daugr of Daniel Fields and Rachel his wife.
[1775,] July 16. — Daniel, son of John Smith and Mary his wife.
[1775, July 16.] — Sarah, daugr of widow Sarah Thompson.
[1775, July 16.] — Sarah and Mary daughters of Jno: Owen & Sarah his wife.
[1775,] Sept. 17. — William, son of William Bradbury & Susanna his wife.
[1775,] Nov. 5. — Ruth, daugr of Joshua Kimball & Martha his wife.[p. 52]1775, Nov. 12. — Elizabeth and Mary, daughters of Phinehas Hanson & Hannah his wife.
1776, Mar. 24. — Abigail, daughter of Revd Paul Coffin & Mary his wife.
[1776,] Apl. 21. — Samuel, son of Dn Timothy Hasaltine & Ruth his wife.
[1776, Apl.] 28. — Nicholas son of Dn John Nason & Mary his wife.
[1776, Apl. 28.] Simeon, son of Jacob Bradbury Jr & Mary his wife.
[1776,] May 5. — Abel, son of Abel Hardy and Sarah his wife.
[1776, May] 26. — Nat: Harmond, son of Thos Emery & Hannah his wife.
[1776,] June 16. — John Elden, son of Amos Chase & Emma of little Ossipee.
[1776,] June 30. — Elizabeth, daugr of Daniel Leavit & Abigail his wife.
[1776,] July 21. — Lydia, daugr of Thomas Pennel & Lydia his wife.
[1776,] Aug. 25. — Elizabeth, daugr of Jerahmeel Bryant & Sarah his wife.
[1776,] Oct. 31. — Ruth, Lydia and Hannah, daughters of John Elden Jr. & Ruth his wife.
[1776, Oct. 31.] Willm and Elizabeth, children of Dn Tim: Hasaltine & Ruth his wife.
[1776,] Nov. 3. — Saml son of John Rolfe and Joanna his wife, members of the first church in Falmouth.
[1776,] Nov. 3. — Abigail, daugr of John Owen & Sarah his wife.
[1776,] Nov. 15. — Jonathan Fields, son of Matthias Redlon Jr & Elizabeth his wife.
1777, Jan. 7. — David, son of Phinehas Hanson & Hannah his wife.
[1777,] Apl. 10. — Sarah, Ebenezer & Samuel, children of Abijah Lewis & Rebecca his wife.[p. 53]1777, Apl. 10. — Elizab: & Clem: of Benjn A. Jordan & Sarah his wife.
[1777, Apl. 10.] Sarah & Jonathan of Daniel Clay & Jerusha his wife.
[1777, Apl. 10.] Amos Thompson, son of Ebenr Smith & Easter his wife.
[1777, Apl. 10.] Phebe, Sarah and Joseph, children of John McDonald and Joanna his wife.
[1777,] May 25. — Amos, son of Amos Chase & Emma his wife of little Ossipee.
[1777,] June 8. — Susanna, Daugr of Dn Gershom Billings & Anna his wife.
[1777,] Aug. 3. — David, son of Rev Paul Coffin & Mary his wife.
[1777,] Oct. 12. — John, and Robert, sons of John Sawyer & Isabel his wife.
[1777, Oct. 12.] Lydia, Daugr of Joshua Kimball and Martha his wife.
[1777,] Nov. 2. — Stephen Sawyer, son of Ephrm Bryant & Hepzibah his wife.
[1777,] Dec. 28. — Molly, Daugr of Joseph Chase & Olive of little Ossipee.
1778, Feb. 24. — Thankful, Daugr of Mark Rounds & Abigail his wife.
[1778, Feb. 24.] Dorcas, Daugr of James Sands & Lydia his wife.
[1778, Feb. 24.] Nathaniel, son of Clement Jordan and Sarah his wife.
[1778, Feb. 24.] Betty, Daugr of Moses Whitney & Mary his wife of Gorham.
[1778,] Mar. 29. — Elizabeth, Daugr of Daniel Appleton and Elizabeth his wife.
[1778,] June 14. — William, son of Thomas Pennel and Lydia his wife.
[1778,] July 5. — Robert, son of Isaiah Brooks and Sarah his wife.[p. 54]1778, July 26. — Hannah, daugr of Chase Parker and Ruth his wife.
[1778,] Aug. 23. — James & Sarah, of Jabez Sawyer and Mary his wife.
[1778,] Sep. 13. — John, son of Samuel Beard and Doritha his wife.
[1778, Sep.] 20. — Betty, Daugr of William Bradbury & Susanna his wife.
[1778, Sep.] 25. — Hannah, Daugr of Daniel Leavit & Abigail his wife.
1779, Jany 7. — Dorcas, Daugr of Matthias Redlon Jr & Elizabeth his wife.
[1779, Jan.] 17. — Ann, Daugr of Daniel Fields and Rachel his wife.
[1779,] Mar. 21. — Charles, son of Revd Paul Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1779,] Apl. 6. — Miriam, Daugr of Daniel Clay and Jerusha his wife.
[1779,] June 20. — Andrew, son of Jacob Bradbury and Mary his wife.
[1779, June 20.] Thomas, son of Thomas Emery & Hannah his wife.
[1779, June 20.] Priscilla and John, children of Nat. Hill & Martha his wife.
[1779,] June 27. — Joseph, son of Jerahmeel Bryant and Sarah his wife.
[1779, June] 28. — Sarah Daughr of Jose Hopkinson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1779,] Aug. 18. — Snell, son of Snell Wingate and Margaret his wife.
[1779, Aug.] 29. — Joshua Woodman Junior, an Adult.
[1779,] Sep. 12. — Samuel, son of Abel Hardy & Sarah his wife.
[1779, Sep.] 19. — Elizabeth, Daugr of John Owen and Sarah his wife.
[1779,] Oct. 3. — Molly, Daugr of Joshua Kimball and Martha his wife.[p. 55]1779, Nov. 23. — David Maxell, son of Theodore Rounds and Mary his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Susanna, James, Joseph and Mark, children of Thomas Smith & Rhode his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] James, son of Mark Rounds and Abigail his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Susanna, Daugr of Clement Jordan and Sarah his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Rebecca, Daugr of Abijah Lewis and Rebecca his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Achsah, Daugr of Benjn A. Jordan and Sarah his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Typhena and Easter, of John Thompson & Ester his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Sarah, Jeremiah & Hannah, of Jonathan Simpson & Alice his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Betsey, Daugr of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Sarah, Daugr of John Crecy and Susanna his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Hannah, Daugr of John McDonald and Joanna his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Abigail, Daugr of James Sands & Lydia his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Samuel, Betty, William & Paul, children of Ebenezer Wentworth & Jane his wife.
