Source: "Records of the Society of Friends at Vassalborough, Me.," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 68 (Boston, Mass.: NEHGS, 1914).
[p. 162]RECORDS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS AT VASSALBOROUGH, ME.A Society of Friends, which still exists, was organized in Vassalborough, Me., in 1780. The History of Kennebec County, chapter xii, contains many interesting details of its early history. A house of worship was built in 1785-86, and the records of marriages commence soon after. As was customary, each certificate was recorded in full. The first certificate is here given at length in order to show the usual form; but of the later ones abstracts only are given, and the names of the witnesses have been omitted. Certificates were recorded, not as they were issued, but as they were presented to the clerk for that purpose; hence, as will be observed, they do not always appear in the order of their dates.
Communicated by Hon. Henry Sewall Webster, A.M., of Gardiner, Me.Friends Records of Marriage CertificatesZaccheus Bowerman of Fairfield son of Benjamin Bowerman of Falmouth in the County of Barnstable and State of Massachusetts Bay and Elizabeth his Wife (she being deceas:d) and Permelia Jones Daughter of Paul Jones of Fairfield in the County of Lincoln and Alice his Wife (She being deceas:d) having declared their Intentions of Taking Each Other in Marriage, before Several Monthly Meetings of the People Called Quakers in the County of Lincoln Aforesaid according to the good Order used among them; their Proseedings after due Enquiry and Deliberate Consideration thereof were allowed by the Said Meetings, they appearing Clear of all Others and having consent of Parents Concern:d.
Began the 13th of the 9th Mo 1787.
Now these are to Certify all Whom it may Concers, that for the full accomplishing of their Said Intentions, this Twenty third Day of the Eighth Month in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty seven, they the Said Zaccheus Bowerman and Permelia Jones appeared at a public assembly of the aforesaid People and others, in their Meeting Place in Fairfield and he the said Zaccheus Bowerman, Taking the Said Permelia Jones by the hand, did openly declare as followeth: Frie[n]ds I take this my Friend Permelia Jones, to be my wife, Promising Through Divine assistance to be unto her a Loving and Faithfull Husband, Untill it Shall Please the Lord by Death to Seperate us. And the said Permelia Jones, did then and there in Like manner Declare as followeth: Friends I Take this my Friend[p. 163]Zaccheus Bowerman to be my Husband Promising Through Divine assistance to be unto him a Loving and faithfull Wife, untill it Shall Please the Lord to Seperate Us. Or words of the Like Import.
And the Said Zaccheus Bowerman and Permelia Jones, as a further Confirmation thereof have hereunto Set their hands. She after the Custom of Marriage, Assuming the Name of her Husband.Zaccheus Bowerman
Permelia Bowerman
And we whose Names are hereunto Subscribed, being Present with Others at the Consummation of their Said Marriage as Witnesses thereunto Set our hands the Day and year above written.
John Taber
Remington Hobby
Joseph Howland
John Shepherd
Barnabas Hoxie
Frances Allen
Barnabas Allen
Daniel Keen
Abel Hoxie
Paul Jones
Elizebeth Bowerman
Elihu Bowerman
Harper Bowerman
Benjamin Bowerman
Apollos JonesJonathan Taber
Joseph Bowerman
Hannah Allen
Anne Bowerman
Rest Bowerman
Daniel Shepherd
Ebenezer Allen
Amey Bowerman
Elizabeth Taber
Reliance Baxter
Dorithy Hoxie
Hope Paybedy
Elizebath Shepherd
Rebecca Allen
Content Hoxie
Jonathan Dow of Vassalborough, son of Moses Dow of Berwick, County of York,* and Hannah his wife, and Huldah Beede, daughter of Jonathan Beede of Poplin, County of Rockingham and State of Newhampshire, and Anne his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 21, 5 mo., 1788.
Apollos Jones of Fairfield, son of Paul Jones of Fairfield, County of Lincoln,* and Alice his wife, deceased, and Hope Peabody, daughter of Daniel Peabody of Dartmouth, County of Bristol, and Rose his wife, deceased, in Fairfield, 31, 7 mo., 1788.
John Howland of Vassalborough, son of William Howland of Pembroke, County of Plymouth,* and Dorothy his wife, and Sarah Taber, daughter of Jacob Taber of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln, and Lydia his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 24, 9 mo., 1788.
Paletiah Hussey of Vassalborough, son of Ebenezer Hussey of Berwick, County of York,* and Miriam his wife, and Lydia Taber, daughter of Jacob Tabor of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln, and Lydia his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 24. 9 mo., 1788.
Barnabas Taber of Vassalborough, son of Jacob Taber of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln,* and Lydia his wife, deceased, and Lydia Hussey, daughter of Daniel Hussey of Sommersworth, County of Stratford and State of Newhampshire, deceased, and Bethiah his wife, in Vassalborough, 2, 2 mo., 1791.
Peleg Delano of Vassalborough, son of Peleg Delano of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln,* and Sarah his wife, and Ruby Hoxie, daughter of Hezekiah Hoxie of Vassalborough aforesaid and Elizabeth his wife, in Vassalboro, 7, 7 mo., 1791.
Nathan Breed of Vassalborough, son of Benjamin Breed of Lynn, County of Essex,* and Ruth his wife, and Anna Blanchard, daughter of Edward Blanchard of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln, deceased, and Rachel his wife, in Vassalborough, 23, 5 mo., 1792.
Bartholomew Taber of Vassalborough, son of Jacob Taber of Vassal-* Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts Bay."[p. 164]borough, County of Lincoln,* and Lydia his wife, deceased, and Elizabeth Chase, daughter of Stephen Chase of a Place called five and Twenty mile pond, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, yeoman, and Hannah his wife, in Vassalborough, 27, 3 mo., 1793.
John Burton of Fairfield, son of Nathan Burton of a place called Handcock, County of Lincoln,* and Hannah his wife, and Peace Bowerman, daughter of David Bowerman of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, deceased, 27, 8 mo., 1794.
