Source: Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vols. 5 and 6 (Portland, Me.: S.M. Watson, 1888, 1889).
Errata printed at the beginning of volume 5 have been incorporated.
[5:233]STANDISH RECORDS.Dec. 15, 1796. Boaz Rich to Mary Richardson.
contributed by miss may e. marrett.
Feb. 16, '97. W. Larabee to Hadassah Parker.
Mar. 21, '97. Jonathan Bean jr. of Bethel to Anne M'Gill of Standish.
Apr. 23, '97. Samuel Dennett to Mary Lowell.
Sept. 3, '97. Benoni Wood to Eunice Decker.
Sept. 6, '97. Moses Hanson to Patty Parker.
Sept. 14, '97. Elias Meserve to Betty Shaw.
Sept. 14, '97. Ephraim Rowe 3d to Sarah Moulton.[5:234]Nov. 16, 1797. Uriah Paine to Ruth Adams.
[no date given] William Meserve to Mary Boulter.
Jan. 24, '98. Samuel Gossom to Mary M'Gill.
Feb. 22, '98. Joseph Nudd to Mary Martin.
Mar. 27, '98. Thomas Cram to Sally Hasty.
June 13, '98. Edward Smith to Abigail Cooksen.
July 12, '98. Samuel Rich to Esther Richardson, both of Standish.
Sept. 13, '98. Thomas Sawyer to Hannah Simpson, both of Standish.
Sept. 30, '98. Charles Meserve to Mary Cooksen, both of Standish.
Oct. 11, '98. Joseph Butterfield jr. to Sarah Richardson, both of Standish.
Nov. 15, '98. Ephraim Higgins to Rebecca Higgins.
Dec. 27, '98. George Rackliff to Mary Higgins.
July 4, '99. Daniel Cresy of Gorham to Eliza Harding of Flintstown.
Sept. 5, '99. Daniel Boulter to Lettice Harding, both of Standish.
Sept. 25, '99. Prince Higgins to Selina Higgins, both of Standish.
Jan. 5, 1800. Caleb Dodge of Bridgton to Sarah Meserve of Standish.
Mar. 23, 1800. Wingate Frost of Limington to Anna Mitchell of Standish.
Mar. 27, 1800. William Cummings jr. to Anne Libby, both of Standish.
May 8, 1800. Zachariah Mitchell of Windham to Susanna Eaton of Standish.
June 25, 1800. John Pierce to Susanna Linnell, both of Standish.
July 14, 1800. Richard Berry to Experience Higgins, both of Standish.
July 17, 1800. William Chick of Limington to Selina Sawyer of Standish.
Sept. 11, 1800. Joseph Richardson t[o] Mehitable Crocket, both of Standish.
Nov. 27, 1800. Daniel Smith of Phillipstown to Lucy Cookson of Standish.
Nov. 27, 1800. Isaac Higgins to Esther Parker, both of Gorham.
Dec. 11, 1800. Nathan C. Penfield of Gorham to Molly Green of Standish.
Aug. 18, '01. John Davis of Phillipsburg to Grace (?) Bolter of Standish.
Oct. 27, '01. Nathaniel Frost of Gorham to Mrs. Rebecca Higgins of Standish.
Nov. 23, '01. Artemus Richardson to Nancy Richardson, both of Standish.
Nov. 26, '01. Nathaniel Blake jr. of Gorham to Rebecca Higgins of Standish.
Dec. 6, '01. Thomas Anderson of Windham to Hannah Hall of Standish.
Dec. 20, '01. Levi Cram to Anna Butterfield, both of Standish.
Dec. 24, '01. Ezra Davis jr. of Limington to Mehitable Rackliff of Standish.
Feb. 2, '01. Ebenezer Howe to Catherine Spring, both of Standish.[5:235]Feb. 10, 1802. Philip Cannell jr. to Rebecca Green, both of Standish.
Feb. 11, '02. Thomas Paine jr. of Standish to Achsah Jordan of Gorham.
Feb. 25, '02. Tristram Coffin of Gorham to Joanna Moulton of Standish.
Mar. 11, '02. David Lowell to Abigail Burnall, both of Flintstown.
