Source: Joseph Williamson, History of the city of Belfast in the state of Maine. (Portland Me.: Loring, Short, and Harmon, 1877-1913), Vol. 2.
[p. 537][MARRIAGES]1881.
Jan. 8. Rufus L. Mudgett and Miss Ada F. L. Lafolley, both of Stockton.
[Jan.] 25. Luther Calderwood and Miss Retta Bakeman.
[Jan.] 29. In Waldo, James F. Sheldon and Miss Nettie M. Merriam.
[Jan.] __. In Waldo, Ralph Eben Cross and Miss Emma C. Reynolds, of Waldo.
Feb. 2. In Boston, Julius Andrews and Miss Esther Myers, of Boston.
[Feb.] 26. In Swanville, Wilmot Hamilton and Miss Jennie C. Small.
[Feb.] 27. In Searsport, Fred A. Nichols and Miss Mary F. Nickerson.
Mar. 1. In Boston, Rev. Henry F. Jenks, of Boston, and Miss Lavinia Hathaway Angier.
[Mar.] 5. John W. Peavey, of Swanville, and Miss Ada M. Gentner, of Waldo.
[Mar.] 10. Joshua Elwell, of Northport, and Miss Lizzie McDonald, of St. John, N. B.
[Mar.] 11. Oscar Luville Limeburner and Miss Carrie E. Cottrell.
[Mar.] 16. In Taunton, Mass., James S. Rich, of Cortland, O., and Miss Annetta H. Furbush, formerly of Belfast.
[Mar.] 22. Henry E. Kaler and Miss Carrie L. Osborne.
[Mar.] 23. James Henry Elms and Mrs. Ada Augusta Pillsbury.
[Mar.] 26. In Rockland, Henry C. Burgess and Miss Hattie H. Perry, of Rockland.
Apr. 7. In Brooklyn, N. Y., Dr. Dudley Allen Sargent, of Cambridge, Mass., and Miss Ella Fraser Ledyard, of Brooklyn.
[Apr.] 9. William S. Wentworth and Miss Myra M. Ryan.
[Apr.] 10. Reuel Wilford Rogers and Miss Angie E. Libby, of Troy.
[Apr.] 26. Arthur D. Mathews and Mrs. Martha J. Batchelder.
May 11. Ambrose J. Dodge and Renie Miller.
[May] 19. Willis Sherman Hatch and Miss Grace Ulmer White.
[May] 21. Marcus M. Holloway and Miss Arbella F. Patterson.
[May] 23. Capt. Fred B. Clifford and Miss Fannie J. Panno, both of Stockton.
[May] 28. Calvin H. Partridge, of Prospect, and Miss Sarah J. Littlefield, of Waldo.
June 28. Irving B. Mower, of Cambridge, and Miss Annie E. Caldwell.[p. 538]1881.
July 4. In Islesboro, Daniel J. Kimball, of Swanville, and Miss Ada F. Philbrick.
[July] 9. Robert H. Hart and Mrs. Fannie E. Fleming.
[July] 12. John Carle and Miss Essie Lane Pierce.
[July] 17. Veranus Condon and Villa J. Thorndike.
[July] 22. Henry Saunders and Mrs. Ellen J. Smalley.
Aug. 4. In Morrill, Capt. George A. Burd and Miss Mary A. Moody.
[Aug.] __. In Boston, Capt. Eben A. Holmes and Miss Fannie A. Ryder.
Sept. 8. William B. Ward, of Prospect, and Miss Hattie E. Ellis, of Stockton.
[Sept.] 11. William J. McGee, of Unity, and Miss Etta I. Condon.
Oct. 9. In Bangor, Frank A. Palmer and Mrs. Augusta A. Bradbury, formerly of Belfast.
[Oct.] 9. James P. Vickery, of Providence, R. I., and Miss Amy B. Gay.
[Oct.] 9. Robert Bray and Mrs. Belinda Scribner, both of Waldo.
[Oct.] 10. In Camden, Frank West Limeburner and Miss Adella M. Limeburner.
[Oct.] 12. In Islesboro, Capt. William P. Sprague and Miss Isabell T. Dodge.