[1779, Nov. 23.] Ephraim, Mercy, Lydia, Sarah and Samuel, children of Samuel Sands & Mary his wife.
1780, May 21. — Samuel, son of Chase Parker and Ruth his wife.
[1780,] Oct. 1. — Susanna, Daugr of Nathaniel Hill & Martha his wife.
[1780, Oct.] 8. — Samuel, son of John Hopkinson jr. & Rebecca, his wife.
[1780, Oct.] 22. — William, son of Joses Hopkinson & Elizabeth his wife.[p. 56]1780, Oct. 22. — Rachel, Daugr of Matthias Redlon Jr & Elizabeth his wife.
[1780,] Nov. 5. — Catharine Daugr of James Redlon & Hannah his wife.
1781, Apl. 29. — Rebecca, Daugr of Rev. Paul Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1781,] June 12. — Simon, son of Snell Wingate and Margaret his wife.
[1781, June 12.] John, son of Thomas Smith and Rhode his wife.
[1781, June 12.] Ann, Daugr of John Owen & Sarah his wife.
[1781,] June 24. — Phebe Daugr of Dn Daniel Leavit & Abigail his wife.
[1781,] July 15. — Mary, Daugr of Samuel Sands & Mary his wife.
[1781,] Aug. 25. — William, son of Ezekiel Bragdon and Mary his wife.
[1781, Aug.] 29. — Eleanor, Daugr of John White & Sarah his wife.
[1781, Aug. 29.] Hannah and Isaac, of Coleman P. Watson & Patience his wife.
[1781,] Sep. 9. — Hannah, Daugr of Thomas Emery & Hannah his wife.
[1781,] Oct. 7. — Jonathan, son of Daniel Emery and Sarah his wife.
[1781, Oct. 7.] James, son of Ephraim Bryant and Hepzibah his wife.
[1781,] Oct. 20. — Enoch, son of John Rolfe & Joanna his wife.
1782, Feb. 15. — Clement, son of Clement Jordan and Sarah his wife.
[1782, Feb. 15.] Thomas, son of James Sands and Lydia his wife.
[1782, Feb. 15.] Samuel, son of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.[p. 57]1782, Feb. 15. — Richard, son of Daniel Clay and Jerusha his wife.
[1782, Feb. 15.] Molly, Daugr of Joshua Decker and Susanna his wife.
[1782, Feb. 15.] Mary, Daugr of John McDonald & Joanna his wife.
[1782, Feb. 15.] Jonathan, son of Jonathan Simpson and Alice his wife.
[1782,] Apl. 13. — Sarah, Daugr of Isaiah Brooks and Sarah his wife.
[1782,] May 19. — Simeon Goodwin, son of Jacob Bradbury and Mary his wife.
[1782,] June 2. — Emma, Daugr of Joshua Kimbal & Martha his wife.
[1782, June] 16. — Nathaniel, son of Chase Parker and Ruth his wife.
[1782,] July 28. — Moses, son of Ebenr Wentworth & Jane his wife.
[1782,] Aug. 4. — Samuel, son of Thomas Pennel & Lydia his wife.
[1782, Aug.] 25. — Sarah, Daugr of Daniel Appleton & Elizabeth his wife.
[1782,] Sep. 3. — Joseph, son of Nathaniel Hill and Martha his wife.
[1782,] Oct. 20. — John, son of Matthias Redlon Jr and Elizabeth his wife.
[1782, Oct. 20.] Sarah, Daugr of Daniel Fields and Rachel his wife.
[1782, Oct.] 27. — Abigail, Daugr of John Sawyer & Isabel his wife.
[1782,] Nov. 3. — Elizabeth, Daugr of Jose Hopkinson & Elizabeth his wife.
[1782, Nov. 3.] James and Martha, of Phinehas Towle and Sarah his wife.
1782, Nov. 3. — James, son of James Davis & Sarah his wife.[p. 58]1783, Mar. 16. — Susanna, Daugr of Revd Paul Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1783,] Apl. 6. — Jose, son of Lewis Gay and Mary his wife.
[1783,] June 15. — Aaron, son of Ezekiel Bragdon and Mary his wife.
[1783,] July 27. — Lydia, Daugr of James Sands and Lydia his wife.
[1783,] Sepr 14. — Molly, wife of John Nason Jr. of little Ossipee.
[1783, Sepr 14.] Molly, Daugr of John Nason Jr. and Molly his wife of little Ossipee.
[1783,] Oct. 2. — Elizabeth & Thos, of Thos Bradbury and Ruth his wife.
[1783,] Oct. 30. — Obadiah, son of Snell Wingate & Margaret his wife.
[1783,] Nov. 10. — Alice, and Paul, children of John Thompson & Ester his wife.
1784, May 2. — Hannah, Daugr of Isaiah Brooks and Sarah his wife.
[1784,] June 21. — Samuel, son of Jerahmeel Bryant and Sarah his wife.
[1784,] Aug. 15. — Eunice, Daugr of Samuel Sands and Mary his wife.
[1784,] Aug. 22. — Susanna, Daugr of Thomas Emery and Hannah his wife.
[1784,] Sep. 12. — Betty, of Joshua Kimball and Martha his wife.
[1784,] Oct. 3. — Achsah, Daugr of Nathaniel Hill and Martha his wife.
[1784, Oct. 3.] Aaron, son of Ephraim Bryant & Hepzibah his wife.
[1784, Oct. 3.] Olive, Daugr of Dn Daniel Leavit & Abigail his wife.
[1784, Oct. 3.] David, son of John Sawyer and Isabel his wife.
[1784,] Nov. 7. — Lucy, Molly & Dorcas, of Willm Bradbury & Susanna his wife.[p. 59]1784, Nov. 16. — Abigail and Sarah, of James Rounds and Rachel his wife.
