Source: Civil War Era Soldiers' Portraits, Maine State Archives.
Digital Maine hosts this collection of identified cartes de visite, which includes photographs from the Maine State Archives submitted by officers at the request of Adjutant General John Hodsdon. Many photographs remain unidentified.
1st Lieutenant Charles E. Illsey, 11th Maine Infantry, Company G
1st Lieutenant Charles E. Illsey, 11th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain Edwin Illsley, 12th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Illsley, 12th Maine Infantry
H. P. Ingalls, who possibly served in the US Navy on the USS Augusta
General Rufus Ingalls
Lieutenant William Jackman, Company I, 14th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant William Jackman, Company I, 14th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant William Jackman, 14th Maine Infantry, Company I
1st Lieutenant Amos M. Jackson, 24th Maine Infantry, Company F
Brevet Major General N. J. Jackson, formerly Colonel, 5th Maine Infantry
Colonel Nathaniel J. Jackson, 5th Maine Infantry
Colonel Nathaniel J. Jackson, 5th Maine Infantry
General Nathaniel James Jackson
General Nathaniel James Jackson
Colonel Nathaniel James Jackson, 5th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant S. R. Jackson, 1st DC Cavalry
2nd Lieutenant Horace G. Jacobs, 6th Maine Infantry, Company G
Sergeant Nathaniel P. Jacques, 19th Maine Infantry, Company F
1st Lieutenant Samuel A. James, Company A, 32nd Maine Infantry
Brigadier General Charles D. Jameson, US Volunteers and 2nd Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles D. Jameson, 2nd Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles D. Jameson, 2nd Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles D. Jameson, 2nd Maine Infantry
Colonel (later General) Charles Davis Jameson, 2nd Maine Infantry
Captain Andrew J. Jaquith, Company I, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Captain Andrew J. Jaquith, Company I
Captain Andrew J. Jaquith, Company I
1st Lieutenant George F. Jewett, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant George F. Jewett, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant George F. Jewett, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant George F. Jewett, 1st Maine Cavalry
2nd Lieutenant Noah Jewett, Company B, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Sara Jewett
1st Lieutenant Albert H. Johnson, 10th Maine Infantry, Company I
Benjamin M. Johnson, 9th Kentucky regiment
1st Lieutenant Charles K. Johnson, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company M
Captain E. D. Johnson, Company C, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Elijah D. Johnson, 7th Maine Infantry, Company K, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company C, and 21st Maine Infantry
Surgeon Eugene W. Johnson, US Army
2nd Lieutenant Francis M. Johnson, 11th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Gorham S. Johnson, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company E
Lieutenant H. A. Johnson, Company B, 3rd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant Hannibal A. Johnson, 1st Maine Battalion and 3rd Maine Infantry
1st Sergeant Samuel L. Johnson, 5th Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Sergeant Samuel L. Johnson, 5th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain William H. Johnson, Company K, 27th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant D. S. Jones, Company D, 13th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Daniel S. Jones, 13th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Frank S. Jones, Company I, 30th Maine Infantry
Captain Elisha N. Jones, 2nd Maine Infantry
Major James Jones, 7th Maine Infantry
Major James P. Jones, 7th Maine Infantry
Acting Master John Jones, US Navy (USS Meta Comet and Valley City)
1st Lieutenant Edward Jordan, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company M
Captain R. T. Jordan, 13th Maine Infantry
Captain William P. Jordan, Company C, 29th Maine Infantry
Captain Reuben T. Jordan, 13th Maine Infantry, Company F
Acting Master Francis Josselyn, US Navy (USS Commodore Hull)
2nd Lieutenant George E. Jumper, 1st Maine Cavalry, also 1st Maine Battery
Acting Ensign Willard S. Keen, US Navy (USS Kineo)
