Source: David Noyes, The history of Norway: comprising a minute account of its first settlement, town officers, the annual expenditures of the town (Norway, Me.: Advertiser Press, 1852).
[p. 193]RECORDOf deaths in the town of Norway, from 1820 to 1852, as kept, and kindly furnished
by Mrs. MERCY A. WHITMAN.1820.May 2, Mrs. Mary Cleaves, aged 92 years. June 21, Solomon Smith, 23, fits. July 12, Maj. Jonathan Cummings, 42, suicide. Aug. 23, Judith Ayer, 2, fever; 25, Capt. Henry Rust, 59, consumption; 30, Edwin P. Reed, 2, dysentery. Sept. 8, Mrs. Whiting, 32; 10, Martha C. Tucker, 8 months; 26, Asa Lovejoy, jr., 47, consumption. Nov. 20, Child of J. Dolley, 7 months. Dec. 24, Mrs. Tubbs, 68; 26, Miss Martha Davis, 65, fever.1821.Feb. 5, child of Anjier Tubbs, 17 months; 21, child of William Twombly, 5 months. March 17, child of James French, jr.; 27, Mr. Peter Everett, senior; one of the early settlers, and a native of France; he came to this county previous to the revolution; 27, child of John Case, 17 months. Aug. 25. Martha Twombly, 3, dysentery. Sept. 15, Mrs. Churchill, 25, consumption. Oct. 29, child of Mr. Lord, 3 weeks. Nov. 7, Emma Stevens, 38, consumption.1822.Feb. 2, child of John Case, 18 months, fever; 24, Mrs. Bartlett, 43, mortification. March, child of Joseph Small, 17 months; 26, Mrs. Sarah Eastman, 71, rheumatic consumption. April 23, Capt. Ward Noyes, 50, fever. May 7, Widow Bartlett, 65, apoplexy. Dec. 10, Joseph Frost, 18, scrofula; 10, child of Joseph Shackley.1823.Jan. 2, child of S. Emery, 6 weeks. April 1, child of Thomas Judkins, 18 months; 2, child of William Reed, 4 weeks; 14, Mrs. Moses Houghton, 42; 22, child of J. Rowe, 10. July 10, child of Mr. Howe, 7, fever. Aug 9, Mr. Enoch Merrill, 80; came to Norway in 1802; 26, child
[p. 194]of Jonathan Stevens, dysentery; 27, Martha B. Hall, 4, fever; 27, child of Joel Stevens, 1, whooping-cough; 27, child of William Corson. Child of John Merrill. Child of E. Bancroft, dysentery. Sept. 6, child of N. Morse, lung fever. Child of J. Bancroft, dysentery. Sept. 12, Mrs. Benjamin Peabody, dysentery; 13, child of Reuben Hill, 18 months, dysentery. Three children of Hezekiah Pingree, dysentery. Child of E. Merrill, jr., dysentery. Child of E. Merrill, dysentery. Child of Mr. Bancroft, dysentery. Sept. 14, Mrs. Elijah Flint. dysentery; 20, child of J. Hall, 1, cough. Child of Mr. Hutchinson, dysentery. Oct. 6, child of M. Lassell, dysentery; 8, child of Simeon Noble, 4, dysentery. Child of David Morse, 9, dysentery. Nov., child of John Case, fever.1824.Jan. 2, child of J. Knight, fever; 28, child of Dea. B. Herring, quinsy. Feb. 1, Mr. Stephen Latham, 55, colic; 16, Andrew Meriam, 19, decline. April 14, child of Israel Millett, fever; 30, Fatima Millett, 10, quinsy. May 10, Mrs. Shed, consumption; 18, child of Aaron Shackley, 7 weeks, fits. June 18, Mrs. Jeremiah Hobbs, 79, lung fever; she was one of the oldest settlers. Aug. 1, child of C. Pike, 4, dysentery. Aaron O. Hall, 18 months, fever. Aug. 8, C. F. Pike, 4, dysentery; 23, Martha Bartlett, 10 months, dysentery. Sept. 5, M. E. Greenleaf, 15 months, dysentery; 6, Orvella Tucker, 3, canker; 7, Laura S. Morey, 2; 27, Catharine Knight, consumption. Oct. 14, William F. Beal, 15 months.1825.Jan 17, child of J. Pike. James Noyes, consumption. March 3, child of W. Mitchell, 2, fever; 26, Mrs. H. Noble, 58, consumption. April 29, child of J. Hobbs, 8 months. May 26, Rebekah Downing, 16, fever. July 12, Mrs. H. Archer, 84; 29, Mrs. Case, 90 dropsy; she moved into Norway in 1793, in an ox-cart, from Middleton, Mass. Aug. 2,
