Source: Marriages by Rev. Timothy Remick of Cornish, Maine (Copied by Ina N. Emery, President Parsonsfield & Porter Historical Society, 26 May 1949).
[p. 1]MARRIAGES BY REV. TIMOTHY REMICK OF CORNISH, MAINE.The following marriages were solemnized by the Rev. Timothy Remick of Cornish, between 1805 and 1842 according to records kept by him which are now in the possession of Mr. Robert Remick, Smithfield, Virginia.
May 30, 1805 John McLucuss to Naby Brown, both of Hiram.
Sept. 22, 1805 John Douglas Jr. of Limington to Mary Pugsley of Cornish.
Feb. 17, 1806 Thadeus Morrell of Berwick to Susannah Ayer of Cornish.
May 28, 1806 Isaac Morrell to Sally Hurd, both of Cornish.
June 22, 1806 Benjamin Dunn to Sally Trafton, both of Cornish.
July 27, 1806 Johnathan Watson to Joanna Louge.
August 20, 1806 Samuel Eastman to Polly Barns.
Jan. 26, 1807 Moses Willson of Cornish to Fanny Watson of Limerick.
Nov. 1806 Rufus Sanborn to Sarah ______.
Aug. 31, 1807 Thomas Watson of Hiram to Joanna Thompson of Cornish.
Nov. 26, 1807 Ensign Sargeant to Deborah Gray, both [of] Cornish.
Nov. 29, 1807 John S. Wedgwood of Parsonsfield to Lydia Merrill of Cornish.
Dec. 14, 1807 Ira Clark to Lydia Jewett, both of Cornish.
Feb. 2, 1808 Noah McKusick to Polly Estes, both of Cornish.
Feb. 11, 1808 John P. Smith to Nancy Hayes, both of Cornish.
Mar. 27, 1808 Isaac Thompson to Mrs. Sally Barker, both of Cornish.
May 22, 1808 Stephen Gubtil to Lucy ______, both of Cornish.
Aug. 19, 1809 John P. Briggs to Dolly Boynton.
Oct. 12, 1809 James Gubtail of Cornish to Eleanor True of Limington.
[p. 2]Oct. 30, 1809 William Hill of Denmark to Susannah Allen of Cornish.
Nov. 29, 1809 William Sargeant of Parsonsfield to Charlotte Bragdon of Cornish.
Feb. 8, 1810 Joseph Brackett of Limington to Lidia Pugsley of Cornish.
Mar. 28, 1810 Hugh Moor Ayer of Newfield to Susannah Burnham of Cornish.
Sept. 3, 1810 Joseph Gray to Susannah Brown, both of Cornish.
Oct. 25, 1810 Simon Whitten of Parsonsfield to Mary B. Pike of Cornish.
Nov. 15, 1810 Silas Durgin to Dorcas Holms, both of Cornish.
Dec. 6, 1810 Benjamin Norton Jr. of Limington to Eunice Fogg of Limington.
Dec. 24, 1810 Robert Cole to Nancy Thompson, both of Cornish.
Feb. 17, 1811 John Marden to Comfort Gubtaill, both of Cornish.
May 12, 1811 Daniel Gray to Rachel Smith, both of Cornish.
May 26, 1811 Thomas Chick to Eunice Cole, both of Cornish.
May 29, 1811 John W. Chadbourn of Hiram to Lydia Boynton of Cornish.
June 9, 1811 Abraham Gray to Abigail Pugsley, both of Cornish.
Nov. 17, 1811 Joshua Chadbourn of Limington to Julia Johnson of Limington.
Nov. 21, 1811 David Newbegin of Parsonsfield to Sally Boynton of Cornish.
Dec. 19, 1811 Aaron Stuart to Susannah Lewis, both of Cornish.
Feb. 4, 1812 Nathaniel Watson of Limerick to Sally Perry of Cornish.
Mar. 5, 1812 Henry Hyde of Gorham to Mary Peas of Cornish.
Sept. 5, 1812 Thomas Gubtaill of Cornish to Sally W. McKusick of Cornish.
