Source: Joseph Williamson, History of the city of Belfast in the state of Maine. (Portland Me.: Loring, Short, and Harmon, 1877-1913), Vol. 2.
[p. 558][MARRIAGES]1891.
Jan. 1. In Atlanta, Georgia, Clinton George Ferguson, of Sioux Falls, S. D., and Miss Martha Louise Hall.
[Jan.] 1. Frank H. Dunbar and Miss Mabel Robbins.[p. 559]1891.
Jan. 1. Burton S. Wight and Miss Ida M. Rolerson, of Winterport.
[Jan.] 1. William Rhoades Marshall and Miss Eva Adelia Conant.
[Jan.] 4. In Boston, Charles D. Brand, Jr., of Boston, and Miss M. A. Greer, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 14. In Almeda, Cal., William H. Hooper and Mrs. Isabelle F. Degan, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 19. John M. Hinchman, of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Annie Jane White.
[Jan.] 21. Eben L. Prime and Miss Lucy E. Cram, both of Brooks.
Feb. 18. In Deer Isle, Fred Saunders, of Deer Isle, and Mrs. Eliza A. Cooke.
Mar. 3. Charles F. Haley, of Searsmont, and Miss Stella K. Banks.
[Mar.] 18. In Troy, Otis S. Garland, of Dixmont, and Mrs. Alzena F. Foss.
[Mar.] 23. Adelbert Whitney, of Big Timber, Mont., and Miss Lena Montez Haney.
Apr. 2. Victor C. Stover and Miss Mary D. Hayes.
[Apr.] 15. John Thomas McDonald, Jr., of Boston, and Miss Alice Bicknell.
[Apr.] 20. Dana Boardman Southworth and Miss Mary Emeline Simpson.
May 2. Andrew A. Drury and Miss Edith L. Bashaw, of Stowe, Vt.
[May] 2. In Jackson, Simon A. Payson and Miss Hattie Stiles, of Jackson.
[May] 14. Solomon S. Gross, of Morrill, and Mrs. Olive H. Clary, of Knox.
[May] 31. William F. Hopkins and Miss Clara A. Crockett, both of Northport.
[May] 31. Cornelius C. Cunningham and Miss Lizzie Redman.
June 3. Walter E. Mayo, of Gloucester, Mass., and Miss Daisy M. Ames.
[June] 6. In Hudson, Mass., Arthur H. Terry and Miss Minnie M. Smith.
[June] 6. Robert C. Leonard and Miss Alice C. Frost.
[June] 11. George Israel Keating and Miss Edith Blanche Knowlton.
[June] 17. In Lawrence, Mass., Winthrop Otis Sargent and Mrs. Esther F. (Dyer) Barker, of Searsmont.
[June] 30. In Salem, Edward C. Browne and Miss Charlotte C. Crowninshield, recently of Belfast.
July 1. Frank H. Mayo and Miss Viola Redman.
[July] 3. La Forest E. Burgin and Miss Nellie Grant, of Northport.
[July] 4. Augustus F. Marshall and Miss Ellen Josephine Dill.
[July] 4. Elbridge J. Rolerson and Miss Emma W. Eldridge.
[July] 4. Robert Emery Cottrell and Miss Almatia Herrick.
[July] 5. In Searsmont, Fred Ames, of Bangor, and Miss Nettie S. Nutter.
[July] 6. Fred B. Bosworth, of Rockingham, Vt., and Miss Mattie W. Wentworth.[p. 560]1891.
July 14. In Castine, Ferdinand P. Clifford and Miss Addie B. Morey, of Castine.
Aug. 8. N. A. Wiggin and Miss Anna Sawyer, both of Knox.
[Aug.] 16. In Searsport, Frank Webber and Mrs. Annie M. Carter.
[Aug.] __. In Dublin, N. H., John E. McCann, of New York, and Miss Marianna F., daughter of Mrs. Sidney A. Jones, formerly of Belfast.
[Aug.] 22. In New York, David B. Beggs, of New York, and Miss Grace McCaulay, formerly of Belfast.
Sept. 4. William S. Wentworth and Miss Jennie E. Lassell, of Burnham.
[Sept.] 8. Charles Dodge and Miss Lizzie Cook.
[Sept.] 10. Albert Pierce, of Frankfort, and Miss Frances Williamson.
[Sept.] 14. William H. Rossiter and Miss Inez T. Williams, both of Northport.
[Sept.] 15. George V. Kennedy, of Jacksonville, Fla., and Miss Kittie W. Havener.
[Sept.] 15. Clinton S. Eastman, of Westbrook, and Miss Katherine E. Shute.
[Sept.] 16. Benjamin F. Robinson and Miss Isabel E. Roberts, both of Bridgewater, Mass.
[Sept.] 21. Joseph M. Flagg and Mrs. Minnie B. (Hallowell) McFarland.
[Sept.] 23. In China, Charles A. Bowden, of Rockland, and Miss Anna C. Jackson, formerly of Belfast.