[1784, Nov. 16.] Sarah, of John Smith and Mary his wife.
[1784, Nov. 16.] Abel, son of Thomas Smith & Rhode his wife.
[1784, Nov. 16.] Martha, granddaugr of Rachel Clay, under her care.
[1784,] Dec. 16. — John Smith, Husband of Elizabeth Smith.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Eunice, Daugr of John Smith and Elizabeth his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Benjamin, son of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Elizabeth Allen, Daugr of Clement Jordan & Sarah his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Miriam, Daugr of Daniel Clay & Jerusha his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Abner, son of Theodore Rounds & Mary his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Samuel, son of Benjamin Elwel & Abigail his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Mercy, daugr of Jonathan Simpson & Alice his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] David, son of Joshua Decker and Susanna his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Joseph, and Molly, children of Joseph Elwel & Molly his wife.
[1784, Dec. 16.] Samuel and Moses, children of Samuel Rounds & Dorcas his wife.
1785, May 6. — Mercy, Daugr of Jabesh Sawyer and Mary his wife.
[1785, May] 29. — Molly, Daugr of Jacob Bradbury and Mary his wife.
[1785,] June 12. — Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer Wentworth & Jane his wife.
[1785,] July 11. — Daniel, son of Daniel Emery and Sarah his wife.[p. 60]1785, July 17. — Elizabeth, Daugr of Phinehas Towle and Sarah his wife.
[1785, July] 24. — Betty, Daugr of Ezekiel Bragdon and Mary his wife.
[1785,] July 31. — Ann, Daugr of Chase Parker and Ruth his wife.
[1785,] Aug. 7. — Nathaniel, son of Rev. Paul Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1785, Aug.] 14. — William and Lydia, of Jabesh Sawyer and Mary his wife.
[1785, Aug.] 27. — John and Dorcas, of John Thompson and Ester his wife.
[1785, Aug. 27.] John, son of John McDonald and Hannah his wife.
[1785, Aug. 27.] Miriam and John, of John Crecy and Susanna his wife.
[1785, Aug. 27.] Abigail and Edward Lewis, of Henry Flood & Elizabeth his wife.
[1785, Aug. 27.] Hannah and Martha, children of John Owen & Sarah his wife.
[1785, Aug. 27.] Joseph, son of Joshua Decker and Susanna his wife.
[1785,] Sep. 1. — Hannah and Nathan, of Phinehas Hanson & Elizabeth his wife.
[1785, Sep.] 4. — Sarah, James, and Joseph, children of widow Elizabeth Moody.
[1785, Sep. 4.] William, of Eligood mills & Lucy his wife of Limerick.
[1785, Sep.] 11. — Sarah, wife of Daniel Hill.
[1785,] Oct. 2. — Daniel, son of Daniel Fields and Rachel his wife.
[1785, Oct. 2.] Dorcas, Daugr of Samuel Holms and Hannah his wife.
[1785, Oct.] 9. — Dorcas & Deborah, of Phinehas Hanson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1785, Oct.] 30. — Lydia, Daugr of John Hopkinson & Rebecca his wife.[p. 61]1786, June 18. — Anna, Daugr of Thomas Bradbury and Ruth his wife.
[1786,] July 16. — Charity, of James Davies of little Ossipee and Sarah his wife.
[1786,] Aug. 6. — Lydia, of Eligood mills and Lucy of Limerick.
[1786, Aug.] 13. — Sarah, Daugr of Isaiah Brooks and Sarah his wife.
[1786,] Nov. 10. — Jeremiah, Elizabeth Leavit, Thomas, and Sarah Bradbury, children of Daniel Hill and Sarah his wife.
[1786, Nov. 10.] Samuel, son of Nathaniel Hill and Martha his wife.
[1786, Nov. 10.] Anna Bradbury, & True, children of Joseph Leavit & Sarah his wife.
[1786,] Dec. 17. — Molly, Daugr of Joses Hopkinson and Elizabeth his wife.
1787, July 8. — Samuel, son of Dn Daniel Leavit and Abigail his wife.
[1787, July 8.] Elijah, son of Phinehas Hanson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1787,] July 22. — Hannah, Daugr of Joses Hopkinson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1787,] Aug. 12. — Robert, son of Ebenezer Wentworth and Jane his wife.
[1787,] Sep. 2. — Sarah, Daugr of Thomas Emery and Hannah his wife.
[1787, Sep. 2.] Samuel, son of Phinehas Towle and Sarah his wife.
[1787,] Sep. 30. — Joseph, son of Daniel Appleton and Elizabeth his wife.
[1787,] Oct. 14. — Rachel, Daugr of Thomas Pennel & Lydia his wife.
[1787, Oct.] 23. — Jabesh, son of Clement Jordan and Sarah his wife.
[1787, Oct. 23.] Abigail Frost son [daughter] of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.[p. 62]1787, Oct. 23. — Deborah, Daugr of John Crecy and Susanna his wife.
[1787, Oct. 23.] Joseph, son of Mark Rounds and Abigail his wife.
[1787, Oct. 23.] John, son of Henry Flood and Elizabeth his wife.
[1787, Oct. 23.] James Sands, son of Theodore Thompson & Elizabeth his wife.
[1787, Oct. 23.] Mary Sarah, & Benjamin, of Benjn A. Jordan and Sarah his wife.
1788, May 14. — William, Ruth, & Peltiah, children of Peltiah Harmon & Olive his wife.
[1788,] June 8. — Samuel, Nancy, and Elizabeth, of Richard Lamb and Phebe his wife.
[1788,] John, Eunice, James, & Edmund, children of Coleman Watson and Patience his wife.
[1788,] Aug. 11. — Comfort, Daugr of Daniel Emery and Sarah his wife.
[1788,] Sep. 7. — Isaac, Amos, Mary and Joanna children of Ebenezer Redlon and Sarah his wife.
[1788, Sep. 7.] Abner, son of Jabesh P. Bradbury & Sarah his wife.
[1788, Sep.] 14. — Edmund Freeman, son of Richard Lamb and Phebe his wife.
[1788, Sep. 14.] Susanna, Daugr of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1788, Sep.] 19. — Jemima, Benjamin Edgcomb, and Ann, children of John Nason and Molly his wife of little Ossipee.
[1788, Sep. 19.] Samuel, son of James Berry and Abigail his wife.
