Source: Charles Thornton Libby, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, Vol. 1 (Portland, Me.: The Southworth Press, 1928).
The format of this list has been altered somewhat.
[p. 34]298 Land Grants in Kittery, and to Whom Laid Out
This list is abridged from a ledger account made for the Proprietors in 1764. Locations are generally omitted, also almost all grants after 1699; and where a man had several grants laid out to himself, some of them are usually omitted.
— Original Me. Hist. Soc.
1652. John Andrew, before his house at Brave Boat Harbor.
1653. To same; 1701, John Andrew at Scotch Neck.
1659. Richard Abbott, 13; 1659.
1673. To same, 50; 1712, Bial Hamilton; 1671, Richard Abbott.
1659. Joseph Alcock, 20; 1659, self.
1669. To same, 20; 1669, self.
1669. Thos. Abbott; self.
1671. To same, 50; 1720, self; 1729, Nathaniel Gubtail.
1669. Nivan Agnew, 1720, Deliverance Goodwin; 1741/2, John Goodwin.
1671. Walter Allen; 1680.
1699. To same; self.
1671. Robert Allen and Adrian Fry; 1671, both behind Henry Pownald's land.
1699. Robert Allen; Rev. John Newmarch.
1694. Jos: Axwell; 1694, Axwells.
1694. Jos: Abbot; 1709, self; 1730, Thos. Abbott Jr.
1699. Francis Allen; 1702, 1705, 1732, 1741, Robert Allen.
1699. Thos. Abbott Jr.; 1727, Thos. Butler Jr.; 1736, Joseph Hart; 1747, John Wentworth.
1699. Walter Abbott; 1705, self; 1709, self and Joseph Abbott;
1699. John Adams; 1709, self.
1699. Edw. Ayers; 1703, self.
1699. John Abbott; 1700, self; 1736, Jonathan Abbott; 1738, Jos. Wodsom; 1738, Minister Mosses; 1754, Aaron Abbott; 1754, Samuel Abbott; 1754, John Wodsom.
1680. Christopher Adams; 1682, self; 1736, Nathaniel Guptill; 1748, Wm. Waterhouse; 1738, Wm. Grant; 1760, Ephraim Joy; 1755, James Plaisted.
1682. John Ameredeth; 1738, John Ameredeth Junior.
____. Robert Andrew; 1711, Joseph Mitchell.
1650. Thos. Broughton; 1650, self; 1736, Thos. Butler; 1741, Moses Butler; 1729, Elisha Cooke Esq.
1653. Mrs. Bachelor; Behind her house.
1662. James Barry, stated by Micom Macintire.
1673. To same. Addition laid out by Philip Hubbard, 20 Dec. 1707.
1667. John Bray; 1699, self.
1669. Christopher Beedle; 1679, self, "head of his father's lot in the Long Reach. "
1671. Isaac Bootts; 1715, Samuel Brackett; 1748, Samuel Brackett Jr.
1671. John Broughton; John Croad.
1671. Geo. Broughton; 1750, Samuel Walton.
1671. Jos: Barnard.
1671. Eliz.bth Broughton; 1672, self, adjoining her brother John; 1728, Nathan Lord Jr.
1671. Geo. & John Broughton.
1671. John Ball, at head of his land at Spruce Creek; 1693, self.
1680. To same; 1736, Franc. Pedegrow.
1694. To same; 1713, Benj. Hutchens.
1678/9. Chr. Bampfield; 1699, self.
1673. John Brady; 1674, self; 1729, Uriah Page.
1694. Henry Brooking; 1698, self.
1694. Henry Barns; 1696, self.
1694. Richard Barns.
1694. Henry Benson; 1700, 1720, self; 1737, Joseph Chadborn & D. Robinson.
1694. John Brooks; 1696, self; 1718, Wm. Godsoe.
1699. Thos. Butler; 1702, Nicholas Gowen; 1728, Thos. Butler; 1736, Patrick Gowen.
1699. James Burdeon; 1700, Peter Lewis Jr.
1699. Henry Barter; 1712, self.
1703. John Belcher; 1709, Charles Frost 2d; 1729, Charles Frost 3d.
1682. Henry Bodge; 1682, self; 1735/6, John Morrill Jr.
1678. John Billing, 20; Stated, by Crockett's land.
1703. Thos. Ball, 30; Francis Pedegrow.
1685. Elias Brodred, 30; not laid out?
1721-2. Samuel Brackett laid out by grant he says to the heirs of Stephen Jenkins.
