King, Marquis Fayette, comp., Baptisms and Admission from the Records of First Church in Falmouth, now Portland, Maine (Portland, Me.: Maine Genealogical Society, 1898).
Forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching.
[p. 171]TRAINING SOLDIERS IN FALMOUTH.The following list of training soldiers in the town of Falmouth is supplied by Mr. Nathan Goold.
The colonial law required that all male persons from sixteen years of age to sixty, other than such as are hereinafter excepted shall bear arms and be always provided with a well fixed firelock musket, of musket or bastard bore, a knapsack, a collar with twelve bandoleers, or cartouche box, one pound of good powder, twenty bullets fit for his gun, and twelve flints, a good sword or cutlass, a worm and priming wire lit for his gun.
The persons hereafter named were exempted from all trainings, viz: "the members of the council, the representatives for the time being, the secretary, justices of the peace, those exempted by college charter, masters of art, ministers, elders and deacons of churches, sheriffs, allowed physicians, or surgeons, and profest school masters, all such as have had commissions and served as field officers, or captains, lieutenants, or ensigns, coroners, treasurers, attorney-general, deputy sheriffs, clerks of courts, constables, constant ferrymen, and one miller to each grist mill, revenue officers, masters of vessels of thirty tons and upwards, herdsmen, lame persons, Indians and negroes."
In 1702 it was enacted, that the commissioned officers of each miltiary company make from time to time, and keep a fair list of one quarter part at least of the soldiers in their company, such as are most able and fit for service; and the chief officer shall give notice to every such soldier of his being enlisted, and require him to be always in readiness and completely armed to be sent forth and march into the service against the enemy when he shall be thereto commanded.
Roll of Capt. James Milk's company, Falmouth Neck.
John Anderson
Samuel Atwood
John Baker
Edward Bangs
Pennel Barten
Moses Blanchard
Anthony Bracket
John Bracket
Joshua Bracket, Jr.
Thomas Bracket
Timothy Bradbury
Harrison Brazier
Hugh Brown
Smith Cobb
Joseph Cole
John Cox, Jr.
Caleb Cromwell
John Dolley
Daniel Dow
Jabez Dow
James Duncan
Joshua Eayr
James Fenesse
James Flairty
James Flood
John Folett
Francis Ford
Samuel Gookins
Andrew Gray
Joshua Gray
William Green
John Haden
Ebenezer Hilton
Ichabod Hunt[p. 173]Enoch Ilsley
Jabez Jones
Jedediah Jordan
Anthony Knight
William Knight
Beza Loring
Stephen Lowell
James McLellan
Joseph McLellan
Eliphalet Morss
Jona. Morss, Jr.
John Motley, Jr.
John Moulton
Edmund Mountfort
Samuel Mountfort
David Noyes
Joseph Noyes
Noah Noyes
Jona. Oliver
John Owen
Thomas Owen
William Owen
Robert Patten
Pierce Peffcott
Daniel Pettengill
William Pitman
Joseph Pollen
Arther Pottinger
Jedediah Preble, Jr.
William Pride
Benjamin Proctor
Jacob Rendall
John Ross
Edward Sawyer
Stephen Sawyer
Gilbert Scot
Edward Simpson
Thomas Smith, Jr.
Ebenezer Snow
Jacob Stickney
Thomas Stickney
John Swan
William Sweetsir
James Swett
Thomas Thomes
Daniel Thomes
Joseph Tibbetts
David Torry
John Trott
Isaac Waite
Stephen Waite
Alexander Wannick (perhaps Marwick)
John Webb
William Weeks
William Wiswell
Daniel Wood
William Wood
David Woodman
Joseph Bailey
Joshua Bangs
Joshua Bracket
Jesse Brown
Nathaniel Coffin
William Colton
Lemuel Cox
James Gooding
Joseph Gooding
Simeon Gookin
Jacob Graffam
Ephriain Jones
Benjamin Larraby
Stephen Longfellow
Ebenezer Mayo
Bryce McLellan
John Miller
Enoch Moody
Josiah Noyes
Jonathan Paine
Moses Pearson, Esq.