[1788, Sep. 19.] Robert, son of James Davis and Sarah his wife.
[1788, Sep.] 21. — Daniel, son of Daniel Hill and Sarah his wife.
[1788,] Oct. 5. — Aaron, son of Jonathan Berry and Bethia his wife.[p. 63]1788, Oct. 19. — Abigail, Daugr of Nathaniel Hill and Martha his wife.
[1788,] Nov. 9. — Job, son of Ezekiel Bragdon and Mary his wife.
[1788, Nov.] 16. — Dorcas, Daugr of Samuel Cutts and Sarah his wife.
1789, Jan. 25. — Mercy, Daugr of Ebenezer Redlon and Sarah his wife.
[1789,] Mar. 26. — Simon and Reuben, sons of Thomas Smith & Rhode his wife.
[1789, Mar. 26.] Rachel, Daugr of James Rounds and Rachel his wife.
[1789,] July 12. — Ruth, Daugr of Jose Hopkinson & Elizabeth his wife.
[1789, July 12.] Stephen, son of Phinehas Hanson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1789, July] 25. — John, son of Thomas Emery and Hannah his wife.
[1789, July 25.] John, son of Phineas Towle and Sarah his wife.
[1789,] Aug. 9. — Elizabeth, Daugr of Samuel Sands and Mary his wife.
[1789,] Sep. 6. — Sarah, wife of William Irish.
[1789, Sep. 6.] Sally, Daugr of Benjamin Emery and Mary his wife.
[1789, Sep. 6.] Chase, son of Chase Parker and Ruth his wife.
[1789, Sep.] 20. — Sarah, Daug. of Ebenezer Wentworth and Jane his wife.
[1789, Sep.] 25. — Mary Gorham, Sarah, Ebenezer, and Martha children of Stephen Whitney and Martha his wife.
[1789, Sep. 25.] Phebe, Daugr of Willm Irish and Sarah his wife; and John, born of her, before she was married.
[1789,] Dec. 13. — Hannah, Daugr of Thomas Pennel and Lydia his wife.[p. 64]1790, Apl. 15. — Betsey, Daugr of Henry Small and Elizabeth of Little Ossipee.
[1790, Apl. 15.] Molly, & Patty, of Daniel Small & Ann of little Ossipee.
[1790,] Apl. 30. — Samuel, son of Theodore Thompson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1790,] June 6. — Jacob Bradbury, an adult of Limerick.
[1790, June] 20. — Sarah, Daugr of Jabesh P. Bradbury and Sarah his wife.
[1790,] July 25. — Lucy, daugr of Samuel Hovey and Deliverance his wife.
[1790,] Aug. 22. — James, son of Samuel Hill and Susanna of Pepperrellboro'.
[1790, Aug.] 29. — Joanna and Rachel, of John Sawyer and Isabel his wife.
[1790,] Sep. 12. — Phebe, Daugr of Dn Daniel Leavit and Abigail his wife.
1791, Jan. 10. — Arthur, son of John McArthur and Mary of Little Ossipee.
[1791, Jan. 10.] And Dennis, son of Dennis Mulloy & Ann of Little Ossipee.
[1791,] June 5. — Eunice, Daugr of Samuel Hovey and Deliverance his wife.
[1791, June] 13. — William Flint, son of Jacob Bradbury and Catharine his wife.
[1791, June] 24. — Joseph & Jane Moor, of Roger Plaisted and Dorcas his wife.
[1791, June 24.] Elizabeth, Daugr of Jonathan Berry and Sarah his wife.
[1791, June 24.] Stephen, son of Nathaniel Harmond and Hannah his wife.
[1791, June 24.] Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Jose & Ester his wife of Dunstan.
[1791,] Oct. 16. — Mercy, daugr of Daniel Emery and Sarah his wife.
[1791,] Nov. 20. — Phinehas, son of Phinehas Hanson and Elizabeth his wife.[p. 65]1791, Dec. 1. — Mary and Ruth, Daugrs of John Nason and Molly his wife.
[1791, Dec. 1.] Susanna, Daugr of Robert Nason & Susanna his wife.
1792, Jan. 7. — John & Edmund, of William Adams & Susanna his wife.
[1792, Jan. 7.] David, Susanna & Joshua of sd Willm Adams & Rebecca his wife.
[1792,] Mar. 18. — Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Hill and Martha his wife.
[1792, Mar. 18.] Joseph, son of Thomas Emery & Hannah his wife.
[1792,] May 13. — Sarah & Susanna, of Enoch Billings and Mary his wife.
[1792,] June 7. — Pamela, daugr of Doctor James Paine of Limerick & Sarah his wife.
[1792, June] 10. — Thomas, son of Ebenezer Wentworth & Jane his wife.
[1792, June] Lydia Sands, Daugr of Theodore Thompson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1792, June] 24. — John, son of Joses Hopkinson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1792,] July 22. — John, son of Isaiah Brooks and Sarah his wife.
[1792,] Oct. 21. — Sarah, Daugr of Phinehas Towle and Sarah his wife.
[1792,] Decr 8. — Charlotte and Martha, of Richd Lamb and Phebe his wife.
[1792, Decr 8. — Miriam, daugr of Stephen Whitney and Martha his wife.
[1792, Decr] 16. — Sarah, Daugr of Thomas Pennel and Lydia his wife.
1793, Mar. 6. — James, son of James Sands and Lydia his wife.
[1792, Mar. 6.] Nathaniel, son of Clement Jordan and Sarah his wife.[p. 66]1793, Mar. 6. — Gary & Isaac, of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1793, Mar. 6.] Jacob Bradbury, John and William, children of John Owen and Sarah his wife.
[1793, Mar. 6.] Rebecca, Daugr of William & Rebecca Adams his wife.
[1793,] Apl. 25. — Catharine, Daugr of Jonathan Berry and Sarah his wife.
1793, June 9. — Rosanna, wife of Robert Martin.
[1793,] Sep. 8. — Samuel, son of Samuel Hill and Susanna his wife.
[1793, Sep.] 29. — John Babb an Adult.
[1793,] Oct. 27. — Sally and Lydia, Daugrs of Barnabas Sawyer and Lydia his wife.
[1793,] Nov. 3. — Molly, daugr of Widow Ann McKenny of Pepperrellborough.
