Source: Aroostook War: Historical Sketch and Roster of Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Men Called into Service for the Protection of the Northeastern Frontier of Maine, from February to May, 1839 (Augusta, Me.: Kennebec Journal Print, 1904).
Original Aroostook War muster rolls and other records may be viewed at DigitalMaine.
The format of the data has been altered. Errata on page 72 has been incorporated.
[p. 30]Muster Roll of Captain Nathan Barker's Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-sixth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainNathan Barker
LieutenantEphraim Harmon
EnsignJohn S. Willson
SergeantsSimon A. Dyer
Benjamin Boothby
Lothrop Worcester
William Proctor
CorporalsJames W. Stevens
Stephen Swett
S. V. R. G. Brown
Henry Towle
MusiciansThomas Pennell
William Pike
PrivatesJoseph H. Babb
Samuel F. Bacon
John H. Bailey
Samuel S. Bangs
Seward P. Barbour
George T. Bean
John Bond
Nathaniel Bragdon
Seth L. Bragdon
Samuel Buckman
Asa Bullard
Charles F. Chandler
John M. Clark
Isaiah Coffin
John C. Davice ["On pay roll as John C. Davis."]
Francis Donnell
Alfred Dyer
George W. Dyer
Benjamin Duran
Joshua T. Emery
Samuel R. Fernald
Amos Field, Jr.
John Frye
John Garland
Henry E. Gower
Charles M. Green
Joseph W. Hale
Albert Harmon
George Harris
James M. Hasty
James M. Haynes
Mark Hutchinson
William W. Leathers
Benjamin F. Libby
David M. Longley
Jason Mead
Curtis B. Merrill
Daniel Merrill
John Merrill
Rufus N. Merrill
William E. Morris
Lowell Newcomb
Brian Paine
James Patterson
George W. Pike
Joseph C. Purinton
Francis Richards
David F. Rolf
George Rounds
Isaac Sands
Ethan A. Sawyer
Francis O. Sawyer
Nelson Shaw
Amos Smith
David P. Strout
Alfred Swett
John Tuckerman
Oliver Winslow
Joseph Whitten
Levi Whitney, Jr.
[p. 33]Muster Roll of Captain Hiram Burnham's Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the third day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Calais, Maine, to the sixth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainHiram Burnham
LieutenantWilliam B. Austin
EnsignRobert Moore
SergeantsMichael L. Patten
John W. Coffin
Ephraim Wille
Thomas J. Smith
CorporalsRobert F. Campbell
Samuel Conners
William H. Stevens
John Rumble
MusiciansAmbrose Campbell
James Campbell
PrivatesForbes Baker
William Bracey
James M. Campbell
Samuel Campbell
Samuel Colson, Jr.
John Conners
Calvin B. Curtis
Ephraim P. Dorman
Alfred Dunbar
John B. Dunbar
Emery Dyer
Charles H. Everett
George Freeman
Ebenezer Giles
David Godfrey
Lemuel Guptill
William Kellier
Francis Kelley
William Kilton
Samuel Kincaid
Rufus Kingsley
Seamen Leighton
Everett Lewis
Rufus Madden
Francis McRoy
Henry D. Parker
Luther Parker
Stilman Parret
Francis B. Patten
Galen O. Preble
John Shaw
Benjamin Sinclair
James Small, 2d
Andrew Smith
Leamon S. Springer
Luther Stevens
George Steward
Horace Strout
Stillman S. White
Thomas A. White
John Whitmore
Ephraim Whitney
Andrew Wille
George Wingate
[p. 35]Muster Roll of Captain James Clark's Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the eleventh day of May, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJames Clark
LieutenantWilliam E. Atwood
EnsignNathaniel D. Eaton
SergeantsJoseph Leslie
Solomon York
John N. Emerson
Timothy M. Cook
CorporalsWilliam M. Johnson
Ezekiel C. Jackson
Laomi S. Herrick
Hazen Messenger
MusiciansJohn Swan
Jacob Swan
Amazias Dodge
PrivatesSamuel Allen
Edward D. Baker
Samuel Baker
Oren Barden
Carlos Bean
Ira Bither
Levi Blake
Samuel Blagdon
John N. Budge
Silas Bunker, Jr.
