Source: Francis Byron Greene, History of Boothbay, Southport and Boothbay Harbor, Maine, 1623-1905 (Portland Me.: Loring, Short & Harmon, 1906).
[p. 262]Boothbay Publishments of Intentions of Marriage.The following list of publishments of intentions of marriage is as complete as the records will permit. I have found a few instances where I was positive that the parties were married since the organization of the town, and have been unable to find any publishment of the intentions of the contracting parties. These instances, however, are very rare. It was the early custom to write out the publishment, wherever space might be found, in the old first book of records. I carefully went over this book and copied those publishments which it contained, and then arranged them chronologically. I have verified my copied list with the original and believe the work to be practically correct. It is not in verbatim form, for that varied according to the caprice of the various clerks. I have dropped all unnecessary words, simply giving date and names of the contacting parties, and the town, where either party lived in some other than Boothbay. Where no town is given, Boothbay is to be understood. It may be well to caution the reader who expects exact correspondence in names with those to be found in the genealogical department, that variations in form often occurred in the record. To illustrate: Ichabod Pinkham recorded his five daughters in the town records as Mercy, Sarah, Mary, Martha and Betsey. His will, on file in the Lincoln registry, makes bequests to Mary, Sally, Polly, Patty and Betsey. In other families Elizabeth appears in one place and Betsey in another, while in the very early records, among those of Scottish descent, Jane and Jean are interchangeable; so, also, are Abigail and Nabby, and several other names. The middle initial letter of a name is observed in some records and omitted in others. In men's names less confusion exists, but in these there are instances where the suffix, Jr., is used.
1766-1820.[p. 263]for a nephew, or some other relative, of the oldest member of a family, while the son may have the suffix of 2d, 3d or some other number of designation.1766.Mar. 3, Ichabod Pinkham and Mercy Catlin.
Dec. 21, John Murray and Anne Montgomery.1767.Jan. 31, Solomon Pinkham and Mary Perry.
May 15, Eleazer Sherman and Lydia Kelley.
July 27, Samuel Pierce and Elizabeth Thompson, Monhegan.
Aug. 24, Joseph Floyd and Mary Dizer, Charlestown.
Oct. 31, Benjamin Thomas and Mary Jordan, Cape Elizabeth.
Nov. 16, Patrick McKown and Margery Fullerton.
Nov. 21, Nathaniel Brewer and Elizabeth Sampson, Arundel.1768.Mar. 26, Faithful Singer and Susanna Knight.
Oct. 7, Daniel Knight and Mary Winslow, Bristol.
Oct. 22, Moses Cross, Freetown, and Mary Kelley.
Nov. 19, Samuel Perkins and Abigail Stevens.
Nov. 26, James Kennedy and Phebe Alley.
Nov. 26, John Leishman and Sarah Reed.
Dec. 1, Jonathan Daws and Elizabeth Barter.
Dec. 10, Hezekiah Herinton and Elizabeth Linekin.1769.Jan. 13, Nathaniel Brewer and Elizabeth Salloway.
Mar. 25, John Fullerton and Jean McCobb.
May 27, Samuel Montgomery and Jean Wyer.
______, Benjamin Kelley and Sarah Kennedy.
Nov. 20, John Montgomery and Lydia Winslow, Bristol.
Dec. 4, Robert Wylie and Mary Kennedy.
Dec. 29, Thomas Boyd, Bristol, and Katherine Wylie.1770.Jan. 9, John Auld and Mary McCobb.
Feb. 3, Zebedee Linekin and Susanna Linekin.
Apr. 12, Jemuel Ripley and Margaret Nail.
Apr. 17, Andrew Wall and Hannah McFarland.
May 7, Thomas Slowman, Woolwich, and Lydia Daws.
______, John Call, Pownalboro, and Sarah Lewis.
______, Francis Cummings and Mary Kelley.[p. 264]1771.Jan. 5, David Colbath and Elizabeth Hutchings.
Feb. 2, William Decker and Molly Decker, Jeremisquam.
Mar. 2, Benjamin Pinkham and Ella Catland, Bristol.
Aug. 28, Thomas Young, Monhegan, and Susanna Pierce.
Nov. 21, Thomas Rines, Jeremisquam, and Elizabeth Crummett.
Nov. 30, Arad Powers and Mary Colley.1772.Jan. 1, John Brewer and Susanna Day.
Jan. 2, William Booker and Hannah Booker.
Jan. 4, Joseph Decker, Freetown, and Sarah Davis.
Apr. 17, Samuel Wylie and Margaret Beath.
Apr. 17, James Auld and Frances McCobb.
Oct. 17, Cornelius Horn and Masse Chaples.
Oct. 24, John W. Brown, Ipswich, and Susanna Pierce.
Nov. 20, Rev. John Murray and Susanna Lithgow, Georgetown.
Nov. 20, John Barter and Frances Lewis.1773.Mar. 23, George Lewis and Dorcas Lemcord, Pownalboro.
___ 8, Andrew Reed and Hannah Davis.
May 29, Ichabod Tibbetts and Deliverance Cook.
July 31, William McClintock, Bristol, and Margaret Fullerton.
Dec. 25, John Holton and Priscilla Beath.1774.Jan. 17, Samuel Alley and Sarah Linekin.
______, Neal Wylie and Esther Crawford.
Mar. 19, Thomas Kennedy and Sarah Dodge, Freetown.
Mar. 19, Benjamin Pinkham and Rhoda Hutchings, Freetown.