[1793,] Dec. 14. — Willm Stephen and Mark, of Mark Rounds and Abigail his wife.
[1793, Dec. 14.] Susanna, Daugr of John McDonald and Joanna his wife.
[1793, Dec.] 15. — Nathan Libby, son of William Jose and Dorcas his wife.
1794, Jany 14. — Jenny, Daugr of Capt Jedidiah ______ widower, of Little Falls.
[1794,] Mar. 3. — Thomas, son of Thomas Smith and Rhode his wife.
[1794, Mar.] 25. — Didymus Collins, son of James Edgcomb & Anna of Dunstan.
[1794,] Apl. 20. — Polly, Daugr of Joseph Dearborn and Betsey his wife.
[1794,] May 11. — Robert, son of Robert Nason and Susanna of Limington.
[1794, May] 15. — Samuel, son of Simeon Jordan and Molly his wife.
[1794, May] 18. — Roger, of Roger Plaisted and Dorcas his wife.[p. 67]1794, June 15. — Samuel, son of Joses Hopkinson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1794,] July 27. — Elizabeth, Daugr of Theodore Thompson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1794,] Oct. 19. — Molly Haines, an Adult.
[1794,] Nov. 9. — Mark Dresser, an Adult.
[1794, Nov. 9.] Joseph and Jane, children of Mark Dresser and Nancy his wife.
[1794,] Dec. 7. — Barnabas Whitcomb, of Barnabas Sawyer and Lydia his wife.
[1794, Dec.] 15. — William, son of Ephraim Holms and Elizabeth his wife.
[1794, Dec. 15.] Peggy, Daugr of Samuel Hovey and Deliverance his wife.
[1794, Dec. 15.] James, Betsey, John, Humphry, Hannah, Sam: Bradbury, Lucy & Joshua, of Humphry Merrill and Elizabeth his wife.
[1794, Dec. 15.] Tristram, Nathaniel, Abel, Asael, & Humphry, children of John Eaton & Jemima his wife.
[1794, Dec.] 21. — Abigail, daugr of Samuel Cutts and Sarah his wife.
1795, Feb. 12. — James and Susanna, of John Thompson & Ester his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] Lydia, Daugr of Simeon Jordan and Molly his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] Elijah Bradbury, son of John Owen and Sarah his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] Hannah, Daniel, & Samuel of Daniel Clay and Jerusha his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] Henry, Stephen, Joseph and William, children of Henry Flood and Elizabeth his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] Benjamin James and Eunice, of John Crecy and Susanna his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] Catharine Mosier, of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.[p. 68]1795, Feb. 12. — Mary and Jeremiah, of Nathaniel Hill and Martha his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] James, son of Samuel Rounds and Dorcas his wife.
[1795, Feb. 12.] Elizabeth, Daugr of John Smith and Elizaabeth his wife.
[1795,] June 28. — Asa & Betsey Libby, Children of Samuel Haines and Lydia his wife of Pepperrellboro'.
[1795,] July 9. — Betsey, Daugr of Samuel Haley and Mary of Little falls.
[1795, July 9.] Polly and Ann, of Joseph Gookins and Olive of Little falls.
[1795, July 9.] John and Edward, of Christophr Gillpatrick & Martha his wife of Little Falls.
[1795, July 9.] Jotham, of Caril Tarbox and Jane his wife of Little Falls.
[1795, July] 12. — Stephen, son of Phinehas Towle and Sarah his wife.
[1795,] Aug. 2. — Sarah, Daugr of Willm Hasaltine and Sarah his wife.
[1795, Aug.] 9. — Mark, son of Mark Dresser and Nancy his wife.
[1795,] Sep. 27. — Daniel, son of Ebenezer Wentworth and Jane his wife.
[1795,] Oct. 25. — Mary Scamman, of Samuel Hill and Susanna his wife.
[1795,] Nov. 8. — Abiel Hill, Daugr [son] of Enoch Billings and Mary his wife.
[1795,] Dec. 11. — Aaron, son of Jonathan Berry and Sarah his wife.
[1795, Dec. 11.] Isabella Mellen, of Roger Plaisted and Dorcas his wife.
[1795, Dec. 11.] Isabella & Tabitha, of Nat. Harmon and Hannah his wife.
[1795,] Dec. 20. — Hannah, Daugr of Jonathan McKenny and Lillis his wife.[p. 69]1795, Dec. 20. — Susanna Seva, of Jeremiah Woodman & Hannah his wife.
1796, May 22. — Almyn, son of Nat Richardson and Mary his wife.
[1796,] June 1. — Sally, of John Hays and Sarah his wife of Pepperrellboro.
[1796, June 1.] Alexander, son of Isaac Libby & Abigail his wife.
[1796,] Sep. 11. — Hannah and Jonathan, of Jonathan Martin and Leah his wife.
[1796, Sep. 11.] Timothy, son of William Hasaltine and Sarah his wife.
[1796, Sep. 11.] Joseph, son of Joseph Dearbon and Betsey his wife.
[1796, Sep.] 30. — Edmund, of John Banks and Abigail of Little falls.
[1796,] Oct. 16. — Hannah, wife of Daniel Leavit Junior.
[1796, Oct. 16.] Mary and Willm, of Dan: Leavit Jr. and Hannah his wife.
[1796, Oct. 16.] John Hasaltine an Adult.
[1796, Oct. 16.] Samuel and Daniel, of John Hasaltine and Sarah his wife.
[1796, Oct.] 23. — Olive, wife of Isaiah Brooks.
[1796, Oct. 23.] Dorcas, Daugr of Isaiah Brooks and Olive his wife.
[1796, Oct. 23.] Sally, Daugr of Jonathan Brooks and Abigail his wife.
1797, Feb. 19. — Mary, daugr of Dr: Royal Brewster & Dorcas his wife.
[1797,] June 25. — Mark, son of Nathaniel Hill and Martha his wife.
[1797, June 25.] Hannah, Daugr of Phinehas Towle and Sarah his wife.
[1797, June] 27. — Hariot and Abigail, Twins of John Smith Jr. and Elizabeth his wife.
[1797, June 27.] Nabby, Daugr of John Thompson and Ester his wife.[p. 70]1797, June 27.* — Isaac, Amos, Stephen, Joshua, Sally and Betsey, children of Joshua and Susanna Decker.