[Sept.] 30. John Parker and Miss Mary Elizabeth Robinson.
Oct. 10. George W. Miller, of Brooks, and Miss Zeffie L. Elwell, of Waldo.
[Oct.] 22. In Searsmont, Hollis M. Longfellow, of Searsmont, and Mrs. Hattie P. Pilley.
[Oct.] 22. In Fargo, N. D., Albert S. Ames, of Ashland, Wis., and Miss Lena L., daughter of the late E. A. Perry, formerly of Belfast.
[Oct.] 22. In West Park, N. Y., Eugene R. Durkee, of New York, and Harriet, daughter of the late Rowland Carter, formerly of Belfast.
[Oct.] 24. In Freedom, Charles W. Thomas and Miss Mabel E. Hustus, of Freedom.
[Oct.] 26. In St. Paul, Minn., Roland L. Carter and Miss Ellen Marie Harmon.
Nov. 7. Everett P. Ames, of Anson, and Miss Louie F. Pendleton, of Islesboro.
[Nov.] __. In Lynn, Mass., Frank E. Locke, of Lynn, and Miss Annie V. Dutch.
[Nov.] 18. Josiah S. Paul and Miss Blanche O. Fletcher, of Burnham.
[Nov.] 19. In Augusta, Joseph Williamson, Jr., and Miss Vallie M. Burleigh, of Augusta.
[Nov.] 19. In Mill Creek, I. T., Charles H. Tisdale and Miss Addie M., daughter of E. M. Thomas, formerly of Belfast.[p. 561]1891.
Nov. 19. Austin Wilder Keating and Miss Adelaide E. Gilmore.
[Nov.] 21. Walter S. Arey and Miss Sadie Twombly.
[Nov.] 26. Orlando R. Moody and Miss Edith C. Pierce.
[Nov.] 29. In Searsmont, Bernes O. Norton and Miss Ellen M. Shibles.
Dec. 9. In Marysville, Cal., Wallace Dinsmore and Mary Louise, daughter of Hon. William M. Cutter, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] __. In Beverly, Mass., William L. Stevens, formerly of Belfast, and Miss Mattie Roberts, of Beverly.
[Dec.] 15. George Innes and Miss Ruby Evelyn Rolerson.
[Dec.] 19. John McG. Randall and Miss Lena M. Knowlton.
[Dec.] 21. Zelma S. Richards and Miss Grace E. Heath.
[Dec.] 23. In Camden, Edwin A. Jones and Miss Ora L. Achorn, of Camden.
[Dec.] 24. John F. Rogers and Miss Pearl E. Knowlton.
[Dec.] 24. Samuel C. Moore and Miss Alice W. Carrow.
[Dec.] 24. In Portland, William Campbell Crawford, recently of Belfast, and Miss Cora A. King, of Portland.
[Dec.] 24. In Waterville, John Phillips and Miss Fannie H. Lowell, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] __. In Lawrence, Mass., Ferdinand Dodge, formerly of Belfast, and Mary Hatch.
[Dec.] __. In Jersey City, N. J., Warren E. Marsh and Etta A. Tingley, of New Brunswick, N. J.
[Dec.] 31. In Searsport, Frederick A. Patterson and Miss Florence I. Gilmore, of Searsport.
Jan. 1. Rufus D. Bartlett and Miss Nellie E. Tripp, both of Swanville.
[Jan.] 2. Herbert Bucklin and Mrs. Rose F. (Knowlton) Kimball.
[Jan.] 21. In Pittfield, John A. Briggs and Miss Anna L. Rhoades, of Pitsfield.
[Jan.] 21. In Florence, Mass., Charles H. Dilworth, recently of Belfast, and Miss Emma Harbour, of Florence.
[Jan.] 27. Edwin P. Frost and Miss Evelyn Antoinette Cottrell.
[Jan.] 30. Isaac F. Thomas, of Cape Elizabeth, and Miss Elvira M. Brown.
[Jan.] 30. In Rockport, Asa Abbott Howes and Mrs. Hattie E. Berry, of Rockport.
[Jan.] 31. In Beverly, Mass., Ephraim F. Davis, of Beverly, and Miss Laura W. Gray, formerly of Belfast.
Feb. 6. Alton L. Blanchard, of Unity, and Mabel Allen.
[Feb.] 7. Walter M. Gray and Mrs. Flora E. (Kimball) Sylvester.
[Feb.] 13. James E. Bakeman and Mrs. Sophronia Gray.
[Feb.] 27. Herbert C. Penney, of Amherst, and Mrs. Anna J. French.
Mar. 16. In Boston, George E. Priest, of Boston, and Miss Nellie Simpson.
[Mar.] 19. Ira M. Combe, of Boston, Miss Annie E. Watts.[p. 562]1892.
Mar. 29. William E. Wilde and Hattie A. Knowlton, both of Searsmont.
[Mar.] 31. William J. Baker and Miss Grace Wight.
