Source: James Phinney Baxter, ed., Documentary history of the State of Maine, vols. 21 & 22 (Portland, Me.: Fred L. Tower Co., 1916).
[21:376]Re: Three Eastern CountiesAn Address, Of a Convention held at Portland on Wednesday the 5th day of September, 1787, by adjournment — to consider of[21:377]the expediency of the Three Counties of York, Cumberland, and Lincoln being formed into a Separate Government—to the Innhabitants of said Counties— Friends and Brethren, The publick good is an object of the greatest importance to every society; and deserves the attention of the society in general, and of the members who compose it in particular. For upon the general weal depends the interest and happiness of every individual. Upon this principle have a Convention of the Three Eastern Counties proceeded, from time to time; and have written to, and addressed you accordingly. Last January the Convention put into the hands of a Committee a petition to the General Court, praying for their consent that a separate government might be erected, including the three counties of York, Cumberland, and Lincoln. This they did upon the principle of such a separation's being consistent with the good of the Commonwealth at large, and highly beneficial to said counties. This petition now lays before the General Court (who are the political fathers of us all;) but they have not sufficient knowledge of the minds of the people, to proceed thereon. The Convention therefore, solicitous for the general good of the whole Commonwealth, and of these Counties in particular, wish to furnish them with all the evidence necessary upon such an occasion. They therefore recommend, that the inhabitants of the several towns and plantations in said Counties, would freely give their voices, by subscribing the following, yea or nay. *Nay. Blank, Yea. Stephen Hinkley, Jeremiah Hall, Daniel Stevens, Simon Dearborn Junr Benjamin Wade, Peter Clark, Nathan Sweetland, Benjamin Wallker, Rufus Bent, Benja White, John Montgomery, Jabez Gold, Samuel Bulbin, Jason Livermore, Solomon Con[____] Jotham Smith, Joseph Fletcher, John Beeman, Edmund Dana,* See House Documents numbers 2712, 13 and 14 for different names.[21:378]Thomas Sewall, Isac Harden Junr, Nathl Hinkley, Moses Sewall, Ezekiel Chase, William Stone, Noah Woodward, Samuel Coney, Daniel Chace, Saml S. Gilman A Subscription for collecting the general voice of the Inhabitants of the Counties of York, Cumberland, and Lincoln—whether they wish to be formed into a Separate Government, or not. Those who for a separation will subscribe their names under the word yea; and those who are against it, under the word nay. Those towns and plantations who choose, are desired to take the sense of their inhabitants, at a meeting called for that purpose, whether the subscription shall be forwarded to Court or not. And it is hereby recommended and desired, that the above subscriptions may be returned, by the second Wednesday of November next, to Stephen Hall, Esq. of Portland, Jacob Bradbury, Esq. of Buxton, Capt. James Carr, of Hallowell, or to either of them, as may be most convenient, being a Committee appointed to receive and forward