Source: Francis Byron Greene, History of Boothbay, Southport and Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 1623-1905 (Portland Me.: Loring, Short & Harmon, 1906).
[p. 259]It is unfortunate that the 1812 rolls are not accessible, like those of the Revolution, in the Massachusetts Archives. By information from the Massachusetts State Department it was learned that when the Federal Government reimbursed that State for war expenses incurred from 1812 to 1815, the rolls were surrendered to the general Government at Washington. By inquiry of the War Department it was ascertained that the rolls were very incomplete, and the Boothbay companies were not to be found. At last an old record book was found by William O. McCobb, which had belonged to his grandfather, Joseph McCobb. It contained the muster roll of Capt. William Maxwell Reed's company in 1812, and Capt. David R. Adams' company for the same year. Captain Reed's company is given in full, for they were all Boothbay men and served through the war in seacoast defense, while that of Captain Adams, though numbering seventy-five privates, only thirteen of them resided in Boothbay, the remainder being made up from Edgecomb, Newcastle and Wiscasset, and it was about Wiscasset that Captain Adams was stationed for the most part of the war. Capt. Daniel Rose, who was stationed at Fort Island, had a company made up largely from the north part of the town and Pleasant Cove, but the roll of his company has failed to appear, though diligently searched for.Muster Roll, 1812.Joseph McCobb, Lieut.; Jacob Auld, Ensign.
Capt. William Maxwell Reed's Company of Foot.
Sergeants: George Gilbert, Samuel Giles, Alfred Wadsworth, Ephraim McCobb.
Musicians : William Bragg, fifer; Paul M. Reed, drummer.
Clerk: Samuel Giles.Privates.
Benjamin Wheeler,
Elisha Sherman,Abraham Springer,
Francis Crocker,[p. 260]
George Race, Jr.,
Elihu Bryer, Jr.,
James Auld,
John Leishman,
Samuel Bryer, 3d,
John Wylie, Jr.,
Jeremiah Holton,
John McFarland,
Samuel Murray,
John Bennett,
Nathaniel Montgomery,
James Montgomery,
John Bryer,
Joseph Bryer,
John Alley, Jr.,
Samuel Bryer,
George W. Boyd,
Joseph Farnham,
Jacob Perkins,
William Matthews,
Peter Savors,
Andrew Boyd,
Andrew McCobb,
Alexander Boyd,
Andrew Wall,
John M. Morrison,
Ephraim McFarland,
Samuel Knight,
Thomas Boyd, 2d,
Joel Thompson,
Joseph Booker, Jr.,
William McCobb,
John Farnham, Jr.,
George Farnham,
Richard Adams,George Kelloch,
Ezekiel Holbrook,
William Auld,
James Brewer,
Robert Wylie, 3d,
Jonathan Hutchings,
Nathaniel Pinkham, Jr.,
James Murray,
Joseph Grimes,
Robert Montgomery,
William Montgomery,
Jeremiah Beath,
Robert Bryer,
William Trask,
John Pinkham,
John Lewis, 2d,
William Alley,
Thomas Sargent,
Joseph Gillette,
Michael Robinson,
James Fullerton,
John Burnham,
John B. Booker,
John Grover,
Robert Sherman,
Eleazer Sherman,
John Knight,
John Fullerton,
Joseph Morse,
Ephraim Brown,
Henry Pierce,
William Bragg,
Isaac Kelley,
Samuel Bryer, 4th,
William Robinson.Muster Roll, 1812.Sergeants: William Thompson, Samuel Thompson.
Capt. David R. Adams' Company of Foot.[p. 261]Musicians: Nathaniel Tibbetts, fifer; John Lewis, drummer.Privates.
George W. Merrill,
Benjamin Hodgdon,
Samuel Barter, 3d,
John Barter, 4th,
Henry Gray,
John Floyd,
Nathaniel Pinkham,Benjamin Barter,
Joseph Horn,
Francis Gray,
Palgrave Maddocks,
John Webber,
Samuel G. Smith.
George Kelloch and Thomas Boyd, 2d, appearing in Captain Reed's company, were killed in January, 1814, at Plattsburgh Bay, under Commodore McDonough. Marshal Smith, long a prominent resident, enlisted in Portland from the town of Bridgton. Timothy Hodgdon, then a resident of Westport, served there, stationed at Fowle Point. John, son of Benjamin and Anne Kelley, Benjamin Bennett, Jr., Isaac, son of Nathaniel and Martha Pinkham, Robert, son of James and Sarah Reed, are four persons who are known to have served at Fort Island under Captain Rose.