Source: Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vol. 3 (Portland, Me.: S.M. Watson, 1886).
Where no date is given, the date of the previous entry may be implied, but perhaps should not be inferred.
[p. 101]MARRIAGES IN FALMOUTH (CAPE ELIZABETH), SOLEMNIZED BY REV. EPHRAIM CLARK, PASTOR 2d PARISH.July 22, 1756. Josiah Wallis and Abigail White, both of Falmouth.
Aug. 18, [1756.] Hugh Miller and Elizabeth Gammon.
Sept. 22, [1756.] James Webster and Patience Webber.
[Sept.] 30, [1756.] Edward Hazen and Anna Simonton, he of Scarboro.
Oct. 14, [1756.] Thomas Armstrong and Aemme Loveitt.
Nov. 18, [1756.] John Burnell and Ann Elizabeth Freeman.
Feb. 27, 1757. Ebenezer Sawyer and Susannah Yeaton.
Jan. 27, 1763. Daniel Small and Joanna Cobb.
[Jan.] 27, [1763.] Richard McDoogle and Mary Patrick.
Mar. 10, [1763.] Thomas Small and Sarah Roberts.
[Mar.] 24, [1763.] Joshua Jordan and Catherine Jordan.
Apr. 21, [1763.] Robert Robinson and Mary Brown.
[Apr.] 26, [1763.] Samuel Ray and Hannah Sawyer.
May 12, [1763.] Benjamin Jordan and Hannah Beeman.
[May] 19, [1763.] Joshua Horton and Anna Dyer.
June 2, [1763.] (John?) Woodbury and Hannah Elliott.
July 14, [1763.] (Benj.) Rackleff and Sarah Jordan.
Sept. 6, [1763.] Moses Whitney and Mary Page.
Nov. 17, [1763.] Joseph Strout jr. and Susannah Roberts.
Dec. 9, [1763.] John Jordan and Agnes Berry.
Jan. 16, 1764. Ebenezer Robinson and Mary White.
[no date given] Israel Loveitt ? and Mary Jordan.
Feb. 23, [1764.] Job Small and Mercy Wescott.
Mar. 2, [1764.] Isaac Ingersoll and Susannah Small.
[Mar.] 15, [1764.] Ebenezer Roberts and ______ ?
[Mar.] 21, [1764.] ____ ? umery and ____ler ?
[no date given] ______ and Hannah ______ ?
Apr. 19, [1764.] Anthony Eddy and Susannah Strout.
[Apr.] 23, [1764.] Robinson Crockett and Hannah (Crocker ?)
[p. 102]June 19, 1764. Alexander McLellan and Elizabeth Kennedy.
Sept. 16, [1764.] Jethro Starbird and Hannah Libby of Scarboro.
Oct. 7, [1764.] William Simonton jr. and Sarah Robinson.
[Oct.] 11, [1764.] James Dyer and Anna Small.
[Oct.] 16, [1764.] John Johnson jr. and Elenor Lamb.
Nov. 1, [1764.] Mark Leach and Margaret Jackson.
[Nov.] 1, [1764.] Jonathan Fogg and Susannah Jordan, he of Scarboro.
[Nov.] 15, [1764.] Joshua Robinson and Sarah Miller.
[Nov.] 15, [1764.] Elisha Parker jr. and Eunice Jordan.
[Nov.] 29, [1764.] Stephen Hutchinson jr. and Sarah Miller.
Dec. 18, [1764.] Joseph Cobb and Anna Strout.
Jan. 3, 1765. John Parker and Mary Marriner.
[Jan.] 10, [1765.] Theophilus Simonton and Abigail Marriner.
[Jan.] 24, [1765.] Edward Beal and Joanna Jordan, he of York.
[Jan.] 29, [1765.] Jacob Waterhouse and Anna Strout.
Mar. 7, [1765.] Benj. Roberts and Mary Weeks.
[Mar.] 14, [1765.] Joseph Jordan and Elizabeth Robinson.
[Mar.] 24, [1765.] Josiah Sawyer and Abigail Jordan.
May 2, [1765.] Joshua Sawyer and Rachel Dyer.
[May] 17, [1765.] Solomon Sawyer and Lydia Horn.
June 25, [1765.] Nathaniel Fickett and Molly Pennell.
July 7, [1765.] Robert Harrington and Mary Atwood.
Aug. 20, [1765.] Joseph Roberts and Hannah Freeman.
Sept. 19, [1765.] Aaron Whitney and Jane McLellan, he of Gorham.
[Sept.] 26, [1765.] Israel Woodbury and Ann White.
[Sept.] 26, [1765.] Joel Whitney and Mary Weston, he of Gorham.
Dec. 19, [1765.] Dominicus Jordan 3d and Catherine Maxwell.
[Dec.] 26, [1765.] John Yeaton and Sarah Dyer.
[Dec.] 30, [1765.] Judah Dyer and Ann Simonton.
Jan. 2, 1766. Thomas Strout and Mary Knowles.
Feb. 11, [1766.] Samuel Jordan jr. and Sarah Jackson.
Mar. 13, [1766.] John Howard and Mary Dyer.
[Mar.] 23, [1766.] Isaac Battle and Hannah Horton.
May 1, [1766.] Daniel Sawyer jr. and Miriam Jackson.
[May] 29, [1766.] Aaron Libby and Elizabeth Beeman, he of Scarboro.
July 2, [1766.] Ephraim Roberts and Joanna Dyer.
[p. 103]Aug. 28, 1766. Samuel Clark and Susannah Trundy.