the same to the General Court, whether the voice of the town or plantation be had thereon or not. By order of the Convention.William Gorham President, Stephen Longfellow, jun. Clerk.Nay. Blank. Yea Ephm Ballard, James Carr, D. Coney, Samuel Dutton, Simon Dearborn, Thomas Stickney, Eliphalet Gilman, Enoch Page, William Palmer, Isaac Savage. sd, Benja Brown—William Sprage, Amos Polesre, Benja Stickney, David Wolls, Eliphelate Robins, David Pollard, Isaac Clark, Thomas Hinkley, Jonathan Ballard, Thaddeus Snell, David Jackson, Benja Dudley, Judah Cowel, Jesse Follet, James Hinkley, Thomas Dinsmore, Robert Kennady, Isaac Savage [note: Residents of Hallowell.][22:14]Votes in accordance with an address "Re: Three Eastern Counties"Yea. John York, Jesse Duston, Isaac York, Silas Powers, Jonathan Bean junr, Jonat Bartlett, Tads Bartlett, Amos Powers, Moses Bartlett, Gideon Powers, Nathaniel Segar, Samll Ingalls, John Meserve, Jacob Russell, Enoch Bartlett, Amos Hastings, Joseph Killgore, John Raymond, Benja Russell, Benja Russell junr, Joseph Jackson, James Swan, John Grover, Abraham Russell, James Swan junr, Jesse Barker, Elear Twitchell, John Holt. [Note: Residents of Sudbury Canada, now Bethel.]The Yeas of Littlesborough and New Sandwich.Addame Royall, Daniel Lane, Benjamin Allen, Tirah Fish, Thomas Stenchfield, Rogers Stenchfield, Marshfield Paul, Cornelius Atkins, Thos Francis, David Towle, Joshua Timmans, Giddins Lane, Simeon Swift, Keziah Samson, Solomon Millett, James Samson, William Gilbert, Edward Jones. The people of Littlesborough. Yeas. Job Fuller, Eben Besse, Nathan Norris, Woodin Norris, Jabeth Besse 2d, Reuben Besse, Isaac Doten, Richard[22:15]Handy, Jonathan How, Thomas Wing, Josiah Norris, Nathaniel Billington, Samuel Norris, Turner Swift, Reuben Wing, Isaac Billington, Ichabod Billington, Thomas Lawrence, Jabesh Besse, Solomon Besse, Thomas Blackwell, Charles Renuff, John Doten, Benjamin Handy—The people of New Sandwich. County of York. Brownfield, Octr 17th 1787. Yea. James Hayward, Samuel Hayward, David Emerson, Wilson Howan, Hy Brown, Moses Hutchins, Josh B. Osgood, John Bell Miller, John Haley, Joseph Walker, Samuel Colby, Saml Walker, William House, Samuel Howard, jun., James Haywood Junr, John Miller, Thomas Wellman, John Stickney, Amos Poor, Joseph Howard, Lemuel Haywood, Samuel Long, Nathl X [his mark] Merril, Joseph Ayer. Winthrop Yeas. Christopher Turner, John Chandler, Jabez Clough, John Freeman, Daniel Evens, John Clough, John Shed, Samuel Boyd, Jonathan Knowles, Calvin Boyd, Robert Eans, Ichabod Simmons, James Prescott, Jos Williams, Nathl Fairbanks, Moses Chandler, Zebe Delano, William Wheeler, Joseph Fairbanks, Saml Ring, William Pullen, Amos Stearns, John Chandler junr, Stephen Dudley, Joseph Greely junr., Stephen Pullen, Timothy Brainerd, Samuel Foster, Elijah Fairbanks, Joseph Johnson, John Pullen, John Coal, Otis Robinson, Nathl Stanley, Joshua Bean, Josiah French, Timothy Foster, Josiah Crosman, Woodard Hellins, Moses Jay, John Grey, Peter Norton, Ichabod Howe, Josiah Mitchel, Paul Wing, Constant Noilon, Mathias Smith junr, Stephen Norton, Cyrill Smith, Elisha Bean, Samuel Stevens, John