Source: Aroostook War: Historical Sketch and Roster of Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Men Called into Service for the Protection of the Northeastern Frontier of Maine, from February to May, 1839 (Augusta, Me.: Kennebec Journal Print, 1904).
Original Aroostook War muster rolls and other records may be viewed at DigitalMaine.
The format of the data has been altered. Errata on page 72 has been incorporated.
[p. 26]Muster Roll of Captain Joseph Anthony's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the nineteenth day of April, 1839, when mustered.
CaptainJoseph Anthony
Lieutenant[no name given]
EnsignCharles Simmons
SergeantsHorace S. Cooley
Simon Pratt
Epaphrus R. Bryant
S. S. Webster
William H. Clark
Thomas Field
CorporalsCharles Hamlin
Henry L. Carter
Micah Safford
E. E. Dennis
MusiciansHarrison Stone
James Trask
PrivatesDudley Blake
David Bodwell
John Briggs
William E. D. Cogan
Joseph H. Fletcher
Benjamin Gazlin
Isaac F. Gilley
Adam Godfrey
Sumner Greene
Samuel Guild
Greenleaf Haskell
John Heath
Samuel Herrin
Harrison Knowles
John Lamson
David Lyon
Ezra Lyon
Theophilus Morgan
Sidney Packard
John Partridge
William Place
Edmnd Pray, Jr.
John Robey, Jr.
Joseph Rollins
John Saben
Daniel Savage, 2d
Samuel Trask
Lewis Wells
Ephraim Wiggins
Jesse Wilson
John Wright
John Young
[p. 28]Muster Roll of Captain Benjamin Beals' Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the seventeenth day of April, 1839, when mustered.
CaptainBenjamin Beals
LieutenantLora B. Stevens
EnsignDaniel Foss
SergeantsGeorge Gould
John E. Sawyer
David Wheeler
Elias L. Lothrop
CorporalsHarrison Rose
Loren Parcher
Gustavus Gilbert
William Day
MusiciansGeorge Austin
Leonard Griffin
PrivatesCharles A. Additon
Zadoc Bishop
Caleb Carver
Chandler Caswell
Marcus Caswell
Amos Clark, Jr.
James Coffin, Jr.
Jesse A. Cummings
Samuel B. Day
David T. Dunn
Levi Foss
George W. George
John N. Gilbert
Judson Gilbert
John Grover
Joseph Gould
Harrison Harvey
Ebenezer Hodgdon
Jesse Mitchell
Manley Palmer
Jason Pettengill
Harris Ricker
Edward Sedgely
Benjamin F. Stetson
Nathaniel Stetson
Lorenzo D. Stubbs
Peter A. Thoms
[p. 29]Muster Roll of Captain Henry Bailey's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the fifth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Calais, Maine, to the sixth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainHenry Bailey
LieutenantJohn A. Brown
EnsignWilliam Worster
SergeantsPickering Patten
Zenas Wheeler
Curtis Merritt
John Church
CorporalsMoses Worster, Jr.
Joshua W. Norton
Nathan G. Peasley
Amos Whitten
MusiciansArchibald Smith
James P. Lawrence
PrivatesJoseph S. Allen
James Bagley
William D. Beal
John B. Caler
Humphrey Caligan
Barnabas S. Chandler
George W. Church
John Connery
William Cotton
Nathaniel Crowley
Amos Cummings
Samuel B. Cummings
William B. Cummings
John F. Dorr
Joseph P. Dorr
Leonard W. Dorr
Moses W. Dorr
Richard B. Dorr
James Farr
George Farnsworth
William Foster
Ephraim Grant
James D. Grant
William Holmes
William Jacques
Joel Knowlton
James Leighton
Lehi Low
Charles McCarthy
Amaziah N. McCaslin
Stephen J. McCaslin
Joseph D. McKinsey
James McLure
Nicholas Newingham
Matthew O'Brien
Joshua Peabody
James Pickett
Fellars Plummer
James Reynolds
Enoch Richardson
William Sinclair
Justin Skinner
Elbridge G. W. Small
Moses Smith
Russell Smith
Temple C. Steward
Jeremiah Tabberts
John Tabberts, 2d
Otis Tabberts
Samuel H. Tabberts
Otis Tinney
John Tucker
Patrick Turner
Asa B. Whitney
Amos P. Willey
Thomas Woodward
Isaac Worster, Jr.
John Worster, Jr.
Mark Worster
Thomas Wright
[p. 31]Muster Roll of Captain John D. Barnard's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-eighth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJohn D. Barnard
LieutenantDavid R. Gleason
EnsignSamuel Bird
SergeantsJohn N. Thompson
Daniel G. Holt
Ephraim K. Andrews
Alpheus W. Strickland
CorporalsGeorge W. Taylor
William Bartlett
William Walker
Samuel Marston
Musicians[no names given]
PrivatesAaron J. Abbot
William J. Akers
Hezekiah Austin
Moses Barbrick
Joseph Barker
Waterman Barker
George Bean
Josiah Bean
Vear Bean
Patterson Beattie
Gilman Bennett
Joshua Besse
Washington Booker
John Brown
Joseph Brown
Dudley Chase
Jonathan C. Coffin
Samuel F. Coffin
Benjamin Edmands, Jr.
Edward N. Elkins
Amos Emery
Wilmath S. Garmon, Jr.
Hiram Gilcrease
Daniel G. Glines
Almon Grover
Joseph Heath, Jr.
