Source: Pensioners in the Legislative Index, Executive Council Reports, and Book of Pensions, Maine State Archives.
Description from Digital Maine: "Alphabetical list (compiled by MSA staff) of persons who applied for State Aid in return for military service from 1825-1881. List includes veterans and widows of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Maine Militia (including the Aroostook War) and Civil War. It also includes people involved in law enforcement. Aid was received in the form of money and land. Pensions, remunerations, and back pay are all monetary reimbursement. Revolutionary War veterans often received land in payment for service."
Records are generally found in the Legislative Graveyard (GY) or the Resolves (RS). An asterisk (*) or number sign (#) under "Form of Aid" indicates that the individual has a listing in an Executive Council index. Page numbers refer to the Book of Pensions. "NF" indicates that the paper files are missing. Original records are located at the Maine State Archives.
Name | Form of Aid | Nature of Service | Year | Location | Page # |
Abigail Andrews | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1840 | GY 133-8 | |
George W. Andrews | Back Pay | Militia | 1844 | GY 165-16 | |
E. Atkins | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 76-97 | |
Christopher Atkinson | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 142-38 | |
Elizabeth Baker | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1839 | RS 63-73 | |
Samuel Baker | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 142-9 | |
Ebenezer Bartlett | Pension | Militia | 1842 | GY 149-11 | |
Samuel Bassick | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 139-8 | |
Josiah P. Bean | Pension | Laborer State Road | 1860 | RS 141-68 | 86 |
Elizabeth Beckler | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1837 | GY 132-32 | |
Henry Bickford | Pension | Militia | 1852 | GY 223-32 | |
Willing Blake | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1836 | GY 101-40 | |
Susannah Bogs | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1836 | GY 102-5 | |
John G. Bowen (heir) | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1850 | GY 213-23 | |
Spencer G. Bowes | Pension | Militia | 1844 | RS 81-2 | 22, 64, 92 |
Hugh M. Boynton | Pension# | ? | ? | ? | |
Thomas Briggs | Pension | War of 1812 | 1849 | RS 97-28 | 43 |
Thomas Briggs | Pension | War of 1812 | 1853 | RS 113-35 | 82 |
Daniel W. Brooks | Pension | Civil War | 1874 | RS 194-85 | 143 |
Benjamin F. Brown | Pension | Militia | 1852 | RS 108-9 | 45 |
Beriah Brown | Pension | War of 1812 | 1870 | RS 174-39 | 123 |
Daniel Brown | Pension | Mititia | 1841 | RS 70-4 | |
Daniel Brown | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 75-52 | |
Daniel Brown | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-102 | |
Daniel Brown | Pension | Militia | 1845 | RS 84-4 | 29 |
Ephraim Brown | Remuneration | Militia | 1853 | GY 231-14 | |
Aunnie O. Burnham | Pension | Civil War (Mother) | 1873 | RS 187-44 | 142 |
Thurston Card | Pension*# | Militia | 1827 | RS 19-1 | 16, 47, 99 |
John Carleton II | Pension*# | War of 1812 | 1857 | GY 251-19 | 3, 54 |
Levi Chadbourn | Pension | Rev. War | 1838 | RS 57-16 | |
Benjamin Chadburn | Pension | Militia | 1856 | GY 245-40 | 75 |
Tobias Churchill Jr. | Back Pay | Militia | 1842 | RS 77-4 | |
William Churchill | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1845 | RS 86-67 | |
Cyrus Clark | Pension | Militia | 1841 | RS 70-5 | |
