Source: Aroostook War: Historical Sketch and Roster of Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Men Called into Service for the Protection of the Northeastern Frontier of Maine, from February to May, 1839 (Augusta, Me.: Kennebec Journal Print, 1904).
Original Aroostook War muster rolls and other records may be viewed at DigitalMaine.
The format of the data has been altered. Errata on page 72 has been incorporated.
[p. 27]Muster Roll of Captain Albion P. Arnold's Company of Artillery in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the seventeenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainAlbion P. Arnold
LieutenantCharles B. Bates
Ensign[no names given]
SergeantsGeorge W. Armstrong
Sylvanus Fairbanks
Rufus K. Lane
John S. Morrill
CorporalsDaniel F. Ayer
William P. Caldwell
Cyrus C. Fairbanks
William Walker
MusiciansCharles E. Hodges
Sumner Smith
PrivatesGeorge Allen
Josiah Allen
George M. Atwood
Orrin W. Blaisdell
John W. Brown
Samuel Butler
Rufus Campbell
James R. Choate
Stephen Dudley
Joseph Earle
Francis A. Fogg
John E. Follett
Cyrus H. Folsom
George W. Haines
Samuel P. Hall
George W. Hammond
John Jacobs
Augustus Knowles
John Knowles
Daniel Lawton
Moses D. Leeman
William Lyon
Adorno L. Melvin
Edlon D. Moody
Stephen Moshier
Charles R. Page
David L. Page
Jonathan Patch
William Perkins
William Pinkham
Ivory Quint
Harvey Ramsdell
Samuel B. Russell
George W. Stanley
Nathan Webster
Jonathan Whittier
James M. Wiggin
Phineas Yeaton, Jr.
[p. 45]Muster Roll of Captain Zachariah Gibson's Company of Artillery in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the s[i]xth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-seventh day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainZachariah Gibson
LieutenantsJesse Bradford, 1st
Benjamin Maxim, 2d
Seth Beale, Jr., 2d [sic]
SergeantsSylvanus B. Bean
Hannibal Thompson
Chandler F. Millet
James Weeks, Jr.
CorporalsNelson Cushman
Thomas Cary
Henry Jones
Atwell Richardson
MusiciansAmasa Johnson
Elijah Tebbetts
Horace Cushman
PrivatesBenjamin Alden, Jr.
Columbus Alden
Loren Alden
Hiram Beals
Andrew Bennett
Caleb Blake
Ebenezer Bray
Daniel H. Briggs
Otis Bryant
Orville Byram
Frederick Coburn, Jr.
Alden Cushman
Jonathan Cushman
John Daggett
Joseph Daniels
Mark Dennett
Moses Downing
Elbridge Dunlap
Daniel Y. Dyer
Jonathan W. Felton
Sanford Fish
Alden B. Fisk
William Gossom
Daniel Hackett
Lyman N. Hall
Daniel H. Hill
Edson Jones
James Jones
William H. Jones
Gaius Keen
Ammi Larrabee
Stephen P. Mansfield
Isaac Marson
John Martin
Nicholas D. Morrill
Benjamin Peterson, Jr.
Dudley Pike
William Poor, Jr.
Bradford W. Ricker
Emerson Rose
Benjamin Soule
Isaac Stiles
John Stanley
David Strout
Elias A. Tubs
Napoleon Weeks
Cyrus Wentworth
[p. 58]Muster Roll of Captain Enoch R. Lumbert's Company of Artillery in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at ______, Maine, to the twenty-third day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainEnoch R. Lumbert
LieutenantsJohn Quimby
Fifield Lyford
Alfred Kirkpatrick
SergeantsHebron Luce, Ord. Sergt.
Daniel M. Haskell
Tristram C. Godding
Luther Rideout
Daniel Webster
Liberty Drew
Joseph Bartlett
Stephen B. Dockham
CorporalsDaniel E. Fifield
Micah C. Emerson
Hiram Hawes
Charles Doble
MusiciansRoyal H. Batchelder
Levi M. Perry
PrivatesJames W. Adams
Moody Bailey
Zenas Bartlett
James Batchelder
John Batchelder, 2d
Dodge Batchelder
Samuel Bridge
Mark Burnham
Alexander H. Chase
Jonas Coburn
Andrew S. Davis
Robert P. Davis
Henry A. Downe
Orren Doble
Hiram Draper
Rufus S. Elliot
Thomas B. Fifield
Zaloch Gates
Dennis Gleason
Hiram F. Godwin
Enoch P. Goodwin
Thomas F. Gould
Samuel Hamilton
Andrew M. Haskell
Charles Haskell
Henry Hawes
Benjamin W. Huff
Jedediah Kimball
Samuel Knight
Harvey E. Leighton
Daniel S. Littlefield
John C. Ladd
James Lougee
Artemas Merriam
Abram Miles
Stephen C. Moulton
William Neal
Elijah Norton
John Nute
Ezekiel Page
James R. Patten
Nathaniel R. Patten
Robert Perkins
Jeremiah Reed
John S. Runnels
John Shackleton
Albert Skinner
Gardner Smith
John P. Smith
Waterman Stinson
John Tobbin
Paul Tomlinson
Isaac Tuttle
John West
Amasa Whittier
Porter Whittier, Jr.
Richard Webster, Jr.
James Warren