[p. 195]child of J. Smith, 1, fever; 15, child of Darius Holt, jr.; 27, child of Reuben Hill, 2, dysentery. Sept. 3, child of J. Shackley, canker; 6, child of William Lord, 1, dysentery; 16, Lydia M. Fuller, fever; 21, child of William Frost, 4, dysentery; 24, child of J. Pike, 2, dysentery; 26, child of H. Pingree, 3; 29, Mrs. S. Smith, 47, jaundice.1826.March 12, Mr. David Frost, 83, influenza. May 9, Mr. Eben Cobb, 70, consumption; 18, Mr. Israel Millett, 40. June 3, Mr. William Pierce, 40; killed by a tree falling on him; he lived a few days after the accident. Dec. 24, Polly Churchill, 3 months.1827.Jan. 13, Nathan Noble, 65; injured fatally by the fall of a tree. Bravety Marston, 15, colic. Jan. 23, Mrs. Saunders, 45, consumption; 27, Lucinda A. Shackley, 18, dropsy. March 9, child of J. Hall, 1. May 8, Mrs. Winkley, jaundice; 19, Lydia C. Noble, wife of S. Noble, 22. June 6, Mrs. E. Whitmarsh, 70; 26, Mrs. Whitney, old age; her house was the first building burned in Norway. July 29, child of J. Hall, 4 months, quinsy. Aug., Mr. Howard. Sept. 3, Mrs. French, 68, consumption; 3, child of H. Pingree. Oct. 1, child of D. Holt; 19, child of M. Upton. Nov., child of William Parsons, jr., quinsy. Child of William Hor. Dec. 28, Mrs. Israel Pike, consumption.1828.Jan. 12, child of Asa Barton, 5. Child of Mrs. Cushman, 18 months. March 26, Mrs. Brown, 37, fits. May 12, Judith P. Tucker, 4, quinsy; 23, Olive Latham, 22, consumption. June 1, Harriet Foster, 8, fits; 4, child of J. Hall; 21, Mrs. Sally Shackley, 42, consumption. Aug. 19, child of Joseph York, 4, dysentery; 23, child of Joseph York, 2, dysentery. Sept. 2, Sally Greenleaf, 22; 4, child of Capt. H. Rust, 14 months; 6, child of D. Young, 4, quinsy. Oct 5, child of J. Bennett, 5, quinsy. Nov. 5, Sarah Rust, 4 3-4,
[p. 196]quinsy; 11, Henry Rust, 3, quinsy. Dec. 28, child of J. Bradbury.1829.Jan. 1, Mrs. Witt, wife of Benj. Witt, 50, consumption; 17, Hannah Gorham, 20, consumption. March 1, Mrs. Josiah Blanchard, 48, fever; 8, John Robinson, 70, dropsy. April 18, Levi Frank, 63; killed by falling into a cellar while moving a house. May 14, Mrs. Ruth Cade, 88. June 25, Jacob French, 40, fever. July 10, child of Nathaniel Millett, 2, lung fever. Aug. 2, child of Levi Shed, dysentery. Sept. 2, Woodman Bartlett, 8, fever; 30, child of Simon Stevens, 16 months, quinsy. Oct. 20, Mrs. John S. Shed, 30, consumption. Nov. 19, Harriet Buck, 12, fever; 25, Mrs. S. Buck, 42, fever; 28, child of Mrs. Hall, 4 months. Dec., child of William Lovejoy1830.Jan. 2, child of Hoyt Pingree, 13; 28, child of John Witt, 3, quinsy. Feb. 9, David Smith, 30, fever. May 1, Mrs. Jordan, 94, old age. Stephen Curtis, palsy and old age. May 25, Clarissa Small, 24, consumption; 27, child of Rufus Bartlett, jr., 6 months. June, Mr. Phinehas Whitney, 80, consumption; he had a leg amputated in 1824. July 8, Mr. Thomas Hill, 84; he was one of Burgoyne's men, and finally adopted the country he came to fight. Child of H. Pike, whooping-cough. July 26, George L. Smith, 15, consumption. Aug. 14, Joseph Stevens, 77, decline; he moved the first family into Rustfield; 30, child of C. Cobb, dysentery. Sept. 30, Mrs. Churchill, 50, fever. Oct. 15, child of William Churchill; 23, child of Ira Johnson, 14 months; 15, Mrs. M. Millett, 38, fever.1831.March 2, Edmund Merrill, 52, consumption; 11, child of B. B. Murray, 1. May 18, child of John Witt, 3 months. June 30, Otis S. Noyes, son of D. Noyes, 16, consumption. July 5, child of John M. Wilson, 6, dysentery. Sept. 17,