[Oct.] 19. John D. Walker, of Northport, and Miss Eliza Brown.
[Oct.] 22. William A. Kimball and Fannie J. Clark.
[Oct.] 26. Andrew Wilson Staples and Miss Mabel Knowlton.
[Oct.] 28. Samuel J. Clifford and Miss Flora A. Wentworth, of Waldo.
[Oct.] 31. In Searsport, George H. Davis and Miss Nettie E. Stinson.
Dec. 3. In Searsmont, Zebedee Simmons and Miss Addie L. Paul, of Searsmont.
[Dec.] 8. Henry S. Bassick, of Thomaston, and Flora M. Elms.
[Dec.] 12. Ambrose F. Hatch and Miss Belle M. Hatch, both of Islesboro.
[Dec.] 17. James A. Merithew and Miss Charlena Deering, of Jackson.
[Dec.] 24. Wesley Twombly and Miss Lula Jackson.
[Dec.] 25. Frank L. Brooks and Lillian Clark.
Jan. 1. Elbridge J. Rolerson and Etta J. Baker.
[Jan.] 3. In San Francisco, Cal., Capt. Martin V. Lancaster and Catherine Emma Harris, of Southampton, England.
[Jan.] 5. Horace Brown and Ada E. Alexander, both of Morrill.
[Jan.] 12. Charles Philbrick and Mrs. Abbie Higgins.
[Jan.] 14. Benjamin R. Knowlton and Margaret Baker.
[Jan.] 14. In Frankfort, Capt. John Hassell and Mrs. Esther W. Crockett, of Prospect.
[Jan.] 14. Willis Richardson and Jennie H. Wescott, both of Knox.
[Jan.] 17. In Morrill, Tileston Wadlin and Miss Almatia Aubine Brown, of Morrill.[p. 539]1882.
Jan. 18. John M. Crosby and Miss Dora A. Dean.
[Jan.] 18. In Boston, Fred A. Swan, of Boston, and Miss Mary A. Brown.
[Jan.] 23. Leslie Robbins and Mrs. Myra Reymond.
[Jan.] 24. Edwin C. Getchell, of Vassalboro, and Miss Fannie M. Shepard.
[Jan.] 26. Geo. L. Wentworth, of Boston, and Miss Annette Small.
[Jan.] 26. Walter R. Pearson, of Lawrence, Mass., and Miss Isabelle F. Libby.
[Jan.] 29. Edward C. Park and Frances N. Park, both of Searsport.
[Jan.] 30. Willis Everett Hamilton, of Swanville, and Miss Mary Ella Hoag.
Feb. 9. Simon Jellison, of Monroe, and Nellie F. Chapman.
[Feb.] 14. Gilbert R. Ellis and Miss Ida M. Rowe, of Morrill.
[Feb.] 20. Henry Larrabee, of Unity, and Georgia A. Larrabee.
Mar. 13. In Morrill, Roscoe I. Cross, of Morrill, and Miss Annie A. Shuman.
Apr. 1. Lafayette Baker and Mrs. Julia A. Knowles.
[Apr.] 2. In Morrill, Lewis A. Whitcomb and Miss Abbie S. Cross, of Morrill.
[Apr.] 3. Isaac L. Baker and Eliza E. Merithew.
[Apr.] 4. In Boston, George A. Greene, of Newport, R. I., and Miss Rose Henderson.
[Apr.] 8. In Dixmont, Joseph S. Blake and Miss Hattie A. Ferguson.
[Apr.] 17. Martin E. Bailey and Lizzie S. Cunningham.
[Apr.] 21. In Canon City, Col., Robert M. McCallom and Alice R., daughter of L. G. Coombs, of Belfast.
[Apr.] 23. H. D. Harriman and Miss N. M. Clifford, both of Searsport.
[Apr.] 24. Charles A. Orcutt and Annie N. Wright, both of Northport.
May 9. Frank Elden Crowley and Carrie Stacey (Sargent) Pratt.
[May] 24. Austin B. Raymond, of Lowell, Mass., and Miss Ella A. Hopkins.
