Source: A. W. Corliss, ed., Old Times [later The Westcustogo Chronicle]: devoted to the publication of documents relating to the early history of North Yarmouth, Maine, including Harpswell, Freeport, Cumberland, and Yarmouth, all offshoots of the old town: also genealogical records of the principal families in each town, Vol. 5 (Yarmouthville, Me.: A.W. Corliss, 1881).
The following sketch of the Corner Village, Yarmouth, Maine, as it was about 1850, has been furnished by an old resident of the town. Additions and corrections are solicited. The names of the original owners of the buildings, with any particulars of extraordinary events connected with the same, will be appreciated and acknowledged.
As an aid in tracing localities of particular houses, the diagram opposite this page will be found useful. No attempt has been made to give the proper proportions, as no measurements were available, but with the diagram and the text it is easy to locate any building then existing in the village.
1 Atlantic & St. Lawrence Railroad (now Grand Trunk Railroad) crossings on Main Street and Baker's Mill Lane.
2 Baker's Mill Lane.
3 South Street.
4 Woodbury's Lane.
5 "Corner," and Guideboard.
6 Corliss Lane.
7 Cumberland Road.
8 Baptist Street.
9 Baker Street.
10 Portland Street.
11 Meeting-house Hill.
12 Ammi M. Loring.
13 Main Street.
14 Sligo Road.
15 Walnut Hill Road.
16 Gooch Lane.
17 Town-House.
18 Red School-house.
19 Storer's Tan-yard.
20 Hosea Newell (new house.)
21 Railroad Station.
22 Jeremiah Baker.
23 Head of the Hill.
24 Foster's Pottery.
25 Benjamin Gooch.
[p. 754]26 Joseph Greenleaf.
27 Patten Jackson.
28 Capt. Rudduck Prince.
29 Capt. John Davis.
30 Dea. Jacob Mitchell.
31 Street.
32 Baptist Graveyard.
33 New School-house (brick.)
34 Baptist Meeting-house.
35 Universalist Chapel.
36 Jere Mitchell. E. Corliss.
37 Dr. William Parsons.
38 Richmond L. Storer.
39 Storer & Smith's store.
40 Edward H. Smith.
41 Amasa Baker.
42 Nathl. Haynes' shop.
43 Woodbury's slaughter house
44 Reuben Hayes.
45 Nathaniel Foster.
46 Richmond L. Cutter.
47 William R. Humphrey.
48 Levi Davis.
49 Widow Mary True.
50 Old John Corliss. R White.
51 Capt. Saml. Thompson.
52 Haven's blacksmith-shop.
53 Benjamin Woodbury.
54 Capt. Sylvanus Prince.
55 Capt. James C. Hill.
56 Brook's Pottery.
† John Corliss (fisherman.)
|| R. E. Corliss. E. York.
* Old Elm Tree.