Mar. 19, Nuoles Booker and Mary Davis.
Mar. 31, John Booker and Mary Rackliff.
June 18, Nathaniel Pinkham and Martha Catland.
______, Abner Dunton, Egham, and Hannah Barter.
Aug. 4, Christopher Stevens, Edgecomb, and Hannah Hofsom.
Oct. 15, Thomas Kenney and Jemima Foster.
Nov. 12, Ichabod Tibbetts and Betty Hutchings.
Dec. 4, David Gilmore, Woolwich, and Janet Fullerton.1775.Jan. 15, Nathaniel Tibbetts and Elizabeth Alley.
Mar. __, Jeremiah Barter and Mary Bachelder.
Apr. 5, John McCobb and Mary Beath.
Apr. 22, Henry Bond and Marian Fullerton.
June 23, Samuel Herren and Elizabeth Ingraham.
Dec. 2, William Poor and Mary Leach, Haverhill.[p. 265]1776.Mar. 29, John Parker, Georgetown, and Elizabeth Beath.
Aug. 10, Israel Davis and Hannah Barter.
___ 31, Samuel Kenney and Abigail Barter.
Dec. 14, William Wheeler and Phebe Linekin.1777.Feb. 1, Abraham Serote and Jean Lambert, Pownalboro.
Feb. 1, Joseph Pierce and Sarah Thompson.
Mar. 1, Jeremiah Crommett and Sarah Floyd.
Mar. 10, Benjamin Rollins and Rhoda Pinkham.
May 26, Joseph Lewis and Jean Wylie.
July 26, James McCobb and Sarah Allen, Georgetown.
Sept. 17, Samuel Sanders and Jean Reed.1778.Jan. 1, James Pinkham and Polly Rollins.
Mar. 7, Andrew Reed, Jr., and Phebe Sawyer.
Apr. 26, Nicholas Barter and Molly Coll.
June __, James Rollins and Mary Floyd.
Aug. 6, William Reed and Jean McFarland.
Aug. 8, John Irskine and Sarah Reed.
______, John Borland and Sarah Campbell, Newcastle.
Nov. 26, John Tibbetts and Lydia Lamson.1779.Jan. 4, Benjamin McFarland and Margaret Murray.
Jan. 22, Andrew Reed, 3d, and Mary McFarland.
Feb. 7, Joseph Booker and Anna Booker.
Mar. 20, Benjamin Hutchings and Abigail Tibbetts.
June 6, John Murray and Elizabeth Chapman, Ipswich.
June 7, James Rollins and Mary Floyd.
Dec. 4, John Barter and Jemima Kenney.1780.Mar. 27, Allen Sawyer and Sally Hodgdon, Edgecomb.
Apr. 12, Jacob Sawyer and Elizabeth Herrington.
June 22, Nicholas Webber and Rachel Love.
Aug. 30, William Lewis and Sarah Pinkham.
Aug. __, John Parrish and Susanna Serote.
Nov. 29, Jeremiah Crommett and Jude Knight.
Dec. 4, James Brewer and Mary Barter.1781.Jan. 1, Thomas Decker and Catherine Fullerton.
Mar. 10, Calvin Pinkham and Elizabeth Barter.[p. 266]May 14, Joseph Humphreys, Newcastle, and Catherine McClintock.
Oct. 7, Chestain Messing and Mary Brewer.
Nov. 1, Samuel Thompson and Mary Reed.
Nov. 6, James Rollins and Mary Alley.
Dec. 27, Alexander Wylie and Hannah Kennedy.1782.Jan. 21, Joseph Carlile and Elizabeth Merry.
Feb. 8, Patishell Knight and Susanna Brown.
May 4, Abijah Kenney and Esther Wylie.
Dec. 21, Samuel Adams, Jr., and Mary Bryer.
Dec. 21, Stephen Lewis and Abigail Barter.1783.July 24, Giles Tibbetts and Hannah Alley.
Sept. 4, Ephraim Alley and Susanna Day, Edgecomb.
Nov. 1, Solomon Burnham and Anna Wheeler.1784.Feb. 18, David Reed, Jr., and Jenny Reed.
Apr. 3, Ebenezer Fullerton and Eunice Beath.
June 26, Benjamin Kenney and Susanna Lewis.
Aug. 26, Obadiah Trask, Edgecomb, and Martha Kelley.
Sept. 16, David Atkins, Saco, and Sarah Serote.
Dec. 1, Samuel McCobb, Jr., and Sarah McFarland.
Dec. 2, Samuel Clifford, Edgecomb, and Mary Adams.1785.July 10, Edward Bird and Elizabeth Wooten.
July 23, Ebenezer Sawyer and Martha Giles.
Mar. 29, John Emerson and Rebecca Hodgdon.
Dec. 3, Joseph Beath and Mary Pelham.1786.Sept. 16, Stephen Rollins and Martha Crommett.
Sept. 19, William Burns, Bristol, and Margaret McClintock.
Nov. 17, David Reed, 2d, and Jane Reed.1787.Jan. 30, Elias Skidmore, Newtown, Conn., and Mary Reed.
Apr. 2, David Linekin and Elinor Farnham.
May 30, Jonathan Greenough and Catherine Reed.
Oct. 16, David Give (Gove?) and Lydia Alley.
Nov. 24, William Trask, Edgecomb, and Abigail Carlile.[p. 267]1788.Jan. 4, Patrick Herren and Jane Taylor.