Apr. 20, '02. Wyer Green to Ruhamah Morton, both of Standish.
June 17, '02. Joseph Drew of Newfield to Eliza Shaw of Standish.
July 25, '02. Joseph Ross of Limington to Sarah Rowe of Standish.
Nov. 10, '02. Levi Whitney to Happy Higgins, both of Standish.
Dec. 30, '02. John Nason of Phillipsburg to Susannah York of Standish.
Jan. 20, '03. Joseph Davis to Sarah Mitchell, both of Standish.
Jan. 27, '03. Daniel Whitten of Buxton to Lydia York of Standish.
Jan. 27, '03. Philip Ayer of Buxton to Lucy Richardson of Standish.
Feb. 7, '03. Abraham Hor of Waterford to Polly Hall of Standish.
Mar. 3, '03. Silvanus Batchelder of Baldwin to Abigail Richardson of Standish.
May 1, '03. Moses Starbird to Lydia Whitney, both of Standish.
June 23, '03. Benjamin Rowe jr. to Nancy Clark, both of Baldwin.
July 10, '03. Seth [no surname given] and Experience Higgins, both of Standish.
Sept. 11, '03. Nicolas Dennett jr. of Pepperellboro to Sarah Lowell of Standish.
Sept. 25, '03. William Moody of Standish to Elizabeth Sawyer of Gorham.
Oct. 20, '03. Daniel Tyler to Polly Jordan, both of Gorham.
Jan. 5, '04. Abner Libby of Limington to Olive Gray Chase of Standish.
Apr. 18, '04. Jonathan Moor of Buxton to Hannah Richardson of Standish.
June 10, '04. Joseph Nason of Gorham to Elizabeth Waterhouse of Standish.
July 1, '04. Ephraim Hicks of Gorham to Rachel Marten of Standish.
Sept. 3, '04. Simeon Coffin of Gorham to Mary Shaw of Standish.
Sept. 20, '04. Eleazer Flint to Charlotte Thompson, both of Baldwin.
Oct. 14, '04. Benjamin Rand to Anne Moody, both of Standish.
Feb. 7, '05. John Haskil 3d of Gorham to Anna Harmon of Standish.
Apr. 11, '05. Daniel Hasty jr. to Sukey Dow, both of Standish.
May 9, '05. Nathan W. Chase to Annis Ayer, both of Standish.
Sept. 8, '05. Benjamin McCorson of Buxton to Abigail Richardson of Standish.
Sept. 10, '05. Thomas Rowe to Dolly Ingalls, both of Baldwin.
Oct. 20, '05. Isaac York to Polly Merrow, both of Standish.
Nov. 13, '05. Josiah Yates to Thankful Higgins, both of Standish.
Nov. 28, '05. David Maines to Anna Steward, both of Gorham.
Apr. 3, '06. Abraham York to Betsey Bolter, both of Standish.[5:236]Aug. 4, 1806. Enoch Shaw of Windham to Delilah Morton of Standish.
Aug. 10, '06. Samuel Mountford of Falmouth to Dolly Topping of Standish.
Nov. 13, '06. William Procktor jr. of New Gloucester to Rhoda Cummings of Standish.
Nov. 27, '06. Samuel Hamblin of Brunswick to Hannah Whitman of Standish.
Dec. 4, '06. Daniel Boston of Hiram to Hannah Jewett of Standish.
Dec. 21, '06. Rheuben Bradbury of Portland to Eunice Freeman of Standish.
Jan. 29, '07. Nathaniel Thomes to Mary Higgins, both of Gorham.
Feb. 15, '07. Abner Martin to Sarah Whitman, both of Standish.
Mar. 10, '07. John Decker of West (?) pond settlement to Elizabeth Rowe of Standish.
Mar. 29, '07. John Newbegin of Gorham to Ruhamah Whitman of Standish.
Mar. 30, '07. Wm. Hartshorn of Portland to Abigail Meserve of Standish.
May 3, '07. Benoni (?) Wood to Elenor McDonald, both of Standish.
May 10, '07. Luther Topping to Mercy Dow (?), both of Standish.