[p. 3]Jan. 3, 1813 James Wescot to Maetha [sic] Harmon, both of Cornish.
Apr. 4, 1813 Beanaiah Gubtail of Cornish to Peggy Bedean of Cornish.
Apr. 8, 1813 Joseph Chadbourn of Hiram to Mrs. Dorcas Gray of Cornish.
June 13, 1813 William Bennett of Pownal to Sally Pike of Cornish.
June 17, 1813 Caleb Emery of Lebanon to Betsy Hurd of Cornish.
Sept. 13, 1813 Robert Boynton of Bangor to Mercy Abbot of Limington.
Sept. 23, 1813 Nathan Hilton of Denmark to Hannah Ayer of Cornish.
Oct. 14, 1813 John Sutton of Parsonsfield to Anna Newbegin of Parsonsfield.
Nov. 25, 1813 Stephen Gilpatrick of Cornish to Charity Brown of Cornish.
Jan. 23, 1814 William Marr of Limington to Anna Sawyer of Limington.
Jan. 28, 1814 James Richardson of Limington to Hannah Hibbard of Cornish.
Mar. 30, 1814 Benjamin Weeks of Parsonsfield to Nancy Barns of Cornish.
June 5, 1814 David Littlefield of Parsonsfield to Polly Harmon of Cornish.
Nov. 23, 1814 Thomas Fenderson of Parsonsfield to Betsy Barker of Cornish.
Dec. 1, 1814 Abraham Barker Jr. to Jane Estist, both of Cornish.
Jan. 12, 1815 Jonathan Estist to Eunice Barker, both of Cornish.
Jan. 31, 1815 Obadiah Ricker to Hannah Barns, both of Cornish.
May 15, 1815 Philip Hubbard to Nancy C. Barker, both of Cornish.
July 6, 1815 Humphrey Chadbourn of Hiram to Betsy Chaney of Cornish.
[p. 4]July 23, 1815 Samuel Folsom to Eunice Coffin, both of Cornish.
Oct. 2, 1815 Benjamin Clark to Olive Cole, both of Cornish.
Nov. 30, 1815 Joseph D. Boynton to Hannah Clark, both of Cornish.
Oct. 3, 1816 Samuel Boynton Jr. of Gorham to Sally Gray of Cornish.
Nov. 27, 1816 Stephen Steward of Cornish to Sally Linscott of Cornish.
Nov. 28, 1816 George Whall to Nora Estes, both of Cornish.
Dec. 3, 1816 Smith Jatson of Eaton to Lydia Ayer of Cornish.
Dec. 23, 1816 James Homes to Sally Durgin, both of Cornish.
June 24, 1817 Benjamin Bucknill Esquire of Hiram to Elizabeth Jewett of Cornish.
Oct. 12, 1817 Samuel Pendexter of Cornish to Katharine Morrell of Cornish.
Oct. 16, 1817 Ebenezer Walker of Limington to Olive Estes of Cornish.
Oct. 29, 1817 John Durgin to Betsy Harmon, both of Cornish.
Nov. 26, 1817 Stephen Pease to Mrs. Lydia Thompson, both of Cornish.
Mar. 29, 1818 Nicolas Cobb of Limington to Mary Sawyer of Cornish.
June 7, 1818 Jonathan Tredwell of Cornish to Lydia Hill of Cornish.
June 18, 1818 James Holmes of Cornish to Tryphena Durgin of Cornish.
July 13, 1818 Mark Pease to Nancy C. Barker, both of Cornish.
Aug. 13, 1818 Jacob Rundlett to Perlinor Cole, both of Cornish.
Aug. 23, 1818 George Sutton of Hiram to Nancy Hill of Cornish.
[p. 5]Aug. 30, 1818 Cotten Lincoln of Cornish to Betsy Thompson of Cornish.
Sept. 21, 1818 Enoch Jewett of Cornish to Ruth Ingells of Baldwin.
Oct. 4, 1818 Matthias Ridlin of Hollis to Rachel Pendexter of Cornish.
Feb. 4, 1819 Moses Hubbard Jr. of Parsonsfield to Mehitabel Boynton of Cornish.