Abbot Holt
Josiah A. Judkins
Daniel G. Kendal
Moses H. Kilgore
Josiah Libbey
Cyrus Mills
Franklin Mitchell
Daniel Morton
James N. Newton
Benjamin Simpson
Daniel F. Simpson
John Simpson
Joseph Simpson
Seth E. Smith
James S. Tripp
Jason H. Walker
Bela Williams
Joseph R. Wight
James Young
Ebenezer York
Isaac J. York
Randall York
[p. 32]Muster Roll of Captain Samuel Burrell's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the nineteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainSamuel Burrell
LieutenantJohn J. Emery
EnsignCharles Cornforth
SergeantsJames Hasty, Jr.
Elias C. Hallet
William Gardiner
William L. Maxwell
CorporalsJohn Bradbury
Ephraim O. Leach
David W. Tinkham
Thurston H. Tozier
MusiciansJosiah Pearl
Silas Richardson
PrivatesDavid P. Banks
Reuben Bradbury
Adrastus Branch
Gershom Boston
Walter Burleigh
Charles Church
Isaac B. Clifford
Benjamin F. Corson
Eben S. Corson
William Davis
Charles E. Dillingham
Briggs H. Emery, 2d
John Evans
Joseph Fogg
Heman Gibbs, Jr.
William Greene
James Hayward
Moses Healy, Jr.
Abisha Higgins
James Holmes
Chancellor Johnson
William Lander
Theodore McGrath
Joseph Peavey
Joseph C. Peavey
William Peavey
George W. Priest
Granville D. Pullen
Ivory Ricker
Joseph Ricker, Jr.
John Rines
George Rose
Henry A. Shorey
Peter Sibley, Jr.
Hartson Smith
William Southwick
Curtis Tobey
William P. Tozier
Sewall Whitcomb
Thomas Whitcomb
William Woodman
Charles Wyman
James Wyman
James E. Wyman
[p. 34]Muster Roll of Captain Daniel W. Clark's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Calais, Maine, to the fifth day of April, 1839, when mustered.
CaptainDaniel W. Clark
LieutenantNathan A. Swan
EnsignMoses McFarland
SergeantsSamuel Scammons
Asa Googins
Benjamin Smith
Ezra D. Reed
CorporalsIsaac Smith
Philip Hodgkins
Elbridge G. Uran
Albert G. Berry
MusiciansJohn S. Emery
Samuel Springer
PrivatesAsa L. Aldrich
Hiram Alley
Frederic Ashley
Francis Bacon
David Bartlett
William Beane
James Brown
Franklin Buckley
Benjamin J. Bunker
Sewall Bunker
Ambrose Butler
Ansel Butler
Nathaniel R. Butler
Ensign Clark
John M. Clark
Jonas Colson
Thomas G. Coats
Silas Coolidge
Edmond Day
Asa Dyer
Joel Dyer
Thomas Foss
William Gilley
Ignatius Gilpatrick
Joseph M. Gordon
Paul S. Gordon
Thomas Googins
James Gott
Sabin Hardison
Stephen Hardison, 2d
Richard Hastings
Adoniram Higgins
Nehemiah Higgins
Amos Howard
James King, 2d
Samuel Lervey, Jr.
Abraham W. Lopans
James Mayo
Isaiah Moor
Eben P. More
Benjamin Morris
George Norris
Jonathan Norwood
Samuel Norwood
Lemuel Nutter
David Perry
Erastus H. Richardson
Leander Richardson
Joseph Richardson
William Robinson
Benjamin Sawyer
Dudley Scammons
William Springer
Samuel Springer
John Wentworth
Andrew Whitaker
Oren Whitaker
George Williams
Winthrop Young
[p. 36]Muster Roll of Captain Reuben Crane, 2d's, Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the thirteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainReuben Crane, 2d
LieutenantSamuel B. Davis
EnsignWellington Hunton
SergeantsDavid Boynton, 2d
David McGaffey, Jr.
Jonathan E. Robinson
Jesse G. Tuck
Albert Storer
CorporalsSamuel Tuck, 2d
John Stevens
Jacob Rundlett
Joseph Blake
MusiciansCyrus Brown
Samuel S. Gilman
Matthias Smith
PrivatesDavid Batchelder, 2d
John H. Bean
William H. Bishop
Jarius Butler
Benjamin P. Chapman
George W. Clough
Sumner Cole
Francis B. Dane
Solomon S. Dane
John S. Dudley
Moses S. Dudley
William K. Dudley
Merrill Dugan
Samuel Farrington
Moses Fellows
George French
Samuel H. Gile
Harrison B. Greene
Edward Griffin
Howard Haines
Henry B. Hill
James L. House
Henry Hutchins
William C. Jackman
George Jones
Reuben Ladd
Lemuel Leighton
Samuel Leighton, Jr.
Josiah R. Lock
William Lord
Samuel Morse
Davis Moshier
Benjamin Norris
Thomas F. Palmer
John R. Philbrick
Oliver S. Philbrick
Henry O. Pool
Asa Randall
John Richardson, Jr.
Samuel H. Richardson
David Robinson
Moses P. Sias
Charles Smith
John Smith
John D. Stain
Samuel Stevens
Joseph Tuck, 2d
James H. Watson
George W. Woods
Sampson Woods
[p. 37]Muster Roll of Captain Daniel Dority's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-third day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainDaniel Dority
LieutenantJohn P. Wood
EnsignJoseph Eaton
SergeantsHenry Noyes
Nathaniel K. Sawyer
Ichabod Grindle
Benjamin Bolton, Jr.