L. M. Keene, US Navy (Steamer Mahoney)
Acting Ensign Leander M. Keene, US Navy (USS Naubuc)
Major Samuel Keene, 20th Maine Infantry
Samuel T. Keene, 20th Maine Infantry, Company F
Chaplain Moses Kelley, 6th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John A. Kelley, 9th Maine Infantry, Company E
1st Lieutenant George B. Kenniston, 5th Maine Infantry, Company D
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Keyes, Company E, 32nd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Keyes, 32nd Maine Infantry, Company E, also 28th Maine Infantry, 44th US Infantry, 2nd Maine Cavalry, and Coast Guards
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Keyes, 32nd Maine Infantry, Company E, also 28th Maine Infantry, 44th US Infantry, 2nd Maine Cavalry, and Coast Guards
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Keyes, 32nd Maine Infantry, Company E, also 28th Maine Infantry, 44th US Infantry, 2nd Maine Cavalry, and Coast Guards
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Keyes, 32nd Maine Infantry, Company E, also 28th Maine Infantry, 44th US Infantry, 2nd Maine Cavalry, and Coast Guards
Captain Ebenezer S. Keyes, 31st Maine Infantry; 28th Maine Infantry; 32nd Maine Infantry
General Erasmus Darwin Keyes
General Erasmus Darwin Keyes
General Erasmus Darwin Keyes
General Erasmus Darwin Keyes
General Erasmus Darwin Keyes
John O. Kidder, Company I, 29th Maine Infantry
Private Augustus W. Kimball, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company H
1st Lieutenant Caleb Kimball, Company H, 12th Maine Infantry
Charles W. Kimball, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company A
Lieutenant G. S. Kimball, 1st Maine Cavalry
Lieutenant G. S. Kimball, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant M. C. Kimball, 4th Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Colonel William K. Kimball, 12th Maine Infantry
Captain Albert E. Kingsley, Company K, 29th Maine Infantry
Corporal Charles A. Knapp, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company G, also 20th Maine Infantry, Company C
1st Lieutenant Peter G. Knapp, Company A, 12th Maine Infantry
Captain Enoch Knight, 12th Maine Infantry, Company E
Private Horace Knight, 1st Maine Sharpshooters, Company E
J. B. Knight, 10th Maine Infantry, Company I
Private Stephen D. Knight, 25th Maine Infantry, Company A
Captain Abiather J. Knowles, Company D
Lieutenant John F. Knowles, Company E
Lieutenant John F. Knowles, Company E
Surgeon H. B. Knowles of Portsmouth Grove Hospital, Rhode Island
1st Lieutenant Percival Knowles, 6th Maine Infantry
Sergeant George F. Knowlton, 4th Maine Infantry, Company I, also 19th Maine Infantry, Company A
Major William Knowlton, 29th Maine Infantry
Chaplain George Knox, 29th Maine Infantry
Captain Ebenezer S. Kyes, Company E, 32nd Maine Infantry
Musician Charles R. LaValley, Company B
Private Edwin Ladd, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company H
Captain John D. Ladd, 5th Maine Infantry
Captain John Laing, Company F, 14th Maine Infantry
Colonel M. Lakeman, 3rd Maine Infantry
Colonel Moses B. Lakeman, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain Alonzo P. Lamb, 23rd Maine Infantry, Company G
Private Willard Lamb, 1st Maine Battalion
2nd Lieutenant John Quincy Adams Lancey, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company H, also 2nd Maine Infantry
Lieutenant J. A. Lancy, Company H, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Captain J. F. Land, 20th Maine Infantry
Private Philip J. Landagan, 30th Maine Infantry, Company I, also 3rd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Hezekiah H. Lane, Company C
Lieutenant Samuel W. Lane, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain W. F. Lane, 8th Maine Infantry
Philip Joseph Langer, US Navy (USS Monongahela)
Lieutenant W. B. Lapham, 7th Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Private James M. Larrabee, 11th Maine Infantry band
1st Lieutenant William Larrabee, 7th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant William H. Larrabee, 7th Maine Infantry
Private Meshach Purinton Larry, 17th Maine Infantry, Company H
Private Meshach Purinton Larry, 17th Maine Infantry, Company H