Apr. 2. Horace E. Twombly and Mrs. Lillian M. Nash.
[Apr.] 20. In Mattapan, Mass., Elmer H. Heath, formerly of Belfast, and Miss Carrie B. Crossman, of Boston.
[Apr.] 21. Charles H. French, of Bangor, and Miss Nellie S. Bartlett, of Waldo.
[Apr.] 23. Fred M. Staples and Miss Fannie E. Sinnott, of Winterport.
[Apr.] 30. Richard Brown and Miss Emma J. Robertson, both of Monroe.
May 1. Gilbert C. Levenseller and Miss Sarah E. Chase, both of Waldo.
[May] 5. Irvin E. Howard and Miss Nellie V. Neal.
[May] 12. Winslow H. Webber and Mrs. Jane Graisbury.
[May] 17. In Augusta, Dr. Arthur Lincoln Parsons and Miss Annie H. Treat, of Augusta.
[May] 31. Levi Clay and Mrs. Olive Etta (Newell) Staples.
June 1. In Boston, Henry Morgan Burdett, of Stamford, Conn., and Miss Margaret Patterson Crosby.
[June] 4. Herbert E. Wentworth, of Waldo, and Miss Isa Woodbury, of Morrill.
[June] 4. Charles H. Douglas, of Knox, and Mrs. Annie H. Dearborn, of Newport.
[June] 4. George W. Partridge, of Prospect, and Miss Annie M. Black, of Searsport.
[June] 10. Ansel Lothrop and Miss Marcia A. Wellman.
[June] 12. Leonard N. Tenney, of Northport, and Miss Edith M. Wescott.
[June] 13. In Lynn, Mass., Albert Barnet Ferguson, of Searsport, and Miss Lydia P. Mayhew.
[June] 14. Charles O. Parsons, of Northampton, Mass., and Miss Mary C. Dilworth.
[June] 14. Frank J. Rigby and Miss Kittie Forrest Conant.
[June] 15. William H. Skinner and Miss Ida May Sheldon, of Waldo.
[June] 18. Horace Albert Perkins and Miss Villa Dockham.
[June] 21. In Milford, Mass., Wallace R. Tarbox, of Fryeburg, and Miss Mary E. Reardon, formerly of Belfast.
[June] 28. Christopher C. Rowe and Mrs. Della Berry.
[June] 28. Walter M. Cottrell and Miss Lefia A. Morse.
[June] 28. Charles B. Sheldon and Miss Maud E. Clark.
[June] 30. Leonard C. Keen and Miss Annie S. Calhoun, of Wilton.
July 2. Martin Thomas and Mrs. Mary E. B. Stover.
[July] 2. In Freedom, Otis W. McKenney and Miss Olive M. Hustus.
[July] 3. Dana F. Proctor and Miss Eva May Lassell, both of Lincolnville.[p. 563]1892.
July 4. In Searsmont, H. D. Adams, of Franklin, Mass., and Miss Clara B. Moody, formerly of Belfast.
[July] 14. Albert McIntosh and Miss Maria Welch.
[July] 19. In Swanville, Leander Bean and Mrs. Orinza P. York.
[July] 23. In Northport, Edgar L. Clark and Miss Josephine M. Hinkley.
[July] 25. Henry H. Duncan and Miss Edith Hart.
Aug. 1. In Fort Myers, Fla., Capt. Wellington M. White, of Tampa, formerly of Belfast, and Miss Millie Stout, of Fort Myers.
[Aug.] 13. In Thomaston, Charles W. Stephenson and Miss Laura E. Townsend, of Thomaston.
[Aug.] 14. Rufus Walton and Mrs. Anna B. Libby.
[Aug.] 25. Charles E. Hill, of Chelsea, Mass., and Miss Datie B. Mathews, of Searsport.
[Aug.] 25. Charles C. Coombs and Miss Caro E. Meservey.
[Aug.] 26. John C. Gould and Miss Bina Fuller, both of Albion.
[Aug.] 26. In Lee, William C. Crandlemire, of Lee, and Mrs. Lizzie B. (Doe) Worthing.
[Aug.] 31. Henry O. Archibald and Miss Faustina Stimpson.
Sept. 6. Fred F. Carter and Miss Nellie Vivian Hartshorn.
[Sept.] 19. Willis E. Crabtree and Miss Laura J. Grant.
[Sept.] 24. Thomas Robinson and Miss Frances Ada Michaels.
[Sept.] 25. Marshall H. Cilley, of Lincolnville, and Miss Martha E. Wescott.
[Sept.] 30. In Portland, William M. Randall and Miss Cora E. Gardner, of Portland.
Oct. 1. In Bath, Charles A. Harriman, formerly of Belfast, and Miss Nellie D. Coombs.
[Oct.] 1. In Boston, William W. Cates and Miss Belle M. Lawrence.
[Oct.] __. In Winthrop, Frank Albert Gilmore and Miss Marion Getchell, of Winthrop.
[Oct.] 4. Dayton F. Stephenson and Miss Vienna M. Warren.