Solomon Clark | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 142-30 | |
John A. Cleaveland | Remuneration | Militia | 1858 | RS 132-37 | |
Elmira E. Cobb | Pension | Aiding Police (daughter) | 1874 | RS 192-34 | 121, 144, 154 |
Nicholas Coffin | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1845 | RS 84-7 | |
Valentine Cook | Pension*# | ? | ? | ? | |
Elizabeth Coolidge | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1860 | RS 139-17 | |
Elizabeth Coolidge | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1842 | GY 148-42 | |
Joseph Cram | Remuneration | Aided Militia | 1841 | GY 142-32 | |
Smith Cram | Pension | Militia | 1857 | GY 251-11 | |
Ephraim S. Crocket | Pension | Militia | 1841 | RS 70-8 | |
Columbus Crockett | Remuneration | Militia | 1845 | GY 175-14 | |
Hiram Cushman | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 74-21 | 14, 63, 105, 137 |
Nathaniel Cushman | Pension*# | Militia | 1825 | RS 15-53 | 1, 53, 102 |
Thomas Dana | Pension# | Militia | ? | ? | |
Name | Form of Aid | Nature of Service | Year | Location | Page # |
Walker Darling | Pension | Militia | 1858 | RS 136-46 | 83, 116, 141 |
Joseph Davenport (heir) | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1845 | RS 85-45 | |
Eliza Davis | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1842 | GY 149-20 | |
James Davis | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1856 | GY 247-14 | |
W. Dean Jr. | Pension | ? | ? | ? | 117, 127, 145 |
Amos Doane | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1839 | RS 61-11 | |
Simon Dodge (Widow) | Pension | War of 1812 | 1843 | GY 156-22 | |
Harriet Doe | Pension | Bailiff (Widow) | 1857 | RS 129-69 | 78 |
Charles Doughty | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-83 | |
Elisha Douglass | Pension* | ? | ? | ? | |
Huldah Doyle | Allowance | Rev. War (Widow) | 1837 | GY 108-35 | |
William A. Drew | Land Grant | War of 1812 | 1860 | GY 441-8 | |
Ira G. Dunbar | Pension | ? | ? | ? | 145 |
Ebenezer Dunlap | Pension* | Militia | 1833 | RS 39-23 | 9 |
Ebenezer Dunlap | Pension | Militia | 1859 | RS 135-25 | 60 |
Mary Dunlap | Pension | Militia (Widow) | 1860 | RS 141-52 | 85 |
Benjamin Edmunds | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 142-16 | |
Caroline Edwards | Pension | Sheriff (Widow) | 1866 | RS 158-5 | 111 |
Mary Edwards | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1839 | RS 61-25 | |
David Ellsworth | Pension | Militia | 1852 | GY 222-9 | |
Joseph Emery II | Pension | ? | ? | ? | 131 |
Jane Fish | Pension | Rev. War (Widow) | 1840 | RS 66-26 | |
Charles Fogg | Pension | Rev. War | 1838 | RS 58-29 | |
Hannah Fogg | Pension | Rev. War | 1839 | RS 61-13 | |
Peter S. Folsom | Pension | War of 1812 | 1858 | GY 255-28 | |
Peter S. Folsom | Pension | War of 1812 | 1857 | GY 251-27 | |
Peter S. Folsom | Pension | War of 1812 | 1856 | RS 123-10 | 71 |
Peter S. Folsom | Pension | War of 1812 | 1857 | RS 130-107 | 71 |
Samuel Foss | Pension* | Militia | ? | ? | |
Elizabeth Foster | Pension | Civil War (Mother) | 1867 | RS 163-79 | 112 |
Eli French | Pension | War of 1812 | 1845 | GY 175-4 | |
Eli French | Pension | War of 1812 | 1850 | GY 213-21 | |
Eliot Frost | LG to Pension | Rev. War | 1846 | GY 180-19 | |
David Fuller | Back Pay | Militia | 1843 | RS 78-30 | |
Timothy Goldthwait | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1836 | GY 101-32 | |
Eli Goss | Pension | Militia | 1853 | RS 113-34 | 51, 101, 120, 151 |
Arthur L. Grant | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 79-53 | |
