Source: The Bangor Historical Magazine, vol. 1. (Bangor, Me.: Benjamin A. Burr, printer, 1885-1886).
of the names of the members of the methodist episcopal church, in orrington circuit, a. d. 1819.*With a short account of the first rise of Methodism in this vicinity, and a list of all the preachers on this circuit to the present year, prefixed.
"Let all things be done decently and in order." — 1 Cor., xiv : 40.
"The number of the names together was about 120." — Acts, i : 34.
Extract from an old record in the care of Simeon Gorton, steward, Hampden.
In the year of our Lord 1793, the Rev. Jesse Lee came to Penobscot River, preaching in various places, and was requested to tarry, or send them another preacher. Agreeably to this request the Rev. Joshua Hall was sent, who preached with them several months, under whom there was some awakening. The Rev. Phillip Wager succeeded him 9 months, when the Rev. Enoch Mudge came to the town of Orrington, and formed a church according to the Methodist discipline, and administered
* Copied from the original manuscript by J. W. P. Simeon Gorton, from Conn., settled in Orrington in 1774, on the first lot above the ferry, and before 1783 sold his possession to George Brooks, and removed across the river to Hampden, where he died, Sept., 1828, aged 79.
Of Mr. Mudge, more hereafter.
[p. 23]the Lord's supper, Nov. 27, A. D. 1796. In 1806, June 12, a division was made of what was formerly called Penobscot circuit. The societies on the eastern side of the river, with other societies annexed, composed the Orrington circuit. As it was impossible to determine, from the old minutes, the precise time when all the members were either admitted or excluded, it was thought advisable to begin this book with the present members in regular standing.Names of the Methodist Preachers who have succeeded each other on this Circuit.
1793-4, Jesse Lee
1795, Joshua Hall
1796, Phillip Wager
Enoch Mudge
Peter Jayne
1797, Timothy Merrit
Joshua Taylor
1799, John Finnegan
1800, Daniel Ricker
1801, John Gove
1802, Joseph Baker
Asa Pattee
Joel Walker
1803, Samuel Thompson
1804, William Goodhue
Daniel Perry
1805, Levi Walker
1806, William Hunt, 10 mos.
1807, Phillip Ayer, 9 mos.
1808, David Kilburn, 9 mos.
1809, Joseph Baker, 12 mos.
1810, Joseph Baker, 9 mos.
1810, Edward Hyde, 3 mos.
1811, George Gerry, 12 mos.
1813, John Atwell, 12 mos.
1814, Cyrus Cumings
1815, Joshua Nye
1816, Joseph Lull
1817, Benjamin Jones
1817, Benjamin Ayer
1818, Sullivan Bray
1819, Jeremiah Marsh
1820, Jeremiah Marsh
A list of the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Orrington Circuit, A. D. 1820.*orrington.
Simeon Fowler jr., leader Richard Godfrey
Mercy Godfrey
David Wiswell
Abigail Wiswell
Lucy Baker
Lucy Baker 2d
Mehetabel Smith
Jemima Swett
Mehetabel Godfrey
Mercy Godfrey 2d
Phebe Young
Lydia Godfrey
Patty Smith
Sophronia Dole
Benoni Baker
Phebe Harding
Benj. Godfrey Patty Godfrey
Joseph C. Jayne, leader
Susannah Jayne
William Marsh
Susan Marsh
Simeon Fowler
Melinda Fowler
Deborah Hopkins
Jesse Atwood
John Crowell
Hannah Crowell
Daniel Nickerson, leader
Tryphena Nickerson
Warren Nickerson
Martha Nickerson
Eliphalet Nickerson
* Admitted to the church between 1796 and 1819, and living in 1819. J. W. P.
[p. 24]
Sarah Nickerson Paul Nickerson
Molly Nickerson
Theophilus Nickerson
Eunice Nickerson
Zeruiah Nickerson
Jerusha Nickerson
Sally Drew
Lucy Kempton
Hannah Brown
Isaac Peirce, leader
Rachel Peirce
Sally Smith
Jesse Atwood jr.
Levina Atwood
Moses Rogers
Thankful Rogers
Keziah Higgins
Statira Snow
Nancy Nickerson
Mehetabel Smith
Hannah Brown
Sarah Doane
Sally Nickerson
Eliza Nickerson
Betsey Snow
Sarah Snow
Betsey Snow 2d
Desire Cole
Samuel Bartlett
Joanna Bartlett
Tabitha Freeman
Paul Nye
Margaret Nye
Timothy Freeman
Mary Freeman
Mehetabel Freeman
Polly Bartlett
Ephraim Goodale
Prudence H. Goodale
Mary Chapin
Joseph Rogers
Salome Rogers
Mary Bolton
Amariah Rogers, leader
Elizabeth Rogers
Mary Rogers
Hezekiah Eldridge
Mary Eldridge
Joanna Swett
Prince Higgins Ruth Higgins
Samuel Swett
Hannah Higgins
Bethana Rider
Mercy Freeman
Mary Swett
Thomas Freeman, leader
Timothy Nye
Keziah Nye
Sally Nye
Mary Rich
Jeremiah Rich
Jonathan Burns
Lucy Burns
Polly Burns
Mehetabel Baker
Mehetabel Freeman
Elihu Hoxie, leader
Polly Hoxie
Allen Nickerson
Amelia Nickerson
Jerusha Eldridge
Hannah Eldridge
Reuben Freeman 2d
Nath. Peirce 2d
Sally Rogers
Polly Freeman
Azubah Freeman
Manning Wood, leader
Sally Wood
Benjamin Swett
Abigail Swett
Joseph Baker
Hannah Baker
Sally Nichols
Mary King
Zeruiah Freeman
John Wentworth
Judith Veazie
Samuel Rider jr.