May 27, Joseph Linekin, Jr., and Jane Brewer.
June 6, Ruggles Cunningham, Edgecomb, and Mary Giles.
Sept. 2, James Reed and Sarah Kenney.
Sept. 8, Joseph Carlile and Phebe Alley.
Sept. 16, Frederick S. Arnold and Elizabeth Matthews.
Sept. 26, John Kent and Susanna Thompson.
Nov. 1, Levi Ball and Judy Crommett.
Nov. 29, Samuel Stimson, Georgetown, and Mary Fullerton.1789.Mar. 20, David Kenniston and Sarah Beath.
Mar. 25, Nathan Maness and Jane Brewer.
Mar. 26, Joseph Pinkham and Mrs. Alice Cunningham, Edgecomb.
Apr. 20, William Reed and Martha Reed.
June 6, Ephraim Burnham and Jane Brown.
July 15, Andrew McFarland and Betsey McKown, Bristol.
Aug. 8, Robert Mitchell, Belfast, and Martha Wylie.
Aug. 8, Henry Kenney and Elizabeth Emerson, Edgecomb.
Sept. 4, Edward Tierney, Nobleboro, and Susanna Wylie.
Sept. 25, John Lewis and Rebecca Tibbetts.
Oct. 17, Adam Boyd and Martha Boyd.
Oct. 30, Anselm Farnham and Betsey Plummer, Bristol.
Dec. 26, Joseph Giles and Sarah Reed.1790.Jan. 2, John Stover and Mary Barter.
Jan. 23, James Tibbetts and Nabby Lewis.
Mar. 1, William Durong and Ruth Burnham.
Apr. 11, David Emery, Pownalboro, and Jean Pierce.
May 22, Joshua Crommett and Sarah Adams.
June 7, David Nelson and Deborah Clenningbowl.
June 9, Timothy Carroll and Susanna Webber.
Oct. 3, Thomas Boyd, 3d, and Eleanor McGlathery, Bristol.
Oct. 4, William Adams and Betsey Sawyer.
Oct. 8, Eleazer Sherman and Susanna Wylie.
Nov. 6, John Maddocks and Elizabeth Kennedy.
Dec. 21, Thomas Bracket, Bristol, and Polly Yeaton.1791.Jan. 13, Samuel Barter and Judith Abbott.
Mar. 30, Lemuel Lewis and Sarah Tibbetts.
Apr. 25, Samuel Day and Betsey Reed.
May 10, Thomas Reed and Sarah Reed.[p. 268]May 20, Benjamin Pinkham and Nabby Giles.
Sept. 1, Joseph Thompson and Lucy Sally.
Sept. 5, Dependence Stover and Mary Bell, Edgecomb.
Sept. 15, Edmund Leason and Mary Pierce.
Nov. 7, Nicholas T. Knight and Rachel Auld.
Dec. 14, Joseph Campbell, Newcastle, and Jenny Reed.
Dec. 14, Ebenezer Lundy and Joanna Thompson.1792.May 5, Nathaniel Whitaker, Jr., and Sally Swanton, Bath.
May 14, John Brown, Jr., and Betsey Perkins.
May 24, Oliver Jack, Bristol, and Elizabeth Arnold.
June 29, Rev. Ezekiel Emerson, Georgetown, and Mrs. Margery McKown.
Sept. 25, Benjamin Kent, Jr., and Celia Smith.
Oct. 10, Joshua Hodgdon, Edgecomb, and Phebe Sawyer.
Oct. 13, Ichabod Pinkham, Jr., and Betty Cunningham, Edgecomb.
Oct. 24, Ichabod Willey and Sally Horn.
Nov. 5, Faithful Singer and Mary Fullerton.
Dec. 11, Reuben Alley and Lucy Dunton, Edgecomb.
Dec. 11, Edward Cooper, Kennebec, and Elizabeth Arnold.1793.Jan. 12, William Knight and Martha Burnham.
Mar. 8, Benjamin Kelley, Jr., and Anne Auld.
Apr. 10, John M. McFarland and Margaret Reed.
Apr. 10, Pelatiah Maddocks and Mrs. Clarecy Bird.
Apr. 20, John Perkins and Mary Goudy.
Apr. 25, John Norwood and Anne Smith.
June 8, John Farnham and Abigail Plummer, Bristol.
July 2, Calvin Pinkham, Jr., and Julia Kenney.
July 19, Ebenezer Chase, Edgecomb, and Jane Adams.
Sept. 6, James Moore, Edgecomb, and Phebe Kennedy.
Sept. 10, Benjamin Dunton, Edgecomb, and Patty Alley.
______, Samuel Bryer, Jr., and Bethrige McCobb.
Oct. 23, Eleazer Sherman, Jr., and Elizabeth Reed.
Oct. 25, Thomas Cleaves, Bristol, and Hannah Wheeler.
Nov. 22, Nathan Dole, Pownalboro, and Mary Matthews.
Dec. 20, John Love and Lydia Straw.1794.Jan. 4, John Daws, Jr., and Elizabeth Barter.
Jan. 10, Ichabod Pinkham, Jr., and Lucy Hunt, Bristol.
Jan. 15, John Giles and Mary Tibbetts.
Feb. 9, John Wall and Susanna Brewer.[p. 269]Feb. 28, Robert Reed, 3d, and Ellice Wylie.
Mar. 19, James Plummer, Bristol, and Martha Farnham.
May 5, Edward Emerson, Edgecomb, and Anne Sawyer.