Jedediah Preble, Esq.
Alexander Ross
Jeremiah Springer
David Stickney
Joseph Thomes
Benjamin Titcomb
Benjamin Waite
John Waite
Henry Wallis
Jonathan Webb
A true list taken May 10, 1757.
Benjamin Mussey, Clerk[p. 175]Capt. Loring Cushing's Cape Elizabeth Co. Capt. Cushing was the oldest son of Col. Ezekiel Cushing, graduated at Harvard in 1741, and died in the Continental army Oct. 9, 1778.
Sergt. Daniel Sawyer
" Thomas Fickett
" George Roberts
" Josiah Stanford, Jr.
Corp. Peter Woodbury
" Josiah Sawyer
" Thomas Millit
" Ebenezer Sawyer
Drum. Oliver Barsley
" Josiah Wescott
Jno. Armstrong
Thomas Armstrong
Philip Aubins
Jacob Brown
Samuel Cash
Joseph Cate
Aaron Chamberlain
Joseph Cobb, Jr.
Ebenezer Cobb
Thomas Commins
William Cressy
Samuel Crocket
Bartho. Couch
Ebenezer Cox
George Deak
Nehemiah Doane
John Doliver
Willlam Doliver
Josiah Dor
Samuel Dor
Benjamin Dyer
Christopher Dyer
Ephraim Dyer
Henry Dyer, 3d
John Dyer, Jr.
Isaac Dyer
Joshua Dyer
Levi Dyer
Micah Dyer
Samuel Dyer
William Dyer, Jr.
Charles Elder
Jno. Elder
George Elder
Robert Elder, Jr.
Joshua Eldlidge
Stephen Eldlidge
Timothy Eldlidge
Jona. Elwell
Stephen Emery
Jno. Fairbanks
Benjamin Fickett
Jno. Fickett
William Fly
Jno. Freeman, Jr.
William Green
John Guilford
Jesse Harding
Jno. Hans
George Haslem
William Hix
Jno. Jack
Henry Johnson
Ephraim Jones
Eben. Jordan
Nathaniel Jordan
Nathaniel Knowles
Samuel Knowles
Thomas Lewis
Samuel Little
Alex. Mansfield
Robert Mayo, Jr.
Whiteford Mayo
Alex. McLellan
Joseph Mead
John Parker
Samuel Ray
William Read
Benjamin Robards
Geo. C. Robards
Joseph Robards
Ebenezer Robards, Jr.
James Ross
Jacob Saywer, Jr. [sic]
Jeremiah Sawyer
Joseph Sawyer, Jr.
Samuel Sawyer
Solomon Sawyer
William Sawyer[p. 177]Priam Selerr
Samuel Sargent, Jr.
Moses Simmons, Jr.
Andrew Simonton, Jr.
James Simonton
Thomas Simonton
William Simonton, Jr.
Benjamin Small
Edward Small
Elisha Small
Isaa Small, Jr.
James Small
Job Small
John Small, Jr.
Micah Small
Nathaniel Small
Timothy Small
Robert Stanford
Archelaus Stone
Daniel Strout
Eleanor Strout
George Strout, 3d
Jeremiah Strout
Jno. Strout, Jr.
Joseph Strout, Jr.
Benjamin Tarbox
Paul Thorndike
Robert Thorndike, Jr.
Thomas Varel
David Vickery
James Wagg
Benjamin Wallace
Joseph Wallace
Josiah Wallace
William Waterhouse
Seward Walters
Isaac Watson, Jr.
James Webster
John Webster
Thomas Webster
William Webster
John White
Thomas White
Thomas Wimble
Hugh Woodbury, Jr.
Jno. Woodbury
Joseph Yeaton
Philip Yeaton
Stephen Yeaton
Jacob York
John York, Jr.
