Source: Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vol. 2 (Portland, Me.: S.M. Watson, 1885).
Punctuation has in some places been standardized.
Copied for the Recorder from the Records of the Congregational Church, by Edwin Emery.
Aug. 3, Jonathan Welch and Martha Emery.
Sept. 17, George Bean and Molly Daviss, both of Massabesic.
[Sept.] 21, Francis Morrison and Betty Welch.
Nov. 5, David Low and Ruth Clay.
[Nov.] 12, Joseph Bean and Charity Tebbetts.
March 1, Daniel Ross, of Wells, and Sarah White, of Sanford, North Parish.
[March] 8, Eliphalet Taylor and Martha Lord.
[March] 11, Moses Frost and Lucy Gatchel.
[March] 13, Ebenezer Morrison and Susanna Stanley.
April 12, Ebenezer Moore and Meribah Spears.
[April 12,] Israel Spears and Sarah Glass.
Aug. 11, Charles Annis and Eleanor Morrison.
Oct. 4, Dodipher Ricker and Hannah Whitney.
Nov. 15, Benjamin Pugsley and Martha Day.
[Nov. 15,] Samuel Shackford and Eunice Day.
[Nov. 15,] William Day jr. and Betsey Sawyer.
Jan. 8, Joshua Conant and Deliverance Gyle.
March 2, Jonathan Eastes and Olive Littlefield.
[March] 13, John Trafton and Mary Sayward.
May 8, John Noble and Lois Moore.
June 15, Ephraim Low Jr., of Sanford, and Esther Lewis of Berwick.
July 3, Samuel Tweed and Ruth Clay.
[July] 6, James Whitton, of Arundel, and Sarah Whitton, of Sanford.
Oct. 9, John Scribner and Sarah Marshal.
Nov. 20, John Stanley and Jerutia Horn.
Dec. 28, Salathiel Penny and Martha Grant.
Jane. 29, Frost Gare and Sarah Clay.
[p. 57]Jan. 29, Josiah Paul jr. and Huldah Gare.
Feb. 8, Naphtali Harmon and Mehitabel Harmon.
March 9, Stephen Penny and Lydia Welch.
April 2, Stephen Day and Dorothy Day.
[April] 19, Stephen Littlefield and Eunice Wakefield.
May 17, Samuel White and Elizabeth Noble.
Aug. 20, Ezra Fluent and Hypsibah Ramond, both of Coxhall.
Dec. 10, Jonathan Baston, of Sanford, and Mehitabel Weston, of Coxhall.
Jan. 19, Samuel Ricker and Susanna Jewett.
Mar. 11, Reuben Morrel and Mary Tripe.
April 17, Stephen Libby, of Shapleigh, and Sally Butler, of Sanford.
May 6, Isaac Thompson and Mehitabel Chadbourn.
June 20, David Bean jr. and Dorcas Lewis.
Aug. 1, Daniel Huzzy and Lovy Tibbets.
[Aug.] 8, Simon Nudd, of Wakefield, N. H., and Mary Marshal, of Sanford.
Sept. 9, Joshua Brooks jr., of Wells, and Elizabeth Gatchel, of Sanford.
Oct. 14, Samuel Horn and Sarah Cram.
[Oct.] 18, William Trickey and Mary Ricker.
[Oct.] 19, Jeremiah Storer jr., of Wells, and Dorothy Willard, of Sanford.
Dec. 28, John Friend and Lucy Taylor.
Feb. 3, Nathaniel Butler and Tabitha Joy.
Mar. 22, Napthali Harmon 3d and Mary Nasson.
[Mar.] 24, Benjamin Trafton and Catherine Lewis.
April 7, John Linscot and Ruth Eastes.
July 5, Daniel Heard, of Wells, and Elizabeth Paul, of Sanford.
Nov. 17, Edward Tibbetts and Hannah Moulton.
[Nov.] 27, Jesse Colcord and Susanna Nasson.
Dec. 11, Evat Willard and Hannah Thompson.
[Dec.] 15, Josiah Perkins and Eda Penney.
March 8, Hezekiah Wakefield jr. and Tabitha Littlefield.
[March] 12, William Heard, of Berwick, and Bridget Butler, of Sanford.
[March] 15, John Paul and Dorcas Gare.
June 28, John Thompson jr. and Elizabeth Smith.
[p. 58]Aug. 5, Joseph Bedal and Sarah Bean.
Oct. 7, William Johnson and Hannah Bennett.
[Oct.] 28, Stephen Merrill and Elizabeth Gowen.
Nov. 29, Daviss Eastes and Eleanor Wakefield.
April 21, Amos Hatch and Eunice Butler.
July 25, Joseph Stanley, of Shapleigh, and Elizabeth Parsons, of Sanford.
Aug. 22, Samuel Dickson and Olive Stanley.
Nov. 7, Jesse Thompson and Betsey Heard.
[Nov.] 14, Samuel Merrill and Miriam Rankins.
Mar. 22, George Tripe and Lowis Shapleigh.
April 1, James Daviss jr. and Phebe Gatchel.