Mar. 4, 1819 Elias Morrison of Limerick to Polly Judkins of Cornish.
Mar. 23, 1819 John Pike Jr. of Fryburg to Hannah Hubbard of Cornish.
Apr. 8, 1819 Joseph Weeks of Parsonsfield to Sally Barker of Cornish.
May 13, 1819 Edmund Tombs of Cornish to Olive Lord of Limerick.
May 23, 1819 Stephen Pease Jr. of Cornish to Mary Cole of Cornish.
June 7, 1819 Ephraim Gray to Nancy Sawyer, both of Cornish.
June 24, 1819 Noah Wentworth of Hiram to Mary Gray of Cornish.
Oct. 10, 1819 Gamaliel E. Smith of Newfield to Betsy Trafton of Cornish.
Oct. 28, 1819 Clement Brown Jr. of Cornish to Paulina Durgin of Cornish.
Nov. 11, 1819 John Storer to Susan Gray, both of Hiram.
Dec. 2, 1819 Jacob Gray of Cornish to Nancy Prence of Limington.
Dec. 16, 1819 Benaiah Gubtail of Porter to Mary Cole of Limington.
Apr. 27, 1820 John R. Rundlett of Cornish to Fanny Boynton of Cornish.
May 12, 1820 Mark Pease 2nd of Cornish to Joanna Finni of Cornish.
[p. 6]May 21, 1820 James Brazier of Hiram to Elizabeth Godridge of Cornish.
May 31, 1820 Benjamin Storer Jr. of Cornish to Mariah Hill of Cornish.
June 18, 1820 Michial Thomas of Cornish to Betsey Thompson of Cornish.
June 28, 1820 Capt. Cephas Meeds of Limington to Mary L. Chick of Cornish.
June 29, 1820 Capt. Joseph Boynton of Cornish to Mrs. Betsy McLucas of Cornish.
June 29, 1820 Josiah Wood of Cornish to Mrs. Jane Hildreth of Cornish.
Nov. 5, 1820 Thurston Pike of Cornish to Charity Trafton of Cornish.
Nov. 12, 1820 Benjamin Theen of Limerick to Olive MacKusick.
Nov. 23, 1820 Joshua M. Libby of Limerick to Betsy Sawyer of Cornish.
Dec. 17, 1820 Samuel Bradly of Cornish to Martha Chadbourn of Hiram.
Dec. 28, 1820 Ephraim Fox of Porter to Sally Jewell of Cornish.
May 31, 1821 William Eastman of Hiram to Mary Coffin of Cornish.
Nov. 28, 1821 Oliver Hill to Aphia Cole, both of Cornish.
Dec. 9, 1821 Ephraim Hubbard of Limington to Sarah Durgin of Limington.
Dec. 30, 1821 Benjamin Clay Jr. of Limington to Lucinda Littlefield of Cornish.
Mar. 31, 1822 John Clark of Hiram to Lydia Cole of Cornish.
Apr. 3, 1822 Levi Whitten to Meribah Linscot, both of Cornish.
June 20, 1822 Daniel Wintworth of Limington to Sally Finni of Cornish.
[p. 7]July 28, 1822 Cyrus S. Barker of Cornish to Nancy T. Smith of Cornish.
Oct. 24, 1822 Remington Parker of Cornish to Tabitha Littlefield of Cornish.
Dec. 5, 1822 Ebenezer Day to Phebe Norton, both of Sanford.
Dec. 5, 1822 Forest Pugsley of Limington to Anna Merrifield of Limington.
Dec. 31, 1822 Oliver Walker of Limington to Mary Elles of Cornish.
Mar. 6, 1823 Jonathan Garland of Parsonsfield to Olive Johnson of Cornish.
Mar. 17, 1823 William Merrill of Cornish to Susannah Sawyer of Cornish.
Mar. 20, 1823 George Douglass of Baldwin to Nancy Pease of Cornish.
Apr. 20, 1823 Mark Pease to Sally Barker, both of Cornish.
July 13, 1823 Benjamin Leavitt of Limington to Mary McKenny of Limington.
