Source: Charles Foster Whitman, A history of Norway, Maine: from the earliest settlement to the close of the year 1922 (Lewiston, Me.: Lewiston Journal Printshop and Bindery, 1924).
The following deaths are taken from that section of Whitman's History of Norway called "Annals from 1826 to 1875." I have included only those deaths which occurred after 1852. For earlier deaths, see Mercy A. Whitman's record of deaths, which was Whitman's source, and Deaths in Norway, 1789-1819.
[p. 154]1853Deaths: Jan. 31, Daniel Knight, a soldier in the Revolution, aged 93; Sept. 29, Franklin Manning, 45; Jonathan B. Smith, 53; Austin Buck, 72; Nov. 24, in Michigan, James Bickford, 84.
1854Deaths: May 6, Mrs. Nancy Mixer, 72; July 4, Stephen Greenleaf, 75; Aug., Darius Holt, the last of the Rev. soldiers who settled in Norway, aged 89.
1855Deaths: Feb. 23, Titus O. Brown, 90; Aug. 22, Eben Hobbs, 65.
[p. 155]1856The notable death this year was that of Dea. John Horr at nearly 90.
1857Deaths of old people: Nov. 1, Daniel Town, 70; November 13, Amos Ordway, 83; Dec. 18, Solomon Millett, 88.
1858Deaths: Jan. 5, Charlotte (Churchill) Barrows, 90; March 26, Esther Bartlett, 83; Oct., Phebe Pratt, 63; Dec. 28, Simon Noble, 61.
1859Jonathan S. Millett, who was returning home from the gold diggings in California, died on the passage to New York, at the age of 31.
Deaths: Jan. 7, Henry Hayden, 72; Aug. 1, Mrs. Sarah D. (Penley) Crockett, 40; Sept., Lewis Crockett, 64; Dec. 6, Wm. Clark Whitney, 94.
1860Deaths: Feb. 8, Mercy P. Jordan, 76; [no date given] James M. Buck, 76; March 23, James Flint, 82.
1861John S. Henley, born in Norway, a grandson of John Henley the pioneer, died at the Relay House, Md., Dec. 8, at the age of 23. He was a soldier in the Norway Co. G, 10th Maine, from Otisfield.
[p. 156]1862Deaths: March 10, Simeon Noble, 71; March 19, George W. Verrill, 51.
1863Deaths: March 9, Isaac Bolster, 66; April 22, John Bird, 88; June 3, Henry Rust, 80; July 15, William Pingree, 75; Dec. 4, Olive Stevens, 91; Dec. 31, James P. Shedd, born in Norway, Co. C, 5th Maine, on quota of Greenwood, 27.
1864[No deaths listed.]
1865[No deaths listed.]
[p. 157]1866Charles Thompson, who was a brother-in-law of and served in the Union Army with Gen. George L. Beal, died here Oct. 5, at the age of 29.
1867[No deaths listed.]
[p. 158]1868Mrs. Lucinda Judkins died Nov. 28, aged 95.
1869Deaths: Feb. 28, Maj. Henry W. Millett, postmaster, about 70; Aug. 13, Miss Joanna Pike, 81; Oct. 3, Dr. Willard C. George, 57; Oct. 31, Jeremiah Hobbs, son of Amos Hobbs, the pioneer, at 85.
1870[No deaths listed.]
1871Notable deaths this year were those of Horatio G. Cole, Aug. 29, at the age of 69, and Ezra F. Beal, Dec. 19, in his 75th year.
Other deaths were: May 14, Peter Kimball, 78; Aug. 26, John Needham of Bethel, 80; Sept. 27, Joshua Damon, 87.
[p. 159]1872George J. Ordway, a former Norway resident, died in Boston, Mass., Oct. 12, at 61. His remains were brought here for burial.
Other deaths: June 16, Solomon Millett, 79; Aug., Widow Lydia (Chase) Barton, in Minneapolis, Minn.; Dec. 1, John Witt, 80.
1873[No deaths listed.]
1874[No deaths listed.]
1875[No deaths listed.]