Oct. 9, [1766.] Lemuel Dyer and Wealthy Jordan.
Nov. 19, [1766.] Israel Jordan and Susannah Jordan.
[Nov.] 20, [1766.] Jonathan Jordan and Tabitha Jordan.
[Nov.] 27, [1766.] Joshua Brown and Betsey Miller.
[Nov.] 27, [1766.] Moses Marriner and Rebecca Parker.
Dec. 4, [1766.] Benjamin Milliken and Phebe Jordan, he of Scarboro.
[Dec.] 11, [1766.] Edward Dane and Sarah McDoogle.
[Dec.] 18, [1766.] Thomas Millett jr. and Lydia Roberts.
[Dec.] 26, [1766.] Samuel York jr. and Hannah Hight.
Jan. 6, 1767. Samuel Woodbury and Betsey Maxwell.
[Jan.] 14, [1767.] Isaac McKenney and Hannah Jordan, he of Scarboro.
[Jan.] 15, [1767.] Philip Mill Banks and Lucy Dyer.
[Jan.] 22, [1767.] John Ryan and Molly Miller.
[Jan.] 29, [1767.] Nicholas Means and Hannah Howes.
Apr. 7, [1767.] Benjamin Small and Mary Laizdell ?
[Apr.] 9, [1767.] Barzaillai Delno and Mary Cobb.
[Apr.] 9, [1767.] John Jack and Mariam Bowley.
[Apr.] 23, [1767.] Jonas Woodbury and Sarah Harvey, or Hervey.
Aug. 2, [1767.] John Dugins and Louise Ray.
Sept. 1, [1767.] John Thorndike and Christian Simonton.
Oct. 25, [1767.] John Boswell and Molly Strout.
Nov. 9, [1767.] Mathias Vickery and Ruth Horton, he of Falmouth.
[Nov.] 10, [1767.] Samuel Nichols and Rebecca Wimble.
[Nov.] 19, [1767.] James Hayes and Ruth Strout.
[Nov.] 19, [1767.] Jacob York and Olive Sawyer.
Dec. 3, [1767.] Joseph Chandler Rackleff and Mary Welch, he of Scarboro.
[Dec.] 3, [1767.] Solomon Jordan and Christian Simonton.
[Dec.] 7, [1767.] Angus McDonald and Ann Hicks, he of Pleasant River.
[Dec.] 22, [1767.] Gideon Bowley and Hannah Strout.
[Dec.] 24, [1767.] Benjamin Thomas and Mary Jordan, he of Pleasant River.
Jan. 26, 1768. William Ray and Hannah Dyer.
Apr. 21, [1768.] John McCarthy and Mary Miller.
May 1, [1768.] John Preston and Lucy Wimble, he of Falmouth.
June 2, [1768.] Charles Patrick and Mehitable Fickett, he of Falmouth.
Aug. 11, [1768.] Ezra Jordan and Phebe Sawyer.
[p. 104]Sept. 29, 1768. Thomas Millett and Rachel Brown.
Oct. 6, [1768.] John Burfet and Sarah Abbott.
[Oct.] 9, [1768.] John Lemmon and Mary Simonton, he of Georgetown.
Dec. 15, [1768.] David Brown and Sarah Jordan, he of Narraguagas.
[Dec.] 21, [1768.] Henry Jackson and Rachel Dyer.
[Dec.] 25, [1768.] Nathaniel Cushing and Mary Dyer.
Feb. 17, 1769. Jonathan Loveitt jr. and Mariam Mitchell.
[Feb.] 23, [1769.] William Fogg and Mary Jordan, he of Scarboro.
Mar. 23, [1769.] Jonathan Strout and Sarah Strout.
April 6, [1769.] Joshua Strout jr., and Betsey Cobb.
May 25, [1769.] Simeon Skillin and Mary Skillin, he of Scarboro.
Aug. 17, [1769.] John Miller and Sarah Cushing.
Sept. 21, [1769.] Jonathan Fogg and Anne Maxwell.
Oct. 4, [1769.] William Johnson and Bathsheba Strout.
[Oct.] 19, [1769.] John Young and Ada Nason, he of New Boston.
[Oct.] 26, [1769.] Samuel Webb and Abigail Stanford.
[Oct.] 26, [1769.] David Vickery and Sarah Stone.
Nov. 7, [1769.] Daniel Cash and Sarah Strout.
[Nov.] 8, [1769.] Stephen Cash and Elizabeth Horton.
[Nov.] 24, [1769.] John Randall and Anne Roberts.
[Nov.] 30, [1769.] Alexander McGlutchy and Mary Maxwell, he of Bristol.
Dec. 19, [1769.] Solomon Meserve and Arabella Jordan, he of Scarboro.
[Dec.] 24, [1769.] William Webster and Jane Yeaton.
[Dec.] 24, [1769.] William Thomas and Abigail Simonton.
Jan. 4, 1790 [sic, 1770 is intended]. Nathaniel Hasty and Sarah Beeman, he of Scarboro.
[Jan.] 11, [1770.] Samuel Hill and Hannah Jordan, he of Biddeford.
Feb. 1, [1770.] Jacob Webb and Sarah Woodbury.
April 10, [1770.] Benjamin Fickett and Deborah Sawyer.
[April] 19, [1770.] Samuel McLellan and Anne Dyer.
[April] 19, [1770.] Willard Bangs and Elizabeth Strout.
June 7, [1770.] William Weeks and Dorcas Dyer.
