Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
Some forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching. The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 244]Capt. James Ayer's Drafted Company, under Maj. Simon Nowell's Command.Rank and Name.
From October to November, 1814. Service at Kittery and York.
Simon Nowell, Major
James Ayers, Captain
James W. Roberts, Lieutenant
Joseph Morrow, Ensign
John Crockett, Ensign
John Sinderson, Sergeant
John Thomas, Sergeant
Joseph Merrill, Sergeant
Daniel Shackley, Sergeant
Isaac Cowell, Sergeant
John Drew, Corporal
Stephen Piper, Corporal
George Whales, Corporal
Hiram Ricker, Corporal
John Drew, Musician
John Hobbs, Musician
William Perry, Musician
Peletiah Moore, Musician
Joseph Abbott
Hawley Applebee
Ephraim Bachelder
Ezra Barker
Joseph Bennett
Gideon Bickford
Abner Blasdell
John Branchder
Levi Chadburn
James Cleek
Nathaniel Cluff
Asahel Cole
Daniel Cole
Eli Cole
John Cole
James M. Cook
Richard Cooper
William Copps
Jeremiah Cousens
Otis S. Danielson
Daniel Davis
Dependence Day
Ebenezer Day
Ezekiel Day
Henry Day
Henry Day, 2d
James Day
Dearborn Doe
Henry Doe
Robert Drew
William Eastman
Isaac Edgcomb
Levi Edgcomb
Daniel Eldredge
George Emery
John Evans
Benjamin Frye
David Furbush
Tristram Furnald[p. 245]Joseph Gentleman
Morgan Gerry
Isaac Getchell
Henry Goodwin
Hiram Goodwin
Thomas Goodwin
William Goodwin
Arnold Goulder
Alpheus Gowen
John Gowen
Samuel Ham
Nathaniel Harris
William Hartford
John Heard
John Hibbard
Jeremiah Hill
Nathaniel Hobbs
Joshua Hodgdon
Samuel Hodgdon
Oliver Horsum
Stephen Hubbard
James Huntress
Nathaniel Huntress
Richard Huzzey
William Jacobs
Jotham Johnston
Ebenezer Jones
Daniel Keniston
Samuel Knight
Jeremiah Libbey
Solon Libbey
Jacob Linscot
Nathaniel Littlefield
Ichabod Lord
Samuel Lord
William Lose
George McLelan
Jesse Mighalls
Jonathan Newbegin
Peletiah Piper
Joseph Shackley
James Smith
Joseph Smith
Joseph Soveraigh
Stephen Stewart
Anthony Tanner
Greenleaf Tebbetts
William Tefferin
Joshua Thompson
Thomas Tripe
John Waterhouse
Ithamar WormwoodCapt. B. Thompson's Company.Rank and Name.
From October to November, 1814, one month. Stationed at Kittery. This is a roll of a company of drafted militia in service at Kittery under command of Major Simon Nowell.
Bartholomew Thompson, Captain
Alexander Worcester, Lieutenant
Ephraim Low, Lieutenant
Wentworth Butler, Ensign
Elias Libbey, Sergeant
Samuel Drew, Sergeant
Samuel Frost, Sergeant
Reuben Dennett, Sergeant
Thomas Abbott, Sergeant
Alpheus Hanson, Corporal
Temple Lord, Corporal
Joseph Spinney, Corporal
James Pray, Corporal
Jacob Hamilton, Musician
Phineas Morrell, Musician
John Abbott
Joseph Boston
David Brackett
Ebenezer Brackett
J. R. Bragdon
Gideon Brooks
George Carlisle
Benjamin Chadbourn
Samuel Chick
Thomas Chick
Tilly Clement
Isaac Courson
Oliver Cutts
Joel Emery
William Estes
John Fall
Alexander Ferguson
William Fogg
Benjamin Goodwin
Benjamin Goodwin, 2d
John Goodwin
Thomas Grant
Samuel Hanscom
Mack Hare
James Heart
Nelson Hill
Mishach Horn
Stephen Jellison
Thomas Keag
Alpheus Kennard
Hugh Kennison
Obednego Leathers
John Libbey
John Linscott
William Linscott
Jeremiah Lord
Nathaniel Low
Oliver Marrs
Nathan Mason
Pelatiah Mason
Seth Maxwell
Caleb Miller
Joseph Muchmore
Adam Murray
Hiram Murray
Ivory Murray
David Nock
Mack Nowell
John Penny
Jesse Perkins
Naham Perkins
Hopkins Pierce
Stephen Pierce
Nathaniel Pike
Alexander Raitt
John Raitt
William Randall
Joshua Ranking
Enoch Remick
Hutchins Remington
Jacob Ricker
Levi Ricker
Nathaniel Ricker
Richard Ricker
Theodore Ricker
John Roberts
Thomas Roberts
Theodore Round
George Sherburn
Joseph Smith
Stephen Smith
Hiram Snow
John Spinney
S. R. Spinney
Absalom Stackpole
Stephen Stackpole
Thomas H. Stanley
Oliver Staples
Timothy Staples
William Staples
Rook Stebbins
Jotham Taylor
Obediah Taylor
Oliver Thompson
George or John Thunnell
Samuel Thunnell
Ivory Trafton
Zacheus Trafton
Ezekiel Twombly
James Varney
Moses Welch
Enoch Wentworth
John Weymouth
Whitehouse John
Samuel Wilkinson
Clement Worcester
Richard Young