Hankerson, Henry Chandler, Seth Pitts, Nathaniel Thomas, Simon Knowles, Dudley Hains, Jona Clark, Thomas Whitten,[22:16]Saml Wood, Samuel Prescot, Jesse Prescott, Samuel Judkins, Joseph Hutchson, John Streeter, Philip Allen, Gideon Lambert, Jedediah Prescott jr., Ebenezer Wallcott, Solomon Stanley, Michael Walcott, Joseph Rise, Oliver Whitaker, Ebenezer Foster, Jacob Judkins, Livy Morton, Benjamin Brainerd, Squier Bishop, John Fuller, Abijah Crane, William Richards, Nathaniel Bishop, William Pond, Jeremiah Richards, Eben Morton, Jonathan Whiting jr, John Comings, William Hankerson, Francis Hubbard, Asa Robbins, Joel Chandler, Joseph Chandler, James Work. Harrasekett yeas—Abraham Mitchell, Joseph Stockbridge, John Soule, Reuben Carver, Seth Carver, Elyshaz Phillips, Benjamin Porter, George Bartoll, William Low.Bridgeton Yeas & Nays.This may certify that the inhabitants of the Plantation of Bridgeton being assembled together on this 29th of Octr 1787 for the purpose of manifesting their desire with Respect the three Eastern Counties being formd into a Seperate State, did subscribe their names as above when three Neuters onely remained in sd Plantation. Enoch Perley { By desire of sd inhabitants. Yeas—Jacob Stevens, Isaiah Ingals, Phineas Ingals, Asa Ingals, Enoch Perley, Moses How, William Oliver, William Emerson, James Flint, David Porter, Jacob Stevens junr. Samuel Kimball, Richard Kimball, John Davenport, Enoch Stiles, Noah Stiles, Benja Kimball, Timothy Gates, Stephen Gates, Simeon Burnam, Jeremiah Burnam, David Hale, George Mead, Theodoer Emerson, Jesse Knap, James Stevens, Noah Beeman, Samuel Beeman, Aaron Beeman, Ephraim Davenport, David Clarke, Stephen Johnson, Francis Symonds, Thomas Symonds, Nathaniel Hale.—Nays—Benja Kimball junr, Asa Kimball.[22:17]Sylvester Yeas & Nays — Yeas—John Keen, Simeon Capwell, Elisha Keen, Benjamin True, Ezra Tubbs, D. Child, Abner Phillips, John Allen, Jno Strickland, Joseph Leavitt, Jacob Leavitt, Seth Sampson, Samuel Gorham, Jasiel Smith, Stephen Bryant, Willm Bradford, Isaac Collier, Thomas Additon, Daniel Briggs, William Hayford, Hezekiah Bryant, Levi Merritt, James Phillips, Elisha Sylvester, Israel Haskell, Gershom Holmes, Israel Haskell, Junr, Elijah Fisher, Jotham Briggs, Rufus Briggs, Benjamin Pettengill, Elijah Briggs, Daniel Briggs junr, Richard Phillips, Isaac Phillips, Josiah Staples, John Pilly, Henry Jones, Cornelius Jones, Jabez Merrill, Richard Phillips Jr, Jesse Bradford, Ezekiel Bradford—Nays—Nathan Niles, Isaiah Bonney, Daniel French, Boniah Niles, Ichabod Bonney, Ichabod Bonney junr, Mark Andrews. From the Plantation of a place called Bucktown In the County of Cumberland To Stephen Hall Esqr— Honord Sir — This is just to enform your Honor that we had no paper sent to us for subscriptions only what we learnt out of the Newspapers. We hope that our names will be Excepted for we are very solicitous for a seperate GovernmentJonathan Tyler (Proprietor Clark.)October the 18=1787— P. S. If your Honor think that it be Worth while to transcribe our names into any paper under Yea your Honer may do itJ B.Yea—Benjamin Spaulding, Jonathan Tyler, Thomas Allen, William Berry, John Brown, John Warren, David Warren, John Thurlo, Dominicus Record, Thomas Coburn, Daniel Packard, Job Young, Pete White, Job Packard, Jonas Coburn. Superscribed To Stephen Hall Esqr in Portland.