Hiram Haynes
CorporalsSolomon V. Jones
William A. Swift
Charles W. Buckmore
Amasa T. Patterson
Credepher Gray
MusiciansJosiah H. Emerson
Spencer Hopkins
Joram Nichols
PrivatesMoses Abbott
Stephen W. Allen
Samuel Bassick
Hiram Blodget
Robert Brier, Jr.
Joseph Brooks
Daniel Calef
James Cayton
Hiram Chase
Franklin Cofran
Theophilus Colson, 2d
James W. Coombs
Joseph Cross
James Cunningham
James Cunningham
James O. Cunningham
William Cunningham
George D. Daniels
Charles Day
Albert Durham
John C. Eaton
John Edwards
Calvin Emerson
Joshua L. Emerson
Samuel T. George
Judson Gray
George Greeley
Ezra Grindle
Reuben Grindle, Jr.
Robert Grindle
Benjamin Gulliver
Albert Hanson
Thomas H. Henderson
Otis W. Herrick
Henry L. Howe
Nathaniel Jones
Jonathan Knowles
John W. Knowlton
Thomas J. Knox
Valentine R. Lancaster
Josiah A. Larrabee
Simeon Larrabee
Thomas P. Luckings
Robert Maker
Andrew Mason
Edward Morgan
Frederick A. Patterson
John Patterson
Lewis A. Patterson
Luther G. Philbrook
Henry Pike
Robert P. Pote
James S. Potter
Marshall H. Rand
Joseph S. Rinds
Cyrus Roberts
Owen S. Rollins
James H. Sawyer
Christopher Shirley
John Shuman
Simon Shuman
John B. Smart
Richard Snow
George A. Stephens
Edwin E. Stimpson
Henry L. Swett
Eben Whitcomb
Elias Whittier
William F. Wilson
Isaac Worthin
William L. Young
[p. 38]Muster Roll of Captain Sampson Dunham's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-ninth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainSampson Dunham
LieutenantLevi Lunt
EnsignJoseph Field
SergeantsHarrison Whitman
William P. Hammon
Alanson Briggs
Jonathan Clark
CorporalsJabez Sawyer
Ezekiel L. Porter
Alfred Chase
Asia Mayhew
MusiciansAlanson M. Whitmore
PrivatesDavid Allen
John G. Annis
Daniel Banks
Levi Barbour
Dexter Billings
Charles Blake
Cyprian Bowker
Dexter W. Brackett
Eleazer Chase
James Churchill
Hezekiah C. Clark
Jarathaneal Colburn
Ezekiel Dammon
Eliphalet Davis
Eben H. Dillingham
Sylvanus B. France
Alonzo Fuller
Henry S. Hall
John F. Hawkins
Abijah Mayhew
Samuel T. Millet
James C. Noyes
Jacob Paine
William Parker
Israel R. Peterson
Ezekiel Pollard
Sylvanus Pollard
Daniel Pond, Jr.
Calvin Pool
Oliver Robbins, 2d
Alden Robinson
Ephraim Rounds
Simon Smith
Sydney Spaulding
Thomas Sturtevant
Ephraim Tarbox
Elem Thurston
Mathew Tobin
Isaac Tuptle
Cyprian Whitmore
John Varney, Jr.
[p. 39]Muster Roll of Captain Josiah L. Elder's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-ninth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJosiah L. Elder
LieutenantNathaniel Stone
EnsignAbram A. Barker
SergeantsEbenezer F. Mansfield
William H. Powers
Dudley Bean, Jr.
James W. Downing
CorporalsIchabod Warren
Samuel B. Hadley
Timothy McIntire
Stephen Weeks
MusiciansMial Jordan
PrivatesLibbeus H. Babb
Rufus Boobier
John T. Boston
Simon Brown
John W. Chadbourne
Farnham Charles
Ira Cole
Sylvanus Cole
George Davidson
Daniel Downs
Moses C. Farrington
Stillman Farrington
Edmund Fox
John Fulsom
John Gilman
George Hodgdon
George F. Kennison
Reuben Kimball
Charles Littlefield
Abram Lord
Eben Marston
Henry Marston
Ivory Merrifield
Henry Ordway
John Ordway
Charles S. Osgood
Isaac Pearl
John E. Pearl
Oliver Richardson
John H. Staples
Edmund Stevens
Samuel Stewart, Jr.
Horace Storer
Dean Taylor
Phineas Thompson
Samuel Thompson
Orrin Walker
George D. Warren
John Whales
Pelatiah Witham
Stephen Wood
[p. 40]Muster Roll of Captain Nathan Ellis, Jr.'s, Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-second day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainNathan Ellis, Jr.
