Source: Harry Edward Mitchell, and B. V. Davis, comp., 1906 Town Register: Greenwood, Albany, Waterford, and East Stoneham (Brunswick, Me.: H. E. Mitchell Co., 1906).
[p. 24]Of the men of Waterford who took up arms for the suppression of the southern rebellion we can only give their names here. Thirty of these died of wounds or disease contracted in the service, and four in confederate prisons. The service performed by these men was nobly and heroically given.
Infantry: Augustus E. Horr, J. Mellen Webster, Andrew S. Hapgood, Austin W. Sylvester, A. B. Whittier, Napoleon Adley, Cyrus S. Green, Wm. Russell, Geo. H. Billings, Calvin H. Horr, Elbridge W. Whiting, Henry H. Allen, Geo. M. Knight, Lafayette Seavey, Chas. O. Wood, Wm. R. Kneeland, Edwin Plummer, Wm. Plummer, Samuel D. Parker, Chas. Billings, Moses M. Robinson, Dexter B. Brown, Melzer Chadbourne, Lewis Longley, John Monroe, Hendrick Smith,[p. 25]Almon G. Ward, Geo. L. Watson, Wm. W. Watson, John Stevens, Jeremiah Jordan, F. B. Blanchard, Alonzo H. Heath, Geo. Page, Wm. A. Allen, Wesley A. Stevens, Albion Poole, Geo. White, Moses W. Rand, S. Harrison Plummer, Wm. B. Etter, Timothy Butters, Jesse A. Cross, Isaac F. Jewett, Laforest Kimball, Andrew Kimball, Nathan S. Milliken, Oliver H. McKeen, Dean A. Kilgore, Chas. Plummer, Walter E. Stone, Edw. L. Hamlin, Chas. H. Stevens, Moody K. Stone, Isaac W. Wood, John M. Webster, Orlando S. Milliken, Thos. B. Perkins, Oren Lord, David Lord, Wm. A. Allen (2), John Atherton, Albert P. Bisbee, David P. Bisbee, Volney Bisbee, Joseph Burnell, Eli Cole, Elliott Chase, Lewis F. Dudley, Chas. W. Danley, Geo. T. Dresser, Henry Austin, John L. M. Davenport, Oris S. Haskell, Wm. Haines, Chas. B. Harlow, Edwin J. Jordan, James Libby, Sewall F. Millett, Alfred D. Proctor, Aaron Page, Paris Page, Ora Seavey, Geo. W. Wood, Andrew J. Woodward, Alvin T. Whittier, Chas. L. Houghton, Lewis F. Stone, Geo. A. Haskell, Geo. R. Hinman, Zenas Bisbee. Artillery:—Samuel R. Cromwell, Jas. A. Coffin, Daniel Green, Daniel W. Kilborne, Wm. W. Kilborne, Edwin Chaplin. Cavalry:—Geo. H. Butters, Melzer W. Chadbourne, Lewis S. Merrill, Dennis H. Merrill, Daniel Ray, Lafayette Seavey, Geo. A. Annis. Navy:—Levi L. Brown, Josiah Weeks.