Source: George C. Purington, History of the State Normal School, Farmington, Maine : with sketches of the teachers and graduates (Farmington, Me.: Press of Knowlton, McLeary & Co., 1889).
"The address given at the beginning of each sketch is that taken from the records of the School when the graduate entered. At the close of the sketch, the present [1889] address is given." [p. 37]
[p. 64]CLASS OF 1871.
Sixth Class.—Graduated June 30, 1871.
James W. Brown, Milbridge, Me.
The next day after graduation he entered upon the duties of Assistant Superintendent and principal teacher in the State Reform School of Maine, where he remained nineteen months. For the next six months was principal teacher in the Michigan State Reform School. In 1873, accepted the position of Assistant Superintendent in the Minnesota Reform School at St. Paul, remaining two years and six months. He then served as Assistant Superintendent and principal teacher in the Reform School at Meriden, Conn., until the spring of 1879, when he returned to St. Paul, occupying his former position until the spring of 1886 when, on the retirement of Dr. J. G. Riheldaffer as Superintendent, he received the appointment to that position, holding it at the present time.
Married, June 29, 1878, Miss Angie D. Dresser of Maine, and has one child, May D., born Nov. 24, 1879, died Feb. 9, 1880.
St. Paul, Minn.
M. Hortense Chappell, Carolina, R. I.
Taught about four years in Rhode Island and then married Mr. Edward K. James, a farmer of Richmond in that State. They have six children: Richard Eugene, born Aug. 16, 1878; Sarah Lila, born Dec. 29, 1879; Ruth Hortense, born Sept. 29, 1881; Marcia Helen Wood, born April 20, 1883; George Edward Babcock, born Jan. 10, 1885; Mary Vira, born Aug. 18, 1886.[p. 65]Mrs. James writes that she gave up teaching for about ten years and then resumed the business that she might instruct her own children, and is now teaching a district school near her home.
Shannock, R. I.
Anna M. Dakin, Jay, Me.
Has taught 150 weeks, a large part of that time in Maine. Married, Aug. 1, 1877, Sanford H. Pendleton of Sacramento, Cal., and has one child, Addie H., born June 12, 1878.
Deming, Grant Co., New Mexico.
Thomas J. Davis, Newmarket, N. H.
Has taught 152 weeks, — in Augusta, Me., in 1871-2, Durham and Newmarket, N. H., in 1872-3, in the latter place a high school. In the fall of 1873 he went to Ann Arbor, Mich., to attend the Law Department of Michigan University, but owing to a temporary weakness of his eyes, he taught school at Scio, Mich., a part of the year, subsequently making up the lectures lost while teaching. At the close of the Law Term in March, 1874, the seductive wiles of a general agent of a subscription-book publishing concern sent him, for a short time, to make the acquaintance of the Michigan farmers, but he resumed his legal studies at Pontiac, Mich., with new zest after this little diversion, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Michigan, Aug. 25, 1874. He then taught for two years in St. Paul, Minn. From June, 1876, to June, 1887, he practiced law at Pontiac, Mich., and then removed to Duluth, Minn., where, with his partner, he has an extensive practice, making a specialty of the laws relating to railroad, mining, and banking corporations. He is a Director in the Duluth Union National Bank, and in the First National Bank of Tower, Minn.
Mr. Davis pays a handsome tribute to his old teacher, saying that "the foundation of my success is due to the personal influence and enthusiasm of Dr. Rounds."
The editor wishes to express his appreciation of several very kind letters received from Mr. Davis, while prosecuting his inquiries in regard to the history of the graduates, one in particular containing some very valuable suggestions upon the value of personal work on the part of the teacher with every pupil, and also upon the importance of encouraging Normal students to take a post-graduate, or college course.
He has married twice: July 8, 1879, Miss Juliet Bennett of Newmarket, N. H., who died June 3, 1886; Jan. 1, 1889, Mattie Clark[p. 66]Mills of Mayville, Mich. He has one child, David, born Nov. 7, 1881.
Duluth, Minn.
Florentius M. Hallowell, Weeks' Mills, Me.