1651. Humphrey Chadbourn, 30; stated.
1652. To same, 200; 1718, grandson Humphrey; 1714, son Humphrey.
1671. Wm. Chadbourn.
1651. Abra. Conley, 40; 1740, John Lord 3d; 1723, Martha Lord Senior.
1652. To same and John Heard, stated, by their homesteads at the cedars.
1653. To said Conley, 50; 1699, Conley 40 at Sturgeon Creek; 1683, Nathan Lord Senior.
1669. To same; 1706, William Lord; By addition to Nicholas Frost's lot 25; 1744, David Clark; 1734, Nathaniel Gerrish.
1653. Thos. Crockett, stated, marsh he improves at Brave Boat Harbor.
1656. To same, stated 40 at Crockett's Neck.
1671. Alex. Cooper, 60; 1672, self.
1680. To same, 18.
1666. Robert Cutt, 20.
1699. To same, 40.
1671. Henry Child; 1674, self; 1714, Wm. Child; 1750, Wm. Child.
1671. James Chadbourn; 1701, his widow; 1726, Bial Hamilton; 1728, Nathaniel Gerrish.
1673. John Craford, addition; 1670, 60a Dirty Swamp.
1694. Wm. Crafts; 1736, Bray Dearing.
1694. Jos: Couch; 1694, Roger Dearing; 1701, said Couch.
1699. To same; 1729, Peter Grant; 1736, Joseph Gould.
1673. To same; 1694, self and Dearing; 1701, said Couch.
1694. John Cooper; 1702, self.
1694. Jos: Curtis Senior; 1699-1724, self.
1682. To same, 20, no grant;
1682, at Spruce Creek.
1694. Jos: Crockett; 1694, self, by Dearing's land.
1699. To same; 1701, self; 1718, Joseph Crockett Jr., by York path.
1684. To same; 1694, self.
____. To same, no grant, 10; 1679.
1699. Hugh Crockett; 1699, self.
1699. Richard Crockett, 30; 1712, Henry Barter.
1670. Ephraim Crockett, stated; to self, adjoining John Shapleigh's land.
____. To same, no grant, 40;
1679, by his own land.
1699. Thomas Chick; 1713, Bial Hamilton.
1699. Dodavah Curtis; 1720, self.
1699. Elisha Clark, 30; 1701, John Sheperd Senior.
1699. Joseph Crockett Jr.; 1709, Pepperrell.
1699. Robert Cutt Jr.; 1700, self; 1709, Wm. Sentinall; 1720, Godsoe self.
1699. Richard Cutt, 30; 1700, Robert Cutt.
1699. Richard Chick, 40; 1700, self.
1699. Joseph Curtis Jr., 30; 1699, self.
1666. Francis Champernoon, 500; stated, by Lockwood's land.
1668. To same, 300; stated by Crockett's land.
____. To same, no grant, 65;
1697, Nicholas Tucker, near Crockett's Neck.
____. Joshua Crockett, no grant, 40; 1679, "James Fernald lives upon, 1734, By Allen & Gray's land. "
1652. Dennis Downing, 10; stated at Downing's Point.
1694. Dennis Downing Jr., 40;
1709, Joshua Downing Sr.
1694. Roger Dearing, 40; 1727, self; 1694, self; 1719, Robert Mitchell.
1699. Roger Dearing Jr., 30; 1701, self; 1726, self; 1719, Ebenezer More.
1694. Thos. Dearing; 1724, John Frost on Hogg Island on the Isle of Shoals.
1699. To same; 1722, Rev. Jeremiah Wise.
1694. John Deering; 1755, Moses Hodsdon; 1703, self.
1699. To same; 1701, self.
1694. Alex. Dennet; 1700, self;
1730, John Fernald; 1736, John Worster.
1694. Walter Dinever; 1700, Robert Cutt.
1699. Joshua Downing; 1709, self; no grant, 1679, self;
[p. 35]no grant, 1682, self.
1699. Jos. Dearing; 1699, self.
1703. To same; 1736, B. Dearing & Roger Mitchell.
1699. John Downing; 1699, said Downing; 40, 1700, Joseph Hill; no grant, 1674, John Demant.
1699. Peter Dixson; 1700, self; 1700, self.
____. To same, no grant, 30; 1679, self, by Tetherly.
____. To same, no grant, 10; 1679, self, by Spinney.
1654. Thos. Dustin, 20; 1733, Timothy Dustin and John Watts in Crooked Lane.
1703. Joshua Downing Jr., 60; 1709, Joshua Downing Senior.
____. Richard Davis, 15; 1698, self.
1650. Anthony Emery, stated head of Mast Creek.
1651. To same, stated at the Third Hill path.
1651. To same and Nicholas Frost, 200, stated S. side of Sturgeon Creek; 131, 1672, Philip Benmore; 10, 1736, John Morrill Senior.
1652. James Emery, 50, stated at the Fowling Marsh.
1669. To same, stated by York Pond, 50; 1685, Richard Davis; 1732/3, Daniel & Simon Emery, 75 — for their grandfather James Emery's addition; 1752, to B. Stacy & Josh. Emery.