[April] 6, Jesse Colcord and Betsey Emery.
July 6, Jonathan Littlefield and Lydia Huston.
[July] 17, William Hodgdon and Olive Paul.
Sept. 14, William Gowen and Abigail Moore.
Oct. 16, David Bean jr. and Mary Moulton.
[Oct.] 23, Joshua Goodwin, of Alfred, and Lucy Powers, of Sanford.
Nov. 20, James Lewis and Betsey Clay.
[Nov. 20,] Jeremiah Witham and Margaret Littlefield.
Dec. 4, Benjamin Horson and Olive Ricker.
Aug. 6, Ebenezer Gare and Ruth Gowen.
Sept. 9, Jedediah Bean and Mary Thursting.
Jan. 14, Thomas Merrill and Olive Joy.
[Jan.] 28, James Allen and Hannah Heard.
Mar. 17, George Lord, of Alfred, and Priscilla Harmon, of Sanford.
May 1, Arthur Bragdon and Margaret Hodgdon.
June 9, John Thompson 3d and Priscilla Baston.
[June] 12, John Huston jr. and Sarah Eastes.
Dec. 8, Richard Walker Hatch, of Wells, and Lydia Witham, of Sanford.
Jan. 25, Joseph Littlefield jr. and Hannah Welch.
Feb. 26, Thomas Willard and Else Powers.
[p. 108]Mar. 12, John Willard and Susanna Hatch.
April 4, Nehemiah Littlefield and Sarah Morrison.
Oct. 8, Samuel Dearing and Mercy Ricker.
Nov. 9, Jeremiah Moulton, of Sanford, and Martha Friend, of Alfred, resident in Sanford.
Jan. 25, John Chadbourn and Seviah Littlefield.
April 17, William Ham jr., of Shapleigh, and Esther Meldrene, of Sanford.
May 29, Abraham Huston and Sarah Littlefield.
July 1, Ghee H. Nasson and Phebe Littlefield.
Aug. 12, George Chapman and Olive Gare.
[Aug.] 30, Joshua Tibbetts and Ruth Frost.
Nov. 1, Jonathan Horn, of Shapleigh, and Abra Heard, of Sanford.
Nov. 27, Isaac Witham and Elizabeth Day.
[Nov.] 28, John Neal, of Berwick, and Mary Furbush, of Sanford.
Dec. 19, Robert Cousins, of Wells, and Jerusha Littlefield, of Sanford.
March 6, Joshua Cole and Olive Low.
[March] 9, Jeremiah Shaw and Abigail Low.
July 13, Joseph Abbot jr., of Berwick, and Susanna Gatchel, of Sanford.
Oct. 30, Abraham Perkins, of Berwick, and Hannah Tripe, of Sanford.
Nov. 6, Lieut. Rufus Bennett and Anna Batchelder.
[Nov.] 20, Samuel Shakley, of Shapleigh, and Marcy Morrison, of Sanford.
[Nov.] 27, Samuel Hane jr., of Shapleigh, and Polley Welch, of Sanford.
Mar. 17, John Bean and Lydia Thurston.
April 8, Robert Johnson and Lucy Tripe.
June 14, Joseph Paul and Mary Thompson.
[p. 109]Sept. 6, Richard Willard and Lois Thompson.
[Sept.] David Whidden and Meribah Linscot.
Oct. 22, Philip Hall, of Berwick, and Joanna Nasson, of Sanford.
Dec. 10, John Crane jr. and Mary Whidden.
Feb. 21, Caleb Emery, Esq., and Betty Emery.
Nov. 25, Joseph Harmon Frost, resident in Sanford, and Polly Paul, of Sanford.
Dec. 15, Amos Maddox, of Wells, and Eunice Day, of Sanford.
[Dec.] 30, Timothy Gowen and Abigail Shaw.
March 16, Henry Knox, of Waterborough, and Polly Hodgdon, of Sanford.
April 8, Elisha Allen and Harriot Nasson.
July 8, David Welch jr., of Sanford, and Olive Nasson, of Alfred.
[July] 15, Levi Ricker and Rebekah Merrifield.
Sept. 27, Jacob Merrifield and Lucy Ricker.
June 11, Daniel Young and Sarah Witham.
[June] 16, Benjamin Willard and Sarah Hamilton.
Aug. 18, George Ricker and Polly Welch.
Sept. 13, Moody Pillsbury, of Buckstown in the County of Hancock, and Abigail R. Moulton, of Sanford in the County of York.
Oct. 17, William Russel and Anna Perkins.
Dec. 1, Jotham Johnson and Mehetable Stanley.
[Dec.] 31, John Baston, of Brownfield, and Olive Witham, of Sanford.
July 14, William Thomson jr., of Shapleigh, and Olive Cousins, of Sanford.
Nov. 20, Jonathan Shepherd and Mary Frost.
March 22, Jospeh Roberts 3d, of Lyman, and Joanna Bean, of Sanford.
July 19, Dominicus Lord, of Shapleigh, and Hannah Prigsley, of Sanford.
Aug. 23, John McIntire and Polly Batchelder.