June 10, William Maxwell Reed and Rosanna McFarland.
June 15, James Brewer and Margaret Wall.
July 7, Nathaniel Merchant and Sarah Kent.
July 24, Joseph Barter, Jr., and Sarah Pinkham.
July 31, Adam Boyd, Jr., and Mary Kellah, Warren.
July 31, Fenly Kellah, Warren, and Mary Boyd.
Aug. 2, Thomas Ball and Sarah Holbrook.
Sept. 13, Capt. Ephraim McFarland and Elizabeth Mitchell, Belfast.
Oct. 31, William Fullerton and Sally Montgomery.
Nov. 13, Ephraim Linekin, Cushing, and Betsey Daws.
Nov. 15, John Andrews, Ipswich, and Patty Knight.
Nov. 26, John A. Kennedy and Judith Dunton, Newcastle.
Nov. 30, William Bryer and Margaret Smith.
Dec. 6, Thomas Gove, Edgecomb, and Elizabeth Reed.1795.Jan. 6, Zenas Hutchins, Edgecomb, and Mary Auld.
Jan. 15, Solomon Pinkham, Jr., and Sally Ball.
Jan. 24, Thomas Ball and Betsey Horn.
Apr. 30, Aaron Sawyer and Sarah Kent.
May 15, John Poor and Mary Elenwood.
May 18, George Kellah and Jean Boyd.
June 10, John Norwood and Janet Trask, Edgecomb.
Aug. 24, William Horn and Rebecca Morton, Meduncook.
Sept. 15, John Huskins and Betsey Daws.
Oct. 24, Stephen Lewis and Mary Williamson.
Nov. 6, John Barter, Jr., and Lucy McKenney, Georgetown.
Nov. 20, Jonathan Pierce and Lydia Rand.
Nov. 30, Francis Crooker, Jr., Barrettstown, and Martha Kennedy.
Nov. 30, Edward B. Sargent and Sally Parsons.
Dec. 1, David Boyd and Katy Young, Cushing.1796.Feb. 1, Michael Campbell, Newcastle, and Jane Boyd.
Feb. 4, John Bryer and Martha Wylie.
Feb. 21, David Ackley and Elizabeth Warr Boston [sic].
Apr. 9, Aaron Sherman and Polly Tarblet.
May 26, Samuel McCulloch and Polly Wall.
June 17, Capt. Joseph Reed and Sarah Askins.
Sept. 24, Jeremiah Beath, Jr., and Sally Stewart, Bristol.
Oct. 27, Ebenezer Farnham and Polly Herrin.[p. 270]Nov. 4, David Reed, 4th, and Susanna McFarland.
Nov. 5, William Matthews and Lydia Wall.
Nov. 5, John Rand, Jr., and Sally Hambleton.
Nov. 12, John Murray Reed and Esther Reed.
Nov. 19, Robert Montgomery and Jane McCobb.
Nov. 19, Sylvester Pierce, Jr., and Rebecca White.
Nov. 25, Thomas Steven and Mary Stover.
Nov. 25, Thomas Ball and Jane Wallace.
Nov. 26, Samuel Nelson and Sarah Row, New Milford.
Dec. 5, Andrew Dunton, Edgecomb, and Nancy Dunton.1797.May 13, John Ingraham and Nancy McKown.
May 16, Samuel Giles and Elizabeth Sherman.
July 19, William Lewis and Mary Lampson.
Oct. 2, Benjamin Wheeler and Martha McFarland, Bristol.
Oct. 28, David Kenniston and Mrs. Elizabeth Day.
Nov. 5, Robert Wylie, Jr., and Hannah Taylor, Newcastle.
Nov. 16, Elisha Sherman and Katy Tarblet.
Nov. 16, Oliver Jack and Rebecca Perkins.
Dec. 4, Samuel Perkins, Jr., and Margaret Smith, Harrington.1798.Mar. 13, William Emerson and Rhoda Brown.
Oct. 27, Andrew McFarland and Mary Sale, Chelsea.
Oct. 27, George Race, Jr., and Sally Bennett.
Nov. 15, John Wooten and Margaret Floyd.
Nov. 25, Nathaniel Knight and Elizabeth Barber, Edgecomb.
Dec. 4, Nathaniel Tibbetts, New Sharon, and Abigail Tibbetts.1799.Jan. 7, Alfred Wadsworth, Bristol, and Lydia Knight.
Mar. 4, Daniel Tilton, Edgecomb, and Huldah Bryer.
Mar. 6, Joseph Barter and Esther Barter.
Mar. 6, David Day and Hannah Pinkham.
Apr. 6, Abner Horn and Sarah Decker.
July 13, John McKown and Sally Harris.
July 13, David Adams and Mercy Pinkham.
Sept. 20, Benjamin Pinkham and Sally Kenney.
Sept. 24, Samuel Barter, 3d, and Sally Abbott.
Oct. 24, Simeon Brown, Bristol, and Sally Pierce.
Oct. 24, Capt. Nathaniel Pinkham and Betsey McFarland.
Dec. 6, Roger Sherman and Betsey Dunton, Newcastle.
Dec. 12, Abijah Wheeler and Jennie McGlathery, Bristol.[p. 271]1800.Apr. 7, Nathaniel Montgomery and Betsey Knight.
May 28, Elihu Bryer, Jr., and Betsey Bryer.
June 7, John Tibbetts and Lydia Giles.
July 2, John Leyton and Mehitabel Claringbole.
