Source: A History of the first century of the town of Parsonsfield, Maine (Portland, Me.: B. Thurston & Co., 1888).
[p. 423]A list of the native* school-teachers of Parsonsfield, from the organization of the town in 1785 to 1885, or for one hundred years.MALE TEACHERS.
John Allen,
Charles Ames,
Daniel Ames,
John M. Ames,
Zimri Ames,
Henry Bailey,
John Baily,
Gilman L. Bennett,
John Bennett,
John P. Bennett,
George W. Benson,
James Madison Benson,
George W. Bickford,Joseph F. Dearborn,
Samuel G. Dearborn,
Alvah Doe,
Ira C. Doe,
Oliver C. Doe,
Orestes T. Doe,
William K. Doe,
Henry Dutch,
Samuel Dutch,
Charles H. Emerson,
George E. Emerson,
Luther O. Emerson,
Thomas P. Emerson,Henry Merrill,
John Merrill,
Paul Merrill,
Cyrus K. Moore,
Ira Moore,
James Moore,
James Otis Moore,
John Moore,
Ira More,
Albert A. Moulton,
Alvah Moulton,
Alvah O. Moulton,
David O. Moulton,*A few who are not native, but who came into the town with their parents when small children, some of them being infants, and were educated there as teachers, are included in the list. They are indicated by a star (*) annexed to their names. An effort has been made to make the list correct, and in most cases, the names of the teachers belonging to the different families have been submitted to some member of each family for correction. Some of the native teachers have probably been omitted, especially of those who taught in the early years of the town, but all who could be found have been included. The maiden names of female teachers who have been married have been given, on the supposition that they would be better known by those names. The town has produced an average number of about five teachers annually since its organization. I am indebted to Dominicus Ricker, Joseph Parsons, Elisha S. Wadleigh, Luther Neal, Lorenzo Moulton, Silas Cartland, John W. Piper, Sherman E. Piper, Hugh B. Lougee, Ann Marston and others, for the valuable assistance they have rendered me in preparing this list.—Horace Piper.[p. 424]
Ira H. Bickford,
Stephen Bickford,
Abner Blaisdell,
Cyrus Blaisdell,
Daniel O. Blazo,
Eben Blazo,
Robert T. Blazo,
Alpheus Boothby,
Cyrus F. Brackett,
John W. Brackett,
James W. Bradbury,
Samuel M. Bradbury,
James A. Bradeen,*
John M. Brown,
Simon Brown,
Simon Brown, 2d,
Caleb Burbank,
Eleazer Burbank,
George D. Burbank,
Linwood E. Burbank,
Luther C. Burbank,
Oscar Burbank,
Samuel Burbank,
William S. Burbank,
Asa Burnham,*
George Oliver Burnham,
John Lorenzo Burnham,
Aaron Buzzell,
Alvah Buzzell,
James M. Buzzell,
Silas H. Cartland,
Stephen Cartland,
Mark Chapman,
Ira C. Chase,
William H. Chase,
Horace R. Cheney,
Edward J. Colcord,
Richard L. Cook,*
Edwin J. Cram,
Fred. E. Cram,
James O. Cram,
John A. Cram,Albion Emery,
Augustus M. Emery,
Lorenzo M. Emery,
Isaac N. Felch,*
George H. Fenderson,
Hubbard Fogg,
Charles T. Fox,
Frederick Fox,
David Garland,
Daniel S. Garland,
Edmund Garland,
Edmund Garland, 2d,
John Garland,
Jonathan Garland,
Joseph Garland,
Samuel Garland,
Thomas Garland,
Smith Garland,
Charles Hale,
Levi Hannaford,
Reuben Hannaford,
Albert E. Haynes,
Alpheus S. Hilton,
Charles A. Hilton,
B. Frank Kennard,
John A. Kennard,
William D. Knapp,
John Knight,
Albert R. Leavitt,
Caleb B. Lord,
Henry D. Lord,
Joseph M. Lord,
Richard Lord,
