Source: Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vol. 3 (Portland, Me.: S.M. Watson, 1886).
Oct. 19, 1837, at the house of Mrs. Oakes, Alfred R. True to Miss Francis B. Pratt, both of North Yarmouth.
April 3, 1838, at the house of Moses Titcomb, Rufus Chase to Miss N. P. Titcomb, both of North Yarmouth.
May 3, 1838, at the house of Benj. Humphrey, Asa Mitchel of Pownal, to Miss Mary C. Humphrey of North Yarmouth.
May 15, 1838, at the house of Mr. Whitcomb, William Stetson of Thomaston, to Miss R. G. Whitcomb, of North Yarmouth.
June 12, 1838, at the house of Saml Bucknam, Thos. Pratt to Miss Mary Bucknam, both of North Yarmouth.
June 27, 1838, at the house of Widow Ross, Joseph Humphrey to Miss Elizabeth M. Ross, both of North Yarmouth.
July 31, 1838, at the house of Benj. Gooch, Jonas B. Smith to Betsey Jane Gooch, both of North Yarmouth.
Sept. 12, 1838, at the house of Capt. Laribee, Osca Decoster of Augusta, to Miss Martha H. Fulton of North Yarmouth.
Oct. 17, 1838, at the pastor's house, Horace M. Prescott of New Sharon, to Miss Cordelia Johnson of North Yarmouth.
Nov. 29, 1838, at the house of Mr. Lufkin, Walnut Hill, James J. Humphrey to Miss Sarah Lufkin, both of North Yarmouth.
Dec. 9, 1838, at the pastor's house, Capt. R. G. York of Portland, to Miss Martha S. Titcomb of North Yarmouth.
Nov. 7, 1839, at the house of David Pratt, John Pollys of Baring, to Miss Elizabeth Pratt of North Yarmouth.
Jan. 5, 1840, at the pastor's house, Ammi Loring to Miss Abigail Field, both of this place.
Aug. 9, 1840, at the pastor's house, Philip Torrey to Mrs. Rebecca Russell, both of North Yarmouth.
[p. 31]Sept. 3, 1840, at the pastor's house, James C. Speirs and Miss Sarah I. Mitchell, both of North Yarmouth.
Nov. 25, 1840, at the pastor's house, Elias W. Merrill of Webster, to Miss Sarah Ann Titcomb of Portland.
Nov. 26, 1840, at the house of Capt. N. Oakes, Thomas R. Prince to Miss Abigail S. Oakes, both of North Yarmouth.
Dec. 27, 1840, at the pastor's house, Dexter Hale to Miss Sarah H. Leonard, both of North Yarmouth.
Dec. 30, 1840, at the pastor's house, Capt. Cornelius Soule to Miss Theodosia B. Small, both of Freeport, Me.
April 23, 1841, at the pastor's house, Capt. William Titcomb to Miss Lydia Stowell, both of North Yarmouth.
Oct. 10, 1341, at the pastor's house, Josiah Lovell to Miss Priscilla Titcomb, both of North Yarmouth.
Nov. 24, 1841, at the pastor's house, Adam P. Baker to Miss Betsey L. Loring, both of N. Y.
Nov. 25, 1841, at the house of Benj. Pratt, Rev. Benj. F. Shaw of Vassalborough, to Miss Mary L. Pratt of North Yarmouth.
Dec. 30, 1841, at the house of Wm. Bucknam, Mr. Chas. Bucknam to Miss Deborah Doyle, both of North Yarmouth.
May 5, 1842, at the house of James Prince, Cumberland, John Haley of Portland, to Miss Leah Prince of Portland.
June 6, 1842, at the house of Capt. Larribee, John Gray to Miss Mehitable Fulton, both of North Yarmouth.
Sept. 11, 1842, at the house of the bride, David Pratt jr., to Mrs. Margaret Favor, both of North Yarmouth.
Oct. 17, 1842, at the pastor's house, Charles Small of Freeport, to Miss Rachel P. Russell of North Yarmouth.
Oct. 25, 1842, at the house of Mrs. Oakes, Charles Byram of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Elizabeth Jane Pratt of North Yarmouth.
Oct. 27, 1842, at the house of Levi H. Pratt, Benj. Humphrey jr. to Miss Mary Ann Pratt, both of North Yarmouth.
Nov. 3, 1842, at the house of John Sargent, James Blake of North Yarmouth, to Miss Caroline M. Russell of New Gloucester.
Dec. 29, 1842, at the pastor's house, Rufus R. York to Miss Zoa West, both of North Yarmouth.
[p. 32]Jan. 11, 1843, at the pastor's house, James P. Weeman of Freeport, to Miss Elizabeth True of North Yarmouth.
July 19, 1843, at the house of Asa True, John I. Thompson of Matanzas, Cuba, to Miss Sarah R. True of North Yarmouth.
Aug. 17, 1845, at the house of Joseph Thomas, John B. Stovers of Boston, Mass., to Miss Hannah S. Thomas of North Yarmouth.
Aug. 29, 1843, at the pastor's house, George Woods to Miss C. E. Haynes, both of North Yarmouth.
Sept. 3, 1843, at the house of George Mitchel, Dexter Hale to Miss Phebe Mitchel, both of North Yarmouth.
Oct. 12, 1843, at the pastor's house, Isaac S. Hayes to Miss Asenath H. Bachelder, both of N. Y.
Nov. 2, 1843, at the pastor's house, Samuel Brown to Miss Alphonso Drinkwater, both of New York.
Nov. 3, 1843, at the house of Mr. Moxcy, Cumberland, William G. Foster of Portland, to Miss Mary G. Moxcy of Cumberland.
May 19, 1844, at the pastor's house, Capt. Nathl Blake of Portland, to Mrs. Mary True of North Yarmouth.
May 27, 1844, at the house of David Pratt jr., Mr. Asa Humphrey to Miss Sarah C. Favor, both of N. Y.