1654. Wm. Ellingham, 60; stated near Thomson's Point.
1656. To same, 40, stated by hors la down mills.
1659. Thos. Etherington and James Heard, 69; 1702, Wm. Heard, By Catherine Treworthy.
1671. Mary Etherington; 1672, self.
1671. Patience Etherington, 50; 1718, James & Thos. Heard.
1671. Wm. Evirit, 10; stated.
1673. Robert Easmond; 1678, self.
1685. Zachariah Emery, 50; 1685, self.
1685. Noah Emery, 50; 1685, self.
1694. Job Emery, 20; 1727, Robert Love.
1699. To same; 1704, Gabriel Hamilton.
1694. Daniel Emery; 1712, Elihu Gunnison; 1748, Joshua Emery.
1699. James Emery Sr., 50; 1712, son James Emery.
1699. Hezekiah Elwell, 30; 1701, 1709 and 1719, to Pepperrell.
1699. Richard Endell; 1701, Pepperrell; 1724, Pepperell.
1684. To same, 20; 1688 self.
1669. Elizabeth Edwards, 5; stated by Bedel's land.
1683. Rev. John Emerson, 50.
1651. Nicholas Frost, stated Long Marsh with upland.
1651. To same, & Anthony Emery, 200; 1672, Frost & Benmore.
1652. To same, 200; stated at Sturgeon Creek.
1652. To same, 100; stated at Thomson's Point.
1668. Wm. Furbush, stated, 10; 1736, Daniel Furbush.
1673. To same, 50; 1694, Enoch Hutchins; 1749, Wm. Hooper & John Worster; 1742, Trustrum Fall where he lives.
1668. Adrian Fry, 10; stated by Crauley's land.
____. To same, without grant, 10; 1679, self.
____. To same, without grant, 10; 1666.
1682. To same, 20; 1699, John Brooks: 1709, self.
1671. Jabez Fox; 1674, self.
1671. John Fernald; 1674 self. 1699. To same; 1708, self.
1699. John Fernald Jr., no grant, 20 ; 1680, self; 1714, self.
1699. James Fernald; 1716, Nicho. Morrell.
1674. Samuel Fernald; 1678, self.
1699. To same; 1700, Robert Cutt.
1673. Wm. Fernald; 1674, self.
1694. Alexander Ferguson; 1706, self; 1735, Eleazer Ferguson; 1740, Moses Hodsdon; 1714, Black Will negro; 1750, Wm. Clark Jr.
1694. Wm. Fry; 1700, self; 1703, self.
1694. Thos. Fernald; 1709, John Robinson.
1694. Daniel Furbush; 1720, Nathaniel Gubtail.
1703. Confirmation of all the land his father possessed; 1730, John Furbush; 1735, Daniel Furbush Jr.; 1730, Wm. son of Daniel Furbush.
1694. Left Wm. Fernald; 1736, Samuel Wingate.
1699. Aaron Ferris, 20; 1700, Rev. Mr. Newmarch.
1699. John Fenix; 1701, Pepperrell.
____. To same, no grant; 1679, self.
1699. Benj. Foster, 20; 1719, Samuel Shorey.
1699. Nathaniel Fernald; 1709, Nicholas Morrell.
1703. John Follett; 1713, Diamond Sergant.
1679. John Ferguson, 40, stated.
____. James Frost, no grant; 1720, James Frost.
1652. Daniel Goodwin, stated, by Fowling Marsh.
1656. To same; 1733, Ichabod Goodwin.
1673. To same; 1751, Thos. Goodwin; 1678, self.
1673. To same; 1759, Aaron Goodwin.
1652. Hugh Gunnison; 1696, Elihu Gunnison.
1653. To same, stated, Island.
1653, Nov. 24. John Green, stated, 8; by Simond's Marsh.
1654, Oct. 13. To same, stated, 50; by Barnard Squire's lot.
1669, Dec. 13. To same, addition stated, 60; by the side of the marsh he bought of Daniel Goodwin.
1685. Aug. 21. To same. 10.
1678-9, Mch. 20. To John Green Jr., 20; 1685, Aug. 25, self; Bolt Hills by Thomson's Land.
1678-9, July 28. To same, 10; 1679, self; Bolt Hills.
1662. James Grant, 50; stated by John Keay's land.
1671. To same, 60; 1672, self.
1669. To same, addition to his house lot; 1735, Capt. John Grant, 60; 1756, John Hamilton.
1666. Wm. Gowen, 20: 1669. self.
1669. Peter Grant, 100; stated at York Pond.
1669. To same, addition; 1729, Peter Grant Jr.
1671. To same, 50; 1712, Wm. Grant.
1669. Richard Green; self.
1671. Geo. Gray, 60; 1672, self.
1671. Nicholas Gellison, 50; 1674, self.
1666. John Gatensby, on condition not complied with.
1673. To same, confirmation 60 to each of above; 1734, Daniel Wadlin; John & Moses 120.
1694. Thos. Goodwin; 1701, self; 1706, self.
1694. Wm. Grant, 20; 1725, Alexr. & Charles Grant; 1703, Peter Grant; 1737, by this and Francis Harlow to Peth Grant.
1699. To same; 1701, self;
1707, self & Joy.