[22:18]Standish, Yeas & Nays — Nay Theodore Mussey, Saml Brown, Isaac S Thompson. Yeas Simeon Sanborn, Sargant Shaw, John Mann, Peter Moulton, Gideon Philbrick, Mich. Plbrick, David Morton, Seth Spring, Luther Topping, William Freeman, Nathel Cummings, Saml Eaton. Superscribed To be communicated to the Inhabitants of StandishGloverboro Yeas.The Eastern Counties now petition a faint resemblence of sedition in which they undertake Tho 'bord' ring hard upon high treason. Yea John Glover, Samuel Jordan, Tart Putnam, Moses Hodgdon, Ezekiel Martin, Josiah Stenchfield, John Woster, Benjamin Varnum, Ebnezer Parsons, Eliphar Ring, Samuel Ring, Thomas Cushman, Epheraim Briggs, Barnibus Briggs, Daniel Jackson, Semion Holmes, Garthom Holmes, Richard Thurlo, Davis Thurlo, Jeams Thurlow, Asa Thurlo, Nathan Merrill, James Merrill, Samuel Pote, William Procter, Ebenezer Lane, Junr, Jobe Laine, Richard Varrill, Richard Varrill Junr, William Allin, Edmond Morrill, Joseph Tyiler.Adjacent to WinthropYeas. Daniel Dudley, Jesse Eaton, Nathaniel Gilman, Timothy Cram, David French, John Dudley, Benjamin Folsom, Tristram Folsom, Peter Folsom, Nathaniel Philbrick, Nathaniel Folsom, John Folsom, Nathaniel Folsom junr, Topes Lad, Jonathan Pauslatt, Reuben Rand, Ebenezer Stevens, Benjamin Ladd, Benjamin Eastman, Benja Philbrick, David Ingham, Daniel Coye, Benja Lock, Seth Higgins, Nicholas Wiggen, Joshua Wells, Joseph Hills, Joel Judkins, William Hilton, Stephen Scribner, John Robinson, Timothy Bartlett, Jeremiah Glidden, Samuel Cram Jr, Daniel Gorden, Daniel Smith, Samuel Smith, Asa Wright, Chase Page, Abraham Page, Philip Snow, Daniel Waters, Noah Adams, Josiah Hall, Nathan Hall.[22:19]Winslow Yeas.Timoi Heywood, Joseph Cragin, William Richardson, Thomas Lewis, Ephm Town, Sherebiah Town, Ephraim Willson, Luke Barton, Joseph Carter, Seth Richardson, David Standle, George Duncan, Nathan Dexter, Hezekiah Stratton, Benja Simson, Josiah Farwell Jr, Samuel Stackpole, Benja Runnels, Jeremiah White, Peter Kinney, Asa Phillips, Jonathan Soule, William Bradford, Nathanael Apteb, George Bradford, Eleazer X [his mark] Parker, Asa Emerson, David Pattee, Daniel Pattee, Jeremiah Rose, John Hume, John X [his mark] Coal, Nathan Heywood, Isaac Temple, Robbart Rankins, Asher Hinds, James Fly, Thomas Fowler, Thomas Heywood.Bakers Town Yeas.David Andrews, James Parker, Solomon Woolcott, Joshua Dunn, Moses Davis, William Davis, Josiah Dunn, Stephen Rollins, John Stevens, Edmund Bayley, John Leech, John Herrick, Michael Wellcomo, Moses Emery, James Hodgskins junr, Job Tucker, Edward Juniper, Nathanl Sawtell, Levi Shaw, Henry Wm Sawtell, Thomas Bayley, Stephen Safford, Samuel Shaw, Stephen Yetter junr, Samuel Varriell Junr, Davis Varriell, Ephraim Chubb.Belfast Yeas.Agreable to the Request of the Honourable Convention we have Calld a Meeting for the Purpose above mentioned and it is the minds of we the Subscribers that the same be forwarded to Court. Belfast Octr 30th 1787.