Captain Luther Lawrence, Company H, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain Luther Lawrence, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain Luther Lawrence, 11th Maine Infantry, Company H
Corporal Albert Q. Leach, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company G
2nd Lieutenant Aubrey Leavitt, 16th Maine Infantry, Company E
Private Justin M. Leavitt, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company I
2nd Lieutenant J. W. Lee, Company I, 1st DC Cavalry
Sergeant William G. Lee, 14th Maine Infantry, Company F, also 11th Maine Infantry
Captain William E. Leighton, 1st Maine Battalion, Company A
Captain Frank Lemont, 5th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant C. W. Lenfest, Company M, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Lenfest, Company M
Captain Charles W. Lenfest, Company K
Chaplain Henry C. Leonard
Lieutenant Colonel George F. Leppien, 5th Maine Battery
Captain George Francis Leppien, 5th Maine Battery; wounded at Chancellorsville and died 24 May 1863
Surgeon Henry C. Levensaler, 8th Maine Infantry
Private Thomas W. Lewis, Coast Guard Infantry Company C, also Unattached Infantry Company C
1st Lieutenant Horatio Libby, Company C, 1st Maine Cavalry
Captain S. H. Libby, Company L, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Captain Edwin Libby, 4th Maine Infantry
Sergeant Greenleaf R. Libby, 12th Maine Infantry, Company K
Private Henry H. Libby, 17th Maine Infantry, Company I
1st Lieutenant Horatio S. Libby, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company C
1st Lieutenant Samuel H. Libby, 27th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Samuel H. Libby, 27th Maine Infantry, also 2nd Maine Cavalry
Private Thomas G. Libby, Company A
Private Thomas G. Libby, Company A
Assistant Surgeon Albert R. Lincoln
Assistant Surgeon Albert R. Lincoln
Captain John M. Lincoln, Company D, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Captain John M. Lincoln, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company D, also 6th Maine Infantry Company F and 28th Maine Infantry Company E
Captain Willard Lincoln, 19th Maine Infantry, Company H
Private William L. Lincoln, 12th Maine Infantry, Company I
Captain A. N. Linscott, Company F, 21st Maine Infantry
Quartermaster Sergeant Lewis K. Litchfield, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company I
Captain Horace Chapin Little, 23rd Maine Infantry, Company B
2nd Lieutenant Thaddeus Little, Company K, 1st Maine Cavalry
2nd Lieutenant Thaddeus Little, Company K, 1st Maine Cavalry
Private Charles H. Littlefield, 8th Maine Infantry, Company K
Private Franklin Littlefield, 27th Maine Infantry, Company G
Assistant Provost Marshal General Robert M. Littler
George B. Lombard or Richard H. Weld, 44th Massachusetts Infantry
George B. Lombard or Richard H. Weld, 44th Massachusetts Infantry
1st Lieutenant Malcolm Long, Company B, 14th Maine Infantry
Captain Malcolm W. Long, 14th Maine Infantry, Company B, also 9th Unassigned Infantry
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2nd Lieutenant J. H. Lord, Company D, 15th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant J. W. Lord, Hancock's Corps
1st Lieutenant Charles P. Lord, 8th Maine Infantry, Company F
Quartermaster Charles Lord, 2nd Maine Infantry
Private George W. Lord, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company D
2nd Lieutenant Jacob B. Loring, Company B, 1st Maine Cavalry
Major Albert Loring, 10th US Colored Troops, also 13th Maine Infantry, Company B
Major Edward P. Loring, 10th US Colored Heavy Artillery, also 13th Maine Infantry, Company B
Captain Jacob B. Loring, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant Cherbury F. Lothrop, 16th Maine Infantry, Company F
Colonel Warren L. Lothrop, US Engineers Company A, also 1st Missouri Infantry and 1st Missouri Light Artillery
1st Lieutenant Cherbury F. Lothrop, 16th Maine Infantry, Company F
Private Nathan N. Loud, 1st Maine Infantry Company H, also 11th Massachusetts Infantry Company K
Colonel Owen Lovejoy of Ohio, US Army
Colonel Owen Lovejoy of Ohio, US Army
Private Henry C. Lovell, 2nd Maine Battery
2nd Lieutenant Charles C. Low, 7th Maine Infantry, Company C
1st Lieutenant Charles W. Low, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company G
2nd Lieutenant Charles W. Low, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company G
