Source: Civil War Era Soldiers' Portraits, Maine State Archives.
Digital Maine hosts this collection of identified cartes de visite, which includes photographs from the Maine State Archives submitted by officers at the request of Adjutant General John Hodsdon. Many photographs remain unidentified.
Lieutenant John J. Quimby, Company D, 14th Maine Infantry
Nathan E. Quint, 3rd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Levi Rackliff, 19th Maine Infantry, Company B
Corporal Charles E. Ramsdell, 19th Maine Infantry, Company H
Major George W. Randall, 30th Maine Infantry
Major George W. Randall, 30th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel George W. Randall, 30th Maine Infantry, also 25th Maine Infantry
Sergeant John J. Randall, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company E
1st Lieutenant K. K. Rankin, 4th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Kendall K. Rankin, 4th Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Lieutenant E. D. Redman, 4th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Austin Reed, 2nd Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
George E. Reed, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company G
Private John Reed, 20th Maine Infantry, Company A
Acting Assistant Paymaster Thomas Brackett Reed, US Navy (USS Sybil)
1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster Josiah Remick, 17th Maine Infantry
Sergeant George H. Rice, 9th Unorganized Maine Volunteers
Edwin H. Rich, Company F, 19th Maine Infantry
Private Hiram H. Rich, 13th Maine Infantry, Company I
Private Samuel Rich, 9th Maine Infantry
Captain Asbury Richards, Company E, 19th Maine Infantry
Captain Asbury C. Richards, 19th Maine Infantry, Company E
Private Joel S. Richards, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company H
2nd Lieutenant C. C. Richardson, Company D, 12th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Christopher C. Richardson, 12th Maine Infantry, Company D
Private David M. Richardson, 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, Company F
1st Lieutenant Justin K. Richardson, Company G, 30th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant W. L. Richmond, Company I, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Lieutenant Nathaniel H. Ricker, 31st Maine Infantry
Assistant Surgeon Richard R. Ricker, 31st Maine Infantry, also 23rd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Aaron Ring, 13th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Aaron Ring, 13th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster Aaron Ring, 13th Maine Infantry, Company G
Sergeant David O. Ring, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Lieutenant Henry O. Ripley, 4th Maine Infantry
Captain Thomas Roach, Company K, 6th Maine Infantry
E. H. Robbins, Company F, 15th Maine Infantry
Sergeant Nathaniel Robbins, 4th Maine Infantry
1st Sergeant Byron Roberts, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company M
Lieutenant Cassius C. Roberts, Company L
Lieutenant Cassius C. Roberts, Company L
Cassius C. Roberts, 10th Maine Infantry, Company I, also 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company B and L
Cassius C. Roberts, 10th Maine Infantry, Company I, also 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company B and L
Adjutant Charles W. Roberts, 17th Maine Infantry, also 1st and 10th Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles W. Roberts, 2nd Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles W. Roberts, 2nd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant James S. Roberts, 17th Maine Infantry
Private James H. Roberts, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company C
Captain John H. Roberts, Company M, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Colonel Thomas A. Roberts, 17th Maine Infantry
Paymaster Frederick Robie, US Volunteers; Governor of Maine 1882-1886
1st Lieutenant Artemas Robinson, 4th Maine Infantry