1694. James Grant, 20; 1701, Said Grant.
1694. Daniel Goodwin Jr.; 1706, self.
1694. John Geer; 1702, John Follett; 1712, Andrew Haley.
1694. Moses Goodwin; 1700, Abraham Lord; 1743, Benj. Lord Jr.; 1735, Moses Goodwin Jr.; 1736, Aaron Goodwin.
1699. To same; 1704, Gabriel Hamilton.
1698. Wm. Godsoe.
1694. Elihu Gunnison; 1696, self.
1703. To same; 1711 Richard Foy, 1744 James Foy.
1699. Robert Gray; 1700, self.
1699. Daniel Green; 1700, Joseph Hill.
1699. Richard Gowell; 1710, John Thomson of the Reach.
____. To same, no grant; 1679, 30 by Tetherly's land.
____. To same, no grant; 1679, 30.
1703. Alexr. Grant; 1709, self; 1718, Stephen Hardison.
1685. Nicholas Gowen; 1699, self; 1742, Samuel Lord; 1702, self.
1694. To same; 1736, Patrick Gowen; 1736, Wm. Stanley; 1734, Hugh Ross.
1703. John Gowen; 1709, self.
____. To same, no grant; 1694, at Black Will's.
1685. Wm. Gowen Jr.; 1694, John Gowen; 1735, Hugh Ross; 1735, Joshua Emery; 1735, Lemuel Gowen; 1735, Margaret Emery; 1742, Benj. Horsom.
1694. John Gelding; 1700, self.
1694. Wm. Goodwin; 1709, self; 1726, Wm. Libbey.
1694. James Goodwin; 1708, 1709, 1728, Richard Lord.
1656. Nich. Hodsdon, stated by Miles Thomson's lands.
1673. To same, 100; 1721, John
[p. 36]Morrell; 1721, John Hodsdon; 1727, Joseph Holt; 1728, Geo. Clark; 1736, I. Shorey and B. Hodsdon.
1659. Tristram Harridon, 40.
1673. To same.
1662. John Heard.
1661. Wm. Hilton, stated, in the Great Cove.
1668. James Heard.
1673. To same.
1669. John Hole, 150; 1669, self.
1671. Israel Hodsdon, stated, 12; 1702, Daniel Emery.
1671. Phineas Hull; 1674, self; 1714, to Wm. Childs by Thos. Newberry's.
1671. Robert Harrison, 50; 1671, self.
1671. Benoni Hodsdon; 1713, self.
1694. To same; 1734, Thos. Hodsdon.
1703. To same; 1735, Joseph Hodsdon; 1736, Patrick Gowen; 1736, John Hodsdon Sen.; 1754, Samuel Ferguson; 1755, Wm. Dowt—·
1673. Andrew Haley; 1699, self.
____. Edward Hays, no grant, 1674.
1679. Thos. Hanscom, no grant, 1682.
1694. To same; 1698, Samuel Spinney.
1694. Dennes Hix; 1694, Roger Dearing.
1694. Thos. Hooper, 20; 1700, Robert Cutt.
1694. Andrew Haley Jr.; 1696, self.
1694. John Hanscom, 20; 1735, Job Hanscom.
1694. Philip Hubbard; 1706, self.
1694. Wm. Hays, 20; 1710, Andrew Pepperrell.
1694. David Hutchens.
1699. To same; 1701, self.
____. Enoch Hutchins, no grant, 60; 1672, Eastern Creek.
____. Enoch Hutchins Jr., no grant; 1703.
1694. To same; 1736, Grindle Knight; 1739, John Faul Jr.; 1742, Samuel Lord.
May 16, 1694. Edmund Hammond, 10; 1719, Benj. Hammond, where he now dwells.
____. Same, no grant found, 20; 24 Oct. 1682, said Hammond at Puden Hole.
____. To same, 10; 24 Oct. 1682, said Hammond at Puden Hole.
1699. Wm. Haley; 1699, self.
1699. John Heard, 50; 1699, self.
1702. To same, confirmation all that land granted to his grandfather and Abraham Conley.
1699. John Hoyt, 50; 1700, self.
1699. Francis Harlow, 20; 1700, self.
1703. To same, 30; 1730, Abraham Lord; 1734, Peter Grant; 1731, Gabriel Hamilton; 1733, Samuel Lord.
1699. Samuel Hutchins; 1699, self.
1699. Benj. Hutchens; 1699, 1712, self.
1699, Joseph Hills; 1700, self.
1699. Samuel Hills; 1710, self; 1729, John & Elisha Hill.
1699. Moses Hanscom; 1703, Enoch Hutchins.
1699. Joseph Hammond Senior; 1701, self.
1699. Joseph Hammond Jr., 30; 1702, Thos. Rhodes.
1703. Capt. John Hills, 100; 1709, self; 1721, Mary Hills; 1748, Peter Morrell; 1729, John Hill Jr.
1679. John Hearl, 50; 1742, Wm. Clark Jr.; 1738, Etherington Hearl.
____. To same and Patience Etherington; 1748, Moses Hodsdon; 1740, Miles Thomson & Jonathan Stone.
____. Wm. Hight claims by Richard Matune's grant, not found, 9; 1748.
____. John Hunking of Portsmouth. By grant he says to Mary Leighton, 1679; 1694, self.
____. Jeremiah Hodsdon, Berwick Record, no grant found, 20; 1 Mar. 1671/2, land Israel Hodsdon's house stands on.
____. Edward Hays, Berwick Rec., no grant found; 1741, Samuel Lord.
1653, Feb. 21. Thomas Jones, 40; 21 Feb. 1653, where he formerly improved at the heathy meadow; 1720, John Leighton.