David Alden
Thomas Anderson
Simeon Anderson
Henry Atwood
John Boatman
Joseph Cobb
Richard Crockett
Jere. Cushing
Thomas Delano
Archibald Douglass
Henry Dyer
Henry Dyer, Jr.
James Dyer
Jno. Dyer
Jno. Freeman
John Horton
Robert Jordan
John Kendal
Jedediah Lombard
Isaac Lovit
Jona. Lovit
Simon Lovit
Joseph Mariner
Robert Mayo
George McLellan
Benjamin Parker
Joseph Parker
Jacob Parker
Stephen Rendell
Benjamin Ray
Ebenezer Robards
Jno. Robinson, Jr.
Job Sawyer
Jona. Sawyer
Moses Simmons
Andrew Simonton
Walter Simonton
William Simonton
Edw. Smell
Isaac Small
John Small
Joseph Stanford
Anthony Strout
Christopher Strout, Jr.
John Strout[p. 179]Joseph Strout
Levi Strout
Eben'r Thorndike
Robert Thorndike
Benjamin Thrasher
John Wallace
James Webber
James Wimble
Hugh Woodbury
Joshua Woodbury
Thomas Woodbury
Jno. York
A true list taken April 29, 1757.
David Strout, Clerk.
Capt. Isaac Ilsley's Back Cove company.
Lieut. James Merrill
Ensign Peter Noyes
Serg't. Samuel Lunt
Serg't. Joseph Pride
Serg't. Isaac Skillings
Sergt. Jonathan Tracy
Corp. Hugh Barber
Corp. Peter Cobb
Corp. Samuel Knight
Corp. Zachariah Brackett
Drum'r. George Walker
Obediah Allen
John Barber, Jr.
John Barber, 3d
George Berry, Jr.
Josiah Berry
Obediah Berry
John Blake
Joshua Brackett
Nathan Cobb
James Cobb
Bartholume Conant
Joseph Conant, Jr.
Nathaniel Crediford
George Dowty
James Dowty
Jonathan Dowty
Isaac Elder
Thomas Foss
George Frink
Andrew Gibbs
William Ginnes
James Godhead
John Graves, Jr.
Johnson Graves
Samuel Graves
Hate Evil Hall
Lemuel Hicks
George Hewston
Paul Hewston
Jonathan Ilsley
Ezekiel Jones
Amos Knight
Benjamin Knight
George Knight, Jr.
Henry Knight
Joshua Knight
Mark Knight
Nathan Knight
Richard Knight
Samuel Libby
Jasper Martin
John Martin, Jr.
Joseph Merrill
Richard Merrill
Benjamin Moody
Anthony Morse
Greenfield Pote
Thomas Pote
Benjamin Pride
William Pride
John Proctor
Samuel Proctor, Jr.
William Proctor
Anthony Sawyer
Thomas Sawyer
Zachariah Sawyer
Benjamin Stevens, Jr.
James Thurrill
Benjamin Winslow
Hezekiah Winslow
Samuel Winslow
Nathaniel Wilson
Capt. George Berry
Lieut. George Knight
John Bailey, Jr.[p. 181]James Barber
John Barber
Jasper Blake
Thomas Brackett
Cornelius Briggs
Joseph Conant
James Douty
John Graves
Isaac Knight
John Martin
Edmund Merrill
John Millit
Samuel Proctor
Isaac Sawyer
John Snow
Benjamin Stevens
Daniel Trip
James Winslow
Nathan Winslow
A true list taken August 16th, 1757
Joshua Freeman, Jr., clerk.
Capt. Dominicus Jordan's Spurwink Company.
Serg't. Joshua Strout
Serg't. James Jordan
Serg't. Samuel Jordan
Serg't. Noah Jordan
Corp. Robert Jameson
Corp. Parick Porterfield
Corp. Jonathan Mitchell
Corp. Joshua Jordan
Drum'r. James Abbott
Brocker Avery
Aaron Bickford
John Boswell
Abraham Bryant
Andrew Clark
Joseph Clark
Samuel Conden
Joseph Dingley
Eleazer Elwell
Joseph Gamman
William Gamman
Moses Hanson
Solomon Jackson
John Jameson
Paul Jameson
James Jordan
Jeremiah Jordan
John Jordan, Jr.