Ephraim Clark of Joneses plantation, son of Jonathan Clark of the above said place, County of Lincoln,* deceased, and Miriam his wife, deceased, and Olive Braley, daughter of David Braley of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln aforesaid, and Anne his wife, in Vassalborough, 23, 9 mo., 1795.
Silas Taber of Vassalborough, son of Jacob Taber of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln,* and Lydia his wife, deceased, and Patience Hussey, daughter of Daniel Hussey of Sommersworth, County of Stratford and State of Newhampshire, deceased, and Bethiah his wife, in Vassalborough, 21, 10 mo., 1795.
Isaac Hussey of Vassalborough, son of Batcheldor Hussey of Berwick, County of York,* deceased, and Sarah his wife, and Hannah Baxter, daughter of John Baxter of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Reliance his wife, in Vassalboro, 25, 11 mo., 1795.
Francis Allen of Fairfield, son of Ebenezer Allen of Fairfield, County of Lincoln,* and Mary his wife, and Rest Bowerman, daughter of Benjamin Bowerman of Falmouth, County of Barnstable, deceased, and Elisabeth his wife, in Fairfield, 25, 2 mo., 1796.
Moses Starkey of Vassalborough, son of Thomas Starkey of Attleborough, County of Bristol,* and Rebecca his wife, and Eunice Taber, daughter of John Taber of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln, and Elisabeth his wife, in Vassalborough, 27, 4 mo., 1796.
Edward Waine of Vassalborough, son of Benjamin Waine of Boston, County of Suffolk,* and Nancy his wife, and Anne Robinson, daughter of Levy Robinson of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Anne his wife, in Vassalborough, 22, 6 mo., 1796.
Abel Hoxie of Fairfield, son of Hezekiah Hoxie of Sidney, County of Lincoln,* and Elisabeth his wife, and Anne Bowerman, daughter of Benjamin Bowerman of Falmouth, County of Barnstable, deceased, and Elisabeth his wife, in Fairfield, 23, 6 mo., 1796.
John Dow of Vassalborough, son of Moses Dow of Berwick, County of York,* and Hannah his wife, and Zilpah Lincoln, daughter of Isaac Lincoln of Bristol, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Lucy his wife, deceased, in Bristol, 22, 2 mo., 1797.
Gibbs Tilton of Vassalborough, son of John Tilton of Vassalborough, County of Lincoln,* and Jane his wife, and Huldah Chase, daughter of Stephen Chase of a place called Twenty mile Pond, County aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, in Vassalborough, 26, 4 mo., 1797.
Isaiah Gifford, son of William Gifford of Chilmark, County of Dukes and State of Rhode Island [sic], and Amey his wife, and Hannah Hussey, daughter of Daniel Hussey of Somersworth, County of Stratford and State of Newhampshire, deceased, and Bethiah his wife, in Vassalborough, 31, 5 mo., 1797.
Peter Hussey of Vassalborough, son of Batcheldor Hussey of Berwick, County of York,* deceased, and Sarah his wife, and Lucy Lincoln, daughter of Isaac Lincoln of Bristol, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Lucy his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 22, 11 mo., 1797.
Paul Tabor of Vassalborough, son of Jacob Tabor of Vassalborough,* and Lydia his wife, deceased, and Phebe Howland, daughter of William Howland* Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts Bay."[p. 165]of Pembroke, County of Plymouth and State aforesaid, and Dorothy his wife, in Vassalborough, 23, 5 mo., 1798.
Moses Wadsworth of Winthrop, County of Lincoln,* son of John Wadsworth of Stoughton, County of Norfolk, and Jerusha his wife, deceased, and Hannah Stevens, daughter of Ephraim Stevens of Winthrop aforesaid and Sibbel his wife, in Winthrop, 27, 5 mo., 1798.
Benjamin Gardener of Bowdoinham, son of Benjamin Gardener of Bowdoinham, County of Lincoln, deceased, and Ruth his wife, and Phebe Burton, daughter of Nathan Burton of Clinton, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, in Vassalborough, 21, 11 mo., 1798.
Samuel Tobey of Vassalborough, son of Samuel Tobey of Fairfield, County of Kennebeck, and Mary his wife, and Caroline Martin, daughter of John Martin of Bristol, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Susanna his wife, in Bristol, 26, 2 mo., 1800.
James Hussey of Vassalborough, son of Batchelor Hussey of Berwick, County of York, deceased, and Sarah his wife, and Bethiah Chase, daughter of Stephen Chase of a place Called twenty five mile Pond, County of Kennebeck and State aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, in Vassalborough, 23, 7 mo., 1800.
Paletiah Varney of Vassalborough, son of Tobias Varney of Rochester, County of Stratford and State of New Hampshire, and Eunice his wife, and Sarah Hobby, daughter of Remington Hobby of Vassalborough aforesaid, County of Kennebeck, and Anstrus his wife, in Vassalborough, 21, 10 mo., 1801.
Isaac Cole of Vassalborough, son of Abel Cole of Waldoborough, County of Lincoln, and Sarah his wife, and Anne Howland, daughter of William Howland of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck and State aforesaid, and Dorothy his wife, in Vassalborough, 23, 6 mo., 1802.
Samuel Stuart of Belgrade, County of Kennebeck, son of Joseph Stuart of Scarborough, County of Cumberland,* and Abigail his wife, and Miriam Greely, daughter of Joseph Greely of Belgrade, County of Kennebeck and State aforesaid, and Susanna his wife, in Belgrade, 23, 6 mo., 1802.
Nymphas Tobey of Vassalborough, son of Samuel Tobey of Fairfield, County of Kennebeck,* and Mary his wife, and Ann Gardner, daughter of Christopher Gardner of Vassalborough, County aforesaid, and Anne his wife, in Vassalborough, 24, 6 mo., 1802.
Elihu Bowerman of Fairfield, County of Kennebeck,* son of Benjamin Bowerman of Falmouth, County of Barnstable, deceased, and Elizabeth his wife, and Sarah Varney, daughter Silas Varney of Canaan, County and State aforesaid, and Anna his wife, in Fairfield, 22, 7 mo., 1802.