LieutenantJeremiah Burnham
EnsignJames Dunning
SergeantsJohn Pray
James Littlefield
Phineas Batchelder
James H. Stewart
CorporalsHorace I. Gould
Frederick K. Bartlett
Hiram G. Caridge
George W. McFarland
MusiciansFrederic Stewart
Rufus Smith
PrivatesJames Bragg
John Brown
Josiah Brown
Perkins Brown
Royal R. Burnham
Orrin Butterfield
Jonathan Buzzell
Benjamin Chadbourne
John Champion
Samuel Clark
John Cookson
Erastus Corson
Samuel F. Cottle
Robert M. Cumston
Ebenezer Daggett
James M. Daniels
Barzillai Dorr
Israel Douglass
Andrew G. Fitts
Oliver Ferguson
Peleg Fogg
George W. Fullerton
Daniel Geral
John Glidden
Ebenezer H. Godron
Peter R. Gribbin
Jairus Harris
Samuel H. Holt
James Horn
Derry P. Jellison
Stephen Jones
Charles Kelley
Asa Longley
Henry B. Martin
William Moores
Solomon Morey
Nathaniel Myrick
Christopher Overlock
Martin Overlock
George Paine
William H. Palmer
Hiram Peavey
Jonathan Peavey
Jason R. Philbrook
Peter Pilsbury
John Puffer
Samuel Roberts
Alfred Seaman
Joseph P. Sinclair
Charles S. Sprague
Charles Stavers
William Turner
Eli Wadleigh
Paul P. Wakefield
Calvin Ward
Nathaniel S. Wentworth
Nathaniel White
[p. 41]Muster Roll of Captain Samuel L. Fish's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-third day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainSamuel L. Fish
LieutenantFrancis I. Cummings
EnsignGilbert Emerson
SergeantsDavid C. Jellison
John P. Davis
Moses S. Page
Joseph Budson
James S. Eldridge
Jesse Hutchins
CorporalsJosiah McPheters
Charles H. Forbes
Joseph Bray
George Lincoln
John B. Bond
Kenney Snow
MusiciansRobert P. Chase
Solomon Row
PrivatesThomas Abbot
Willard Abbot
Almarin Ames
William Bachelder
William Ballard, Jr.
David L. Billings
John Boyd
George Burns
Timothy Burton
Isaac Buzzell
Justus S. Carr
Garey Chapman
William I. Chapman
Thomas Cunningham
Samuel Deering
James Dickinson
Ephraim Dorr
John Dunham, Jr.
Joseph Duran
William Dwelley, Jr.
Elisha M. Eveleth
Amasa S. Emerton
Chester Ferren
Daniel Fowles
James H. Gillmore
Shadrach Gray
John Grindel
William P. Guppy
Abial Harmon
Seth Holt
Joseph James
Abel S. Jordan
Levi R. Kilburn
Gilbert Knowlton
David Lancaster
William Lassell
John N. Lawrence
Roland Lawrence
Thomas Mann
John E. Miller
William B. Moody
Henry Montgomery
Charles Newcomb
Alva Osgood
Roderick R. Park
Charles Patten
Samuel Pierce
Joseph Priest
Thomas Raymond
Samuel Sheet
Jacob Simpson
William C. Snow
John Southard, Jr.
Samuel Spencer
Horatio N. Stinson
Joseph C. Stinson
James Stubbs
Jacob P. Swett
Timothy C. Tapley
Levi Tower
Samuel S. Trevett
Benson D. Wood
[p. 42]Muster Roll of Captain Nathaniel Frost's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the sixteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainNathaniel Frost
LieutenantGustavus Clark
EnsignGeorge Woodcock
SergeantsGreenwood Rollins
Walker Chamberlain
Owen Getchell
Zalmon Sawtelle
CorporalsSewall Page
Rhodney Jacobs
William D. Branch
Samuel Wade
MusiciansHiram Towle
Willard B. Thayer
PrivatesJames Austin
Cyrus Bartlett
Almond Bickford
Joseph H. Bickford
Wade Blake
Harlow Chandler
Thomas Chandler
Jacob Clough
Joel T. Damren
Selden Dyer
Freeman Ellis
John Gowell
John Gowell, Jr.
Edward Harmon
Benjamin Hatch
John Hersom, 2d
Cyril Howard
Edward Harmon
Benjamin Hatch
Stephen Knox
Daniel J. Moore
Ruel Mills
Hiram Prime
Sewall Packard
Reuben Packard
William Pinkham
Reuben Pray
Henry Stetson
Charles K. Sawtelle
Nathan G. Stephens
Elias Taylor, 3d
John B. Taylor
Solomon Thayer
Joshua Townsend
Samuel Trask
[p. 43]Muster Roll of Lieutenant William Frost's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at ______, Maine, to the fourth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainSamuel L. Fish
LieutenantWilliam Frost
AdjutantFrancis J. Cummings
Orderly SergeantsHenry Noyes
Daniel S. Peters
Samuel P. Leighton
Charles H. Connor
Quartermaster Dept.Fred'k K. Bartlett (promoted)
CorporalsLevi O. Farnham (promoted)
SergeantsLevi Emerson
Thompson Dyer
Robert Johnson
Nathan F. Herrick
William L. Johnson
Charles Wyman
David C. Jellison
Eli Cook
Elbridge G. Rose
Isaac Hills, 2d
Jesse Hutchins
Rufus B. Googins
Horatio Pratt
William McE. Brown
David Densmore
Levi O. Farnham (promoted)
Daniel Shepley
Ephraim E. Harriman
Jacob Ingalls, Jr.
Milton Twitchell
I. S. Eldridge
Stephen S. Gerrish
Benj. F. Tozier
Albert G. Hunt
George P. Logan
Fred'k K. Bartlett (promoted)
Caleb Ginn
Dustan Page
PrivatesOthniel Dunham
Joab Harriman
Arthur Herrick
William Johnson
Alden Newbit
Charles Porter
Nathaniel Saunders
[p. 44]Muster Roll of Captain John Gardner's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the seventeenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJohn Gardner
LieutenantKendall H. K. Stone
EnsignJames B. Lamb
SergeantsSamuel M. Woodman
Joseph Smith
Alpheus R. Hale
Edmund Phillips
CorporalsWilliam H. Whittier
Samuel Jackson
Charles Spear, Jr.
