Source: William Samuel Spurr, A History of Otisfield, Cumberland County, Maine, from the Original Grant to the Close of the Year 1944 (Oxford, Me.: W.S. Spurr, c1950).
[p. 157]Accidental deaths in OtisfieldEdward Scribner, Oct. 4, 1803, thrown from his horse.
Robert Spurr, May 15, 1805, landing of logs rolled over him, broke his back.
Stewart Hall, Dec. 3, 1823, killed by a falling tree.
Jonathan Lombard, Aug. 19, 1826, drowned in Crooked River.
James Gerrish, Nov. 22, 1827, thrown from his horse.
John Stone, drowned in Crooked River by a landing of logs rolling over him [no date given].
John Patch, July 9, 1835, July 9, 1835, killed by a falling tree.
Ethan Elwell, Nov. 1, 1836, drowned in the Thompson Pond Heath.
Annis Scribner, Oct. 26, 1843, her clothing caught fire and she burned to death.
Henrietta Scribner, Dec. 12, 1847, burned to death, fell in the fireplace.
James G. Whitham, Oct. 21, 1845, drowned in Gershom Winship's well.
James Stevens, Feb. 26, 1847, suffocated by burning charcoal in a potato hole.
Julia A. Andrews, May 31, 1853, fell out the window playing with corncobs.
Samuel Spurr, Mar. 3, 1855, accidentally cut by an axe, cutting a tree.
Silas Morton, July 15, 1879, cut by stepping in front of a mowing machine.
George N. Hill, Dec. 8, 1887, killed by a falling limb.
Willie L. Keene, Apr. 22, 1896, accidentally shot himself.
Abbie Meserve, June 28, 1882, burned to death by clothing catching fire.
W. Scott Andrews, June 29, 1867, drowned in Crooked River.
Daniel G. Andrews, June 29, 1867, drowned in Crooked River.
Albert L. Butler, Aug. 19, 1930, accidentally shot.
Wm. J. Ames, Jan. 10, 1940, killed by a horse fork falling crushing his skull.
Albert Kalweit, accidentally shot while deer hunting [no date given].
Mark Lamrock, Oct. 6, 1887, drowned in Moose Pond.
John O. Hatch, Oct. 6, 1887, drowned in Moose Pond.
[p. 158]Roger Hargadon, June 1908, drowned in Thompson Pond.
Elsie A. Kalweit, Jan. 9, 1917, fell in a tub of hot water and got scalded.
Willie Harden, negro, July 7, 1927, drowned in Pleasant Pond.
A sad drowning accident occurred on Moose Pond, Otisfield Oct. 6, 1887. Three Norway young men, John Hatch, aged 18, Mark Lamrock, aged 17, and Charles Judkins, about the same age, were fishing for pickerel in a canvas boat; seeing a duck they all rose in the boat and fired at it. This overturned the boat and threw them in the water. Judkins managed to swim ashore, the other two were drowned. Young Hatch was a sergeant in the military company.