1694. John Ingersoll, 30; 1696, self, by Gunnison's land.
1694. Ephraim Joy.
1699. To same; 1709, Hubbard & Tozer.
1703. 1712, Bial Hamilton; 1715, James Frost; 1729, James Frost; 1726, Bial Hamilton.
1679. Jabez Jenkins; 1679, self.
1653. Renold Jenkins, stated, 40.
20 Dec. 1668. Confirmations to said Jenkins, by Israel Hodsdon.
1699. Reynold Jenkins Jr.; 1710, self.
1699. Samuel Johnson, 30; 1703, Thos. Rhodes; 1720, Samuel Shorey; 1751, Nicholas Morrill.
1699. James Johnson; 1699, self; 1719, Samuel Johnson;
1735, Samuel Johnson Jr.
1682. Cornelius Jones, Entailed; 1700, 1720, Henry Benson.
1683. To same, stated; 1736, 1743, John Hamilton.
1682. Digory Jeffrey, no grant, 30; by York line.
1662. John Koay, 50; By Clement Short's land.
1671. To same; 1700.
1685. John Keay Jr., stated, 50.
1703. To same; 1712, self and Wm. Grant.
1665. Richard King, stated, 1669, self.
1679. To same; 1679, 1694, self.
1694. To same; 1702, self.
1699. Nathaniel Keene; 1705, 1719, self; 1735, John Lord; 1730, Francis Allen.
1699. Daniel King, 30; 1700, self, Burnt Hill; 1702, his father Richard King at north side of his father's 12 acres.
1674. Wm. King, addition to Wm. Palmer's house lot.
____. Joseph Kilgore, two grants purchased of Joshua Waymouth.
1652. Nathan Lord, stated; 1683, self.
1671. To same; 1708, 17, 10, Benj. Lord.
1673. To same and Alexander Cooper.
1679. 1714, James Frost; 1743, Abraham Lord.
1694. 1709, self; 1727, Benj. Lord.
1654. Richard Leader; stated, at Great Works.
1653. To same, stated, at Saco Pond.
1654. To same, stated, 300, South side Great Works.
1654. Richard & Geo. Leader, stated, North side Great Works.
1654. George Leader, 20, By White's Marsh; 1674, Wm. Hutchinson; 1731, John & Elisha Hill.
____. To same, addition, 100; 1735, Robert Evins & Sarah his wife.
1655. John Lamb; 1662, Peter Grant and Wm. Piles by Love's Brook.
1656. To same, By John Green's lot.
1659. Wm. Love, stated, 60; self.
1659. Wm. Leighton, 13. Laid out by Selectmen, By Richard Abbot at Crooked Lane.
1671. Elizabeth Leighton, 50, Long marsh.
1668. Catherine Leighton, stated, 12.
1671. To same, 50; 1672, self.
1694. John Lydston; 1710, Joseph Hill.
1694. Peter Lewis Senior; 1696, self.
1682. To same, no grant; 1746, Jonathan Moore.
1694. Peter Lewis Jr.; 1700, self.
1694. Andrew Lewis; 1700, self.
1685. John Leighton; 1694, self.
1699. Wm. Landell; 1700, self, "at the head of his father Lewis' land."
1681. Weymouth Lydston, 20; 1682, self; 1735, John Lydston.
1703. Morgan Lewis; 1726, Nathaniel Lewis.
1703. Wm. Lewis; 1710, Wm. Wilson; 1713, Geo. Ferris;
1713, A. Lewis; 1718, Wm. Wilson; 1719, Joseph Wilson; 1736, Joseph Hearl & Jonathan Hamilton; 1735, Samuel Wingate.
1651. Robert Mendum, stated, 50, at Ashen Swamp.
1652. To same, stated, at Turkey Point.
1654. Antipas Maverick, 10.
1663. Confirmation of all the land between the two creeks.
1656. Alex: Maxwell, stated, on North by James Warren's.
1662. Micom McIntire, stated, 50, by James Barrow's land, the last of the seven grants.
1668. John Morrell; 1678, N. Lord Jr.; 1722, his son John Morrell.
1669. Same; 1678, N. Lord Jr.
[p. 37]1668. To same; 1678, N. Lord Jr.
1679. Richard Miller; 1679, self.
1694. Christopher Mitchell;
1694, self, by his father's land.