Albert G. Lougee,
Charles Lougee,
Edgar W. Lougee,
Gilman Lougee,
Hugh B. Lougee,
Taylor Lougee,
Daniel S. Marston,
John D. Marston,
Samuel D. Marston,Frank P. Moulton,
John F. Moulton,
John L. Moulton,
Joseph Moulton,
Lorenzo Moulton,
Silas Moulton,
William E. Moulton,
Simeon Mudgett,
Edgar A. Neal,
Enoch Wedgwood Neal,
John Neal,
John Herbert Neal,
Luther Neal,
John T. Paine,
Nicholas E. Paine,
Franklin Palmer,
Alvah Parker,
Asa Parks,
Orlando T. Parks,
Asa A. Parsons,
Asa B. Parsons,
Charles G. Parsons,
Enoch P. Parsons, 2d,
George Parsons,
John U. Parsons,
Joseph Parsons,
Joseph Addison Parsons,
Noah B. Parsons,
Taylor L. Parsons,
Thomas Parsons,
Weare D. Parsons,
Andrew Pease,
Burleigh Pease,
Frank H. Pease,
Nathaniel B. Pease,
Zebulon Pease,
James Perry,
Horace Piper,
Horace M. Piper,
Irving Piper,
John W. Piper,
Jonathan Piper,[p. 425]
John W. Cram,
George P. Davis,
Jeremiah W. Dearborn,
Joseph Dearborn,
Isaiah F. Pray,*
Joseph Pray,
Samuel Pray,
Charles A. Rand,
James Rand,
John H. Rand,
Tristram Redman,
Frank J. Remick,
Frederick E. Remick,
Dominicus Ricker,
Joseph Ricker,
Samuel Leighton Ricker,
William Ricker,
Emery S. Ridlon,
Brackett R. Rogers,
Charles F. Sanborn,
Edwin L. Sanborn,
John H. Sanborn,
Moses M. Smart,
Sewell Smart,
Austin R. Smith,James O. McIntire,
Malcolm McIntire,
Rufus McIntire,
David L. Merrill,
Samuel M. Smith,
Harry L. Staples,*
Lorenzo De M. Sweat,
Moses E. Sweat,
Jesse Sweat,
William W. Sweat,
John Tarbox,
Samuel Tarbox,
George B. Thompson,
Horace P. Thompson,
William R. Thompson,
Benjamin L. Tibbetts,
Harvey M. Towle,
S. K. Towle,
Melville C. Towle,
J. Woodman Trueworthy,
Amos Tuck,
John Tuck,
Jonathan Tuck,
Clark E. Varney,
Caleb E. Wadleigh,Lorenzo D. Piper,
Sherman E. Piper,
David B. Pratt,
James E. Pratt,
Elisha S. Wadleigh,
Andrew J. Wedgwood,
Benaiah H. Wedgwood,
James M. Wedgwood,
Joseph Wedgwood,
Silas B. Wedgwood,
William B. Wedgwood,
William P. Wedgwood,
Charles T. Wentworth,
Ebenezer Wentworth,
Giles M. Wentworth,
Zenas P. Wentworth,
Albert Whitten,
Simon J. Whitten,
Joseph Wiggin,
Samuel Wiggin,
David Wilson,
Moses Wilson,
Maria B. Allen,
Caroline Bailey,
Meribah D. Bailey,
Nancy Bailey,
Martha Banks,
Ellen S. Bennett,
Marcia Bennett,
Mary A. Bennett,
Alsie E. Benson,
Ella A. Benson,
Emily E. Benson,
Georgia A. Benson,
Lucinda B. Benson,
Mattie O. Benson,
Ruth E. Benson,Elizabeth U. Emerson,
Ida J. Emery,
Sarah P. Felch,
Susan Felch,*
Eliza J. Felch,*
Hannah R. Felch,*
Lydia C. Felch,
Mary E. Fenderson,
Dorothy Fernald,
Judith Fernald,
Lydia Foss,
Mary Gammon,
Abigail Garland,
Clarissa Garland,
Sarah Garland,Nettie Moulton,
Salome K. Moulton,
Susan E. Moulton,
Dorothy D. Mudgett,
Emma Mudgett,
Harriet Mudgett,
Sarah Mudgett,
Clarinda Elizabeth Neal,
Etta C. Neal,
Florence C. Neal,
Isadore E. Parker,
Diantha P. Parks,
Mary A. Parks,
Betsey A. Parsons,
Mary Parsons,[p. 426]
Sabrina D. Benson,
Adeline H. Bickford,
Eliza Blazo,
Emily M. Blazo,
Joanna Blazo,
Maria F. Blazo,
Mary B. Blazo,
Susan C. Blazo,
Gracie Boothby,
Lucinda Boothby,
Ann C. Brackett,
Elizabeth Brackett,
Emily A. Brackett,
Irene C. Brackett,
Mary P. Brackett,
Susan Brackett,
Harriet E. Brown,
Martha Brown,
Mary Brown,
Abbie M. Burbank,
Anna Burbank,
Minnie Burbank,
Caroline W. Burnham,
Julia A. Burnham,