Nathan Kimball
Musicians[no names given]
PrivatesAlexander H. Bessey
Horace Blodgett
Sylvanus Blackwell
Abram Clark ["Abram Clock"]
Edmund Dyle
Charles S. Foster
Walter Foss
Sewall H. Graves
Benj. G. Huntington
John W. Lane
James B. Lewis
Peter Lyon
Jacob Maxim, Jr.
Thomas Maxim
James H. Mariner
Nathaniel Page
Lewis Page
David Snow
John W. Thomas
Henry W. Towle
George W. Wing
Hannibal H. Woodcock
[p. 46]Muster Roll of Captain Isaac Greene's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Calais, Maine, to the fifth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainIsaac Greene
LieutenantJesse Flood
EnsignAlbert Treworgy
SergeantsJohn C. Macomber
Solomon I. Treworgy
Ichabod Kent
Isaac Frazier, Jr.
CorporalsRuel Bartlett
Spofford P. Thomas
Joseph Kelliher
John Frazier
MusiciansJohn Ames
PrivatesJohn Bowden
Hezekiah Cook
John Cook
Joseph N. Cousins
Gardner Creamer
Josiah Cripps
Anson Cunningham
Paul Curtis
Uzziel Curtis
Sewall Dendico
Hiram W. Emery
Thomas N. Flood
Jeremiah Floyd
Samuel Frazier
David Garland
John Garland
Benjamin Giles
Jonas Green
William R. Hadley
John T. Haskell
Asa Higgins
Jesse Higgins, Jr.
Joseph M. Higgins
Leroy Hill
Thomas Hodgdon
Enoch Hopkins
Daniel Ingalls
Charles Jones, Jr.
Warren Knight
William Lee
Josiah B. Leach
Gideon Liscomb
Prentice P. MacPheters
Lewis Martin
Benjamin Milliken
Ezekiel W. Moore
John Moore
Asa G. Morgan
Cyrus Murch
John L. Murch
Nicholas Ober
Philip Remmick
John Rich
Calvin Salisbury
Edward Sanders
Richard Sanders
Jacob Somersby
James Stephens
Roswell Swett
Elisha Tourtilote
Joshua Tourtilote
William Townsend
George Treworgy
Benjamin Varnum
Samuel Varnum
Jonah Wentworth
John Wilson
Edwin Young
Ellis Young
[p. 47]Muster Roll of Captain Joshua T. Hall's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-ninth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJoshua T. Hall
Lieutenant[no name given]
EnsignJohn C. Stockbridge
SergeantsJohn M. Adams
John B. Holman
Ebenezer Hutchinson
George K. Smith
CorporalsEnoch Stiles
George A. Ray
Martin Ellis, Jr.
John W. Dearborn
MusiciansRathons B. Waite
Albert G. Glines
PrivatesHoratio N. Abbott
James Andrews
William Andrews
William Bailey
Jonathan A. Bartlett
James S. Boynton
Simeon Brackett
George Dolby
Abner H. Elliot
William R. French
William P. Frost
Kimball Hall
Asa Hardy
Enos A. Hutchins
Abiathar I. Jennings
James Lamb
Azel Lovejoy
Aaron H. Lufkin
Silas McKenney
Ezra Noyes
Luther Rich
Rufus S. Royal
John Shackley
Benjamin W. Stevens
Alsworth Taintor
Elbridge Tucker
Stephen Virgin
John Winter
Hiram Young
[p. 48]Muster Roll of Captain Charles R. Hamblet's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-fifth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainCharles R. Hamblet
LieutenantAmasa R. Walker
EnsignJohn Nelson
SergeantsElbridge H. Bragdon (O.S.)
Benjamin M. Page
Attilius Ladd
Samuel F. Eells
CorporalsElias Harriman
Barzillai Huckins
Benjamin C. Sanders
William W. Burnham
Sabin H. Kimball
Musicians[no names given]
PrivatesAmariah W. Ames
Joseph S. Annis
William Appleton
Daniel Bailey
William Barney
Samuel Beals
Daniel Bean
Thomas Bradley
Daniel Brooks
Thomas A. Burgess
Ira B. Bucks
Nathaniel Capers
Thornton Card
Jonathan Carter
James Carver
John Chase
Joseph C. Chase
Freeman Crocker
Henry Crocker
Moses Crocker
Isaac Dexter
Stephen Dow
Levi O. Farnham
Nathaniel B. Fish
Ebenezer O. Gerry
John Gordon
Isaac Gould
Nathaniel Hanscomb
Christopher Hawes
Ezra Homes
Daniel Howard
John Knox
Hiram Larrabee
Tuttle D. Leathers
James Lee
Orman F. Lothrop
Walter D. Maddocks
William McKenney
Lyman Minor
Samuel Mitchell
Stillman Newcomb
Isaac Rider
Peter J. Rich
Nathaniel D. Roberts
George W. Rogers
Joseph Rose
Silas Royal
George R. Sampson
Seth Severance
William Shepherd
Henry Sibley
Wells Simpson
William C. Stevens
Joseph Tilton
William Trask
Alexander D. Wallon
Ira Washburn
Thomas Webb
James West
Nelson Whittemore
Simon Whittemore
Levi M. Wilkinson
John Woodward
Albert R. Young
[p. 49]Muster Roll of Lieutenant Hiram Hamilton's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-first day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
Captain[no name given]
LieutenantHiram Hamilton
EnsignBenjamin Adams
SergeantsJames N. Randlett
Benjamin Clough
John M. Maxwell
William C. Bates
Edwin Turner
CorporalsAlfred Hamilton
Joseph P. Rowell
Seth Fogg
Simeon C. Mower
Musicians[no names given]
PrivatesHiram Arno
John Arno
Jonathan B. Bessey
James M. Boynton
Josiah Chadbourne
Robert H. Clark
Levi Cowan, Jr.