[Aug.] 23, John Pugsley and Eunice Pugsley.
Sept. 9, Moses Tibbetts and Hannah Stanley.
Oct. 29, John James, of Shapleigh, and Polly Ricker, of Sanford.
Nov. 15, Ithamar Littlefield and Mary Cane.
[p. 110]Nov. 26, Timothy Shaw and Lucy Low.
Dec. 3, John Witham and Polly Gatchel.
March 7, Isaac Witham and Dorcas Tredwell.
[March] 17, Jotham Gatchel and Ruth Perkins.
June 12, James Wilkerson and Sally Thompson.
[June] 23, Abraham Lord, of Shapleigh, and Betsey Cate, of Sanford.
Nov. 20, Jacob Stanley, of Shapleigh, and Keziah Tripe, of Sanford.
[Nov.] 30, Capt. John S. Crane and Jerutia Hale.
Dec. 4, Caleb Willard and Sally Tripe.
Jan. 17, Samuel Batchelder and Sally Moulton.
June 1, Thomas Hobbs and Lovey Perey.
Oct. 5, Timothy Downs, of Shapleigh, and Olive Hastey, of Sanford.
Nov. 16, Homer Sweat and Isabella Shaw.
Dec. 14, Nathaniel Quint and Betsey Wise.
March 1, Samuel Paul and Mary Quint.
[March] 15, Richard Ricker and Sally Young.
April 12, James Staples and Hannah Ricker.
June 7, Samuel R. Hutchins, of Wakefield, N. H., and Abigail Gare, of Sanford.
Aug. 16, Jospeh Hill jr. and Olive Beal.
Oct. 25, Woodman Beal and Anna Chadbourn.
Jan. 27, James Wormwood jr., of Cornish, and Mehetabel Gare, of Sanford.
April 4, Nehemiah Anniss and Levina Hobbs.
May 19, Levi Willard, of Alfred, and Susanna Hatch, of Sanford.
Oct. 27, John Rounds, of Baldwin, and Dorcas Low, of Sanford.
Nov. 7, Doctor Bennett and Nancy Bennett.
[Nov.] 28, Joshua Batchelder jr. and Martha Thompson.
March 26, David Perkins jr. and Lydia Taylor.
June 4, Roswell Phillips, of Wells, and Lydia Brooks, of Sanford.
July 5, Daniel Holmes and Marcy Day, both of Alfred.
Nov. 5, John Plummer and Phebe Hobbs.
Jan. 7, William Moulton and Abigail Crane.
Feb. 17, Thomas Nasson and Sally Frost.
[p. 111]April 21, Enoch Stanley and Fanny Thompson.
June 20, Joseph Anniss and Eleanor Littlefield.
Sept. 13, Jedediah Gillison and Betsey Knight, both of Alfred.
[Sept.] 19, Ebenezer Walker, of Brownfield, and Eunice Hobbs, of Sanford.
Oct. 24, Ephraim Stanley, of Shapleigh, and Eunice Tripe, of Sanford.
May 26, Richard Finnix, of Alfred, and Abigail Maxwell, of Sanford.
July 10, Lieut. Ephraim Low jr. and Hannah Cane.
Aug. 28, Capt. John Powers jr. and Mary Frost.
Nov. 24, Adriel Welch and Dotia Wadleigh.
June 11, John Pierce jr., of Hiram, and Ruth Powers, of Sanford.
July 20, George Murray, of Lebanon, and Dorcas Bean, of Sanford.
Aug. 6, Moses Linscott and Lois Thompson.
Nov. 16, Abial Hall jr., of Alfred, and Betsey Frost, of Sanford.
[Nov.] 30, Abel Jellison, of Waterborough, and Polly Bean, of Sanford.
Feb. 1, Jeremiah Moulton and Hannah Hobbs.
March 3, George Gowen and Hannah Shaw.
May 30, Daniel Russell and Betsey Perkins.
Oct. 20, Joseph Bennett and Abigail Batchelder.
March 27, John Batchelder and Betsey Thompson.
June 22, Jeremiah Moulton jr. and Hannah Sweat.
Aug. 28, Noah Taylor and Sarah Morrison.
Nov. 2, James Furbush and Sarah Sweat.
Dec. 4, Joseph Drown, of Lyman, and Margery Tripe.
[Dec.] 18, Jacob Morrison and Lucy Bean.
Jan. 22, Morgan Lewis, of Alfred, and Abigail Moulton, of Sanford.
June 11, William Frost jr., of Sanford, and Mary L. Cutts, of Berwick.
June 10, Samuel Bean and Sally Witham.
April 13, David Bennett jr. and Susanna Jacobs.
June 15, Philip Bussel, of Wells, and Edner Witham, of Sanford.
Sept. 28, William Smith, of York, and Rhoda Shaw, of Sanford.
[p. 112]Oct. 29, Joseph Young and Rhoda Thompson.
Nov. 9, John Heard jr., of Berwick, and Paulina Parsons, of Sanford.
Jan. 31, Joseph Jacobs and Keziah Thompson.