Colonel Charles W. Low, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain Frederick Low, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company B
Major Frederick Low, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
1st Lieutenant Fred C. Low, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Frederic C. Low
Captain Frederic C. Low, Company B
Captain Frederic C. Low, Company B
Lieutenant Frederic C. Low, Company B
Acting Ensign Abner Lowell, US Navy, (USS Britannia)
Lieutenant Alvano V. Lowell, 8th US Colored Troops
2nd Lieutenant Charles Lowell, Company C, 7th Maine Infantry
Brevet Colonel Charles Winthrop Lowell, 80th US Colored Troops
Captain H. S. Lowell, 12th Maine Infantry
Captain O. H. Lowell, 16th Maine Infantry
L. Murphy (possibly Levi or Lucius), 4th Maine Infantry
William E. Ludwig, musician, 20th Maine Infantry, Company E
Musician William Edward Ludwig, 20th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain Augustus N. Lufkin, 45th US Colored Troops, also 2nd Maine Infantry, 20th Maine Infantry, and 5th US Artillery, Battery I
1st Lieutenant Andrew Shaw Lyon, 5th Maine Infantry, Company K
Corporal William H. Macey, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company F
Private William R. Mahoney, 16th Maine Infantry, Company E
Corporal Daniel Mangan, 1st Maine Sharpshooters, Company E
Sergeant Major Horace A. Manley, 11th Maine Infantry, Company G
Corporal Joseph Mann, 25th Maine Infantry, Company H
Lieutenant Samuel S. Mann, 7th Maine Infantry
Private Sewall Mann, 25th Maine Infantry, Company H
Captain S. H. Manning, 5th Maine Infantry
Surgeon John C. Manson, 24th Maine Infantry
Corporal John S. Manson, 17th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain Charles March, Company F 13th Maine Infantry
Captain Charles R. March, 13th Maine Infantry, Company F
Private Ezra B. Marden, 20th Maine Infantry, Company A
Colonel Thomas Marshall, 7th Maine Infantry
Captain A. G. Marston, Company E, 9th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Arlington B. Marston, Company D
Captain Daniel Marston, Company C, 16th Maine Infantry
Surgeon George W. Martin, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Assistant Surgeon George W. Martin, 2nd Maine Cavalry; 6th Maine Infantry
Colonel Edwin Mason, 7th Maine Infantry
Colonel Edwin C. Mason, Colonel Selden Connor, and Major Thomas W. Hyde, 7th ME Infantry
Colonel Edwin C. Mason, 7th Maine Infantry, also 2nd Ohio Infantry, 176th Ohio Infantry
Lieutenant Robert H. Mathes, Company A, 17th Maine Infantry
Captain A. B. Mathews, Company H, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Colonel Charles P. Mattocks, 17th Maine Infantry
Colonel Charles P. Mattocks, 17th Maine Infantry
Major Charles P. Mattocks, 17th Maine Infantry
Rhode Island Adjutant General Edward C. Mauran
1st Lieutenant Thomas A. Maxfield, 21st Maine Infantry, Company D
Private Henry H. Maxim, 12th Maine Infantry
C. W. Maxwell, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain Elvin J. Maxwell, 96th US Colored Troops, also 15th Maine Infantry, Company D
Quartermaster Sergeant Foster Myers, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company B (also listed as John L. Mayers)
Private George Mayhew, Coast Guard Infantry, Company F
Private George Mayhew, Coast Guard Infantry, Company F
Private George Mayhew, Coast Guard Infantry, Company F
Captain Ezekiel R. Mayo, Company M, also in 3rd Maine Battery
Colonel William McArthur, 8th Maine Infantry
Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General William M. McArthur, 8th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Clark McCarthy, US Army, Cony Hospital
Major General George B. McClellan
Captain Jacob McClure, Company D, 2nd US Sharpshooters
Lieutenant Andrew C. McCurdy, Company M
Captain Edwin C. McFarland, 41st US Colored Troops Company C, 79th US Colored Troops Company A, and 1st Massachusetts Infantry
Colonel Freeman McGilvery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Captain George McGinley, 7th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant George McGinley, 7th Maine Infantry, Company G, also 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers
Sergeant John McGregor, 6th Maine Infantry, Company G
Sergeant Freeman K. McIntyre, 16th Maine Infantry, Company K