John O. Chadman
William Corliss
William Cross
Joseph Cushman
Valentine Dunning
Benjamin Dyer
George W. Eddy
John E. Foss
David French
Hiram Glidden
Francis Goodwin
Arthur L. Grant
Abraham Grover
Reuben Hale
William Harris
Bowman Herrin
Thomas C. Herrick
Daniel Hewes
Lorenzo Hinckley
Charles A. Howard
John Jenness
Charles Low
Freeman Luce
Ira Mansel
Enoch R. Mayo
William H. Mayo
Philip McIntire
Jason Miller
Samuel V. Millet
Nelson Mitchell
Reuben Myrick
Israel Norcross
Benjamin Patterson
Nathaniel Perkins
James Prescott
George B. Reed
Harvey Reed
Joseph Rose
Darius Sargent
John Shaw
Nathan S. Shaw
Gorham Smith
Dudley D. Spratt
Howard Stevens
Daniel L. Stinchfield
Hiram Swan
Nathaniel Swan
Elijah Sylvester
Augustine Triggs
Willard Vincent
Azariah Wadleigh
Aaron H. Walker
George B. Webber
Peter Wheelden
Charles Whittier
William Willey
[p. 53]Muster Roll of Captain S. A. Holbrook's Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-sixth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainS. A. Holbrook
LieutenantJohn F. Sawyer
EnsignTimothy H. Weymouth
SergeantsRobert P. Kendall
McKeen Johnson
Hooper D. Strout
Jere H. Moore
CorporalsTheo L. Curtis
Peroz I. Griffin
Gustavus Rogers
John H. Tuttle
MusiciansJames Frank, Jr.
Henry Cummings
PrivatesJoseph Allen
Robert R. Andrews
Jonathan Barker
Hetherty Barstow
Isaac Berry
James Brown
Samuel Q. Chase
Matthew Churchill
John Cobb
Reuben S. Cobb
Stephen Cobb
Richard Draper
William S. Elder
Emery Emerson
Nathan Ferguson
Henry C. Fitzgerild
Parker Gibson
Eben Gilman
Unite Grant
George W. Greene
Rufus Greene
Edward Goddard
John Gore
Moses Haskell
Edward P. Hawkes
James R. Hawkes
Stewart Holmes
Benjamin Humphrey, Jr.
Benjamin R. Jordan
Artemas Latham
J. Ezra Latham
Cyrus J. Libby
George Loring
Moses Maxwell
John McIntosh
James Nash
Dennis Page
Fred Purington
Curtis C. Richards
Charles Robert
Elijah Robinson
Reuben A. Sawyer
William Skillings
William Smith
Alpheus Spiller
Joseph Staple
Alonzo Strout
Nathan H. Swett
James Townsend
Jacob Tripp
Benjamin True
Josiah M. Turner
Joseph Watson
Fred S. White
Robert White
George B. Woodbury
Nathan Wright
Atwood F. N. Young
William Young
William L. York
[p. 54]Muster Roll of Captain James Huxford's Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-sixth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJames Huxford
LieutenantFrancis Thorndike
EnsignBenjamin Rowe
SergeantsSylvanus Eaton
William Reynolds
Barzillai W. Lane
John Penn Pilley
CorporalsBenjamin Cilley
Erastus Lane
Charles H. Thorndike
Nathaniel Boynton
MusiciansIsaac Fogg
Lucius Huxford
Thomas A. Herrick
Orrington Smith
PrivatesWilliam Batchelder
Alanson Bennett
Calvin I. Boobar
Sylvester Bowden
Benjamin Bunker
David Burton
George W. Carlisle
Daniel Condon
Horace Cotton
Ezra Curtis
Sabbina Dodge
John E. Door
James Douglass
John H. Fogg
William L. Fogg
Moses Ford
Enoch Frost
Ebenezer Garland
Nathaniel Gerrish
Enoch W. Gilman
Alexander Gray
Asa Green
Joseph Gross
John Gross
William Guptill
Arthur Hall
Levi Hanson
