Rev. Jonathan Scott was installed July 27, 1796, as pastor in Poland, and after briefly losing his pulpit was reinstalled as pastor of the First Church of Minot, Nov. 12, 1806. Previously he had filled the pulpit at Jebogue, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. The sermon delivered by Rev. Allen Greely at Minot, Oct. 24, 1819 — the first Sabbath after Scott's death — may be read here.
Below are those marriages recorded by Rev. Scott after his move to Maine.
Source: "Rev. Jonathan Scott's Record of Marriages," Mayflower Descendant, 1908 (10:83-85, 134-139). Notes in double brackets are my own.
[p. 83]Thursday, June ye 2 . 1796. This Day Revd John Strickland of Turner, married Lucinda Scott to Timothy Reding, both of ye Town of Poland.
Wednesday, July ye 27 . 1796. This Day, after a regular Election, I was instaled Pastor of the Church of Poland: before which Time I married no Persons in the American States: but after my Instalment I considered myself qualified to marry, and acted accordingly, as may be seen in the following Page. Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 25 . 1796. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Pulsifer, and Miss Nabby Nason, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott, Pastor of the Church in Poland.
Thursday, August ye 25 . 1796: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Joshua Small and Miss Rebekah Nason, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, September ye 1 . 1796: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Nathaniel Sawtell, Junior, and Miss Sally Foster, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 8 . 1796: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr William Beal and Miss Jerusha Fluent, both of ye Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.[p. 84]Thursday, March ye 30th . 1797: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr George Harlow and Miss Mercy King, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Monday, May ye 1 . 1797. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Dennis Ryons and Miss Hannah Richardson, both Residents in Poland, were married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, June ye 29 . 1797. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Thomas Perry and Miss Huldah Turel, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 29 . 1797. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Wiswall Seabury and Miss Nabby Bradbury, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, September ye 12 . 1797. This Day (after Lawful Publishment) Mr Oren Record of Buckfield, and Miss Susannah Johnson of Poland, were solemnly married, by Me, J. Scott.
Monday, October ye 30 . 1797. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Calvin Crooker, Resident in Hebron, and Miss Dorcas Casewell of Poland were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 16 . 1797 : This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Nathanael Buck, Junior, of Buckfield and Miss Sarah Seabury of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonn Scott.
Thursday-Evening, November ye 30 . 1797. This Evening Mr Joshua Whitman and Miss Lucretia Strickland, both of the Town of Turner, were Married, (in Turner) after lawful Publishment, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday-Evening, November ye 30 . 1797. This Evening, (after lawful Publishment) Mr Benjamin Bradbury, Junior, and Miss Anna Hearsey, both of ye Town of Poland, were Married by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, February, ye 15 . 1798. This Day, (after lawful Publishment) Mr Thomas Bayley, Junior, and Miss Susanna Pusilver, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 9 . 1798. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Benjamin Lane, Junior, and Mr [[sic]] Hannah Downing, both of Poland, were solemnly Married by me, J: Scott.
Thursday, October ye 4 . 1798. This Day, (after lawful Publishment) Mr William Witham and Miss Abigail Dinsmore, both of ye Town of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, October ye 23 . 1798. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Varriell and Mrs Elisabeth Flanacin, both of Poland, were Married, by me Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 29 . 1798: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John Strickland, Junior, and Miss Rachel Smith, both of Turner, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 27 . 1798: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Moses Buck of Buckfield and Miss Salley Shaw of Poland, were solemnly Married by me, Jonathan Scott.[p. 85]Thursday, January ye 13 . 1799. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Pool and Miss Mary Hearsey, both of Poland, were solemnly married, by me Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, January ye 22 . 1799. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr James Hill and Miss Mary Coy, both of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, February ye 14 . 1799: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John Allen of Buckfield and Miss Polley Clifford of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Monday, February ye 18 . 1799. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr George French of Turner, and Miss Wealthy Johnson of Poland, were married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, March ye 7 . 1799: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Asa Robinson of Paris, and Miss Eunice Woodward of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, March ye 14 . 1799: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Job French of Paris, and Miss Hannah True of Poland, were solemnly Married by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 2 . 1799: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr William Caldwell, of Hebron, and Miss Nancy Woodward, of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 9 . 1799: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Reuben Merrow and Miss Alice Downing, both of the Town of Poland, were solemnly Married by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 16 . 1799. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Jonathan Bartlett and Miss Mary Bayley, both of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, June ye 18 . 1799: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Stephen yeaton* and Miss Lucy Pulcifer, both of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 28 . 1799. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr James Shaw and Mrs Jemima Ritchardson, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, January ye 9 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr William Gibbs and Miss Sarah Conant, both of the Town of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, January ye 9 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Aaron Dwinel and Mrs Abigail Forbes, both of ye Town of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 1 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John Nash of Abington and Miss Molley Bates of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 28 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Niles and Mrs Martha Nash, both of the Town of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
*Stephen Yeaton, Junior, in the Contents.[p. 134]Monday, November ye 25 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John Woodman and Miss Hannah Bates, both of the Town of Poland, were solemnly Married by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 27 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Charles Crooker and Miss Elisabeth Pachard, both of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, December ye 2 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Stephen Benson and Miss Rebeckah Cumings, both of Poland, were solemly [[sic]] Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 4 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Daniel Varriel and Miss Eunice Cordwell, both of the Town of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 25 . 1800: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr James Harlow and Miss Susannah Nash, both of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, January ye 15 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Jonathan Morse of Livermore and Miss Betsey Willcombe of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, March ye 10 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Noah Bates and Miss Content Hiland, both of Poland, were solemnly married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 7 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Josiah Berry and Miss Molly Bradbury, both of ye Town of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, July ye 2 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John Leech, Junior, and Miss Sarah Varriell, both of Poland, were solemnly Married by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, July ye 7 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John True and Miss Sarah Dinsmore, both of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, J: Scott.