Aug. 23, William Bryer, Jr., and Betsey Wilson, Kittery.
Aug. 29, William McKown and Polly Thompson.
Sept. 7, Samuel Rackliff and Betsey Trask.
Oct. 31, Joseph Pierce, Jr., and Nabby Rand.
Nov. 11, William Lewis, Jr., and Nabby Spence, Durham.
Nov. 23, James Murray and Esther Boyd.1801.Oct. 3, Phineas Sargent and Sally Brewer.
Oct. 17, Walter Powers, New Milford, and Mrs. Mehitable Claringbole.
Nov. 9, William Courier and Patience Smith.
Nov. 14, Abraham Springer and Priscilla Smith.
Nov. 21, Samuel Pinkham and Eunice Kenney.
Dec. 21, Abraham Decker, Jr., and Betsey Horn.1802.Jan. 16, William Kennedy and Pegge Prusset, Bristol.
Jan. 20, John Perkins and Patty Gove, Edgecomb.
Feb. 6, Samuel G. Smith and Sally Matthews.
Feb. 11, Samuel Oakman, Jr., Pittstown, and Mary Reed.
Apr. 28, Ebenezer Clifford, Jr., Edgecomb, and Lydia Perkins.
Apr. 28, Stephen Perkins and Mary Albee, Pownalboro.
May 15, Ezekiel Holbrook and Lucy Linekin.
June 26, William Montgomery, Warren, and Polly Rackliff.
July 3, William Reed and Martha Lewis.
Oct. 2, Robert Bryer and Abigail Pierce.
Oct. 18, George Gilbert, Wiscasset, and Susanna Knight.
Oct. 30, Benjamin Barter and Polly Barker.
Nov. 13, George W. Merrill and Betsey Sawyer.
Nov. 14, Joseph Catland and Betsey Adams.
Nov. 28, James Auld and Sally Knight.
Dec. 4, John McCobb, Jr., and Mary Huff, Edgecomb.,1803.Jan. 1, Stephen Lewis, Jr., and Fannie Southard.
Jan. 1, David Pinkham and Sarah Bryer, Kittery.
Jan. 8, Andrew Reed, 4th, and Jane Reed.
Jan. 29, John Decker and Joanna Lundy.
Feb. 24, Joseph Hayes, North Yarmouth, and Mary Knight.
Mar. 2, Joseph Gyor, Bristol, and Sally Pierce.[p. 272]Mar. 7, Joseph Horn and Sally Decker.
Mar. 26, Joseph Sherman and Sarah Dunton.
Apr. 8, John Fuller and Rachel Auld.
May 27, Alexander Reed and Catherine Boyd.
June 2, Lemuel Lewis, Jr., and Hannah More, Edgecomb.
July 6, Samuel Perkins, Jr., and Patty Alley.
Aug. 3, Amasa Piper and Margery Reed.
Aug. 6, Jonathan Hutchings and Widow Martha Boyd.
Aug. 10, William Sherman and Rebecca Dunton.
Aug. 19, Thomas Stewart and Elizabeth Holton.
Sept. 17, Jonathan Sawyer, Jr., and Martha Reed.
Oct. 22, John Brown, Bristol, and Sally McCobb.
Nov. 29, Benjamin Webster and Katie Harris.
Dec. 6, Robert Bryer and Mary Haggett, Edgecomb.1804.Jan. 13, John Leishman, Jr., and Lydia Clark, Newcastle.
Jan. 21, John Matthews, Jr., and Rebecca Southard.
Feb. 18, David Reed, 3d, and Sally Pinkham.
Mar. 13, Samuel Hutchings and Dorcas Alley.
June 30, Andrew Reed, 5th, and Patience Catland, Newcastle.
July 7, Joseph Matthews and Sally Lampson.
Aug. 18, Palgrave Maddocks, Jr., and Rhuhama Pierce.
Sept. 10, Nathan ______, Nobleboro, and Sarah Rust.
Sept. 24, William Harris and Eliza Pierce.
oct. 3, Peter Dunton and Sally Pierce.
Oct. 10, Nathaniel Chapman, Jr., Nobleboro, and Peggy Knight.
Oct. 31, John Alley, Jr., and Sally Hibbard.
Nov. 16, Timothy Dunton and Margaret Pinkham.
Dec. 12, Edmund Wilson and Elizabeth McCobb.1805.Jan. 12, Joseph Grimes and Sarah Rackliff.
Feb. 9, Joseph Dunton and Lydia Sherman.
Mar. 2, William Trask and Elizabeth Boyd.
Mar. 16, George W. Merrill and Sibel Holton.
Apr. 27, Aaron Sawyer and Nabby Kenney.
____ 1, Robert Dow and Sally Rand.
Oct. 9, Samuel Murray and Sally Boyd.
Nov. 14, John Winslow, Edgecomb, and Betsey Butler.
Nov. 23, Israel Dunton and Polly Hutchings.1806.Jan. 3, Andrew Pinkham and Mary Bickford.
Feb. 6, William Bryer and Polly Booker.
Mar. 6, Abisha Pray and Anna Wylie.[p. 273]Mar. 22, Jacob Auld and Sarah Reed.
Apr. 21, Thomas Sargent and Sally Farnum.
May 10, Joseph Linn and Sarah Kennedy.
June 7, Elihu Bryer and Mrs. A. Sawyer.
Oct. 15, Stephen Webster and Mary Dow.