Taught fifty-six weeks in Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro, and forty-two weeks in a grammar school in Bath. Graduated from the Waterville Classical Institute in 1873, and from Colby University in 1877, receiving the degree of A. B. Went to Kearney, Neb., in October, 1877, studied law and was admitted to practice. Has filled the office of Court Reporter for eleven years, and still holds that office.
Married, Dec. 25, 1876, Miss Etta Kilbreth of the First Class of 1872, and has four children: Florence M., born May 5, 1881; Marion E., born Nov. 9, 1883; Amy B., born April 9, 1887; Bertha L., born Aug. 17, 1888.
Kearney, Neb.
Melinda Haskell, East Limington, Me.
Has taught about 300 weeks, — in Auburn, Lisbon, Standish, Gorham and Cape Elizabeth. Married, April 8, 1881, Mr. John M. Hutchinson, then a merchant of Buxton Centre, but on account of failing health moved on to a farm where they now live.
Buxton Centre, Me.
Juliette Knowlton, East New Portland, Me.
In September, 1871, she went to Calais to teach, but, on account of poor health, was obliged to give up teaching after one term. Spent the next year in Reading, Mass., and then was employed in a shoe-shop in Stoneham until the spring of 1876, when she came home, where she remained, after teaching one term, until her marriage, June 12, 1879, to Luther F. Edwards of Madison, Me. Mr. Edwards is the undertaker and funeral director of the village and vicinity in which they live. They have three children: Bryce K., born May 3, 1880; Albion P., born July 17, 1884; Jennie H., born Aug. 23, 1886.
Madison, Me.
Mary P. Lara, Auburn, Me.
Has taught about 400 weeks, in the following places: Weymouth, Mass., one year; Atlantic City, N. J., five years; Minneapolis, Minn., two years; Lewiston, Me., one year; Auburn, three years. She is now principal of a primary school in Merrimac, Mass.
114 Hampshire St., Auburn, Me.[p. 67]Maryette Leavitt, New Vineyard, Me.
Has taught one year in Auburn and Bath. Married, Jan. 1, 1873, Mr. Alfred G. Trask of Bath.
Winnegance, Me.
Lizzie G. Melcher, Freeport, Me.
Has taught nineteen years, — four years in the intermediate and grammar grades, Lewiston; nine and one-half years in the Dwight (Grammar) School, Boston, two and one-half years as second assistant in the Everett School, Boston, teaching Drawing, History and Geography as a specialist; and for three years, the position which she now holds, as Master's Assistant in the Comins School, Boston.
Miss Melcher has also had private pupils in Illustrative Drawing, and has taught that subject at the National Summer School at Saratoga. Since graduation she has taken courses in the Natural Sciences, French, German, English Literature, Mineralogy, Drawing, Illustrative Drawing and Painting.
104 West Chester Park, Boston, Mass.
Hattie R. Morison, Livermore Falls, Me.
Has taught 134 weeks, in Lisbon, Leeds, Auburn, New Gloucester and other Maine towns. Has received the diploma for the completion of the four years' C. L. S. C. course.
Livermore Falls, Me.
Love M. Norton, Farmington, Me.
Has taught ten years, the larger part of the time in Maine, and several terms in Illinois and Massachusetts. Has studied Latin and German and taken a part of the Chautauqua work each year since 1882. Since her marriage she has taught several terms, and, together with Mrs. E. T. Sewall, a teacher in the Normal in 1871-2, has served one term on the S. S. Committee of Farmington, where her long experience as a teacher and her Normal training enabled her to render valuable assistance in raising the Farmington schools to a higher standard of excellence. As a resident graduate she has retained a cordial interest in the success of the Normal, and the present Principal is indebted to her for many kind words and courtesies.
Married, in 1879, Mr. John C. Ames, a salesman of Farmington, and has one child, Edith, born in 1880.
Farmington, Me.[p. 68]Alvin E. Prince, New Sharon, Me.
Has taught 482 weeks, — twenty-four weeks of high school in his native town, where he was also a member of the S. S. Committee for one year, and the remaining time in New Jersey, where he is now teaching as Principal of the Bridgeton High and Grammar School. He is also City Examiner of teachers, a position which he has held for eight years. He has taken courses in German, French and Latin with private teachers, and one year of Physical Culture under Dr. D. A. Sargent at Harvard.
76 Walnut Street, Bridgeton, N. J.
Elva M. Reed, Livermore Centre, Me.