2nd Lieutenant Marshall McKusick, 6th Maine Battery
2nd Lieutenant Marshall McKusick, 6th Maine Battery
1st Sergeant Allen P. McLure, 8th Maine Infantry, Company D
Greenleaf McPheters, band member, Company I
Hospital Steward Charles A. McQuesten, 6th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John Mead, Company D, 15th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John Mead, 15th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Nathan L. Meands, 22nd Massachusetts Infantry Company I, also 32nd Massachusetts Infantry Company L
Mark B. Means, US Navy gunner (USS Monongahela)
1st Lieutenant Holman S. Melcher, Company F, 20th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Holman S. Melcher, 20th Maine Infantry, Company B and F
Sergeant Major Leander O. Merriam, 31st Maine Infantry
Private John P. Merrick, 17th US Infantry, Company F
Lieutenant Edward P. Merrill, Company D, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant Edward P. Merrill, 1st DC Cavalry
Captain A. S. Merrill, Company D, 3rd Maine Infantry
Sergeant Alfred S. Merrill, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Charles Merrill, Company M
Private Cleveland B. Merrill, 31st Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Edward I. Merrill, 17th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain Simeon H. Merrill, Company J, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain Edward I. Merrill, Company G, 17th Maine Infantry
Chaplain Samuel H. Merrill, 1st Maine Cavalry
Chaplain Samuel H. Merrill, 1st Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant William Merrill, 5th Maine Infantry, Company A
Captain Benjamin G. Merry, Company B, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Major Benjamin G. Merry, 21st Maine Infantry, also 2nd Maine Cavalry
Corporal David C. Merryman, 15th Maine Infantry, Company B
Captain Charles H. Meserve, 1st Maine Infantry, Company D
Private Henry B. Meserve, 21st Maine Infantry Company F, also 1st Battery Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Alden Miller, Company G, 20th Maine Infantry
Major Charles A. Miller, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Private Frederick Miller, 5th Maine Infantry, also 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers
Lieutenant Colonel H. R. Millett, 5th Maine Infantry
Captain A. B. Millett, Company D, 8th Maine Infantry
Captain Alonzo D. Millett, 8th Maine Infantry, Company D
Lieutenant Colonel Henry R. Millett, 5th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel Henry R. Millett, 5th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Josiah A. Millett, 30th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Stephen D. Millett, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company D
Private Charles Milliken, 17th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant John F. Milliken, Quartermaster 2nd Maine Cavalry
Lieutenant and Quartermaster John F. Milliken, 8th Maine Infantry, also 2nd Maine Cavalry
Sergeant Major Nathan M. Mills
Private William D. Mills, 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers Company E, also 6th Maine Infantry and 7th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant F. J. Mitchell, 5th Maine Infantry
Adjutant George Mitchell, 8th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Henry G. Mitchell, Company H, 32nd Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant George W. Mitchell, 8th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Henry G. Mitchell, 31st Maine Infantry, Company H
Surgeon John D. Mitchell, 31st Maine Infantry, also 8th Maine Infantry
Acting Ensign William T. Mitchell, US Navy (USS Montauk)
Surgeon N. P. Monroe, 20th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Charles F. Monroe, 8th Maine Infantry, Company C
2nd Lieutenant John Montgomery, 2nd Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
Captain William Montgomery, Company D, 1st Maine Cavalry
Lieutenant William H. Moody, Company L, 2nd Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant B. V. Moore, Company I, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Captain John S. Moore, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain John S. Moore, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain Edward Moore, Company C, 17th Maine Infantry
