Source: The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 80 (Boston, Mass.: The Society, 1926).
Communicated by George Walter Chamberlain, M.S., of Malden, Mass.
The records of which a copy is given in this article are written on the first twenty-two pages of a book that bears on its paper cover the legend: "A Book of Reccords Keept by, Benjn Riggs. Justice Peace AD 1808. County Lincoln." The remaining fifty pages of the book are blank. The manuscript is now in the possession of a great-grandson of Benjamin Riggs, Louis Warner Riggs, Ph.D., of Yarmouth, Me., who has kindly permitted it to be copied for publication in the Register.
Benjamin5 Riggs, Justice of the Peace, of Georgetown, Me., the writer of these records, was born at Gloucester, Mass., 27 Mar. 1759, the son of Capt. Moses4 (Moses3, Thomas2, Thomas1) and Mary (Ellery) Riggs, and died at Georgetown 2 Jan 1846, aged 86 years, 8 months, 5 days. He married 17 Sept. 1782, Ruth Pearl, born at Edgecomb, Me., 31 Dec. 1760, died at Georgetown 13 Jan. 1857, aged 96 years, 13 days, daughter of Simeon Pearl of Edgecomb. Mr. and Mrs. Riggs were buried at Riggsville, a settlement in George-[p. 25]town. He was a member of the Massachusetts General Court from the District of Maine and a delegate from Georgetown to the Constitutional Convention that met in Portland, Me., in 1819.
The children of Benjamin and Ruth (Pearl) Riggs, all born at Georgetown, were: 1. Mary, b. 8 June 1783; d. 18 June 1832. 2. James, b. 5 Jan. 1785; d. 7 Oct. 1866. 3. Sarah, b. 17 Sept. 1787; d. 2 Mar. 1866. 4. Betsey, b. 14 Mar. 1790. 5. Alice, b. 29 Jan. 1793; d. 12 Apr. 1874. 6. Moses, b. 18 June 1795; d. 3 May 1886. 7. Nancy L., b. 12 Sept. 1798. 8. Susan, b. 9 Sept. 1801. 9. Warner, b. 17 Apr. 1804. 10. Benjamin F., b. 4 Nov. 1805. 11. Eliza J., b. 2 June 1809.
In preparing these records for publication the spelling and capitalization of the original manuscript have been followed, but superior letters have been placed on the line and marks of punctuation have been inserted or changed in conformity with the standards of the present day. After the record of the fifty-sixth marriage, two or three cases of assault and other violations of the laws, which came before Mr. Riggs as a justice of the peace, are entered; but these cases have been omitted in the printed copy.A Record of Marriages by Benjamin Riggs Esquirefirst Marriage. Mr. John Savage of Woolwich to Sarah Oliver of Georgetown, May 16th, 1808. Returned.
Second marriage. Mr. Isiah Mars to Mercy Oliver, both of Georgetown, May 16th, 1808. Returned.
Third marriage. Mr. Gilbert Heal to Mehetable Hinkley, Both of Georgetown, August 11th, 1808. Returned Feb. 28, 1811.
Fourth Marrage. Mr. Zacheus Traphton to Lydia Oliver, both of this town of Georgetown, June 29th, 1809. Returned.
5 Marrage. Mr. Adoniram St Clair of Lisbon to Mrs. Jane Young of Georgetwon, March 8th, A.D. 1810. Returned Feby. 28, 1811.
6th. Marrage of Mr. Joseph Fogg of Drisden and Mrs. Jane Shea of Pittstown, December 19th, 1811.
7th Marrage. Mr. James Riggs and Mrs. Jane Campbell, both of Georgetown, Feby. 6th, 1812.
8th Marrage. Mr. Samuel McFadden To Mrs. Matha Gott, both of Georgetown, Feby. 20th, 1812.
9th. Marrage of Mr. Eathan Steevens of Reedfield, K B County, to Miss Mary Lynnan of Georgetown, 4th June 1812.