[p. 197]child of M. Smith, 1 month. Nov. 14, child of J. Shackley, 18 months, measles; 16, Simeon Herring, 23.1832.March 20, child of Charles Cleaves, 5, scarlet fever; 23, child of same, 7, same disease; 28, child of same, 3, same disease. April 12, child of Dea. B. Herring, 4, same. Child of Mr. Rich, 5, same. Child of same, 3 months, same. April 13, son of Dea. B. Herring, 17, same; 17, child of Benjamin Peabody, jr., 3, same; 20, child of Mr. Rich, same; 21, Henry Herring, 13, same; 23, child of Robert Frost, 4, same. Child of Mr. Rich, 3, same. May 6, child of J. Holt, 2, same; 9, child of same, 4, same; 11, Mrs. Barrows, 27, fever; 19, child of Cyrus Cobb; 24, child of J. Andrews, 1, canker rash. June 11, child of Mr. Tucker, 2, lung fever; 19, child of William C. Whitney, 3, canker
rash; 24, child of Gen. William Parsons, 5, lung fever. July 14, child of J. Hobbs, 3 months; 15, William Totherly, 48; 20, child of James Hill, 2, canker rash; 25, child of same, 12, same. Aug. 11, child of Reuben Hill, 1, same; 16, Mrs. Jere Henley, 35, consumption. Sept. 6, child of B. Barrows, 5, canker rash; 16, Algernon Cox, 6, same. Oct. 4, child of Dr. J. S. Millett, 1 month; 27, Mrs. John Gurney, 32. Nov. 15, Mrs. Frost, 78.1833.Feb. 9, Jonas Stevens, 84, palsy; 24, Elizabeth Beal, 12, typhus fever; 27, Mrs. Joseph Rounds, consumption. April, child of E. Merrill, 6. July, child of A. Fuller, 5, canker rash. Aug. 25, David Stevens, 2 1-2, same. Sept. 28, child of J. Holt, same. Oct. 3, child of Mr. Hale. Dec. 16, child of J. Hobbs, 8.1834.Jan. 5, Mrs. Robbins, 48, fever; 18, Mrs. Ephraim Briggs, dropsy; 24, Mrs. Twombly, fever. Feb. 1, child of Daniel Cummings, 1; 14, Eliza Fuller, consumption; 15, wife of William Frost, 41, fever; 18, child of same, 2 weeks. March
[p. 198]7, child of A. Fuller, 1. May 17, Charles L. Hobbs, 18, fever; 26, Capt. John Rust, 72, erysipelas; 29, David Gorham, 72, consumption. June 19, child of Henry Pike, 7. Sept. Jacob Parsons, 58, consumption. Nov. 22, Mrs. Nancy Cummings.1835.Feb. 4, Hannah Holt, wife of Uriah Holt, 46, consumption; 25, Mrs. Riggs, 19, same. March 19, wife of Silas Meriam, 55, same; 28, child of Benjamin Tucker, 6 months. April 22. David Whitcomb, 65, killed by logs rolling on him while at work. June 9, Mrs. Sally Smith, 37, consumption; 13, child of Hiram Millett, 10 months; 13, Elmira Hor, 18, consumption; 28, Mrs. Eunice Bartlett, 38, in a fit. July 11, Mrs. Gammon, 65, suddenly; 25, child of Elliot Smith, 10 months; 28, Mary Crockett, 20, cancer. Aug. 8, Sewall G. Ordway, 29, consumption; 27, Mrs. Joseph Morse, 25, same. Nov. 12, Mrs. Adaline A. Beal, 28, same. Child of William Brown, 3 months.1836.Jan. 16, child of J. Rounds, 9 months; 17, Louisa Cushman, 27, consumption. Feb. 5, Nathan Foster, senior, 72, found dead in his barn-yard. March 19, Zachariah Weston, 75, decline; 22, child of Andrew Mills, fever. April 4, Joseph Bradbury, 67, erysipelas; 22, child of Asa Thayer, 1 month; 29, child of H. C. Reed, 15 months. May 21, Mrs. Alexander Mills, 60, decline; 31, Martha Hobbs, 11, disease of the heart. July 30, Mrs. Mary Cushman, 28, dropsy. Aug. 1, Mrs. Anna French, 40, consumption; 3, Mrs. E. Hall, 60, same; 5, Mrs. John Case, 47, cancer; 11, child of Thomas Pool, cough. Sept. 28, wife of Thomas Chase, 28, consumption. Oct. 11, Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Flint, 70, same; 21, wife of Stephen Pingree, senior, 84, same; 30, Mary Jane Upton, 28, same. Nov., Maj. Elijah Hall, 72, cancer. Dec. 20, Mrs. Daniel Knight, 74, consumption.