Samuel Pope of Vassalborough, son of Elijah Pope of Windham, County of Cumberland, and Phebe his wife, and Mary Wing, daughter of Benjamin Wing of Sidney, County of Kennebeck and State aforesaid, and Mary his wife, in Sidney, 28, 10 mo., 1802.
Gideon Hobby of Vassalborough, son of Remington Hobby of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck, and Anstrus his wife, and Sally Shattuck, daughter of Summer Shattuck of Portland, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, and Esther his wife, in Vassalborough, 4, 5 mo., 1803.
Butler Weeks of Sidney, son of Benjamin Weeks of Sidney, County of Kennebeck,* and Phear his wife, and Esther Torrey, daughter of James Torrey of Falmouth, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, and Esther his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 26, 10 mo., 1803.
Abijah Newhall of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck,* son of Abijah Newhall of Lynn, County of Essex and State aforesaid, and Abigail his wife,* Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts."
Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts Bay."[p. 166]deceased, and Lucy Hobby, daughter of Remington Hobby of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck and State aforesaid, and Anstrus his wife, in Vassalborough, 26, 9 mo., 1804.
Ebenezar Pope of Vassalborough, son of Elijah Pope of Windham, County of Cumberland,* and Phebe his wife, and Sarah Chase, daughter of Stephen Chase of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck and State aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, in Vassalborough, 21, 11 mo., 1804.
Nathaniel Hawks of Vassalborough, son of Nathaniel Hawks of Windham, County of Cumberland,* and Mercy his wife, and Hannah Buffum, daughter of John Buffum of Berwick, County of York and State aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 27, 3 mo., 1805.
Timothy Robinson of Harlem, son of William Robinson of Dover, County of Stratford and State of Newhampshire, deceased, and Anne his wife, and Elisabeth Taber, daughter of Bartholomew Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebeck,* and Olive his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 22, 1 mo., 1806.
David Robinson of Vassalborough, son of Samuel Robinson of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck,* and Lydia his wife, and Sarah Baxter, daughter of John Baxter of Town, County, and State aforesaid, and Reliance his wife, in Vassalborough, 26, 9 mo., 1805.
Isaac Whitaker of Vassalborough, son of James Whitaker of Dealing, County of Hillsborough and State of Newhampshire, and Susanna his wife, and Betsy Morten, daughter of Briant Morten of Jackson, County of Handcock,* and Love his wife, in Vassalborough, 25, 6 mo., 1806.
Abel Jones of Harlem, son of Caleb Jones of Brunswick, County of Cumberland,* and Peace his wife, and Susanna Gipson, daughter of Jedediah Gipson of Harlem, County of Kennebeck and State aforesaid, and Margret his wife, in Harlem, 25, 6 mo., 1806.
John Pope of Windham, son of Elijah Pope of Windham, County of Cumberland,* and Phebe his wife, and Lydia Taber, daughter of Jacob Taber, Jr., of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck, and Sarah his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 22, 10 mo., 1806.
John Gipson of Harlem, son of Jedediah Gipson of Harlem, County of Kennebeck,* and Margret his wife, and Lydia Runnels, daughter of Benjamin Runnels of Harlem aforesaid and Rebecca his wife, in Vassalborough 23, 10 mo., 1806.
Tobias Varney of Winslow, son of Tobias Varney of Rochester, County of Stratford and State of Newhampshire, and Eunice his wife, and Margret Hobby, daughter of John Buffum of Berwick, County of York,* and Hannah his wife, deceased, in Vassalborough, 26, 12 mo., 1806.
Nathan Winslow of Falmouth, son of Nathan Winslow of Falmouth, County of Cumberland,* and Charity his wife, both deceased, and Mary Vinal, daughter of Ralph Chapman of Dresden, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Prudence his wife, both deceased, in Vassalborough, 14, 1 mo., 1807.
Robert Hanson of a place called Lincoln, County of Hancock,* son of Moses Hanson of Farmington, County of Strafford and State of Newhampshire, and Mary his wife, and Elizabeth Hanson of Vassalborough, daughter of Caleb Hanson of Harlem, County of Kennebec,* and Judith his wife, in Vassalboro, 26, 3 mo., 1807.
Elvin Worth, son of Benjamin Worth of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Phebe his wife, and Lydia Gardner, daughter of Jethro Gardner of Town, County, and State aforesaid, and Love his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 11 mo., 1808.
Calvin Stewart of Scarborough, son of Joseph Stewart of Scarborough,* Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts."[p. 167]County of Cumberland,* deceased, and Abigail his wife, and Mary Gardner of Harlem, daughter of Benjamin Gardner of Bowdoinham, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, deceased, and Ruth his wife, in Vassalboro, 23, 11 mo., 1809.
Benjamin Worth, Jr., of Vassalborough, son of Benjamin Worth of Vassalboro, County of Kennebeck,* and Phebe his wife, and Abigail Gardner, daughter of Jethro Gardner of Town, County, and State aforesaid, and Love his wife, in Vassalboro, 23, 11 mo., 1809.
Samuel Pason of Hope, County of Lincoln,* son of Ephraim Pason and Judith his wife, both deceased, and Anna Braley of Harlem, County of Kennebec,* daughter of Hattil Killey and Hannah his wife, both deceased, in Harlem, 27, 12 mo., 1809. [This record is followed by a duplicate record, in which two of the names appear as Anna Brayley and Hattel Kelley.]
Stephen Hussey of Vassalborough, son of Stephen Hussey of Berwick, County of York,* and Eunice his wife, both deceased, and Phebe Purinton, daughter of David Purinton of Windham, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, and Ruth his wife, in Vassalboro, 21, 3 mo., 1810.
Robert Winslow of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* son of William Winslow of Falmouth, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, and Phebe his wife, and Eunice Hussey, daughter of Stephen Hussey of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Rebecca his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 6, 11 mo., 1811.