10th. Marrage of Wm. Hall of Georgetown, County Lincoln, to Miss Eleanor Hagan of Georgetown, Said County, Sept. 2d, A.D. 1812.
11th. Marrage of Mr. Stephen Mariner of the Town of Lincornvile & Miss Catharine Heal of Said town & County Lincoln, 12th Sept. 1813.
12th. Marrage of Mr. Philip Shea to Miss Phebe Hall, both of Georgetown. Married by a Complaint of the said Phebe, & said Philip taken by a warrant 28th Dec. 1813—marraide.
13th. Marrage of Mr. Andrew McFadden of Emden, County of Somersett, To Miss Elizebath Reirden of Georgetown, County Lincoln, 1 day of March A.D. 1814.all of the above Marraiges Returned in to the Town Clark's office.14th. Marriage of Mr. Elijah Williams to Miss Mary Webber, both of Georgetown, marriade in March 24th, A.D. 1814.
15th. Marriage of Mr. Benjn. Tarr, Jr., and Miss Margret McFadden, both of Georgetown, 26 July 1814.[p. 25]16th. Marriage of Mr. Richard White & Miss Nancy Kehale, both of Edgecombe. Marrage 22 day of December 1814.
17th. on thusdey, 23th November 1815, Marriage by B. R. Esqr., Mr. Nathan Gowen of Montville to Miss Margret Hagan of Georgetown.
18th. Marrage of Wm. Gott, Junr., To Miss Judith McKency, both of Georgetown, 14th December 1815.
19th. Marriage of John Sadler, Jr., of Edgcomb To Miss Saley Stephens of Georgetown, 28th Decr. 1815.all of the above Marrages are made Returns of to the Town Clark.20. Marriage of Mr. Rufus Crawford of Bath To Miss Bethiah Tyler of Edgcomb, 15th day of February 1816. Returned.
21. Marriage of Mr. Nicholas Shea To Miss Betsy Beal, both of Georgetown, 29th of February 1816. Returned.
22. Marriage of Mr. Robert Power, Jr., To Miss Content Lennan, both of Georgetown, 28th of March 1816.
23. Marriage of James Collins of Hollowell and Miss Betsy Tyler of Edgcombe, May 1, 1816.
24. Marriage of James Butler of Phipsburg To Margret Webber of Georgetown, 19th December 1816.
25. Marraige of George Oliver of Phipsburg To Martha Oliver of Georgetown, 6th February 1817.
26. Marraige of David Webber of Edgcomb To Frances Oliver of Georgetown, 27th February 1817.all the above Returned27. Marrage of Philip Shea to Eliza Hooper, Both of Georgetown, May 8, 1817.
28. Marriage of Wadsworth Oliver To Sophia Adams, Both of Georgetown, June 5th, 1817.
29. Marriage of William Sadler of Edgcombe to Miss Betsy Gott of Georgetown, 28th August 1817.
30. Marraige [of] Mr. William Oliver to Miss Temperance P. Jackson, Both of Georgetown, 28th Septr. 1817.
31. Marriage of Mr. James Heal to Miss Dolly Shattuck, Both of Edcomb, May 3th [sic], 1818.
No. 32. Marriage of Mr. Robert Clary with Miss Ruth Tarr, both of Georgetown, Sunday, the 4 day of october 1818.
No. 33. Marriage of Mr. Elijah Campell with Miss Phebe Emerson, both of Georgetown, on thursday, the 25 day of February 1819.
No. 34. Marriage of Mr. Edward Medar with Miss Sarah Brooks, both of Edgcombe, on thursday, March 18th, 1819.
No. 35. Marriage of Mr. William Lewis of Boothbay to Miss Hannah Brooks, Jr., of Edgcomb, the 3 day of June 1819.
No. 36. Marriage of Mr. Daniel Tarr with Miss Elizabeth Horford, both of Georgetown, November the 4, 1819.
No. 37. Marriage of Moses Jewett of Edgcomb To Miss Mary Heagan of Georgetown, February the 17, 1820.
