Source: Aroostook War: Historical Sketch and Roster of Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Men Called into Service for the Protection of the Northeastern Frontier of Maine, from February to May, 1839 (Augusta, Me.: Kennebec Journal Print, 1904).
Original Aroostook War muster rolls and other records may be viewed at DigitalMaine.
The format of the data has been altered. Errata on page 72 has been incorporated.
[p. 55]Muster Roll of Captain John D. Kinsman's Company of Riflemen in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-sixth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJohn D. Kinsman
LieutenantRandolph A. L. Codman
EnsignDaniel F. Allen
SergeantsLincoln Radford
Daniel F. Allen
Benjamin W. Doe
Lathrop L. Crockett
CorporalsGeorge H. Plummer
George Gowell
Asa Greeley, Jr.
William H. Johnson
MusiciansJonas W. Davis
Elliot Y. Fogg
PrivatesLevi G. Abbot
Isaac N. Allen
Orrin Banks
Daniel P. Blake
Hiram Chipman
Charles M. Clark
Ebenezer Collins, Jr.
Frederick F. Corson
Edward H. Davies
John W. Emery
Halsey H. Eveleth
Converse Farr
Daniel Fox, Jr.
Daniel Freeman, Jr.
Richard Gage
William H. Gilbert
John F. Goold
Elbridge G. Gove
Hiram Gowell
C. P. Graffam
Edward L. Grueby
George H. Hammond
William Higgins
William H. Hilton
Aaron Jackman
Samuel B. Jasper
John Kemp
Gardner Lovitt
John S. Lunt
Francis B. Mitchell
Nathaniel Mitchell, Jr.
Samuel Newell
Edwin Parsons
Charles Pennell
John Pettengill
Joseph Pratt
Joshua W. Richardson
Alfred Sawyer
James Seavey
Edwardus Shaw
Nathan M. Small
Joseph L. Small
Peter B. Smith
Albion K. P. Snell
Edward P. Stevens
Daniel Sweetser
Simon Thayer
William Titcomb
William Veriel, 3d
Amos G. Warren
Thomas Welch
George Wentworth
David Weymouth
John Wilbur
Nathan P. Woodbury
Charles E. York
[p. 61]Muster Roll of Captain William H. Mills' Company of Rifl[e]men in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the thirteenth day of May, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainWilliam H. Mills
LieutenantJames Henry Carleton
EnsignHenry L. Stewart
SergeantsElijah Low, Ord. Sergt.
George A. Longfellow
Jesse Snow
Hiram Fogg
CorporalsJason L. Bourne
Abraham Colomy
Amos S. Myrick
Isaac Lunt
MusiciansArthur Heald
Dennis J. Bither
PrivatesSamuel Abbot
James Adams
William Adams
John W. Babcock
Samuel Barrows
Nehemiah Bartlett
Daniel Batchelder
Ziba Burrill
Erastus B. Byram
Noah Clough
Sandford Comery
William Cousins
Samuel W. Costelow
Joseph K. Cross
Elisha Davis
James P. Davis
James M. Davis
Lorraine I. Drew
Jason Dunton
Benjamin Emerson
Ebenezer Farrington
Asa Fowles
Lewis R. French
Joseph Gordon
John Gorton
James Gorton
Watson R. Goss
Joseph Grindle
Simeon B. Grindle
Benjamin Guptil
Stephen S. Hewes
Isaac Hills, 2d
Jason Hills
Thomas Hodgkins
David B. House
Hiram Lebroke
James A. Lombard
Thomas McCausland
David Miller
James Miller, Jr.
Sewall Miller
John Moore
Peter B. Newcomb
John Paine
Stephen B. Pattee
Levi B. Patten
Clark Perry
John A. Plummer
Almon Richards
John Ring
James Rogers
David Shepley
Stephen C. Springer
Sumner Smith
George A. Stevens
Hiram Stevens
Francis J. Sturdevant
Joseph T. Sylvester
Daniel C. Shepley
Jeremiah Thompson
Eli Towne
Samuel F. Walker
Robert H. Weymouth
Charles Wiley
Asa Woodman
James Young
[p. 63]Muster Roll of Lieutenant Hiram Pishon's Company of Riflemen in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the sixteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainHubbard Lovejoy
LieutenantHiram Pishon
EnsignDaniel Bryant
SergeantsH. S. P. Marr
David P. Lovejoy
James B. Willey
Lyman Waire
CorporalsGeorge Richardson
William H. Seaver
Joseph Grant, Jr.