Arthur L. Grant | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 74-31 | |
Arthur L. Grant | Pension (NF) | Militia | 1853 | RS 113-32 | |
Arthur L. Grant | Pension | Militia | 1859 | RS 137-67 | 40, 90 |
Arthur L. Grant | Pension | Militia | 1857 | GY 251-18 | |
Arthur L. Grant | Pension | Militia | 1852 | GY 217-9 | |
Boynton Graves | Pension | Militia | 1842 | GY 150-4 | |
Eleanor Gray | Pension | Militia (Widow) | 1839 | RS 63-83 | |
Hezekiah Griffeth | Pension | Militia | 1852 | GY 222-14 | |
Daniel Hall | Back Pay | Militia | 1841 | GY 144-36 | |
Timothy Hall Jr. | Pension* | Militia | 1834 | RS 44-5 | 10 |
William J. Halliburton | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 78-39 | |
Name | Form of Aid | Nature of Service | Year | Location | Page # |
Nathaniel Hanscom | Pension | Militia | 1858 | RS 132-30 | 110 |
Nathaniel Hanscom | Pension | Militia | 1857 | RS 129-66 | 79 |
Albert Hanson | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 78-31 | |
Benjamin Hartford | Remuneration | Militia | 1841 | GY 144-34 | |
Lydia Hayden | Pension | Sheriff (Daughter) | 1874 | RS 194-89 | 146, 148 |
Nathaniel Head | Remuneration | Militia | 1841 | GY 144-8 | |
William Hern | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 76-92 | |
Daniel C. Herrick | Remuneration | Militia | 1841 | GY 144-38 | |
William A. Herrick | Pension | Militia | 1856 | GY 245-49 | 39 |
John Hobbs | Pension* | Militia | 1834 | RS 46-73 | 2 |
Francis Holden | Remuneration | Militia | 1845 | GY 174-19 | |
John H. Hovey | Remuneration | Militia | 1844 | GY 164-30 | |
Israel Hutchinson | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1846 | RS 88-38 | |
Nathaniel L. Ingersoll | Pension* | ? | ? | ? | |
Elizabeth A. Jenkins | Pension | Aiding Police (Widow) | 1865 | RS 156-14 | 108, 140 |
George Johnson | Pension | War of 1812 | 1870 | RS 176-82 | 125 |
James Johnston | Pension | Civil War | 1876 | RS 200-15 | 147 |
Priscilla Jordan | Pension | Militia (Widow) | 1872 | RS 183-58 | 135 |
William M. Jordan | Pension | Militia | 1859 | RS 136-39 | 18, 109 |
Eunice Kellog | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1848 | RS 93-8 | |
Franklin Kimball | Back Pay | Militia | 1844 | GY 163-14 | |
James Lawrence | Pension | Militia | 1854 | RS 116-23 | 69 |
Syrus Levensaler | Back Pay | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-86 | |
Abigail Libby | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1838 | GY 117-7 | |
Arthusa Littlefield | Pension | Civil War (Widow) | 1872 | RS 183-51 | 129 |
Robertson Lorin | Pension | Militia | 1842 | GY 150-21 | |
Elias L. Lothrop | Pension | Militia | 1846 | RS 87-13 | 37, 74 |
Silas S. Low | Pension | Militia | 1857 | RS 127-12 | |
Silas S. Low | Pension | Militia | 1857 | RS 127-12 | |
Benjamin Lowell (heirs) | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1858 | RS 133-70 | |
William A. Luce | Remuneration | Militia | 1841 | GY 144-6 | |
Joseph P. Martin | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1836 | GY 102-28 | |
Lucy Mason | Pension | Rev. War (Widow) | 1836 | GY 103-35 | |
George W. Maxim | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-103 | 24, 65 |
George W. Maxim | Pension | Militia | 1841 | RS 70-16 | |
George W. Maxim | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 74-20 | |
Robert Maxwell | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 79-73 | 21 |
Robert Maxwell | Pension | Militia | 1842 | GY 150-26 | |
Robert Maxwell | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 144-22 | |
Seth May | Back Pay | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-84 | |