Ephraim Varney of Harlem, County of Kennebec,* son of Richard Varney deceased, and Elizabeth his wife, of Harlem aforesaid, and Rhoda Hussey, daughter of Stephen Hussey of Harlem aforesaid and Judith his wife, in Harlem, 10, 7 mo., 1811.
Stephen Jenkins of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* son of Jabez Jenkins of the aforesaid town and County and Elizabeth his wife, and Hannah Hobby, daughter of Remington Hobby of Vassalboro and County and State aforesaid and Anstrus his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 9 mo., 1812.
Ichabod Irish of Union, County of Lincoln,* son of John Irish of Little Compton, County of Bristol [sic] and State of Rhode Island, and Thankfull his wife, both deceased, and Deborah Concklin, daughter of Zudock Barrow of Plymouth, County of Plymouth,* and Jemima his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 23, 11 mo., 1811.
John Shepherd of Fairfield, County of Somerset, son of John Shepherd of Dartmouth, County of Bristol,* and Abigail his wife, both deceased, and Sarah Coombs, daughter of William Richards of Bristol and Ruth his wife, in Vassalboro, 1, 12 mo., 1813.
Joseph Stuart of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* son of Joseph Stuart of Scarborough, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, deceased, and Abigail his wife, and Susan Chadwick, daughter of James Chadwick of Harlem, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Rhoda his wife, in Vassalboro, 25, 11 mo., 1813.
Stephen Taber of Vassalboro, son of Bartholomew Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Elisabeth his wife, and Mary Miller, daughter of Thomas Miller of Limington, [County of York] and State aforesaid, and Elisabeth his wife, in Vassalboro, 23, 3 mo., 1815.
William Fry of Harlem, son of Joshua Fry of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck,* and Mary his wife, and Eunice Ramsdell, daughter of George Ramsdell of Dresden, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, and Eunice his wife, at George Ramsdell's house in Dresden, 3, 11 mo., 1815.
Stephen Jones of Harlem, son of Stephen Jones of Brunswick, County of Cumberland,* and Eunice his wife, and Rachel Worth, daughter of Benjamin Worth of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Phebe his wife, in Vassalborough, 29, 2 mo., 1816.* Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts."[p. 168]Josiah Braley of Harlem, son of David Braley of Harlem, County of Kennebeck,* deceased, and Anna his wife, and Abigail Hanson, daughter of Caleb Hanson of Harlem aforesaid and Judith his wife, in Vassalborough, 26, 2 mo., 1812.
Harper Bowerman of Fairfield, County of Somerset,* son of Benjamin Bowerman of Falmouth, County of Barnstable,* deceased, and Elisabeth his wife, and Mary Hammon, daughter of ______, in Vassalboro, __, __ mo., 1816.
James Bean of Harlem, County of Kennebec,* son of William Bean of Waterborough, County of York and State aforesaid, and Abigail his wife, and Hannah Hawks, daughter of John Buffum of Berwick, County of York and State aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 22, 8 mo., 1816.
Jacob Taber of Vassalborough, son of Jacob Taber of Vassalborough, County of Kennebeck,* and Lydia his wife, both deceased, and Betsy Jackson, daughter of Robert Jackson of Unity, County of Hancock and State aforesaid, deceased, and Olive his wife, in Vassalborough, 24, 7 mo., 1816.
Amos Newhall of Union, son of Jonathan Newhall of Union, County of Lincoln,* and Hannah his wife, and Elisabeth Conklin, daughter of Samuel Conklin of Camden, County of Lincoln and State aforesaid, deceased, and Deborah his wife, in Vassalboro, 5, 2 mo., 1817.
Elvin Worth, son of Benjamin Worth of Vassalborough, County of Kennebec,* and Phebe his wife, and Hannah Morril of Vassalborough, daughter of John A. Knights of Windham, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, and Kesiah his wife, in Vassalborough, 27, 3 mo., 1817.
John Hobby, son of Remington Hobby of Winslow, County of Kennebec,* and Anstrus his wife, and Phebe Cook, daughter of John Cook of Vassalborough, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Sarah his wife, in Vassalborough, 28, 8 mo 1817.
Paul Taber of Vassalborough, son of Jacob Taber of Vassalborough, County of Kennebec,* and Lydia his wife, both deceased, and Elizabeth Souther, daughter of Nathaniel Souther of Exeter, County of Rockingham and State of Newhampshire, deceased, and Esther his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 9 mo., 1817.
Nathan Mower of Vassalboro, County of Kennebeck, son of John Mower of Lynn, County of Essex,* and Hannah his wife, both deceased, and Lydia Dow of Vassalboro, daughter of James Neal of Berwick, County of York and State aforesaid, and Lydia his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 27, 11 mo., 1817.
Robert Winslow of Vassalboro, son of William Winslow of Falmouth, County of Cumberland,* and Phebe his wife, and Sarah Taber, daughter of Barnabas Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 3, 12 mo., 1817.
Reuben Bracket of Vassalboro, son of Reuben Bracket of Limingtpn, County of York and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Jane his wife, and Eliza Starkey, daughter of Moses Starkey of Vassalboro, County of Kennebeck,* and Eunice his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 26, 11 mo., 1817.
Abner Jepson, son of Jedediah Jepson of China, County of Kennebec,* and Margaret his wife, and Comfort Fry, daughter of Silas Fry of Sandwich, State of New Hampshire, deceased, and Mary his wife, in Vassalborough, 26, 2 mo., 1818.
Daniel Tabor of Vassalboro, son of Barnabas Tabor of Vassalboro, County of Kennebeck,* and Lydia his wife, and Rebeccah Nichols, daughter of Stephen Nichols of Vassalborough, County of Kennebec, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 25, 6 mo., 1818.* Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts."[p. 169]Caleb Nichols of Vassalborough, son of Samuel Nichols of South Berwick, County of York,* and Dorcas his wife, and Eunice Hobby, daughter of Remington Hobby of Vassalborough, County of Kennebec, deceased, and Margaret his wife, in Vassalboro, 2, 6 mo., 1819.