1699. To same; 1701, self, by his own land; 1701, Joseph Mitchell.
1673. To same; 1736, Samuel Mitchell; 1674, Christ. Mitchell, by his house; 1758, Jonathan and James Clark.
1694. Robert Mitchell, 20; 1694, Roger Deering.
1694. Richard Mitchell.
1694. Joseph Mitchell; 1699, self, Braveboat Harbor; 1721, self.
1694. Nicholas Morrell; 1701, self, by his father's; 1709, self.
1699. John Morrill; 1722, self.
1699. Jonathan Mendum; 1699, self.
1699. John Moore; 1719, N. Keene; 1735, Benj. Libby.
1694. John Mogaridge; 1698, self.
1694. Samuel Miller, 10; 1694, self, Kittery.
1694. Wm. Munsey, 20; 1709, Nicholas Morrell.
1699. Ebenezer Moore, 30; 1700, self; 1701 James Foy, 1719 self.
____. Richard Matune; 1736, Tobias Leighton.
____. To same, no grant found; 1748, Wm. Hight.
1655. Richard Nason; 1654, a neck of land by the river;
1750, B. & Samuel Nason; 1732, Thos. Wallinford.
1654. To same, Neck of land between Quamphegon & Salmon Falls.
1669. To same, stated, 100; By or near Cox's Pond.
1671. Jonathan & John Nason; 1672, themselves.
1665. To same, themselves, two points of land.
____. To same, addition; 1740, Samuel Shorey; 1742, James Frost Jr.; 1735, Thos. Abbott &: R. Nason; 1735, Job Emery.
1671. John Neal; 1703, Andrew Neal son of grantee.
1671. Thos. Newberry; 1672, self; 1729, John Holmes.
1679. Sylvanus Nock; 1709, Thos. Nock; 1734, Thos. and Ichabod Goodwin; 1742, Zachariah Nock.
1694. John Nason; 1709, Wm. Lord Jr.; 1740, Benj. Lord Jr.
1694. Andrew Neal; 1699, self; 1699, 1700, P. Wittum on N. side of Sturgeon Creek near Leonard Drown's house.
1699. To same; 1745, Joseph Knock; 1702, self.
1694. John Nelson; 1723, Ebenezer Downs.
1699. To same; 1742, Thos. Thomson.
1694. Benj. Nason; 1703, self, By his father's land; 1709, self; 1735, Benj. Nason.
1694. Baker Nason; 1703, self, By his father's land.
1694. James Neal, 20 (? not laid out).
1669. Charles Nelson, 20; 1672, self.
1651. Henry Powning, stated, 6, at his home lot.
1683. James Plaisted, 60; 1735, Ichabod and James Goodwin.
1685. To same; 1743, Roger Plaisted.
1653. Daniel Paul, stated, Behind his house.
1665. To same, stated, 20; 1671, son Stephen.
1659. Roger Plaisted. Love's Bridge.
1671. Roger Plaisted Jr.; 1718, Daniel Simpson; 1730, Samuel Plaisted.
1683. Wm. Plaisted; 1743, Roger Plaisted.
1694. Ichabod Plaisted; 1701, self; 1716, Samuel Plaisted.
1665. Stephen Paul.
1694. Wm. Pepperell.
1699. Andrew Pepperell.
1703. Thos. Penny; 1710, Chas. Frost.
1669. Wm. Piles, 60, by Love's lot; 1751, John Smith Jr.
1653. Thaddeus Reding, 60, For the use of Leader's saw mill; 1737, J. & E. Hill; 1737, Robert Evans.
1665. John Ross, stated, 20, by Etherington.
1661. Christian Remick, stated, 1, in the Great Cove.
1673. John Read, 50; 1718, John Smith.
1699. To same, 30; 1713, Henry Barter.
1694. Joshua Remick; 1699, self.
1699. To same; 1714, John Thomson in Kittery; 1748, Nathaniel Libby; 1709, John Morrell Jr.
1694. Isaac Remick; 1694, self.
1682. To same, 20; 1693, self.
1694. Wm. Rogers; 1753, Moses Ricker, Daniel Emery; 1735, to his son William.
1694. Richard Rogers of the Reach; 1702, self.
1694. Thos. Rice; 1698, self.
1682. To same, no grant, self, by Shepherd; 1720, H. Benson; 1736, Nathaniel Keene.
1685. Abraham Remick, 30; 1685, self.
1699. Wm. Roberts; 1710, Wm. Pepperell.
1703. Wm. Roberts Jr., 50, never laid out?
1699. Richard Rogers Jr.; 1700, self, By Crockett; 1736, Patrick Gowen.
1694. Jacob Remich, 10., 1703. Richard Randall; 1712, R. Tozer.
1684. Wm. Racklief; 1685, self.
____. Richard Roe, no grant, 40; 1682, by York line.
1703. Richard Rice, 40; 1710, Wm. Tetherly; 1716, Benj. Libby.
1651. Thos. Spencer, stated, 10; Saco Pond.
1652. To same, stated, 200, by Bazel Parker's land.
1669. To same. 100; 1671, by his brother William; 1737, D. Wadlin by Cox's Pond; 1743, Moses Spencer.
1651. Jere Shears, stated, 100; 1674, Christopher Adams.
1669. John Shapleigh; 1749, Nathaniel Keene.
1652. Wm. Spencer, stated; 1671, self.
1653. Nicholas Shapleigh, stated, the home patent by Averill house.