Alvan Fogg
Jonathan Gove
William C. Gray
Henry Groves
John Grover
Amos Hackett
Ezekiel Hackett
Joseph Hackett
Samuel Hackett
Joseph Hall
Joel Ham
Sewall Jackman
David McFarland
James McFarland
Aaron Murch, Jr.
Moses Peare
Eli L. Prescott
Stephen A. Prescott
Elijah R. Potter
Samuel M. Randlett
James S. F. Smith
Luther Starbird
Enoch S. Warren
Milton M. Wight
Alexander Wing
[p. 50]Muster Roll of Captain William S. Haines' Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of Februa[r]y, 1839, the time of its rendezvius [sic] at Augusta, Maine, to the nineteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainWilliam S. Haines
LieutenantThomas Hovey
Ensign[no name given]
SergeantsAbner Pitts, Jr.
Alexander T. Katon
F. M. Collier
William Thornton, Jr.
CorporalsEliphalet Rollins
Asa Trask
John Tarr
Nathan Swetland
MusiciansSilas Hunt
PrivatesJesse Austin
William Beedle
James Booker
Abial Brown
Rufus Bunker
William Christopher
William H. Collins
John Covell
Samuel Crocker
Moses C. Cummings
Moses Davis
Benjamin D. Emerson
Samuel Gray
Jacob Heath
Thomas W. Holbrook
William Little, Jr.
George W. Lyon
Charles McKenney
Dwight Minor
Charles Moody
Lewis Moody
John Moody
Joseph F. Norton
James W. Potter
T. W. Rollins
William H. Stacy
Hiram B. Stevens
[p. 51]Muster Roll of Captain James C. Harper's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-eig[h]th day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainJames C. Harper
LieutenantJohn Hutchinson
EnsignMerrill Molman
SergeantsReuben P. Brown
Reuben Townsend
Orin Huntress
Joseph N. Masterman
CorporalsDavid Tucker
Philip Abbott
Jonathan S. Berry
Phanuel White
MusiciansEmerson Pitts
Amasa Alden
PrivatesJoseph Bartlett
Isaac Bradeen
Elbridge Chase
John Crockett, Jr.
Charles G. Delanoe
Joseph H. Deluce
William Dike
Joseph A. Farnham
Ezekiel F. Fogg
Gideon French
Alden B. Frost
Albion P. Fuller
Samuel Fuller, Jr.
Franklin Gibbs
William Gross, Jr.
Columbus Hathaway
Erastus Holt
Herman Holt
Bryant Kenerson
Oliver Keys
Augustus Kidder
Gideon Leach
Leonard Lothrop
Christopher Lovejoy
Ansel Merrill
Henry Mitchell
John E. Nash
Estes Newton
Jacob F. Newton
Jonathan Parker
Asa Pierce
Joseph Pinkham
Solomon Raymond
Amaziah Reed
Axel I. Rollins
Philo E. Russell
Edwin Sawtelle
Madison Smith
Watson R. Starbird
Francis Stevens
Lott Sturdivant
Solomon Thayer
Alonzo Thompson
Elbridge G. Thomas
Silas Timberlake
Joseph Tobin, Jr.
John White
John White, 2d
William C. Whitmore
William Wood
[p. 52]Muster Roll of Captain David H. Haskell's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-eight[h] day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainDavid H. Haskell
Lieutenant[no name given]
EnsignSumner Frost
SergeantsSolomon Bisbee
George Russell
Amos Flint
Robert Gray
CorporalsSamuel Brown, Jr.
John L. Cummings
Columbus Holden
James Brickett
MusiciansWalter L. Bryant
Daniel Clark
PrivatesWilliam W. Abbott
Freeman F. Abbott
Thaddeus B. Andrews
Luke Baker, Jr.
James Bassett
John Bell, 3d
John D. Billings
Charles Bisbee
Francis D. Brown
Sewall Butters
Daniel Coffin
Sylvanus G. Davis
Thomas Day
James Evans
Edmund W. Foster
John Gray
John A. Greene
William Greene
Eleazer Hamlin
Albion K. P. Hale
James Hartford
Joshua Hasselton
Isaac Horne
David Johnson
David Kimball
Ebenezer Kneeland
Ephraim W. Kneeland
James Knight
Walter Libby
William Libby
Richard Lord
William Marshall
Dean McDaniels
Oliver Nelson
Samuel Randall, 3d
Alfred Robinson
Amos Sampson
Absalom Stearns
Timothy Stearns
Alonzo Stone
Isaac Wardwell
Daniel Webb
Zachariah Weston
Borden Wood
Ariel L. Woodman
John York
[p. 57]Muster Roll of Captain Stephen Leighton, Jr.'s, Company of Rifleman in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-second day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainStephen Leighton, Jr.
LieutenantIsaiah Beals
EnsignAlvin B. Clark
SergeantsReuben Flanders
Hiram Safford
Asa Spooner
Seth Drew
CorporalsStephen D. Jennings
Charles Jumper
Cyrus Jumper
Calvin Safford
MusiciansJohn M. Shaw
PrivatesWillard Abbott
Lemuel Arnold
Othniel Barden
Isaac Bedee
David Berry
William Bosworth, Jr.
Levi Bridge, Jr.
Benjamin Brown, Jr.