July 27, '07. Pierce Sanborn to Huldah Paine, both of Standish.
Jan. 13, '08. Aaron Richardson to Mehitable Cummings, both of Standish.
Jan. 16, '08. George Rackliff to Mary Nudd, both of Standish.
Feb. 25, '08. James S. Chick to Susannah West, both of Falmouth.
Mar. 10, '08. Thomas Paine 3d to Pamela Thompson, both of Standish.
June 30, '08. Edward Blake to Rebecca Bacon, both of Gorham.
July 3, '08. Wm. Benford (?) jr. of Baldwin to Sally Davis (?) of Standish.
Aug. 1, '08. Wm. Ingalls of Baldwin to Hannah Libby of Scarboro.
Dec. 1, '08. Samuel Dyer to Martha Bacon, both of Gorham.
Dec. 1, '08. Thomas Paine jr. to Lydia Blake, both of Gorham.
Dec. 10, '08. Theodore Libby of Scarboro to Sarah Harmon (?) of Standish.
Mar. 5, '09. Friend Loring of Portland to Rhoda Moody of Standish.
Apr. 28, '09. Thomas Pennell of Falmouth to Sally Jones of Standish.
May 2, '09. James Boothby to Rachel Cummings, both of Standish.
May 7, '09. Joseph Whitman to Elizabeth Morton, both of Standish.
Oct. 19, '09. Stephen Lowell of Standish to Wealthy Sawyer of Gorham.
Nov. 30, '09. Joshua York to Abigail Linnell, both of Standish.
Jan. 14, '10. Wear Cram to Mary Sanborn, both of Standish.
June 27, '10. Edward Files of Gorham to Hannah Shaw of Standish.
Oct. 13, '10. Wm. Thorn to Olive Stevens, both of Baldwin.[5:237]Dec. 24, 1810. Jabez Dowe jr. to Lucy Sanborn, both of Standish.
Feb. 6, '12. White Dyer of Limington to Olive Merrow (?) of Standish.
Sept. 13, '12. Thomas Watson of Arundel to Rebecca Davis of Standish.
June 10, '13. Jesse Butterfield of Standish to Mary Morton of Gorham.
Nov. 3, '13. Enoch Freeman Higgins of Gorham to Mirriam Deane of Standish.
Jan. 13, '14. Watson Dyer of Limington to Abigail Merrow of Standish.
Feb. 9, '14. Eli Ayer of Buxton to Temperance Files of Gorham.
Feb. 23, '14. Jonathan Sparrow of Standish to Mary Rand of Gorham.
July 7, '14. Daniel Lowell of Buxton to Experience Higgins of Standish.
Aug. 3, '14. Stephen Libby of Limington to Sally Chase of Standish.
Nov. 17, '14. John Clemmons of Gorham to Martha Thomes of Standish.
Dec. 1, '14. Ebenezer Files jr. of Gorham to Sarah Stewart of Standish.
Dec. 13, '14. Rev. Josiah G. Merrill of Otisfield to Harriet Jones of Standish.
Jan. 23, '15. John Philbrick to Meriam Hasty, both of Standish.
Mar. 21, '15. Wentworth Stewart to Patience Thomes, both of Standish.
Oct. 19, '15. Barnabus W. Sawyer of Buxton to Huldah Richardson of Baldwin.
Jan. 7, '16. Moody Foster of Bridgeton to Lucy Lowell of Standish.
Jan. 25, '16. Ebenezer Shaw 3d to Rebecca Yates, both of Standish.
May 7, '16. Benjamin Berry to Sally Dearborn, both of Standish.
Oct. 10, '16. Josiah Black of Limington to Olive Chase of Standish.
Oct. 17, '16. Dominicus Frost to Susan Parker, both of Standish.
Mar. 27, '17. Nathaniel C. Small of Limington to Margaret Phinney of Standish.
Apr. 17, '17. Benjamin Sanborn to Abigail Cram, both of Standish.
May 11, '17. Ivory Butler of Lebanon to Sarah Shaw of Standish.
May 27, '17. Wm. Butler jr. of Thomaston to Hannah Paine 3d of Standish.