[Oct.] 12. Charles Henry Davis, of Boston, and Miss Harriet Alice Coolen.
[Oct.] 12. Alvan Lamb Atherton, of Rockingham, Vt., and Miss Clara Emma Johnson.
[Oct.] 14. William Ira Beckett, of Northport, and Mrs. Ruth Edna Wargent, of Isleboro.
[Oct.] 23. Leroy E. Burns and Mrs. Mary W. Cilley, both of Waldo.
[Oct.] 26. Jacob A. Schneider, of Boston, and Miss Grace M. Robbins.
Nov. 7. Sumner Bridges and Miss Dora A. Jackson.
[Nov.] 9. Thomas E. Shea, of Cambridge, Mass., and Miss Nellie W. Burkett.
[Nov.] 10. Herbert W. Knight and Miss Jennie Harmon.
[Nov.] 14. In Camden, Wilson Carter and Marietta Eastman, of Camden.[p. 564]1892.
Nov. 23. In Formosa, Fla., William Downs and Miss Estelle Black, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 28. James Conrad Beckett, of Northport, and Miss Edith L. Richards, of Islesboro.
[Nov.] 30. Abram York, of Brunswick, and Miss Phœbe Elms.
Dec. 3. William A. Lord, of Liberty, and Miss Sadie Weagle.
[Dec.] 3. Charles H. Coombs and Miss Mary E. McMahan.
[Dec.] 4. George O. Scott and Miss Blanche I. Clark.
[Dec.] 13. Delbert M. Flanders and Miss Zilla Rogers, both of Waldo.
[Dec.] 19. Herbert L. Stevens and Miss Lenora F. Dunbar.
[Dec.] 24. Joel W. Fernald, of Lincolnville, and Mrs. Etta M. Rolerson, of Waldo.
[Dec.] 24. In Bucksport, Isaac Dunbar, Jr., and Miss Jennie Emerton, of Bucksport.
[Dec.] 28. In Jackson, Edgar M. Hall and Miss Ada B. Getchell, of Jackson.
[Dec.] 31. Fred V. Packard and Miss Lottie G. Mathews.
Jan. 2. Ashley S. Phinney and Miss Inez Jackson.
[Jan.] 4. Charles Henry Walden and Miss Edith Lydia Stone.
[Jan.] 7. In Boston, Francis Whitmore and Mrs. Sarah M. Russell, of Lynn.
[Jan.] 7. Walter S. Packard, of Waldo, and Miss Ella F. Linekin, of Knox.
[Jan.] 7. In Northport, Edward H. Knowlton and Miss Florence E. Grant.
[Jan.] 9. In Boston, William R. Beach, of Malden, Mass., and Mrs. Ellen M. Gillum, formerly of Belfast.
[Jan.] 10. In Rockland, George M. Barney and Miss Lucretia A. Duncan.
[Jan.] 16. George E. Benson and Miss Sadie A. Hamilton.
[Jan.] 19. Alfred E. Lamb and Miss Sadie Heald, both of Belmont.
[Jan.] 19. In Milford, Mass., Leon O. Yeaton and Miss Tena Fuller, of Waltham.
[Jan.] 25. In Ubet, Mont., William Neill and Garnette Currier, formerly of City Point, Belfast.
[Jan.] 26. In Bangor, Thomas S. Burr and Miss Kate Prescott Smith.
Feb. 1. Fred Parks Burgess, of Boston, and Miss Edith Marie Damon.
[Feb.] 6. In Philadelphia, William C. Thompson, of New York, and Miss Marion Stockham, of Philadelphia.
[Feb.] 23. In Stoughton, Mass., Frank Columbus, of Stoughton, and Miss Augusta M. Stickney, formerly of Belfast.
Mar. 9. Nathaniel J. Pottle and Miss Alice H. Edgecomb.
[Mar.] 31. Dr. Erastus D. Williams, of Isleboro, and Miss Kittie F. Smith, of Northport.
Apr. 18. In Thomaston, Arthur P. Davis and Miss Rosa Bradford, of Thomaston.[p. 565]1893.
Apr. 19. George A. Jackson, of Northport, and Miss Abbie J. Black, of Belmont.
[Apr.] 29. Wilbert O. Whitcomb and Miss Lizzie W. Rumery.
[Apr.] 30. Charles E. Whitcomb and Miss Bertha L. Barlow, both of Waldo.
May 14. In Dorchester, Mass., Harvey S. Smith, of Dorchester, and Miss Georgie E. Knowlton, formerly of Belfast.
[May] 20. George R. Patterson and Miss Gracie N. Jackson.
[May] 30. Frank Cunningham and Miss Hattie Crockett.
June 1. Edmund Wilson and Miss Lena A. Partridge.
[June] 7. Ralph H. McKeen and Miss Idella L. Eaton.
[June] 9. James V. Aldus and Mrs. Eliza E. (Robbins) Aldus.