[22:20]Yeas—Samuel Houston, Samuel McKeen, Solon Stephenson, John Cochran, John Robeson, James Patterson, John Durham, Tolford Durham, Henry True, John Brown, John Tufft.Plantation of Hancock Yeas.Joseph Town, John Burnell Junr, Morderica More, John Noble, Benja Noble, Joseph Doe, David Emery, David Pearson, James Emery, Solomon Spencer, Jacob Kimball, William Kendall, Michael Maelly, Daniel Wyman, Jonathan Emery, David Kimball, Briggs Emery, George Fitzgerald, Joshua White, Eligah Preast, Jona Philbrook, John Burrell, Liba Burrell, Bela Burrell, Saml Tobey, John Tozer, Josiah Burges, Heman Atwood, Philip Wing, Joseph Speaven, John Speaven, John Speaven Jr, William Speaven, Fradarik Tapkins, Thomas Blackwell, John Gulleper, George Mackie, Lawrence Costigan, Ezekiel Brown, Timothy Hudson, John Emmery, Samll Philbrook, Ebenr Heald, James Bigelow, Bartholomew Fowler, James Brown, John X [his mark] Birgwin, John Gray, Abraham Roundey, Job Roundey, Lacey Roundey, Micel Roundey, Silas Barron, Isaac Spencer, David Spencer, Cheleab Palmer, Andrew Richardson, Charles Brown, Asa Brown.Plantation of Canaan.Yeas—George Sawyer, Edward Hartwell, Jonathan Davis, John Emery, Joseph Emery, Saml Weston, William Weston, Zebulon Gilman, John White, Solo Clark, Phins Steward, Perley Rogers, Joshua Goodridge, Levi Powers, Saml Steward, Sola Stenyard Junr, Saml Whitman, John Weston, William Steward, Solomon Oaks, David Pancoast, Isaac Smith, Abiather Kendall, Micah Pratt, Jonathan Robins.[22:21]Plantation of Nerrigawalk and Seven mild Brook and Sandy Part of River. Yea John Moor, James Waugh, Josiah Warren, Zeph. Keith, Zachhs Longley, Samuel Parker, Jonathan Keith, Obadiah Witherell, Mones Fling, James Bunns, Lovel Fairbrother, James Jones, Amos Sheperdson, Leml Williams, Ebenezer Hilton, George Gray, Charles Savage, Judah Piper, James Savage, Jacob Savage, Sylvanus Sawyer, Moses Bickford, Benjamin Hilton, Samll Richards, George Gray, Oliver Willson, Charles Fay, Nathan Wood, Joseph Green, Robert Crosby, John Dutten, Thomas Waugh, Peter Holbrook, Reuben Gray, Nahum Baldwin, Elijah Dutton, George Nickels, Sylvanus Sawyer Junr, Thomas Houghton, Benjamin Ellis, Caleb Piper, John Warker, Bengmon Wessen, Hanery Mackiney, Staphen Waker, James Loud, Nathan Hollan, Jonathan Stevens, Zephimah Williams, Jno Fargusson, John Moor junr, Joseph Hillton, William Blackden, Joseph Tarbell, Daniel Steward, Magnnas Becky, Asa Parker, Goffe Moor, Levi Procter, Seth Spaulding, Benjamin Hinds, Charles Witherell, Josiah Spaulding, David Mactihner, Eleazer Spaulding, Benjamin Kittredge, Jonathan Spaulding, Eleazer Spaulding, Robard Richards, Jonas Parlin, Nathan Parlin, Silas Parlin, John Heale, Thomas Heald, Oliver Wood, John Clarke, John Laughton, Jason Russell, Benja Moor, James Malbone, Ebr Richardson.Lewistown Yeas.Caleb Barker, Benja Merrill, John Daggett, Willm Sprague, John Larrabee, Lemuel Comins, Lebbeus Bailey, John Herrick, Gideon Hinckley, Benj Merrill junr, Jacob Barker, Job Cole, Josiah Mitchell, Abner Harris, James Sprague, Joel Thompson, Thos Rose, Nathan Cutler, Tobias Ham, John Teele, William Blasdell, David Wilkins, Benja Quimly, Joseph Herrick, Paul Hildreth.