Sept. 16, '17. Samuel Farnsworth jr. of Bridgton to Nancy Mussey of Standish.
Jan. 26, '18. Peter Cram to Mary Noble, both of Baldwin.
July 5, '18. Francis Hamlin of Waterford to Rebecca Parker of Standish.
Aug. 19, '18. Stephen Paine to Patience Whitney, both of Standish.
Aug. 23, '18. Josiah Bright of Watertown to Almira Spring of Standish.
Jan. 7, '19. James Frost of Limington to Nancy Davis of Standish.
Feb. 24, '19. Wm. Macorrison to Sally Lowell, both of Standish.
Mar. 24, '19. Jonathan Gould Pain of Standish to Sarah S. Haven of Baldwin.
Mar. 30, '19. Magners Ridlon of Hollis to Betsey Sanborn of Standish.
Jan. 27, '20. Benjamin Harmon of Buxton to Rebecca Tucker of Standish.[5:238]Feb. 17, 1820. Wm. Barker of Bridgton to Susanna Davis of Standish.
Apr. 7, '20. James Moody to Rosannah F. Stuart, both of Standish.
Oct. 26, '20. Benjamin Poland to Hannah Dennett, both of Standish.
Mar. 14, '21. David Chase to Hannah Phinney, both of Standish.
May 14, '21. Edward D. Boynton of Cornish to Apphia Philbrick of Standish.
Aug. 29, '21. Seth Blake of Limington to Mary Bacon of Gorham.
Oct. 21, '21. Eaton Nichols to Polly Mackentire, both of Falmouth.
Oct. 24, '21. Sewall Berry of Buxton to Lydia Jordan of Standish.
Nov. 22, '21. Joseph Moody to Eliza Higgins, both of Standish.
Nov. 27, '21. Seth Blake jr. of Limington to Hannah W. Rand of Gorham.
Dec. 13, '21. Enoch Moody to Dameris S. Whitney, both of Standish.
Jan. 29, '22. Thomas Cram jr. to Susanna Sanborn, both of Standish.
Feb. 3, '22. Rev. Charles Freeman of Limerick to Nancy Pierce of Baldwin.
Mar. 20, '22. Francis Young of Bridgton to Fanny Bacon of Gorham.
Jan. 2, '23. Frederic Scammon to Elizabeth Paine, both of Standish.
Sept. 4, '23. Joseph Paine 3d to Sarah Nudd, both of Standish.
Nov. 6, '23. Ira Crocker of Bridgton to Ruth Pierce of Baldwin.
Nov. 13, '23. Enoch Sanborn to Elizabeth Flint, both of Baldwin.
Dec. 16, '23. Daniel Moody jr. to Huldah Higgins, both of Standish.
Dec. 30, '23. Timothy Higgins jr. to Rosanna F. Moody, both of Standish.
Dec. 11, '23. John O. Flint of Baldwin to Lucy Sanborn.
Jan. 1, '24. Daniel Paine to Elizabeth Nudd, both of Standish.
Feb. 25, '24. James W. Haven of Baldwin to Eleanor Pain of Standish.
Mar. 1, '24. Seth S. Fairfield of Biddeford to Phebe Lovejoy of Standish.
Jan. 7, '25. Daniel Smith to Elizabeth Moody, both of Standish.
Feb. 3, '25. Abraham L. Came of Buxton to Annis Green of Standish.
Mar. 9, '25. Stephen Thomas to Dolly Parker, both of Standish.
Apr. 3, '25. Thomas Irish to Sally Yates, both of Standish.
July 30, '25. Charles Day of Portland to Mary Ann Emery of Standish.
Nov. 24, '25. Jonathan P. Shaw of Denmark to Mary Higgins of Standish.
Dec. 25, '25. Joseph Stewart to Joanna Whitney, both of Standish.
Jan. 1, '26. Nathaniel Strout to Mercy Higgins, both of Standish.
May 28, '26. Rufus Harmon jr. of Gorham to Lucy Higgins of Standish.
Dec. 8, '26. William Racliff of Portland to Mary Raccliff of Standish.
Jan. 24, '27. Isaacher Small of Limington to Martha Jones Davis of Standish.
