Source: Colored Troops 1863-1865, Adjutant General, Maine State Archives.
From Digital Maine: "The Bureau of Colored Troops was established by the United States War Department in May 1863 and was responsible for recruiting African-American soldiers to fight. About 175 regiments composed of 178,000 African-American troops served the Union in the final two years of the Civil War."
These 93 men were credited to the quotas of Maine towns. Linked records include enlistment papers and one medical examination form.
George F. Adams. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Louis Alexander. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Robert Allen. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Antone. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Daniel Armstrong. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Baptist. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Robert Battise. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Peter Blake. Joined the 4th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Albert Borner. Joined U.S. Colored Troops, regiment not specified.
William Brown. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Adrastus L. Brown. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Francis J. Brown. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Carpenter. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Charles Casson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Edward P. Chatters. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Henry Copper. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
David Crocket. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Joseph Crossman. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
James Douglas. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Dick Edmands. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Benjamin Fales. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John B Fletcher. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Thomas Freeman. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Peter Fuller. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Parkman Gardner. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Marcellus R. Gardner. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Francis C. Gardner. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Infantry, Colored Regiment.
George T. Gillipsie. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
William Gillispie. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Charles A. Gillispie. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Zebulon Green. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Andrew Guard. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Cornelius Harris. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Haskins. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
George Henry. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Ellis Henry. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Woodbury P. Hill. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
George P. Hopkins. Joined the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, Colored Regiment.
Edmund Hudson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Paul Humphries. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Samuel Hutt. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Abraham Jackson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Joseph Johnson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Thomas Jones. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Philip Joseph. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Kent. Joined U.S. Colored Troops, no regiment specified.
Charles H. Latten. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Leven Laws. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Thomas Lee. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Liverpool. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Lucas. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Richard Martin. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Peter H Mathews. Joined the U.S. Colored Troops, regiment not specified.
Henry Maxwell. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Andrew McSpadden. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John S. Miller. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John B. Niles. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Charles H. Norris. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
William H. Peters. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Reuben M. Peters. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
James Peters. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Dexter Peters. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Daniel W. Peters. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
George Peterson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
George F. Potter. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Henry Rawson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Lewis Rice. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
William Richardson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Robert M. Rieston. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Lewis W. Roberts. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Joseph Robinson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
James H. Robinson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Charles W. Robinson. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Francis Seal. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Orren Seco. Joined the 2nd Maine Cavalry.
Samuel Seyler. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
James E. Simmonds. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
James S. Skank. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
James Smith. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Jesse Smith. Joined the 50th U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment.
King Solomon. Joined the 37th Regiment, U.S. Colored Infantry.
John Steward. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Charles Taylor. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
William Tombs. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
William Turner. Joined the 37th U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment.
William H. Wanton. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Lawrence Ward. Joined the 37th U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment.
William E. Wilkins. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
John Williams. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Andrew J. Williams. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Thomas Williams. Joined the 37th U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment.
Thomas McPherson Winfield. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.
Daniel G. Wright. Joined the 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Colored Regiment.