Thursday, July ye 9 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Luke Morgan and Miss Polley Herrick, both of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.[p. 135]Tuesday, October ye 6 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Moses Judkins and Miss Appa Perry, both of the Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 13 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Thomas Record and Miss Betsey Gurney, both of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 19 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Dimond Perry and Miss Linnety Mullen, both ye Town of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November 26 ye 26 . 1801: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Timothy Wolcott and Miss Jane Willcom, both of ye Town of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Monday, January ye 25 . 1802: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr David Abbott of Rumford, and Miss Betsy Colson of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, February ye 18 . 1802: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Amos Walker of Union and Miss Judith Bayley of Poland, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, March ye 11 . 1802: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr William Sweatt of Oatisfield and Miss Clarasa Benson of Poland, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Monday, March ye 15 . 1802. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Bradbury and Miss Jane Gurney, both of the Town of Poland, were solemnly married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, June ye 24 . 1802. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Lain and Miss Judith Bray Varriel, both of Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 11 . 1802. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Joseph Leech and Miss Betsy Young, both of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Monday, November ye 15 . 1802. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr David Munro and Miss Ruth Niles, both of Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, J. Scott.
Thursday, May ye 19 . 1803: This Day, Mr William Curtis and Miss Hannah Gowel, both of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, J. Scott.
Thursday, May ye 24 . 1804. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Varriel, the third, and Miss Experience Jackson, both of Minot, were solemnly married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 20 . 1804. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Davis Varriel and Mrs Lydia Ellis, both of ye Town of Minot, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, February ye 21 . 1805. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Stephen Bradford of Turner, and Miss Mercy Chandler of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.[p. 136]Thursday, March ye 7 . 1805: This Day Mr Charles Millett and Miss Nancy Varriel (after lawful Publishment) were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott. [In pencil, in another hand-writing, are the words: "Both of Minot."]
Tuesday, March ye 19 . 1805: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Salven Holbrook and Miss Rachel Bird, both of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonan Scott.
Wednesday, April ye 10 . 1805: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Aaron Dunn of Poland and Miss Kezia Chandler of Minot were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, April ye 30th . 1805: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Philemon Harlow and Miss Sarah Rice, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonan Scott.
Thursday, June ye 27th . 1805: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John Row, Junior, and Miss Polley Davis, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, July ye 25 . 1805: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr James Chipman of Poland and Miss Hannah Currier of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, July ye 25 . 1805: This Day (after lawf [[sic]] Publishment) Capt. John Townsend and Miss Abigail Taylor, both of Minot, were solemly [[sic]] joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 1st . 1805: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Martin Stutson and Miss Molley Dinsmore, both of ye Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 15 . 1805: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Asa Harlow and Miss Ruth Chandler, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, J: Scott.
The same Day as above, Thursday, August ye 15 . 1805, Doctor Benjamin Chandler, of Hebron, and Miss Waty Benson of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 22 . 1806:* This Day, the Subscriber was dismissed from his pastoral Relation to ye Church in Minot, by ye Advice of an Ecclesiastical Council. Jonathan Scott.
N. B. The Subscriber was installed over ye Church in Minot, on Wednesday, November ye 12 . 1806. Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 27 . 1806: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Stephen Safford, Junior, of Turner, and Miss Phebe Davis of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, January ye 1 . 1807. This Day, (after lawful Publishment) Mr Harvey Stetson and Miss Elenor Allen, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, January ye 29 . 1807: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Henry Record and Miss Olive Chandler, both of ye Town of Paris, were solemnly married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
*Another hand has added the following footnote: "Doubtless 1805.".[p. 137]Tuesday, March ye 10 . 1807. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Benjamin Herring, Jur of Norway, and Miss Deborah Bradbury of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Monday, June ye 8 . 1807: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr James Buxton of Falmouth and Miss Anna Thompson of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 5 . 1807: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Ichabod Benson, Junior, and Miss Betsey Goodin, both of Minot, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 5 . 1807: This Day, (after lawful Publishment) Mr James Harsey, Junior, of Sumner and Miss Olive Freeman of Minot, were solemnly Marriaged, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 24 . 1807. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Stephen Bradford of Turner, and Miss Mercy Chandler of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 24 : 1807: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Josheph* Shackley, of Norway, and Miss Hannah Densmore, of Minot, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Tuesday, April ye 5 . 1808: This Day, (after lawful Publishment) Mr Hiram Merrow and Miss Eunice Varriel, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, April ye 28 . 1808: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Edmund Bayley of Minot and Miss Salley Lane of Minot, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Lord's Day, September ye 18 . 1808: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Cyrus Alden of Bridgewater and Miss Nabby Keith Kinsley, of Minot, were Married (in the Meetinghouse in Minot) by me, Jonathan Scott.
