Source: Charles Foster Whitman, A history of Norway, Maine: from the earliest settlement to the close of the year 1922 (Lewiston, Me.: Lewiston Journal Printshop and Bindery, 1924).
The following deaths are taken from that section of Whitman's History of Norway called "Annals from 1875 to 1901"—which in truth runs from the beginning of 1876 to the end of 1900.
[p. 189]1876Wm. E. Goodenow died in Manhattan, Kan., July 19.
1877An epidemic of diphtheria raged in North Norway in the winter, and there were several fatal cases among the children.
Henry Howe committed suicide in April and Otis Bosworth in May.
George C. Winslow died suddenly Oct. 9th, as did also, Oct. 29th, Mr. Wm. W. Berry, and old gentleman.
Geo. L. Farnum, a promising young attorney and a Civil War soldier, died June 19th.
1878Mr. Sumner Burnham died from apoplexy, June 19th.
A. Oscar Noyes, one of the most popluar men in town, died Oct. 13th.
1879Mr. Micah Upton died May 7th, in his 98th year, and Mrs. Sarah G. Hobbs, Nov. 16th, at nearly 90 years of age.
[p. 190]1880Wm. W. D. S. Millett, the popular stage driver, died Dec. 19th. He was born in 1812.
Mighill Mason died Nov. 5th, at 60.
1882Alvah Black, born in December, 1817, who, with Mr. C. E. Holt was practicing law here, died at his home on Paris Hill in January, and Wm. Frost, 3rd President of the National Bank, in April, aged 70.
[p. 191]1885Deaths: Silas Shedd, May 2d, the oldest person in town (about 90)—four generations of his descendants attended the funeral; Rodolphus Young, July 16th, 55, Mrs. Aurelia Pierce, Aug. 11, at 68, Israel D. Millett, Aug. 23rd, 60, Mrs. Margery F. (Bray) Brooks, Aug. 31, at 67, Dorothy S. (Reed) Millett at Portland, 79, and on the same day, John S. Shedd at 87.
1887A sad drowning accident occurred on Moose Pond, Otisfield, Oct. 6. Three Norway young men, John O. Hatch aged 18, Mark Lamrock aged 17, and Charles Judkins about the same age, were fishing for pickerel in a canvas boat; seeing a duck they all rose in the boat and fired at it. This overturned the boat and threw them into the water. Judkins managed to swim ashore, the other two were drowned. Young Hatch was a sergeant in the military company.
Ellison Gary committed suicide at Mrs. Alice Rolfe's, Nov. 2, aged about 40.
[p. 192]Among the deaths were Thomas G. Brooks, Jan. 18, 74 yrs. 4 mos. and 11 days; in Durham, Jan. 19, Wm. B. Bennett, 76, and his wife, Mary G. Bennett, aged 62; Amos T. Holt, Jan. 2, from injuries received from fall in his barn near Norway Center, 27; William Knight, March 17, nearly 71 (born on Moses Parsons' place, May 9, 1816); Alice S. (Burnham) Fuller; Frank H. Hale, May 27, 52; he was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion; Hiram H. Hathaway, June 3, 64; Mary (Witt) Brown, May 31, 40; Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., the author, at Hyde Park, Mass., July 20, 64; Mrs. Henry Blake, who was living then at Mrs. Edwin A. Morse's near Crockett Ridge, died Oct. 1, at 88; Oct. 29, Ceylon Watson, 61 yrs. 5 mos.; Cyprian Hobbs, Nov. 8, 83; Lizzie Shackley, Nov. 21,
[p. 193]38; Belle L. Reed, Nov. 28, 34; John Oxnard at Portland, Dec. 11, 92; Walter S. Abbott, Dec. 23, 43; Dr. Calvin E. Evans, Dec. 30, 48.
