Source: Harry Edward Mitchell, and B. V. Davis, comp., 1906 Town Register: Greenwood, Albany, Waterford, and East Stoneham (Brunswick, Me.: H. E. Mitchell Co., 1906).
[p. 62]CIVIL WAR SOLDIERSThe following is a list of men, residents of Greenwood, who died in the service during the Civil War, or in consequence of wounds or sickness incurred thereby. Willard O. Ames, Wm. E. Brooks, Cyrus A. Buck, Albert A. Cross, Frank L. Dunham, Ser. Melvin W. Emery, James N. Emery, Solomon Farr, Lary N. Fifield, Jos. L. Herrick, Geo. Howe, Hartwell Keaton, Damon Lebaron, Geo. W. Libby, Richard Libby, Royal T. Martin, Chas. H. Milliken, Lieut. P. J. Mitchell, Geo. W. Morgan, Osgood Morgan, Samuel Morgan, Simeon Morgan, F. K. Noyes (N. H. Vols.), Geo. W. Record, Darias Richardson, Jas. C. Shedd, Cyrus Swift, Wilbur F. Whittle.
Below is a complete list of men credited to this town as we have found them recorded by the State Adjutant General, together with seven included in the above list which were not found in those reports.
Willard O. Ames, Franklin Buck, Chas. H. Buck, Geo. G.[p. 63]Buck, Cyrus A. Buck, John A. Buck, Wm. Berry, Wm. E. Brooks, Albion P. Beattie, Byron V. Bryant, Chas. C. Bryant, Lawrence Bryant, Sergt. Geo. W. Bryant, Chas. M. Bryant, Orrin S. Bisbee, Joel W. Brackett, Geo. W. Beady, Levi N. Bartlett, Corpl. Woodbury Cummings, Jos. Cummings Jr., Corpl. Jas. B. Currier, Albion Currier, Adoniram B. Crafts, Winfeld S. Cordwell, Consider Cole, Kingsbury J. Cole, Wm. G. Cole, Dennis Cole, Geo. C. Cole, Hanson Cole, Albert A. Cross, Chas. E. Dwinel, Frank L. Dunham, Chas. E. Dunn, Sergt. Melvin W. Emery, Freeman J. Emery, Jas. N. Emery, Israel F. Emmons, Levi W. French, Lary N. Fifield, Loring Fifield, Solomon Farr, Danl. Grant, Dana B. Grant, Danl. L. Grant, Wm. Gannon, Chas. H. Hobbs, Jas. W. Hall, Geo. Howe, Geo. G. Howe, Robt. Howe, Jos. L. Herrick, Abner H. Herrick, Albert S. Herrick, Lithgow L. Hilton, Henry N. Judkins, Ithiel Kennerson, Stephen D. Knight, Wm. Keaton, Hartwell Keaton, Geo. A. Littlefeld, Jas. A. Littlefield, Geo. Littlefield, Jas. Littlefield, Geo. W. Libby, Elijah Libby, Jas. Libby, Richard Libby, Nathaniel LeBaron, Damon LeBaron, Matthew Lane, Royal T. Martin, Lyman R. Martin, P. Jordan Mitchell, Chas. F. Morgan, Jacob W. Morgan, Geo. W. Morgan, Otis E. Morgan, David Morgan, Osgood Morgan, Saml. Morgan, Jacob Morgan, Edwin Morgan, Thos. A. Morgan, Austin W. Morgan, Alonzo D. Morgan, David M. Morgan, Simeon Morgan, Danl. M. Morgan, Chas. H. Milliken, Cyrus B. Millett, Saml. S. Millett, Jas. McAllister, Frank Needham, Henry P. Noyes, Chas. Otis, Isaac O. Parker, Wm. H. Pearson, Geo. W. Patch, Warren G. Palmer, Geo. W. Record, Nelson R. Rus-[p. 64]sell, Benj. Russell Jr., Eben E. Russell, Nelson K. Russell, Darius Richardson, Calvin Richardson, Wm. E. Starbird, Francis E. Shaw, John M. Swift, Cyrus Swift, Levi Shedd, Jas. C. Shedd, Enoch D. Stiles, Jas. Sullivan, Chas. H. Trull, Albert A. Trull, John W. Whittle, Wilbur F. Whittle, Sergt. Wm. W. Whitmarsh, Wm. Whitman, Moses M. Whitney, Elisha S. Wardwell, Cornelius York, Cornelius M. York, Orelius L. Young.