[May] 27. Oscar W. Gould, of Lincolnville, and Alice M. Wadlin, of Northport.
June 1. Fred V. Cottrell and Miss Ida E. Thompson.
[June] 3. Roland C. Patterson and Mrs. Lizzie Annette (Poor) Burgess.
[June] 5. Judson Wiggin and Hattie H. Webb, both of Knox.
[June] 12. Lewis F. Gray and Rena Boardman, of Northport.
[June] 22. Valentine H. Pattershall and Miss Grace E. White.
[June] 23. Alonzo A. Clark and Alice M. Morrison.
July 2. Edwin J. Crabtree, of Chelsea, Mass., and Dora J. McFarland, of Northport.
[July] 3. George W. Boulter, of Waldo, and Ellen E. Patterson.
[July] 4. Charles A. Neally, of Jackson, and Mrs. Mary F. Staples, of Stockton.
[July] 5. William A. Swan, of Salem, Mass., and Miss Ella A. Hutchinson.[p. 540]1882.
July 6. James A. Pinkham, of Boston, and Mrs. Lucy Knowlton.
[July] 22. In Waldo, George O. Beckwith and Sarah P. Ward, of Thorndike.
[July] 23. In Searsport, Andrew M. Patterson and Miss Caroline G. Patterson.
[July] 26. In Boston, Mark Andrews and Esther Ehrlich, of Boston.
Aug. 23. Charles W. Trussell, of Lynn, Mass., and Helen S. Drinkwater, of Northport.
[Aug.] 23. Fred Rackliff, of Lincolnville, and Abbie M. Wadlin, of Northport.
Sept. 6. In Camden, Robert Patterson Chase and Miss Alice M. Brown, of Camden.
[Sept.] 8. Freeman M. Wood and Mrs. Augusta Lucretia (Smith) Williams, of Richmond.
[Sept.] 13. Henry S. Ware, of New York, and Miss Nellie E. Newbert.
[Sept.] 24. Thomas W. Twiss and Mrs. C. A. Chapman, both of Prospect.
[Sept.] 27. George C. Weston, of Waltham, Mass., and Flora I. Daggett.
[Sept.] __. In San Francisco, Cal., James A. Russ and Miss Lizzie M. Dyer, of Eureka, Cal.
Oct. 7. Ira A. Pitman and Julia A. Hoyt.
[Oct.] 12. Theodore N. Winslow and Miss Elizabeth W. Chase.
[Oct.] 12. William W. Howlette and Miss Nettie M. Cross.
[Oct.] 15. Reuben Bird, of Northport, and Lucy J. Woods.
[Oct.] __. In Searsmont, Willie A. Meservey and Miss Abbie Gilmore, of Searsmont.
Nov. 1. Frank H. Fairbanks, of Boston, and Miss Cora A. Redman.
[Nov.] 1. In Lynn, Mass., Charles A. Chamberlain, of Lynn, and Miss Marietta Pendleton, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 4. Charles W. Smith and Mrs. Carrie E. Smart.
[Nov.] 8. In Belmont, Elijah L. Knowlton, of Belmont, and Martha Watson.
[Nov.] 9. Russell Cross, of Morrill, and Miss Lida F. Shepherd.
[Nov.] 12. William Williams Castle and Mrs. Hattie A. Patten, of Ellsworth.
[Nov.] 16. John W. Nash and Annie M. Jones.
[Nov.] 16. Oliver E. Eaton and Helen E. Nash.
[Nov.] 18. James H. Dodge and Marietta F. Patterson.
[Nov.] 19. George E. Currier and Annie Boynton, of Montville.
[Nov.] 20. John M. Smith and Cora E. Cummings.
[Nov.] 23. Phineas Pendleton, Jr., of Searsport, and Miss Emily F. Perry.
[Nov.] 30. Frank H. Clements, of Waldo, and Abbie J. Cunningham.
Dec. 7. Thomas W. Murphy and Miss Jennie S. Knowlton.
[Dec.] 7. Leslie A. Knowlton, of Swanville, and Lizzie M. Haswell, of Monroe.