David G. Brown
Reuben Brown
William McE. Brown
James P. Burleigh
John Cole
Gardner Copeland
James Crowell
Ellis Cushman
Andrew N. Day
David Densmore
Thompson Dyer
Levi Emerson
Stephen Fish
Joseph Gould
David R. W. Grindell
Samuel Hillman
Charles M. Hodsdon
Daniel H. Howard
Albert G. Hunt
Benjamin Ireland
Charles Jennings
Robert Johnson
William L. Johnson
William Jumper
John Kimball
James Lane
John Leavitt
Silas Leavitt
Seba F. Leighton
Charles R. Logan
George P. Logan
Edward P. Longley
George Oakes
Daniel Palmer
Isaac H. Pickering
Jonathan Pitcher, Jr.
Horatio Pratt
John Ricker
John Safford
Simeon Safford, Jr.
Darius Sampson
Henry K. Sawyer
George W. Severance
Luther H. Shaw
Henry Snow
Henry A. Sprague
Curtis Sturtevant
Harrison G. O. Thoms
John Towle
Benjamin F. Tozier
Charles D. Treworgy
Isaac Tucker
Milton Twitchell
William B. Walker
Burnham Wardwell
Ira Wardwell
Peleg Washburn
George Whittemore
Rufus Willard
Andrew C. Winslow
Eli Winslow
Charles Wyman
[p. 59]Muster Roll of Captain Eliphalet L. [sic] Maxfield's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor and Lincoln, Maine, to the twenty-fifth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainEliphalet I. [sic] Maxfield
LieutenantHoratio Barrett
EnsignGoodridge Cummings
SergeantsHorace Banks
Carlisle Dennis
Joseph Nelson
John Abbot
CorporalsAlvin Merryfield
Thomas I. Towle
Charles Davis
Walker Darling
MusiciansNathaniel Fellows
PrivatesBradley B. Ayers
Daniel Bailey
Philip Bailey
William F. Bazzell
Enoch W. Bickford
William Brown
John W. Buck
Sherburn W. Clark
Solomon Comstock
Albert Coombs
James Cooper
Joel F. Dam
Leader N. Dam
Chandler Damren
Asahel Davis
David B. Davis
James Deling
William Devo
Nahalie Doe
Benjamin Eastman
Daniel W. Edgerly
John Elkins, Jr.
John B. Emery
Charles Emerson
Joseph Emerson
William Emerson
Stephen P. Haynes
Willmoth Heywood
Joseph Hodgdon
Moses Hodgdon
Moses Ingalls, Jr.
Joseph Jordan
William Johnson
Benjamin Judkins
David Kneeland
John W. Lane
Mathias Lane
Solomon P. Lankester
John Lawton
Eliphalet Leavitt
Horace Lord
Alfred S. Lovett
George W. Merrill
Samuel McPheters
James G. McTosh
William H. McTosh
Josiah Miles
Carleton P. Moody
Rufus Moody
John Morgan
Frederic Morrill
Samuel Norton, Jr.
Calvin L. Noyes
Stover Perkins
John Pratt
Josiah Richards
William G. Rogers
James Sanborn
John Scott
Charles L. Smart
Thomas Smith
William A. Tosh
Israel Tracy
Joshua Warton
Mark G. Weymouth
David Young
[p. 60]Muster Roll of Captain George W. Maxim's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twentieth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Bangor, Maine, to the twenty-fourth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainGeorge W. Maxim
LieutenantJonathan Lowder
EnsignWilliam H. Gibbs
SergeantsWilliam Averill
David Getchell
Daniel Moulton
Joel Vickery
CorporalsDudley D. Bean
Jeremy Baker
Jacob Holyoke
William W. Smith
MusiciansGreenleaf M. Fogg
James G. Patterson
George S. Herrick
Francis C. Keisor
PrivatesJohn Ames
Levi Bagley
Enoch M. Blunt
Charles Buffam
Charles E. Chaplin
James B. Cleveland
Seth F. Cook
Reuben Cookson
John Cowan, Jr.
Rufus G. Curtis
Joseph B. Damon
Asa Davis, 2d
Benjamin Dillingham
John M. Fogg
Joseph Francis
Ephraim Glidden
Thomas Gould
Thomas Gullifer
Sumner Hamilton
William P. Hatch
Bradford Higgins
James S. Homans
Samuel Houston
Manassah S. Hovey
Monoah Hurd
David G. Ireland
Thomas Jenkins
Ephraim Johnson
Robert Littlefield
Moses Maynor
Ephraim B. McCondray
Isaiah McKenney
Shuber Nickerson, Jr.
Simon Orff
James O'Rooke
Norman Page
John Parsons
Samuel Patterson
Enoch Peasley
Benjamin Pratt
George Pratt
William H. Ramsdell
Wilmot Riggs
Allen Rines
Jesse Russ
Asa Sawyer
William Sherburn, Jr.
David Shorey
Abram Sibley
Christopher Smith
Asa L. Stiles
Levi S. Torrance
Samuel S. Torrance
John Weymouth
Stephen White
Daniel Willey
Shuber N. Williams
John Witham
Francis Young
[p. 62]Muster Roll of Captain Amos F. Noyes's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-eighth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainAmos F. Noyes
LieutenantAbrah Hobbs
EnsignWashington French
SergeantsJoseph Dearborn
Nathan K. Noble
Isaac W. Grant
William Jordan
CorporalsJeremiah Foster
Phineas Doble
Ansel Stevens
Nathaniel Sampson
MusiciansJames S. Greenleaf
PrivatesDaniel M. Bancroft
James S. Benson
Lucius Bonney
Constant D. Bosworth
Greenleaf Coburn
Cyrus Cole
Benjamin Comson
Martin Crockett
Ephraim S. Crockett
Solomon Crockett
Jesse Cummings
James Deering
Walter B. Drew
Eleazer Ellis
Seth H. Faunce
Nehemiah Frank
Henry Frost
William Frost, 3d
Nathaniel Frost, Jr.