Artemas Robinson, 4th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Charles E. Robinson, Company B
Captain E. M. Robinson, Company C, 5th Maine Infantry
Captain Edward M. Robinson, 5th Maine Infantry, Company C
Edward M. Robinson, 5th Maine Infantry, Company C
1st Lieutenant James F. Robinson, Company C
Captain O'Neil W. Robinson, 4th Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Major O'Neil W. Robinson, 1st Maine Battery
Lieutenant Luther B. Rodgers, Company B, 8th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Edwin S. Rogers, Company E, 31st Maine Infantry
Private Greenleaf C. Rogers, 2nd Maine Infantry, also 31st Maine Infantry
Private Luther K. Rogers, 17th Maine Infantry, Company F
Sergeant Seth Rogers, 31st Maine Infantry, Company C, also 32nd Maine Infantry
Corporal William Rogers, 31st Maine Infantry, Company H
Private (later Captain) Charles A. Rolfe, 11th Maine Infantry, Company A and B
Captain Henry Rolfe, 7th Maine Infantry, Company I
Sergeant Oscar R. Rolfe, 12th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Benjamin F. Rollins, Company E
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Rollins, 31st Maine Infantry, Company A and L
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant Roscoe G. Rollins, 31st Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Abram N. Rowe, 31st Maine Infantry, Company E
Acting Ensign Charles Mellen Rowe, US Navy (USS Naubuc)
Corporal William C. Rowe, 4th Maine Infantry, Company F
Assistant Surgeon W. W. Royal, 11th Maine Infantry
Private H. B. Runnels, 9th Maine Infantry, Company K
Private Perley Runnels, 15th Maine Infantry, also 8th US Infantry
Captain A. P. Russell, 1st Maine Cavalry
Captain Addison Russell and James W. Coakley, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company E
Captain John K. Russell, 7th Maine Infantry
Private Joseph Russell, 8th Maine Infantry, Company A
J. Bates, F. Speed, H. Rust, S. Gordon, N. Dow, D. Stinson, F. Hesseltine, and H. Moore, 23th Infantry
Colonel Henry Rust, 13th Maine Infantry
Colonel (later Brevet Brigadier General) Henry Rust, 13th Maine Infantry
Colonel John D. Rust, 8th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel John D. Rust, 8th Maine Infantry
Private Henry Augustus Ryerson, 23rd Maine Infantry, also 12th Maine Infantry
Captain F. W. Sabine, 11th Maine Infantry
Major George W. Sabine
Major George W. Sabine
Micah Sampson, 8th Connecticut Infantry
2nd Lieutenant J. Albert Sanborn, 10th New Hampshire Infantry, Company D, also 2nd New Hampshire Infantry
Hospital Steward John H. Sanborn, 17th Maine Infantry, Company K
Surgeon Eugene F. Sanger, 6th Maine Infantry
Private Benjamin Sargent, 19th Maine Infantry, Company E
Lieutenant Frank J. Sargent, Company L
Captain Herbert R. Sargent, 32nd Maine Infantry
Captain Herbert R. Sargent, 32nd Maine Infantry
Captain Herbert Reading Sargent, 10th Maine Infantry, Company E, also 1st Maine Infantry, 31st Maine Infantry Company C, and 32nd Maine Infantry
Captain Herbert Reading Sargent, 10th Maine Infantry, Company E, also 1st Maine Infantry, 31st Maine Infantry Company C, and 32nd Maine Infantry
Captain Hudson Saunders, Company H
John Thomas Savage and Alfred J. Haskell, 7th Maine Battery
Captain William H. Savage, 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers, also 17th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel (also Quartermaster and Brevet Brigadier General) Charles Greene Sawtelle, US Army
Lieutenant Colonel (also Quartermaster and Brevet Brigadier General) Charles Greene Sawtelle, US Army
Private LaForest Sawtelle, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company C
Corporal Orlando Sawtelle, 9th Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Lieutenant Charles F. Sawyer, 4th Maine Infantry
Adjutant Charles F. Sawyer, 4th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Charles H. Sawyer, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company E and M
Captain Ellis M. Sawyer, 17th Maine Infantry, Company E
1st Lieutenant Fred A. Sawyer, Company E 17th Maine Infantry