[June] 17. Sherman G. Swift and Miss Mattie L. Clement.
[June] 24. Otis G. Wooster, of Camden, and Miss Georgia M. Whitcomb, of Waldo.
[June] 26. In Northport, Frank A. Jones and Miss Ora B. Walls, of Searsmont.
[June] 28. Lincoln A. Overlock and Miss Florence A. Newhall, both of Liberty.
[June] 29. In Cohasset, Mass., Charles James White, M. D., of Boston, and Olivia Alger Richardson, of Cohasset, Mass., and Washington, D. C.
July 4. John F. Hawkins and Miss Hattie B. Payson, both of Waldo.
[July] 5. Frank Wallace Chase and Miss Lilian Pamelia Robbins.
[July] 8. Chester Farris and Miss Annie A. Adams, both of Albion.
[July] 12. In Ottawa, P. Q., Hon. Henry Aylen and Miss Désirée Elise Bourinot, of Ottawa.
[July] __. In Suisan, Cal., Eugene A. Hardy, recently of Belfast, and Miss Ruth Dibble, of San Francisco.
[July] 19. In Roxbury, Mass., Bion Sanborn and Miss Lena Treat, of Stockton Springs.
Aug. 6. George C. Trussell and Miss Carrie B. Carter.
[Aug.] 24. Oscar H. Drinkwater and Miss Hannah J. Coombs, both of Northport.
[Aug.] 28. Moses Walter Rich and Miss Idella Dustin.
Oct. 4. Daniel Everett Hodgdon and Miss Lena Medora Twiss, both of Searsport.
[Oct.] 4. William B. Rivers and Miss Eleanor Josephine Dunham.
[Oct.] 7. John F. Chapman and Miss Annie S. Cobb.
[Oct.] 9. Reuben L. Nutt and Miss Gertrude B. Gardiner.
[Oct.] 14. Willis E. Wight and Mrs. Maria Agnes (Grant) Moody.
[Oct.] 16. John Jackson and Miss Blanche M. Leighton.
[Oct.] 21. William J. Phillips and Miss Delia M. Young.
[Oct.] 21. Franklin George Ryan and Miss Mary E. Riley.
[Oct.] 31. Melvin Adelbert Pattershall and Miss Sarah Belle Stratton.[p. 566]1893
Nov. 1. Willard R. Sparrow and Mrs. Lulu N. Farnham, of Knox.
[Nov.] 5. In Belmont, Llewellyn P. Moore and Miss Thernie Davis, of Belmont.
[Nov.] 8. George E. Havener and Miss May McKeen.
[Nov.] 9. James Young Foss and Miss Grace Elizabeth Bowen.
[Nov.] 11. William Innes and Miss Lizzie M. Perkins.
[Nov.] 15. Leslie D. Ames, of Northport, and Miss Mary C. Payson.
[Nov.] 16. Edmund E. Nickerson, of Swanville, and Miss Bertha E. Cunningham, of Waldo.
[Nov.] 25. Charles J. Godfrey and Miss Hattie M. Pierce, of Monroe.
Dec. 2. Joseph W. Crockett and Miss Minnie E. Mathews.
[Dec.] 9. In Searsmont, John F. Stephenson and Miss Jennie Davis.
[Dec.] 12. Fred A. Lane, of Prospect, and Mrs. Lizzie A. Harris.
[Dec.] 20. Wilbur A. Macomber and Miss Gertrude Deering Stearns.
[Dec.] 21. In Haverhill, Mass., Osborne A. Barbour, of Camden, and Miss Hattie A. H. Freeman, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 24. William E. Baker and Miss Gertrude M. Phinney.
[Dec.] 25. Herbert Elisha Ellis and Miss Florence E. Turner.
[Dec.] 25. Thomas E. Hale, Jr., of Castine, and Miss Leila A. Brown.
[Dec.] 25. Eli Carr Merriam and Mrs. Addie M. Ladd.
[Dec.] 27. In Roxbury, Mass., Rev. Ralph Gillam, formerly of Belfast, and Miss Rosa F. Moses, of Roxbury.
[Dec.] 30. Byron Martin Rogers and Mrs. Annie Adelia (Tasker) Brier.
Jan. 1. In Knox, George L. Ryan and Miss Rose F. Mixer.
[Jan.] 6. Frank H. Larrabee and Miss Mary J. Staples.
[Jan.] 17. Charles A. Wiley and Mrs. Julia E. Robbins.
[Jan.] 27. Dennis M. Chandler, of Burnham, and Miss Annie L. Greer.
[Jan.] 28. Joseph E. Ellis, of Brooks, and Miss Esther M. Clements, of Waldo.
Feb. 10. In Boston, Charles Henry Mitchell and Mrs. Julia N. Anderson.
[Feb.] 13. Charles E. Owen and Jennie M. Hatch.
[Feb.] 19. In Montville, Herbert F. Jackson and Miss Lizzie A. Choate, of Montville.