1888Deaths: Rev. Dr. John March Mitchell died in Portland, April 18, 68. He was born in Norway, Oct. 2, 1820. In early youth he moved with his family to North Yarmouth, where they formerly lived. He graduated at Bowdoin in 1843, and went South to teach. Entering the ministry, he was ordained as rector of the Episcopal Church society in Montgomery, Ala., and Savannah, Ga. The degree D. D. was conferred upon him by William and Mary College of Virginia. After the war he traveled in Europe with his second wife, Mattie, daughter of Judge Christian of Virginia, and in 1867 settled in Portland. His first wife was Susan E. Cobb of Alabama, daughter of Bishop Cobb, whom he married in 1851. He had one son, Elliott C. Mitchell, by second wife.—Mrs. Lydia Young, mother of Rodolphus Young, died at St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 20, at 96.—Mrs. Dorothy S. Parsons at Geneseo, Ill., Jan. 18, 89. She was the widow of Gen. Wm. Parsons.—Melvin Elon Howe, Feb. 15,killed on B. & O. R. R. in West Va., 43; Robert Noyes, March 14, 77; Mrs. Susan Woodbridge, March 16, 97 nearly; she was the daughter of Nathaniel Stevens—the early settler. Her daughter, Rebecca C., died the same day in her 55th year.—The remains of Mrs. Lydia (Prince) Young, second wife of Daniel Young the first hatter in Norway Village, were brought to Norway from St. Johnsbury, Vt., and buried in Rustfield cemetery beside her husband. She had died at the great age of 95. He had died in 1846; Wm. Young, June 9, 93, the oldest man in town;
[p. 194]Mrs. Marcellus Whitcomb, July 1, 51; Ella (Haskell) Cummings, July 9, 28; Anthony Bennett, Aug. 13, at Bath, 87; remains interred in Rustfield cemetery; Isaac Hicks, Aug. 19, "aged about 72;" Mrs. Elva Chase, Sept. 6, 76; David R. Holden, Sept. 25, nearly 79; Daniel Bennett, Nov. 10, 73; Mrs. Fanny O. G. Hobbs, Dec. 14, 84; Mrs. Anne L., wife of Morrill N. Packard, Esq., at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 3, "aged 29."
1889Arthur F. French died at Denver, Colorado, Oct. 11, at the age of 29. He went West about three years before, for his health. He tried Colorado Springs, Colorado, and California, but did not improve. He started for home with his brother, Eugene O., but got no farther than Denver, where he passed away. His remains were brought to Norway for burial. He was one of the finest young men ever born in Norway.
Deaths: Jan. 5, Abner B. Chase, 69; Jan. 15, Nellie May Devine, 16 years 6 mos.; Jan. 16, Mrs. Mary Noble, 86; Jan. 27, Ada V. (Haskell) Smith, 30 years 8 mos.; Jan. 29, Benj. Huntington, 68; Feb. 17, Pleamon Holt, 77; March 16, Miss Mattie F. Brooks, "42 years 4 mos.;" Apr. 3, Samuel L. Crockett, 35 years 5 mos.; Mar. 28, Jacob Herrick, 83; April 6, Seba Gammon, 82 years 2 mos.; same day, Enoch Merrill, 82; Mrs. Frances M., wife of B. C. A. Pingree, Sept. 8, 59; Sept. 13, Mrs. Alice Small, 80 years 3 mos.; Mrs. Lucy Frost, Oct. 3, 88; Adelphia Hawkins, Nov. 23, 76; Mrs. Elbridge G. Gammon, Dec. 2, 46; Mrs. Mary J. Frost, 63 [no date given]; April 4, Mrs. Alanson M. Dunham, 69 years 7 mos.; June 18, James Bennett, 84; June 16, Mrs. Christina Burnham; June 23, Mrs. Charlotte B. McKeen, 81 years 6 mos.; June 22, Mrs. Chloe Stevens, 80; June 21, Mrs. Nancy Frost; July 4, Charles E. Newhall, a soldier of the Civil War in Mass. Batt'y, 52; Rowena Andrews Pike, July 29, 38 years; July 30, Mrs. Sarah H. Lovering, 83 years 8 mos.; Aug. 5, Eugene L. Bennett, 42; Aug. 4, Marcellus Whitcomb, about 50.