Private Alonzo V. Moore, 15th Maine Infantry, Company A
Private Charles E. Moore, 20th Maine Infantry, Company G
E. S. Moore, band member 1st Maine Cavalry, Company A, also 1st DC Cavalry
Captain Edward Moore, 17th Maine Infantry, Company C
2nd Lieutenant Gustavus Moore, 16th Maine Infantry, Company B and E
J. Bates, F. Speed, H. Rust, S. Gordon, N. Dow, D. Stinson, F. Hesseltine, and H. Moore, 23th Infantry
Hospital Steward Joseph D. Moore, 11th Maine Infantry
Private Thomas B. Moore, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company E, also 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company A
Lieutenant Isaac N. Morgan, Company B
Captain William C. Morgan, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain William C. Morgan, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company F
Major William C. Morgan, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company F
1st Lieutenant John N. Morrell, 17th Maine Infantry, Company G
1st Lieutenant John N. Morrell, 17th Maine Infantry, Company G
Captain William W. Morrell, 20th Maine Infantry
Captain Walter G. Morrill, Company B, 20th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John N. Morrill, Company G, 17th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John N. Morrill, 17th Maine Infantry
Governor Lot M. Morrill, also US Senator (1861-1876) and Secretary, Treasury (1876-1877)
Captain Walter G. Morrill, 20th Maine Infantry, Company B, also 6th Maine Infantry
Surgeon Samuel B. Morrison, 3rd Maine Infantry
Corporal John Morrow, 6th Maine Infantry, Company F
1st Lieutenant Alfred D. Morse, 12th Maine Infantry, Company A
Private Charles A. B. Morse, 16th Maine Infantry, Company A
2nd Lieutenant Charles C. Morse, Company L, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Sergeant Eliphalet C. Morse, 14th Maine Infantry, Company H
1st Lieutenant Hiram Morse, 20th Maine Infantry
Alfred Morton, Veteran Reserve Corps
Captain Kirke W. Moses, Company G, 30th Maine Infantry
Captain Kirke W. Moses, 30th Maine Infantry, Company G, also 23rd Maine Infantry, Company A
Lieutenant Vincent Mountfort, Company K, 1st DC Cavalry
Private Daniel H. Mountfort, 25th Maine Infantry, Company B
Lieutenant Hollis P. Mountfort, 25th Maine Infantry, Company B
2nd Lieutenant Wilber F. Mower, 16th Maine Infantry, Company I
2nd Lieutenant Wilbur F. Mower, 16th Maine Infantry, Company I
Captain Albert G. Mudgett, Company D, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain Albert G. Mudgett, 11th Maine Infantry, Company D, G, and K
Colonel William S. Mudgett, 80th US Colored Troops, also 2nd Maine Infantry, Company B
R. W. Mullen, Company B, 14th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Albert Murch, Company B, 6th Maine Infantry
Quartermaster Sergeant Foster Myers, 2nd Maine Cavalry, Company B (also listed as John L. Mayers)
Captain John D. Myrick, Company K ,1st Maine Cavalry
Captain Charles E. Nash, 19th Maine Infantry
Captain Charles E. Nash, 19th Maine Infantry, Company C and F
Chaplain Charles Nason, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Chaplain Charles Nason, 8th Maine Infantry
Private Gustavus Nason, 30th Maine Infantry, Company D
Private Edwin L. Neal, 26th Maine Infantry, Company A
2nd Lieutenant Patrick Neville, Company H, 15th Maine Infantry
Sumner B. Newbegin, farrier with the 1st Maine Cavalry, Company H and K
Captain L. Newcomb, Company K, 11th Maine Infantry
J. Everett Nichols, clerk with the 21st Maine Infantry, Company I
Captain Edgar A. Nickels, 11th Maine Infantry, Company C
Captain A. A. Nickerson, 7th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Albert A. Nickerson, 7th Maine Infantry, Company E
1st Lieutenant Alfred E. Nickerson, 19th Maine Infantry, Company B
General Franklin Stillman Nickerson
Captain Edgar Nickles, Company C, 11th Maine Infantry
Captain Grafton Norris, 11th Maine Infantry, Company F
Assistant Surgeon George J. Northrup, 1st DC Cavalry
1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster George A. Norton, 5th Massachusetts Infantry
2nd Lieutenant William E. Norwood, 26th Maine Infantry, Company F
Captain Amos F. Noyes, Company B, 32nd Maine Infantry
Captain Amos F. Noyes, 32nd Maine Infantry, Company B, also 14th and 23rd Maine Infantry