[1797, June 27.*] Daniel, son of Henry Flood and Elizabeth his wife.
[1797,] June 25.* — Elizabeth, Daugr of Simeon Jordan and Molly his wife.
[1797, June 25.*] Stephen and George, of Willm Adams and Rebecca his wife.
[1797,] July 16. — Benjamin Newcomb, an Adult.
[1797, July 16.] Elisha, Rebecca & Lewis of Benn Newcomb and Sarah his wife.
[1797, July 16.] Simon Newcomb, an adult.
[1797, July 16.] John, son of Simon Newcomb and Sarah his wife.
[1797, July 16.] Joshua Emery and his wife Elizabeth.
[1797, July 16.] Wentworth, son of Mark Dresser & Nancy his wife.
[1797,] Aug. 3. — Mary, Daugr of Enoch Billings and Mary his wife.
[1797, Aug.] 14. — Hannah, Daugr of Benjn A. Jordan and Sarah his wife.
[1797, Aug. 14.] Levi Elwel, son of Mark Rounds & Abigail his wife.
[1797, Aug. 14.] George, son of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1797, Aug. 14.] Joshua, son of Clement Jordan and Sarah his wife.
[1797,] Nov. 20. — Kezia, Daugr of Joseph Dearborn and Elizabeth his wife.
1798, Feb. 10. — Sally Gillpatrick by her grandmother, wife of Christopr Gillpatrick of Little Falls.
[1798, Feb. 10.] Edy, Daugr of Caryl Tarbox and Jane his wife of Little falls.* There is probably an error here in the dates; but so it stands in the original. — C. W.[p. 71]1798, Feb. 28. — Anna Watson, Daugr of Henry Flood and Elizabeth his wife.
[1798,] Mar. 13. — Jonathan, son of Jonathan Berry and Sarah his wife.
[1798, Mar. 13.] Patty, Daugr of Nathaniel Harmond and Hannah his wife.
[1798,] May 27. — Samuel, son of Daniel Ward & Phebe his wife.
[1798,] June 19. — Silas Jordan, Mary and Daniel, children of Daniel Ward & Phebe his wife.
[1798, June 19.] Moses, Olive, Ester, Mehitabel & Silvanus, children of Peletiah Harmond & Olive his wife.
[1798, June 19.] William, son of James Emery and Mary his wife.
[1798, June 19.] Betsey, Daugr of William Adams and Rebecca his wife.
[1798, June 19.] Sally, William, James, and Thaddeus, children of Joshua Emery & Elizabeth his wife.
[1798, June 19.] Ebenezer, son of Samuel Sanbourn and Elizabeth his wife.
[1798,] July 1. — Ephraim, Anna, Thomas & Josiah, children of Luther Brown & Sally his wife.
[1798, July] 21. — Sophia, Daugr of Isaac Libby and Abigail his wife.
[1798, July 21.] Eliza Burnham, Daugr of Jno Jose Jr & Rebecca Collins his wife.
[1798, July] 29. — Joshua, son of Saml Hill & Susanna his wife of Pepperrellboro'.
[1798,] Sep. 16. — Elizabeth Coffin, Daughr of Royal Brewster & Dorcas his wife of Buxton.
[1798,] Nov. 4. — Catharine, wife of James Emery.
[1798, Nov. 4.] Samuel, son of James Emery and Catharine his wife.
[1798, Nov. 4.] Joseph Goodwin, son of William Hasaltine and Sarah his wife.[p. 72]1798, Nov. 4. — Genet, Daugr of Ebenr Wentworth and Jane his wife.
1799, Jan. 15. — Daniel, son of Humphry Merrill and Elizabeth his wife.
[1799, Jan. 15.] Anna, Daugr of John Eaton & Jemima his wife.
[1799, Jan. 15.] Mary, Daugr of James Emery and Catharine his wife.
[1799,] Mar. 22. — Jane, Rebecca, Ephraim, Elizabeth Millikin, Aphia & Ann, children of Isaac Berry & Ann his wife.
[1799,] Mar. 22. — Abigail, Sarah, Isaac, Nathaniel, Ann, James, & Dorcas children of Isaac Millikin and Sarah his wife.
[1799, Mar. 22.] Jonathan Mellen, son of Roger Plaisted & Dorcas his wife.
[1799, Mar. 22.] Cyrus, son of Nathanel Harmond & Hannah his wife.
[1799,] Aug. 4. — Anna, Daugr of Jonath: Brooks & Abigail his wife of Phillipsburg.
[1799, Aug. 4.] Jonathan, son of Isaiah Brooks and Olive his wife of do.
[1799,] Oct. 6. — Phinehas, son of Phinehas Towle and Sarah his wife.
[1799, Oct.] 13. — Elizabeth, wife of Ezra Thompson.
[1799, Oct. 13.] Jane Whitney, a single young woman.
[1799, Oct. 13.] Edmund March, son of Mark Dresser and Nancy his wife.
[1799, Oct.] 21. — Thankful, Daugr of Mark Rounds and Abigail his wife.
[1799, Oct. 21.] Gardner, son of William Adams and Rebecca his wife.
[1799, Oct. 21.] Nathaniel, son of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1799, Oct. 21.] Joseph, Samuel John and Alexander, children of Samuel Smith and Mary his wife.[p. 73]1799, Oct. 21. — Abigail, Daugr of Theodore Thompson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1799, Oct. 21.] Willm and Samuel sons of Ezra Thompson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1799, Oct. 21.] Susanna and Mary, Daugr of Robt McDonald and Mary his wife.
[1799,] Nov. 24. — Asa, son of Jonathan McKenny & Lillis his wife.
[1799, Nov. 24.] Hariot, Daugr of Jerey Woodman and Anna his wife.
[1799,] Dec. 1. — John Edwards an Adult.
[1799, Dec.] 6. — Mary, Daugr of George Frost, and Sarah his wife of Phillipsboro'.
1800, Mar. 4. — Betsey, Hepzibah, Eunice and Alexander, children of Thomas Tomes and Aphia his wife.
[1800, Mar. 4.] Patience, William and Stephen, children of Stephen Whitney & Martha his wife.