James Mayhew | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1841 | GY 143-1 | |
Mariam McKenny | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1838 | GY 114-29 | |
Constant McLaughlin | Pension | ? | ? | ? | 155 |
Hannah Meservey | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1854 | RS 116-22 | |
Romain Michaud | Pension | Laborer State Road | 1870 | RS 174-38 | 122 |
Joseph S. Monroe | Back Pay | Militia | 1845 | GY 172-14 | |
Josiah Morril | Pension* | ? | ? | ? | |
Reuben Murch | Pension# | ? | ? | ? | |
Name | Form of Aid | Nature of Service | Year | Location | Page # |
Hannah Murphy | Pension | Rev. War | 1846 | GY 181-25 | |
Hannah Murphy | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1857 | RS 129-73 | |
Hannah Murphy | Pension | Rev. War (Widow) | 1853 | GY 230-28 | |
Hannah Murphy | Pension | Rev. War (Widow) | 1848 | GY 199-5 | |
Caleb Nodding | Pension | Militia | 1845 | RS 84-9 | 30 |
Alden W. Norris | Pension | Militia | 1840 | RS 67-49 | 19 |
Benjamin Nutter | Pension | Civil War | 1881 | RS 216-17 | 155 |
Heman Nye | Pension* | ? | ? | ? | |
Abagail O'Brion | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1856 | RS 124-31 | |
Joshua Oaks | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1836 | GY 102-25 | |
Owen Family | Pension | Civil War (heirs) | 1863 | RS 151-38 | 91 |
Charles Owen | Pension | Civil War (Son) | 1872 | RS 184-78 | 133 |
Ernest F. Owen | Pension | Civil War (Son) | 1868 | RS 166-58 | 114 |
Marcus Paul | Pension | Militia | 1844 | GY 165-41 | |
Martin K. Paul | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 143-16 | |
Joel Pelton | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1846 | RS 90-74 | |
Joel Pelton | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1846 | GY 178-22 | |
Oliver Perkins | Pension | Militia | 1852 | GY 225-8 | |
Oliver Perkins | Pension*# | Militia | 1842 | GY 148-1 | 5, 56 |
Lucy Philbrook | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1836 | GY 102-32 | |
Nicholas Pierce | Pension*# | Militia | 1845 | RS 84-19 | 15, 46 |
Nicholas Pierce | Pension | Militia | 1854 | RS 116-32 | 100 |
James Pomroy | Pension*# | Militia? | 1856 | RS 124-44 | 6, 57, 94 |
Joseph Pomroy | Pension | War of 1812 | 1850 | GY 212-19 | |
Joseph Pomroy | Pension | War of 1812 | 1848 | RS 94-28 | |
Joseph Pomroy | Pension | War of 1812 | 1853 | GY 230-35 | |
Joseph Pomroy | Pension | War of 1812 | 1841 | GY 139-18 | |
Joseph Pomroy | Pension | War of 1812 | 1844 | RS 81-33 | 27, 67 |
Joseph Pomroy | Pension | War of 1812 | 1849 | GY 205-2 | |
Mary Pomroy | Pension | Militia (Widow) | 1867 | RS 163-73 | 94, 118 |
William Poor Jr. | Pension | Militia | 1856 | RS 126-79 | |
William Poor Jr. | Pension | Militia | 1854 | RS 117-53 | 41, 77 |
William Poor Jr. | Pension | Militia | 1855 | RS 119-19 | |
Charles S. Preble | Pension# | ? | ? | ? | |
William W. Quimby | Pension# | Militia | 1842 | RS 76-84 | |
William W. Quimby | Pension | Militia | 1844 | RS 81-19 | 25 |
William W. Quimby | Pension (NF) | Militia | 1854 | RS 112-20 | 66, 93, 132 |
Elizabeth Reynolds | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1849 | GY 201-27 | 124, 153 |
Calvin Rider | Remuneration | Militia | 1841 | GY 143-29 | |
Charles Roberts | Pension | Militia | 1844 | GY 166-6 | |
Harvey E. Robinson | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 143-10 | |
James Robinson | Pension | Militia | 1854 | RS 116-28 | 23, 49, 97, 128 |
Loren Robinson | Pension | Militia | 1841 | RS 71-39 | |