Captain Chauncey Noyes, 31st Maine Infantry
Captain Chauncey O. Noyes, 31st Maine Infantry, Company D
Private David Noyes, 7th Maine Infantry, Company B, also 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers
Captain W. W. Noyes, Company E, 30th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Walter F. Noyes, 17th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Walter F. Noyes, Company G, 17th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant William W. Noyes, 23rd and 30th Maine Infantry
Major Charles W. Nute, Company H
Colonel George Nye, 29th Maine Infantry
Captain George H. Nye, Company K, 10th Maine Infantry
Captain George H. Nye, Company K, 29th Maine Infantry
Corporal John Edwin Nye, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company E
2nd Lieutenant B. F. Oakes, Company I, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Captain Benjamin F. Oakes, Company L
Captain Samuel J. Oakes, Company J
Benjamin F. Oakes, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company I
Lieutenant John S. Ober, Company E, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
2nd Lieutenant Alvirus Osborn, 19th Maine Infantry, Company A
Benjamin A. Osborn, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company E
Corporal Thomas J. Owen, 2nd Maine Cavalry
1st Lieutenant Charles E. K. Packard, 5th Maine Infantry, Company K
Captain S. B. Packard, Company B, 12th Maine Infantry
Private David F. Page, 20th Maine Infantry, Company B
2nd Lieutenant George H. Page, 19th Maine Infantry, Company E
Sergeant Fayette Mace Paine, 17th Maine Infantry, Company A
Sergeant Fayette Mace Paine, 17th Maine Infantry, Company A
Surgeon R. E. Paine, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Surgeon Rotheus E. Paine
1st Lieutenant Samuel Paine, 2nd Maine Battery
Surgeon A. D. Palmer, 9th Maine Infantry
Assistant Surgeon Alden D. Palmer, 2nd Maine Infantry, also 9th Maine Infantry
Assistant Surgeon Alden D. Palmer, 2nd Maine Infantry, also 9th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Charles R. Palmer, Company I, 19th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Thomas I. Palmer, Company I, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
2nd Lieutenant Joseph C. Paradis, 5th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Joseph C. Paradis, 5th Maine Infantry, Company E and F
Calvin F. Parker, 7th Maine Infantry, Company B, or Charles F. Parker, 28th Maine Infantry, Company K
Lieutenant (and Adjutant) George A. Parker, 17th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Hiram N. Parker, Company K, 8th Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Newton W. Parker, 17th Maine Infantry
Adjutant George A. Parker, 17th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Jabez P. Parker, 16th Maine Infantry, Company I and K
Captain William T. Parker, Company L
Captain William T. Parker, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company C
Captain William T. Parker, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company L; killed at Spotsylvania 19 May 1864
2nd Lieutenant Charles H. Parlin, 16th Maine Infantry, Company D
2nd Lieutenant Simon W. Parlin, Company F, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Private Joseph Parmenter, 16th Maine Infantry, Company I
Captain David E. Parsons, Company B, 19th Maine Infantry
Captain David E. Parsons, 19th Maine Infantry, Company B
Adjutant General George B. Parsons, 5th Maine Infantry
Sergeant James B. Parsons, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company A
Acting Assistant Surgeon John E. Parsons, US Navy, also 28th Maine Infantry
Captain William R. Pattangall, Company K
Captain William R. Pattangall, Company K
Captain William R. Pattangall, Company K
Chaplain William B. Patten, 32nd Maine Infantry
Sergeant John S. Pearson, Company D
Sergeant John S. Pearson, Company D
Corporal Lewis E. Pearson, 10th Maine Infantry, Company F, also 29th Maine Infantry
Acting Ensign R. C. J. Pendleton, US Navy (USS Luka)
Private Almond Penley, State Guards, Company H
Captain Benjamin C. Pennell, Company B, 17th Maine Infantry
Captain Benjamin C. Pennell, 17th Maine Infantry, Company B
Captain I. A. Pennell, Company A, 16th Maine Infantry
Corporal Aurestus S. Perham, 23rd Maine Infantry, Company F, also 7th Maine Battery