[1800, Mar. 4.] Rebecca, Daugr of Barnabas Sawyer and Lydia his wife.
[1800,] June 1. — Josiah, son of Jno: Jose Jr and Rebecca his wife.
[1800, June] 15. — Sally Jose, Daugr of Isaac Libby and Abigail his wife.
[1800,] July 13. — Dorcas, Daugr of Royal Brewster and Dorcas his wife.
[1800,] Aug. 3. — Levi Scamman, son of Saml Hill and Susanna his wife of Pepperrellboro'.
[1800,] Nov. 26. — Alexander, son of Isaac Berry and Anna his wife.
[1800, Nov. 26.] Sophia, Daugr of Isaac Millikin and Sarah his wife.
[1800,] Dec. 1. — Nahum, son of Francis Libby and Lucy his wife.
[1800, Dec. 1.] Josiah, son of Daniel Emery and Sarah his wife.[p. 74]1800, Dec. 1. — Joshua, son of Joshua Emery and Elizabeth his wife.
1801, Aug. 9. — Martha, Daugr of Nat: Hill deceased, and Martha his widow.
[1801,] Oct. 4. — Molly Rand & Royal Brewster, children of John Hasaltine and Sarah his wife.
[1801, Oct.] 11. — Ruth, Daugr of Humphrey Merrill & Rebecca his wife.
[1801,] Nov. 1. — Daniel, son of Silvanus Davis and Hannah his wife.
[1801, Nov. 1.] Stephen, son of Mark Dresser and Nancy his wife.
[1801, Nov.] 15. — John Kimball Jr., his wife Susanna, and Susanna their Daugr.
[1801, Nov.] 28. — Phebe, Mary, Eunice, and Samuel, children of Richard Lamb and Phebe his wife.
[1801, Nov. 28.] Mary, William, Edward, Peter, Hannah and Isaac, children of John White and Mary his wife.
[1801, Nov. 28.] Patty, Daugr of Thomas Thomes and Aphia his wife.
[1801,] Dec. 8. — Andrew and Deborah, children of Jno Kimbal Jr. & Susanna his wife.
[1801, Dec.] 14. — James and Simeon, of Simeon Jordan and Molly his wife.
[1801, Dec. 14.] Margaret and Royal Brewster of Jno Smith and Elizabeth his wife.
[1801, Dec. 14.] Richard Jose, son of Isaac Libby and Abigail his wife.
1802, Feb. 8. — Simon Smith Anderson, fatherless, under the care And by the desire of John Smith his Grandfather.
[1802, Feb.] 12. — Elizabeth Young and Ebenr, children of Benjn Newcomb & Sarah his wife.
[1802,] Mar. 5. — Sarah Shapleigh, Daugr of George Frost & Sarah his wife of Phillipsg.[p. 75]1802, Mar. 19. — Robert Southgate, son of Nat. Harmond and Hannah his wife.
[1802, Mar.] 22. — Harriot, Daugr of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1802, Mar. 22.] Thomas, son of Theodore Thompson and Elizabeth his wife.
[1802,] Apl. 14. — Samuel, son of Roger Plaisted and Dorcas his wife.
[1802,] June 13. — Alexander, son of James Emery and Catharine his wife.
[1802,] Aug. 1. — John William Augustus, son of Royal Brewster and Dorcas his wife.
[1802,] Oct. 3. — Sarah, Daugr of Luther Brown and Sally his wife.
[1802, Oct.] 20. — Enoch Billings, son of John Hasaltine and Sarah his wife.
[1802, Oct.] 31. — Lydia, wife of Edmund Woodman.
[1802,] Nov. 8. — Elijah Crocker, Enoch Billings and Mehitabel, children of Edmund Woodman & Lydia his wife.
1803, Jan. 4. — Samuel Sanborn, son of Francis Libby & Lucy his wife.
[1803, Jan. 4.] Daniel, son of Joshua Emery and Elizabeth his wife.
[1803, Jan.] 5. — William, and Sarah Elwel, orphans on the account of Joseph Elwel and Molly his wife their grand Parents.
[1803, Jan. 5.] William and Rebecca, children of William Adams & Rebecca his wife.
[1803,] May 22. — Fleming, son of Samuel Hill & Susanna his wife of Pepperrellboro.
[1803, May] 29. — Abigail, Daugr of Edmund Woodman and Lydia his wife.
[1803,] June 5. — Ezra Dean, Physician.
[1803, June 5.] Gorham, son of Ezra Dean and Sarah his wife.[p. 76]1804, Mar. 11. — Lot, son of Silvanus Davis and Hannah his wife.
[1804,] Apl. 29. — Edward, son of Dr Ezra Dean and Sarah his wife.
[1804,] June 9. — Abra, Daughter of John Hayes and Sarah his wife of Pepperellboro'.
[1804, June] 10. — Enoch Billings, son of John Hasaltine and Sarah his wife.
[1804, June] 24. — Joseph, son of Joseph Rounds and Susanna his wife.
[1804,] Aug. 5. — Stephen Coffin, son of Royal Brewster and Dorcas his wife.
[1804, Aug.] 29. — William McLellan, son of Jno Smith and Elizabeth his wife.
[1804, Aug. 29.] William Eaton, son of Isaac Libbey and Abigail his wife.
[1804, Aug. 29.] Roxena, Daugr of William Adams and Rebecca his wife.
[1804, Aug. 29.] Susanna, Daugr of Jno Edwards and Eunice his wife.
[1804,] Sep. 23. — Joseph, son of Edmund Woodman & Lydia his wife.
1805, Feb. 17. — Hugh, son of John Edwards and Eunice his wife.
[1805,] Oct. 5. — Hannah, Daugr of James Emery and Catharine his wife.
[1805,] Nov. 7. — Simon, son of Simon Newcomb & Sarah his wife.
[1805, Nov. 7.] Levi and Benjamin, sons of Benj: Newcomb and Sarah his wife.
1806, Feb. 23. — Sarah, Daugr of Samuel Hill and Susanna his wife of Saco.
[1806, Feb. 23.] Lucia Ann, Daugr of Doctor Ezra Dean and Sarah his wife.
[1806,] June 20. — Phinehas Libby, son of Jane Libby, a single woman.[p. 77]1806, June 20. — Peggy, Daugr of Jona: Rumery & Priscilla his wife of Phillipsburg.
