Source: Resolves of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed at the Several Sessions of the General Court, Holden in Boston, Beginning 26th May, 1812, and Ending 2d March, 1815. (Boston, Mass.: Russell, Cutler & Co., printers, 1812-15).
Massachusetts (of which Maine was then a part) was obliged to reimburse towns for the support of paupers who lacked "settlement" in the Commonwealth. These were often people born abroad or in other states. The Committee on Accounts reported in February 1813 that "there are due to the Corporations and persons hereafter mentioned, the sums set to their names respectively, which, when allowed and paid, will be in full discharge of the said accounts to the several dates therein mentioned."
[p. 159]Boothbay, for board and clothing Henry Green, a child, to 12th January, 1813, $33 50Bristol, for board, clothing and doctoring William How, to 1st June, 1813, 62 25
[p. 160]Bowdoinham, for board and doctoring Richard Clough, to the time of his death, including funeral charges, 20 00Baldwin, for boarding and clothing Daniel Hickey, to 1st January, 1813, 45 15
Berwick, for board and clothing Samuel Woodworth, to 18th January, 1813, 43 40
Biddeford, for boarding, nursing and doctoring Hendrick Johnson, and Cato, a black, to the time of their death, including funeral charges, 24 07
Cushing, for board and clothing James Walker, to 1st February, 1813, 41 50
[p. 161]Cambden, for supplies to the family of Richard Conway, to 30th March, 1813, 20 00Cape Elizabeth, for boarding James Ramsbottom, to 10th January, 1813, 52 50
Dresden, for boarding and clothing John Cullen, to 31st January, 1813, 268 80
[p. 162]Elliot, for supplies to Asa Allen, to 8th February, 1813, 14 54Fayettee, for board and clothing William G. Martin, to 1st January, 1813, 62 37
Falmouth, (Cumberland County) for board, clothing and doctoring Felician Sang, to 14th January, 1813, 164 59
[p. 163]Gorham, for board, clothing and doctoring Jacob Morse and Robert Grilfilling, to 10th February, 1813, 149 49Hope, for board, clothing and doctoring John Sullivan, to 22nd November, 1812, when he left the town, 63 22
Hallowell, for boarding, and clothing Rachel Cummings, Judith Davis and her three Children, James Carruth, Samuel Palmer and James Flemming, to 31st December, 1812, 290 02
Hebron, for board, clothing and doctoring John Germain, to 26th December, 1812, 9 92
Kittery, for boarding and clothing Sarah Perkins, Deborah Perkins and her Child, 127 40
[p. 164]Limington, for board and clothing John Organ, to 1st January, 1813, 67 60Lincolnville, for board and clothing Alexander White and Timothy Cox, to 21st January, 1813, 121 80
Litchfield, for boarding of Hannah Taylor and her Children, to 1st January, 1813, Daniel Howard and Wife, to the time of her death, including funeral charges, 144 18
Minot, for supplies for Philip Weeks, to 25th December, 1812, 25 00
Machias, for board, clothing and doctoring Moses Wheaton, a child, to 20th January, 1813, 27 25
[p. 165]Mount Vernon, for board, clothing and doctoring David Bresford, to 20th January, 1813, 34 52North Yarmouth, for board, clothing and doctoring sundry Paupers, to 26th January, 1813, 109 50
New Gloucester, for board and clothing George Gregory and John May, to 28th January, 1813, 129 10
[p. 166]Peru, for board and clothing James Robbins and his two Children Sally and Olive, to 20th January, 1813, 99 00Prospect, for board and clothing Ann Hanes, to 1st January, 1813, 113 60
Portland, for board and clothing sundry Paupers, to 1st January, 1813, 1081 50
Readfield, for board, clothing and doctoring Edward Burgess, Abigail Richards and Daughter, to 22d January, 1813, 68 10
[p. 167]Standish, for board, clothing and doctoring Olive Noble, to 6th January, 1813, 82 08St. George, for board and clothing Robert Hawes, to 2d February, 1813, 57 20
[p. 168]Topsham, for board, clothing and doctoring William Proctor and John Dugan, to 28th January, 1818, 183 38Warren, for board and clothing William Moorman, to 4th January, 1813, 53 00
Winthrop, for boarding, clothing and doctoring William Gaskel, Olive Howard, Abigail Richards, Thomas Taylor's Wife and six Children, to 4th January, 1813, 177 04
[p. 169]Wiscasset, for board, clothing and doctoring sundry Paupers, to 20th February, 1813, including funeral charges, for Hector, 72 20York, for board, clothing and doctoring sundry paupers, to 8th February, 1813, 553 18