Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 225]Staff of Brig. Gen. J. McMillan, Second Brigade, Thirteenth Division.General and Staff.
From Sept. 13 to Sept. 23, 1814 (3 days travel). Service at Portland.
John McMillan, Brigadier General, Fryeburg
Joshua B. Osgood, Brigade Major, Fryeburg
James Starr, Brigade Major, Jay
James W. Ripley, Brigade Quartermaster, Fryeburg
Oliver Pollard, Brigade Quartermaster, Turner
Enoch Lincoln, Aid-de-Camp, Fryeburg