Captain E. D. Perkins, Company K, 11th Maine Infantry
Corporal George L. Perkins, 19th Maine Infantry, Company G
Private John H. Perkins, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company L
Chaplain R. H. Perkins, 9th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Joseph H. Perley, Company E, 29th Maine Infantry
Charles C. Perry, 8th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Gilbert K. Perry, 38th Indiana Infantry, Company G
2nd Lieutenant Henry O. Perry, Company E, 31st Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant Henry O. Perry, 31st Maine Infantry, Company E
J. A. Perry, 17th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Joseph A. Perry, 17th Maine Infantry, Company C and F
1st Lieutenant William A. Perry, 2nd Battery, 1st Maine Mounted Light Artillery
2nd Lieutenant William A. Perry, 2nd Maine Battery
Private George Phelps, 1st Maine Battery
Lieutenant Daniel M. Phillips, 12th Maine Infantry, Company H
Private Noel Byron Phillips, 4th Maine Battery; killed near Cedar Mountain, Virginia, August 1862
1st Lieutenant A. J. Pickard, Company E, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Lieutenant W. H. Pierce, Company C, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Captain Ed G. Pierce, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain Edward P. Pierce, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company B
2nd Lieutenant Elbridge Pierce, Company D, 19th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Elbridge C. Pierce, 19th Maine Infantry, Company D
Major Frank Pierce, 6th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant John L. Pierce, Company C, 6th Maine Infantry
Sergeant Major Osborne J. Pierce, 24th Maine Infantry
Lt. H. P. Pike, 1st U. S. Artillery
2nd Lieutenant E. Pilsbury, Company C, 12th Maine Infantry
Private Fred A. Piper, 2nd Maine Infantry, Company I, also 20th Maine Infantry, Company K
Major William L. Pitcher, 4th Maine Infantry
Private Henry W. Pitts, 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, Company A
Colonel H. M. Plaisted, 11th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant Colonel Harris M. Plaisted, 11th Maine Infantry
Major J. H. Plaisted, 3rd Maine Infantry
Major J. H. Plaisted, 3rd Maine Infantry
Major J. H. Plaisted, 3rd Maine Infantry
Captain J. H. Plaisted, Company H, 3rd Maine Infantry
2nd Lieutenant William P. Plaisted, 11th Maine Infantry, Company G
Corporal Charles E. Plummer, 7th Maine Infantry
Corporal Charles E. Plummer, 7th Maine Infantry, Company K, also 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers
Sergeant Fernando C. Plummer, Company H
Captain Rufus B. Plummer, Company C, 20th Maine Infantry
Private John Pomeroy, 24th Maine Infantry, Company K
Private Manly T. Pooler, Coast Guard Infantry, Company F
Private Sumner W. Pooler, 43rd Wisconsin Infantry, Company C
Captain Leander Alonzo Poor, US Army, also Engineer Corps
1st Lieutenant James W. Poor, 1st Maine Cavalry, Company B
Colonel T. W. Porter, 14th Maine Infantry
Colonel Thomas W. Porter, 14th Maine Infantry
Lieutenant George P. Pote, Company E
Sergeant George P. Pote, Company E
1st Lieutenant George P. Pote, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Company E
1st Sergeant George P. Potter, 26th Maine Infantry, Company H
Captain Gustavus C. Pratt, Company D, 17th Maine Infantry
Captain Gustavus C. Pratt, 17th Maine Infantry, Company D
Captain Almon C. Pray, Company I, 29th Maine Infantry
1st Lieutenant Frank W. Pray, 1st Maine Cavalry
Hospital Steward James E. S. Pray, 17th Maine Infantry
Admiral George Henry Preble, US Navy
Commander George Henry Preble, US Navy
General Benjamin Prentiss
1st Lieutenant Evander F. Prescott, Company F, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Corporal Mellen G. Prentiss, Coast Guard Infantry, Company D
Corporal William Prescott, 1st Massachusetts Infantry, Company I
2nd Lieutenant F. C. Prince, 2nd Maine Cavalry
Captain George Prince, Company K, 1st Maine Cavalry
General Henry Prince
General Henry Prince
General Henry Prince
2nd Lieutenant Royal B. Proctor, 13th Maine Infantry, Company E
Chaplain Collamore Purington, 7th Maine Infantry
Private Christopher C. Putnam, 3rd Maine Infantry, Company K
Command Sergeant John F. Putnam, 17th Maine Infantry