[p. 195]1890Deaths: Zachariah Weston, Jan. 21, 84 years 9 mos.; Jan. 31, Widow Mary A. Buck, 66; Feb. 10, Mr. Edwin W. Howe, 65; he had been the longest in trade of any one in the village; Feb. 6, Mrs. Lois D. Small, 56 years 7 mos.; Lydia Swift in March, one of the oldest persons in town. In her younger days she had been a school teacher for 25 years. March 23, Dea. Nathan Millett, 89 years 6 mos.; May 26, David F. Flint, 56; June 18, in Boston, Aurelius C. Noble, formerly of Norway, 59; June 28, Mrs. Fanny Millner, about 90; July 10, Charles Walker, about 50; Warren Noyes, a native of Norway, died July 12 at Gorham, N. H., at 70; he had been in the employ of the Grand Trunk R. R. Co. many years; Stephen Seavey, an old time stage driver, died July 30, about 67; July 27, Henry H. Hobbs, a school teacher of former days, about 70; Mrs. Sarah Angell, mother of Rev. Caroline E. Angell, Aug. 3, 82; her remains were taken to Smithville, R. I., for internment; Aug. 8, Mrs. Hannah (Foster) Frost, 77 years 6 mos. (widow of Charles Frost); Sept. 5, Mrs.
[p. 196]Sarah Bennett, 75; Sept. 30, Jacob F. Holt, 72; November 6 at Kent's Hill, W. D. Earle, formerly of Norway, 64 years 9 mos.; Dec. 5, Edwin A. Morse, one of the most substantial citizens of the town, 71 years; Dec. 16, Mrs. Lucretia Buck, 54; Dec. 20, Mrs. Angelia M. Clark, 51 years 5 mos.; Dec. 26, at New Haven, Conn., Mrs. Elliott Smith, 85; her remains were brought to Norway for burial.
1891Deaths: Jan. 2, Mrs. Uriah H. Upton, 67; Henry D. Twombly, Jan. 1, 77 years 9 mos.; Jan. 15, Mrs. Mary K. Frost; Jan. 30, Merrill J. Rowe, 71 years 4 mos.; March 7, Mrs. L. B. Weeks, 59; March 9, Newall A. Trafton, 47; Hon. Charles P. Kimball, at New York, 66; March 27, Mr. Simon Stevens, 92 years 7 mos.; March 28, Lizzie N. Stevens, 65 years 7 mos.; April 7, Mrs. Bethany Hayes at Cambridgeport, Mass., 79; at Portland, Oregon, March 30, N. P. Hall; April 22, Jacob Parsons, 84; April 26, Mrs. Harriet Richards, 73 years 8 mos.;—April 28 at Manchester, N. H., Isaac W. Merrill, nearly 48; April 15, Nathan A. Foster, 57 years 6 mos.; May 7, Mrs. Chloe Lord, 68 years 3 mos.; June 1, Mrs. William Hall, 75 years; Aug. 11, Mrs. Edward H. Morse, about 69 years; Aug. 23, Wilson Hill, 80 years 5 mos.; Aug. 22, Mrs. James H. Merrill, 82 years 7 mos.; Sept. 7, Mrs. Samuel Hale (Mary B.), 79 years 6 mos.; Sept. 25, Benj. M. Royal, 62; Oct. 19, Mrs. Jerusha Rich, 84; Nov. 21, James H. Merrill, 83 years 87 mos.; Nov. 29, Simeon O. Tracy, 72 years 8 mos.; Dec. 3, Charles C. Sanborn, 59; Dec. 17, Mrs. Roxana B. Pingree, 56; Dec. 26, James C. Bennett, 71 years.
1892March 2, while chopping wood with his brother, Herbert Rich, for C. B. Cummings & Sons, near the railroad on Alpine street, was fatally hurt by having a tree fall upon him. He lived but a few hours after the accident. He was about 35 years old, and left a wife and two young children.—George Sylvester, while sawing shingles for C. B. Cummings & Co., April 13, got caught in the shafting and was killed. He, too, was about 35 years old and left a wife, two children and a step-daughter.—From Jan. 1 to April 20, there were 27
[p. 197]deaths in town: 15 males and 12 females; the oldest was 86, and the youngest 4; ten were upwards of 70; four died from old age and twelve from the effects of the grip.