Aug. 28, [1770.] John Jones and Martha Douglass.
Sept. 2, [1770.] Samuel Johnson and Elizabeth McCoy, he of Kittery.
Nov. 22, [1770.] Ebenezer Cobb jr. and Rachel Sawyer.
[Nov.] 29, [1770.] John Mitchell and Miriam Mitchell, he of Wells.
[Nov.] 29, [1770.] John Wheeler and Martha Welch, he of Boothbay.
[p. 105]Dec. 13, 1790 [sic, 1770 is intended]. Jonathan Hagens and Katherine Stanford, he of Falmouth.
Jan. 18, 1771. James Hayes and Thankful (Jent ?)
[Jan.] 25, [1771.] George Elder and Frances Jackson.
[Jan.] 25, [1771.] Thaddeus Broad and Lucy Skillings, he of Falmouth.
Feb. 7, [1771.] William Dingley and Sarah Jordan.
[Feb.] 28, [1771.] Isaac Strout and Jane Strout.
April 11, [1771.] Jeremiah Crowley and Elizabeth Jordan.
[April] 25, [1771.] Jonathan Simonton and Elizabeth Jordan.
May 23, [1771.] Fergus Hagens and Jane Jameson, he of Scarboro.
June 6, [1771.] Nathaniel Dyer and Hannah Dyer.
[June] 23, [1771.] Capt. Briant Morton and Lucy Chamberlain, he of Gorham.
July 18, [1771.] Mathew Donell and Sarah Cash.
Sept. 12, [1771.] John Veman and Betsey Small.
[Sept.] 19, [1771.] John Getchell and Elizabeth Robinson, he of Royaltown.
Oct. 17, [1771.] Reuben Small and Huldah Lazedell.
Nov. 7, [1771.] James Frazer and Ann McLellan.
[Nov.] 7, [1771.] John Simonton and Rachel McLellan.
Dec. 26, [1771.] Eleazer Strout jr. and Mary Lewis.
Nov. 21, [1771.] Benj. Thrasher jr. and Lorahmah Marriner.
Jan. 14, 1772. Ebenezer Beal and Sarah Dunham, he of York.
[Jan.] 23, [1772.] Capt. Mathew Simonton and Elizabeth (Simonton).
Feb. 20, [1772.] Christopher Dyer and Hannah Randall.
April 7, [1772.] Benj. Smith and Bridget Jordan.
[April] 23, [1772.] Benj. Allen Jordan and Sarah Trundy.
May 14, [1772.] Francis Jackson and Elizabeth Nason.
[May] 21, [1772.] Benj. Jordan jr. and Christian Weman.
June 16, [1772.] Thomas Maxwell jr. and Hannah Emery.
Aug. 17, [1772.] Thos. Gookins and Jane Welch, he of Frenchman's Bay.
Sept. 3, [1772.] George Smith and Deborah Bailey.
Oct. 29, [1772.] Micah Dyer jr. and Sarah Holland.
Nov. 3, [1772.] Dudley Bradstreet and Abigail Webb.
[Nov.] 10, [1772.] Ebenezer Simonton and Jane Maxwell.
[Nov.] 19, [1772.] David Dyer and Sarah Lewis.
Dec. 7, [1772.] Benj. Clark and Sarah Jordan.
[Dec.] 14, [1772.] Daniel Sawyer jr. and Lorania Cushing.
[Dec.] 17, [1772.] William Boswell and Rachel Lee.
[p. 106]Dec. 24, 1772. Jacob Sawyer and Christian White.
Jan. 8, 1773. Patrick Maxwell and Katherine Webb.
Feb. 25, [1773.] Bickford Dyer and Betsey Waterman.
April 18, [1773.] James Key Kelly and Joanna Woodbury.
June 24, [1773.] Samuel Cash jr. and Susannah Eddy.
July 8, [1773.] Samuel Jordan 3d and Abigail Hatch.
[July] 15, [1773.] James Strout and Eunice Dyer.
[July] 29, [1773.] Patrick Irish and Ann Jordan.
Sept. 28, [1773.] John McDonald and Eunice Robinson.
[Sept.] 24, [1773.] Benj. Sawyer and Katherine Marriner.
[Sept.] 28, [1773.] William McIntire and Susannah Simonton, he of Bristol.
Oct. 7, [1773.] Simeon Davis and Jane Wentworth.
[Oct.] 14, [1773.] Joshua Dyer and Mary Sawyer.
[Oct.] 14, [1773.] Joel Sawyer and Elizabeth Stone, he of Gorham.
[Oct.] 21, [1773.] James Webber and Hannah Alden.
Nov. 14, [1773.] Patrick Porterfield and Mary McLellan, he of Georges.
[Nov.] 24, [1773.] Nathaniel Wheeler and Betsey Leach.
[Nov.] 25, [1773.] Cornelius Brinhall and Sarah Crockett, he of Falmouth.
Dec. 12, [1773.] John Bailey and Abigail Delleno, he of Falmouth.
[Dec.] 22, [1773.] Samuel Davis and Hannah Dyer.
Jan. 6, 1774. Asa Dyer and Sarah Simonton.
Feb. 3, [1774.] John Cash and Keziah Strout.
[Feb.] 22, [1774.] Richard Willis and Elizabeth Thrasher, he of Falmouth.
[Feb.] 24, [1774.] Thos. Dellano and Molly Strout, he of Falmouth.
Mar. 10, [1774.] Mose [sic] Jordan and Mary Millett.