Samuel D. Bragg
MusiciansLlewellyn Wing
Jesse P. Bussell
PrivatesNathan Beane
Nicholas Booker
Stephen D. Brown
B. W. Chandler
Noah P. Durrell
Alonzo Ellis
Solomon Ellis
Alexander Gage
John F. Gillmore
Josiah Jaquith
Albert Johnson
Thomas Kilgore
Joseph Lambert
William M. Libby
James M. Moulton
Jefferson Owen
Oren A. Ramsdell
Ralph T. Raymond
Levi Starbird
John O. Smith
James Tebbetts
R. M. Wing
B. C. Wing
R. I. Weeks
William Williams
[p. 67]Muster Roll of Captain David R. Ripley's Company of Riflemen in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-seventh day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainDavid R. Ripley
LieutenantJason Mitchell
EnsignCharles Young, Jr.
SergeantsPhilip Mason
Benjamin B. Sturtevant
Job Ryerson
Ira Smart
CorporalsDaniel H. Irish
Thaddeus R. Knight
Calvin Gamage
Roswell B. Briggs
MusiciansHenry Young
Lemuel Knight
PrivatesCharles H. Allen
Simeon F. Andrews
Benjamin B. Barrows
Hansen Brown
Spaulding Buck
Luther S. Bumpus
Horatio Caswell
Charles Y. Chandler
Asaph Davy
Benjamin L. Dresser
Isaac Ellis
Elbridge G. Evans
Luther F. Foster
Levi Frank
Thomas Gazlin
Charles Harding
Simeon H. Jones
Cyrus A. Keene
John R. Kennison
Moses Knight
Asa Kildreth
Benjamin Libbey
Simon Lombard
Joshua Mayberry
Josiah Merrill
Ephraim McIntire
Alden W. Norris
Trafton Norris
Lucius Philbrick
Horace Rawson
Bemis Richardson
David Ring
Francis F. Robinson
William Royal
Moses B. Russell
Richard T. Skoffield
George M. Smith
Elias Stowell
Alonzo Tuell
Otis Walker
Joseph Weston
Joel White, Jr.
Luther P. Winslow
Albert Winship
[p. 68]Muster Roll of Captain Nathaniel Sawyer's Company of Riflemen in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-fourth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainNathaniel Sawyer
LieutenantAndrew D. Bean
EnsignCharles Jones
SergeantsJohn A. York
Hiram York
Joseph York
Sewall Chase
CorporalsLewis Goodwin
Daniel Pattee
John Goodwin
Simeon E. Ricker
MusiciansJames Pattee
Westerly Grindal
George Damon
PrivatesJeremiah Avery
Obadiah Banks
Joseph Bartlett
Thomas W. Bartlett
Richard H. Bedee
Charles Bickford
Josiah Brown
John Bryant
Alvin H. Carley
William Clark
Moses Copps
William Cothrill
Henry Craig
Salman A. Drake
Jacob W. Eastman
John Emery
Jeremiah Flagg
Joshua B. Floyd
Ivory Frost
Carrol Garland
Stephen Grant, Jr.
Luther Hawes
Isaac Harden
Jeremiah Higgins
William S. Hogan
Joseph D. Hemmenway
William Jameson
George A. Kelley
Lewis Kimball
Royal Lancaster
Newell Longfellow
Oliver Luce
Broadstreet Mason, Jr.
J. A. C. Mason
True Merrill
William Meader
Joseph A. Mitchell
Alfred Packard
David Porter
George Richardson
Samuel Ricker
Daniel G. Sawyer
William Shirley
Samuel Sidelinger
Alexander Smith
Augustus W. Smith
Gustavus W. Smith
Otis Smith
Norris Staples
Nathan Stephens
Asa C. Twitchell
Rufus York
Joseph D. Young
[p. 70]Muster Roll of Captain Charles H. Wing's Company of Riflemen in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-second day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainCharles H. Wing
LieutenantAbram Morris
EnsignSimon P. Atkins
SergeantsThomas C. Crehore
William B. Walker
Daniel B. Hall
William H. Ginn
J. Selden Burbank
Micah P. Erskine
CorporalsSamuel Spencer
Joseph L. Buck
John G. Orcutt
Henry Balch
MusiciansJohn A. Heath
Zebah W. Burrill
PrivatesHarvey M. Burrill
Spencer G. Bowes
John H. Connolly
Ambrose Emery
Rufus Emery
Isaac D. Emerson
John Farnham
Charles T. Fitz
Ephraim Gray
Josiah Hall, Jr.
Stephen D. Holt
Samuel M. Hopkins
Benjamin F. Hutchinson
Charles Libbey
William Little, Jr.
Ethan A. Mason
Benjamin Moore
Isaac W. Morse
George Noyes
Gordon Perkins
John Prim
John Rea, Jr.
Benjamin R. Smith
Joseph B. Smith
John Snowman
Joshua Staples
Robert C. Straw
Cyrus Stubbs
Elijah Taylor
Tobias Thompson