Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
Some forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching. The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 226]Lieut. Henry Little's Drafted Company.Rank and Name.
From Aug. 26 to Nov. 26, 1814. Stationed at Edgecomb. In the service of the United States.
Henry Little, 1st Lieutenant
John Wales, 2d Lieutenant
Samuel R. Gilbert, Sergeant
Perkins Hull, Sergeant
John Wilson, Corporal
Darius Dickey, Corporal
James Alexander
George Batchelder
Nathan Bates
Samuel S. Bird
William Bird
Henry Black
Archibald Brebner
Collins Campbell
Samuel Campbell
Israel Covell
Samuel Crocker
William Davis
John Drew
William Flagg
Samuel J. Frost
Thomas Frost
Benjamin Gardner
Jesse Hersey
John Jones
Nathaniel Lawney
Stephen Mudgett
Yates Nickerson
Joseph Palmer
David Partridge
Thomas Reed
Nehemiah Smart
Winthrop Smart
Harding Snow
Asa West
Luther West
Oliver Woodbridge