July 15, '27. Stephen C. Watson to Lucy Paine, both of Standish.
Sept. 23, '27. Oliver Storer to Abigail Higgins, both of Standish.[5:239]Mar. 25, 1828. Lewis Higgins of Standish to Susan Whitney of Gorham.
Apr. 17, '28. Henry Paine of Sweden to Elizabeth Parker of Standish.
Feb. 5, '29. Lewis M. Spring of Saco to Eliza Howe of Standish.
Oct. 22, '29. Mark Leavitt of Scarboro to Sarah Marr of Limington.
Dec. 17, '29. Isaac Davis to Mrs. Abigail Boucher, both of Standish.
June 8, '30. Joseph Moody to Phebe Paine.
July 13, '30. Charles W. Waterhouse of Limington to Dorcas Harmon of Standish.
Nov. 13, '30. Forest Brooks to Reliance Higgins, both of Standish.
Feb. 12, '32. Alfred Sweat to Eunice Strout, both of Standish.
June 17, '32. Greenleaf How to Mary Dennett, both of Standish.
Sept. 27, '32. Wm. E. Libby of Buxton to Catherine Higgins of Standish.
Sept. 30, '32. Oliver Strout of Bradford to Mary Tucker of Standish.
Nov. __, '32. Josiah Proctor jr. of Waterford to Rebecca Paine of Standish.
June 2, '33. Warren Duren of Woburn, Mass., to Mary Ann Marrett of Standish.
Oct. 20, '33. Ebenezer Shaw jr. to Mary Yates, both of Standish.
Jan. 8, '34. Abraham Osgood jr. of Portland to Caroline M. Clemment of Gorham.
June 7, '35. Ting Smith of Hollis to Susan Strout of Standish.
Jan. 7, '36. Leonard Bacon to Elizabeth Coles, both of Gorham.[6:359]MARRIAGES IN STANDISH.April 6, 1830. James Brown and Elizabeth Harmon, both of Gorham.
continued from p. 239, Vol. V.
communicated by a. k. p. meserve, m.d.
May 9, [1830.] Benjamin Poland and Lucy Sanborn, both of Standish.
Sept. 16, [1830.] Richard Stone of Newburyport, and Caroline Almira Webster.1
Sept. 19, [1830.] Simeon Mansfield and Nancy McK. Lowell.
Oct. 31, [1830.] Cyrus Mitchell and Tamson Robinson of Windham.
Aug. 21, 1831. William Hartshorn of Portland, and Caroline McLellan Wood.
Dec. 13, [1831.] Thomas H. Davis of Buxton, and Ruth Elwell of Gorham.
Dec. 19, [1831.] Charles T. Mixer and Sophia A. Spring.
Jan. 25, 1832. Joshua Paine and Phebe Davis.
April __, [1832.] Benjamin Hatch and Lucy Yates.
Aug. 21, [1832.] Israel E. Richardson and Jerusha M. Higgins.
Dec. 6, [1832.] Francis Kimball and Caroline Davis, both of Bridgton.
July 7, 1833. Jonathan Philbrick and Irene Mitchell.
Sept. 10, [1833.] Enos S. W. Kilborn of Otisfield, and Rhoda Shaw.
Oct. 8, [1833.] Luther F. Powers of Sweden, and Chloe Paine.
Nov. 7, [1833.] Sewall Mitchell and Celia Mitchell, both of Portland.
Nov. 13, [1833.] Richard Paine and Olive S. Poland.
Nov. 28, [1833.] Samuel D. Hasty and Abigail Boucher.
This is the last of Mr. Tenney's marriages recorded in the record book of the First Congregational church. The Unitarians at about this time gained possession of the church edifice and the records. Mr. Tenney remained in town several years and undoubtedly solemnized many more marriages, but the record is not at hand at present. a. k. p. rev. a. d. wheeler (Unitarian).April 15, 1835. Aaron Cram and Hannah Robinson of Buxton.
June 1, [1835.] Arza Mayo and Marella Cram.
Dec. 28, [1835.] Simeon S. Clement of Gorham, and Mary Ann Howe.1When no place of residence is given Standish is to be inferred. a. k. p. m.[6:360]Oct. 12, 1836. Joseph Paine jr. and Eliza Ann Lowell.