[Dec.] 11. Hubbard Webber, of Round Pond, and Miss Grace A. Hart.[p. 541]1882.
Dec. 15. In Brockton, Mass., Alvah Boardman Stimpson and Miss Fanny A. Stephenson, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 24. Herbert R. McDonald and Miss Minnie Knowlton.
[Dec.] 25. Henry Clay Marden, of Washington, and Miss Nancy Maria Miller.
[Dec.] 25. George A. Leavitt, of Clinton, and Miss Nellie J. Eames.
[Dec.] 30. Asa Turner, of Isle au Haut, and Addie E. Collins, of Waldo.
Jan. 14. Stephen F. Collins, of South Farmingham, Mass., and Miss Althea H. Dodge.
[Jan.] 25. Addison Ryan and Miss Fannie B. Wentworth, both of Waldo.
Feb. 5. Capt. Bradford L. Lewis, of Boothbay, and Miss Elzora Stevens.
[Feb.] __. In Haverhill, Mass., Ernest B. Eaton and Miss Mary L. Beckett, formerly of Belfast.
[Feb.] 7. Dr. James C. Swan, of West Bridgewater, Mass., and Miss Ada Elizabeth Hervey.
[Feb.] 8. In Searsport, Oliver P. Chase and Miss Lottie Ellis.
[Feb.] 14. Charles M. Howes and Frances E. Linnekin, both of Liberty.
[Feb.] 14. Fred E. McKeen and Etta E. Wilson.
[Feb.] 21. Thomas C. Grady and Miss Addie H. Nason.
[Feb.] 24. Arthur M. Patterson, of Whiting, Iowa, and Mary F. Clements, of Waldo.
Mar. 3. Walter M. Gray and Miss Laura W. Gray.
[Mar.] 14. In Portland, Frank W. Patterson and Miss Carrie W. Linscott, of Lewiston.
[Mar.] 18. W. J. McFarland and Netta B. Hallowell.
[Mar.] 21. William Matthew Welch and Mrs. Abbie H. Patterson.
[Mar.] 26. Tisdale Shaw and Mrs. Lizzie F. Parkhurst, of Knox.
Apr. 2. William Dunlevy, of Sing Sing, N. Y., and Miss Julia C. Dwelley.
[Apr.] 5. Fred N. Fletcher, of Castine, and Miss Isabel J. French.
[Apr.] 14. Frank H. Smith and Mary F. Whalen.
[Apr.] 17. In Boston, Horace J. Morton, of Pullman, Ill., and Miss Ada B. Cammett.
[Apr.] 18. Jeremiah L. Flagg and Miss Jennie Cunningham.
[Apr.] 28. Sullivan G. Small and Mrs. Eliza J. Sherman.
May 14. In Rockland, Ernest O. Patterson and Miss Hattie F. Barrett, of Rockport.
June 19. Augustus C. Parlin, of Worcester, Mass., and Miss Nettie F. Ford.
[June] 22. Isaac J. Baker and Julia A. Baker.
July 5. In Meadville, Pa., Rev. Abial A. Livermore, D. D., and Mrs. Mary A. Moore.
[July] 11. In Searsport, Elmer G. Roberts, of Brooks, and Miss Estelle E. Card.[p. 542]1883.
July 14. James F. Knowlton, of Morrill, and Elmira C. Merrithew.
[July] 21. In Camden, Hiram R. Annis, of Camden, and Mrs. Annie Gannon.
[July] 23. Dinsmore S. Smith, of Searsport, and Annie B. Hayes.
Aug. 2. In Rockland, Frank B. Edwards, of Boston, and Miss Minnie B. Kellar.
[Aug.] 12. In Palmyra, Charles Hanson, of Palmyra, and Miss Ellen S. Andrews.
[Aug.] 15. In South Boston, L. Henry Smith, of Boston, and Mary C. Baker.
[Aug.] 18. Edward L. Warren and Annie T. Dyer.
[Aug.] 18. N. K. Burkett and Mrs. Eunice Caswell, both of Union.
[Aug.] 19. Austin A. Greer, of Somerville, Mass., and Phelia E. Donnell, of Belmont.