[p. 199]1837.Jan. 8, Col. Amos Town, suddenly; 19, Nathan Foster, jr., 45, fever. Feb. 6, child of M. Lassell, 5, fever; 14, child of Asa Pool, quinsy. March 10, Sally, wife of David Noble 30, spine complaint; 17, Sally Crockett, 30, dropsy. April 14, Jane Bodwell, 27, consumption. June 21, child of A. Fuller. July 4, Bradley Foster, 13, drowned in mill-pond in Greenwood; 20, child of Titus O. Brown, jr., 2 1-2, canker rash; 24, John Brown, 14, same. Aug. 14, child of Henry Pike, 18 months; 24, Mr. Carr, a stranger, 60, colic; 25, child of William Pingree, 6, canker rash; 29, Lorenzo D. Shackley, 24, consumption. Sept. 11, child of M. P. Smith, 23 months. Nov. 11, Ann J. Witherbee, 13, canker rash; 30, child of S. Merrill, 4, same. Dec. 5, S. Coffin, 24, consumption.1838.March 1, Mrs. Abagail Fuller, 72, influenza; 29, Martha M. Young, 11, fever; 30, child of L. Millett, 3, canker rash. April 3, Amos Upton, 96, old age; 19, child of Paul Twombly, 1. Child of Jabez Chubb. May 18, child of Dresser Stevens; 23, Cyrus Lord, 26, consumption; 30, Ephraim Barrows, 77, decline. July 15, Archelaus Fuller, 35, colic; 30, Dudley Pike, 73, decline. Aug. 9, child of Wm. Hall, 2 weeks; 16, child of Dr. L. Tripp, 16 months. Sept. 13, child of J. Greenleaf, 1 month; 25, child of E. Flint, 4. Mrs. William Frost, 44. Nov. 12, wife of William Hall, 32, consumption. Dec. 15, Jonathan Saunders, 62, insanity; he attempted to destroy his own life several years before, by cutting his throat, but did not cut quite deep enough, and most of the time afterwards was a raving maniac.1839.Jan. 21, Jacob Frost, 84, old age; he was wounded at Bunker Hill. Feb. 2, daughter of John Perry, 8, quinsy. Child of William Lord, 4 months. Samuel Andrews, 68, consumption. Child of William Twombly, 5, canker rash
[p. 200]March 10, child of Amos Briggs, 9 months; 19, Chloe Cobb, 78, consumption; 20, child of Joel Millett, 10 months; 31, child of J. Stanley, 18 months. April 10, Mrs. John Millett, 78, consumption; 30, wife of Dudley Pike, 82, dropsy. John B. Ford, 38, consumption. May 4, Mrs. L. Houghton, 37, same. June 3, Amos Hobbs, 77, dropsy—one of the first settlers; 19, Sally Parsons. 21, palsy. July 16, child of Henry C. Reed, 5 months. Aug. 6, Sally S. Hale, 11, colic; 17, child of Wm. Beal, 5, dysentery. Child of Dr. L. Tripp, 1 month. Sept. 10, Mrs. Peter Buck, 80. consumption; 16, Mrs. Zebedee Perry, 81, dropsy. Child of Mrs. Town, 2, dysentery. Sept. 19, child of Henry W. Millett, 7 months. Child of J. Saunders, 15 months. Oct. 16, Edmund Frost, colic. Dec. 22, child of David P. Hanaford, 18 months; 29, Josiah Blanchard, 70; 30, M. A. McAllister, 16, dysentery.1840.Jan. 13, Mrs. Thomas Hill, 90, old age. March 21, Miss Pool, 18, colic; 4, Mrs. H. Giles, 66, consumption; 