[1806,] July 20. — Frances, Daugr of Royal Brewster and Dorcas his wife.
[1806,] Augt 1. — William Eaton, son of Isaac Libby and Abigail his wife.
[1806, Augt] 31. — Daniel and Harriot, children of Jona: Emery and Jane his wife.
[1806,] Sep. 28. — Caroline, Daugr of Edmund Woodman & Lydia his wife.
[1806,] Nov. 9. — Samuel Foss & Eliza, children of Timothy Barker and Susanna his wife.
1807, Sept. 12. — Joseph, Sarah and Alexander, childn of Luther Crocker and Susanna his wife.
[1807,] Oct. 18. — Susan, Daugr of Timothy Barker and Susanna his wife.
[1807, Oct.] 22. — Lydia, Robert, Nicolas, Hannah, Magnus & Priscilla, children of James Redlon and Hannah his wife of Phillipsburg.
1808, Mar. 1. — Horton and Isaac Elwel, sons of Will. Adams & Rebecca his wife.
[1808,] June 5. — Thos Freethy, son of James Emery and Catharine his wife.
[1808,] Aug. 7. — Charles Royal, son of Royal Brewster and Dorcas his wife.
[1808, Aug.] 14. — Edmund, son of Edmund Woodman and Lydia his wife.
[1808,] Sep. 29. — Brice Smith, and Mary Elizabeth, children of John Edwards & Eunice his wife.
1809, Jan. 25. — John Eaton Jr., an Adult.
[1809, Jan. 25.] Jacob, Simeon, Mary, Sarah Adams, John Green, Jemima and Elizabeth Jose, Children of John Eaton Jr. and Keziah his wife.
[1809,] June 4. — Mary Gorham, Daugr of Charles Coffin and Mary his wife.[p. 78]1809, July 16. — Susanna, Daugr of Samuel Hill and Susanna his wife.
[1809,] Oct. 15. — Sewel, son of Timothy Barker and Susanna his wife.
1810, Jan. 17. — Isaac, son of Isaac Libby and Abigail his wife.
[1810, Jan.] 19. — George, son of Jonathan Emery and Jane his wife.
[1810,] Aug. 12 — Davis, son of Edmund Woodman and Lydia his wife.
[1810,] Oct. 7. — Enoch Billings, son of Jabez Bradbury and Mary his wife.
1811, Apl. 21 — Hariot, Daugr of Royal Brewster and Dorcas his wife.
[1811,] June 2. — Charles, son of Luther Crocker and Susanna his wife.
[1811,] July 7. — Elizabeth Woodburn, Daugr of Charles Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1811,] Sep. 1. — Mary the wife of John Messerve.
[1811, Sep.] 1. — Arcades Edwards, son Jno Messerve and Mary his wife.
1812, Jan. 12. — Lydia, Daugr of Edmund Woodman and Lydia his wife.
[1812,] Sep. 6. — Sarah, wife of Isaac Boynton, And dangr of Humphry Merrill.
[1812,] Nov. 4. — Elizabeth, Mary, Lydia, children of Isaac Boynton and Sarah his wife.
1813, Jan. 10. — Elizabeth, Daugr of Samuel Thompson and Betsey his wife.
[1813,] Jan. 10. — Sarah, Daugr of William Adams and Rebecca his wife.
[1813,] Mar. 9. — Scamman, son of Samuel Hill and Susanna his wife.
[1813,] June 27. — Catharine Greenleaf, Daugr of Charles Coffin and Mary his wife.
[1813,] July 11. — James Davis, son of Luther Crocker and Susanna his wife.[p. 79]1813, Oct. 10. — Caroline, Daugr of Jabez Bradbury and Mary his wife.
[1813, Oct.] 31. — Freedom Hubbard, son of John Messerve and Mary his wife.
1814, Jan. 11. — Robert and Oliver, children of John Edwards and Eunice his wife.
[1814, Jan. 11.] Phinehas, Daniel, Stephen, Asenath, Sarah and Samuel, children of Samuel Thompson and Betty his wife.
[1814, Jan.] 18. — Aphia Sands, and Almira, children of Asa Brown and Betsey his wife.
[1814,] Sep. 25. — Cyrus, son of Joseph Woodman Jr. and Susanna his wife.
1815, Sep. 10. — Edward, son of Charles Coffin and Mary his wife.
1816, June 9. — Mary, Daugr of Michael Hanson and Sarah his wife.
[1815, June] 30. — William Henry, son of Joseph Woodman Jr. and Susanna his wife.
[1815,] Aug. 11. — Eliza Elden, Daugr of Edmund Woodman and Lydia his wife.
[1815,] Sep. 23. — Mary, Daugr of John Messerve and Mary his wife.
1817, Sep. 7. — William Hubbard, son of John Messerve and Mary his wife.
[1817,] Oct. 5. — Frederick, son of Peletiah Harmon Jr. and Rebecca his wife.[p. 80]The record of the following baptisms is in the handwriting of Dr. Coffin, but were administered by Rev. L. Loring, except those noted as administered by Dr. Coffin : —
1817, Dec. 28. — Elizabeth Daugr of Asa Brown and Betsey his wife.
1818, Apl. 26. — Henry Paul Coffin, son of Rev. Levi Loring and Sophia his wife (administered by Dr. Coffin).
[1818,] May 10. — Sally, wife of Ebenezar Wentworth Jr.
[1818, May 10.] Elizabeth, wife of Asa Brown.
[1818,] June 7. — David Smith, and Elizabeth wife of Stephen Harmon.
June 26. — Sarah Deane, daugr of Charles Coffin and Mary his wife (administered by Dr. Coffin).
The following baptisms are entered in the handwriting of Rev. Mr. Loring, but are noted as having been administered by Dr. Coffin: —
1819, May 9. — Charles Little, son of David Coffin and Eliza his wife.
[1819, May 9.] George, son of Joseph Woodman jr. & Susanna his wife.
[1819,] Oct. 7. — Robert Boyd, son of Pelh Harmon jr. & Rebecca, his wife.
1794, Apr. 6. — The Church unanimously voted not to exact a public Confession of Lewdness or Fornication of those Parents whose Children should be born in Wedlock; That is to say, with Reference to the Children so born.