[Aug.] 25. Charles R. Brown and Catherina E. Brown, of Granville, N. S.
[Aug.] 26. William W. Carter and Mary E. Gage, both of Bath.
[Aug.] 27. Charles M. Leavitt and Hattie F. Patterson.
[Aug.] 30. In Lawrence, Mass., Frank W. Flanders, of Lawrence, and Miss Annie L. Shute.
Sept. 1. True S. Heagan, of Prospect, and Miss Lizzie P. Jordan, of Stockton.
[Sept.] 3. In Camden, Ernest M. Clark, of Camden, and Rosa B. Heal.
[Sept.] 4. In Brooks, Charles F. Shaw and Miss Annie Gordon, of Brooks.
[Sept.] 15. In Brooks, Eben Littlefield and Miss Susan Penney.
[Sept.] 17. In Farmington, Henry P. White, formerly of Belfast, and Miss Grace A. Gould.
[Sept.] 17. John A. Harvey and Miss Ada Seekins, both of Swanville.
[Sept.] 27. Byron L. Pitcher and Miss Annie B. Parker.
Oct. 1. Josiah P. Nutting, of Concord, N. H., and Miss Eleanor C. Mansfield.
[Oct.] 2. H. C. Crockett, of Big Rapids, Mich., and Mrs. Mary C. Davidson.
[Oct.] 6. In Augusta, Stanley S. Crawford, of Vassalboro, and Miss Lovira A. Bucklin.
[Oct.] 7. George G. Brown and Lucy Gilmore.
[Oct.] 10. Alexis Valentine Patterson and Georgiana Seekins.
[Oct.] 28. Edwin L. McCorrison and Frances Ellen Braley.
[Oct.] 31. In Boston, Eugene Parker and Gertrude E. Benyon.
Nov. 8. Maurice S. Wentworth and Miss Annie E. Sheldon, both of Waldo.
[Nov.] 10. In Unity, Charles B. Walker, of Unity, and Oriana Stevens.
[Nov.] 11. William J. Robbins, Jr., and Matilda Annie Dunbar, of Deer Isle.
[Nov.] 12. George C. Lane, of Stratham, N. H., and Miranda M. Ellis.
[Nov.] 19. Samuel J. Bruce and Mrs. Sarah J. Cross.[p. 543]1883.
Nov. 19. Cornelius C. Cunningham and Miss Margaret Roberts.
[Nov.] 20. In Islesboro, F. H. Mayo and Miss Caro L. Coombs, of Islesboro.
[Nov.] 22. William H. Grady and Miss Alvina McKenney, of Unity.
[Nov.] 26. George R. Ames, of Chelsea, Mass., and Miss Florence H. Warren.
[Nov.] 28. Hiram G. B. Eastman and Miss Lizzie McGee.
Dec. 1. Roscoe Black and Miss Mary Josephine Herrick.
[Dec.] 5. John H. Burke, of San Francisco, Cal., and Miss Evie A. Carter.
[Dec.] 15. George E. Orcutt and Miss Mary A. Ames, both of Northport.
[Dec.] 25. In Newburyport, Mass., Dr. J. A. Merrill, of Newburyport, and Miss Sadie W. Hodgdon, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 25. William J. Price, of Northport, and Carrie E. Maxey.
[Dec.] 25. Walter Trueworthy and Grace E. Weed.
[Dec.] 25. Ernest L. White and Miss Nellie F. Murphy.
[Dec.] 25. In Haverhill, Mass., Howard A. Mitchell, of Haverhill, and Miss Flora B. Freeman.
Jan. 1. A. C. Phillips and Hattie F. M. Royal, both of Swanville.
[Jan.] In Searsmont, Charles J. Ingraham and Miss Alfaretta Mariner.
[Jan.] 14. George W. Carver, of Lincolnville, and Miss Alice O. Coombs, of Morrill.
[Jan.] __. In Rockport, George R. Stover and Miss Emma A. Stinson, of Camden.
[Jan.] 16. Edward H. Dunbar and Elizabeth Emma Dodge.
[Jan.] 17. E. A. Barker, of Fitchburg, Mass., and Lillian E. Drinkwater, of Lincolnville.