Deaths: Jan. 11, Mrs. America Bisbee, 70; Jan. 19, Mrs. Thomas Austin, 87; same day, Charles Green, 68; Jan. 16, Mrs. Charles Green, aged about 60; Jan. 20, Littleton Holden, 70; Jan. 18, Moses Parsons, about 80; Jan. 19, L. B. Holden, aged 64; Mrs. Mary E. Kneeland, Feb. 2, 68 years 5 mos.; Feb. 4, Simon S. Billings, 55 years 5 mos.; Jan. 30, Lizzie C. Smith, wife of James Smith, 53 years 5 mos.; Feb. 7, Zebulon Rowe, 78; Feb. 25, William Hall, 78 years 7 mos.; Feb. 25, David P. Brooks, about 55; March 17, Mr. Samuel Favor, 76; March 22, widow of John F. Fitz; May 15, Mrs. Sophronia Merrill, 87; June 10 at Gorham, N. H., Enoch L. Knight, formerly of Norway, 77 years 8 mos.; July 21, Capt. Wm. M. Green, 73; Sept. 5, Henry Upton, about 80; Sept. 26, Mrs. Harriet (Rust) Millett, widow of Maj. Henry W. Millett, about 93; Oct. 1, David Frost, about 83 years; Oct. 6, John Hill, 79; Oct. 26, Mrs. Esther H. Reed, about 75; Oct. 27, Mrs. W. S. Pingree, 61; Oct. 24, Perley French, 77; Nov. 26, Mrs. Clarissa Knapp, about 80; Mrs. Mary Favor, Dec. 25, 73.
1893George E. Blake, aged 14, who was visiting his grandfather, Capt. Jonathan Blake, while hunting with Willie Harriman was accidentally shot in the leg by his companion. He lived about two hours.
Deaths: Jan. 15, Hannah F. Brown of Portland, 81; Feb. 18, Mrs. Jemima Kimball, about 74; March 3, Asa D. True from apoplexy, about 36; Mar. 17, Mrs. Abby R. Bonney, 75; at Waterville College, Frances H., daughter of Henry W. Bearce, 18 years; Mar. 25, Mrs. Sarah Crockett, 75; April 11, Mrs. Eliza Ann Foss, aged about 63; April 13, Mrs. Julia A. Gammon, aged about 67; April 29, Mr. Charles
[p. 198]Pike, about 66; May 9, Mr. Charles Henry Haskell, 66; May 16, Robert Bangs, 69; June 4, John R. Sanborn, 57 years 6 months, suicide; June 5, Emma C. Thurlow, 63; in Brockton, Mass., June 6, Thomas Poole, 83 years 3 months; July 1, Mrs. Thomas Poole, 77 years 10 months. They were born in Norway but had lived in Massachusetts for 40 years. Mr. Poole built the brick house below Steep Falls, afterwards the Jason F. Rowe place, in which he resided for a time.—July 16, Geo. W. Russell, 62; July, Mrs. Frank Gibson at Tulare, Cal.; Aug. 1, Mrs. Emily Flint, 80; Dr. E. H. Cook, Aug. 26, consumption, 33; Sept. 15, at Colorado Springs, Otis N. Jones, consumption, 20 yrs. 7 mos., a promising young man and a great favorite in Norway; Sept. 18, Richard Hannaford, about 90; Oct. 24, Mrs. Almira Marr, about 73; Oct. 30, Maj. Ansel Towne, 85 yrs. 5 mos.; Nov. 5, Job B. Crooker, about 74; Nov. 11, Mrs. Serena Shackley, about 80; Nov. 17, Sarah Parsons, about 84; Nov. 20, Mrs. Desire York, about 89; Nov. 23, Stephen H. Needham, about 76; Dec. 5, in Portland, Mrs. Eliza Merrill Whitcomb, about 85. Remains were brought to Norway for burial. Dec. 21, Mr. Charles Parsons, about 83; Dec. 24, Harriet W. Sylvester, about 76; same day, John Hobbs, 56.