[Mar.] 24, [1774.] Richard Strout and Deborah Strout.
April 5, [1774.] Samuel Hewey and Elizabeth Bangs, he of Brunswick.
[April] 13, [1774.] Christopher Strout and Mary Small.
[April] 28, [1774.] Peter Dyer and Sarah Simonton.
June 16, [1774.] Benj. Marston and Ruth Sawyer, he of Falmouth.
[June] 16, [1774.] Thomas McLellan and Hannah Dyer.
July 28, [1774.] Eleazer Strout jr. and Patience Cash.
Aug. 4, [1774.] William Berry and Joanna (Doane ?)
[Aug.] 18, [1774.] John Fickett jr. and Lucy Stanford.
Sept. 14, [1774.] Elisha Small and Deborah Small.
Oct. 20, [1774.] Stephen Randall jr. and Lydia Roberts.
[p. 107]Oct. 25, 1774. Lemuel Jordan and Mary Jordan.
[Oct.] 27, [1774.] Beriah Weston and Lucy Moody.
Nov. 3, [1774.] Stephen Atwood and Joanna Jordan.
[Nov.] 3, [1774.] Joseph Cobb jr. and Christian White.
[Nov.] 10, [1774.] Clement Jordan jr. and Sarah Jordan.
[Nov.] 10, [1774.] Zebulon Whitney and Hannah Stone, he of Gorham.
[Nov.] 17, [1774.] Samuel Boothby and Isabel Maxwell, he of Scarboro.
[Nov.] 20, [1774.] Ezekiel Jordan and Mary Simonton.
Dec. 8, [1774.] Joseph Cummings and Martha Sargent, he of Falmouth.
[Dec.] 12, [1774.] Jacob Sawyer jr. and Sarah Fowler.
[Dec.] 15, [1774.] William Cummings and Ann Jackson.
[Dec.] 28, [1774.] Joseph Parker and Mary Strout.
Jan. 25, 1775. Jonathan Sawyer and Rebecca Parker.
April 20, [1775.] Joseph Weeman and Mary Richards.
June 1, [1775.] John Skinner and Catherine Jordan.
July 5, [1775.] Samuel Sawyer jr. and Hannah Horn.
Aug. 6, [1775.] David Dyer and Tamsin Denison, she of Royalstown.
Nov. 16, [1775.] John Marriner and Hannah Webster.
[Nov.] 26, [1775.] Barnabas Sawyer and Thankful Parker.
Dec. 11, [1775.] Prince Strout and Christian Dyer.
[Dec.] 18, [1775.] William White and Mary Simonton.
[Dec.] 20, [1775.] George Bowey and Rachel Strout.
Jan. 11, 1776. John Mitchell and Sarah Jordan.
[Jan.] 11, [1776.] Robert Stanford jr. and Lydia Horton.
Feb. 11, [1776.] Ebenezer Sawyer and Hannah Small.
[Feb.] 29, [1776.] John Robinson and Martha Jordan.
Mar. 21, [1776.] Reuben Libby and Rebecca Weston.
May 30, [1776.] Edward Small and Margaret Sawyer.
[p. 185]June 12, 1777. David Gammon and Molly Dean, he of Gorham.
[no date given] Nathaniel Hatch and Elizabeth Hatch, he of Gorham.
[June] 26, [1777.] Ephraim Crockett and Rebecca Stanford.
Sept. 7, [1777.] John Morton and Susannah Dyer, he of Gorham.
[Sept.] 18, [1777.] John Mitchell and Mehitable Robinson, he of Wells.
Oct. 16, [1777.] William Roberts and Susannah Randall.
[no date given] Richard Longley and Hannah Yeaton.
[Oct.] 30, [1777.] Nathaniel Garish and Sarah Marriner, he of Royalbgh.
Nov. 23, [1777.] Dominicus Jordan and Mary Cushing.
Jan. 22, 1778. John Fowler and Mary Webster.
Apr. 16, [1778.] Solomon Jordan and Sarah Staples.
[no date given] John Blair and Jenny Miller, he of Falmouth.
[Apr.] 30, [1778.] John Emery and Rachel Cobb.
May 28, [1778.] John Hanscomb and Jane McKenney.
June 25, [1778.] John Skillings and Rebecca Sawyer.
Oct. 29, [1778.] John Marriner and Eunice Strout.
Nov. 1, [1778.] Lieut. Benj. Jordan and Abigail Pebbles.
[Nov.] 3, [1778.] Jedediah Cobb and Abigail Jordan.
Dec. 30, [1778.] Thomas Cummings jr. and Rachel Jackson.
May 12, 1779. Seth Libby and Lydia Jordan, he of Scarboro.
June 3, [1779.] William Mitchell and Jane Jackson, he of Scarboro.
Sept. 9, [1779.] Ezekiel Cushing jr. and Bathsheba Emery, he of Falmouth.
Oct. 10, [1779.] Solomon Sawyer jr. and Phebe Strout, he of Gorham.
Nov. 4, [1779.] Joseph York and Margaret Roberts, he of Royalstown.
[Nov.] 11, [1779.] John Mars and Sarah Jordan, he of Scarboro.
Jan. 27, 1780. Mark Dyer and Martha Dyer.
Feb. 24, [1780.] James Wagg and Dorcas Strout.
Mar. 26, [1780.] Alex'r McLellan and Elizabeth Doughty.
[p. 186]May 28, [1780.] John Cushing and Phebe Parker.
Aug. 6, [1780.] Zebulon Fickett and Sarah Fickett.