[Jan.] 21. In Rockland, George L. Knight, formerly of Belfast, and Mrs. Caroline M. Moffit, of Rockland.
[Jan.] 24. Frank B. McCurdy, of Liberty, and Mabel A. Gove, of Searsmont.
[Jan.] 29. Jesse E. Staples, of Stockton, and Mary E. Jackson, of Northport.
Feb. 2. James A. Carter, of Searsport, and Georgie H. Holmes.
[Feb.] 19. Clarence E. Chapman, of Fergus Falls, Minn., and Miss Anna E. Frye.
[Feb.] 25. Joel N. Miller and Miss Lillian E. Dickey, both of Lincolnville.
[Feb.] 26. In Bridgeport, Conn., Charles Flemming, of New York, and Mrs. Mary E. Chase.
Mar. 1. Eugene I. Cook and Abbie E. Field.
[Mar.] 6. Albert Robbins and Etta Eaton, of Deer Isle.
[Mar.] 12. In Acton, Mass., Willis A. White, of Acton, and Miss Clara A. Gay.[p. 544]1884.
Apr. 2. Theodore H. Murphy and Cora Frances Beckett.
[Apr.] 13. In Lynn, Mass., Clarence F. Wyman, of South Boston, and Miss Lizzie H. Smalley.
[Apr.] 13. In Islesboro, Joseph M. Tibbetts, of South Thomaston, and Louise M. Lowell.
[Apr.] 26. William F. Clark and Emma L. West.
May 1. William L. Hanson and Myra E. Decrow, of Searsport.
[May] 1. L. W. Drinkwater and Nellie M. Knight, both of Lincolnville.
[May] 2. In Waldoboro, Frank W. Jordan and Emily A. Creamer, of Waldoboro.
[May] 3. Lincoln N. Gilkey and Belle Farnsworth, both of Islesboro.
[May] 3. Charles N. Bird and Lucy J. Young.
[May] 8. William Henry Staples and Nettie J. Chase, both of Searsport.
[May] 15. Alfred H. Wardwell, of Matinicus, and Julia A. Dunton, of Searsmont.
[May] 29. In Monroe, Fred A. Sheldon and Miss Ida R. Lowe, of Frankfort.
[May] 31. William H. McIntosh and Annie F. Kelley.
June 4. In New York, Frank W. Berry, and Mrs. Mary Underhill Macauley.
July 7. In Brooklyn, N. Y., and Capt. William C. Barbour, of Deer Isle, and Miss Etta M. Duffie.
[July] 19. In Lisbon, John T. Stewart and Miss Nellie L. Garland.
[July] 26. Frank L. Hovey, of Manchester, N. H., and Jennie B. Mowe, of Boston.
[July] 27. Franklin Hall Black and Carrie F. Durning.
Aug. 10. Edward B. Tolman, of Swanville, and Mamie C. Beckett, of Northport.
[Aug.] 23. E. Burk Elwell and Lulie Hall, both of Northport.
[Aug.] 26. David Everett, of Boston, and Alice M. Davis.
Sept. 6. William H. Wording and Annie M. Johnson.
[Sept.] 12. Alvin T. Condon, of Milford, Mass., and Clara Haney.
[Sept.] 13. Leforest L. Reeves and Blanche L. Hall, of Montville.
[Sept.] 15. George L. Closson and Georgietta Auspland, both of Searsport.
[Sept.] 24. In South Berwick, Rev. Lindley M. Burrington, of Uxbridge, Mass., and Mrs. Eliza A. Dickerson.
[Sept.] 27. Sylvanus G. Cottrell and Mary A. Dilling, of Albion.
[Sept.] 28. In Schuyler, Neb., George H. Thomas and Mrs. Ella M. Mathews, daughter of Elisha Conant, of Belfast.
[Sept.] 29. Roscoe W. Cottrell and Mary B. Riggs.
Oct. 2. William H. Gray and Lizzie P. Curtis.
[Oct.] 4. In Swanville, Charles E. Freethy, of Searsmont, and Miss Vesta M. Rolerson.