25, child of Simon Stevens, 7. April 24, John Needham, 80, palsy; 25, Mrs. Joel Frost, 64, apoplexy. May 18, Elizabeth Whitman, 42, dropsy. June 27, Mary A. Colins, 22, consumption. Sept. 22, child of Elliot Smith, 2; 3, Miss Stevens, 65, consumption. Lovejoy, 16, fever. Oct. 18. Mrs. Pool, 30, same; 21, Mrs. Thaddeus Brown, 64, dropsy—she was the widow of Capt. Ward Noyes. Nov. 6, David Woodman, 93; 7, Mrs. H. Shackley, 52, consumption; 30, Mrs. Eben Bancroft, 56, same. Dec. 4, John Ames, 9, drowned; 31, wife of Joshua Smith, 65, consumption.1841.Jan. 3, Joel Town, lung fever; 7, Henry L. Noyes, son of D. Noyes, 28, consumption. Feb. 25, Mrs. Chubb, fever. March 10, wife of Henry Noble, same; 21, child of M. P. Smith, 8 months. April 10, widow of Joseph Stevens, 83, hurt fatally by a fall—the first woman who came into Nor-
[p. 201]way; 20, child of Moses Ames, 5 months. May 15, wife of M. P. Smith, 31, consumption; 17, Willis Sampson, 65, cancer and dropsy. June 2, Josephine Young, 33, consumption; 25, wife of Moses Ames, 33, same. 26, Mr. Francis, 79, stoppage. Aug. 2, Diana Ames, 9, fits. Sept. 14, Nancy Jones, consumption; 24, child of Dr. N. Grant, 1, dysentery. Oct. 21, child of E. Brown, 1 month; 29, child of J. Turner, 2 months.1842.Feb. 12, Malvina Frank, 5; 18, child of W. Ramsdell, 4, canker rash; 22, child of same, 2, same; 24, child of Aaron Shackley, 4, same. March 2, Desire Tubbs, 19, consumption; 5, child of Cephas Sampson, 2, canker rash; 20, child of Seba Gammon, same; 22, child of J. Richardson, scarlet fever. April 3, child of Amos Briggs, same; 21, Mrs. Churchill, 76, consumption; 24, child of H. W. Millett, 2; 29, child of Rev. T. J. Tenney, 15 months, canker rash; 29, Jonathan Hall, 52, apoplexy. May 5, child of A. Thayer, 1, canker rash; 12, child of A. A. Latham, 2 1-2, same; 14, child of A. Thayer, 3, same; 31, Sarah Maria Noyes, only daughter of D. Noyes, 18, consumption. June 4, child of Wm. Hall, 6, canker rash; 15, Catherine Tubbs, 9, consumption. Child of Mr McAllister, 7, canker rash. July 11, Widow Prince, 73, apoplexy. Aug. 11, Asa Pool, 50, consumption; 14, Wm. Lord, Jr., 26, sciatica; 31, Hannah Tubbs, 16, consumption. Sept. 20, John Pierce, son of Wm. Pierce, 24, canker rash; 22, child of E. L. Knight. Wife of Henry Pike, 43, fever. Mrs. Thompson, 91, old age. Oct. 9, Maria P. K. Holt, daughter of Uriah Holt, 18, consumption; 10, Lydia Frost, 21, dropsy; 23 and 24, two children of Reuben Noble, canker rash; 28, wife of Lee Mixer, 34, consumption. Benjamin Witt, 77, palsy—the first blacksmith. Nov. 6, Peter Buck, 94, old age—the first shoemaker; 24, Mrs. Ruth Rust, 79, jaundice. Son of Daniel Town, 10, canker rash. Dec. 13, child of William Hall, 3, scalded. Mrs. Serena Frost, 31, fever.