No. 38. Marriage of Mr. Lewis Harford with Miss Amelia P. Mallus, Both of Georgetown, Thursday, the 24 day of February 1820.
No. 39. Marriage of Mr. William Dunton of Buthbay To Miss Sarrah Knights of Edgcombe, Thursday, March the 16, A.D. 1820.
40. Marriage of Mr. Thomas Williams with Miss Catharine Emmons, Both of Georgetown, Thursday, 27 day of April 1820.
41. Marriage of Capt. Stephen Sawyer with Miss Abigail Anderson, both [of] the town of Edgcomb, Thursday, 31 Day of August 1820.
42. Marriage of Mr. Hiram Hodgdon with Miss Hannah Brooks, both of the town of Edgcomb, Monday, December 25 day, 1820.
43. Marriage of Mr. Abel Lennard of litchfield with Miss Elmira McMarne of Georgetown, thursday, December 28th, 1820.[p. 27]44. Marriage of David Reirden with Miss Rachel Power, Both of Georgetown, thursday, 28th December 1820.
No. 45. Marriage of Mr. Campell Oliver of Georgetown with Miss Lydia Baker of Phipsburg, January 4th, 1821, on thursday.
No. 46. Marriage of William Orn of Buthbay with Miss Elizabeth Hall of Georgetown, on thursday, 11th of January 1821.
No. 47. Marriage of William Jewett of Edgcomb with Miss Ruth Webber of Georgetown, on thursday, the 8th day of February 1821.
No. 48. Marriage of William L. Hall of Georgetown with Miss Ann S. Stinson of said Georgetown, on Sunday, April the 1 day, in the year 1821.
No. 49. Marriage of John McMahan To Mrs. Lucy Snowman, Both of the Town of Georgetown, June 17th, 1821.
No. 50. Marriage of Jacob Power with Miss Hannah Heagan, Both of Georgetown. Solomnize[d] Sunday, th 14th day of october 1821.
No. 51. Marriage of Capt. Moses Riggs To Miss Martha S. Fisher, Both of Georgetown. Solomnized on Sunday, December the 9th, 1821.
No. 52. Marriage of Mr. William R. Haward of Litchfield To Miss Elizabeth d. McMahan of Georgetown, Thursday, March 21th [sic], 1822.
No. 53. Marriage of Mr. Isaac Heal To Miss Mary McKeney, Both of Georgetown, was Celebrateed on Thursday, october 24th, 1822.
No. 54. Marriage of Mr. George Harford To Miss Nancy Tarr, both of Georgetown, was Celebrateed on Sabbath day, November 10th, 1822.
No. 55. Marriage of Mr. Luther Heal with Miss Rebecca Heal, both of Georgetown, was Celebrated on Sunday, Decr. 15th, 1822.
No. 56. Marriage of Mr. Allen Davis of East Pond Plantation, which was taken off of Norridgwalk & acording to Mr. Peter Libbey Certificate was Published, East Pond Plantation, with Miss Hannah Snowman of George Town. Celebrated on Thursday, the 16th Jany. 1823, and was Published in said Georgetown as p[e]r Certificate from John Hinkley, Clerk of said Town-Allen Davis of Norridgwok, which Disagreed as above on account of Thomas Stephens, Jr., Making the mistake with Mr. Hinkley.The Number of the Marriages brought over 56 in Number, as will appear.No. 57. Marriage of Mr. Samuel Allen of Bowdoinham To Miss Catharine Power of Georgetown. Celebrated on Sunday, April 27th, 1823.
No. 58. Marriage of Mr. Thomas Rowe To Miss Mary Gott, Both of Georgetown. Celebrated Tuesday, August 26th, 1823.
No. 59. Marriage of Mr. Seth Tarr To Miss Caroline Mars, both of Georgetown. Celebrated thursday, September 25th, 1823.
No. 60. Marriage of Mr. Luther Power To Miss Mary Clary, Both of Georgetown. Celebrated tuesday, November 27th, 1823.
No. 61. Marriage of Mr. Samuel Lowell of Alna To Miss Betsey McFadden of Georgetown. Celebrated tuesday, December 9th, 1823.