[Oct.] 7. In Sherbrooke, P. Q., Josiah Mitchell and Mrs. V. A. Clark, of Brompton Falls, P. Q.[p. 545]1884.
Oct. 16. In Brooklyn, N. Y., George Ralph Williamson, of New York, and Emma Ingraham Sprague, of Brooklyn.
[Oct.] 17. Luther C. Getchell and June S. Plummer, both of Freedom.
Nov. 1. Frank H. Hovey and Phebe H. Perkins.
[Nov.] 4. In West Bay City, Mich., John Mulholland, of Bay City, and Miss Nellie V. White, formerly of Belfast.
[Nov.] 11. Martin Thomas and Carrie Dickey.
[Nov.] 13. John B. Walton and Lizzie E. Springer.
[Nov.] 15. Fred A. Baker and Annie E. Brown.
[Nov.] 16. William H. Blodgett, of Morrill, and Olive E. Jackson, of Montville.
[Nov.] 20. Charles W. Brier and Emma M. Hanson.
[Nov.] 23. Henry Brier and Hannah M. Robbins.
[Nov.] 25. Melvin F. Dickey and Alice M. Mahoney, both of Lincolnville.
[Nov.] 26. Henry D. McKinley, of Jackson, and Ellen E. Parker, of Waldo.
[Nov.] 27. Ezra Leonard Talbot, of Foxboro, Mass., and Hortense Adelia Littlefield.
Dec. 10. Joseph Eldorus Mayo and Cora Eva Hassell.
[Dec.] 11. Charles M. Ellis, of Plymouth, Mass., and Annie C. Eames.
[Dec.] 13. Edwin D. Reed and Fannie A. Beckwith.
[Dec.] 22. Adelbert E. Nickerson, of Waldo, and Mary H. Blodgett, of Morrill.
[Dec.] 24. Charles Thaddeus Littlefield, of Knox, and Lillabel Gurney, of Waldo.
[Dec.] 25. Herbert G. Morse and Nellie E. Elms, both of Belmont.
[Dec.] 31. George Jones and Minnie E. Walker.
Jan. 1. Martin W. Mixer of Lynn, Mass., and Sarah A. Hatch.
[Jan.] 1. Wales M. Shaw and Mary A. Gordon, of Franklin.
[Jan.] 8. Warren E. Marsh and Alice P. Nutt.
[Jan.] 13. Archibald Hall and Irene E. Hill.
[Jan.] 13. Arvida Whitney, of Minneapolis, Minn., and Lilla May Dutch.
[Jan.] 21. In Jacksonville, Fla., Alfred S. Stoney, of Norwalk, Fla., and Miss Frances B. Havener.
[Jan.] 26. In Morrill, Frank Nash and Miss Lillian M. Stevens.
Feb. 1. William E. Murphy and Emma B. Gordon.
[Feb.] 2. In West Farms, N. Y., Frank Vermilye, of New York, and Miss Hattie T. Shaw.
[Feb.] __. In Frankfort, Arthur Mathews and Miss Rachel Page, of Frankfort.
[Feb.] 12. Capt. John W. Jones and Lily Sarah Stewart.
[Feb.] 15. Nathaniel Cross and Isadora B. Keller, both of Waldo.
[Feb.] 26. In Rockland, George R. Lancaster and Miss Lucy T. Torrey, of San Francisco, Cal.[p. 546]1885.
Feb. 28. George Irving Mudgett and Genevra Mahoney.
Apr. 14. William R. Clifford and Emma J. Harris.
[Apr.] 22. Cassius I. York, of Washington, and Agnes E. Marden.
[Apr.] 25. Phineas Libby and Judith A Cousins.
[Apr.] 27. George W. Smith and Mary L. Brown.
[Apr.] 30. Herbert Loiston Gray and Lena Josseline Hart.
[Apr.] 30. Llewellyn P. Moore and Eliza E. Merithew.
May 7. In Bangor, Fred A. Shute and Miss Minna A. Ferguson, of Alhambra, Cal.
[May] 24. Wilder Sellers and Carrie L. Gray, of Northport.
[May] 30. G. Nelson Wight and Louise M. Grady.