[22:22]Fryeburg Yeas.Moses Ames, Philip Page, Saml Osgood, Daniel Farrington, Richard Eastman, Ezra Carter, John Charles, Joseph Walker, Jonathan Dresser, Ezekiel Walker, Samuel Walker, Job Eastman, Isaac Walker, John Farington, John Walker, Nathaniel Frye, William Wiley, Nathl Merrill, Ebenezer Day, Nathaniel Day, Thaddeus Bemis, Stephen Knight, Abraham Bradley, James Parker, John Gordon, William Eatton, Simeon Abbott, Nathl Hutchins, Isaac Abbot, Joseph Frye Junr, Paul Langdon, John Stevens Jr, William Kimball, Hugh Gordon, John Stevens, Isaac Abbot JrPortland Yeas & Nays.Nay—Benj Titwood, Beniah Low, Hugh McLellan, John March, Yea—Stephen Hall, Wm Haggett, Asa Stevens, Stephen Woodman, David Stirrat, John Nicholls, Enoch Wiswell, Shadrach Ham, James Smith, Eliphl Dean, David Stoddard, Abner Lowell, Abijah Poole, Joshua Brackett, Job X [his mark] Lunt, Peter Fabre, Job Lunt, William Darrel, Michael Lunt, John Goodwin, Peleg Wadsworth, Thomas B. Wait.Pownalborough's Yeas.Moses Gray, William Gray, Samuel Gray, Thomas Hoyt, Oliver Boynton, John Boynton, Samuel Flicher, David Plumer, Peter Laberee, John Plumer, Hicariah Bay, Christopher Ersk[torn] Richard Baley, John Boynton, James Chaney, Jacob Nelson, Moses Carleton, Benjamin Carr, Joseph Carleton, James Ayer, George Erskin, Joseph Hilton, James Cole, Ephraim Carrico, William Howall, China Smith, Stuart Hunt, William Clark, Job Averell, Ignatius Haraden, James Hodge, Asa Andrews Jun, Ichabod Frost, Saml Averell, Samuel Averell Junr, Elijah Tilton, Beniah Booker, Moses Andrews, Neb. McLaren, James Clark, William Clark, Abraham Lord, John Averell.[22:23]Bath Yeas.Willm Dorr, James Shurtleff, James McLonane, Davis Sumner, Stephen Morss, John Bryan, Francis Hodgkins, Daniel Philbrook, Thomas Sprague, Isaiah Crooker, Joseph Lunt, John McFarland, Jerom Loring, Jacob Low, Alexr Robinson, John Robinson, George Andras, Theodore Sayre, Benja Donnell, John Lowell junr, Henry Sewall, Josiah Mitchell, Adam Lamont, Lemuel Standish, Thomas Wade, Joshua Shaw, Samuel Welch, Pat Welch, Nathel Donell, Joseph Goold, Jona Osgood, Naler Marriner, Elijah Drummond, James Brackett, Phillip Higgens juner, Thomas Lambard, Joseph Lambard, Samuel Moody, Dumr Sewall, Wm C. Baker, Joshua Philbrook, Josha Raynes, Jno Wood, Samuel Emerson, Wm Swanton Junr, Edward Hall Page, Joseph White, Stepn Foster, Ephraim Fitts, David Clifford, Joseph Smith, John Crawford, Isaiah Crooker Junr, Elijah White, David Ring, Benjamin Clifford, Stephen Combes, William Hodgkins, James Berry, James M. Mitchell, Jonathan Mitchell, John Lamont, John Whitmore, Eliphalet Brown, Edward Welch, Thomas Crawford, Luke Lambard, Benja Ham, John Foot, William Woodard, George Todd, Elisha Shaw, Philip Higgins, John Ham.Topsham.Nay—Willard Sears, Yeas—James Purinton, Gideon Owen, William Bourk, Joseph Berrey, James Hunter, Benjamin Eaton, Jonathan Whitney, Francis Dugliss, Moses Owen, James Henry, David Reed, James Fulton, Thos Patten, John Fulton, Jacob Stockman, Samuel Stockman, Ebenezer Farrin, Huey Willsone, Jonathan Whitney junr, Theophilus Hinkley, Wilam Mott, Stphen Hinkley, Elisha Allen, Nathaniel