Captain Hudson Sawyer, Company I
Captain Hudson Sawyer, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery; aide to General Detrobriand and post Chaplain at Togus Hospital, 1903
Private John Sawyer, 17th Maine Infantry, Company I
Captain Thomas J. Sawyer, 5th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain W. Sawyer, Company C, 30th Maine Infantry
Captain Whitman Sawyer, 30th Maine Infantry, Company C, also 25th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant William B. Sawyer, Company I, 19th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Charles H. Sawyer, Company M
Captain George S. Scammon, 11th Maine Infantry, Company I
Sergeant Arthur Betts aka Albert E. Scott, Company B
Sergeant Arthur Betts aka Albert E. Scott, Company B
Sergeant Charles L. Seavey, 16th Maine Infantry, Company F
Captain William H. Seavey, 7th Maine Infantry, Company F, also 17th Maine Infantry, Company A, and 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers
Lieutenant Charles Sellmer, Company C, 11th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant David Miles Sells, Marine Corps, also 2nd Iowa Infantry, 107th US Colored Troops, and 9th and 41st US Infantry
Lieutenant and Adjutant LaGrange Severance, 12th Maine Infantry
Henry Sewall, 19th Maine Infantry
Captain S. G. Sewall, Company F, 11th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Samuel G. Sewall, 11th Maine Infantry, Company F, also 4th US Infantry
Private Daniel Shaw, 30th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Frederic E. Shaw, Company D
Private Erastus M. Shaw, 16th Maine Infantry, Company G
1st Lieutenant John P. Sheahan, Company E, 31st Maine Infantry
Adjutant J. E. Shepherd, 9th Maine Infantry
Colonel R. B. Shepherd, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Colonel Russell B. Shepherd
Colonel Russell Benjamin Shepherd, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Reverend David Shepley
George Foster Shepley, 12th Maine Infantry
Colonel George Foster Shepley and Captain Charles C. G. Thornton, 12th ME Infantry
Brigadier General George Foster Shepley
Brigadier George Foster Shepley, 12th Maine Infantry
Private Frank A. Sherman, 4th Maine Infantry, Company H, also 19th Maine Infantry
Captain George P. Sherwood, 5th Maine Infantry, Company F
1st Lieutenant Henry A. Shorey, 15th Maine Infantry, Company B
General Daniel E. Sickles
Private Harrison Simmons, 4th Maine Infantry, Company H
1st Lieutenant William E. Simmons, Company G, 13th Maine Infantry
Private William H. H. Simonton, 19th Maine Infantry, Company I
1st Lieutenant D. S. Simpson, Company H, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Captain Daniel S. Simpson, 26th Maine Infantry, also 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company H
Sergeant William N. Simpson, 9th Maine Infantry, Company A
Lieutenant George Skillings, 3rd Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Captain E. A. Skinner, Company K, 14th Maine Infantry
Captain Abner K. Small, 16th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant E. Small, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Private Edwin R. Small, 13th Maine Infantry, Company E
Sergeant Frederick H. Small, 25th Maine Infantry, Company A
Captain Oliver R. Small, 19th Maine Infantry, Company E and F
Quartermaster S. C. Small, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Stephen Smallidge, Company D, 31st Maine Infantry
Captain James L. Smart, 91st US Colored Troops, also 13th Maine Infantry, Company C
Sergeant Marcus M. Smart, 12th Maine Infantry
Corporal Marcus M. Smart, 12th Maine Infantry, Company E
Captain Nehemiah Smart, 19th Maine Infantry, Company E
Captain Nehemiah Smart, 19th Maine Infantry, Company E
M. E. L. Grover sent to Sergeant Smith, 9th Maine Infantry, Company H
Assistant Surgeon Andrew R. G. Smith, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Benjamin J. Smith, 11th Maine Infantry, Company C, also served in Maine Legislature 1878
Colonel C. H. Smith, 1st Maine Cavalry