Rufus Sanborn et al | Pension | Militia | 1841 | RS 70-30 | |
Rufus N. Sanborn | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 74-23 | |
Rufus N. Sanborn | Pension | Militia | 1856 | RS 123-27 | |
Rufus N. Sanborn | Pension | Militia | 1845 | RS 86-79 | 35 |
Robert Sargent | Back Pay | Militia | 1852 | GY 225-24 | |
Name | Form of Aid | Nature of Service | Year | Location | Page # |
Herbert Savage | Pension* | Militia | 1833 | RS 40-27 | 17, 48, 98 |
George Sawtelle | Pension# | Militia | 1841 | RS 70-6 | |
George Sawtelle | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-101 | |
George Sawtelle | Pension | Militia | 1845 | RS 85-40 | 28, 68 |
David Sevey | Pension*# | Militia - War of 1812 | 1854 | RS 115-12 | 8, 59, 103 |
William Shed | Pension | Militia | 1842 | GY 151-17 | |
Ephraim Sheldon | Pension | War of 1812 | 1848 | RS 95-44 | 42 |
Ebenezer B. Simonton | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-88 | |
John and Benj. Small | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1856 | GY 246-30 | |
Benjamin Smith | Pension (NF) | Militia | 1856 | RS 123-20 | |
George H. Smith | Pension | Militia | 1855 | RS 120-35 | 72, 106, 138 |
Charlies Spear | Pension | Militia | 1845 | RS 85-43 | 32 |
Eli T. Sprague | Pension | Militia | 1845 | RS 84-10 | 31, 73, 107, 139 |
Nathaniel Stanley | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1836 | GY 103-31 | |
Miles Staples | Back Pay | Militia | 1842 | RS 77-6 | |
Miles Staples | Back Pay | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-87 | |
Randal Steward | Remuneration | Militia | 1841 | GY 143-25 | |
David Strout | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 76-94 | |
David Strout | Pension | Militia | 1843 | RS 80-96 | 26, 87, 130 |
Enoch Strout | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 139-34 | |
Thomas Taylor | Pension (NF) | Militia | 1853 | RS 113-31 | 50 |
William Thomes | Pension | Rev. War | 1838 | RS 58-36 | |
A. B. Thompson | Back Pay | Militia | 1854 | RS 117-60 | |
A. B. Thompson | Pension | Militia | 1852 | GY 221-1 | |
William Thoms | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1836 | GY 103-14 | |
Lewy Tomer | Pension | Surveyor for State | 1860 | RS 139-16 | 89 |
William Tozier | Pension* | Militia-1812 | 1829 | GY 55-30 | |
Leonard Trask | Pension (NF) | Militia | 1852 | RS 108-21 | 44 |
Leonard Trask | Pension | Militia | 1856 | GY 245-41 | |
Leonard Trask | Pension | Militia | 1854 | RS 115-15 | 88 |
Alexander G. Turner | Pension | Militia | 1853 | RS 112-19 | |
Alexander G. Turner | Pension | Militia | 1842 | RS 74-29 | |
Alexander G. Turner | Pension | Militia | 1854 | RS 116-18 | |
Henry Upton | Pension | Militia | 1856 | RS 123-14 | 80, 113, 149 |
Isaiah Waterhouse | Back Pay | Militia | 1844 | GY 163-27 | |
Benjamin Watton | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1836 | GY 97-29 | |
Robert Waugh | Pension | Militia (pre-1812) | 1838 | RS 58-28 | 13, 62 |
James Webb | Land Grant | Rev. War | 1852 | GY 220-13 | |
Thomas Webb | Pension | Militia | 1857 | GY 250-31 | |
Thomas Webb | Pension | Militia | 1859 | RS 136-48 | 84 |
Peace Wentworth | Pension | Militia (Widow) | 1839 | RS 62-39 | |
Jane White | Land Grant | Rev. War (Widow) | 1841 | GY 144-28 | |
George Williston | Pension | Militia | 1845 | RS 86-60 | 33 |
George Williston | Pension | Militia | 1841 | RS 72-65 | |
Pamela Wood | Pension | Militia (Widow) | 1845 | GY 173-12 | 36 |
Pamela Wood | Pension | Militia (Widow) | 1845 | RS 86-80 | 36 |
Albert Wyer | Pension | Militia | 1841 | GY 144-32 |
