Source: New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 73 (July 1919).
[p. 183]From the Records of the First Baptist Church of Jefferson, Me.
[During the summer of 1899 the records of the First Baptist Church at Jefferson, Me., were searched for genealogical information supplementary to that contained in the town records, and the following entries of deaths were found. Here and there annotations have been inserted in brackets and, in one case, in a footnote.]
Cynthia (Gardiner) Ames died 25th February 1894, aged 85 yrs.
Olive Avery died 18th March 1899.
George Barstow died 8th January 1858, aged 82 yrs.
Martha Barstow died 24th September 1859, aged 58 yrs.
Clarissa (Jackson) Bond born 2nd November 1811, died 7th April 1899 [wife of Henry K. Bond].
Frederika Bond born April 1850, died 18th November 1883 [daughter of William J. Bond].
Lucinda (Kennedy) Bond, born July 1819, died 22nd February 1887 [wife of Allison Bond].
Margaret (Jackson) Bond born 30th April 1806, died 3rd April 1878 [second wife of Joseph Bond].
Nancy (Young) Bond, born June 5, 1804, died Mch. 24, 1838 [first wife of Joseph Bond].
Sarah (Trowant) Bond born 1849, died 11th March 1887 [wife of Joseph J. Bond, son of Joseph Bond].
Sarah (Jackson) Bond, died 4th July 1898 [wife of Albion P. Bond].[p. 184]Zulema (Jackson) Bond born 23rd May 1821, died 10th April 1890 [wife of Alexander K. Bond].
John Boyinton died Jan. 29, 1821.
Jonas Call died 7th January 1881 [husband of Harriet Bond].
Abigail Catland [wife of John Catland] died 18th October 1852.
Joseph A. Chapman died 1887.
Maria Chapman died 24th May 1891.
Mary H. Chapman died 24th May 1891.
Mary H. Chapman died 15th February 1841, aged 44 yrs.
Rebecca Dow Clark died Oct. 3, 1823.
Warren Clark died 23rd January 1832, aged 24 yrs.
William Cogswell died 8th January 1856.
Samuel C. Currier, son of Oren & Lucinda [N. (Chisam)] Currier, born 28 Oct. 1858, died 18 Aug. 1879.
Elisha Day died 30th Sept. 1843.
George Deal died 17th November 1844, aged 89 yrs.
Mary Deal died May 1855.
Matilda Deshon died 25th January 1856.
Nancy Dow died June 18, 1832.
Ruth A. Dunbar died 21st January 1890.
Lorinda (Witham) Flagg died 22nd July 1860, wife of William Flagg.
Mary (Jones) Givins died May 1854.
Hepsibah Gray died 20th May 1826.
Rebecca (Meservey) Gray died 27th February 1893, aged 95 yrs. 10 mos.
Eunice Green died 10 January 1853.
Lot. W. Hall died 22nd August 1880.
Isaac Hoffses died 25th January 1864.
Loren Hoffses died 14th July 1849.
Lydia Hoffses died 20th February 1873.
Margaret Hoffses died 28th August 1863.
Arsenath [sic] Hopkins died 14th August 1831.
Briggs C. Jackson died 8th February 1873.
Elizabeth (Cunningham) Jackson died 20th April 1883.
George E. Jackson died 21st September 1893, aged 72 yrs.
Lucinda Jackson died 30th October 1836.
Lucinda J. Jackson died 19th November 1897.
Mary Johnson died 19th October 1843, aged 26 yrs.
Edward Jones died 15th December 1891, aged 79 yrs.
Henry Jones died 23rd April 1844, aged 29 yrs.
Nancy B. Jones died 14th May 1865, aged 40 yrs.
Randall Jones died 23rd November 1855.
Abigail Kennedy died May 1856.
Alexander Kennedy died 8th August 1851.
Eliza Kennedy died 14th April 1883, aged 73 yrs. 10 mos.
James Kennedy died 10th May 1826.
Polly (Bond) Kennedy died 23rd September 1831, aged 52 yrs.
Rebecca Kennedy died 7th July 1858, aged 55 yrs.
Sarah Kennedy died 25th May 1840, aged 58 yrs.
Sarah Kennedy [wife of John] died 9th May 1869.
Susan Haskell Kennedy died 25th June 1859.
Lydia Ladd died 25th May 1833.
John E. Linscott died 8th September 1883.
Andrew McCobb died 31st January 1855.
Elizabeth McCobb died 20th January 1880.
Pamelia McCurda died 27 August 1880.
Alzira (Bond) Meservey [daughter of Joseph Bond] born 1835, died 9th June 1891. [another entry adds: aged 56 yrs.][p. 185]Damaris Meservey died 11th January 1861, aged 87 yrs.
Jane Y. Meservey died 13th June 1877.
Mary Meservey died Feb. 13, 1821.
Miles Meservey born December 1824, died 29th August 1899.
Albert Moody died 28th August 1879.
Caroline Moody died 6th April 1893, aged 84 yrs.
Philip Newbert died 6th August 1878, aged 80 yrs. 6 mos.
John Orff died 31st December 1891, aged 82 yrs. 5 mos.
Margery Orff died May 1864.
Joseph Partridge died 24th September 1882 [sic,? 1852].
Nathan H. Pilsbury died 4th June 1824.
[Miss] Eleanor Rice died July 1878.
Catherine Robinson died 15th August 1832.
James Robinson [born 23 May 1784, son of James and Abigail] died 9th April 1855.
Alexander Shepherd died 24th November 1876, at Cambridge, Mass.
James Shepherd died July 23, 1818.
Lucinda Shepherd died 31st December 1862, aged 60 yrs.
Mary Shepherd died Aug. 14, 1843.
Mary Shepherd [wife of David] died 8 Aug. 1853.
Mary Shepherd died April 1877.
Jane Shuman died 9th September 1863.
Susannah Tibbetts died 7th June 1857, aged 59 yrs. 11 mos.
William Tibbetts died 26th August 1880, aged 89 yrs.
William Tilley died 2nd October 1882, aged 74 yrs.*
Harriet Tobey died 25th October 1863.
William Tobey died 23rd August 1835.
Leonard Vinal died 26th August 1893, aged 74 yrs.
Nathan Ware died 12th June 1851.
Ruth Waters died 9th January 1829, aged 81 yrs.
Aurelia A. Weeks died 28th September 1884, aged 71 yrs.
Caroline Weeks died 28th September 1886, aged 69 yrs.
Erastus G. Weeks died 2nd December 1884.
Hannah Weeks died 19th December 1877, at Vassalboro.
Jarusha [sic] A. Weeks died 7th October 1841, aged 2 yrs.
Lucy A. Weeks died 29th March 1888, aged 62 yrs. 6 mos.
Sarah Weeks died 3rd April 1878.
George Wiles died 27th September 1853.
Elizabeth Witham died 21 July 1853.
Hannah Bond Young born 23rd July 1805, died 25th May 1892.
*Rev. William Tilley as ordained as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Jefferson 4th Jan. 1852. His pastorate in this church was not continuous until his death, although he occupied the pulpit for many years during the intervening period.