Edmund Gates of Vassalboro, son of Ebenezar Gates of Gorham, County of Cumberland,* and Anna his wife, and Anna Bunker, daughter of Charles Bunker of Nantucket, County of Nantucket and State aforesaid, deceased, and Mary his wife, in Vassalboro, 23, 9 mo., 1819.
George Parker of Vassalboro, son of Barnabas Parker of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Hannah his wife, and Deliverance Jenkins, daughter of Jabez Jenkins of Vassalboro, County and State aforesaid, and Elisabeth his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 28, 10 mo., 1819.
Jabez Jenkins, Jr., of Vassalboro, son of Jabez Jenkins of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Elizabeth his wife, deceased, and Mary Nichols, daughter of John Nichols of Winslow and County aforesaid and Abigail his wife, in Vassalboro, 28, 10 mo., 1819.
Isaac Hanson of Vassalboro, son of Isaac Hanson of Berwick, County of York,* and Mary his wife, and Abigail Fairbrother, daughter of Isaac Fairbrother of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Margaret his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 11 mo., 1819.
Cornelius Douglas, Jr., of Durham, son of Cornelius Douglass of Durham, County of Cumberland, and Lydia his wife, and Lydia Nichols, daughter of John Nichols of Winslow, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Abigail his wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 1 mo., 1820.
Joseph Taber of Vassalboro, son of Barnabas Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Lydia his wife, and Eunice Nichols, daughter of Stephen Nichols of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 26, 10 mo., 1820.
Moses Jenkins of Vassalboro, son of Jabez Jenkins of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Elizabeth his wife, deceased, and Sarah Fry, daughter of Joshua Fry of Vassalboro, County aforesaid, and Mary his wife, in Vassalboro, 26, 6 mo., 1822.
Daniel Smiley of Vassalboro, son of David Smiley of Sidney, County of Kennebec, and Fanny his wife, deceased, and Phebe Howland, daughter of Joseph Howland of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Sarah his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 28, 8 mo., 1822.
Elisha Clark of Harlem, son of Edmund Clark of Harlem, County of Kennebec,* and Rachel his wife, and Eliza Ann Worth, daughter of Henry Worth of Vassalboro and Percy his wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 1 mo., 1820.* Followed by the words: "and State of Massachusetts."
Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."
Persis Worth signs as witness.[p. 242]Daniel Runnels, son of Benjamin Runnels of China, County of Kennebec,§ and Rebeccah his wife, and Mary Allen, daughter of Peter Allen of Vassal-§ Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."[p. 243]boro, County and State aforesaid, deceased, and Patience his wife, in Vassalboro, 28, 11 mo., 1822.
John Estes of China, County of Kennebec, son of Simeon Estes of Raymond, County of Cumberland,* and Hannah his wife, and Anna Austin of Vassalboro, daughter of Ebenezer Austin of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Phebe his wife, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 26, 12 mo., 1822.
Elijah Cook of Vassalboro, son of John Cook of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, and Judith Meder, daughter of Micajah Meder of Vassalboro, County and State aforesaid, and Sarah his wife, in Vassalboro. 26, 8 mo., 1824.
Joseph Cook of Vassalboro, son of John Cook of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, and Sarah Hobby, daughter of Remington Hobby of Vassalboro, County aforesaid, deceased, and Margaret his wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 10 mo., 1824.
Stephen Wing of Vassalboro, son of Stephen Wing of Sidney, County of Kennebec,* and Dorothy his wife, and Rebecca Starkey, daughter of Moses Starkey of Vassalboro, County aforesaid, and Eunice his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 27, 12 mo., 1820.
John Pinkham of Gardiner, son of Elijah Pinkham of Gardiner, County of Kennebec,* and Abigail his wife, and Mary Coleman, daughter of Christopher Coleman of Bristol, County of Lincoln, and Sally his wife, in Gardiner, 27, 9 mo., 1821.
Abner Hoxie of Plantation No. 1, son of Isaac Hoxie of Sidney, County of Kennebec,* and Amy his wife, deceased, and Lydia Rogers, daughter of Thomas Rogers of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Mary his wife, in Vassalboro, 19, 1 mo., 1825.
Isaac Hawkes, son of Lemuel Hawkes of China, County of Kennebec,* and Abigail his wife, and Esther Hobby, daughter of Remington Hobby, Jr., of Vassalboro, County and State aforesaid, deceased, and Margaret his wife, in Vassalboro, 21, 9 mo., 1825.
Robert Cook of Vassalboro, son of John Cook of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, and Susan Leonard, daughter of Caleb Leonard of Jefferson, County of Lincoln,* and Lucy his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 22, 9 mo., 1825.
Asa Morrell of Falmouth, son of Peter Morrell of Berwick, County of York,* and Hannah his wife, both deceased, and Cyntha Dow, daughter of Paul Dow of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, deceased, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 10 mo., 1825.
Moses Taber of Vassalboro, son of Jacob Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, deceased, and Phebe P. Sweat, daughter of Curtis Sweat of Windham, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, and Loranah his wife, in Vassalboro, 3, 1 mo., 1827.
William Gifford, son of Isaiah Gifford of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Hannah his wife, and Rachel Meeder, daughter of Micajah Meeder of Vassalboro, County aforesaid, and Sarah his wife, in Vassalboro, 25, 1 mo., 1827.
Peter M. Stackpole of Berwick, son of Thomas Stackpole of Berwick, County of York,* deceased, and Sarah his wife, and Mary Dow, daughter of Paul Dow of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, deceased, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 30, 5 mo., 1828.
Joseph Allen of Vassalborough, County of Kennebec,* son of Pelatiah Allen of Windham, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, and Hannah his wife, both deceased, and Lydia Russel, daughter of Richard Russel of Vassalborough and Lydia his wife, both deceased, in Vassalborough, 31, 1 mo., 1828.* Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."[p. 244]Robert Winslow of Vassalboro, son of William Winslow of Falmouth, County of Cumberland,* and Phebe his wife, deceased, and Phebe Taber, daughter of Barnabas Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 8 mo., 1828.
