Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
Some forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching. The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 225]Capt. W. Rand's Company, under Maj. George Rogers, and under Supervision of United States Officers.Rank and Name.
From Aug. 5 to Nov. 5, 1814. Raised at Cape Elizabeth. Service at forts in Portland Harbor.
Watson Rand, Captain
Caleb Haskell, Lieutenant
Samuel Knight, Lieutenant
Robert Dunning, Ensign
George Stacey, Sergeant
Andrew Dennison, Sergeant
Thomas Foss, Sergeant
Isaac Small, Sergeant
John J. Simonds, Sergeant
James Swett, Corporal
John H. Jennings, Corporal
Joel Merrill, Corporal
Jasper Johnson, Corporal
Nathaniel Kimball, Corporal
John Preston, Corporal
Joseph Leighton, Corporal
Isaac Cummings, Musician
Joseph Waterhouse, Musician
Isaac Adams
John Allen
Otis Allen
Paul Allen
Daniel H. Andrews
James Areas
Samuel Blake
Henry Bray
Artemas Brigham
Athemar Brigham
John Brown, 3d
Reuben Broom
John Chase
John Clark
Simeon Coffin
Richard Crockett
William Cummings
Darius Davenport
Benjamin Davis
Robert Davis
Samuel Davis
Bela Dawes
Rufus Delano
Abner Dennison
John Dodge
Richard Dole
James Dyer
Willis Dyer
Richard Edward
William Eels, Jr.
Samuel Gammon
Samuel Goodwin
Robert Gould
Thomas F. Gould
Aaron Grace
Asa Grant
Samuel Gray
John Green, 3d
Lewis Hancock
James Harmon
William Harmon
Seth L. Haskell
John Hays, 3d
Almond Howard
Joshua Howard
Samuel Hutchins
George Johnson
Hiram Jones
Levi Jordan
Daniel Knight
Ebenezer Knight
Nathaniel Knight
Stephen Knight
William Knight
Benjamin Larrabee
Daniel Leighton
Jeremiah Leighton
Darius Long
Isaac Maibury
Fisher Mann
James Manson
David Marble
Roger Maservy
Samuel Merrill
Edmund Mitchell[p. 226]Charles Moody
Daniel Moses
John Nason
Amaziah Nevins
George Noble
Stephen Noble
Josiah Paine
Isaac Pierce
Samuel Pote
Alexander Potter
David Potter
Amos Prince
Jonathan Pulcifer
Elisha Purington
Hiram Quimby
Bradbury Rand
Charles Redlen
Thomas Rogers
Joseph Sandburn
Seth Sandburn
John Sawyer
William Shane
Samuel Shaw
Samuel Simonds
Simon Skillings
Paul M. Snow
Barnabas Soule
Samuel Stevens
William Stevens
Charles Stimpson
Bradbury S. Stubbs
Benjamin Thorn
Simeon Thorn
John Tobin
William Todd
Jonathan True
Lebbeus Tuttle
Reuben Tuttle
Mark Twitchell
Solomon Twombly
Daniel Waite
Lemuel Ward
Ezra Weeks
Samuel Weeks
Joseph West
Alexander Whitney
John Witham
Benjamin Woodman
Nathaniel Woodman
Stephen York