Colonel Charles H. Smith, 1st Maine Cavalry
Captain George Dudly Smith, 19th Maine Infantry, Company I
1st Lieutenant George H. Smith, 6th Maine Battery
Captain H. Smith, 8th Maine Infantry
Major Harrison G. Smith
Captain Harrison G. Smith, Company H, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Major Harrison G. Smith, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Captain Hillman Smith, 8th Maine Infantry Company K
Private Horatio Fox Smith, 31st Maine Infantry, Company F
2nd Lieutenant Joseph O. Smith, 11th Maine Infantry, Company F
Captain Lycurgus Smith, Company A, 6th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant S. C. Smith, Company I, 1st Maine Cavalry
2nd Lieutenant Samuel C. Smith, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company I
Private William J. Smith, 15th Maine Infantry, Company E
Lieutenant Colonel Z. A. Smith, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Captain William B. Snell, Company B, 13th Maine Infantry
Captain William B. Snell, 13th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Granville F. Sparrow, Company B, 17th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Granville Fontaine Sparrow, 17th Maine Infantry, Company A and B
Captain Joseph W. Spaulding, Company A, 19th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Joseph Whitman Spaulding, 19th Maine Infantry, Company A
1st Lieutenant Joseph Whitman Spaulding, 19th Maine Infantry, Company A
Major Ellis Spear, 20th Maine Infantry
Brevet Brigadier General Ellis Spear, 20th Maine Infantry
Private John L. Spear, 11th Maine Infantry
Sergeant Daniel A. Spearin, 16th Maine Infantry, Company A, F, and K
J. Bates, F. Speed, H. Rust, S. Gordon, N. Dow, D. Stinson, F. Hesseltine, and H. Moore, 23th Infantry
Captain Frederick Speed, 13th Maine Infantry, also 5th Maine Infantry
Captain Burbank Spiller, 5th Maine Infantry, Company C and K
Lieutenant Colonel W. P. Spofford, 11th Maine Infantry
Henry Spooner
Lieutenant Thomas G. Spratt, Company I
Lieutenant Thomas G. Spratt, Company I
Lieutenant Thomas G. Spratt, Company I
Major A. B. Spurling, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew B. Spurling, 2nd Maine Cavalry, also 1st Maine Cavalry, Company D
2nd Lieutenant Lorenzo D. Stacey, Company B, 29th Maine Infantry
Captain G. A. Stanley, Company F, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Captain Gustavus Stanley, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Captain Gustavus Stanley, 2nd Maine Cavalry; 28th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John D. Stanley, 11th Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Lieutenant Moses A. Stanley, Company C, 29th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Stanley, 21st Maine Infantry
Private Rufus D. Stanley, 11th Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Lieutenant J. H. Stanwood, Company C, 20th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Horatio Staples, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company G
Colonel (later Brevet Brig. General) Isaac W. Starbird, 19th Maine Infantry
Private Gilbert A. Starrett, 24th Maine Infantry, Company B
Private Waterman Starrett, 24th Maine Infantry, Company B
1st Lieutenant Solomon S. Stearns, 4th Maine Infantry, Company F
2nd Lieutenant Charles A. Stevens, Company K, 1st Maine Cavalry
Charles L. Stevens, Company A, 14th Maine Infantry
Sergeant George F. Stevens, 1st Maine Sharpshooters, Company E, also 20th Maine Infantry, Company E and I
2nd Lieutenant John Stevens, Company H, 8th Maine Infantry
Joseph F. Stevens, 11th Maine Infantry, Company H
1st Lieutenant Orin B. Stevens, Company F, 5th Maine Infantry
Captain R. M. Stevens, Company B, 5th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant W. E. Stevens, Company B, 5th Maine Infantry
William A. Stevens, 16th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Orrin B. Stevens, 5th Maine Infantry, Company F, H, and I
Captain Robert M. Stevens, 5th Maine Infantry, Company B