Willson, Alexander Gray, Aleck Thompson, James Huey, junr, Joseph Haly, James Huey, Huey Wilson, Wilam Wilson, John Wilson, Samuel Wilson, John[22:24]Paul, Elethon Hinkly, Samuel Thompson, James Wilson, Robert Niles, Ezek. Thompson, Stephen Purinton, Benja Thompson, Joseph Haly, Phonihas Jones, Joseph Haley, John Merrill, John Whitten, Pelatiah Haly, Stephen Doughty, Thomas Alexander, Wm Malcom, Elnathan Hinkley, Steal Foster, Jonathan Perrey, Alexander Thompson, Philip Hoyt, William Allen, Jonathan Stockman, John Winchell, Alexander Rogers, Robt Hunter, Arthur Hunter, Joseph Foster.Sheppardsfield Yeas.John Bridgham, John Coy, Willard Bridgham, Alden Bridgham, John Bridgham Jr, Charles Phillips, Amos Dwinel, Amos Dwinel junr, William Chessman, Aaron Dwinel, Samuel Lane, Jacob Dwinel, Edward Hawkes, Daniel Bucknam, Joseph Waterman Elisha Haben, Samuel Bridgham, James Soule, Joseph Bridgham, Chandled Freeman, Amos Harris, Edmond Saunders, James Manwell, James Harsey, Reuben Harsey, Pebody Bradford, Joseph Freeman, James Shaw, Moses Bradbury junr, Jacob Bradbury, Lemuel Raymond, Jonathan Bradford, David Dinsmore, Zebulon Davis, *Begamon Claford, *William Picket, this name is William Picket [sic], Moses Bradbury, Isaac Allen, Samuel Bradford, Noah Harsey, Levy Harsey, Thomas Gurney, Bealey Noyse, Samuel Poole, Jonathan Nash, Nehemiah Parker.Certificate.This certifies that at a Convention of Delegates from several Towns & plantations in the Countys of York Cumberland and Lincoln held at Portland by adjournment Jany 31, 1787, it was Voted Bradbury Esq of Buxton wi. Moses Ames of Fryburg, Joshua Fabyan Esq of Scarboro and Jno Froth-* Very distinct. * This name is written very poorly, hence their identification.[22:25]ingham Esq. of Portland, Saml Thompson Esq. of Topsham & D Daniel Coney of Hallowell be a Committee to prefer a Petition to the Genl Court from said Convention.Attest Wm Gorham PrestNew Gloucester.The Subscribers are all free men of 21 years of age and upwards. Nay—Isaac Parsons—Yeas—William Bradbury, Benjamin Lane, Andrew Campbell, Arthur Bradman, Ebenezr Davis, Edward Parsons, Eliphalet Haskell, Lemuel Tucker, Benja Haskell, Viles Cobb, Jabez Bradbury, John Haskell, Gideon Haskell, Benjamin Witham, Nathaniel Stevens, John Megquier, Jonathan Row, Natha Eveleth junr. Jacob Haskell, John Tyler, Asa Loring, Joseph Allen junr, John Prince, Simon Noyes, William True, Jabez True, John Johnston, William Parsons Junr, Francis Bennet, Nehemiah Allen, Simeon Wells, Samuel Bennet, Peleg Chandler, Bildad Arnold, Jacob Haskell, Thomas Ayer, William Widgery, Barnabas Winslow, Wm Bridgham, Nathanel Bennett, Ezekiel Merrill, Ebenezer Lane, Joel Haskell, Robert Bayley, Moses Merrill, Jonathan Haskell, Samuel Merrill, Benj. Bradbury, Ebenezr Cleaves, Isaac Eveleth, Thomas Powers, Samuel Fogg, Solomon Atwood Esqr, Nicholas Low, William Hutcheson, Nathan Haskell, James Stinchfield, Robt Fobes, Ebenr Mason, John Megquier, Robert Hanaford, John Warren, Edward Peacock, Elias Merrill, Josiah Smith, David Woodman, Nehemiah Allen Jr, William Blay West, Natha Ingersoll, James Bishop, Abraham Jaquith, Samuel Merrill, John Merrill, James Rider.