Jedediah Jepson of China, son of John Jepson of China, County of Kennebec,* and Lydia his wife, both deceased, and Rebecca Meeder, daughter of Micajah Meeder, County and State aforesaid, and Sarah his wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 11 mo., 1828.
Samuel Hussey of Vassalboro, son of Pelatiah Hussey of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Mercy his wife, and Sarah I. Starkey, daughter of Abner Rogers of Berwick, County of York, deceased, and Jennet his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 12 mo., 1828.
Hezekiah Pope of Vassalboro, son of Ebenezar Pope of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, and Rebecca Wing, daughter of Moses Starkey of Vassalboro, County aforesaid, and Eunice his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 25, 11 mo., 1829.
John Winslow of Albion, son of Oliver Winslow of Albion, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, and Lydia Ramsdell, daughter of George Ramsdell of Hallowell, County of Kennebec, and Eunice his wife, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 22, 9 mo., 1830.
Benjamin W. Goddard, son of Israel Goddard of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Lusana his wife, and Bethiah Pope, daughter of Ebenezar Pope of Vassalboro aforesaid and Sarah his wife, in Vassalboro, 23, 9 mo., 1830.
Jabez Jenkins, Jr., of Winslow, son of Jabez Jenkins of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Elizabeth his wife, deceased, and Sarah Nichols, daughter of John Nichols of Winslow, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Abigail his wife, in Vassalboro, 25, 9 mo., 1828.
Benjamin Jepson of China, son of John Jepson of China, County of Kennebec,* and Lydia his wife, deceased, and Patience Meader, daughter of Micajah Meader of Albion, County aforesaid, and Sarah his wife, in Vassalboro, 2, 6 mo., 1831.
John B. Hawks of Vassalboro, son of Nathaniel Hawks of Winslow, County of Kennebec,* and Hannah his wife, both deceased, and Bethiah Taber, daughter of Barnabas Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 26, 10 mo., 1831.
Sewell G. Robinson of Vassalboro, son of Daniel Robinson of China and Ruth his wife, and Mary Weeks, daughter of Butler Weeks of Vassalboro County of Kennebec,* and Eliza his wife, in Vassalboro, 22, 5 mo., 1833.
Joseph H. Cole of Vassalborough, son of Isaac Cole of Vassalborough, County of Kennebec,* and Anna his wife, both deceased, and Fanny Robinson, daughter of David Robinson of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 31, 5 mo., 1832.
Isaiah Fry of Vassalboro, son of Joshua Fry of Vassalboro, County [of Kennebec],* and Mary his wife, and Mary Goddard of Vassalboro, daughter of Robert Goddard of Sidney, County and State aforesaid, and Christiana his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 31, 10 mo., 1833.
Robert Goddard of Vassalboro, son of Israel Goddard of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Lusana his wife,, and Patience Allen, daughter of Peter Allen of Vassalboro, County and State aforesaid, and Patience his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 26, 6 mo., 1834.
William Campbell, Jr., of Vassalboro, son of William Campbell of Sangerville, County of Penobscot,* and Martha his wife, and Nabby T. Hobby, daughter of Gideon Hobby of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, deceased, and Sally his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 12 mo., 1834.* Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."[p. 245]Jacob Taber of Vassalboro, son of Barnabas Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Lydia his wife, and Hepzibah Pope, daughter of Ebenezer Pope of Vassalboro and Sarah his wife, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 23, 10 mo., 1834.
Noah Farr, Jr., of Gardiner, County of Kennebec,* son of Noah Farr and Abigail his wife, and Eliza Meader, daughter of Valentine Meader of Vassalboro, County and State aforesaid, and Phebe his deceased wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 1 mo., 1836.
Charles Nichols of Vassalboro, son of Samuel Nichols of Berwick, County of York,* deceased, and Dorcas his wife, and Esther Owen, daughter of Nathaniel Owen of China, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, and Phebe his wife, in Vassalboro, 5, 5 mo., 1836.
David Robinson of Vassalboro, son of Samuel Robinson of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* deceased, and Lydia his wife, and Mary Chase, daughter of John Chase of Windham, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, deceased, and Mercy his wife, in Vassalboro, 26, 11 mo., 1829.
Daniel Holway of Sandwich, son of Stephen Holway of Sandwich, County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Rebecca his wife, deceased, and Lydia Nichols, daughter of Stephen Nichols of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Lydia his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 2, 11 mo., 1837.
Moses Osborne of Winslow, son of Moses Osborne of Weare, County of Hillsboro and State of New Hampshire, deceased, and Ruth his wife, and Phebe W. Stuart, daughter of James Stuart of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Eunice his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 28, 9, 1837.
Benjamin Worth, Jr., of Vassalboro, son of Benjamin Worth of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Phebe his wife, deceased, and Mary Robinson, daughter of Samuel Robinson of Vassalboro, County aforesaid, deceased, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 28, 6 mo., 1838.
Isaac Robinson of Portland, son of Timothy Robinson of Windham, County of Cumberland,* and Salome his wife, and Ann C. Keith, daughter of Joseph Howland of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Sarah his wife, in Vassalboro, 27, 2 mo., 1839.
William Weeks of Vassalboro, son of Butler Weeks of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Eliza his wife, and Mary G. Robinson, daughter of Daniel Robinson of China, County aforesaid, and Ruth his wife, in Vassalboro, 25, 9 mo., 1839.[End of Book I]Zaccheus Goddard of Vassalboro, son of Israel Goddard of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Lusanna his wife, and Miriam Allen, daughter of Peter Allen of Vassalboro, County aforesaid, deceased, and Patience his wife, in Vassalboro, 28, 4 mo., 1836.
George R. Buffum of Vassalboro, son of Isaac Buffum of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Sarah his wife, and Lydia H. Taber, daughter of Barnabas Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Lydia his wife, in Vassalboro, 22, 3 mp., 1836.