Private Thomas W. Stevens, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company K
J. Bates, F. Speed, H. Rust, S. Gordon, N. Dow, D. Stinson, F. Hesseltine, and H. Moore, 23th Infantry
Captain Charles F. Stone, 6th Maine Infantry, Company C
Lieutenant Charles E. Stubbs, 2nd Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
1st Lieutenant William H. Sturgis, 17th Maine Infantry, Company B and C
Lieutenant Josiah Sturtevant, 80th US Colored Troops
1st Lieutenant E. C. Summersides, 5th Maine Infantry
Captain Alex B. Sumner, Company A, 6th Maine Infantry
Assistant Surgeon W. H. Forwood, Lieutenant Colonel C. Grover, Major J. B. Conyngham, [?] Sutler, 2nd Lieutenant W. F. Gardner, 1st Lieutenant J. M. Thompson, and 1st Lieutenant D. I. Ezekiel
1st Lieutenant Timothy Swan, 7th Maine Infantry, Company A and H
Private Sidney Swett, 16th Maine Infantry, Company F
Private Austin Sylvester, 7th Maine Infantry, Company D
Corporal Nathan P. Tabor, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battalion E, also 3rd Maine Infantry, Company H
Lieutenant Colonel Stephen C. Talbot, 31st Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Stephen C. Talbot, Adjutant; transferred to 31st Maine Volunteers
1st Lieutenant Stephen C. Talbot, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, also 31st Maine Infantry
Quartermaster James H. Tallman, 3rd Maine Infantry, also Division Quartermaster, General Merritt's 1st Division Cavalry Corps
Colonel Rufus P. Tapley, 27th Maine Infantry
Major C. Taylor, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant John L. Taylor, Company K, 8th Maine Infantry
Private John R. Teague, musician with 4th Maine Infantry, also 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers, Company I
Lieutenant Colonel Peter G. S. Tenbroeck, Medical Director, US Army
Private Howard A. Thayer, 4th Maine Infantry, Company B
2nd Lieutenant Ransil W. Thing, 12th US Colored Heavy Artillery
Captain Albert F. Thomas, 2nd Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Henry G. Thomas
General Henry Goddard Thomas
Acting Ensign and Acting Master William Thomas, US Navy (USS Nahant)
Captain and Quartermaster Charles Thompson, 10th Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles R. Thompson, 12th US Colored Troops
Surgeon E. A. Thompson, 12th Maine Infantry
Assistant Surgeon W. H. Forwood, Lieutenant Colonel C. Grover, Major J. B. Conyngham, [?] Sutler, 2nd Lieutenant W. F. Gardner, 1st Lieutenant J. M. Thompson, and 1st Lieutenant D. I. Ezekiel
Lieutenant J. M. Thompson, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain J. W. Thompson, Company B, 12th Maine Infantry
Surgeon James H. Thompson, 12th Maine Infantry
Enlisted Sailor Moses C. Thompson, US Navy
Private Oscar H. Thompson, 31st Maine Infantry, also 32nd Maine Infantry, Company F
Captain Samuel F. Thompson, Company G, 12th Maine Infantry
Captain Samuel P. Thompson, 12th Maine Infantry, Company I
2nd Lieutenant Warren F. Thompson, 8th Maine Infantry, Company A
Private Hosea B. Thorndike, 20th Maine Infantry, Company I
Captain C. C. G. Thornton, 12th Maine Infantry
Captain Charles C. G. Thornton, 12th Maine Infantry, Company C
Colonel Charles C. G. Thornton, 12th Maine Infantry, Company C
Colonel George Foster Shepley and Captain Charles C. G. Thornton, 12th ME Infantry
Lieutenant William O. Tibbetts, Company C, 31st Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant C. W. Tilden, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company B, also 16th Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles W. Tilden, 16th Maine Infantry
Brigadier General Davis Tillson
Sergeant Alney W. Titus, 19th Maine Infantry, Company C, also 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
2nd Lieutenant Edward P. Tobie, 1st Maine Cavalry
2nd Lieutenant Edward P. Tobie, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company E and G
2nd Lieutenant Edward P. Tobie, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company E and G
Assistant Surgeon W. C. Towle, 12th Maine Infantry