Martha A. Burnham,
Mary Burnham,
S. Melissa Burnham,
Rhoda H. Burnham,
Susan Burnham,
Martha Buzzell,
Abbie Cartland,
Abbie D. Cartland,
Anna Cartland,
Anna H. Cartland,
Content Cartland,
Cynthia W. Cartland,
Elizabeth Cartland,
Emma Cartland,
Jennie M. Cartland,
Lizzie Cartland,
Lydia M. Cartland,
Martha E. Cartland,Lucinda Gould,
Hattie A. Guptill,
Betsey Hannaford,
Harriet P. Haynes,
Jennie M. Haynes,
Jennie W. Haynes,
Rhoda L. Haynes,
Cora B. Hilton,
Eva A. Hilton,
Rhoda J. Hilton,
Abby A. Hodsdon,
Annette Hodgdon,
Augusta A. Hodsdon,
Emma Libby,
Addie S. Lord,
Catharine R. Lord,
Clara P. Lord,
Frances F. Lord,
Hannah B. Lord,
Hattie J. Lord,
Lydia A. Lord,
Sarah Lord,
Abbie F. Lougee,
Abigail Lougee,
Ann B. Lougee,
Annette Lougee,
Betsey Lougee,
Charlotte Lougee,
Clara D. Lougee,
Clarinda S. Lougee,
Joanna Lougee,
Joanna S. Lougee,
Julia Lougee,
Juliette Lougee,
Lucy M. Lougee,
Mary A. Lougee,
Sally A. Lougee,
Sarah Lougee,
Susan Lougee,
Susan Lougee, 2d,
Susan B. Lougee,
Grace Lovering,*Minnie Parsons,
Miranda Parsons,
Pamelia Parsons,
Susan Parsons,
Almira Pease,
Annie L. Pease,
Clara T. Pease,
Martha Pease,
Mattie M. Pease,
Olive Pease,
Jennie C. Perry,
Mehitable Philbrick,
Carrie L. Piper,
Hattie M. Piper,
Lucell Pratt,
Hannah E. Pray,
Sally Pray,
Dorcas H. Rand,
Eliza L. Rand,
Elizabeth Rand,*
Zilpha M. Rand,
Hannah Randall,
Abbie Ricker,
Abbie C. Ricker,
Ann Ricker,
Lucy I. Ricker,
Mary Ricker,
Sally H. Ricker,
Maggie Ridlon,
Nellie G. Ridlon,
Betsey Roberts,
Mary E. Roberts,
Nellie A. Roberts,
Hannah B. Sanborn,
Jane A. Sanborn,
Sarah F. Sanborn,
Betsey Sayward,
Hannah A. Seavey,
Harriet A. Smart,
Mary G. Smart,
Sarah A. Smart,
Eliza Smith,[p. 427]
Martha J. Cartland,
Caroline A. Chapman,
Ellen Chapman,
Sarah F. Chapman,
Susie Chellis,
Nancy Churchill,
Reliance Churchill,
Amanda M. Cole,*
Angie Collomy,
Nellie F. Collomy,
Althea F. Cook,
Lizzie H. Cook,
Lucy A. Cook,
Eva C. Cram,
Lucy A. Cram,
Jennie Davis,
Sarah L. Davis,
Eva A. Dearborn,
Melissa Dearborn,
Ruth B. Dearborn,
Betsey Doe,
Comfort Doe,
Elizabeth Doe,
Hannah Doe,
Mary Doe,
Nancy Doe,
Nancy Doe, 2d,
Rebecca Durgin,
Annie D. Eastman,
Emma A. Eastman,
Augusta C. Eastman,Ann Marston,
Comfort Marston,
Deborah Marston,
Mary E. Marston,
Mary S. Marston,
Eveline McIntire,
Mary R. McIntire,
Nancy H. McIntire,
Ida M. Merrill,
Rebecca Merrill,
Augusta Moore,
Eveline Moore,
Martha Moore,
Caroline More,
Mary Jane More,
Eliza Morrill,
Hannah Morrill,
Ada C. Moulton,
Clara P. Moulton,
Emeline B. Moulton,
Eva A. Moulton,
Hannah E. Moulton,
Hattie A. Moulton,
Ina M. Moulton,
Jane Moulton,
Lucy E. Moulton,
Marcia L. Moulton,
Martha J. Moulton,
Mary A. Moulton,
Mary E. Moulton,
Mary P. Moulton,Helen Smith,
Julia A. Smith,
Elva N. Staples,*
Emily Sweat,
Abby Symmes,
Elizabeth Tarbox,
Maria J. Tarbox,
Olive H. Tarbox,
Carrie E. Thompson,
Abbie A. Tibbetts,
Melissa C. Towle,
Caroline D. Wadleigh,
Catharine P. Wedgwood,
Eliza Ann S. Wedgwood,
Mary M. Wedgwood,
Mary N. Wedgwood,
Mehitable F. J. Wedgwood,
Nancy H. Wedgwood,
Ruth Wedgwood,
Sarah M. Weeks,
Georgie Wentworth,
Ruth White,
Ada Whiting,
Armine Whitten,
Hannah Whitten,
Mary Ann Whitten,
Mercy J. Whitten,
Sarah P. Whitten,
Jennie Wiggin,
Fannie Wilson,
Hannah Wilson.Females, 265; males, 236; total, 501.