No. 62. Marriage of Capt. William Fisher To Miss Duranda Soper, Both of Georgetown. Selebration of the above Marraige thursday, December 23 the, 1823.
No. 63. Marraige of Mr. John McFadden, 3, with to Miss Susanna Whitmore, Both of Georgetown. Celebration of the above Marriage was Thursday, 26th Feburay 1824.
No. 64. Marraige of Daniel Tibbets of woolwich with Miss Hannah Hall of Georgetown. Marriage Celebrated thursday, April 8th, 1824.
No. 65. Marraige of Mr. John C. Rogers & Miss Abigail Stinson, Both of Georgetown. Celebrated the above Marraige wednsday, october 6, 1824.
No. 66. Marraige of Mr. John H. Wallace with Miss Mary McFadden, Both of Georgetown. the above Marraiged sollomnized December 23th, 1824.
No. 67. Marriage of William Lowney with Miss Sarah McKenney, both of Georgetown. Celebration Thursday, october 13th, 1825.[p. 28]68 No. Marraiage of Lewis Thorp, Esqr., of Buthbay with Miss Susanna McFadden of Georgetown. Celebration thursday, November 3th, 1825.
No. 69. Marraige of Mr. Joseph Hodgdon, 3d, with Miss Rachel Brooks, both of the town of Edgcomb. Celebrated the above thursday, Novmber 10th, 1825.
No. 70. Marraige of Mr. Harvey Sadler with Miss Jane Stephens, both of the Town of Georgetown. Joined in Marraige thursday, November 24th, 1825.
No. 71. Joined in Marriage David Avery of Marbelhead with Miss Mary Sadler of Georgetown. Celebration Sunday, December the 4th, 1825.
No. 72. Joined in Marriage William Harris with Mrs. Jane Dearing, both of Boothbay. Celebration Thursday, December th 8th, 1825.
No. 73. Joined in Marriage thursday, December 22th, 1825, Mr. Daniel McKenney with Miss Lucy Ann Webber, Both of the Town of Georgetown.
74. Joined in Marraige Thursday, December 29th, 1825, Mr. William Peirce with Miss Elizabath Orn, Both of Buthbay, the above Returned in April last.
75. Joined in Marraige Thursday, May 18th, 1826, Mr. Warren S. Todd with Miss Betsey Swett, Both of Georgetown.
76. Joined in Marraige Sunday, July 9th, 1826, Mr. Daniel Brooks with Miss Clarisa McKeney, Both of Edgcomb.
77. Joined in Marraige, Sunday, December 24, 1826, Mr. Benjn. Swett, Jr., with Mis Louisa Ann Whitmore, Both of Georgetown.
78. Joined in Marraige Thursday, January 11, 1827, Mr. David M. Stinson with Miss Hariot Swett, Both of Georgetown.
79. Joined in Marraige Thursday, th 25th January 1827, Mr. William M. Spinney with Miss Margery E. Oliver, Both of Georgetown.
80. Joined in Marraige thursday, March 1th [sic], 1827, Mr. Elijah Drummond of Bangor, County of Penobscot, with Miss Susan D. Parker of Phipsburg, Thursday, March 1th [sic], 1827.
81. Joined in Marraige thursday, March 1th [sic], 1827, Mr. Andrew Hogan with Miss Ruth Mars, Both of Georgetown.
82. Joined in Marriage thursday, March 22th, 1827, Mr. Clark Blake with Miss Marthy Jewett, Both of Edgcomb.
83. Joined in Marriage Wednsday, April 4th, 1827, Mr. James Orn & Miss Mahala Pirce, both of Buthbay.
84. Joined in Marriage Sunday, May 13th, 1827, Mr. Jonathan Preble with Miss Clarissa Brown, both of Georgetown.
85. Joined in Marraige thursday, August 14th, 1827, Mr. Zebediah Farnham, Jr., of Woolwich with Miss Sophia F. Whitmore of Georgetown.