Assistant Surgeon W. C. Towle, 12th Maine Infantry
Privates Albert F. Tozier and William Emerson, 11th Maine Infantry
Colonel Amasa S. Tracy, 2nd Vermont Infantry
John W. Treadwell, 8th Maine Infantry, Company C
Minnie Treat
2nd Lieutenant William H. Tripp, 19th Maine Infantry, Company H, also 4th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant William H. Tripp, 19th Maine Infantry, Company H, also 4th Maine Infantry
Major E. A. True, 8th Maine Infantry
Private Luther True, 30th Maine Infantry, Company E
Captain Benjamin F. Tucker, Company B, 1st Maine Cavalry
Captain Benjamin F. Tucker, Company B, 1st Maine Cavalry
Captain Benjamin F. Tucker, Company B, 1st Maine Cavalry
Private Henry W. Tucker, 32nd Maine Infantry, Company B, also 31st Maine Infantry
Captain James H. Tucker, 8th Maine Infantry, Company C
1st Lieutenant Josiah W. Tucker, 19th Maine Infantry, Company A
Sergeant Josiah W. Tucker, 19th Maine Infantry, Company A
2nd Lieutenant Payson E. Tucker, 16th Massachusetts Infantry, Company F and H
Sergeant John O. Tuell, 1st Maine Sharpshooters, Company C, also 20th Maine Infantry, Company C
1st Lieutenant Abner Turner, 3rd Maine Infantry
Abner W. Turner, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain Alfred L. Turner, 10th Maine Infantry, Company B, also 29th Maine Infantry, Company F
Acting Ensign Frank Tuttle, US Navy (USS Shamochin)
1st Lieutenant Adelbert B. Twitchell, 7th Maine Battery, perhaps 5th Maine Infantry and 5th Maine Battery
Lieutenant C. D. Ulmer, Regimental Quartermaster 1st Maine Cavalry
Will Ulmer
2nd Lieutenant Frank K. Upham, 7th California Infantry, also 1st US Cavalry
Unidentified US Navy officer, possibly J. B. Upham or O. Chamberlain
Unidentified US Navy officer, possibly J. B. Upham or O. Chamberlain
General Emery Upton
Private Henry VanBuskirk, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company F
Captain A. L. Varney, Company D, 13th Maine Infantry
Captain Almon L. Varney, 13th Maine Infantry, Company D
Brevet Brigadier General George Varney, 2nd Maine Infantry
Colonel George Varney, 2nd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John Varney, 10th US Colored Heavy Artillery, also 5th Maine Battery
1st Lieutenant John Varney
2nd Lieutenant Lawrence P. Varnum, 79th USCT, also 25th Maine Infantry, Company A
Private Sumner T. Varnum, 9th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain Zenas Vaughan, 1st Maine Cavalry
Captain George W. Verrill, Company E, 17th Maine Infantry
Captain George W. Verrill, 17th Maine Infantry, Company C and E
2nd Lieutenant Wilmot Vickery, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
General Francis Laurens Vinton
Captain I. G. Virgin, Company G, 1st Maine Cavalry
Colonel William Wirt Virgin, 23rd Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Marcus A. Vose, Company H, 2nd Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant Marcus A. Vose, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company M, also 1st Maine Cavalry
2nd Lieutenant John B. Waid, Company K, 6th Maine Infantry
Sea Captain Waite, US Navy
Major Charles Walker, 29th Maine Infantry
Colonel Elijah Walker, 4th Maine Infantry
Captain James Walker, Company E, 15th Maine Infantry
Captain Joseph Walker, Company D, 7th Maine Infantry
Corporal Orzo F. Walker, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company H and K
1st Lieutenant William H. H. Walker, 13th Maine Infantry, Company A and E
1st Lieutenant Aaron W. Wallace, 21st Maine Infantry, Company A
Captain America Walton, Company B, 8th Maine Infantry
Captain America Walton, 8th Maine Infantry, Company B
Lieutenant Emery S. Wardwell, Company G
1st Sergeant Alanson M. Warren, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company M
Captain Henry Warren, Company G, 7th Maine Infantry
Captain Joseph F. Warren, 27th Maine Infantry, Company C
General Cadwallader Colden Washburn
Israel Washburn, Governor of Maine 1861-1863