Marshal Hardin
Jeremiah H. Herrick
Jesse Higgins
Samuel P. Holtt
John H. Hubbard
Nahum H. Ingalls
Oren Jackson
Lebbeus Jones
Kimball Johnson
Isaac S. Kenney
Otis Keys
Thomas Kimball
Daniel Lawrence
Benjamin Leathers
Ebenezer Lowell
William Mathews
Daniel McLane
James Mead
Isaac C. Nesmith
Ebenezer G. Oakes
Fred P. Osgood
Isaac Osgood
Amasa W. Parker
Michael H. Patten
Francis Partridge
Ephraim M. Perkins
Franklin Rich
Oliver T. Rich
Benjamin Roberts
Winslow Roberts
Learned Rowe
Amos Smith
Nahum Stetson
Silas Saunders
Emery Thompson
Samuel Watts
Edward Webb
William P. Worthing
Alfred Young
[p. 56]Muster Roll of Captain Timothy Ludden's Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-seventh day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainTimothy Ludden
LieutenantCyrus Hersey
EnsignWilliam Doble
SergeantsJames Russ
Hiram Wormell
Oliver Perkins
Edmund Butterfield
CorporalsLawson Mason
Leonard Thurlow
Charles B. Brooks
Samuel White, 3d
MusiciansEtsil G. Smith
Jacob Witham
PrivatesGeorge W. Annis
John Bennett, Jr.
Thomas J. Benson
Mial Berry
Thomas Bragdon
Amos Carter
John A. Caswell
Justus Caswell
George G. Chaffin
Stephen D. Chase
John Crocker
John Davidson
Thomas DeCoster
Ebenezer Eaton
James M. Edwards
David H. Farnham
Benjamin F. Ford
Hiram Foster
Charles P. Fuller
William Gammon
Gideon A. Hastings
William J. Hill
Alvin Howe
Elmore Knight
Lorenzo Knight
Daniel Lawrence
Joseph Lovejoy
Lory C. Lufkin
Daniel Masterman
Francis McKusick
Cyrus Merrill
Silas Mitchell
Seth Morse
Edward H. Noyes
Abraham Pugsley
Nahum Rand
Enoch Rankins
Perley Rankins
Asa Record
Reuben Rich, Jr.
Benjamin F. Spaulding
Ephraim P. Smith
Peter Smith
Orrin B. Swan
Foster Trumbull
Ozman Twitchell
Daniel Walker
John Warren
William Wentworth
Pelatiah Witham
Daniel B. Yeaton
[p. 65]Muster Roll of Captain Joseph Perry's Company of Light Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the fifteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJoseph Perry
LieutenantDudley L. Haines
EnsignSamuel Bowman
SergeantsElbridge G. Towle
True Whittier
William Lawrence, 2d
Josiah M. Fogg
CorporalsJames Peacock
George Young, Jr.
Oliver P. Hooper
Harvey Ladd
Musicians[no names given]
PrivatesAlbert Adams
Asa Allen
Henry A. Bean
Arthur Berry
Thomas E. Blackwell
Joseph Burgess, Jr.
James Campbell
Nathan Cannon
Charles Collins
Thomas Fisk
William P. Fuller
Isaac Furbush
George Glass
Samuel M. Gove
Cyrus H. Gray
William Gray
Mathew Heyward
Elisha S. Higgins
Jotham Hill
David Hilman
Allen Hodgdon
Asa C. Holbrook
Silas Hutchins
Benjamin F. Jacobs
Elias L. Jewell
Sanford Johnson
Jacob Kimball
Thomas Lewis
Benjamin Libby, Jr.
William M. Longley
John H. Lord
Sanford P. Lundy
William H. McCausland
John Morgan
Nathan W. Morse
Reuben Murray
Russell Norton
Solomon Peacock
William Peacock
Barzillai Perkins
Charles Porter
William Porter
Benjamin Remick
Charles A. Seiders
Joseph R. Shepherd
Taylor Smith
Edmund Sprague
Alvin Sanford
Caleb Stetson
James Taylor
Harrison Tobey
Miles Williams
Elmer B. Walcott