Josiah Jones of China, County of Kennebec, son of Stephen Jones of Brunswick, County of Cumberland,* and Eunice his wife, and Ann Pope of Vassalboro, daughter of Oliver Winslow of Albion, County of Kennebec, and Sarah his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 23, 11 mo., 1837.
James Coombs of Albion, son of Jonathan Coombs of Albion, County of Kennebec,* deceased, and Hannah Nichols, daughter of Stephen Nichols of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, in Vassalboro, 24, 9 mo., 1840.
Levi Gardner of Vassalboro, son of Benjamin Gardner of China, County* Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."[p. 246]of Kennebec,* and Phebe his wife, and Eliza Paddock, daughter of Francis Paddock of Nantucket, County of Nantucket, deceased, and Mary his wife, in Vassalboro, 23, 9 mo., 1841.
Jeremiah R. Jones of China, son of Josiah and Comfort Jones of China, County of Kennebec,* and Phebe Pope of Vassalboro, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah Pope of Vassalboro, County and State aforesaid, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 28, 9 mo., 1843.
George Taber of Vassalboro, son of Daniel Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Rebecca his wife, and Esther B. Pope, daughter of Ebenezer Pope of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, and Sarah his wife, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 28, 4 mo., 1842.
Moses Osborne of Winslow, son of Moses Osborne of Weare, County of Hillsborough and State of New Hampshire, and Ruth his wife, both deceased, and Eliza Hussey, daughter of Peter Hussey of Bremen, County of Lincoln,* and Lucy his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 10 mo., 1844.
Nathan C. Bailey of Winslow, son of Ebenezer Bailey of Litchfield, County of Kennebec,* deceased, and Tabitha his wife, and Lydia Douglas, daughter of Cornelius Douglas of Winslow, County and State aforesaid, and Phebe his wife, in Vassalboro, 22, 5 mo., 1845.
William Weeks of Vassalboro, son of Butler Weeks of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* deceased, and Eliza his wife, and Lavinia Jenkins, daughter of Jabez Jenkins of Winslow, County of Kennebec, and Mary his wife, deceased, in Vassalboro, 31, 10 mo., 1844.
John Jones of China, son of Abel Jones of China, County of Kennebec,* and Susanna his wife, and Lydia Runnels, daughter of Daniel and Mary Runnels of China, in Vassalboro, 30, 9 mo., 1847.
Henry Dudley of Vassalboro, son of John Dudley of China, County of Kennebec,* and Eunice his wife, and Emily E. Parker, daughter of George Parker of Vassalboro and Deliverance his wife, in Vassalboro, 6, 3 mo., 1845.
Samuel Jones of China, son of Josiah and Mary A. Jones of China, County of Kennebec,* she being deceased, and Margaret B. Nichols, adopted daughter of Caleb and Emma Nichols, County and State aforesaid, she being deceased, in Vassalboro, 26, 3 mo., 1851.
Charles Osborne of Smithfield, County of Providence and State of Rhode Island, son of John and Elisabeth Osborne of said Smithfield, and Louisa L. Lang of Vassalboro, daughter of John D. and Ann Elmira Lang of said Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* in Vassalboro, 1, 7 mo., 1846.
William A. Jones of China, son of Josiah and Mary A. Jones of China, County of Kennebec,* she being deceased, and Mary A. Runnels, daughter of Daniel and Mary Runnels of China, County and State aforesaid, in East Vassalboro, 27, 3 mo., 1851.
Daniel Osborne of Weare, son of Moses and Ruth Osborne of Weare, County of Hillsborough and State of New Hampshire, deceased, and Lucy Owen, daughter of Nathaniel and Phebe Owen of China, County of Kennebec,* deceased, in Vassalboro, 17, 3 mo., 1852.
Gilbert Aldrich of Vassalboro, son of Jacob and Mehetabel Aldrich of Uxbridge, County of Worcester and State of Massachusetts, she being deceased, and Eliza Taber, daughter of Paul Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* deceased, and Elisabeth S. his wife, in Vassalboro, 25, 2 mo., 1852.
Clarkson Jones of China, son of Josiah and Mary A. Jones of China, County of Kennebec,* she being deceased, and Alvina P. Runnels, daughter of Daniel and Mary Runnels of China, County and State aforesaid, in East Vassalboro, 18, 5 mo., 1853.* Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."[p. 247]Clement Rackliff of Unity, son of Benjamin Rackliff of Limington, County of York,* deceased, and Sarah his wife, and Margaret Varney of Vassalboro, daughter of John Buffum of Berwick, County of York,* and Hannah his wife, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 19, 5 mo., 1841.
Charles G. Pinkham, son of Charles Pinkham of Augusta, County of Kennebec,* and Dorothy his wife, deceased, and Anstress G. Hobby, daughter of John Hobby of Winslow, County of Kennebec,* and Phebe his wife, in Vassalboro, 24, 9 mo., 1846.
William Thomas Willis, formerly Smith, of Jericho, town of Oyster Bay, County of Queens and State of New York, son of Samuel Smith and Mary his wife, and Lydia Maria Taber, daughter of Daniel Taber and Rebecca his wife of the town of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* in Vassalboro, 14, 5 mo., 1856.
Stephen N. Taber of Vassalboro, son of Daniel and Rebecca Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Mary E. Pope, daughter of Hezekiah and Rebecca Pope in the aforesaid town and county, in Vassalboro, 15, 11 mo., 1854.
Joshua G. Bailey of the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, son of Joshua and Elizabeth L. Bailey of the same place, he being deceased, and Theodate Lang, daughter of John D. and Ann Elmira Lang of the town of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* in Vassalboro, 1, 10 mo., 1856.
Henry Taber of Vassalboro, son of Daniel Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec.* and Rebecca his wife, and Eunice S. Wing, daughter of Stephen Wing of Sidney, county aforesaid, deceased, and Rebecca S. his wife, in Vassalboro, 22, 5 mo., 1845.
William H. Bailey of Manchester, son of Timothy and Betsey Bailey of Manchester, County of Kennebec,* and Mary C. Nichols, daughter of Stephen and Hannah Nichols of Winslow, County and State aforesaid, in Vassalboro, 4, 12 mo., 1856.