Sept. 3, 1823 Charles Willson of Cornish to Betsey Whitten of Cornish.
Mar. 11, 1824 John Ellis to Abigail Obrien, both of Cornish.
May 13, 1824 Stephen Wentworth of Limington to Lucretia Prince of Limington.
June 21, 1824 Noah Wentworth of Hiram to Loisa Hodgdon of Cornish.
July 7, 1824 John Pike to Sally Chick, both of Cornish.
Nov. 16, 1824 David Durrell of Dixmont to Mrs. Judith Wentworth of Limington.
Dec. 1, 1824 Isaac Linscott of Cornish to Merriam Littlefield of Cornish.
May 15, 1825 Thomas Kimball of Cornish to Rebekah Brown of Cornish.
Sept. 7, 1825 Nathaniel Walker of York to Mary Walker of Limington.
Nov. 6, 1825 Samuel S. Bradley to Esther A. Gray, both [of] Cornish.
[p. 8]Dec. 26, 1825 Nathan Cobb of Limington to Nancy Averill of Buxton.
Jan. 3, 1826 Capt. John Pike 2nd of Cornish to Elvira Chick of Cornish.
Jan. 4, 1826 Samuel Pike to Mary Jewett, both of Cornish.
Jan. 22, 1826 David H. Cole to Ruth H. Eastman, both of Cornish.
Feb. 8, 1826 Richard Cole to Hannah Barker Jr. of Cornish.
Feb. 25, 1826 Ebenezer Barker Jr. of Cornish to Hannah Jewett of Cornish.
May 18, 1826 Charles Norton of Limington to Mary Pugsley of Limington.
June 4, 1826 Daniel Cole 3rd of Cornish to Nancy Sanborn of Cornish.
July 30, 1826 Edwin R. Buswell of Eaton to Loisa M. Chick of Cornish.
Aug. 13, 1826 William Johnson to Nancy T. Pike, both [of] Cornish.
Aug. 13, 1826 Hall S. Libby of Limerick to Almeda or Amelia Hammons of Cornish.
Aug. 16, 1826 Wier C. Pike to Patience C. Ayer, both [of] Cornish.
Sept. 24, 1826 James Wedgewood of Parsonsfield to Sarah Johnson of Cornish.
Nov. 8, 1826 Morrell Jewell of Cornish to Mary Douglass of Cornish.
Dec. 6, 1826 John Knight of Standish to Mary Bangs of Cornish.
Dec. 25, 1826 Samuel Thompson of Cornish to Sophia Durgin of Hiram.
Mar. 22, 1827 Henry Day to Anna Linscott, both of Cornish.
May 31, 1827 Phinehas Stone to Eliza Estes, both of Cornish.
July 26, 1827 Jacob Thompson of Limington to Olive Chick of Cornish.
July 26, 1827 Ivory Stuart to Mariam Linscott, both of Cornish.
Sept. 12, 1827 Augustus Johnson to Mary Hodgdon, both of Cornish.
[p. 9]Feb. 24, 1828 Joseph Perkins to Mrs. Judith Chadbourn, Cornish.
Dec. 13, 1828 William Chapman of Fryburg to Judith Eastman of Cornish.
Dec. 18, 1828 Thomas Day to Mrs. Susannah Durgin, both of Cornish.
Sept. 27, 1829 Winthrop Hill to Asenath Harmon, both of Cornish.
Dec. 24, 1829 William Day 2nd to Matilda Kenison, both of Cornish.
Jan. 7, 1830 Leroy Whitten to Polly Clay, both of Cornish.
Oct. 24, 1830 James Steck of Brownfield to Dolly M. Pike of Cornish.
Feb. 3, 1831 William Pease to Eunice Cole.
May 5, 1831 William Stackpole of Parsonsfield to Lucinda Chick of Cornish.
May 15, 1831 William Pendexter to Elizabeth Morrell, both of Cornish.
Sept. 25, 1831 Alexander H. Ham to Eunice McLucas, both of Cornish.
Oct. 23, 1831 Thurston McKusick to Mary Stone, both of Cornish.