[Aug.] 24, [1780.] Samuel Roberts and Hannah Small.
Sept. 7, [1780.] Nathaniel Randall and Abigail Winter.
[Sept.] 14, [1780.] Caleb Dyer and Mary Randall.
Oct. 26, [1780.] Nathl Cash and Lucy Strout, he of Ossipee.
Nov. 20, [1780.] Edward Weston and Esther Warren, he of Scarboro.
[Nov.] 29, [1780.] Capt. Agreen Crabtree and Mary Dyer, he of Falmouth.
Jan. 15, 1781. William Green jr. and Susannah Stanford, he of Falmouth.
Feb. 1, [1781.] William Maxwell and Sarah Bragdon.
[no date given] William Bickford and Eunice Jordan.
[Feb.] 22, [1781.] Isaac Cobb and Deborah Loveitt.
Mar. 8, [1781.] Jeremiah Jordan 3d and Hannah Marrs.
July 19, [1781.] Francis Webster and Sarah Hatch.
Sept. 17, [1781.] Samuel Robinson and Elizabeth Emery.
Oct. 18, [1781.] David Hasty and Susannah Jordan, he of Scarboro.
[no date given] Samuel (Cates) and Bethiah Small.
Nov. 15, [1781.] Austin Alden and Hannah Battle, he of Gorham.
[Nov.] 26, [1781.] Joseph Webber and Elizabeth Strout.
Dec. 17, [1781.] John B. Miller and Betsey Brown, he of Brownfield.
Feb. 14, 1782. Edmund Hagen and Phebe Cushing, he of Scar. (Higgins).
[no date given] Isaac Dyer jr. and Mary Watson.
Mar. 1, [1782.] John Proctor and Mary Sawyer.
[Mar.] 7, [1782.] Ephraim Dyer jr. and Hannah Thorndike.
[Mar.] 26, [1782.] John Jordan 3d and Lucy Jordan.
Apr. 11, [1782.] Clement Jordan Esq. and Sarah Wentworth.
[Apr.] 18, [1782.] Jacob Sawyer and Sarah Hatch.
June 6, [1782.] John Johnson 3d and Eleanor Trickey, he of Falmouth.
[June] 9, [1782.] Capt Lemuel Dyer and Sarah Jones.
July 14, [1782.] Joseph Brown and Mary Stanford, he of Scarboro.
[July] 22, [1782.] John McCaffery and Elizabeth Thorndike.
[July] 30, [1782.] John Surline and Peggy Strout, he of Falmouth.
Aug. 1, [1782.] George Strout jr. and Ruth Strout.
Sept. 1, [1782.] Henry Carver and Mary Dyer.
[Sept.] 26, [1782.] Daniel Brooks and Susanna Dunn, he of Falmouth.
Oct. 24, [1782.] Jacob York and Edey Moody, he of Pearsontown.
[p. 187]Nov. 21, [1782.] John Cummings and Lydia Jones.
Dec. 29, [1782.] Thomas Simonton and Mary Hatch.
Feb. 6, 1783. Noah Jordan jr. and Deborah Jordan.
[no date given] Capt George Strout and Ruth Horton.
[Feb.] 23, [1783.] Josiah Alden and Sarah Robinson, he of Gorham.
Mar. 31, [1783.] Josiah Wallace and Sarah Roberts.
Apr. 15, [1783.] James Joseling and Elizabeth Dyer, he of Gorham.
[Apr.] 17, [1783.] William Fickett and Abigail Fickett.
Aug. 4, [1783.] Job Mitchell and Sarah Standford, he of Scarboro.
Oct. 2, [1783.] Samuel Sawyer and Abigail Dyer.
[Oct.] 6, [1783.] Ephraim Sawyer and Hannah Sawyer.
Nov. 13, [1783.] Lieut. Wm. McKenney and Miriam Jordan.
Dec. 7, [1783.] John Stanford and Elizabeth McCafrey.
[Dec.] 18, [1783.] Ephraim Nason and Eleanor Dam.
[no date given] Nathaniel Abbott and Elizabeth Gammon, he of Falmouth.
Jan. 4, 1784. Edward Hains and Isabel Simonton.
[Jan.] 11, [1784.] William Huston and Rebecca Horton, he of Falmouth.
[Jan.] 15, [1784.] Solomon Larrabee and Lucy Dunn, he of Scarboro.
[Jan.] 29, [1784.] Nathaniel Jordan 4th and Dorothy Jordan.
[no date given] Jonah Austin and Sarah Fairbanks, he of Falmouth.
Feb. 3, [1784.] Nathaniel Jordan 3d and Joanna Sawyer.
[Feb.] 6, [1784.] William Gent and Elizabeth Brown.
[Feb.] 12, [1784.] James Jordan jr. and Elizabeth McKenney.
[Feb.] 17, [1784.] James Noyes and Molly Barton, he of Falmouth.
[Feb.] 19, [1784.] Jabez Dyer and Hannah Jordan.
[Feb.] 29, [1784.] John Short and Sarah Strout.
Apr. 29, [1784.] William Maxwell and Isabel Webster, he of Falmouth.
May 30, [1784.] Barzillai Dillene and Hannah Dyer.
June 29, [1784.] Loring Cushing and Lidia Stanford.
July 22, [1784.] Jonathan Stone and Elizabeth Webster.
Aug. 5, [1784.] Abraham Jordan and Sarah Jackson.
[Aug.] 8, [1784.] Elijah Ward and Mary Harrington, he of Falmouth.
