Source: Aroostook War: Historical Sketch and Roster of Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Men Called into Service for the Protection of the Northeastern Frontier of Maine, from February to May, 1839 (Augusta, Me.: Kennebec Journal Print, 1904).
Original Aroostook War muster rolls and other records may be viewed at DigitalMaine.
The format of the data has been altered. Errata on page 72 has been incorporated.
[p. 69]Muster Roll of Captain Reuben S. Smart's Company of Cavalry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-third day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the sixteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainReuben S. Smart
LieutenantBidfield Plummer
CornetWilliam B. Hawes
SergeantsStephen Colson, O. Sgt.
John G. Chase
Henry S. Lackey
Giles C. Grant
CorporalsJacob Curtis
Elisha Persons, 2d
Jonathan A. Carlton
Samuel F. Stinson
MusiciansJames N. Clements
PrivatesWashington Carlton
Nathan C. Cole
Alfred Curtis
George B. Curtis
Gideon Curtis
John W. Curtis
Daniel Downs
James Durham
John Ellingwood
Dodge N. Ewell
Andrew Folsom
Obadiah George
Stephen D. George
George H. Hall
Nathan H. Hichborn
John F. Kelley
Jesse Lambert
John C. Libby
Elijah S. Mitchell
Randall Moulton
Samuel Murray
Daniel D. Nealley
Freeman Nickerson
Nathaniel Nickerson
Isaac Patterson
James H. Pendleton
Thomas Perkins
Francis N. Pomroy
Charles N. B. Robinson
Richard Robertson, Jr.
George W. Segee
Edward B. Stafford
David Stearns, Jr.
William B. Stinson
Timothy Stubbs
James Treadwell
Levi Trundy
James Tyler
William Verrill
Samuel West