Jan. 12, 1832 Thomas E. Fox of Parsonsfield to Almira J. Barker of Cornish.
Mar. 19, 1832 William Warren of Hiram to Mary Ann ______ of Cornish.
Mar. 19, 1832 Humphrey Ayer to Betsy McLucas, both of Cornish.
Sept. 25, 1832 John O'Brion Jr. of Cornish to Mary N. Sutton of Parsonsfield.
Feb. 10, 1833 Henry Lord to Mary Ann Pease, both of Cornish.
May 12, 1833 Joshua D. Small to Margera O'Brion, both of Cornish.
Oct. 17, 1833 Eliphalet Pease to Lois Lord, both of Cornish.
Apr. 20, 1834 Isaac Littlefield to Meribah Linscott, both of Cornish.
Sept. 11, 1834 Josiah McKenny of Baldwin to Irene McKenny of Limington.
Mar. 16, 1834 William Perkins to Jane Hurd, both of Cornish.
June 3, 1835 John Higgans of Porter to Olive W. O'Brion of Cornish.
[p. 10]Aug. 30, 1835 Cyrus McIntire of Denmark to Olive Hill of Cornish.
Oct. 13, 1835 George Chadbourn of Cornish to Nancy F. Clark of Cornish.
Oct. 15, 1835 William T. Coolbroth of Porter to Nancy T. Chick of Cornish.
Oct. 28, 1835 Horace A. Pike of Cornish to Elizabeth S. Wedgewood.
Jan. 3, 1836 Cyrus Lord of Fryeburg to Abigail Clark of Limington.
Oct. 2, 1836 Benjamin F. Bryant of Biddeford to Sarah Barns of Cornish.
Oct. 20, 1836 William B. Pike of Sebago to Louisa B. Barker of Cornish.
Dec. 1, 1836 Stephen Day Jr. to Hariot Linscott, both [of] Cornish.
Mar. 26, 1837 Truman Way of Gorham to Sarah L. Boynton of Cornish.
Feb. 1, 1838 Ruben Lowell of Hiram to Sharlotte Jewell of Cornish.
Oct. 4, 1838 Henry McGrath of Fryeburg to Hannah Treadwell of Cornish.
Feb. 1, 1839 James L. Otis to Mary P. Clark, both of Cornish.
Apr. 23, 1839 Stephen Swett of Portland to Hannah G. Lewis of Westbrook.
Oct. 17, 1839 James Stone of Cornish to Mary E. McKusick.
Nov. 17, 1839 Robert H. Noyes of New Gloucester to Mrs. Abigail Small of Cornish.
Dec. 4, 1839 Gowen W. Guptill of Cornish to Eliza J. Bucknall of Cornish.
Dec. 17, 1839 Noah W. Barker to Hannah W. Sargent, Cornish.
Apr. 15, 1840 James L. Small to Nancy C. Pease, Cornish.
Sept. 20, 1840 George Adams to Sally Lewis.
[p. 11]Oct. 30, 1840 Isaac Thomson of Cornish to Sarah B. Miller of Cornish.
Nov. 26, 1840 James Norton of Buxton to Catharine R. Chick of Cornish.
Dec. 9, 1840 Oran Chick of Cornish to Frances Ann Boynton of Cornish.
Jan. 31, 1841 Alpheus Gilpatrick of Cornish to Hannah L. Boynton of Cornish.
Feb. 2, 1841 Joshua H. Lincoln of Cornish to Hannah F. Clark of Cornish.
Feb. 17, 1841 John Moore 2nd of Newfield to Hannah H. Remick of Cornish.
Feb. 18, 1841 John Brier Jr. to Eliza Parker, both of Cornish.
Feb. 25, 1841 Charles B. Robinson of Westbrook to Mary R. Boynton of Cornish.
July 7, 1841 Joseph Sargent of Cornish to Mrs. Harriet Davis of Cornish.
Mar. 30, 1842 Andrew R. Bucknell of Hiram to Mary W. Barker of Cornish.
June 19, 1842 Joseph Kimball 2nd of Hiram to Mrs. Hannah Farnham of Cornish.