1894Deaths, Jan. 8th, Mr. Enoch N. Clement, 62; Jan. 17, Mrs. Arvilla P. French, wife of John A. French, about 80; Jan. 13, Capt. Albert Sanborn, 85 years 7 months; same day, Mrs. Olive Mills, 98 years; Jan. 20, Mary G. Hill, 79; Feb. 5, Helen M. Kilgore, about 60; Feb. 12, Mrs. Harriet P. Brown, widow of Titus O. Brown, about 79; Mar. 16, Benjamin Marston, 72; Mar. 31, James H. Andrews, 67; April 4, Jacob Merrill, 72 years 5 months; April 27, Mrs. Lucia A. Buck, about 72; May 4, Henry M. Bearce, 56; May 15, Mrs. Hannah Burnell, 77 years 5 months; June 6, Lydia G. Hall, 57; June 7, Francis H. Whitman, 70 years 5 months; June 5, Mrs. Olivia G. Hall, about 56; June 25, L. Ellen Frost, 47; July 3, W. H. Meserve, about 59; July 11, Mrs. Jane B. Lovejoy, 63; July 17, Mrs. Sarah E. True, 63 years 3 months; Aug. 21, Hiram Johnson, 65; Sept. 5, Thomas Shedd, 88 years 4
[p. 199]months; Sept. 13, Mary A. Penley, about 61; Sept. 22, Mrs. Susan J. Brooks, 87 years 4 months; Oct. 15, Mr. Eben J. Pottle, 82.
1895Oct. 23, Newhall Jackson died at 20. He was a student at college and a very promising and smart young man.
Deaths: Jan. 8, Mrs. Syrena E. Stearns, 56; Jan. 10, Timothy S. Stearns, 53; Jan. 11, Lorenzo D. Hobbs, 79; Jan. 23, Uriah H. Upton, about 82; Feb. 7, Mr. Simeon Drake, about 76; Feb. 8, Mrs. Lydia Noyes, about 81; Feb. 21, Mr. A. P. Burnell, about 77; Mar. 9, Benj. G. Barrows, about 77; Mar. 13, Col. Geo. W. Millett, a native of Norway and a former editor of the Oxford Democrat and Norway Advertiser, at Cambridgeport, Mass., about 82; April 14, Mrs. Eleanor Bennett, about 75; April 19, Daniel Holt, about 88; April 25, Mrs. Maria Libby, about 57; May 1, Stephen Pottle, about 56; June 12, Dorothy Bean, 81; June 28, Mrs. Polly Pike, widow of Seth Pike, about 75; Sept. 1, Iva T. Whitcomb, 53; Sept. 3, Samuel Whidden, about 79; Oct. 28, Mrs. Almeda Bryant, formerly of Biddeford, about 77; Nov. 12, Mrs. Margaret Morse, 71 years 7 months.
[p. 200]1896Deaths: Jan. at Winchester, Mass., Dea. Thomas G. Goodwin, formerly of Norway, 85 years 6 months. He was born in Londonderry, Ireland, July 9, 1810, and came to America in 1837, and three years later to Norway where he lived over 50 years in the undertaking and cabinet making business; Jan. 31, Joseph F. Herrick, 66 years 5 months; Feb. 25, Wm. W. Gary, 76; Feb. 28, Tristram Richards, 66; March 18, Jeremiah Hall, about 75; Mrs. Colman F. Lord, 61 years 6 mos. [no date given]; April 11, Lavinia Smith, about 93; same day, Mrs. Eliza Robbins, 84; April 9, Asa T. Dunham, 78; Mrs. Orpha Frost, April 27, at Prairie-du-Sac, Wis., formerly of Norway, 90 years and 5 months; May 6, Oliver Frank Bolster, in Roxbury, Mass., formerly of Norway, about 68; May 16, James P. Dunham, 61; May 18, Thos. H. Richardson, 75 years 5 months; June 19, Mrs. Roxana Ames, about 89; July 17, Mrs. Emily B. Hatch, 85; Aug. 28, in Cambridge, Mass., Charles E. Stevens, a native of Norway, about 89; Sept. 15, Daniel Green, 76; Oct. 7, Sally Pratt, 99 years 7 months; Sept. 24, Mr. Moses O. French, 72; Nov. 22, Daniel K. Hill, 78; Nov. 27, Mr. Luther F. Pike, 92; Gen. Geo. L. Beal, Dec. 11, about 72. He was buried with imposing ceremonies.