[Feb.] 22. In Boston, Walter Frank Frederick, recently of Belfast, and Mabel Virginia Simonds, of Boston.
Mar. 10. Arthur Higgins and Miss Eunice P. Woods.
[Mar.] 26. In Castine, Fred E. Fletcher and Miss Lizzie Chamberlain, of Castine.
[Mar.] 31. Charles H. Brier and Miss Ada E. Ward.
Apr. 9. Vileto T. Hallowell and Miss Delia Grant.
[Apr.] 16. Chalmers C. Ford and Miss Sarah E. Curtis.
[Apr.] 16. In Haverhill, Mass., Dr. Frank Everett Freeman and Jennie A. Grover, of Moreley, Mich.
[Apr.] 25. Fred E. Curtis and Miss Elizabeth L. Larrabee, of Monroe.[p. 567]1894.
Apr. 28. George L. Elwell, of Waldo, and Miss Cora E. Whitcomb.
[Apr.] 28. Henry N. French and Miss Maggie Cook.
[Apr.] 29. Noyes K. Wentworth and Miss Estella S. Smith.
May 1. Joseph S. Patterson and Miss Florence M. Thompson, of South Thomaston.
[May] 1. Oliver B. Anderson and Miss Violet E. Doherty.
[May] 7. Charles S. Trundy and Miss Katie J. Johnson.
[May] 23. Willis Sherman Hatch and Miss Rebecca B. Mitchell.
[May] 30. In Searsmont, Ira A. Pittman and Miss Mary E. Loring.
June 2. Hugh G. Gordon and Miss Grace Shuman.
[June] 2. In New York, William Cross and Miss Mary McCauley, formerly of Belfast.
[June] 9. Albion C. Braley and Miss Hattie M. Wilton.
[June] 10. Justus Thorndike and Mrs. Anna (Brassler) Goodrich, of Burnham.
[June] 11. Edwin H. Cram, of Montville, and Miss Effie A. Harriman, of Appleton.
[June] 12. In Nashua, N. H., Joseph Brooks Pendleton, of Boston, formerly of Belfast, and Susan E. Springer, of Nashua.
[June] 17. John T. Owen and Miss Edith A. Ryder.
[June] 18. In Allston, Mass., William Prescott Castle, recently of Belfast, and Blanche E. Scott, of Allston.
[June] 21. Frank L. Hopkins and Maude S. Smart, both of Frankfort.
July 5. In Hyde Park, Mass., Dr. James H. Sherman, of Middleboro, Mass., and Sarah L. Holt.
[July] 14. Joseph L. Evans and Mrs. Ella Hamilton.
[July] 18. In Fort Fairfield, Percy B. Redman and Minnie M. Jones, of Fort Fairfield.
[July] 18. In South Royalton, Vt., Harry A. Sargent, of Royalton, and Lillian E. Gilmore.
[July] 19. Lauren W. Blake and Miss Estelle Cooper, of Morrill.
[July] 21. Edward T. Wiley and Miss Ada E. Allen.
[July] 29. Frank E. Herrick and Miss Laura E. Nickerson.
Sept. 5. Charles M. Craig and Miss Annie Atherton Starrett.
[Sept.] 16. Leroy T. Morrill and Mary B. Bowen.
[Sept.] 19. Francis James Starrett and Miss Emma Lena Durham.
[Sept.] 19. In Islesboro, Dr. Aaron S. Davis, of Chelsea, Mass., and Miss Lillian Cunningham, of Boston.
[Sept.] 21. Charles M. Young and Mrs. Estella M. (Bean) Young.
[Sept.] 22. George W. Miller and Miss Elzora V. Drinkwater.
[Sept.] 22. John A. Emmons and Miss Carrie E. Baker.
[Sept.] 24. Fred W. Storms, of Rochester, N. Y., and Miss Fannie C. Baker.
[Sept.] 25. Henry A. Dickey and Mrs. Abbie M. Ryan.
[Sept.] 26. In Rockland, Harry M. Whitcomb, of Newbury, and Mrs. Annie M. Small.[p. 568]1894.
Oct. 1. Alfred F. Beverage and Miss Cora M. Dow, both of Camden.
[Oct.] 3. Eustis J. Partridge and Mrs. Lura N. Roderick.
[Oct.] 4. Frederick A. Patterson, of Waldo, and Miss Ada E. Pendleton, of Islesboro.
[Oct.] 8. Marshall O. Knowlton and Miss Mattie I. Logan.
[Oct.] 10. In Auburn, Arthur C. Wyman, of Auburn, and Miss Georgia W. Thombs.
[Oct.] 11. In Portland, William A. McKenzie, of Portland, and Mrs. Emma S. Moore.
[Oct.] 12. James A. Robbins and Mrs. Eliza E. Merrithew.
[Oct.] 15. Emerson Poland, of Morrill, and Miss Myra A. Gurney, of Waldo.
[Oct.] 21. Milford Weed and Mrs. Eva R. Hunt.