Sept. 23, [1784.] James Turner and Isabel Ranes.
Oct. 10, [1784.] Isaac Jordan and Eunice McDaniel.
[Oct.] 17, [1784.] Ephraim Sawyer and Phebe Dyer.
Nov. 7, [1784.] Clement Pennel and Esther Kinningham, he of Falmouth.
[p. 188]Nov. 7, 1784. David Munro and Susanna Millitt.
[Nov.] 25, [1784.] Lieut. Ebenezer Simonton and Elizabeth Maxwell.
Dec. 19, [1784.] Joshua Elder and Joanna Roberts.
Jan. 23, 1785. William McKenney and Mary Jordan.
[Jan.] 25, [1785.] Capt. Cary McLellan and Mary Strout, he of Gorham, she dau. of Christopher and widow of Joseph Parker.
Feb. 14, [1785.] Christopher Davis and Sarah Sawyer.
Mar. 10, [1785.] James Miller jr. and Mary Robinson.
[Mar.] 13, [1785.] Giles Willard and Dorcas Strout.
Apr. 19, [1785.] Ezekiel Dyer and Betsey Dyer.
[Apr.] 21, [1785.] William Strout and Mary Sawyer.
May 4, [1785.] Stephen Curtis and Martha Curtis, he of Prouts Gore.
[May] 12, [1785.] Benjamin Mitchell and Rachel Fogg.
Sept. 4, [1785.] Capt. Jeremiah Hagerty and Jenny Blair, he of Salem.
[Sept.] 8, [1785.] John White Wallis and Elizabeth Webber.
Nov. 3, [1785.] Isaac Royal and Deborah Dyer, he of No. Yarmouth.
Dec. 22, [1785.] Samuel Dyer jr. and Peggy Eady.
[no date given] Jeremiah Cushing and Mehitable Emery.
Jan. 12, 1786. Capt. William Webb and Joanna Jordan, he of Falmouth.
[Jan.] 26, [1786.] James Webster and Susanna Clark.
[no date given] Azor Roundy and Lydia Thorndike, he of Beverly.
Feb. 9, [1786.] William Allen and Susanna Gammon, he of Falmouth.
Mar. 2, [1786.] William Plumer and Abigail Jordan.
[no date given] Ebenezer Jordan and Sarah McKenney.
May 21, [1786.] Joseph York and Anne Randall.
June 15, [1786.] Israel Dyer and Mary Robinson.
[June] 18, [1786.] George Webster and Abigail Small.
[June] 26, [1786.] Thomas Simonton and Mary Alden.
July 3, [1786.] Ephraim Roberts and Elizabeth Willis.
Aug. 3, [1786.] Benj. Moody jr. and Sarah Richards, he of Falmouth.
Sept. 24, [1786.] Thomas Flint and Sarah Dyer.
Nov. 2, [1786.] Joseph Sawyer jr. and Sarah Dyer.
[Nov.] 19, [1786.] Richard Hunnewell and Anne Wescott, he of Scarboro.
[Nov.] 30, [1786.] John Green and Hannah Skillings.
Dec. 18, [1786.] David Miller and Elizabeth Miller.
[Dec.] 19, [1786.] Robert Thompson and Bersheba Thorndike.
[p. 189]Feb. 8, 1787. Joshua Robinson jr. and Mary Jordan.
[Feb.] 15, [1787.] John Skillings Libby and Rhoda Cummings, he of Scar.
Mar. 11, [1787.] James Babb and Sarah Strout.
[Mar.] 27, [1787.] Capt. Ephraim Dyer and Sarah Stanford.
Apr. 1, [1787.] James Welch and Susannah Deake.
[Apr.] 5, [1787.] Wm. Wentworth Pebbles and Hannah Mitchell.
May 17, [1787.] Jonathan Gammon and Lydia Millett, he of Gorham.
July 15, [1787.] Secomb Jordan and Sarah Robinson.
Sept. 11, [1787.] Thomas Harrow and Rachel Millett.
[Sept.] 13, [1787.] Christopher Stanford and Katherine Newcomb.
Oct. 16, [1787.] Joshua Miller and Anna Simonton.
Nov. 29, [1787.] William Morton and Lydia Strout, he of Gorham.
Dec. 2, [1787.] David Alden jr. and Mary Small.
[Dec.] 31, [1787.] Daniel Robinson and Anna Jordan.
Jan. 1, 1788. Jonathan Ficket jr. and Lydia Cox, he of Falmouth.
[Jan.] 8, [1788.] Mark Rideout and Mary Gammon, he of Brunswick.
Feb. 14, [1788.] Thos. Cushing Strout and Sarah Sawyer.
Mar. 20, [1788.] Thomas Rand and Abigail Dyer.
Apr. 13, [1788.] George Leach and Katherine Wheeler.
May 3, [1788.] Daniel Davis and Elizabeth Simonton.
Aug. 31, [1788.] Richard Mitchell and Eleanor Webster.
Sept. 14, [1788.] Jethro Libby jr. and Letis Wescott, he of Scarboro.
Nov. 21, [1788.] Isaac Turner and Molly Hanscom, he of Royalsboro.
[no date given] Wilmot Wass 3d and Wealthy Dyer.
[Nov.] 26, [1788.] Robert Plumer and Ruth Hatch.
Dec. 4, [1788.] Samuel Robinson jr. and Katherine Clark.
Dec. 23, [1788.] Capt Jacob Small and Sarah York, he of Ossipee.