Governor Israel Washburn of Maine, with Governors Nathaniel Berry of New Hampshire, Frederick Holbrook of Vermont, William Sprague of Rhode Island, William Alfred Buckingham of Massachusetts
Colonel Ansel Dyer Wass, 19th Massachusetts Infantry, also 41st Massachusetts Infantry and 60th Massachusetts Infantry
Assistant Surgeon A. Waterhouse, 7th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Cyrus T. Waterhouse, Company E, 29th Maine Infantry
Sergeant Samuel O. Waterhouse, 13th Maine Infantry, Company F, also 1st Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster C. J. Watson, 3rd Maine Infantry
Quartermaster Charles T. Watson, 3rd Maine Infantry
Mate and Acting Ensign and Frank Watson, US Navy
Horace Watts (8th Maine Volunteers), with Josiah Dean (13th Ohio Cavalry), Seth Dillingham (8th Maine Volunteers), and Seth Babbit (100th NY Volunteers)
Albert H. Waugh, US Marine Corps, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Quartermaster Charles D. Webb, 12th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant James M. Webb, 17th Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Lieutenant James M. Webb, 17th Maine Infantry, Company D
Lieutenant John R. Webb, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company H
Private John T. Webb, musician, 30th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Eli Webber, Company B, 7th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Eli Webber, 7th Maine Infantry
Private Loring S. Webber, 9th Maine Infantry, Company B
Frank W. Webster, Company D
Captain Frank W. Webster, 3rd US Colored Troops, Company G, also 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company D
Major George Webster, 77th US Colored Troops, also 12th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant George Webster, Company C, 12th Maine Infantry
Sergeant William A. Webster, Company B
Private John F. Wedgewood, 11th Maine Infantry, Company H
Acting Assistant Surgeon Milton Curtis Wedgewood, 11th Maine Infantry
Charles F. Weeks, 9th Maine Infantry
William Weeks, 6th Maine Infantry, Company H
Major James Welch, 19th Maine Infantry
Sergeant Nelson M. Welch, 1st Maine Sharpshooters, Company E
George B. Lombard or Richard H. Weld, 44th Massachusetts Infantry
George B. Lombard or Richard H. Weld, 44th Massachusetts Infantry
Colonel George H. Wentworth, 17th Maine Infantry, also 16th Maine Infantry
Colonel Mark J. Wentworth, 32nd Maine Infantry
Private Thomas G. Wentworth, 1st New Hampshire Heavy Artillery, Company K
1st Lieutenant Thomas H. Wentworth, Company H, 15th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant A. R. Wescott, Company D, 31st Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant William H. West, Company C, 6th Maine Infantry
Private Charles E. Wheeler, 7th Maine Battery
Private George Wheeler, 8th Maine Infantry, Company D
Corporal Harlan P. Wheeler, 23rd Maine Infantry, Company B
Lieutenant Joseph Whelpley, Company D, 6th Maine Infantry
Captain A. L. White, 19th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant and 1st Brigade Aide-de-Camp Ansel L. White, 19th Maine Infantry
Captain and 1st Lieutenant Ansel L. White, 19th Maine Infantry, Company B and F
Captain Charles W. White, 4th Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Captain Charles W. White, 4th Maine Battery
Lieutenant Colonel Daniel White, 31st Maine Infantry
Colonel Daniel White, 31st Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Joseph White (or Wight), 5th Maine Infantry, Company A
Private William White Freeman (alias William White), Company B
Captain Everett M. Whitehouse, Company G, 19th Maine Infantry
Major Charles J. Whiting, 2nd US Cavalry
Captain Freeman N. Whiting, Company B, 30th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Jones Whitman, 16th Maine Infantry, Company B and E
Major Royal E. Whitman, 30th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant William W. Whitmarsh, 10th Maine Infantry, Company G, also 1st Maine Infantry and 29th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain William W. Whitmarsh, Company G, 29th Maine Infantry