[p. 202]1843.Feb. 20, Richard Morse, 15, fever. William Hobbs, 63, consumption. Feb. 21, Dorcas Knight, 18, same; 22, child of J. Morse, jr., 3 weeks. April 4, Mrs. Bullen, 48, consumption; 6, Sarah Rust, 13, erysipelas; 10, Joel Frost, jr., 53, fever. Child of Mr. Smith, 2. May 2 and 3, Josephine, 2, Harriet D., 4, children of J. N. Hall, whooping cough; 17, child of Pleaman Holt; 26, Catharine G. Noyes, wife of H. L. Noyes, 32, consumption. Esther Herring, insanity. June 23, widow of Eben Cobb, 90, consumption. July 10, Mrs. Amelia Wilkins, dropsy. Sept. 21, Harriet Crockett, 19, fever; 23, child of John Howe, 14 months. Oct. 8, Ebenezer Hobbs, 2d, 17, from wounds received at a husking; 26, Joshua Smith, 73, consumption. Nov. 8, Catharine Morse, 11, fever. Dec. 1, John Millett, 76, influenza; 7, Mrs. Israel Pike, fever.1844.Jan. 8, wife of Samuel Ames, 85, influenza. Feb. 11, child of Silas Meriam, jr., 8 months. Child of John S. Shed, 14 months, scalded. Feb. 29, Samuel Cutter, 56, apoplexy. March 13, Mrs. Cushman, 47, lung fever; 4, Mrs. Herring, 83. April 16, Thomas J. Everett, 38, brain fever. May 16, child of Otis True, 1, scarletina. July 20, wife of Wm. Parsons, 83; 30, Silas Meriam, 76, palsy. Sept. 8, Mrs. Sarah Crockett, 77, dropsy; 13, Theodosia E. Stetson, 18, consumption. Oct. 7, Mrs. John Swift, 82; 25, Martha Whitmarsh, 27, consumption; 29, Ephraim Brown, 56. Nov. 2, wife of J. N. Hall, consumption.1845.Jan. 8, Dea. Wm. Parsons, 85, old age; 18, Mrs. Mary Hall, 57, consumption. Feb. 4, Benj. Herring, 84, old age; 23, Josiah Hill, 80, palsy; 28, Job Eastman, 95, old age. April 11, Harriet E. P. Goodnow, 14, diabetes; 12, wife of Pleaman Holt, 34, consumption. June 4, wife of Asa Hicks, 64, dropsy. July 6, Harriet W. Henley, 20, consumption;
[p. 203]20, Catharine Hobbs, 17, fever. Aug. 10, Mrs. Peter Town, 59, fever; 20, child of Samuel Foster, 1; 24, Mrs. Bradbury, 79, decline. Child of Mr. Jordan, 3. Sept. 15, Henry L. Crockett, 28, fever; 23, Mary M. Phelps, 21, same; 27, wife of J. Rounds, 27, consumption. Oct. 30, Joshua Crockett, 54, from obstruction of the swallow and stomach. Dec. 16, wife of Henry Noble, fever; 24, Daniel Watson, senior, 83, asthma and consumption; 29, John Frost, 77.1846Jan. 7, wife of L. Hathaway, consumption. Feb., Mrs. Mercy Hobbs, same. April 11, Daniel Young, 64, same. Child of Mrs. Everett, 2. April 27, Miss Tarbox, 80, jaundice. June 18, wife of H. Rust, 55, consumption; 28, Mrs. Anie Morse [sic], 68, same. Aug. 4, Mrs. Sarah Rust, 83; 18, child of D. Cummings. Sept. 1, Mrs. Mercy Woodman, 75, consumption; 22, wife of J. B. Richardson, 29, and twin children. Oct. 6, wife of Lemuel Shed, 88, consumption; 22, Wilson Hill, 19, fever. Nov. 19, wife of S. Greenleaf, jr., 38; 27, Asa Danforth, jr., 5, fever. Dec. 16, Mrs. Hannah Hill, 45, fever.1847.Jan. 17, Mrs. Lydia Tubbs, 61, consumption; 19, Mrs. Rebekah Frost, 80; she was the widow of Nathaniel Stevens, one of the early settlers, whose family was at one time distressed for want of food. Feb. 17, child of J. Bancroft, 20 months. March 31, Mrs. Sargeant, 22. April 15, Joseph York, jr., 19, hurt in a saw-mill; 16, Helen M. Noyes, 5, dropsy; 17, William Cox, 73 consumption; 20, widow of Amos Upton, consumption; 26, Mrs. Nancy Hobbs, 59, consumption. May 2, child of Cephas Sampson, 2, croup. June 3, son of Andrew Mills, 13, consumption; 13, Lucy Jane Perry, 20, same; 16, wife of John Frost, 72, fit; wife of Wm. Lord, 50, fever. July 3, Mrs. Mercy Bartlett, 80, consumption; 11 , child of Lyman Bird, 2; 16, George E. Smith, 15; 23, wife of Jacob Parsons, suddenly; 27, Mrs.