Jan. 11, 1789. Edmund March and Jane Green Woodbury, he of Falmouth.
[Jan.] 29, [1789.] Ebenezer Doan jr. and Iranna Millett.
Feb. 15, [1789.] Benjamin Thomas and Molly Nason, he of Falmouth.
Apr. 6, [1789.] Jacob Bradbury esq., and Katherine Morris, he of Buxton.
May 14, [1789.] Capt. Benjamin Randall and Sarah Jones.
[May] 21, [1789.] Jacob Waterhouse jr. and Lydia Small.
[May] 28, [1789.] William Collomore and Hannah Brown.
June 4, [1789.] Benj. Small and Anna Small.
[June] 14, [1789.] London and Anna (Negros).
[p. 190]Aug. 18, 1789. Capt. Reuben Sawyer and Deborah Small.
[Aug.] 31, [1789.] Charles McKenney and Lurana Richards.
Sept. 10, [1789.] Foster Wentworth and Katherine Jordan.
Nov. 8, [1789.] John Sweetsir and Hannah Wescott, he of Portland.
Dec. 10, [1789.] Daniel Hanscom and Mary Dam, he of Scarboro.
Dec. 28, [1789.] Jesse Willard and Mary Dyer.
Jan. 1, 1790. Ephraim Gent and Sarah Strout.
[Jan.] 24, [1790.] John Weman Jordan and Margaret Pebbles.
[Jan.] 28, [1790.] Elisha Jordan and Mary Armstrong.
Feb. 28, [1790.] John Fogg and Rachel McKenney.
Mar. 4, [1790.] Capt. Matthew Simonton and Mary Jordan.
[Mar.] 17, [1790.] James Small and Peggy Dyer, he of Raymondtown.
Apr. 1, [1790.] Joshua Gammon and Joanna Dyer.
June 17, [1790.] Edward Small jr. and Sarah Small.
Aug. 12, [1790.] William Dyer and Thankful Higgins.
[Aug.] 24, [1790.] Isaac Small and Susanna Sawyer.
Oct. 21, [1790.] Isaac Fickett and Mary Dyer.
Nov. 7, [1790.] John Richards and Abigail Dyer.
[Nov.] 21, [1790.] Vincent Roberts and Sarah Sawyer.
Dec. 7, [1790.] Edward Webb and Sarah Thorndike.
[Dec.] 19, [1790.] Joshua Woodbury Stanford and Sarah Webb (Should be Samuel W. Stanford).
Feb. 23, 1791. John Brown and Rachel Bailey, he of Scarboro.
Mar. 6, [1791.] Capt. Jabez Dyer and Lydia Leach.
[Mar.] 31, [1791.] Henry Dyer jr. and Catherine Stanford.
Apr. 14, [1791.] Samuel Crockett and Abigail Skillin.
Aug. 7, [1791.] Moral oordan [sic] and Anna Jordan.
[Aug.] 9, [1791.] Walter Simonton and Lucy Sawyer.
[Aug.] 30, [1791.] Thomas Delane and Abigail Marriner.
Sept. 15, [1791.] Capt. Joshua Dunn and Rebecca Jones, he of Gorham.
Oct. 13, [1791.] Elisha Brown and Hannah Battle Cash.
[Oct.] 16, [1791.] Charles Pebbles and Anna Mitchell.
Nov. 6, [1791.] Daniel Collins and Ruth Maxwell.
[Nov.] 10, [1791.] Boston Jackson and Hager George, he of Scarboro.
[Nov.] 17, [1791.] Thomas Brown and Mary Strout.
[Nov.] 21, [1791.] Enoch Jordan and Elizabeth McDaniel.
[p. 191]Nov. 22, 1791. Levi Dyer and Elizabeth Starbird, he of Gorham.
Jan. 12, 1792. Ezekiel Dyer and Susanna Simonton.
[Jan.] 29, [1792.] Benj. Thorndike and Priscilla Woodbury.
Mar. 11, [1792.] Gilbert Strout and Mary Horton, he of Ossipee.
July 8, [1792.] George Fernall and Sarah Short.
[July] 24, [1792.] Randall Johnston and Miriam Skillings, he of Falmouth.
Aug. 2, [1792.] Samuell Fickett and Hannah Dyer.
[Aug.] 12, [1792.] Jonah Stanford and Catherine Webster.
[Aug.] 19, [1792.] George Trundy and Christian Thorndike.
[Aug.] 26, [1792.] Nathaniel Freeman and Isabel Dyer.
[Aug.] 29, [1792.] John Alden and Mehitable Webb.
Sept. 19, [1792.] Mathew Jordan and Eleanor Lord.
[Sept.] 30, [1792.] Charles Staples and Prudence Small.
Oct. 21, [1792.] Thomas Johnson and Eunice Skillings, he of Falmouth.
Nov. 22, [1792.] Daniel Braman and Catherine Maxwell.
[Nov.] 29, [1792.] Edward Skillings and Susanna Trickey, he of Scarboro.
Dec. 16, [1792.] John Simonton and Iranna Woodbury.
Jan. 27, 1793. Reuben Morton and Mercy Dyer, he of Gorham.
Feb. 7, [1793.] James Maxwell and Jenney McKenney.
Mar. 21, [1793.] John Libby and Phebe Jordan, he of Limington.
[Mar.] 28, [1793.] Patrick Roach and Polly Mayo, he of Portland.
Apr. 4, [1793.] William Ray and Abigail Thomas.