[p. 201]1897Clifford J. Lawrence, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Lawrence, a very bright young fellow, was so badly injured by falling under Justus I. Millett's ice cart, July 7, that he died within two hours after, at age of 9 yrs. 6 mos.
Deaths: Jan. 16, Dr. Geo. P. Jones, stroke of paralysis, 67, b. Westfield, Mass., Jan. 7, 1830; Jan. 22, Dr. O. N. Bradbury, 68 years 3 months; Feb. 5, Mrs. Mabel F. Bradbury, from injury received in a fall, about 38, a most lovable woman; Charles S. Cummings, in Cal. Mar. 1, 35, remains brought home for burial; William Cox, Mar. 12, 88, the oldest man in town; same day, Allen J. Crooker, 74; March 16, Henry N. Judkins, a soldier in the Civil War, about 58; Frank E. Thompson, b. Norway, Dec. 19, 1861, at Cumberland, Md., hospital, March 20; he was a graduate of Dartmouth and prominent in business in Davis, W. Va., his remains were brought to Norway for burial; they repose in a mausoleum in Pine Grove cemetery; March 18, Aaron C. Noble, about 70; March 25, Albert H. Stuart, 64; Mar. 22, America Bisbee, 85 years 5 months; May 31, at North Bennington, Vt., Georgia A., wife of Capt. Wright Bisbee, 52; June 4, Amos A. Grover, about 68; June 8, Mrs. Olive S. Hillier, 63; May 28, Mrs. Susan P. Beal, 92 years 6 months; June 17, Charles H. Hayden, 39; June 19, Mrs. Ephraim H. Brown, 75; July 6, wife of Isaac W. Abbott, about 64; July 30, Mrs. Mary E. Bartlett, about 60; in Poland, Aug. 18, Adna C. Denison, about 82; Oct. 4, Mrs. Esther (Hawkins) Dyer, nearly 70; Elias Sinclair Mason, formerly in the hardware business in Norway, died in Rankin, Ill., Nov. 20, 51, he was born in Bethel, Nov. 21 [no year given]; Mrs. Thomas L. Newcomb, 63 years 5 months; Dec. 1, Mrs. Rosanna (C. E.) Dunn, 59; same day in Otisfield, Geo. F. Andrews, about 65; Dec. 13, at Mechanic Falls, Hiram Lovejoy, 76.
[p. 202]1898Frank T. Bartlett, Captain of the Norway Co., died July 3d, after a four day illness at Chickamauga, Ga., about 30.