Isaac P. Gurney
John Gurney
Benjamin Hill
Dudley B. Holt
Joseph Hor
Nathan Hor
Luther Linnell
Nathaniel Lord
Henry B. Lovejoy
Nathan Morse, Jr.
Jesse Morgan
Lorenzo H. Noble
Benjamin Peabody, Jr.
Prescott S. Pike
Andrew Pratt
Alanson S. Pratt
Aaron W. Rich
Darius Richardson
Lyman Richardson
Cyrus Shaw
Ellis Standish, Jr.
William Stevens
Hanson Tarbox
Ebenezer Thayer
William P. Witt
[p. 64]Muster Roll of Captain Stillman Nash's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the fourth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Calais, Maine, to the sixth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainStillman Nash
LieutenantMichael Shea
EnsignPillsbury Stevens
SergeantsWoodbury Leighton
Joseph Hutchings, Jr.
Asa D. Webb
Amaziah Fickett
CorporalsMark L. Bunker
Nathaneal Stover
Major Densmore
Otis Fickett
MusiciansDaniel W. Dinsmore
Uriah Merritt
PrivatesJohn Anderson
Thomas Archibald
Robert Ash
John Babbidge
Arthur Brown
Edward Brown
Oliver Brown
Jeremiah Bunker
Lewis Carter
William Clemmons
Amos Coffin
Nathaniel H. Cole
Philo L. Colson
Harvey Decker
William Dickson
Wilson Dorman
Jeremiah Gay
Joseph Grace
Nathaniel Guptill
Henry Hamilton
Hollis Joy
William Joy
Ebenezer Kelley
Almon Leighton
John Leighton
Thomas Leighton
Abner Nash
Levi Nash
William Nugent
Josiah W. Perry
Ozias B. Perry
Uriah Pinkham
Judson Ray
John J. Robinson
Hiram Roff
John Roff
Tristram Royal
Henry Sargent
John Sargent
Thomas H. Stevens
Sylvanus Stover
Ephraim Strout
George Strout
John Strout
William Strout
Darius O. Tracey
Wheeler Tracey
William Tracey
Joseph Wallace
George White
Tilley White
Harris Whitten
Enoch Willey
David Young
David Young, 2d
Jacob Young
Kendall Young
[p. 66]Muster Roll of Captain Hiram A. Pollard's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the sixth day of March, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the twenty-ninth day of March, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainHiram A. Pollard
LieutenantWilliam A. Tobey
EnsignAlonzo R. Allen
SergeantsAlexander Dwinell
Jasper Marston
Lewis Jones
Parlee Bailey
CorporalsJohn Haskell
Jacob Waterman
Hiram Bonney
John Thompson
MusiciansParlin Baker
Benjamin B. Murch
PrivatesPliny Allen
Stephen Andrews
Samuel Benson
George Bicknell
Daniel Bradford
Philemon A. Bradford
Sydenham Bridgham
Edward Brown
Daniel Bumpus
Daniel Chase
Sarson Chase, Jr.
Amos Chipman
Alonzo Conant
Charles Crooker
John C. Drake
Benjamin Dudley
Curtis Fales
William M. Foss
Ansel Gilman
Charles J. Gurney
Samuel Gurney
Charles Hall
Elisha Hall
Elbridge G. Harlow
Benjamin Harris
Washington F. Harridan
Stephen D. Hutchinson
Abram M. Irish
Hiram Leavitt
Enoch Linnell
Charles Merrill
Hiram Merrill
Lorenzo Merrill
Sylvanus P. Moody
Solomon Morgan, Jr.
Edmund Murdock
Jeremiah Nason
Noah Packard
William Pollard
Washington Ray
Benjamin H. Record
Alanson Richmond
Solomon Richmond
Alexander Robinson
William Rogers
Alden Rose
David Stetson
Alexander Turner
Lewis Varrill
Barza Whitman
Charles Wilson
Barnabas Winslow
[p. 71]Muster Roll of Lieutenant Israel W. Woodward's Company of Infantry in the Detachment of drafted Militia of Maine, called into actual service by the State, for the protection of its Northeastern Frontier, from the twenty-fifth day of February, 1839, the time of its rendezvous at Augusta, Maine, to the fifteenth day of April, 1839, when discharged or mustered.
CaptainIsrael W. Woodward
LieutenantSamuel E. Bean
EnsignCharles P. Craig
SergeantsJohn Warren
Ebenezer Toothaker
Joseph Grover
Benjamin Potter
CorporalsJulius Burke
Joseph Robie
Lewis Card
Ivory W. Coombs
PrivatesLewis Bailey
John A. Dill
Robert H. Douglass
William Douglass
Luther Fisher
Joseph Hanscomb
Jesse Hamlin
Edward Howes
John Jaquith
Charles McCausland
Ebenezer Merrill
Daniel Neal
Asa Nutting
James Paine
Jonathan W. Pierce
Charles Pinkham
Reuben Pinkham, Jr.
Thomas Reed
Christopher Stoddard
Amos C. Stuart
Andrew Tibbetts