June 8. George Albert Quimby and Adelaide E. Chase.
[June] 11. Elias R. Thompson and Rachel A. Maddocks, both of Searsmont.
[June] 23. In York, William Russell Howard and Miss Mamie Freeman, of York.
[June] 27. James Alden Merrithew and Sarah C. Larrabee.
July 2. Fred A. Howard, of Washington, and Miss Celestia M. Glidden, of Palermo.
[July] 11. Fred Luscum Banks and Miss Evelyn Estelle Mudgett.
[July] 19. In South Weymouth, Mass., Clarence Ripley, of Rockland, Mass., and Miss Helen I. Lewis.
Aug. 8. In Greensboro, Ind., Henry Staples Bullen, formerly of Belfast, and Ada B. Mills, of Greensboro.
[Aug.] __. In Skowhegan, Fred A. Wood and Ida M. Stephenson.
[Aug.] __. In Camden, Horatio Herbert Carter and Miss Cora E. Cottrell.
[Aug.] 29. Amos Hall and Margaret Baker.
[Aug.] 31. Orman A. Hopkins and Miss Isabella E. Luthers.
Sept. 3. In Hope, Frank H. Payson, of Hope, and Hattie E. Fletcher.
[Sept.] 13. Henry Staples and Miss Ruth E. Bruce.
[Sept.] 15. In Boston, Arthur W. Leslie, of Boston, and Mary C. Cottrell.
[Sept.] 24. In Chelsea, Mass., William S. Smalley and Miss Nellie Tenney, of Chelsea.
[Sept.] 25. In Somerville, Mass., Robert F. Stevens and Miss Laura B. Cottrell.
[Sept.] 26. Frank W. Prescott and Lauretta E. Trussell.
Oct. 1. Charles B. Stover and Maria C. Mace.
[Oct.] 4. Albert D. Sanborn, of Salem, Mass., and Elvia H. Holt, of Blue Hill, Mass.
[Oct.] 16. Prescott D. H. Carter and Carrie M. Bennett, both of Searsport.
[Oct.] 16. Eugene L. Patterson and Miss Alice E. Shorey, both of Waldo.
[Oct.] 17. Henry Larrabee and Algenora Larrabee.
[Oct.] 24. In Worcester, Mass., Stephen A. Norris, of Worcester, and Mrs. Aura A. Knight, formerly of Belfast.[p. 547]1885.
Oct. 24. Borzillai B. Foster, of Portland, and Lizzie M. Blodgett.
[Oct.] 28. Rev. Thomas B. Gregory and Mabel M. Knowlton.
[Oct.] 31. Oscar H. Reynolds and Carrie A. Young.
[Oct.] 31. Henry L. Pattee, of Sullivan, and Miss Lottie E. Clark, of Franklin.
Nov. 14. Otis B. Patterson and Miss Lulu Nickerson, both of Swanville.
[Nov.] 25. Clarence L. Hagar, of Union, and Annie S. Dickey, of Searsmont.
[Nov.] 26. Chesford Kavanah, of Union, and Lilla Reynolds, of Waldo.
[Nov.] 30. In Lewison, M. T., John McCourt, of Ubet, and Elizabeth A. Currier.
Dec. 1. Near Edgewood, Cal., Robert F. Griffin, formerly of Belfast, and Miss Lura A. Stone, of Shasta Valley, Cal.
[Dec.] 3. In New York, A. H. Wilson, of New York, and Mrs. N. J. Leach, formerly of Belfast.
[Dec.] 12. Everett Nason and Luetta Brown.
[Dec.] 15. James D. Tucker and Angie M. Brier.
[Dec.] 23. Clifford B. Jones, of Lynn, Mass., and Mira C. Duncan, of Northport.
[Dec.] 26. In Waterville, Charles B. Dickerson, recently of Belfast, and Miss Emma Eastman, of Milford.
[Dec.] 27. Hiram Michaels and Ruth Roberts, of Brooks.
[Dec.] 30. George H. Hunt and Erva D. Miller.
[Dec.] 31. Ephraim O. Shaw and Ella V. Thomas.
