Source: Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 (Boston, Mass.: Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1913).
Some forenames and surnames have been switched to facilitate searching. The format of the list has been altered.
[p. 246]Capt. E. Andrew's Detached Company, under supervision of Gen. Alford Richardson.Rank and Name.
From July 4 to Sept. 2, 1814. Raised at Scarborough and vicinity. Service at Portland.
Ebenezer Andrews, Captain
William Wescott, Lieutenant
William Frost, Ensign
Benjamin Tukey, Sergeant
Lemuel Moody, Jr., Sergeant
Isaac Frost, Jr., Sergeant
Hugh McLeavis, Sergeant
William Chamberlain, Corporal
Joshua Howard, Corporal
William Winslow, Corporal
Albert Carleton, Corporal
James Bacon, Musician
John Moody, Musician
Sylvanus Dyer, Musician
Abraham McLucas, Musician
Abel Anderson
Charles Babb
Henry Babb
John Barry
Ezra Beeman
Samuel Blake
William Blanchard
Nathaniel Boothby
Alfred Brackett
Elijah Brackett
John Brown
Asa Cahoon
John Campbell
Earle Chamberlain
Samuel Damerin
John Dearborn
Josiah Dearborn
John Deering
William Dobbin
Josiah Evans
Benjamin Fenderson
Nichols Foss
John French
George Gray
Henry Hall
Joseph Harding
Jonathon Harmon, 3d
Israel Hersey
Jeremiah Jones
Joseph Jumper
George Knight
Joseph Leavitt
Thomas Libby
Samuel Linnell
John Liscomb
Joseph Lombard
Elijah Long
John Lunt
Stephen Maxwell
Levi Merrill
Reuben Merrill
Jacob Morton
Reuben T. Moulton
Abraham Nason
Benjamin Patterson
Joseph Pierce
George Prince
Edward Rogers
Nathaniel Russell
John Sanger
John Smith
William Smith
Joshua Swett
David Webb
Major Whittemore
Daniel Willard
William Withington
William Wood, Jr.
Enos YoungLieut. O. Bray's Detached Company, under Supervision of Maj. Gen. Alford Richardson.
From Nov. 5 to Nov. 26, 1814. Raised at Portland. Service at Fort Burrows, Fish Point, Portland, "for the protection of the forts, ordnance, and munitions of war and other property belonging to the Commonwealth."
Rank and Name.
Oliver Bray, Lieutenant
Amos S. Webber, Lieutenant
George Stacey, Sergeant
Timothy Chadbourne, Sergeant
Hugh Leavis, Sergeant
Asa Erskine, Corporal
Abner Gould, Corporal
Rufus Porter, Musician
Joshua Chadbourne, Musician
Jacob Brown
Leonard Butterfield
Earle Chamberlain
Stephen Claridge
Rufus Coolbroth
Richard Crockett
John Davis, Jr.
Asia Doane
James Dobbins
William Dobbins
Henry M. Donald
Joseph Dresser
Josiah Elliott
Elijah Emery
Joseph Harding
James Harmon
John M. Harmon
Jonathan Harmon
Stephen Harmon
William Harmon
William Hartshorn
John Henly
Josiah Hunnewell
Ruben Huston
John Hutchins
Thomas Johnson
Abraham Jordan
Charles Knight
Seth Lamb
Daniel Leighton
Reuben Leighton
Richard Libby
George Miller
John M. Milliken
Samuel Morrison
James Newburn
Joseph Pierce
Daniel Roberts
John Ross
Benjamin Sargent
John Smith
Gardner Sweat
Joshua Sweat
Moses Sweat, 3d
Moses Sweat, 4th
Samuel Sweat
Joseph Thombs
Richard Treat
William True
Robert Weymouth
Eaton Wiggin
Peter M. Wise