Abram T. Barker of Tiverton, son of Abram and Margaret B. Barker, both deceased, of Tiverton, County of Newport and State of Rhode Island, and Ellen M. Frye, daughter of Thomas and Lydia P. Frye of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* in Vassalboro, 22, 4 mo., 1857.
Benjamin W. Goddard, son of Israel Goddard, deceased, of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Lusana his wife, and Hannah H. Varney, daughter of Isaac Smith of Palmyra, County of Somerset and State aforesaid, and Sarah his wife, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 23, 9 mo., 1858.
Joshua Cobb of Limerick, son of Nicholas Cobb of Limerick, County of York,* and Desire his wife, and Phebe C. Hobbey, daughter of John Cook of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, in Vassalboro, 18, 6 mo., 1856.
David Robinson of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* son of Samuel and Lydia Robinson, deceased, and Hannah B. Gardner, daughter of Benjamin and Phebe Gardner of China in said county and state, deceased, in East Vassalboro, 27, 1 mo., 1859.
Charles C. Winslow of Fairfield, son of Daniel and Irene Winslow of Fairfield, County of Somerset,* and Susanna G. Frye, daughter of Isaiah and Mary Frye of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, in Vassalboro, 25, 10 mo., 1860.
James H. Cook of Unity, son of Daniel and Elisabeth S. Cook of Unity, County of Waldo,* and Olive W. Nichols, daughter of Stephen and Hannah P. Nichols of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, deceased, in Vassalboro, 14, 11 mo., 1860.
Samuel C. Newhall of Washington, son of Amos and Elisabeth Newhall of Washington, County of Knox,* she being deceased, and Jane Y. Partridge,* Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."[p. 248]daughter of Jacob and Betsey Partridge of Winslow, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, she being deceased, in Vassalboro, 20, 2 mo., 1861.
Joshua S. Bowerman of Falmouth, son of Barnabas and Virtue R. Bowerman, she being deceased, County of Barnstable and State of Massachusetts, and Mary T. Buffum, daughter of George and Lydia Buffum of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* in Vassalboro, 22, 5 mo., 1862.
Paul Wing of Sidney, son of Adam and Esther Wing of ______, County of Kennebec,* she being deceased, and Hannah R. Buffum, daughter of Isaac and Sarah Buffum of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec, both deceased, in Vassalboro, 24, 6 mo., 1847.
Charles H. Goddard of China, son of Robert and Patience Goddard of Lewiston, County of Androscoggin,* and Ann Elmira Nichols, daughter of Stephen and Hannah Nichols of Winslow, County of Kennebec,* in Vassalboro, 23, 10 mo., 1862.
John A. Frye of Vassalboro, son of Isaiah and Mary Frye of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* and Anna W. Allen, daughter of Stephen and Sarah Allen of said Vassalboro, she being deceased, in Vassalboro, 26, 11 mo., 1863.
Henry A. Jepson of China, son of Abner and Comfort Jepson of China, County of Kennebec,* he being deceased, and Almira P. Cook, daughter of Elijah and Judith Cook of Vassalboro, County and State aforesaid, in East Vassalboro, 25, 10 mo., 1849.
Charles H. Jones of Vassalboro, son of Charles and Mary C. Jones of Brunswick, County of Cumberland,* both deceased, and Harriet Hamblin, daughter of Charles and Content Hamblin of Westbrook, County and State aforesaid, he being deceased, in Vassalboro, 29, 6 mo., 1865.
Stephen Nichols, Jr., of Vassalboro, son of Stephen and Hannah P. Nichols of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* she being deceased, and Louisa J. Hobbey, daughter of John and Phebe C. Hobbey of Winslow, County of Kennebec, in Vassalboro, 3, 6 mo., 1852.
George P. Day of Durham, County of Androscoggin,* son of Isaiah and Deborah Day of Brunswick, County of Cumberland and State aforesaid, he being deceased, and Sarah P. Estes, daughter of Thomas and Phebe Estes of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec and State aforesaid, she being deceased, in Vassalboro, 22, 1 mo., 1868.
Henry Taber of Vassalboro, son of Daniel and Rebecca Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* she being deceased, and Lavinia J. Weeks, daughter of Jabez and Mary Jenkins of Winslow, County of Kennebec, she being deceased, in Vassalboro, 14, 3 mo., 1871.
Lindley H. Jones of Lynn, Mass., son of Lemuel and Huldah Jones of Windham, County of Cumberland,* he being deceased, and L. Maria Jepson of Vassalboro, daughter of Oliver and Syrena P. Jepson of China, County of Kennebec,* he being deceased, in Vassalboro, 18, 2 mo., 1873.
Joseph M. Hanson of Rochester, New Hampshire, son of Tobias Hanson of Brookfield, County of Carroll and State of New Hampshire, and Hannah his wife, both deceased, and Catherine F. Pinkham, daughter of William and Anna Frye of Salem, County of Essex, and State of Massachusetts, both deceased, in Waterville, 23, 9 mo., 1885.
Edward W. Jones of Chicago, son of Joseph and Isabella L. Jones of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, and Elma M. Taber, daughter of George and Esther B. Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* in Vassalboro, 18, 8 mo., 1875.
Alfred H. Taber of Vassalboro, son of Stephen N. and Mary E. Taber of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* he being deceased, and Abbie M. Weeks, daughter of William and Lavinia J. Weeks of Vassalboro, County of Kennebec,* he being deceased, in Vassalboro, 4, 8 mo., 1881.* Followed by the words: "and State of Maine."[p. 249]John Newlin of Lower Monthly Meeting, Southampton County, Virginia, son of Jacob and Ruth Newlin, late of Park County, Indiana, and Sarah W. Goddard of Vassalboro Monthly Meeting, State of Maine, daughter of Elijah and Dorcas Winslow, late of China, State of Maine, at house of S. S. Hussey in Vassalboro, 19, 3 mo., 1884.[End of Book II]