Oct. 15, Joseph Emerson and Betsey Boyd.
Nov. 2, John Lewis and Eunice Colton, Newcastle.
Nov. 5, Solomon Trask, Edgecomb, and Mary Bennett.
Nov. 8, Henry Kimball and Sarah Kenney.
Nov. 15, Ebenezer Lewis and Sally Clifford, Edgecomb.
Dec. 9, Ezekiel Holbrook and Dorcas Farnum.
Dec. 13, Ebenezer Decker and Sally Ball.1807.Jan. 17, Artemus Piper and Mary Hammond.
Jan. 17, John Webber and Jude Pinkham.
Jan. 17, Joseph Bryer and Jane Kiff (Kieff).
May 19, Joseph Tibbetts and Sally Crummett.
Aug. 8, Benjamin Crooker and Catherine Webster.
Aug. 20, Lieut. John Cameron and Mrs. Eliab H. Poor.
Sept. 5, Robert Wylie, 4th, and Jane Webber, Edgecomb.
Sept. 19, John Thompson, Bristol, and Sarah Perkins.
Oct. 9, John Wylie, Jr., and Martha Thompson.
Oct. 28, Paul Reed and Ruth Wylie.
Oct. 29, Daniel Rose and Olive Peasley.
Nov. 13, Ephraim Burnham and Huldah Crooker, Edgecomb.
Dec. 30, Joseph McCobb and Margaret Auld.1808.Jan. 16, Samuel Brewer and Nabby Bennett.
Feb. 18, Matthew Reed and Sally Reed.
Mar. 2, Walter Linekin and Rhoda Grover.
Aug. 6, John Twombly and Eunice Jackson, Durham.
Aug. 6, John Davis and Catherine Williams.
Aug. 20, David Reed, 4th, and Esther Lewis.
Sept. 2, Joseph Perkins, Northboro, and Charlotte Rust.
Sept. 8, Aris Preble and Abigail Gray.
Sept. 24, William Montgomery and Charlotte Boyd.
Oct. 6, Nathaniel Montgomery and Elizabeth Emerson.
Oct. 8, Isaac Conary and Mina Barter.
Oct. 14, Eleazer Sherman and Martha Reed.
Nov. 26, Thomas Decker, Jr., and Betsey Lampson.
Dec. 12, Jonathan Robinson and Lucy Dunton.
Dec. 17, James Adams and Mehitable Tibbetts.
Dec. 30, Capt. Samuel Alley and Betsey Gove, Edgecomb.
Dec. 31, Capt. Israel Holton and Jane Robinson, Bristol.
Dec. 31, Samuel Bryer, 3d, and Olive P. Bryer.[p. 274]1809.Jan. 7, Stephen Greene and Vronne Serote.
Feb. 25, James Brewer, Jr., and Jane Herrin.
Mar. 10, Benjamin Tibbetts and Sally Crummett, Edgecomb.
Apr. 1, Samuel Wilson and Margaret McFarland.
Apr. 15, Andrew McCobb and Eliza Bryer.
Apr. 20, William Reed, 2d, and Hannah Hutchings.
Apr. 27, Samuel Ballard, Newcastle, and Martha Rust.
May 29, John Stover and Rhoda Stover.
June 30, Samuel Harris, Jr., and Mary Pierce.
Aug. 9, George W. Boyd and Mary Huff, Edgecomb.
Sept. 1, Mark Tibbetts and Ann Giles.
Sept. 1, Samuel Clifford, Jr., Edgecomb, and Susan McCobb.
Sept. 1, Giles Tibbetts, Jr., and Jane Crummett.
Sept. 1, Edward Dodge and Rhoda Tibbetts.
Sept. 27, Joseph Barter, 4th, and Mary Stone.
Oct. 2, Rev. Jabez Pond Fisher and Fanny Auld.
Nov. 22, Thomas Harper and Fanny Lewis.
Dec. 13, Paul Reed, 2d, and Mary Reed.
Dec. 15, William Clark and Betsey Thompson.1810.May 7, John Carlisle and Susanna Alley.
Aug. 18, Samuel Smith, U. S. Gar., Damariscotta, and Sally Adams.
Aug. 19, Francis Hodkins, Nobleboro, and Sally Boyd.
Sept. 21, Tobias Pillsbury, U. S. Gar., Damariscotta, and Betsey Adams.
Sept. 22, Jacob Bacon and Betsey Sawyer.
Oct. 27, Samuel Thompson, Jr., and Martha Pinkham.
Nov. 17, James Stover and Lucy Barker.
Nov. 17, John Cameron and Sally Dow.
Nov. 24, Alexander Boyd and Susanna Walker, Woolwich.1811.Jan. 5, Jeremiah Wooten and Mary Clifford, Edgecomb.
Jan. 5, Isaac Pinkham and Sally Crooker.
Jan. 28, Timothy Dunton, Jr., and Sally Southard.
June 12, William Lewis, Jr., Palermo, and Hannah Tibbetts.
June 23, Jonas Wheeler and Huldah Booker.
June 29, John Lewis, 3d, and Fanny Pinkham.
July 6, Abraham Decker and Susannah Wooten.
July 22, George W. Pierce and Maria Barns.
Sept. 13, William Kennedy and Jane Boyd.
Sept. 19, William Maxwell Reed and Martha Rust.[p. 275]Sept. 21, Levi Sawyer, Woolwich, and Jennie Decker.
Sept. 26, Loren Ingwort Bork and Mary Landerkin.