Private Charles P. Whitney, 29th Maine Infantry, Company B
Lieutenant Charles Whittemore, 7th Maine Infantry
Captain Charles B. Whittemore, 7th Maine Infantry
Captain Albion Whitten, 1st Maine Sharpshooters, Company D, also 19th Maine Infantry, Company D, and 20th Maine Infantry, Company C
Corporal David H. Whittier, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company H
Eliphalet Whittlesey, US Infantry, also 19th Maine Infantry and 46th USCT
Sergeant Albert Wiggin, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company A
Captain Rinaldo B. Wiggin, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company A, also 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, Company C
Surgeon G. A. Wilbur, 11th Maine Infantry
Surgeon G. A. Wilbur, 11th Maine Infantry
Colonel Asa W. Wildes, 16th Maine Infantry
Captain Ephraim W. Wiley, 8th Maine Infantry, Company H
Alden B. Willey, 13th Maine Infantry
Sergeant Alden B. Willey, 13th Maine Infantry, Company I, also 30th Maine Infantry
Assistant Surgeon B. Williams, 8th Maine Infantry
Commander Edward P. Williams, US Navy
Captain James M. Williams, 31st Maine Infantry, Company C, also 21st Maine Infantry, Company E
Captain James M. Williams, 31st Maine Infantry, Company C, also 21st Maine Infantry, Company E
Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer John D. Williams, US Navy (USS Gladiolus)
Acting Ensign John F. Williams, US Navy (USS Signal)
Corporal John M. Williams, 21st Maine Infantry, Company F
General Seth Williams
Private Henry A. Willis, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company I
2nd Lieutenant John E. Willis, 7th Maine Battery, also 14th New Hampshire Infantry
Albion P. Wilson, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company F
1st Lieutenant Joel Wilson, Company F, 1st Maine Cavalry
Captain Joel Wilson, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company F
Lieutenant Ira P. Wing, Company A, 6th Maine Infantry
Captain Elisha Winter, Company D, 12th Maine Infantry
Captain Frank W. Wiswell, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain Francis Wiswell, 11th Maine Infantry, Company E
Captain Francis W. Wiswell, 11th Maine Infantry, Company E
Major Joseph M. Wiswell, 14th Maine Infantry
Captain Charles Witherell, Company K, 6th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant George P. Wood, Company H, 4th Maine Infantry
Captain John F. Wood, 58th Pennsylvania Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Stillman S. Woodcock, Company D
Colonel E. Woodman, 2nd Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant A. L. Woodman, Company L, 2nd Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant Andrew J. Woodman, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Colonel Ephraim W. Woodman, 28th Maine Infantry, also 2nd Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant Edward L. Wooster, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company B and L
Captain Henry P. Wooster, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company C and F
Lieutenant Edward L. Worcester, Company L
Captain Henry P. Worcester, Company F, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain Henry P. Worcester, Company F, 3rd Maine Infantry
Sergeant David S. Worster, 14th Maine Infantry, Company E
Captain George Worster, 14th Maine Infantry
Chaplain J. E. M. Wright, 8th Maine Infantry
Chaplain J. E. M. Wright, 8th Maine Infantry
Acting Master William Wright, US Navy (USS Mystic and USS Minnesota)
Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer David R. Wylie, US Navy (USS Howquah)
1st Sergeant Eri W. Wyman, 13th Maine Infantry, Company D
Sergeant George W. Young, 21st Maine Infantry, Company A
Sergeant Judson L. Young, 11th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Moses W. Young, 80th US Colored Troops, also 3rd Maine Infantry, Company G
1st Lieutenant Parsalla H. Young, 60th US Colored Troops, also 1st Iowa Volunteers
Captain Stephen Young, 96th US Colored Troops, also 4th Wisconsin Cavalry