No. 86. Joined in Marriage Sunday, Novr. 11th, 1827, Capt. James Lennan of Phipsburg with Mrs. Betsy White of Georgetown.
No. 87. Joined in Marraige thursday, April 3dth [sic], 1828, Mr. Mathew McKeney to Miss Nancy Thomas, both of Edgcomb & now caled West Port. the above Returned.
No. 88. Joined in Marriage on thursday, April 3d, the Year 1828, Mr. Alden Heal with Miss Mercy Power, Both of Georgetown.
No. 89. Joined in Marriage on thursday, November 27th, 1828, Mr. Samuel Leeman, Jr., of Bristol with Miss Caroline Hall of Georgetown.
90. Joined in Marriage on thursday, December 25th, 1828, Mr. William Williams with Miss Hannah R. McKenney, Both of Georgetown.the above Returned up to Aprill 6th, 1829No. 91. Joined in Marriage Sunday, April 10th, 1829, Mr. William Tarr with Miss Catharine Welsh, Both of Georgetown.
No. 92. Joined in Marriage Thursday, April 16th 1829, Mr. Samuel Rand of Boothbay and Miss Jane Hall of Georgetown.[p. 29]No. 93. Joined in Marriage May 7th, 1829, Capt. Andrew Tarbox of Westport with Miss Loisa Heagan of Georgetown.
No. 94. Joined in Marriage Thursday, July 23th, 1829, Mr. Thomas Spinney and Miss Susan Grover, Both of Georgetown.
No. 95. Joined in Marriage Sunday, Februuery 14th, 1830, Mr. Neal Bean of Mount Varnon with Miss Luann Lawrance of Georgetown.all of the above Marriages Returned April 5th, 1830, to the Clerk of Said Town of Georgetown.No. 96. Joined in Marriage on thrusday, the 27th day of January 1831, Mr. Samuel Beal To Miss Rachel Tarr, Both of Georgetown.
No. 97. Joined in Marriage on thursday, the 17th day of March 1831, Mr. James F. Trott of woolwich To Miss Catharine R. Stinson of Georgetown.
No. 98. Joined in Marriage on tuesday, october 25th, 1831, Capt. Wm. Drummond of Phipsburgh To Miss Mary Fisher of Georgetown.
No. 99. Joined in Marriage on Sunday, November 20th, 1831, Mr. Joshua Linscott of Bath To Miss Sarah Kahaile of Westport.
No. 100. Joined in Marriage on Sunday, December 11th, 1831, Mr. Joseph L. Savage of Woolwich with Mrs. Ann S. Hall of Georgetown. Retd.
No. 101. Joined in Marriage on thursday, the February 23, the Year 1832, Mr. Ebenezer Prible & Miss Mary Snipe, Both of Georgetown. Retd.
No. 102. Joined in Marriage on thursday, the 8th day of March, Year 1832, Mr. Joseph Beal & Miss Mary W. Grover, Both of Georgetown. Retd.
No. 103. Joined in Marriage on tuesday, October 23th, 1832, Mr. James Drumond Fisher of Bow[d]oinham & Miss Lucinda Petee of Georgetown. Retd.
No. 104. Joined in Marriage on Wednsday, the 24th of September 1834, Mr. Roland Fisher with Mis Susanna Riggs, both of Georgetown. Retd.
No. 105. Joined in Marriage on tuesday, the 24th day of November, year 1835, Capt. James Drummond of Phipsburg with Miss Eliza Jane Riggs of Georgetown. Returned.
No. 106. Joined in Marriage on Monday, the 12th day of Feby., Year 1838, Capt. Aderson D. Fisher with Miss Ruth Ann Riggs, both of Georgetown. Returned.
No. 107. Joined in Marriage on thursday, the 27th of September, in the Year 1838, Jacob W. Swett with Eliza Jane White, Both of the Town of Georgetown.
No. 108. Joined in Marraige on thursday, the 21 day of November, in the Year of our Lord 1839, John Drumond with Mary R. White, Both of the Town of Georgetown.