[p. 204]Esther Jordan, 75, consumption. Sept. 3, wife of John March, 77, same; 10, child of Wm. C. Pierce, 2; 30, wife of Aaron Shackley, 47, cancer. Oct. 7, child of Wm. Brown, 6; 8, child of Amos F. Noyes, 3, fever; 24, wife of Col. A. Town, 67, fall, and dropsy. Nov. 18, Cyrus Cobb, 54, killed by a fall in his barn; 25, David Morse, 75, dropsy. Dec. 6, John Parsons, 85; 7, child of J. S. French, 20 months; 20, child of M. P. Smith, 9 months.1848.Jan. 16, Caroline Pike; 29, Emily Chandler, 27, consumption. Feb. 1, Asa Barton, 54, same; 10, Matthias Smith, 42, found dead; 21, James Packard, 89, old age. March 5, daughter of Mr. Herrick, 14, dropsy; 27, Mrs. David Gorham, 80, consumption. April 20, Mrs. Merrill,
85. May 30, Jonathan G. Town, 28, brain fever. June 11, wife of Matthew Lassell, 53, consumption; 29, child of E. L. Knight, 4 1-2, fever. July 19, Rufus Bartlett, 87, old age; 25, Zephaniah Frost, 63; 29, Ann Lassell, 27, consumption. Sept. 4, Joseph Small, 74, same; 7, wife of Amos Hobbs, 89, old age—one of the first settlers; 16, John Case, 75, cancer. Oct. 2, Mrs. John Parsons, 80. Nov. 2, child of Mr. Rowe; 26, William Walton, 45, fever; 28, William Reed, the first post-master, 73, consumption. Dec. 29, Ellen Flint, 17, same.1849.March 10, child of J. Morse, 10 weeks; 17, child of James Merrill, 2, whooping cough. Timothy Jordan, 82, old age. Child of Hiram Millett. April, Ezra Stevens, 40, fits; 25, Sophia L. Frost, 13. Susannah Tubbs, 90, non compos mentis. May 13, widow Ripley, 68, cancer; 26, child of A. P. Burnell, 14 months. June 9, child of Mr. Tucker; 21, Uriah Holt, Esq., 73, gravel. July 12, Charles Tubbs, 68, consumption; 21, widow Anthony Bennett, 70, same; 24, wife of Solomon Millett, 76, same; 27, Rebekah Everett, 14, croup; 31, child of Asa S. Pool, 14 months. Aug. 25,
[p. 205]Annie Shattuck, 2, dysentery: 21, Frederic Tucker, 2 1-2, same; 24, child of A. Smith, same; 25, child of J. H. Merrill, 2 1-4, same; 28, child of Mr. Stevens. Sept. 3, child of F. Manning, same; 4, Mrs. Ridlon, 50, same; 5, Mrs. Stevens, 31, same; 6, Gilbert Noble, 21, same; 10, child of E. Ames, 14 months, same; 11, child of P. L. Pike, 11 months, same; 12, child of J. Morse, 4, same;15, child of E. P. Fitz, 19 months, same; 19, child of Ezra Shackley, 9 months, same; 20, child of J. H. Morse, 1, same; 21, child of Mr. Raymond, 9 months, same; 22, Mr. Woodbury, 65, same; 23, child of Thomas Higgins, same; 24, child of Mr. Holden, 1, same. Child of James Merrill, 3, same. Oct. 11, Mrs. Chloe Holt, 80, consumption; 13, Mrs. Mason, 50, dysentery. Child of Mr. Sargent, 2, same. Nov. 5, Aaron Chandler, 30, same.1850.Jan. 12, wife of F. J. Pottle, 35, consumption; 15, wife of A. Thayer, 40, fever. Mrs. Clark, fever. William C. Brooks, 74, dysentery. Child of William Hall, same. Child of Daniel Hobbs, same. Daniel Davis, 24, consumption. Feb. 15, Jeremiah Hobbs, 64, same. Joel Stevens, 95, old age. Wife of G. W. Seaverns, 25, consumption. Josiah Hill, 30, same. May, Michael Welsh, 9, scrofula. Harriet N. Noyes, 30, consumption. Harriet B. Morse. Child of Reuben Noble. July 20, Jonathan Woodman, 78, sudden. Child of A. Smith, 13. July 30, wife of Jonathan Pottle, 82. Aug. 3, wife of James Crockett, 59, diarrhoea; 10, Wm. Churchill, 54, consumption; 12, David Woodman Barlett, 19, brain fever. Child of J. Hannaford, J [sic], dysentery. Mrs. Brown, 70, consumption. Aug. 18, child of Ephraim H. Brown, 2, dysentery; 24, daughter of John Bird, 19, brain fever. Child of Edmund Merrill, 2. Sept. 3, daughter of Sewall Crockett, 21, fever; 11, child of Charles Parsons, 8, same; 22, Eli Grover, 34, same; 25, child of Henry Small, 14 months. Oct. 5, wife of L. Hathaway, 34,