Deaths: Jan. 2, Mr. Samuel Partridge, 88; he was born in Poland, Oct. 25, 1809; Jan. 3, George Crooker, 76; he was a pensioner of the U. S. for service in the Mexican War, at $72 a month on account of blindness; Elbridge G. Allen, born in Poland, Sept. 5, 1819, who settled in Norway in 1846, died at his home, Jan. 16, past the age of 78; Jan. 12, at Harrison, Mrs. Francis H. Whitman; Feb. 9, Mrs. Nancy J., wife of Rollin Towne, about 68; Feb. 5, at South Paris, Mr. James Deering, 99 years 3 months 3 days; Feb. 25, Mrs. Belinda Thompson Beal, 71; Mar. 22, Mrs. Cora E., widow of Walter S. Abbott, at So. Boston, about 40; March 27, Hattie A., wife of Col. E. F. Smith, 26; April 5, Mrs. Minnie Grace Hurd, about 29; April 3, Mrs. Rosanna Bennett, 56 years 5 months; April 1, Harrison Buck, a Civil War soldier, about 61; Lewis O'Brion, April 9, at Auburn, 67; he was born in Quebec, May 5, 1831; lived in Norway for many years; remains interred in Pine Grove cemetery; April 19, Edward G. Rounds, a Civil War soldier, 66; April 21, Mrs. Emma Bartlett Gurney, 58 years 6 months; April 23, Mrs. Mary A. Frost, 80 years 4 months; April 28, at South Framingham, Mass., Mrs. Emma Denison Collins, 41 years 4 months; at Lewiston, May 7, Mrs. Mary J. Needham, nearly 97; May 28, Joel S. Frost, 82; June 5, Mrs. Sophia Dunham of Hebron, 84; June 8, John B. Carter, 62; June 16, Mrs. Dorcas Partridge, about 79; June 24, Mrs. Sarah S. Hobbs, 75; July 23, William Foss, 66; Aug. 19, Rosanna A. Crockett, about 82; at Church Hill, Md., Aug. 11, Mrs. Lucinda Scott, about 72; Aug. 25, Mrs. Abigail H. Bolster, about 77 years 6 months; Sept. 22, Mrs. Daniel Holt, about 74; in Worcester, Mass., Hannibal H. Houghten, about 72 [no date given]; in Groveton, N. H., Sept. 17, Mrs. Ellen Tabor Danforth, about 58; in Andover, Mass., Sept. 26, Geo. F. Holt, 60; Oct. 16, Moses H. Harriman, about 57; Nov. 5, Mrs. Lizzie Young, 58; Nov. 13, Wm. E. Austin, 28; Nov. 12, Mrs. Cynthia J. Crockett, about 74; Nov. 25, Mr. Robert J. Frost, about 76; at Council Bluffs, Dec. 16, Mr. Josiah Danforth, 71; Dec. 18, Mrs. Chas. H. Adams, about 54; Dec. 19, Elden Brown, about 64; Dec. 30, Geo. P. Rowe, about 61.
[p. 204]1899Deaths: Jan. 2, Mercy E. Noble, 53; Jan. 5, Wm. A. Marston, about 79; Jan. 13, Mrs. Ezekiel C. Jackson, 75 years 6 mos.; Jan. 26, Mr. Charles B. Cummings, 64; in Portland, Jan. 18, Mrs. Carrie (Farrar) Ames, 34; Feb. 3, Francis Marion Noble, a Civil War soldier, about 54; same day, Gertrude A. Millett, 19 years 5 mos.; in Bangor, Feb. 18, Mr. D. Webster Beal, aged about 65; same day, Arthur M. Swett, about 42; 18th, Oscar D. Wilbur, about 57; in Boston, Feb. 24, Horatio G. Cole, Jr., 65; in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 25, Napoleon Gray; in Oxford, Feb. 23, Nath'l G. Frost, a Civil War soldier, about 69; March 17, Azel W. Faunce, 67 years 4 mos.; March 28, Mrs. Adaline A. (Webb) Merrill, 68; April 7, Truman Crosby, 79; April 20, Mrs. Adelaide Stone, 83; April 19, J. F. Lovering, about 81; in Boston, April 17, Mrs. Lydia F. (Gurney) Knowles, 73; remains brought to Norway for burial; same day, Mr. Colman F. Lord, 73, born in 1826, on Frost Hill; same day, Frank P. Libby, 46; April 24, John Woodman, aged 84 years 8 mos.; in Rockport, May 5, Mrs. Henry H. Hobbs, about 72; Mr. Ralph S. Freeman, May 14, 81 years 5 mos.; May 16, Mrs. Martha Jane Sanborn, about 64; May 20, Mrs. Henrietta Lamrock, about 69; Mrs. Ivory M. Smith, June 9, about 71; in Lake City, Iowa, June 8, Capt. I. Frank Hobbs, a Civil War veteran, about 58; June 27, Mrs. Isaac H. Lord; Aug. 18, Daniel Holt, 2d, 76 years 4 mos.; Aug. 9, Judge Seward S. Stearns, 43; Sept. 7, Mrs. Joel S. Frost; Sept. 22, Mrs. Izah B. P. Tenney, 80; in Framingham, Mass., Sept. 25, Eshburn Towne, 73; Oct. 11, David Burney, about 76; Cyrus S. Tucker, Oct. 31, 58; Nov. 20, Mrs. Sarah Delphina (Parsons) Hawkins, 73; in Spring Grove, Ind., Charles C. Crockett, Dec. 18, about 63; Dec. 21, Mrs. Nellie A. Jewett, about 47; at Mechanic Falls, Dec. 24, Adna S. Needham, 48.