Sept. 27, Winthrop Andrews, Ipswich, and Rhoda Grover.
Nov. 11, Thomas Rowell and Betsy Pinkham.
Nov. 12, Thomas Williams and Lydia Pinkham.
Nov. 17, Dr. Charles Fisher and Jane Fullerton.1812.Jan. 25, William Johnson, Pittston, and Sarah Dunton.
May 27, Jaocb Perkins and Jane Blinn, Bristol.
June 26, Stephen Rand and Nancy Adams, Woolwich.
July 7, John Barter, 3d, and Susan Kenney.
July 25, William McCobb Auld and Rosanna Reed.
Aug. 15, Paul McCobb and Jane Auld.
Aug. 22, William Bragg and Mary McCobb.
Oct. 5, James Montgomery and Jane Reed.
Nov. 1, Amos Carlisle and Clarissa Sawyer.
Nov. 11, Jonathan Morrison and Emma Thompson, Bristol.
Nov. 29, Samuel Tibbetts and Martha Maddocks.
Dec. 11, William Cunningham and Rebecca Dodge, Edgecomb.1813.Mar. 23, Nathaniel Knight and Lucy Webster, Edgecomb.
May 24, John Decker and Jennet Decker.
June 15, John Gove, Edgecomb, and Susan Kenney.
Aug. 19, Ezekiel Webber, Hallowell, and Judith Kennedy.
Aug. 28, Samuel Lewis and Sarah Barter.
Sept. 16, Daniel Matthews and Mary Matthews.
Sept. 18, Eben Long, Harwich, Mass., and Susannah Barter.
Oct. 19, Isaac Foss and Fanny Lewis.
Oct. 23, William Farmer and Katherine Reed.
Nov. 4, William Tibbetts and Susan W. Brier.
Nov. 27, Nicholas T. Knight and Sally Auld.
Nov. 27, Robert Wylie, 2d, and Mrs. Elizabeth Wylie.
Nov. 27, Thomas Boyd, 2d, and Abigail Webber, Edgecomb.
Dec. 11, Robert Sherman and Esther Reed.1814.Jan. 1, Henry Abbott and Lydia Flanders, Woolwich.
Jan. 22, John Brown, Jr., and Mary McCulloch.
Jan. 27, Joel Thompson and Martha Pinkham.
Jan. 29, David Merry and Chana Alley.
Feb. 12, John Emerson and Mrs. Elizabeth Catland.
Feb. 25, John Southard, Jr., and Elizabeth Catland, Newcastle.
Mar. 19, Edmund Wilson, Esq., and Martha Pinkham.
Mar. 19, Andrew A. Langard and Abigail Pinkham.[p. 276]Apr. 2, Capt. John Reed and Sarah Reed.
Apr. 4, Samuel Brier and Hannah Booker.
Apr. 13, Stephen Lewis, Jr., and Lois Tibbetts.
May 28, Edward B. Pierce and Dorcas McMahan, Georgetown.
June 8, Rev. John Wilkinson and Harriet T. Pierce.
June 18, Michael Campbell and Nancy Simpson, Newcastle.
June 25, Stephen Mason, Dresden, and Lydia Alley.
July 22, Joseph Tibbetts and Mrs. Elizabeth Dockendorf, Bristol.
July 22, Isaac Tibbetts and Sally Hutchings.
Aug. 12, Samuel Williams, Edgecomb, and Susan Sherman.
Aug. 12, Ephraim Lampson and Phebe Tibbetts.
Aug. 27, John Sherman and Eunice Besse.
Sept. 15, John Knight and Mary Blinn, Bristol.
Sept. 17, James Pray and Abigail Lewis.
Sept. 24, David Thompson and Mary Paine.
Oct. 14, William Campbell and Nancy Barter.
Nov. 5, John Pinkham and Charlotte Thompson.
Nov. 5, Ephraim McCobb and Elizabeth Adams.
Nov. 12, Henry Reed and Miriam Carlisle.
Nov. 23, Enoch Dodge, Edgecomb, and Mary Pinkham.
Nov. 23, Nathan Pinkham and Charlotte Young, Alna.
Dec. 23, Stephen Horn and Lydia Grover.1815.Jan. 10, Abiel Gove, Edgecomb, and Lydia Sherman.
Feb. 4, John Elder and Mary Ann Dodge.
May 6, Henry Williams, Edgecomb, and Achsah Besse.
July 22, John Clark, 2d, Bristol, and Margaret McCobb.
July 24, Thomas Horn and Betsy Blair.
July 29, Robert Wylie, 3d, and Nancy Webber, Edgecomb.
Aug. 7, Moses P. Whitaker and Lydia Tibbetts.
Aug. 28, Dana Rackliff and Susan Colby, Edgecomb.
Sept. 8, Joshua Loring and Prudence Dunton.
Sept. 27, George Love and Martha Reed.
Oct. 8, Ebenezer Clifford, Edgecomb, and Sarah Andrews.
Oct. 19, Francis Low, Ipswich, and Elizabeth Colby.
Nov. 15, Jacob Emmons, Georgetown, and Margaret Prebble.
Nov. 15, James Blen, Bristol, and Martha Alley.
Dec. 2, John Page and Hannah Farnham.1816.Feb. 20, Willard Spalding and Mary Gray.
Fe[b]. 26, Jacob Sawyer and Martha Linekin.
Mar. 12, Ephraim Francis and Phebe G. Riggs, Edgecomb.