[Oct.] 23. Frank O. Whiting and Miss Ethel M. Seekins.
[Oct.] 25. Walter S. Darby and Miss Annie C. Foster.
[Oct.] 31. Daniel I. Drake and Miss Frances E. Nason.
Nov. 15. In Swan's Island, Henry B. Call, of Swan's Island, and Mrs. M. Jane Wyman.
[Nov.] 21. In Swanville, Loranus A. Covell, of Wellfleet, Mass., and Miss Winnie A. Keene.
[Nov.] 22. William Oakes Aldus and Miss Inga Olson.
[Nov.] 22. Ora E. Richards and Miss Annie L. Robbins.
[Nov.] 25. Herman Alonzo Robbins and Miss Ada Hannah Patterson.
[Nov.] 27. George H. Erskine, of Waldo, and Miss Sylvia Sheldon.
[Nov.] 29. Fred P. Wiggin and Miss Eva J. Manning, both of Lincolnville.
[Nov.] 29. Manley Ellis and Sophronia Ward, both of Monroe.
Dec. 1. In Winterport, Manly L. Harriman, of Frankfort, and Miss Myrtie A. Mixer.
[Dec.] 10. Virgil E. Keith, of Haverhill, Mass., and Miss Grace L. Coombs.
[Dec.] 20. In Portland, Charles N. Black and Mrs. Belle S. Priest.
[Dec.] 23. In Worcester, Mass., Albert W. Brooks, of Worcester, and Alice S. Chapman.
Jan. 1. Mott F. Wilson, of Orono, and Miss Gertrude F. Walker, of Waldo.
[Jan.] 1. Frank E. Grady and Miss Abiah B. Colcord.
[Jan.] 5. Herman L. Patterson and Mrs. Lizzie F. Shaw.
[Jan.] 10. Benjamin F. Philbrick and Annie C. Clark, both of Waldo.
[Jan.] 12. George Thurston and Mrs. Maggie McLellan.
[Jan.] 16. Charles F. Toothaker and Miss Ella M. Patterson.
[Jan.] 19. Llewellyn H. Jipson and Miss Hattie B. Light.
[Jan.] 26. In Salem, Mass., McDonald Ellis White, of Boston, and Mrs. Elizabeth F. (Safford) Hobbs, of Salem, Mass.
[Jan.] 28. Leslie W. Smith, of Sedgwick, and Miss Myrtle Bateman.
Feb. 9. Capt. Gilbert L. Field and Mrs. Eliza Gillum.[p. 569]1895.
Feb. 13. George Byron Salter and Miss Minnie A. Hartshorn.
[Feb.] 15. In Portland, Sherman W. Freeman and Miss Grace L. Gentner.
[Feb.] 16. Alonzo L. Cook, of Dixmont, and Miss Nellie M. Banton, of Freedom.
[Feb.] 21. George W. Varney and Miss E. Florence Browning, of Boston.
[Feb.] 26. Frank H. Hoag and Miss Nettie A. Nichols.
Mar. 18. Amos T. Harvey and Jennie Roberts, both of Swanville.
[Mar.] 20. William S. Wescott and Mrs. Nellie Drinkwater, of Lincolnville.
[Mar.] 27. In Haverhill, Mass., Fred F. Davis, of Belfast, and Percie D. Brown, of Haverhill.
Apr. 1. In Cleveland, O., Bradbury F. Cushing, of Lynn, and Mabel R. Staples.
[Apr.] 1. Ralph E. Grey and Miss Emma L. Cook.
[Apr.] 2. Herbert A. Wiley and Miss Lida C. Cross, of Lincolnville.
[Apr.] 5. Benjamin F. Clark and Miss Maggie A. Brier.
[Apr.] 12. In Old Orchard, Frank H. Colley, recently of Belfast, and Miss Lizzie E. Bowdoin, of Old Orchard.
[Apr.] 25. In Oldtown, Dr. Frank Freeman and Miss May Bailey.
May 1. Alonzo C. Heal, of La Grange, and Mrs. Annie M. Hall, of Oldtown.
[May] 1. In Castine, Fred D. Alexander and Mrs. Cecilia Stevens Runnals, of Castine.
[May] 16. Walter H. Coombs and Miss Lulu May Freese, of Bangor.
[May] 23. Jesse H. Webber and Miss Mabel F. Deane.
[May] 23. Josiah K. Davis and Mrs. Maud Stewart, both of Searsmont.
[May] 23. Joshua G. Wentworth and Mrs. Mary Douglas, both of Thorndike.
[May] 25. Charles W. Shorey, of Waldo, and Miss Caroline P. Wentworth, of Knox.
[May] 29. Oscar A. Shibles and Mrs. Mary A. Cross, both of Searmont.
June 3. Dr. Frank A. Schubert of Plymouth, Mass., and Miss Liella Maud Lewis.
[June] 5. Wilmer Judson Dorman and Miss Bertha Boardman Emery.
[June] 6. In Lexington, Mass., Dr. Hovey L. Shepherd and Mandana E. Snow, of Leicester.