Taught eleven years in the primary, intermediate and grammar grades in Lewiston. Married, Dec. 2, 1882, Mr. Edward Pratt, a farmer of Strickland's Ferry, and has one child, Charles H., born Oct. 15, 1885.
Strickland's Ferry, Me.
Maria M. Shaw, West's Mills, Me.
Soon after graduating she went to Eau Claire, Wis., where she taught forty weeks. In August following, she went to Rochester, Minn., where she had secured a fine position, but was attacked with typhoid fever a few days before her term was to commence, and died, Sept. 4, 1872.
Freelan O. Stanley, Kingfield, Me.
Has taught about eight years. For the first year after graduation, he taught district schools in Andover, Farmington and Lisbon. In the summer of 1872 he began to fit for college at Hebron Academy and entered Bowdoin in the fall of 1873, where he remained one year. Was Principal of the Mechanic Falls High School for several terms, and then taught in Columbia, Penn., for some time. In 1880 he accepted a position in the Normal, where he remained over a year, resigning on account of failing health to go into some less sedentary occupation. For two or three years he was a manufacturer of school supplies and apparatus, some of which he had invented, at Mechanic Falls, and Boston, Mass. In connection with his twin brother, Frank E., at one time a member of the School, he discovered and perfected a superior process of coating photographic "dry plates," by which, current rumor says, they have made a handsome fortune. They have an immense manufactory and a constantly increasing business. He married, April 18, 1876, Miss Flora J. R. Tileston of Mechanic Falls.
Lewiston, Me.[p. 69]J. Walter Stetson, East Sumner, Me.
Taught about 675 weeks, — district schools in Livermore, Dennysville, Sumner, Buckfield and Oxford, until the summer of 1874, when he entered the "College Preparatory" class at Hebron Academy, but left after a few weeks to accept a position as assistant in the Normal. Here he remained nearly, or quite, a year, and then resigned to become Principal of the Calais Grammar School, where he remained ten years. Having been elected Master of the Ash Street Grammar School, Manchester, N. H., he left Calais to the great regret of a large circle of friends. After nearly five years of very successful work in that school, he resigned to accept the office of Treasurer of the Mechanics Savings Bank, Auburn, Me.
Mr. Stetson has completed the Chautauqua Course, receiving a special seal for high rank. Has taken an earnest and patriotic interest in politics, and was Warden of his ward in Calais for several years. Has taken an active interest in educational matters, and has been President of the Washington Co. (Me.) Teachers' Association, and Treasurer of the New Hampshire State Teachers' Association. In June, 1888, he was elected a deacon of the First Congregational Church in Manchester, and was for some time Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday School connected with that church.
Married, Dec. 23, 1879, Miss Agnes Halliday of Calais, and has four children: Mary Louise, born Nov. 29, 1880; Lilla Augusta, born Nov. 13, 1882; Everett Halliday, born April 18, 1886; Agnes Gertrude, born June 21, 1888.
Auburn, Me.
Hiram B. Stoyell, Farmington, Me.
Has taught 52 weeks, — in Maine, Pennsylvania, Dakota and Montana. Fitted for college at Kent's Hill Seminary and spent two years in Bowdoin College. Then went West, studied law and was admitted to the bar in Bismarck, Dak. Held the office of Register of Deeds in Morton Co., and was City Clerk in Deadwood. Since 1884, he has resided in Farmington, and has been engaged in farming, teaching at intervals.
Farmington, Me.
Gardner M. Whittier, Madison, Me.
Taught thirty-four weeks in 1871-2-3 at North New Portland. Received his medical degree from the Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1875, and since that time has been actively engaged in the practice of[p. 70]medicine. Received a post-graduate degree from Jefferson Medical College in 1884, and a diploma from the C. L. S. C., Class of 1886. He is a member of the Town Council, of the School Board, and President of Clearfield Co. (Pa.) Medical Society.
Married, Jan. 17, 1876, Miss Elva House of Turner, Me., for several terms a student in the School, and has three children: Ben Keen, born July 21, 1878; Edward Torrey, born March 11, 1880, died Nov. 17, 1885; Raymond Wright, born Aug. 16, 1887.
Houtzdale, Pa.