Source: David Thurston, A brief history of Winthrop: from 1764 to October, 1855 (Portland Me.: B. Thurston, steam printer, 1855).
[p. 239]Names of persons who were organized into the first Baptist Church in Winthrop.
Enoch Wood,
Benjamin Packard,
Joseph Wingate, Jr.,
Ebenezer Packard,
Francis Fuller,
Luke Perkins,
Benjamin Perkins,
Joshua Smith,
William Jamerson,
John Wadsworth, Jr.,
Joseph Wood,
William Hughs,
Joseph Packard,
Liberty Woodcock,
Samuel Shaw,Ebenezer Blake,
Isaac Wadsworth,
David Eastman,
Nancy Smith,
Elizabeth Swift,
Nancy Packard,
Zeruiah Packard,
Hannah Easty,
Sarah T. White,
Sarah B. Pullen,
Zeruiah Matthews,
Joanna Richards,
Clarissa Richards,
Amelia Whiting,
Lucretia Richards.Males, 18; Females, 12; Total, 30.
The same day "Brothers Joshua Smith, Enoch Wood, and Luke Perkins were chosen deacons, and ordained by prayer and imposition of hands."