July 14, William Decker and Anna Bragg.[p. 277]Sept. 28, John Burnham and Isabella Malcomb, Newcastle.
Sept. 28, William Cameron and Mary Clarenbold.
Oct. 12, Isaac Kelley and Martha Kennedy.
Oct. 12, John Barter, 4th, and Susannah Fanley.
Oct. 16, Ebenezer Kent and Lois Barter.
Nov. 2, Josiah Gray and Mary Bragg.
Dec. 6, Walter Linekin and Abigail Hankerson.
Dec. 17, Charles Rackliff and Lois Drew.
Dec. 21, James Reed and Mary Cunningham, Edgecomb.
Dec. 28, Francis Gray and Lydia Abbott.1817.Mar. 8, Jacob Auld, Esq., and Elizabeth C. Fullerton.
Mar. 15, John Alley, 3d, and Mary Gray.
Apr. 9, Benjamin Pinkham, 3d, and Abigail Lewis.
May 10, William Thompson and Lydia Pierce.
Aug. 9, Henry Gray and Mary Reed.
Aug. 9, John Reed, 2d, and Eunice Tibbetts.
Oct. 22, Benjamin Harris and Emily Dunton, Edgecomb.
Oct. 22, William Durant and Hannah Reed.
Oct. 25, Samuel Boyd and Sarah Brier.
Oct. 27, Ebenzer [sic] Lundy and Eady Dow.
Nov. 1, Amos Carlisle and Anna Brier.
Nov. 29, Samuel Lewis and Martha Thompson, Bristol.1818.Jan. 17, Asa G. Baker, Edgecomb, and Mary Pinkham.
Feb. 3, Moses Greenough, Wiscasset, and Elizabeth Norwood.
Feb. 7, John Baker, Edgecomb, and Elizabeth Sherman.
Mar. 20, Jeremiah Meacham, Portland, and Prudence Loring.
Apr. 13, Benjamin Hodgdon and Lydia Emerson.
June 19, John Giles, Jr., and Margaret Landerkin.
July 4, Richard Adams and Elizabeth Grover.
Aug. 8, Samuel Knight and Sarah Campbell.
Aug. 15, John Pinkham, 2d, and Julia Thompson.
Aug. 23, Frederick Lewis, Jr., Whitefield, and Mary Sales McFarland.
Sept. 4, John B. Booker and Elizabeth Hutchings, Bristol.
Sept. 19, Daniel Sanborn, Wiscasset, and Betsy Barter.
Sept. 22, William Carlisle and Mercy Pinkham.
Oct. 23, John Deering, Edgecomb, and Jane Matthews.
Nov. 7, Nathaniel Tibbetts and Clarissa Southard.1819.Jan. 2, Samuel Crowell and Hepsibah Kenney.
Jan. 6, John Landerkin and Sarah Dole.[p. 278]Jan. 23, Samuel Gray and Elizabeth Alley.
Jan. 29, George W. Merrill and Martha Catland, Newcastle.
Mar. 27, Edmund Wilson, Esq., and Betsey Young, Newcastle.
Apr. 17, William Alley and Martha Bennett, Edgecomb.
May 3, William Lewis and Hannah Brooks.
June 26, John Love, Jr., and Susan Brewer.
Aug. 11, William Brier and Susan M. Reed.
Aug. 21, Benjamin Alley and Lydia Gray.
Sept. 18, Abiel Sherman and Loring Gove, Edgecomb.
Sept. 18, David Deering, Edgecomb, and Catherine Sherman.
Sept. 20, John Sloman, Wiscasset, and Elizabeth Clarenbold.
Oct. 22, John Kelley and Mary Sherman.
Nov. 5, William Handley, Nobleboro, and Mary McCulloch.
Nov. 5, Samuel Stover and Catherine Merrill.
Nov. 10, James Campbell and Mary Brewer.
Nov. 12, William Stone and Rebecca Lewis.
Nov. 12, Giles Lewis and Mina Pinkham.
Nov. 20, Benjamin Bennett and Mary Matthews.
Nov. 25, John Hutchings and Nancy Bugnor, Dresden.
Dec. 7, Ebenezer Lewis and Isabella Fickett.1820.Jan. 2, John Fullerton and Mary Cargill, Newcastle.
Feb. 7, John Kellock and Eunice Priest.
Feb. 11, Joseph Farnham and Nancy Farnham.
Feb. 12, John Matthews and Mary Barter.
Feb. 19, William Dunton and Sarah Knight, Edgecomb.
Feb. 24, David Dunton, Edgecomb, and Sally Tibbetts.
Mar. 3, Joseph Booker, Jr., and Nancy Hutchings, Bristol.
Apr. 12, Frederick Hutchings and Abigail Loomis.
May 6, David Brown and Jane Kelloch.
May 6, Robert Reed, 4th, and Alice Reed.
May 13, Samuel Donnell and Henrietta Hyde, Bath.
June 3, Major Alexander Drummond, Phippsburg, and Margaret McFarland.
June 28, Timothy Hodgdon and Fanny Tibbetts.
Aug. 30, David Austin and Judith Pinkham.
Sept. 2, Daniel J. Averill and Maria Reed.
Sept. 19, Samuel Barter, 2d, and Margaret Day.
Oct. 25, John Poor, Jr., and Anna Giles.
Oct. 28, Benjamin Linekin, St. George, and Harriet Farnham.
Dec. 2, William Orne, Jr., and Elizabeth Hall, Georgetown.