1653. The same, stated, 6, by Frank's Fort.
1654. John Simons, stated, by Daniel Paul.
1659. Thos. Spinney; 1736, Grindle Knight.
1662. Clement Short, stated, 50, next to Geo. Veasey.
1665. Andrew Searl; 1736-1755, Bial and Gabriel Hamilton, Jonathan Clark, Zachariah Nock, John Sullivan.
1667. Wm. Searl, stated and laid out at Spruce Creek.
1669. John Shepard, 10, on condition.
1671. To same, 10, self.
1671. Daniel Stone, 60; 1672, self; 1714, Jonathan Stone.
1671. James Smith, by his house lot.
1673. To same; 1712, John Smith.
1671. Francis Small, 100; 1674, self, by John Gatensbys.
1671. Humphrey Spencer, stated, upland by his father's, 1674.
1682. James Spinney; 1683, self.
1694. Samuel Small; 1700, self, By Sturgeon Creek.
1694. Abraham Spiller, 10, never laid out?
1694. Samuel Spinney; 1699, self.
____. To same, no grant; 1679, self.
1671. Moses Spencer, 50; 1718, son Moses Spencer; 1702, Daniel Goodwin.
1671. Peter Staple; 1679, self, by his wife's land.
1694. John Spinney; 1708, self; 1731, his heirs; 1737, John Lord; 1713, N. Morrell; 1735, Wm. Tetherly.
1694. Wm. Stacy; 1700, self, by Dover river.
1699. To same; 1729, Uriah Page.
1694. Jonathan Stone; 1710, self.
1694. Alex: Shapleigh, 1713, N. Shapleigh.
1699. Thos. Spinney Jr.; 1713, Samuel Spinney; 1734, Thos. Spinney Jr.; Grindell Knight; 1720, John Shepard.
1699. Peter Staple Jr.; 1702, 1719, self.
1699. Wm. Stone, 30, never laid out?
1699. John Shepard; 1701, 1720, self.
1699. Wm. Smith; 1700, self.
1703. To same; 1715, John Legro and Joseph Pray; 1764, Heirs of said Smith, Beaver Dam; 1754, Philip Yeaton.
1699. Jacob Smith; 1700, Robert Cutt.
1679. John Sharp, condition forfeited, 40; 1709, Nicholas Morrell.
1685. Clement Short Jr., on condition; 1738, Charles Short.
1685. Clement Short Senior, on condition; 1738, Charles Short;
[p. 38]1706, Thos. Short.
1687. James Tobey, lot confirmed.
1682. John Trickey, 20; 1736, Peter Morrell.
1650. Katharine Treworgy, at the Heathy Marsh.
1653. To same, 20.
1655. John Taylor, stated, by John Lamb's lot, 50; 1729, Moses Goodwin Jr.; 1750, Stephen Hardison; 1726, Wm. Libby; 1741, Wm. Goodwin; 1738, Deliverance Goodwin.
1656. Miles Thomson, stated, by Thomson's Point Brook.
1669. To same, addition; James Frost & Moses Goodwin.
1671. To same, 100; 1674, self, by Nason's land.
____. To same, Berwick Record, 15 Jan. 1734-5, to his grandson John, 45.
1671. To same, 50; 1711, Wm. Goodwin.
1669. Richard Tozier, 60, stated, above Salmon Falls.
1671. To same; 1712, self.
1694. To same; 1709, Philip Hubbard & self; 1740, Paul Wentworth.
1661. Francis Tricky, 20, stated, Crooked Lane.
1694. Stephen Toby, self.
____. By order of James Toby, 4; 1696, Stephen Toby.
1694. Bartholomew Thomson;
1701, self; 1728, Elisha Andrews.
1708. To same; 1723, Jonathan Stone Jr.
1694. Thos. Thomson; 1702, Thos. Rhodes.
1694. Nicholas Tucker; 1719, Samuel Hutchins; 1725, H. Scammon, Thomas Mannering, on Smuttynose; 1735, Nathan Lord.
1694. Alex: Thompson; 1698, self.
1694. John Toby; 1710, Stephen Toby.
1694-1699. James Toby; 1702-1710, Stephen Toby.
1694. James Thompson; 1702, self; 1734, Francis Allen; 1784, Francis Allen Jr.
____. Gabriel Tetherly, 20;
1669, self, Great Cove.
1694. To same, 20; 1679, self, by King's.
1694. Thos. Rogers; 1698, self; 1702, B. Hutchins.
1699. To same.
1699. John Thompson; 1700, Robert Cutt; 1781, John Thomson.
1678. Wm. Tetherly, conditional, 80; 1679, self.
1703. Benedictus Tarr, 50; 1710, self.
1708. John Thomson of the Reach; 1710, self.
____. John Thomson Scotchman, 10; 1679, self, Head of Stephen Paul & Gabriel Tetherly.
____. To same, 80; 1679, self, 10; 25 Sept. 1679, self, at Bolt Hill.
1662. Geo. Veasey, stated, 50, by John Wincoll.
1699. Moses Voden, 30; 1700, self, by Sturgeon Creek.
1651. John White, stated, by Sturgeon Creek way.
1654. To same, 20, self, at Crooked Lane.
1652. Thos. Withers, 800, stated Spruce Creek.
1671. Henry Wright, 50; 1712, Ichabod Plaisted.
1652, Dec. 16. John Wincoll, stated, by Birchen Point.