N. B. These were ye first I ever Married on ye Sabbath.
Thursday, December ye 1 . 1808. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Adna Tribou, and Miss Hannah Kinsley, both of the Town of Minot, were Married, by me, Jonan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 1 . 1808: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Porter Pool and Miss Betsey Perkins, both of the Town of Minot, were Married, by me, J. Scott.
Monday, January ye 2d . 1809: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Solomon Coy and Miss Deborah Holms, both of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, J. Scott.
Thursday, January ye 12 . 1809: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Robert More File, of Gorham, and Mrs Ruth Woodman, of Minot, were Married, by me, J. Scott.
Friday, April ye 21 . 1809: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Charles Records of Buckfield, and Miss Salley Noyes of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 25 . 1809: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Simeon Lovell of North-Yarmouth and Miss Mary Murdoch of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
*Joseph, in The Contents.[p. 138]Thursday, November ye 9 . 1809: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Reuel Philips of Turner, and Miss Betsey True of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 7 . 1809: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Jonah Waterman and Miss Parmelia Record, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, J. Scott.
Thursday, December ye 7 . 1809: This Day, Mr John Harris of Turner, and Miss Betsey Record of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, J. Scott.
Monday, January ye 1st . 1810: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Gideon Young and Miss Roxey Read, both of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, J. Scott.
Thursday, March ye 1 . 1810: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Richard Darby Downing and Miss Elisabeth Rice, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, August ye 23 . 1810: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Thomas Record and Miss Lydia Chandler, both of the Town of Minot, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, April ye 25 . 1811. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr David Briggs of Buckfield and Mrs Mary Bradford, Widow, of Minot, were joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 9 . 1811: Thay Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Gad Perry and Miss Caroline Freeman, both of the Town of Minot, were Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, September ye 26 . 1811. Thay, Day [sic] (after lawful Publishment) Mr Job Morton, of Hebron, and Miss Susanna Whitman of Minot, were joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, October ye 3 . 1811. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Daniel Freeman and Miss Rebekah Harsey, both of the Town of Minot, were joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 21 . 1811. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Samuel Freeman and Miss Elisabeth Bradford, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, J. Scott.
Thursday, December ye 10 . 1811: This Day, Mr Amos Harsey, Junior, and Miss Mary Freeman (after lawful Publishment,) were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
N. B. The above named Persons were both of the Town of Minot.
Monday, October ye 11 . 1813: This Day (after lawful Publishmen[t]) Mr Jeremiah Stepens,* Junior, of Jay and Miss Lydia Ellis of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 25 . 1813. This Day, Mr Philip True and Miss Sophia Beal, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, J. Scott.
*Stephens, in The Contents.[p. 139]Thursday, January ye 12 . 1815: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Jonathan Snow and Rebekah Chandler, both of the Town of Minot, were marriage by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, February ye 23 . 1815: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Jonah Bucker of Bowdoin, and Miss Polley Pool of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, May ye 23 . 1816: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Shippia Bird and Miss Betsey Beal, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Lord's Day Evening, September ye 29 . 1816: This Day, Mr Jacob Read,* Junior, and Miss Betsey Chandler, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, (after lawful Publishment,) by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, November ye 28 . 1816: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Matthew Packard and Miss Achsah Beals, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Lord's Day Evening, February ye 23 . 1817. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Abel Chandler and Miss Elisabeth Davis, both of the Town of Minot, were joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Minot, June ye 2d . 1817: This Day, (after lawful Publishment) Mr Zina† Tribou and Miss Lovina Seabury, both of the Town of Minot were solemnly joined in Married [[sic]], by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, September ye 11 . 1817: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Laban Tribou and Miss Olive Tedford, both of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 4 . 1817. This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Asa Holms and Miss Polley Beals, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, December ye 4 . 1817: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr Jonathan Scott Ellis and Miss Mary Bradford, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly joined in Marriage, by me, Jonathan Scott.
Lord's Day, May ye 24 . 1818: This Day (after lawful Publishment) Mr John Chandler, Junior, and Miss Polley Bates, both of the Town of Minot, were joined in Marriage by me, Jonathan Scott.
Thursday, April ye 29 . 1819: This Day, (after lawful Publishment) Mr Alden Crooker and Miss Hannah Pool, both of the Town of Minot, were solemnly Married, by me, Jonathan Scott—
*Reed, in The Contents.
†Zino, in The Contents.