Jonathan Jordan
Joseph Jordan
Richard Jordan
Samuel Jordan, 3d
Stephen Jordan
Timothy Jordan
William Jordan
James Marrat
Francis Maxwell
Thomas Maxwell
Henry McKenney, Jr.
Eleazer McKenney
Jacob McKenney
Jonathan McKenney
William Mitchel
Thomas Polloch
Humphrey Richards
Apollos Robinson
Charles Robinson
Daniel Robinson, Jr.
Joshua Robinson
Peter Sholders
Jonathan Small
Bryce Smith
Nathaniel Staples
Joseph Starrat
Samuel Tinney
George Trundy
John Trundy
Samuel Trundy
Samuel Webb
Valentine Weeman
John Welch
Capt. James Morton
Ensign, Orathdel Jordan
Ensign, Clement Jordan
James Abbott
Richard Clark
Alexander Fasset
Jeremiah Jordan, 3d
John Jordan
John Jordan, Jr.[p. 183]Nathaniel Jordan, 4th
Thomas Jordan
Patrick Maxwell
William Maxwell
John McCraight
Henry McKenney
James Miller
James Leach Miller
Jedediah Robinson Miller
Hugh Miller
Peter Starratt
A true list taken April 29, 1757
Henry Jackson, Clerk.
Capt. Samuel Skillings' Stroudwater Company.
Sergt. Joseph Small
Sergt. Richard Nason
Sergt. Chipman Cobb
Sergt. Solomon Haskell
Corp. John Wilson
Peter Babb
William Balden
David Bayley
William Bayley
Jonathan Bleathen
Anthony Brackett
Edwin Caskallon
Edward Chapman
Nathan Chick
Andrew Cobb
Samuel Conant
John Cook
Philip Cook
Abraham Crocket
Joshua Crocket
Richard Crocket
Ebenezer Done
Edw. Done
Jacob Dulmigo
Jacob Dulmigo, Jr.
Nathaniel Dun
James Francis
Robert Francis
James Frost
Joseph Frost
Edw. Gillman
Benjamin Godfrey
Aaron Gold
John Green
John Gripes
Makel Growse
Benjamin Haskell
John Haskell
Elias Huffman
Thomas Jackson
James Johnson, Jr.
John Johnson, Jr.
Robert Johnson
Thomas Jones
George Knight
Nathaniel Knight, Jr.
Joseph Knight
Saimuel Knight
William Knight, Jr.
William Lamb
Peter Lawrence
David McDonald
John McDonald
Joseph Musseet
Isaac Nason
Jonathan Nason
Richard Nason, Jr.
David Patrick, Jr.
Clement Pennell
John Pennell
Thomas Pennell
Thomas Pennell, Jr.
William Porterfield
Peter Puff
Jeremiah Riggs
Joseph Riggs
Stephen Riggs
Vleus Shier
Stephen Sawyer
Valentine Shimmel
Nicholas Shoulders
Josiah Skillings
Samuel Skillings, Jr.
William Slemmons
Daniel Small
David Small
Joseph Small, Jr.
Nicholas Smith
John Starbird[p. 185]Nathan Starbird
Nathaniel Starbird
William Tates
John Thombs, Jr.
Bartholomew Thompson
James Thompson
Nicholas Thompson
Valentine Titler
Zebulon Trickey
Gelbert Warren
John Warren
William Webb
Richard Wescot
William Wescot, Jr.
Lieut. Nathaniel Knight
John Bayley
John Crocket
Edward Gillman
John Haskell
George Johnson
James Johnson
John Johnson
William Knights
Jeremiah Riggs
Robert Slemmons
Thomas Thombs
George Tate
A true list taken August 11, 1757.
David Patrick, Clerk.