Azubah Rider
Keziah Rider
Nancy Marsh
Samuel Rider
Lydia Rider
Rebecca Rider
Mary Bartlett
Olive Smith
Charlotte Burns
[p. 25]
Lydia Rider 2d Bethiah Nickerson
Polly Rider
Nath. Rider
Huldah Godfrey Sally Smith
Eliza Smith
Thomas Rich, leader Anna Rich
Tamosin Hinks
Joanna Rich
Sylvanus Rich
Lucy Rich
Lucy Rich (mar. Atwood)
Susanna Rich
Lydia McDaniel
Ruth Hopkins
Ruth Nye
Reuben Freeman
Stephen Rider
Joanna Rider
Benjamin Ballard
Anna Ballard
Jonathan Cobb, leader
Elizabeth Cobb
James Nichols
Benjamin Gross
Mary Gross
Nath. Lowell
Sally Lowell
Solomon Collins
Jerusha Collins
Mercy Collins
Winslow Hinks jr.
Betsey Hinks
Elisha Hinks
Mary Hinks
Jesse Hinks
Ruth Hinks
Eliza Hinks (Goodale)
George Wharf
Mehetabel Wharf
Reuben Stubbs
Polly Stubbs
Simeon Bearse
Phebe Bearse
Jesse Kilby
Desire Kilby
James Deane
Thankful Deane
Isaiah Rich
Elizabeth Reed
Henry Atwood Betsey Atwood
Sally Rich
William Ballard
Polly Ballard
Elisha D. Eldridge
Polly Doane
David Kilburn
Rebecca Kilburn
Thomas Kilburn
Polly Kilburn
Nehemiah H. Nickerson
Anna Nickerson
Joshua Nickerson
Hannah Nickerson
Joshua Rich
Jane Rich
James Ayre
Ruth Ayre
Eliza Ayre
William Bryant
Hannah Bryant
Thankful Ayre
Susanna Couillard
Olive Moore
Hannah Gross
Betsey Lewis 2d
Joanna Lowell
Rachel Dyer
John Kenney, leader
Hannah Kenney
Samuel Stubbs
Hannah Stubbs
Hannah Lewis
Elizabeth Pratt
John K. Mayo
Abner Curtis, leader
Tamsin Curtis
Zoheth Smith
Hepzibah Smith
Abner Clements
Amy Clements
Mary Howes
Sally Howes
Betsey Lewis
[p. 26]
Lucy Curtis Hepzibah Smith 2d
Mary Nye
John Curtis, leader
Henry Little
Sally Cottle
Phinehas Eames
Sarah Eames
Jeremiah Higgins, leader
Hannah Higgins
John Eldridge
Rebecca Eldridge
Hannah Wiley
Isaac Small
Anna Small
Paul Page
Thomas Wiley
John Tillick
Bathsheba Snow
Phinehas Higgins
Betsey Snow
Ezekiel Harding Bangs Doane, leader
Priscilla Doane
Jane Bassett
Nathan Atwood jr
Olive Snow
Susanna Carr
Hannah Page
Jane Atwood
Catharine Page
Sarah Page
Benj. Atwood
Nehemiah Bassett
Ebenezer Smith
Zulinia (?) Smith
Susanna Page
Bethiah Done
Reuben Snow jr.
Ebenezer Atwood jr.
Phebe Tillick
Daniel Blazdel, leader William Saunders
Ruth Saunders
David Dodge
Mehetabel Dodge
Elizabeth Soper
Sally Saunders
Mary Harriman
Polly Blazdel
Mary Harriman 2d Desire Blazdel
Jane Blazdel
Ebenezer Eldridge
Tamsin Eldridge
Clarissa Harriman
Fanny Stubbs
Anna Soper
Polly Eldridge
Members who joined the Church in 1821.
orrington.William Atwood jr.
Elspy Swett
Simeon Peirce
bucksport.Ruth Rider
Rebecca Rider
Elisha Lewis
Nath. McMahon Nancy McMahon
Nath. McMahon jr.
Samuel McMahon
Abiah Spooner
Allen Crane
Nancy Cook
Celia Eddy
Rebecca Lancaster
Hannah Kenney Temperance Blackman
Solomon Rowe
Betsey Appleton
Dorcas Clewley
Rebecca Davis
Susanna Rowe
Abigail G. Parks
Dorcas Mann