May 10, [1793.] Joseph Clark and Patte Sawyer.
[May] 19, [1793.] William Babb and Elizabeth Wescott.
July 7, [1793.] Thomas Skelton and Miriam Mitchell.
[no date given] Elisha Strout and Lucy Dyer.
Sept. 2, [1793.] Nathaniel Jordan 4th and Mary Jordan.
Oct. 31, [1793.] William Tobey and Elizabeth Dyer.
Nov. 26, [1793.] Richard Done and Mary Randall.
Dec. 12, [1793.] Edward Skilling Libby and Sarah Dunn.
[Dec.] 17, [1793.] Jacob Stanford and Sarah Thomas.
[Dec.] 19, [1793.] Samuel Scolly Wentworth and Hepzebeth Hanscom.
[no date given] Joshua Robinson and Catherine Maxwell.
[no date given] William Thomas and Eunice Robinson.
[Dec.] 25, [1793.] John Henderson and Barsheba Alden.
[Dec.] 26, [1793.] Thomas Pennell Sawyer and Masey Cobb.
[p. 192]Feb. 20, 1794. William Jordan and Sarah Beal.
Mar. 27, [1794.] Nathaniel Dyer jr. and Abigail Higgins.
[Mar.] 30, [1794.] John Prout and Abigail Jordan, he of Scarboro.
May 1, [1794.] Isaac Blake and Patience Sawyer, he of New Gloucester.
[May] 25, [1794.] William Higgins and Catherine Thorndike.
June 5, [1794.] Stephen Kelly and Jerusha Dyer, he of Portland.
June 12, [1794.] Barzillai Delano and Hannah Marriner.
July 24, [1794.] John Brown and Rachel Sawyer.
Sept. 4, [1794.] Benjamin Dyer and Elizabeth Amstrong, he of Brunswick.
[Sept.] 7, [1794.] Capt Ebenezer Webster and Deborah Elder.
Oct. 2, [1794.] Silvanus Higgins and Betsey Small.
Nov. 5, [1794.] Braddock Palmer and Elizabeth Libby.
[Nov.] 20, [1794.] Theophilus Simonton Thomas and Eliz Stanford.
[Nov.] 27, [1794.] Jonathan Mitchell jr. and Sarah Robinson.
Dec. 7, [1794.] Robert Mitchell and Lydia Wheeler.
[Dec.] 25, [1794.] Broadstreet Bordman and Thankful Sawyer.
Mar. 12, 1795. Capt Bildad Arnold and Sarah Jordan, he of New Gloucester.
Apr. 7, [1795.] Heart Peake and Polly Thomas.
May 3, [1795.] William Graham and Anna Simonton.
June 8, [1795.] John Strout 3d and Rebecca Strout, he of Limington.
[June] 28, [1795.] Eleazer Higgins and Susannah Dyer.
July 9, [1795.] Capt. Israel Jordan and Hannah Deake, he of Thomaston.
Oct. 8, [1795.] Joseph Gammon and Abigail Small.
Nov. 17, [1795.] Samuel Wright and Mary Miller.
[Nov.] 19, [1795.] Joseph Strout and Isabel Fickett, he of Naraguagus.
Dec. 24, [1795.] Benjamin Fickett and Sarah Stanford.
Jan., 1796. Theophilus Dyer and Hannah Miller.
[Jan.] 17, [1796.] Joshua Jordan and Abigail Jordan, he of Bowdoin.
Mar. 3, [1796.] Edsel Bates and Rachel Hurst, he of No. Yarmouth.
Apr. 6, [1796.] John Yeaton jr. and Deborah Waterhouse, he of Steuben.
[Apr.] 28, [1796.] Nathaniel Skillings and Deborah Roberts.
May 26, [1796.] John Richardson and Lydia Libby, he of Falmouth.
June 12, [1796.] Lemuel Cobb and Abigail Strout.
[June] 21, [1796.] Timothy Jordan and Jenny Hagerty.
July 3, [1796.] Joseph Parker and Christian Woodbury.
[July] 10, [1796.] John Brooks jr. and Anna Wheeler, he of Falmouth.
[p. 193]Nov. 1, [1796.] Richard Strout and Ruth Strout, he of Limington.
[Nov.] 10, [1796.] Asa Shaw and Phebe Sawyer, he of Portland.
[Nov.] 13, [1796.] Elias Staten and Keziah Atwood, he of Durham.
Dec. 6, [1796.] Joseph Rannall and Hannah Small.
Feb. 1, 1797. Ezekiel Cushing and Thankful Woodbury, he of Portland.
Mar. 5, [1797.] Stephen Robinson and Catherine Sawyer.
May 18, [1797.] Richard Crockett and Elizabeth Magenry, she of Portland.
[May] 21, [1797.] Joseph Dilane and Eunice Miller.
June 4, [1797.] Jonathan Jordan jr. and Abigail McKenny.
[June] 29, [1797.] Asa York and Mary Reves.
July 30, [1797.] David Allen and Lydia Elwell, she of Gloucester.
Aug. 27, [1797.] John Hunt and Betsey McCreight.
Oct. 1, [1797.] John Jones jr. and Lydia Wescott, he of Scarboro.
[Oct.] 4, [1797.] Joshua Woodbury and Peggy Strout.
[Oct.] 26, [1797.] Nathan Ward and Isabella Jordan, he of Gorham.
[Oct.] 30, [1797.] Ebenezer Dyer and Bully Richards (Beulah?).
Nov. 12, [1797.] James Strout and Anna Cobb.