Source: Resolves of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed at the Several Sessions of the General Court, Holden in Boston, Beginning 26th May, 1812, and Ending 2d March, 1815. (Boston, Mass.: Russell, Cutler & Co., printers, 1812-15).
Massachusetts (of which Maine was then a part) was obliged to reimburse towns for the support of paupers who lacked "settlement" in the Commonwealth. These were often people born abroad or in other states. The Committee on Accounts reported in June 1812 that "there are due to the Corporations and persons hereafter mentioned, the sums set to their names respectively, which, when allowed and paid, will be in full discharge of the said accounts to the several dates therein mentioned."
[p. 61]Alfred, for boarding and clothing William Griffis, and supporting sundry prisoners confined in gaol for debt, to 1st June, 1812, $84 75Baldwin, for boarding and clothing Daniel Hickey to 1st May, 1812, 89 23
Berwick, for boarding Lemuel Woodworth to the 25th May, 1812, 18 40
[p. 62]Belfast, for boarding and doctoring Joseph Parsons and James Wells to the time of their death, including funeral charges, and supplies for Owen Chancy to the time he left the town, 57 91Cushing, for boarding and clothing James Walker, to 1st June, 1812, 16 00
Cape Elizabeth, for boarding; and clothing James Ramsbottom to 10th May, 1812, 33 56
Durham, for boarding and clothing Asa, Samuel, and Jonathan Demerit, to 20th May, 1812, 158 60
[p. 63]Elliot, for supplies to Jacob Brewer to 16th May, 1812, 18 74Falmouth, County of Cumberland, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring Felician Sang to 31st May, 1812, 87 90
Gorham, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring Robert Gilfiling and Jacob Morse to 29th May, 1812, 77 95
Hallowell, for boarding, clothing, and doctoring sundry paupers to 1st June, 1812, 195 20
Hope, for boarding John Sullivan to 20th May, 1812, 30 00
[p. 64]Lincolnville, for boarding Timothy Cox and Alexander White, to 21st May, 1812, 46 80Litchfield, for supplies to Hannah Taylor and two Children, Daniel Howard and wife, to 1st June, 1812, 78 00
Mount Vernon, for boarding and clothing David Basford, to 2lst May, 1812, 56 53
[p. 65]Peru, for supplies and doctoring James Robbins and family, to 19th May, 1812, 82 99Portland, for boarding, clothing and doctoring sundry paupers, to 1st June, 1812, 1258 91
[p. 66]Vassalborough, for funeral charges, for Sally Gordon, 5 00Waterborough, for boarding and clothing William Jordon, to 9th June, 1812, 26 80
Waldoborough, for supplies to John Handell, to 6th June, 1812, 8 00
York, for boarding and clothing sundry paupers, to 8th June, 1812, 216 81