Jan. 3, 1838. Chesley Higgins and Abigail Marean.
[no date given] Knowles Rand and Ann Ridlon, both of Gorham.
Jan. 24, [1838.] Wilson Dow and Catharine M. D. Nason of Hollis.
Jan. 28, 1839. James Berry of Limington, and Rebecca Higgins.
July 3, [1839.] Eliphalet Davis, Esq., of Wilton, and Martha Freeman.
Oct. 10, [1839.] Orin Davis of Hollis, and Susan Marean.BY REV. A. D. BRIDGES.Nov. 15, 1843. John K. Proctor of Waterford, and Miss Phebe Paine.BY REV. E. J. GERRY.April 22, 1847. Samuel Merrill1 of Buxton, and Catharine Thomes.
July 18, [1847.] Charles Davis of Buxton, and Catharine McCorrison.
May 3, 1848. Nahum Clough and Lucinda Phinney.
June 28, [1848.] Theodore M. Bradbury and Lucy A. Chadbourn.
Sept. 6, [1848.] Samuel H. Bragdon of Portland, and Delina Cram.
Oct. 8, [1848.] William D. Mayo and Eunice Marean.
Nov. 4, [1848.] James Field of Windham, and Ann F. Whitney.
Oct. 23, 1850. Edward E. Frost of Windham, and Sarah M. Hasty.
Mar. 19, 1851. Charles W. Boothby of Gorham, and Eliza J. Dow.
Aug. 31, [1851.] Jeremiah P. Boothby of Lisbon, and Mary Y. Marean.
Jan. 5, 1852. Amos Boulter and Emily C. Usher of Hollis.
June 12, [1852.] William E. Goodwin of Lowell, and Ursula C. Freeman.
Oct. 12, [1852.] Lewis O'Brion of Cornish, and Martha Ann Phinney.BY REV. GEORGE OSGOOD.April 23, 1854. M. D. L. Lane of Hollis, and Elizabeth T. H. Chadbourne.
June 27, [1854.] Algernon S. Howe of Bridgton, and Caroline M. Bradbury.BY REV. J. CALDWELL.Oct. 15, 1855. Horace O. Bright of Watertown, Mass., and Junia O. Howe.
Mar. 16, 1856. Marenzius S. Thorn of Westbrook, and Caroline Thorn.
May 2, [1856.] Chesley Higgins and Isabella Paine.
July 11, 1858. George E. Lane and Ellen D. Robinson, both of Baldwin.
Dec. 4, [1858.] Ambrose Cram and Maria P. Mayo.
Oct. 19, 1859. Francis Owen of Brunswick, and Almira M. Phinney.1Afterward Governor of Iowa.[6:361]The church at Standish was organized and Rev. John Thompson ordained pastor, Oct. 26, 1768, the original members being John Thompson, Geo. Freeman, Josiah Shaw, David Sanborn, John Pierce, Michael Philbrick and Peter Moulton. Mr. Thompson remained pastor until April 7, 1783, when he was dismissed and went to Berwick. There is no record of church acts after this until the call of Rev. Jonathan Gould, who was ordained as pastor Sept. 18, 1793. He died of consumption, July 26, 1795. Rev. Daniel Marrett was ordained Sept. 21, 1796, and on "Dec. 23, 1829, the pastoral relations of Rev. Daniel Marrett, which had existed for thirty-three years and three months, was dissolved by mutual agreement between him, the church and parish." On the same day Rev. Thomas Tenney was ordained as pastor, and continued such until Feb. 5, 1834, when he was dismissed. The old church became Unitarian, and a new church called The Evangelical Congregational Church was formed.
Rev. A. D. Wheeler was ordained as pastor of the Unitarian church, Jan. 13, 1835; Rev. A. M. Briggs was installed Jan. 25, 1843; Rev. E. J. Gerry installed Sept. 23, 1846; Rev. George Osgood ordained Dec. 22, 1854; Rev. Jacob Caldwell and Rev. Alfred C. Nickerson preached for a time after this.