[June] 10. In Lewiston, Mr. Frank Gardner and Miss Frances Paige, of Lewiston.
[June] 15. Edward C. Payson and Miss Nettie V. Hartshorn, both of Waldo.
July 1. Herbert H. Patterson, of Taunton, Mass., and Miss Bertha L. Millay.
[July] 13. In Searsport, Percy R. Brock, of Searsport, and Miss Effie A. Nickerson.[p. 570]1895.
July 20. Henry K. Gurney and Miss Margie A. Sanborn, both of Waldo.
[July] 24. James Barker and Miss Martha J. Park, both of Windham, N. H.
[July] 30. Walter James Clifford and Miss Maggie A. Murphy.
Aug. 4. Nathan F. Patterson and Miss Hattie L. Hunter.
[Aug.] 6. Fred Nickerson, of Orrington, and Miss Dora Lizzie Webb.
[Aug.] 10. Edward H. Babcock, of Brewer, and Miss Edith B. Ware, of Bangor.
[Aug.] 28. John W. Norton and Miss Cora M. Robbins.
Sept. 2. Andrew D. Ward, of Augusta, and Miss Cora E. Luce, of Union.
[Sept.] 4. Fred E. Twiss, of Lawrence, Mass., and Miss Isabel F. Strout.
[Sept.] 5. In Calais, Rev. George Sherman Mills and Miss Kate Gage Vose, of Calais.
[Sept.] 10. Augustus Daniel Hayes and Miss Elnora Sholes.
[Sept.] 14. Warren A. Hanscom and Miss Carrie Edith Bird.
[Sept.] 15. William F. Thomas and Mrs. Nettie D. Renouf.
Oct. 3. Ulysses S. Mendall, of Northport, and Miss Nettie L. Thurston.
[Oct.] 5. In Hope, Luther M. Smith and Mrs. Julia E. Carter, of Hope.
[Oct.] 15. Harry Mellen Prentiss and Miss Sara Withington Francis.
[Oct.] 16. Edgar Filmore Hanson and Miss Georgia Geraldine Lord.
[Oct.] 23. In Bangor, Frank Rudolph Wiggin and Miss Mary Plaisted Hersey, of Bangor.
[Oct.] 24. Robert P. Coombs and Miss Abbie M. Crowell.
[Oct.] 26. Maurice E. Curtis and Miss Goldie L. Ward.
[Oct.] 26. Charles S. Hubbard and Miss Gertrude Cunningham, both of Waldo.
[Oct.] 30. Martin L. Webber and Miss Kate McCarty.
Nov. 6. Horace Eugene McDonald and Miss Lillian T. Billings.
[Nov.] 6. Benjamin L. Nickerson, of Searsport, and Mrs. Mary Martell.
[Nov.] 12. George W. Miller and Miss Elnora Crockett, both of Northport.
[Nov.] 14. In Boston, Horace B. Pearson and Miss Edith Alma Field.
[Nov.] 16. Winfield C. Sheldon and Miss Una Cunningham.
[Nov.] 20. In Searsport, Henry N. Edwards, of Island Falls, and Mrs. Mary Ricker.
[Nov.] 27. In Winchester, Mass., William H. Moody, of San Francisco, Cal., and Mrs. Evelyn Collins Ferguson.
[Nov.] 28. William H. Wight and Miss Lottie D. Frisbee.
Dec. 11. Leslie L. Hubbard and Mrs. Erva D. Miller.
[Dec.] 14. Roy E. Young and Miss Grace A. Page.
[Dec.] 16. Thomas G. Small and Mrs. Emma Yates.
[Dec.] 17. Robert E. Bradstreet and Mrs. Mary E. Hanson.[p. 571]1895.
Dec. 17. In Memphis, Tenn., Luther M. Mendenhall, of Memphis, and Maggie M. Doe.
[Dec.] 18. William L. Cook, of Great Falls, Mont., and Miss Florence P. Sargent.
[Dec.] 19. Herbert M. Stevens and Miss Mary A. Mathews.
[Dec.] 21. In Searsport, Nahum M. Nickerson and Miss Catherine Gahagan, of Searsport.
[Dec.] 23. William B. Wadsworth and Miss Ellen C. M. Jones.
[Dec.] 24. Henry O. Brown and Mrs. Lizzie M. (Grant) Coombs).
[Dec.] 24. George L. Shaw and Miss Hattie E. Stevens.
[Dec.] 24. Freeman A. Cross, of Waldo, and Miss Birdie L. Kenney, of Knox.
[Dec.] 25. Asa T. Sholes and Miss Serena Eliza Perkins.
[Dec.] 25. Russell Bennett Stephenson and Miss Sarah Johnson Woodbury.
[Dec.] 25. George W. Whitcomb, of Waldo, and Miss Nellie M. Thomas, of Morrill.
[Dec.] 28. Herbert R. Ryder, of Boston, and Miss Annie E. Patterson.