1653, Aug. 24. To same, 60, on condition of paying £12 per year.
1652, Dec. 11. To same, stated, by Toziers.
1671, Apr. 13. To same, Joins Searls at the Little River; 1742, John Shorey; 1748, Joseph Rickard.
1671. To same, addition, 100, by his former 100, never laid out?
1653. Robert Waymouth, 6, self, By land granted to James Emery.
1656. To same, behind his house.
1656 to 1671. James Warren; 1741, John Warren; 1745, Samuel Wentworth; 1711, self; 1707, Moses Spencer; 1737, B. Waymouth & Tho. Hobbs; 1736, James Evans; 1735, Jame Warren.
1658. Gowen Wilson.
1665. Peter Wittum; 1728, Joseph Small.
1671. Nicholas Weeks.
1671. Edw. Waymouth; 1710, Timothy Waymouth.
1694. To same; 1715, Timothy Weymouth.
1671. Thos. Wills for Thos. Chick's family, 60; 1720, Richard Chick; 1719, Tho. Chick Jr.; 1719, John Holman; 1719, Thos. Weed.
____. Thos. Wills, 100; 1714, Richard Cutts.
1673. Joseph Wilson.
1673. John Wilson; 1678, self.
1694. John Woodman; 1696, Samuel Spinney.
1694. Rowland Williams; 1694, self; 1694, David Hutchins.
1694. Wm. Wadley; 1702, self; 1728, Wm. Clark Jr.
1694. James Warren Jr.; 1700, self; 1707, Moses Spencer; 1720, Stephen Hardison.
1694. Peter Wittum Jr.; 10; 1700, self.
1699. To same, 30, self.
1694. Joseph Weeks; 1700, Elihu Gunnison.
1694. Gilbert Warren; 1702, James Stackpole; 1786, John Thomson.
1699. To same; 1708, self; 1703, Wm. Rogers; 1739, Samuel Falls. Emery.
1699. Paul Williams; 1715, Robert Cutt.
1699. Thos. Worster; 1710, Francis Allen.
1699. Rev. John Wade; 1701, self; 1741, John Lord Jr.;
1714, Elizabeth Wade; 1755, Joshua Emery. Hardison.
1685. Moses Worster; 1718, Thos. Worster.
1703. Black William; 1714, his son Will by Long Bridge; 1718, his son Will by his own land.
1681, June 24. James Wiggin Jr.; 1735, Tobias Leighton; 1736, Peter Morrell.
1678-9. James Wiggin Sr., 50; 1735, John Morrell Jr.; 1736, John Hooper Jr.; 1737, John Lord; 1751, Nathaniel Keen; 1735, Jeremiah Frost Senior.
1735, James Frost Sr.; 1739, John Faul Jr.
1681, June 24. Samson White, 40; 1736, John Pierce; 1736, Tobias Leighton; 1736, Coolly McAlley; 1736, Stephen Hardison.
1679. Richard White; 1736, John Morrell Jr.
1740-1749. Samuel Wentworth had laid out, addition to his house lot, addition to Thos. Thomson's house lot, grant to John Thomson, 20 Mar. 1698-9.
Others Taking Land by Grants Not Found.
Jonathan Hamilton by William Hearl's grant.
Nathaniel Joy by Patience Etherington & John Hearl.
Joseph Ricker by Samuel Treworthy.
Joseph Ricker by James Wiggin Sr., and William Rogers.
Jonathan Ricker by Richard Cutt, 1693.
John Shorey and Benjamin Hodsdon by Samuel Shorey's addition.
Joseph Hearl in 1735 by his father, John Hearl's addition.
William Spencer and Mary Etherington in 1674 laid out an addition.
Additional Notes from the Records.
1744. David Clark had land laid out by Nicholas Frost's addition.
1654. William Ellingham had land laid out near Thomson's Point, between Treworthy and Philip (Frost?).
1682. John Bray had land laid out as adm. estate of Philip Gunison.
1654. The neck of land where William Palmer now dwells was laid out in 1674 to himself and William King.
1651. Henry Powning given the land at his house at Cold Harbor.
1659. Grant to Timothy Prout, John Wincoll and William Osborn, adjoining Richard Tozier, forfeited.
1655. Rice Thomas given a neck of land behind Mr. Gunnison's house.
1714. John Thompson Jr. had land laid out, part of the grant to his father John Thompson, 20 Mar. 1678-9.
____. land laid out to Anthony Emery and Robert Waymouth in partnership.
____. land laid out assigned by John White to William Thomson adjoining Goodman Benmore.