[p. 206]consumption; 6, child of William Cox, 4 months; 10, wife of Simeon Walton, 72, fever; 13, child of M. P. Smith, 18 months; 23, William Beal, 81, old age; 28, Eunice Bancroft, 28, consumption. Nov. 3, wife of Sewall Crockett, 50, fever; 14, wife of S. S. Hall, 30, consumption. Child of J. Greenleaf, 8 weeks. Nov. 24, wife of D. Pottle, 44, consumption. Child of Wm. C. Pierce, 7, dysentery. Dec. 7, child of A. T. Murphy, 1, scalded; 30, Ansel Ross, 30, consumption. Four children died in the north part of the town; names unknown.1851.Jan. 2, daughter of Horsley Shed, 7, canker rash; 17, Hannah Jordan, 76; 15, child of Mr. Gelderman, 1; 25, Betsey Witt, 48, consumption. April, Mrs. Forbes, 70, palsy; 21, Lois T. Cobb, 15, consumption. May 22, Ann M. Woodbridge, 19, same; 25, Levi Shed, 55, same. June, daughter of M. Parsons, 15, same; 17, Daniel Watson, 50, same; 25, wife of Samuel Foster, same. July 14, child of J. B. Stuart, 8 months; 26, James Foster, 6, fever. Aug. 4, child of T. J. Needham, 4, canker rash; 4, Mrs. Benjamin Jordan, 60, consumption; 23, Mrs. William Frost, 48, same; 27, child of Rev. E. F. Quinby, 4, croup. Child of Lewis Shackley, 3 weeks. Sept. 2, Mrs. Wentworth, 72, jaundice; 10, child of W. W. Hobbs, 4, cholera morbus; 10, wife of H. W. Strong, 37, consumption; 18, wife of William Frost, 3d, 28, same. Oct. 7, child of H. W. Strong, 5 months; 24, Abigail Parsons, 54, fits; 30, wife of Titus O. Brown, 82, congestion of the lungs. Nov. 4, wife of Daniel Holt, 68, consumption; 24, child of Clark Knight, 4. Dec. 25, child of Mahalon Crockett.1852.Jan. 4, child of Charles Walton, 5, croup; 14, Elizabeth Cobb, 20. consumption. John Richardson, 80, same. Jan. 27, H. McIntire, 83 dropsy; 28, Widow Ellis, 82, consumption; 29, child of Reuben Noble, 5, canker rash. Feb. 2,
[p. 207]A. Dunham, 46, decline. March 1, I. Merrill, 32, consumption; 6, Mrs. Frances Chandler, 58, stoppage; 8, Mrs. Sarah Farwell, 63, consumption; 18, Samuel Ames, 93, palsy; 28, Nancy Morse, 8. April 9, Nathaniel Millett, 80, dropsy and apoplexy. Ellen F., 7, 22, Rebecca G., 1 5-6, daughters of Dr. Jesse Howe, both congestion of the lungs. May 11, Daniel Witt, 24, killed on railroad. June 15, Mrs. Mary Frost, 68, consumption. William K. Emery, 54, same. July 12, wife of John Bird, 76, same; 21, Clara Sophia, daughter of Gen. William Parsons, 17, fever; 10, wife of A. A. Latham, 36; 24, wife of Daniel Herring, dropsy; 29, Gen. William Parsons, 66, fever. Aug. 3, wife of William B. Upton, 24, consumption; 24, wife of Martin Stetson, palsy; 26, Rev. Edwin F. Quinby, just from California, fever. Sept. 29, wife of Otis True, 31, consumption. Oct. 11, William B. Upton, stoppage of stomach; 19, wife of Benjamin Rowe, 82, dropsy; 25, Ebenezer Bancroft, jr., fever. Wife of John Witt.