[p. 205]1900Deaths: Jan. 5, Mrs. Eliza A. Starbird, about 75; Jan. 8, Mrs. Matilda (Buck) Watson, about 70; Jan. 9, in Waterville, Levi T. Boothby, 82; Jan. 17, Henry H. Crockett, 46; in Portland, Jan. 24, Judge Charles W. Walton, 80; Jan. 23, Samuel Mains, 87; Feb. 27 in Colebrook, N. H., Miss Emerline P. Lord, about 79; Feb. in Boston, Chas. G. Holt, aged 74; March 3, on town farm, Mina Bodwell, aged 68; she had lived there longer than any other inmate—63 years; March 7, in Malden, Mass., Hiram W. Deering, nearly 87; Mar. 18, Mrs. Eliz. S. (Millett) Cox, 80 years 6 mos.; Mar. 23, Dea. Nathan W. Millett, 65; in Fairfield, March 19, Mrs. Harriet A. Lovejoy, 80; March 23, in Limington, Mrs. Louise (Richardson) Robertson, aged 60; March 25, in Milford, Mass., Mrs. Rosilla C. (Tucker) Morgan, about 72; April 4, Joseph H. Long, a Civil War soldier, 68; in Otisfield, Joseph Holden, "the astronomer," March 30, about 84; March 28, Mrs. Cyprian G. Hobbs, about 80; April 13, Edward H. Morse, about 82; April 21, John L. Horne, 75
[p. 206]years 4 mos.; April 20, Mrs. John N. Baker, 66; July 7, Edward E. Millett, about 38; in West Paris, July 8, Benjamin Bacon, about 95; July 16, in Lebanon, Mrs. Alpheus E. Durgin, 69; July 19, Mrs. Cyrus Woodsum, about 75; in Hyde Park, Mass., July 12, Mrs. Mary J., widow of Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., 77; in Portland, Aug. 8, Rev. Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, former resident for many years of Constantinople, Turkey, about 90; in Aurora, Ill., Aug. 1, Jonathan M. Holt, about 74; in Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 4, Wm. Tucker, 64.
In Newton Highlands, Mass., Aug. 31, Prof. Geo. F. Leonard, former principal of the Norway Liberal Institute, 68; Sept. 10, Charles Tubbs, 88; Sept. 20, Mrs. Josiah Dutton; Sept. 14, in Falmouth, Mrs. Narcissa Bennett, 84; Sept. 22, Mrs. Eben Pottle, 82; at Rumford, Sept. 28, Maj. W. K. Bickford, a Civil War soldier, 64; at Ridlonville, Sept. 23, Amos K. Towne, 56; Oct. 15, David C. Jordan, 23; Oct. 6, at Caton, Mich., Rev. Osgood E. Fuller, 65, born in Norway; Oct. 21, Thos. D. Knightly, about 71; Oct. 19, at Mechanic Falls, Mrs. Martha J. Gilkey, 71; Nov. 4, in San Francisco, Cal., Mrs. Geo. E. Gibson, aged about 66; Nov. 2, in Arlington, Mass., Jacob F. Hobbs, 78 years 2 mos.; Dec. 6, in Boston, Joel T. Crooker, about 66; Nov. 30, in Colebrook, N. H., Mrs. Elsie Merrow, about 83; Dec. 28, in Somerville, Mass., Mrs. Ruth (Damon), widow of Dr. Willard C. George, 86; Dec. 31, Simon Stevens, 2d, about 83; Dec. 21, in Church Hill, Md., Charles A. Scott, about 80.